FIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN'. I'KXDLKTOX, OKEGOX. I IUOAV, HI'.ITI'.MIlKlt 22, PAGE THRO T y n IP fl I v 11 k You have to wear clothes, and when you buy you naturally look for the best value for your money that is why WE want to talk to YOU. Low priced clothing is seldom cheap. Good cloth, well made, in the correct style and at reasonable prices, is the cheapest way to buy, and this you pet when dealing with, the WOKKINGMEN'S CLOT1IIXO COMPANY. Our clothes combine excellent tailoring the worthy material, the fine points of style that are required to make a suit satisfactory, smart and serviceable while mentioning the price at a figure that will save every man money. i We Buy Our Clothing Direct from the Largest Clothing Manufao turers in the World COM PAKE OIJ11 CLOTIIIXG PKICES We take off our hatd to no clothing store when it conies to giving (he greatest values in .Men's and Hoys' Clothing. , , New Fall Suits, a great value $3.75 Men's Wool Suits, from $6.50 to 7.50 Men's all wool suits, in fancy patterns $9.75 ' llegular $17.50 suits, all wool and right up-to-date $12.50 Hand tailored men's suits, all wool, made by A. B. Kirshbanm Co., the world's largest clothing manufacturers and known the country over as the best standard made line of clothing in America. We can guarantee you ii suit that will satisfy you in fit and pattern for from $15 to $25. You'll pay $20 to $IJ0 for this grade of elothiug elsewhere. PLAIN AND FANCY SOX Men's sox, grey mixture, good values nt... 5 Men's sox, grey mixtures, better grade, pair 25 Men's wool so., you can't lx-at them, 2 pair 25 Men's fanev sox, black, tan and colors, 10c pair, :i for ".. 25? Men's extra heavy all wool hose for 35 Men's shawknit all wool hoe, black and natural color . 25- Men's genuine earners hair sox, pair 10 IIVDERWEAU HEADQUARTERS FOR. MEX. We undersell on our underwear. Seeing is the convincing argument. Come look. The range of sizes we carry, 31 to 4(5, insures a comfortable fit, as well. Fleece lined underwear, regular f0c value?, per garment 37 l-2 Cut ton ribbed underwear, brown, pink, blue and tan, garment 50 Fleece lined underwear, all sizes and a heavy weight, regular 75c values, for garment 50 Woolmixure lambs-down fleece lined underwear, regular $1.25 values for garment 75 Xatural color wool underwear, 75c .value for, gar ment 50 Worcester derby riblted underwear, a leader, watch for ihe trade mark, $1.25 values for, irar ment 75? All woo flat thread underwear, comes in grey and tan, regular $1.25 values for, garment $1.00 Cooper's standard all wool underwear, grev, gar ment $1.25 I'nioii suits, every weight and quality, in wool, cotton and silk mixtures from $1.00 to $5.00 MEN'S WORK AND DRESS SHOES. Men's work shoes, regular $1.50 values, a world beater here at - $3.50 Men's vici kid and lxx calf shoes for $1.75 Men's dress shoes, vici kid, velour , and patent leather - - $1.95 Men's dress shoes, vici kid, velour and patent leal her $3.00 Heavy work shoes, black and tan, for $2.25 Men's high-cut shoes, our regular price $2.75 Men's hiiih-cut shoes, better quality $3.75 10-inch l'ih cut shoos for $4.25 Men's hi ah cut shoes, buckle, for ?. $3.75 The famous Packard dress shoes for' $4.00 to . LEATHER AND CAXYAS GLOVES. Heavy canvas gloves, regular price here 5 Retter quality canvas gloves, 3 pair for 25 Men's gloves, reindeer lined $1.00 A good lined glove for - 65 Reindeer and horsehide gloves, heavy lined 95 Men's mittens, heavy weight 45 Gauntlctt canvas gloves, -1 pair for 25 Kid. mocha, silk and other fine dress gloves from 75 un to $2.25. f tyrC At " . U x '1 ; 11 f - ' ; I- t ' v I ' k I ! K v, V - - , i V P - lwi' " k & -':. rf- 't s. . . tv. 't A.:. ..a-vX&t .-', .a twl , ? ' ' ' v 'l Vv, Workingmen's Pendleton's fast growing store, where less expense and buying RIGH T makes the prices lower. NicWS OF TIE N ORTEWEST : inticvk Mill Buying tirnin. Milton, Ore. The I'l-ucock mill, through their iiBont at Uluo Mountain static. n, has already received 18,000 wick of groin, principiilly hurley, ond it will take three weeks longer to haul the grain from thnt section. injured ly ltmmuiiy Train. Milton, Ore. J. n. Ivuman, while driving a team along the river road, was injured. The horse became frightened and ran away, throwing the man from the high sent to the ground. He was picked up unconsci ous. Although sustaining several evere Injuries he will recover. Fifth Horso Kill Him. St. John, Wash. John Veloores, Greek, employed on the ranch of Moody .Ionian, was kicked by a hors" In the abdomen and killed. This is the fifth serious accident that hnd happened to Veloores In five years, the last one being at Maiden on the 4th of July, nil caused by horses: II1 Chocks Ikme of Howard. 1'asco, Wash Ieputy Sheriff 1111- bert of North Yakima has returned, accompanied by John Howard, want ed there for passing bad checks. How ard was just getting off a train when Chief of Police T. V. Davis acclsted him with "Hello Howard, when did you get here from North Yakima?" Howard evidently took him for an ac quaintance, and they chatted until they hnd reached the police station, when the chief Informed Howard who he was and why he was wanted. How ard admitted passing the checks. (ionlou Iuiiiil Guilty at linker, linker, Ore. 1. II. (jordon, charg e.l with complicity In the attempted robbery of the Frank O. Anderson home near Haines, August 5, was found guilty by the Jury In the circuit court here after the jury had been out 20 minutes. Gordon defended himself and spurned the offer of the court to appoint an attorney. Injury to Grain Slight. Weston, Ore. Reports from the mountain district say that the dam age to the grain crop from the rains was not so heavy as feared. Thresh ing Is again in progress and the stacks are found to have shed most of the moisture. Some of the barley will be off grade. llukcr I'alr Attracts Many. Raker, Ore. The linker county fair opened and indications are that it will be the most successful county fair 'ever held here. The pavilion Is full of agricultural exhibits and ex tra stalls have been found necessary for race entries. More than 60 hors es nre entered and It is believed 75 will be entered bofor the event is over. ray hospital, and will be taken to the Wallace county hospital. Tramps shoot Ui-nkcmun. Cheney, Wash. Three tramps, who had broxen into a boxcar on the S., I. & S., stealing merchandise, were taken by surprise by the brakeman, six miles beyond South Cheney. They pounded the brakeman over the head with a club, cutting several gashes in his head and then shooting at him at close range. He was not seriously hurt. The tramps eot away. Company Ships 2725 Hales Timothy. Weston, Ore. The following lots in bales of timothy hay, grown on Wes ton mountain, have been bought and shipped by the Weston brick yard at an average price of $14 per ton: S. F Hyatt, 165; W. L. Uayborn, 536; A. S. Burrill, 218; Jerry Perier. 14 9: J. V. Pell. 7S0; s. G. Price, 290; J W. Hyatt. 249; J. P. Price, 210; John Hyatt, 113; total, 2725 bales. county and state, on the third Mon day in October, being Oc tober 1G, and publicly examine the assessment rolls, correct all errors in valuation, de scription or- quality of lands, lots or other property assessed by me. It shall bo the duty of persons In terested to appear at the time and place here by appointment. C. P. STRAIN, Ajycssor for Umatilla County. Tries to Kill Ncir With Null. Murray, Idaho. James O'Neill, a miner, snld to come from Butte, Mon tana, was brought here from the Hlackhorse mine, where be was go ing to work. He appeared demented and was put In Jail. During the day he attempted to tear the building down. Failing In this, he attempted to commit suicide by tearing and cut ting his wrists with tin and nails. He was placed under guard in tho Mur- Auto Kills Tacoma Jm. Tacoina, Wash Jumping off a South Tacoma street car, Charles Van Horn, aged 14, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Van Horn, of this city, ran directly in front of nn auto mobile driven by H. N. White, presi dent of the Standard Paper company and containing F.' L. Hale. K. Walker Foster and F. A. Rice, nil prominent Tncomans, nnd E. J. Wyman of North aklma Before the auto could bo stopped young Van Horn was crush ed beneath the wheels. Notice of County Uonixl of Equaliza tion. Pendleton, Oregon, Sept. 19, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that the Bonrd of Equalization of Umatilla Ccunty, State of Oregon, will meet at the court house in Pendleton, In said Muny sufferers from nasal catarrh say they get splendid results by us ing an atomizer. For their benefit we prepare Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Except that It is liquid it Is In all respects like the healing, helpful pain allaying Cream Balm that the public has been ramiliar with for years. JJo cocaine nor other dangerous drug In It. The soothing spray is a remedy that relieves at once. All druggists, 75c, including spraying tube, or mailed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren Street, New York. away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 29th day of Sept., 1911, the said ani mal will be sold to the h'ghest bidder at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound in tho Oregon Feed Yard, in said city of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the pay ment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 18th day of Sept., 1911. TOM GURDANE, City Marshal. MOSQUITOES CAITCHE TOWN. Frco lecture. "Topics of Mutual Interest to the Public as Well as the Profession," by Dr. J. N. McCormack. lecturer for the American Medical asstciatlon. First Chr'stain church, Saturday, Sept. 23, at S:00 o'clock p. m. The public cor dially invited. IX POUND. Tho following described animal has been taken up by the Marshal of the city of Pendleton, towlt: One three-year-oid black Jersey heifer, branded N on right leg; JP on right stifle and swallow fork In left ear. If said animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to pos esslon of them, costs and expenses against them paid and they taken Street Worker Compelled to Carry Oil Tor Protection. Darby, Pa. Driven out of the marshes and low lying meadow lands by the high floods caused by the rains of last week myriads of mosquitoes have descended upon eastern Dela ware county. In the Darby Friends' burying ground. George Long, the sexton, and George Snyder, his helper, were com pelled to stop cutting grass because of the attacks of the pest. Street cleaners are carrying tomato cans of coal oil with them, so that they can smeal their hands, arms and faces, to keep away the pesky Insects. MYSTIC OUDEi: TO ENKOLIj PRESIDENT. No Need to Stop Work. When your doctor orders you to stop work, it stasrgers you. "I can't" you say. You know you are weak, run down and failing In health, day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What you need Is Electric B tters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent breakdown and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Elec tric Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them Every bottle Is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 60c at Koeppens. Spokane, Wash. Presiaent Taft will be made a member or the Mystic Or der of Enakops "on sight," on arrival in this city the evening of October 7. according to a proclamation issued by officers of the organization which has 3113 members. The ceremonial! w'.ll be performed by W. S. McRea. imperial kopane; ex-Mayor Herbert Moore, mysterious sanKope, and Dr. H. W. Allen, high pesanke. John F. Meagher, high keepo, will Invest the president with the inslgma. The En akops order is an auxiliary of the Na tional app'e show, which will have its fourth annual competitive exposition 'n Spokane November 23 to 30, and It has charge of the street parades, har vest festivals and Mardl Gras during the week. It has a fund of $20,000 for this year's celebrations and. ac cording to the by-laws, every dollar must be expended before the morning of November 30. Twenty thousand dollars also will be awarded In prizes and premiums at the show, at which more than 2.000 000 specimens of the commercial apples trvm the Un.ted States and Canada will be on exhibition. HOWS' THIS. We offer One flnndred Dollar Reward for Any cnse of Catarrh that rannnt be cur ed by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J CHENEY k Co., Toledo .0. We, the undersigned, hare known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all buslnesa transactions and financially able to carry ont any obligations made by his firm WAI.MNG, KI.NNAN k MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure !a taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood aad mncoua anrfacoa of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c, per bottle. Sold bv all Pnifrelsts. Take nail's Family Villa for constipation. liT .il I I .(ajaJMaMsssBsMMMssBPNMsMsMsMsBsMMsHMsMsMsMMsMl PRICES: $1.50 $1.00 75c 50c NOTE On account of the stores remaining open Satur day evening, the curtain will rise at 9 o'clock. Seats on Sale Friday Morn ing at PENDLETON DRUG GO. YOU WOULDN'T KNOW THE OLD PLACE NOW THE OREGON THEATRE Has Been Remodeled Into An Up-to-Date Play House Which Will Open SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 With the Big Beauty Show THE SUNNY SIDE OF BROADWAY WITH MAX BLOOM and Company of DANCING PIPPINS