I, PAGE EIGHT AILY KAH OMDGOMAN, PENDIiErOW, OREGON. VEDXF.STAY, SEPTE-MRER, 20, 1911 EIGHT PAGES Pendleton's Busiest GROCERY Invites you to phone in your order for Fruits and Vegetables Prompt attention civon every order and front care taken to fill them just rifht. It must be pood to leave this store. PIIOXE MAIX PC. STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY INC. WHERE ALL. ARE PLEASED. FRANK CVGARA, Pres. BERNARD O'GARA, Sec-Treas. Newsy Notes. j of Pendleton Tmi Mnrrluso l.Uvnsos. A marriage license was issued yes- ' (t i -Jay ufternoon to Walter Lyle Boyn ton, clerk In the Clark grocery, and Theresa Emma Eggers of this city, and another today to Walter Price of ; AJams and Bessie Fern Abrams. Sues to Rovver Money. G. S. Andrus has commenced suit against B. R. Andrus to recover $1, U75 which ho alleges to be due, $525 on a loan and $750 for horses sold to defendant. Interest and costs are al : s asked in the judgment. Judge J.-nies A. Fee is attorney for the plaintiff. at a figure but a little below the pur chase price, eo that the loss is but nominal. NOW ROOST THE COMMERCIAL CIXR (Continued from page, one.) ana MASS MEETING FOR NEXT TUESDAY COMMISSION PLAN MEETING PROVED DRAW FIGHT After Much Wrangling Last Night's Gathering Decided for a Further Meeting and Discussion Next Sleet ing at City Hall.' After two hours of discussion in which the merits and demerits of the commission form of government were not extensively debated the meeting held at the Commercial club rooms last evening resulted in a drawn fight between those who favor the com mission plan and those who oppose the same for Pendleton. As a result of action finally taken it was decided to hold another mass meeting at the city hall on next Tuesday evening to further discuss the subject. Though called as a special meeting xryptq: k KRYPTOKS embody two pieces of glass" of different re fraction, coalesced with intense heat into one, and ground into a lens havin? twodutinct focal points. Without Jseam or ce ment, no edges to catch dust or ,tr become cracked and jagged in'cleaningr Ask your optician to'.ho w you KRYPTOKS. 2 DALE ROTHWELL State Repistered Optometrist at Wm HANSCOM THE Jeweler, Pendleton, Orepon. of the Commercial club the meeting last evening was transformed Into a mass meeting instead and by acclama. tion President Smythe and Secretary Keefe were continued as chairman and secretary respectively. Lowell Presents Subject. As on the previous occasion when the commission plan of government was broached Judge S. A. Lowell took the lead in advocating its adoption. He moved that a committee of seven be named by the chairman to draft a commission charter and the motion was seconded by E. B. Aldrich. In an informal talk Judge Lowell went at some length into the subject of commission government and ex plained the essential points about the plan and the chief merits of the re form. He held that1 the commission plan fixes responsibility, provides for proper remuneration for officials and in a general way is a remedy for evils resulting from the old system of city government. R. Alexander opposed taking up the subject at that time and Insisted that a subsequent meeting should be held at which a ereater attendance could j be secured. John Vert also spoke in opposition to the commission form of govern ment and moved to indefinitely post pone the motion for the appointment of a committee. This brought forth a sharp objection from Leon Cohen who said it was no time for an attempt at sharp practices. The amendment was voted down as -was also a motion of Mr. Alexander that the meeting ad journ to meet again at the court j house one week later. This motion was later changed to call for a meet ing at the city hall next Tuesday eve ning and it carried. As matters now stand the subject will be a special order of business at a mass meeting to be held Tuesday evening, Sept. 26. - Officials Oppose It. Prominent among those who were present in opposition to the commls- j sion form were Mayor Murphy and several of the councilmen. Messrs. Murphy, .Stroble and Strain took po sitions against the new plan and Councilman Montgomery announced that he had changed his views and stood opposed. Soon Ready for Travel. Workmen are now busy construct ing the approaches to the new Main street bridge and It will be but a short time until wagon traffic may be re sumed across the river at that point. The foot walk on the west side of the bridge is also completed and as soon as the concrete has set It will be opened to the pedestrians. Druggists to Close Earlier. By an agreement between the pro prieors of the different drug stores in the citv. they will hereafter close places of business at 6:30 every even ing except Saturday evening when they remain open until 9 o'clock. They also adopted new hours for Sunday and will hereafter keep open on that day from 9 until 12 in the morning and from 4 until 6 in the afternoon. has over six hundred members, and they are earnest, and are doing things.' Why can not Pendleton have five hundred members Surely the citizenship of Pendleion Is as interest ed in municipal affairs and questions of import as that of other cities. The social features are coordinated with the business features and alone are well worth the dues. The ex penses to the Individual member are so small as to seem Inadequate to the maintenance. However, with a large membership, the expense is no more t-n with a smaller one, but the extra membership precludes the pos sibility of draining the resources of a few men. One dollar a month to the individual member Is surely a small sum, and few tnere are who are preventM from joining because of this reason. Oct in, every member, and bring in the application of at least one other citizen of Pendleton Consider this a matter of your individual attention, do your share, and me sum will be large. Let us beat every city of our size in the west, and prove ourselves "The Biggest City of Its Size in the West." Let every citizen be ready to sign an application, business and pro fessional men, and let us not shirk our opportunity of each doing his share for Pendleton, Umatilla county and Oregon. J. E. KEEFE, Sec. Attorneys Examtiio Paving Contract. The paving of Cottonwood and Alta streets, which was ordered some weeks ago and the contract for which was let to Warren Brothers of Bos ton, has been delayed while the attor neys of the construction company ex amine the contracts submitted by the city. It Is expected that a report will be made tonight and that work will soon be commenced. Smith vs. Winzler Caso Vp. The jury at the courthouse today Is listening to the case of E. L. Smith vs. George Winzler, Judge Fee rep resenting the former and Col. J. H. Raley the defendant. From the tes timony it seems that Winzler pur chased part of the property of his brother-in-law, A. G McCarty, wh.ih property was all mortgaged. The case involves a settlement for this property. Traveling Men Pleased. j That traveling men were well cared for in the city during the Round-Up is. indicated by a cordial letter just received by Messrs Ladow & Peterson from the manager of the Marshall Wells hardware company. In the let ter the company's manager thanks the people of the city for the courtes ies shown its representatives while jthiy were here and also lauds the I Round-Up. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. Deputy District Attorney Pruitt is out of the city for a few days. jonn f. Hill left this afternoon on the X. P. for points In the northern part of the county. Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakely is ab sent on civil business In the south enl of the county. District Attorney Sam E. Van Vac tor returned to his home in Hepp r.er yesterday morning. TRUST OFFICIALS PLAN TO FIGHT GOVERNMENT now after your labor and be assur ed that the big and busy BOSTON STORE did the business of the city in mens attire by use of the smallest prices. Closing Out pit Bugskess is no joke when you are spending your money. Then let us show you the newest FALL GOODS They are here a plenty and all scllinp at sale priees. ostoe Store Boston, Mass., Sept. 20. Until they are prepared to fight the government through every court. It is today in dicated that the officials of the Unit ed Shoe Machinery company will not enter pleas. President Wlnslow and Directors Hurd and Howe, were ar raigned today before United States District Judge Dodge on charges of criminal conspiracy to restrain trade. They were released In $10,000 bond-! each. Money to Loan. Five thousand dollars to loan by the City of Pendleton on approved real estafra security. W. E. BROCK, C. P. STRAIN, J. L. SHARON, Finance Committee. Oregon is not likely to get the good roads she needs without state and county cooperation. We Are After Your Business. New, Clean, Serviceable, Iiicrht Priced Merchandise will prove to you that we are entitled to your confidence and your business. New line of D. M. C. Embroidery Cottons an all colors, 2 bkcins for - - Ladies' Out in Gowns 59, 73, 98, $1.23 Ladies' Coats from ...... $3.00 to $15.00 Ontiri'r Flannel, Flannelette and Kimona Goods. All Wool Series, all colors, yard 60 School T)av Plaids ' - 20 and 30 Thow Children's Shoes at Sl.OO, $1.25 and ?1.50 are wearers. THE WONDER ,STOR Many Vaga in Court. Five "vags" were caught in the po lice dragnet yesterday and three of them will spend five days In Jail while the other two were given short time to shift their presence to other localities. Dan Murphy, Henry Cliff and Lane Bennet are the three taking up their sojourn in the bastlle while John Davis and Abe Johns are the others. A couple of drunks com pleted the budget this morning. W. McDonald and Charles Joplin being the names of the inebriates. Each drew three day sentences. Former Wife Wins Damages. Eldora Stewart won her suit against her former husband, Jerome Stewart, yesterday afternoon and the Jury brought in a verdict for $300 damages. The case involved the right of a di vorced woman to sue her former spouse where a contract of settlement had been made, and the suit was won jfsnd lost when the court ruled not to allow the contract as evidence be j cause such a contract made before the I divorce was granted Is contrary to public policy. Plnehot nt Cordova. Cordova, Alas'.t, Sept. 2D. Clifford Pinchot today returned here from Katalia and an inspection of the Guggenheim property. j Isoston Ri-sUiiimnt Is Sued. It appears from a suit filed today i that when George Brown, one of the j Greek proprietors of the Boston res j taurant, ' left the city last Saturday ' with the receipts of four days In his pockets, he failed to settle certain ac counts which the restaurant owed. To day George H. Clark, as representa ! tive of a number of stores, commenced j suit against Brown and Ous Manos, : the proprietors. It is all. god that the restaurant owed the Peoples Ware house $73.90, Gray Bros. $49.45, the ICmpIre Meat company $258.55 and Ben L. Burroughs $18.00. Judge Fee Is council for plaintiff. Sample Blankets We have a full line of drummers sample blankets, cotton and wooL These blankets are 6litrhtly soiled, but at the price we sell them you can well afford to get them washed. If you want to pet your choice come soon. THE . HUB The Drummers' Sample Store Between Taylor Hardware and Pendleton Drug Co. PENDLETON, OREGON. Will Invito Editors. By action of the Round-Up board, token through Secretary James H. (J'.vinn, the Oregon editorial assiclation Is invited to hold its next session In Pendleton during the Round-Up. The , Invitation will be extended to the as- soclatlon when It meets in Portland tomorrow. It has long been the cus tom of the editorial association to meet in Portland and to confine Itself largely to business matters. It la hoped that the invitation to meet here dur ing the Round-Up will he accepted and that the editors of the state will assemble here for their next annual meeting and also to witness the next big frontier show. Roiincl-Vp IJiiyn Horses. The Round-Up association now owns about ten head of horses, ail but two of which are No. 1 buckers, and these two will be sold at the first opportun Ity. "LIghtfoot" and "Judge Fee' were purchased last year and before the show this year the famous old "Long Tom" wan bought from J. E Smith. "Casey Jones," the little buck skin bueker, was also purchased be fore the Round-Up this year, while since the show, "Snake." the little white "outlaw," and several others have been added to the associations Mnny Killed in Riot. Pckin, Sept. 0. The French lega tion Iihs received a dispatch from Sul Fu that the prefect's yamen at that place had been attacked and burned by the rebels. Manv persons were killed. The Chinese foreign board has re ports of an attack on the yamen at Kiatlng Fu, but details are lacking. The board also has been advirfed that the yamens have bern looted in five towns near Cheng Tu. Xelon Defeat Nixon. Boston, Sept. 20. Battling Nelson, former lightweight champion ham mered his way to victory In his bout with Billy Nixon of Cambridge last night, the referee stopping the f.ght In the tenth round of a nchcdul.-1 1 I round bout. THE CASH MARKET IS THE BUSIEST PLACE IN TOWN WHY? Because people get better goods, better service ana better weight than any othrr place in town and you'll find our prices cheaper. !Le CASH MARKET Cor. E. Court and Johnson St. Phono Main lot Pendleton Dye Works CUT PR.ICES FOR SEPT. LADIES SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED si.SO S1.0 LADIES' SUITS PRESSED J MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED MEN'S SUITS PRESSED 2i ; 75C FTava vnur olothAA plAinArl At n .1 nn.tn.daU .)... V ... . - date method. Phone Main 169. 1 Sflft -a E. Alta. CASTOR A Toe In&nts ud Cldldina Ita Kir c1 You Hart Always Bougjr AUCTION SALE of 50 choice Pendleton resident lota. Located in different parts of the city. Call and learn particulars. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. "She is Waiting' and so are those she Is waiting on. And mind you, a good high-ball Is well worth waiting for. Good, pure, wholesome Rye Whiskey, like the brands we are now selling, will make one wait patiently, but enjoy the wait when the liquid arrives cool, comforting, and refresh ing. If you are a high-ball lover, better try a bottle of this splendid Whiskey' of ours. You will always want .that brand afterwards. And the price will satisfy you, too. TheOlympiaBar Phone Main 188 and Pioneer Bottling Work Phone Main 177. PETERS A MORRISOW, Prop. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street. (Mark's Temple Building Next to Cosy Theatre Fresh shipments daily of fancy and staple groceries an cash prices make this store the Peoples Popular Place to Trade. Prices lower and our lines fresher. CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Mara 174 612 Mam Street live stock. The steef have been sold