mean vxam I ISBs of Life come from errors in diet, from too little exercise or from the mis takes we commit without thinking of consequences. These sicknesses mav be slight at first, but they hinder vork, prevent advancement or bring depression and spoil enjoyment. is What is worse, they lead to serious physical disorders if not checked in time ; but you CAN check them easily and quickly. They will atisraily Yie To ch a safe, simple, reliable family remedy as Feeeham's Pills. In every .useholj'wheie this famous and unequalled medicine is known, noct of life is changed for the better. ie rea-iy 10 neip such .' hou: ,.,rc-.vflnd vor.r family to overcome trouble and to regain, keep, good bodily conditions by having on hand for immediate use and r t 1 n--mwSm P11U km mecially suitable. SoU eerTwher. In boxe 10c and 25c See tnrtractioas with each box. hit White hard yesterday and defeat ed Chicago. Three fast double plays enlivened the game. Score: R. II. E. Wellington 7 14 1 Chicago S 9 2 Batteries Groom an(t Henry; White and Sullivan. I.eatlcrs Iiirrease iAtuls. New York, Sept. 20. New York made it three straight from Pittsburg by winning in that city Tuesday and us Chicago lost to Philadelphia, the gap between the leaders and their nearest rivals In the National league race was Increased from ! points to 49. The standing: New York . . . hioago P'ttsburg Philadelphia .. SPORTS PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Lost. 67 73 , 82 94 92 103 P.C. .57S .563 .534 .462 .452 .411 each session, but Kraft was steady in the ninth and kept the tying score away from the plate. Both teams hit hard, Nordyke leading with a triple, a double and a single In four times up. Score: R. H. E, Spokane 5 10 1 Victoria 4 11 1 Batter'.es Bonner, Kraft and Spies man; Erickson and Grindle. . Won Portland 92 Vernon 96 Oakland 9 San Francisco SI Sacramento 78 Los Aneeles 72 Portland 2; Oakland 1. Portland, Ore., Sept. 20. Portland took the initial game of the series yesterday from Oakland by 2 to 1 af ter 12 inn'.ngs of pla, the first 10 of which were scoreless. Koestner was the pitcher for Potland and his work was masterful. Pernoll pitched ten scoreless nnings but weakened In the j 11th. Martinoni was sent in to pitch. JIartinoni saved the day In that inning but Portland found him in the 12th and he was withdrawn and Gregory delegated to stem the tide. This did not have the desired effect for Port land scored the winning run almost Immediately. Oakland's score in the 11th was due to bad judgment on the part of Chadbourne, who overran Ware's hit. Score: R. H. E. Oakland 1 10 2 Portland 2 9 0 Batteries Gregory. Martinoni, Per noll and Mitze; Koenner and Kuhn. Frisco 4; Angels 1. San Francisco, Sepi. 20. San Fran cisco fell on Halla in the first inning of yesterday's game agamst Los An geles and made two runs before he gave way to Palmer. The Seals made another run off Palmer in the first and one in the second, but after that they were unable to send a man across the plate.' Los Angeles made its lone run in the ninth. Score: R. H. E. Los Angeles 1 6 1 San Francisco 4 6 3i , Batteries Halla, Palmer and Smith Suter and Berry. Western 1-eajrue. At Sioux City Sioux City 6; Pueb lo 7. At Omaha Omaha 2; Denver 4. At St. Joseph St. Joseph 5; Lini- coln 5. (Called tenth; darkness.) At Des Moines DesMoines 0; To- peka 6. NATIONAL LEAGUE. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. Lost 63 63 71 74 73 115 P.C. .619 .562 .540 .516 .516 .253 Won Vancouver ..94 Spokane S7 Seattle 82 Tacoma 79 Portland 78 Victoria 39 Portland 4; Tacoma 0. Tacoma, Sept. 2. In a pitcher's battle here yesterday afternoon, Port land defeated the locals by a score of 4 to 0. Score: R. II E. Portland 4 4 0 Taoomi 0 4 4i Eatterif-s Ilenk'e and Harris; An tU and Burns. Vancouver 5; Seattle 2. Vancouver. B. C, .Sept. 20. The league leaders add1 another victory to their Ion? yesterday by de feating Seattle in a flow game. The ecore: P- H. h. Vancouver 5 6 lj Seattle 2 5- Z Batteries Clark and Jehl; Wlggsj and Shea I Spokane 5; Victoria 4. Spokane, Sept. 20. Victoria was Btrong in the first and last innings of yesterday's game, scoring twice In Philadelphia 2; Chicago 0. Chicago, Sept. 20. Allowing only one hit, a scratch single by Archer in the sixth, Eurns of Philadelphia yes terday shut out Chicago. Hits by Knabe, McGee and Luderus scored the first run In the first inning. Paskert counted the other run In the seventh on two errors, Beck's single and Car ter's sacrifice fly. Knabe of Philadel phia and Sheckard of' Chicago were ordered off the field for disputing decisions of Umpire Eason. Score R. H. E Philadelphia 2 5 Chicago 0 1 Batteries Burns and Carter; Mcln- tyre and Archer. St. Louis 13; Boston 12. St. Louis, Sept. 20. It took 28 play ers two hours and 39 minutes to play a game of ball here yesterday after noon, in which seven of the partlcipat Ing pitchers were found for a total of 38 hits and 25 runs. A sensational ninth Inning rally ended the farce in St. Louis' favor, Boston losing. Pitch ers Stanridge, Camnltz and Dale ant utility player Reed made their debuts with the home team. Second Baseman Kirke of New Orleans played his first major league game with Boston. The second game was called off to allow j Boston to catch a tram for Pittsburg. Score: R. H. E. Boston 12 17 3 St. Louis 13 21 2 Batteries Perdue, Hennifer, Don nelly and Kling; Golden, Stanridge, Dale, Camnitz and Wingo. New York 3; Pittsburg 1. Pittsburg, Sept. 20. New York yes terday made it three straight from Pittsburg. Ames was strong all the way and shut out the home team until the ninth inning, when Campbell scor ed the only run for Pltsburg with his hit, a pass to Wagner and a single by Miller. Score: R. II. E. Pittsburg 1 5 2 New York 3 7 1 Batteries Leifield, Gardner and Gibson, Simon; Ames and Myers Brooklyn 7; Cincinnati a. Cincinnati, Sept. 20. Brooklyn won the opening game of the series from Cincinnati yesterday. A ninth inning rally, in which Brooklyn knocked Won. ...34 . . .80 . . .80 - -.73 Lost. 86 64 60 60 P.C. .646 .597 .571 .543 In the American league the Athlet ics Increased their lead by winning from St. Louis, while Boston was de feated by Detroit. Boston's victory and Chicago's defeat by Washington broke the tie for fifth place, which Bus-ton now holds by a margin of eight poins. The standing: "Won. Lost Philadelphia 90 45 Detroit, S2 5 Cleveland 71 64 New York 71 66 milestone, can play a dreamy waits, a quickstep, n stately minuet or a de licious ragtlmo symphony, all depend ing on the rapidity with which he partages of a lacteal repast. "All Goln' Out and Nothln' Comln' In," walls the aeoltan harp and with such feeling as the milk disappears The "baby pacifier" was invented by the father of its sole user. A mining man, tired of the toils of the day, and not relishing long tramps over carpet by night, his mechanical genius found a panacea for restless children. PROFESSIONAL COMMENT "She is a picture when she steps on the stage," said one member of the company. "Yes," repl.ed tho other, "but In her dresslsg room she looks like a partial ly developed negative." Washington Star. P.C. .667 .599 .526 .518 OF CANAL TRIP Some people get rich fairly by su per. or intelligence, management and enterprise, but not all riches are thus accumulated. Read the want ad. ERUPT! SO TERRIBLE SUFFERING Washington, Sept. 20. The move ment started on the Pacific coast looking toward the selection of the historic battleship Oregon to lead the world-wide pageant that will open the Panama canal to commerce in 1915 Is gaining such headway that It is believed this vessel is assured of the honor. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Beekman Wlnthrop favors the propo sition, and explains that the only thing necessary to bring about the Oregon's selection is a sufficient am ount of public sentiment in its fa vor. "The whole question Is merely one of sentiment," said Wlnthrop today. "And If the people of the country show that thev would like to have the Oregon, who won her first laur els by the remarkable flight from Puget Sound navy yard to Cuba by the present round-about route, to be the first to go from ocean to ocenn through the newer and shorter way, the department will see to It that their wiAhes are fulfilled." The Oregon is now anchored at the Puget Sound navy yard, having just been completely overhauled, and she la pronounced to be fit for another such cruise as made her famous more than a decade ago, although axious to make the proposed triumphal voy age through the canal ahead of other vessels. Baby's Body Covered with Large Sores. Seemed to Itch and Burn, Finger Nails Fell Off. Little or No Sleep. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. In 6 Weeks Cured. NURSING-BOTTLE HAS HARP TO SOOTH BABY Venice, Calif. No more will the cries of "Little Precious" stir his proud and happy father to a tack- odging marathon on a midnight bed- om couse, for Mrs. J. W. Efferson f Douglas, Ariz., the wife of a min ing man, has arrived here with a baby pacifier," a device combining milk bottle and an aeollan harp. the use of which gives the infant mu sic during dinner hours and his par ents a surcease from squalls. Mozart's five-year-old attempts at music are out-distanced for the younger Efferson, hardly past his first Caspar out of the box and treated Smith with the same kind of batting, netted them three runs. Score: R. H. E Brooklyn 7 14 Cincinnati 5 9 Batteries Steele, Rucker, Ragon and Bergen; Compton, Caspar, Smith and Clarke. AMERICAN LEAGUE, J? Ys jl uses ! Drink 1 ires I H. 4 E Clark r H I The Genuine Rootbeer D9U1UCIJ " you when thirsty, Invigorate you when tired, deliifhts you at any time. Order a case from the exclusive bottlers Pendleton Soda Works Phone Main 451. Philadelphia 5; St. Louis 1 Philadelphia. Sept. 20. George was effective until the seventh inning yes tr lay, when four hits, a pass and double steal netted Philadelphia five luns and the game. Score: M. 1.,'iUlS 1 Philadelphia , i5 li-itti-ries George and Krause and Thomas. Boston 2; Detroit I. I!"fitpn, Sept. 20. A home run by Cobb In the first inning yesterday gave Detroit its only run. and BoRton won Cobb's thr"o hits were the only ones made off Sollins until the ninth. The score: R. H. E Boston 2 8 Dot roit 1 5 I'.iitterirs Collins and Tonneman Willet and Stannge. f'lf-vi-lunrt :t; Xew York 3 New York. Sept. 20. New Tork and Cleveland played a tie game yesterday Both Krapp and Fisher were wild but proved effective with men on bases Krapp was spiked by Chase In the eighth but continued to pitch. Score R. H. E Cleveland 3 5 New York 3 E Batteries Krapp and G. Fisher; R Fisher, Caldwell and Blair, Williams (Game called end ninth, darkness) WaHlilnfTlon 7; Chrcngo 3. Washington, Sept. 20. Washington "When my bnby hoy was six months old, his body was completely covered with large ores that seemed to Itch and burn, and cause terrililo suffering. Tlie erup tion bcxan in pimples which would open and run, making large sores, ills hair came out and linger nails fell off. and the sores were over the entire body, causing little or no sleep for baby or myself. Great scabs would come off when I removed his shirt. "We tried a great many remedies, but nothing would help liim, till a friend In. duced me to try the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I used tho Cuticura Soap and Olnt ment but a short time before I could see that he was Im proving, and In six weeks' time he was entirely cured. He had suffered about six weeks before we tried the Cuticura Soap and Ointment although we bad tried several other things, ana doctors too. think the Cuticura Itemedics will do all that is claimed for them, and a great deal more." (Signed) Mrs. Noble Tubman, JJodson, Mont.. Jan. 28, 1011. For more than a generation Cuticura Soap and Ointment have aflorded tho most eco nomical treatment for affections of the skin and scalp of infants, children and adults. single cake of Cuticura Soap (25c) and box of Cuticura Ointment (50c.) are often sulu cient. Although sold by d ruegists and uealcrs throughout the world, a liberal sample of each, with 32-p. book on tho skin, will be sent frefe, on application to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. ISA, Uoston. Kill i ti .,. flr-tr-r- ' t.iM uA " J Small Stores Gain Business by the bright electric light for signs and windows. Now that G.E. MAZDA lamps are available nothing is easier to obtain than profitable lighting. These new incandes cent lamps we now offer to our customers under very favorable conditions. More Electric Light can now be obtained for every dollar you pay for cur rent than ever before. The G.E. MAZDA lamps give more than twice the light you have ever before considered it possible to obtain for a given expense for current Wo are now ieady to tell you now you can get the benefit ol this great advance in electrical development Pacific Power & Light Go. "Always at Your Service" The East End Grocery Headquarters in Pendleton for FINE POULTRY ir prompt attention. Phone In your order and It will receive Main D38. J. W. DYER, Prop. The East Oregonian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron age. It is tho advertising medium of this section. WOMEX WITH PILES Bo Curort By Simply Taking Sugar , Contort Tablets. Constipation, tight clothlnir, and women a ordeals cause plies, women suffer piles more than men and all will be grateful to know of a success ful remedy In tablet form, that brings a cure without cutting, use of salves or suppositories. This guaranteed remedy Is HEM-ROID, sold by The Pendleton Drug Co., Pendleton, Ore., and all druggists, il for treatment lasting 24 days. Dr. Leonardt Co.- Station P. Buf falo, X. Y., Prop. Write for booglot. ACT QUICKLY. A Big Broadway Song Hit Free Every Saturday. Order Your Paper Early. SUNG BY B Mi I 1 ' HE RING Delay Hag Been Dangerous In Pendle ton. Do tho right thing at the right time. Act quickly In time of danger. Backache Is kidney danger. Doan'B Kidney Pills act quickly. Plenty of evidence to prove this. Charles E. Berg, 815 N. Sixth St., Walla Walla, Wash., says: "I cannot give Doan's Kidney Pills enough praise for what they did for me after I had spent hundreds of dollars In an unsuccessful effort to get relief. I attrlbuto my trouble to getting my feet wet and working In damp places, One day when stooping, a sharp pain like the stab of a knife, caught me in my back. In a few days I got so bad that I had to take to my beed and I was attended by a nurse. My secretions were frequent In passage and contained sediment. I lost weight, had a poor appetite and was bother ed by dizzy spells that blurred every thing before me. One day I read about Doan's Kidney Pills and dls carding all the other medicines, I be gan taking this remedy. Before I had finished half the contents of a box, I felt better and my appetite be gan to pick up. As I continued using this preparation I regained my strength and my kidneys did their work as they should, i was soon able to leave my bed and I feel that Doan's Kidney Pills saved my llfo. My cure has been permanent and I am so grateful that I will gladly answer any letters, providing a stamp la encloa ed." For sale by all dealers. Price EO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sole agenU for the United States. Remember the name Doan'i and take no other. In Lew Fields' Production "The Yankee Girl" Herald Square Theatre A Musical Play by George V. Hobart and Silvio Hein. Published by Special Arrangement with Maurice Shapiro, 1416 Broadway, Owner of Copyright. New York Free with Next Saturdays Issue of the East Oregonian.