PAGE PIT! EIGHT PAGES DAILY HASTX RBUONlAH, PENDbETTON, OREOoW, WEDNESDAY, SKPTEMBEIl 20, 1911 We are Breaking all For mer Records in the ' SECTION If the last nine days of September continue the pace with the first part we 'will smash all previous sales records pky high. There is a Reason We are told daily by our many satisfied customers that we are showing the largest assortment of Coats, Suits and Dresses in Pendleton, and the prices are just a little lower. Let, Us Show You Suits for Misses', sizes 14 to 20. Suits for Women, sizes 31 to 47. Coats in every size inndo for children, misses and women. Dresses, sizes 14 to 20 for Misses'. Ladies sizes 31 to 40. WE CAN PLEASE YOU LET'S TRY. F. E. LlVENGOODCO. THE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S STORK . PERSONAL MENTION Ella Watt of 'Salem la reglBtored at the Bowman. William Jamleson of Weston, spent lust night In the city. W. D. Ferguson of Albany la a gueHt at tho St. George; . . ' S. N. Barnhart Of Walla Walla la a business visitor In the city today. J. S. Thornton of Walla Walla was over from his homo last evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams are In from their ranch near Adams today, Mrs. Mary E. Coffey left this morn ing for Potiatch, Idaho, on a bus ness trip. Edgar W. Smith came In from Van sycle yesterday to secure prices In the wheat market. Robert Rlggs came over from Walla Walla yesterday and spent the night In the city. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Sellers left to day for Madras, Ore., where they will spend several months. Douglas Ball HAD DIME TO AID MOTHER. I,ad Appears In Court With "Money To Pay Fine." New York. With a lone dime In his hand, Joseph Kyd, 8 years old, of 249 Eighth avenue, marched Into the Jef ferson Market Court and told the at tendant at the door that he had come to pay his mother's fine and get her out of prison. He explained that his mother, Mrs. Mary Kyd, had been arrested Satur day night. The lad bore himself bravely and refused the offer of a meal from a sympathetic listener. He showed the dime and said he had enough to buy food if he wanted It. When his mother was arraigned be fore Magistrate Freschi, charged with disorderly conduct, tears for the first time filled the boy's eyes, but he wiped them away and llstcnted Intent ly. The magistrate found Mrs. Kyd "not guilty," and the boy took his mother's hand and marched off with her. MAKES CALL IN BALLOON. He I LOCALS! Coal and wood, phone Main 6. Pastime pictures please all. Dutch Henry tor coal. Ifsin 171. Snyder, chimney sweep. Tel. R 3812. Private board and lodging at SOS W. Webb. ?bona Black S4J1. Phone Platsoeder for freb meat ai.d lard. Mln 441. Dr J. A. Best nas returned from his vacation and has resumed practice. Everybody goes to the Orpheum to ee the best and the clearest pictures. For Rent Suite of furnished rooms, SOI Jackson. Phone black JJS7. Everything that's good to eat. la meats and groceries at the Cash Market, phone Main 101. Northwest Rug Co. of Portland rep resentative Is here. If you have old carpets, notify S. A. Dobner, city. Ppeclal rates to horses ooarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, (20 Aura street. Phone Main 13 Wanted An experienced girl general houswork; irood wages; If east, or west, or south, have tickets routed Northern Pacific Ry. Closa conm-ctions at Pasco with a'.l through trains. W. Adams, agent, Pendleton. International Correspondence Schools Meeting. There will be an illustrated lecture given for the benefit of Pendleton stu dents of the International Corres pondence Schools tonight at the Eagle- Woodman hall. All students are cor- dlully Invited. Mrs. C. I Crockett will resume teaching on Thursday, September 22, pianoforte lessons. Beginners 50 cents. Advanced 75 cents a lesslon. Phono 3682. E HEALTHY 111 Aeronaut Shouts Welcome As Paswes Friend's Farm. Kansas City, Mo. Louis W. Shouse of this city made a balloon and visited representative of the the town of his youth, Liberty, Mo., Blake, McFull Paper company, is over twenty miles away. He was taking a from his headquarters at Walla' Wal-' spin in the air In the balloon, Kansas la. city, as the guest of Captain H. E. John P. McManus. editor of the ' Honeywell, pilot, having started from Pilot Rock Record, came In from his , here. homo yesterday and is spending the j As they passed over Liberty, fly- day here. j ing low, Shouse peered over the side Mrs. Anna B. Purdy of Klmberly, I or me DasKei. Idaho, will return to her home this I "Is that Bill tsriggs iarm ; he shouted to a seeming Insect but in the form of a man as he spied famll- evening after visiting friends in the city over fair week. G. S. Andrus, prominent stockman ; lar J S- if the southern part of the county, f' came th,f I .V. !., ,.,,... lo.. was ili wju unjr ;cuuaj. axis ports stock conditions in his section of tho county unusually good. HARVESTER TRUST FEARS PROSECUTION BY U. Chicago, 111., Sept. 20. A state ment was Issued here this morning to the effect that the International Har vester company will probably be the next great trust to be attacked by the government in its war on Illegal cor porations. The company has asked Attorney General Wlckersham for a definition of the government's phrase. "Lawful Trusts" and expresses a willingness to reorganize without the formality of a court mandate. It is claimed that the government will prosecute the Harvester trust on the grounds that it is illegally organ ized. The Harvester trust, is incor porated for $120,000,000. "Nope." "Well, just tell him Louis Shouse came over to call m a balloon and is sbrry he wasn't In. Goodby." "Goodby," came the weak response and the skymen continued northward. TWO MEET DEATH IX SURF. New Showing of . Ladies mi Misses AJD Come and See them New Silk Waists at $3.00 Come in black and white and navy and white stripes. Peasant style at $3.00 each. Come and see these extra values. $8 and $10 Silk Waists for $4.95 mi -r 1 1 1 Ml - 1 1 - x lnese come m irersian ana piaias, siiks ana piain net, i regular values up to $10.00 on sale at Sj54.95 Wohlenberg Dept. Store "BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY." I I WHERE TO ? Seattle ? Spokane ? Portland ? DETROIT CARMEN' STRIKE AND TIE IT SYSTEM, What a pity It is to observe so many for people with thin and faded hair and no then realize that the most of these washing. Apply 115 West High street, people .might have a fine, healthy About 808 feet of gosd new garden nottd r nalr lr tney would but use hone for sale at cost price. Sharon & Eddlngs. Lost Package containing little glrl't black pumps. Finder return to this office and receive suitable reward. the simple "sage tea" of our grand mothers, combined with other ingred ients for restoring and preserving the hair. No one, young or old, need have gray hair, weak, thin or falling hair, dandruff or any trouble of the sort Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo- anJ SuIpnur Hair Remedy. On the kane. leaves 1:10 p. m.. arrive 9:65 contrary. it is possible to have heal p. m. Tickets from W. Adams. Agent, tny vg0rous hair. M perfect color, Pendleton. j,y a ew applications of this remark Phone Main 88 for Parker's a- ablo preparation.' toraobile. Trips to all parts of coun- Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair try and city. Quick service. Stand Remedy quickly removes dandruff, at French restaurant. leaves the scalp clean and healthy, If you want to move, call Penland promotes the growth of the hair and Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large restores the natural color of the hair dray moves you quick. Trasa hauled which has become faded or gray. It once a week. 647 Main street. Is a clean, wholesome dressing, which For transfer work, hauling bag- b0 used at a"y tlme and wltn gage, moving household goods and J.'1'"' nfcVr- Do"'tw n?cct, your pianos and all kinds of job work, " 1 y " oue phone Mainn 481. B. A. Morton. Lost In grandstand at the Round- Up Park, lady's 17 Jewel Waltham gold watch; case number 6,046. 961. Finder return to Gray Bros.' grocery and receive liberal reward. You can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 173. for cVan screened Rock and Sulphur. 1 This preparation is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle, and is recommended and sold by all druggists. betroit, Mich.. Sept. 20. Coming Sa a surprise, at a time When It was though that negotiations between the streetcar company and employes over a demand for Increased wages was about settled, the carmen last night voted to strike immediately and as a result the entire system is tied up. Many factories In the city are run ning shorthanded. as the employes are unable to reach their work. COLLEGE WOMEN" STUDY ART. Profiler of Motorboat Kills Swim mer; Other Is Drowned. Los Angeles. Two young men, Donald Wright of Fullerton and Da vid Thomas of Hollywood, met trag ic deaths while in bathing. Young Wright was almost instantly killed at Balboa when he dove into the la goon and came to the surface direct ly to the propeller side of a motor- boat. His body was caught in the machinery of the boat and before the engine could be stopped the young man was fatally injured. He died be fore his body was taken to the shore Yoiino- Thomas was drowned while swimming in the surf at Redondq Beach, Leave Pendleton 1:30 P. SWAP tfOBS FOR A WEEK. Pastor and Editor Agree to Do Each Other's Work. Bremerton, Calif. An argument following a conflict in their policies resulted in an agreement todal be tween W. B. Jessup, editor of the Bremerton Searchlight and the Rev. R. L. Wolf, pastor of the First Meth odist church of this city, to exchange vocations for a week. The Methodist pastor will be given full rein on the Searchlight for a Folk at O. A. C. Announces Pro cram ' week for YearFifteen Addresses. I Editor Jessup will occupy the pul Oregon Agricultural College, Corval- pIt of tne Methodist church for one lis, Ore, Sept. 20. The Folk Club, s,indav composea oi me women or tne u. A. C. faculty, has Just announced the pro gram for the section devoted to the study of art. The fifteen semi monthly meetings are to be addressed on early French art, court painting, the revolutloanry time, romanticism, the Orientalists, landscape painters, the peasant painters, the semi-classicists, portrait painters, the Impres sionists, Spanish art motives, the Cas-tll-an school, the Andaluslan school, school of Valencia, and the position and Influence of the French painters In the world of art. The club year opens October 14. LABOR PREPARES FOR WORLD WIDE STRIKE. Davenport, la., Sept. 20. With the view of preparing for a world wide strike for an eight-hour day, accord ing to President O'Connell, the ma chinists convention today voted to increase the per capita tax of the or ganization from 45 cents to 75 cents a month. This may have an Import ant bearing on the threatened Harrl man line strike. Aviator Godot Injured. Ogdensbure. N. T.. Sent 20 V.n. uovernor v jlson is a southerner by . gene Godet. an aviator, fell from a birth but he has ceased to be a bour-j height of 60 feet and was severely bon- but not fatally Injured yesterday. THE DAXCIXG PIPPIXS. ' Springs coal either lump or nut It , ,1 burns clean and goes further. Fruit Tract to Trade Twenty-acre tract, two and a hair miles from Hor mlston, under government water, to trade fr I'omlleton vroperty. Pen dleton Investment company. I have several largo tracts of Uma tilla county wheat land and stock ranches for sale. Will take in ex change property In Portland, Spokane : or Pendleton. E. T. WADE. Read the want ads. : Tiy I Rose Creamj (or Sun Burn and Tan If you wish to be FREE of those blemishes 25c KOEPPENS Fhe Drug Store That . Ton Beat. Servos ArriYP Seattle 8:15 A- M. Arrive Spokan&9;55 P, M, I Arrive Portland 8:10 A. M. Northern. Pacific Railway The Pioneer Line. First class trains. Close connections. Good leaving time. Good arriving time. SLEEPING CARS FROM PASCO Through flTickets to all Points East or West Secure tickets and full information from' W. ADAMS, AGENT K P. RY., PENDLETON. Ask about EXCURSION FARES for these events: Wala Walla County Fair, Walla Walla, Sept 18-23. Washington State Fair, North Yakima, Sept. 25-30. Interstate Fair, Spokane, Oct 2-8. National Apple Show, Spokane, November 23-30. "Born with the Republic" j? AMES. E. PEPPETfl) WHISKEY R 1 Oldest distillery in America and the best Whiskey ever made in .Kentucky. Established in 1780. Columbia Ciquor Store ; - Sole distributors in Pendleton. - HERMAN PETERS, Prop. I - . .... ., . M :i : : j Watch For Our With "The Sunny Side of Broadway," at the Oregon Theatre Saturday nl in a Few Days Save Your Money Buy Right NuffsecTtill you see us Workingmen's Clothing Go. MAIN AND WEBB STREETS, PENDLETON, ORE and () i i ! v