East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 19, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Ladies and Misses
That's what we are Selling
right now
Wo aro ready for you with by far the biggest and best se
lected line of Ready-to-Wear garments wo have ever Bhown.
SUITS 300 of them
Sizes 14 to 20 and 3-t to 47.
to choose from in all materials and sizes
$5.00 to $40.00
OCTOBER Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Ready.
Coal and wood, phone Main i.
Pastime pictures please all.
Dutch Henry for coal. Main 171.
Snyder, chimney sweep. Tel. R 3812.
Private board and lodging at 206
"W. Webb. ?hnna Black S4S1.
Phono Platzoeder for fresn moat
aud lard Main 445.
Dr J. A. Beat nas returned from h:s
vacation and has resumed practice.
Everybody goes to the Orpheum to
ae the beet and the clearest pictures.
For Rent Suite of furnished
room!, S01 Jackson. Phone black
Wanted Woman cook, steady Job.
Write Manager School Club, Ind.an
Agency, Pendleton.
Everything that's good to eat, la
meats and groceries at the Cash
' Market, phone Main 101.
Northwest Rug Co. of Portland rep
resentatlv Is here. If you have old
carpets, notify S. A. Dobner, city.
Special rates to horses Doarded by
Three hours of laughter. Interspers
ed with rav.shlng melody, is only one
of the many delights provided by the
latent musical Kensatlon, "The Sunny
Side of Broadway."
Tnls delightful combination of com
edy and music is from the pen of Mr.
Uoylo Woolfolk, whoso recent offer
ing "A Winning M ss " has just closed
a successful sea-on, which has brought
lis author into thy spotlight of "The
Musical Comedy World."
When this comedy Is presented here
on Saturday, September 23, at the
newly remodeled Oregon theater, by
Mr. Boyle Woolfolk, it will be offered
by a cast of exceptional artists, fore-
the week or month at the Commercial 'm',: ' of, who:" '? Mr Max Bloom,
Barn. 620 Aura street. Phon Main IS. ""--e phenomena, success h a win-
i ning Miss will long DC rememb.red.
Wanted An ejepcrrenced girl fori a .sur,,lort 0f Mr. Bloom is Miss
general hnuswork; od wages; no;Ait. Hu.r comedienne, Miss Flor-
washing. Apply 115 West High street. ' ,.neo Morrison, Iirima donna, Mr. J.
About 800 feet of good new garden' ;. coughlin. Mr. Jack Leslie Mr.
hose -for sale at cost price. Sharon A, John (iilmore and Mr. Craig Poylston.
Eddings. I The comedy is full of m.rth and re-
Lost Package containing little' I';'te with fine music, among the pop-
girl's black pumps. Finder return to 'ir nun. tiers ucng .My .now Motor
mi.don, under government water, to
trade for Pendleton property. Pen
dleton Investment company.
I havo several large tracts of Uma
tilla county wheat land and stock
ranches for sale. Will take in ex
change property In Portland, Spokane
or Pendleton.
this office and receive suitable re
ward. Take. Northern Taciflc Ry. to Spo
kane. Leaves 1:30 p. m, arrive 9:65
p. m. Tickets from W. Adams, Agent,
Phone Main 98 for Parker's au
tomobile. Trips to all parts of coun- ,, special fentur.
try and city. Quick rcrvlce. Stand' on amount of the stores remaining
at French restaurant. I open the curtain will rise at 9 o'clock
If you want to move, call Penland sharp.
Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large
B.-wjire of the Harden of
'College Days." "The I'izaz
"Kvery Town Ha-- a Broad
Mr. Moon, You're Kull Tu
Wleet Me at trie KUigo Door.
" "Cnrita," "Selling Papers"
nut many more.
The dances of the Ponle Ballet is
I L ive,"
1 Plant."
ui y,"
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 647 Main street.
Lost Delta Gamma Sorority pin
In shapo of unchor, between
Water street nnd high school. Return
to "W" this off.ee for reward. I
For transfer work, hauling bag-
V. S. TO nil 1,1) M-XJATION.
Government to ITovide Homes for
Ambassadors and Ministers.
Washington. The Ambassadors nnd
Ministers of the American diplomatic
service havo been Instructed by the
gage, moving household goods and Slute U(il).lrtlm.nt to submlt estlmatcs
iai.us..nu ' i"u'"' for tho construction or purchase by
phone Mainn 461. B. A. Morton,
the United States of homes for them
Lost In grandstand at the Round- in every foreign capital of the world.
Up Park, lady's 17 jewel Waltham This is in accordance with author
gold watch; case number 6.045.- Jty recently granted by congress pro
861. Finder return to Gray Bros.' vidlng for government ofned em
grocery and receive liberal reward. ; busies nnd legations in order to re-
Tou can't burn slate and gravel! Hove the diplomats of the enormous
Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry, expense of rent, an item that in some
Main 173. for e'eun screened Rock cases equals or exceeds their salaries.
Springs coat cither lump or nut. It Congress limited tho cost of any
turns clean and goes further. embassy or legation to $150,000. State
Lost Saturday evening on Main department officials believe that this
street, lady's watch, 0-slze, on Let will be Inadequate to afford abode in
cr Buck ob; letters C. E. en- Keeping with tho dignity 'of tho nu-
graved on case. Liberal reward for tlon, especially in the larger capitals,
return to N. P. ticket office. where, it is believed, an appruprl-
Frult Tract to Trade Twenty-acre lltkm of 2iiO,000 or $300,000 will be
tract, two and a halt miles from Her- f,eJJ.
umi tnc Jl&u.uuo limitation, it Is
thought, the policy of erecting or pur.
chasing buildings can be inaugurated
in some of tho small Central or
South American countries. The esti
mates will bo submitted to congress
at its next session.
j Try
Rose Cream;
Sun Burn
If you wish to be
of those blemishes
en allkm; i:s PI A X 1ST
The Drag Store That Serves
you Best.
C. Putnam of Hood River Is regist
ered at the Bowman.
Cress Sturgis has returned to Seat
tle to reenter the University of Wash
ington. C. E. Bradburln of Duncan was
among tho out-of-town people in the
city yesterday.
H. W. Shafer was down from his
home at Duncan 7esterday and spent
tho night here.
Mrs. Eva Warner and Miss Nell Tii
lotson of Freewater were visitors In
the city yesterday.
Asa B. Thomson of Echo, was a
passenger on the motor car from that
place this forenoon.
Miss Helen Hart has accepted the
position of stenographer tn the office
of the county clerk.
Charles R. Cahoon, formerly a con
tractor of this city but now of Port
land, id here visiting old friends.
R. J. Slater is' In attendance upon
the Portland session of the United
States circuit court of appeals.
Misses Blanche Badley and Gladys
Hamley left Sunday for Seattle, wnere
they will enter the LTniversity tf Wash
ington. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams today
returned to the.r ranch home near
Ukiah, after spending Round-Up
week In the city.
Mifses Lou and Ruth Wise returned
last week from their summer vacation
to re-nme their duties at the Pendle
ton high school.
C. E Baker, of Hermlston and who
formerly conducted the Hermlston
Herald, is here today having been
called for Jury duty.
Dale Chessman, who finished the
Pendleton high school last June, is
among the freshmen a,t the University
of Oregon this year.
A. C. Sanker and daughter of Bel
lingham. Wash., were guests at the
homes of N. D. and T. B. Swearingen
'luring the Round-Up.
Miss Mary Hargrove, Miss Mary
Suhl and Lester Hurst were among
the new students at the business col
lege yesterday morning.
Tom Boylen, Jr. crack high school
athlete for the past few years, left
yesterday for Eugene, where he will
enter the University of Oregon.
Richard (Dude) Devlne, the crack
high school football and track athlete,
left Sunday for Seattle where he will
enter the University of Washington.
W. W. Chessman, who visited -is
son. Merle R. Chessman, during the
Kound-l'p, left ye-terday evening on
a business trip to La Grande and to
points east.
John P. Winter, who returned home
from Minnesota on Friday, Is in Port
land to argue a case Defore the Unit
ed States circuit court of appeals,
which convened In that city Monday.
Iee Teutch, of the firm of Teuleh
& Bickers, U on the road to recovery
after a siege of illness lasting over
eight weeks, and which has reduced
his weight by half a hundred pounds.
Miss Louise Shilkey, of Baker City,
and Mrs. L. Rumilnrd, of La Grande,
have returned to their respective
homes after spending Round-Up week
In Pendleton, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter O'Sulllvan.
Marion Jack, well known Adams
farmer and who recently purchased
the Jamt-'s Crawford residence on the
north side of the river, has moved
his family Into tliclr new home. Tho
Crawford family Is now occupying a
suit of rooms in the Smith-Crawford
Miss Margaret Lower! left for Burns
'ii Harny county on Friday, to visit
her cousin, Helen Purington. Siie
makes the 200-mile journey by auto
as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
McKinney, who have been in Pendle
ton visiting their son, Will C. McKin
ney of the American National bank.
C'oiiplo or Animals Killed With Bul
lets and Knife; Other Goes Over
Doyle, Calif. Captain Dewitt, one
of Lasson county's prosperous farm
ers, in company with W. C. Clark,
while hunting about ten miles from
Doyle station, unexpectedly came up
on three grizzly bears while crawling
through, the brush.
The largest bear, mouth open, ad
vanced erect upon the men and the
other animals followed likewise.
Dewitt aimed at the foremost ani
mal towering some eight feet upright
but only wounded it. The three men
ran, with the animals after them. The
thick brush hampered the animals and
both men fired simultaneously seventy
feet away. The shots brought two of
the beasts to a stand, one dead and
the others, wounded.
A battle followed near the top of a
precipice, where one bear, fell to the
bottom, some 200 feet, and the last
was dispatched with a knife in the
hands of Clark.
Parmer Takes Family for an Outing
Behind 96 Oxen.
Mlddletown, Conn. John Cava
naugh, a farmer, decided to take his
family to the Grange Fair at Had-
dam Neck in style. He owns ten
yoke of oxen himself and by borrow
ing from his neighbors collected forty-eight
yoke, r ninety-six oxen.
With these attached to a gayly decor
ated car he made the trip, covering
the distance of about twenty miles in
five hours. The services of twelve
drivers were needed to guide the ani
mals. On his arrival at the fair grounds
Cavanaugh found that he and his cat
tle attracted more attention than any
other exhibit.
Cavanaugh's family of nine young
sters enjoyed the trip very much. His
wife said afterward that the only dis
agreeable feature was the dust kicked
up by the animals.
Woman Loses Life as Building
Swept Away; Man is Drowned.
Pittsburg. In a cloudburst and
storm that swept over Western Penn
sylvania, Mrs. Rebecca J. Hinkle, fifty-nine
years old, lost her life when
the Seeds building at Tyrone was swept
away by the flood that followed the
John Scudder was drowned near the
same place while trying to save his
stock when water got to his barn.
Ten persons were shocked when a
bolt of lightning struck the barn of
George Toung at Belmont where they
had stopped for shelter from the
New Showing of
Ladies and Misses
Come and See them
New Silk Waists at $3.00
Come in black and white and navy and white stripes.
Peasant style at $3.00 each.
Come and see these extra values.
$8 and $10 Silk Waists for $4.95
These come in Persian and plaids, silks and plain net.
regular values up to $10.00 on sale at $4.95
Wohlenbsrg Dept. Store
man taken a few days ago. He is an
expert, Mr. Davis says "in Imitating
the calls of wild anim.ifs, showing he
has preserved the wiles of the savage
to allure wild game to him."'
The Yana tribe, according to Indian
bureau records, always was a small
tribe and of a distinct linguistic fam
ily. In 1864 neighboring California
miners, annoyed at some depreda
tions,, massocred all but fiftyoftao
tions, massacred all but fifty of the
whole tribe, which then numbered
about 3000. In 1902 only :x or seven
Money to Loan.
Five thousand dollars to loan by th
City of Pendleton on approved real
estate security.
Finance Committee.
If eo.ng east, or west, or south,
have tickets routed Northern Pacific
Ry. Close connections at Pasco with
a!l through trains. W. Adams, agent,
Read the want ads.
I one Survivor of Once Powerful Race
of Red Men Captured.
Washington. Uncle Sam is figur
ing on what he shall do with the lone
survivor of the Yana tribe of Indians
who was captured near Oroville, Cal.,
recently. A report was received from
Charles L. Davis, nqe of the agents
of the bureau, in which he recom
mended that the lone Yana be cared
for by some member of an allied tribe, j
This, it was stated, probablv would I
be the course adopted.
"After a year or two." said Mr. Dav
is, "he doubtb ss would be able to look
after himself, become a member of
the band an.l live as they do."
Mr. Davis reported that the Indian
was be.ng well treated by the Univer
sity of California authorities, who now
have him in harge.
The lone Yana. Mr. Davis believes,
Is the last tf a group of four or five
Indians who for years past had lived
in the practically Inaceeslble haunts of
canyons along the Feather river.
Several years ago a party of sur
veyors, the report add. evidently drove
them from their seclusion, and in the
attempt to find another hiding place
all of them perished except the old
"The Purest Butter Known."
'yT- . XI
ClileHRonn Would Iteut Record of Man
; Wlii Played for 30 Straight Hour!.
J : New York. James Welsh, tho mu-
slcal marathoncr, is tuning up for an-
' oilier race.
J i Last Eaater Welsh walloped tho pl-
ano at tho Rising Sun Social Club,
5237 Germaiitown avenue, for over
a thirty consecutive hours. Thereby
, Welsh won tho long-distance musical
? championship.
Now comes a fellow from out of tho
West, one Lawrenco Ryan of Chicago,
who is also long-winded on tho wey
lioard. Ho wants to fight Walsh a
duel of music.
Walsh says he'll leave -the fellow
fro Chicago so far behind that he
won't bo ablo to overtake him with
three comic opera scores and a Hun
garian rhapsody. And tho Rising Sun
Social regulars are backing their king
of the Ivories. .
. v Si 4 r
l7 VV'VVfK - V??rc..;l
Ats- ZSi
r 8 " M " '1 v -N.1 ilia l 4 r
Another Way to Get the
Rogers' Silver Teaspoons:
While it could not be expected that every user of Blanchard
Butter and Blanchard Etriis would quickly secure a free set
of the silver teaspoons, we feel that those who have been sav
ing the coupons but have not yet received all the letters com
prised in the word "Blanchard," should be encouraged, there
fore, we will accept
25 Coupons (any letters) and 60c in Stamps,
Money Order or Gash
and deliver you a full set of sLs silver teaspoons, Arbutus de
siirn, stamped with the mark ''Win. Rotors and Son, A. A."
(The COc covers our expense of advertising, wrapping and
postage on each gift of spoons.) Save the coupons.
Watch For
Scene from "The Sunny Side of Broadway," tt Oregon Theater Satur
day night. ,
in a Few Days
Save Your Money and
Buy Right
Nuff sed 'till you see us
IVorkingmen's Clothing