..V. i 1'-. wmrwK-- -w' -ivi - ! " . p- - r.t;r. hi r 1AILY EAST OREOONIAN, rENPLETON, OltEOON. TUESDAY,. SEPTEMBER 10, 1011. Eltiira PAUE .1. AX UNJUST KNOCK. AN INDKrKXPKXT XEWSi'AVKB. rfclif.l'f.i Pally and Setul Wfokly at Vta- dii'iou, Oregon, by tlie IAST OKKtiOMAN 1LULISU1XQ 0O- Sl lSSCIUrTlON KATES. rH, one year. Dy mall $5.00 lu), mx in.uths, by mall 2. AO DU.y, tlnee mouths, by mall 1.25 one month, by mail 50 Illy, one year, by carrier T.50 lily, bii mouths, by carrier 8.75 laliy, three mouths, by carrier 1.V9 ttI. one month, by carrier 65 MaJ Weekiv, one year, by mall 1.50 -!-YvklT, six mouths, by mall 75 rJ-Weekly, (our mouths, by mall... .50 Tb fallv East Oregonlan U sept os ssl . the Oresron Xvwa Co., 329 Morrtsoa niret. Portland. Oregon. Northwest Newt Co.. rortland. Oregon. Chicago Hureau, 909 Security Halldinc. Wmhlupton, U. C, Bureau, 501 Four traU street, X. W. Member United Press Ancx-fatlon. Entered at the poatofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, aa second class mall matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. WUF.UE DKEAMS COMK Tlil'Ev I. Roses in Life's winter blos soms in the de' In that brighter country "where the dreams come true." II. Angels from high windows wav- in' hands to you. In that far, .fair country "where the dreams come true." III. And sorrow fades forever, with stormless stars in view. In that living country "where the dreams come true!" Frank I Stanton. Some one in Walla Wallu is either ignorant of conditions in Pendleton i during the Round-Up or else has taken nn envious knock at this city. In a story concerning accommodations in Walla Walla during the fair that is now on the Morning Union said "No such conditions as prevailed in Pen dleton nt the Round-Up whore hun dreds walked the streets or slept in ill provised beds are desired here." It is not truo that hundreds of peo rle walked the streets of Pendleton because they could not secure accom modations. Though the city handled over 10.000 outside guests so elabor ate were the preparations for their ac commodation that there were beds left each night. No one had to go with out sleep from necessity. The ac commodation headquarters, with avail able rooms, was in plain sight of all visitors. It strangers failed to go to headquarters to secure accommoda tions the fault was with them, not with the city. Pendleton, is well able to care for enormous crowds and this fact has been proven on many occasions. Pen dleton has more hotels and restaur ants than has Walla Walla a town i larger in population and at times like the Round-Up the people are ready to throw their homes open to ' the visitors and do so. ' Don't boost yourselves, gentlemen, by knocking Pcr.J'.ctor.. steamboats or in yUices of public re sort. Reign of terror In Arkansas. 1573 Failure of Jay Cooke and Company. 1574 Forty young girls perished in the burning of a cotton mill at Fall River, Mass. 1899 Captain Dreyfus, of the French army, pardoned. 1901 Funeral of President Mc Kinley at Canton, Ohio. Great military review at Rhelms, France, attended by the Czar and President Loubet. 1901 Russians attempted to re capture Etsechan fort, without suc cess. Sour milk declared by Trofessor Metchnikoff to be nearest approach to elixir of life. MY BKOTIIF.ll Kl. r Children Cry for FSetcher's i k Hi 4 7 . aivl has lrcn n: r , eonal supervisit: li3V3f Wv.' Allow no no to RAISE T11EM HEBE. AX IMPORTANT SUBJECT. j A cartoon in the Journal of Septem , ter 18 Illustrates a condition that ex ' ists in Oregon but which should not ; exist. It represents the people of Oregon handing $0,000,000 each year to the farmers of Nebraska for hogs while the Oregon hog growing Indus j try languishes from lack of proper rUentlon. Th're are good possibilities open to I 'the farmers of eastern Oregon along My brother Ed is deaf and dumb; but goodness! he is bright Why, he can figure any sum when he is feel.ng right. And quick of thought. Why, honest ly, he thinks before he speaks, And oftentimes he thinks ahead for half a dozen weeks. One day while it was raining Edward ambled down the street; Each man he saw had turned his trousers up above his feet. Now Edward's pants were much too ihort lvs pants were num ber threes And should he turn 'em up why, they would -ome above his knoes. And so, while he could not contrive to double up his clothes. He laughted nt h's predicament, and then turned up his nose. woods a grizzley bear What could he do. He couldn't shout and scare the bear away. And as the night was early, well, he couldn't wait for day. "A noise, a shout," be softly thought. "My kingdom ror a shout!" But that was all the good it did; he couldn't get it out. j And then a thought occurred to him j that knocked him off his pins.! And over bigs and rocks he fell ami : loudly barked h!s shins. The ICnd Yon Have AVivays lionet, aal wlik-Ii Juts Ioen fit rso Joi? over CO yean, Itas tiovno the KijTiuiiLro ot anl has lren maue imuci l:;s pcr- lou biiu'c IU ir.fa.ioy. Allow no no to deceive you I:i Ibis, Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-aH-ood nro but Experiments tLat ttifio witli and cat anor tlio liealt'i of luluntA and Childi'en Uxptrlenco agalust Experiment. What is CASTOR! A Cnstorlu is a harmless substitute for 'Custov Oil, Tarc joi'lo, Drtps and Soothing Syrups It la Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphi::o nor titer Xareotlo eubstaneo. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms v.-Ad allays Feverish ness. It cures Dlarrhwa and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and rialule'wy. It assimilates tho Food, rejftdates tho Stomaeli ai.ii tioels, giving1 healthy and natural sleep. Tlio Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GEHUINE G ASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature of Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. T7 Mt.RY 8TBCCT, NEW YORK CITY, WELL Sl TPLim. :thl.s line. It is not necessary for far- At the Commercial club rooms a meTS to sell their wheat as a cereal meeting will be held this evening for the purpose of considering the propo sition of having the people vote thirf winter upon the commission form of government for Pendleton. a 'H rften sell it at unsatisfactory price.-:. Wheat may be fed to hogs at a ;ircflt. It is also declared by men who should know that field peas may be raised on the summer fallow lands It is a live question and one that in Umatilla county and the crop hog is now being discussed in almost every ged off early in the summer in suf ctty. large or small, in the country. : fjcient time' to permit of summer fal Scores of municipalieies have already j lowing the land. In other words a adopted the plan and it is found to j crop of field peas may be raised and w-ork weU in every town where it has ftj to hogs without diminishing the bfn adopted. chances for a successful wheat crop This is but natural because the .the following summer. of course the barking scared the bear A ung woman of Baltimore who which turned his tail and fled, j cent,y "''"f,-1 "P"" the happy state v,u- i. . i . . .... ,, knows so little about housekeeping Which also helps to turn this tale , v. , . t ., . , . ,. , that she shudders lest the butcher and which helped my brother U.d. . , . LllLeQ CI IIUU ill OH II x- 1 t 11- i.tv- " Hotel St. George Bar GEO. DARVEAU, Troprlotor Pendleton's Popular Oentle mns Resort. ' Anheuser-Busch's famous BUD7EISER Examiner. TODAY'S UIIITHDAY SKETCH. discover her ignorance. She orders only articles with which she has some acquaintance, and ends her business interviews as quickly as possible. On one occasion this young wife v ,. , ... , , was feeling rather puffed up by rea- New York City, Attorney General of " r , j . t- . , . i -f... . son of some newly acquired knowledge t ic United elates. Is fifty-three years .... . ,, . . , c. . i . ui i links iiv.iiivf.iit, n iicii lii-3 naiiiiiuii He was born September l , . mt t ' IHIIV llll UUII DV1WI, Ul-lllll 1113 iiiuial cry: "Ash-ees! Ash-ees!" - old today. commission plan i- a real improve- Why not raise more hogs in this rnent over the old system. The com- s'.ate? Why spend $5,ono,000 annual- mission plan of government places ; ly with Nebraska farmers for hogs? city government upon a businesslike basis. It concentrates responsibility, it eliminates ward politics and it pro vides for paying public servants reas onable salaries for the work they do. It looks to bringing more capable men out for office and in a general way is A move for efficiency. How the commission plan of gov ernment will appeal to Pendleton re-iti-iins to be seen. It is apparent how erer that there is a strong sentiment among prominent men in favor of the commission idea. This sentiment is especially prevalent among those who have had opportunity to observe the shortcomings and the weaknesses of the plfn now in use. It is the prediction of this paper that if a commission charter is ad opted with proper care and with a view to meeting local conditions a they actually exist that the plan will be adopted by the people. Pendleton is a progressive little city at.d the people are not afraid to take a forward step when they see that the way 1 clear and sr.fo. Donald Fitz Gerald is in trouble in Spokane and th!s brings certain fel lows to again misrepresent his connec tk n with the Washington-Pregon traction company and with local peo ple who tried to assist that company tu bring a new power supply to Pen dleton and to build interurban lines out of this city. Samuel Drumheller and associates were the parties back of the Washington-Oregon company and they are still busy with Jheir en terprise. Apparently some people here are yet fearful they will succeed with their scheme. How terrible it would be should the electric trust have a rival in the local field! It might then have to reduce lighting rates downwards Instead of upwards. department of the University of Pen nsylvania in 18S0. receiving the de gree of Li.. B. in 1UU1 that university i As the man neared her window she conferred upon him the honorary de- j rew more and more perplexed. "What gree of master of arts. Previous to r. earth Is he saying?" she asked her graduation he had been admitted to J the Philadelphia bar ana practise., there until 18S2, when he moved to New York City, and in 1S83, entered the old-established law firm of Strong & Cadwalader. He was ad mitted four years later, to a partner ship In the firm, which connection lie terminated upon becoming Attorney General, to which position he was ap pointed, March 5, 1009. Mr. Wickersham has had extensive dealings with corporations and some criticism was made of his appoint ment at the time because of that fact, but some of the government's most important cases against the so-called trusts have been won since he became head of the Department of Justice. self. At last he appeared at the back door, and there she confronted him. "Ash-ees?" came in a husky guttur al voice. For a moment she looked at him hesitatingly. Then, drawing herself up with great dignity, she replied; "Xo, I do not care for any today." August Lipplncott's. Passengers to Portland can save money and at the same time have aa enjoyable river ride by . taking boat from The Dalles. Str. Bailey Gatsert leaves dally, except Friday and Sun day at S-.SO p. m., arrives In Port land 9:20. Fare Si. 00. Read the want ads. With so many good buckaroos to pick from it was hard for the broncho busting judges to choose the winners and they had to do the best they could. "Angels could do no more." WOl I.ll I5E GOOD KIDDAXCE. To grant Independence to the Phil ippines i.s the object of a resolution fathered by Judge Cyrus Cllne of In diana and which Speaker Champ Clark says will very likely pass the bxuse this winter. Under the plan proposed by the resolution the Fllipplnos will be Allowed to ele' t the upper branch of j their. legislature in 1S15 and to adopt a constitution in 1017 the same to If- approved by the United States. By Jiry 1020 the United States will for mally withdraw suverignty over the island and permit the people to es tablish an independent representative gOTernment. Whether or not the Cllne resolution will succeed in passing the senate re mains to be seen. It seems doubtful of passage as long as there Is a re publics n majority in the senate. Nor h it likely President Taft would ap prove of a bill granting Independence to the I'hllllplnes. Put In the event of the tlectlon of a democratic presl dent it would not be surprising should och action be taken Beyond question there Is a power ful sentiment throughout the country ! favor of Philippine Independence. Many favor granting Independence to the islands not because American overignty is unjust to the Flilpplnoi feat because it is expensive and dan- gerous from an American standpoint Taft is defending the supreme court However In the minds of many the president himself is more in need of defenders than is the court. The supreme Judges are not running for re-election. An exhibit at the O.-W. R. & N. depot should have been provided long ago. Perhaps such an exhibit will now become possible since the Com mercial club has secured some very good specimens for exhibit purposes. SECRETS Or SUCCESS. "What Is the secret of success " asked the sphinx. "Push," said the button. "Take pains," said the window. "Never be lead." said the pencil. "Always keep cool," said the Ice. "Be up to date," said the calendar. "Never lose your head sa.d the bar rel. "Do a driving business," said the hammer. "Aspire to greater things," said the nutmeg. "Make light of everything," said the fire. "Make much of small things," said the microscope. "Never do anything off-hand," said the glove. "Spend much t-me In reflection," said the mirror. "Do the work you are suited for." sabl the flue. I "Be sharjj In all your dealing," said the knife. "Find a good thing and stick to it," said glue. "Strive to make a good impression," said the seal. Christaln Standard. KEITEMISEK 19 IN HISTORY. 1665 Number cf deaths by plague In London for the week ending on this day was reported to be 10,000, the greatest weekly mortality reported during the scourge. 1S04 Mr. Dearborn, son of tho Sec retary of War, left for Algiers with presents for the ruler of that country 1829 Colonel Trumbell, the artist, recommended the application of bees wax to the backs of the pictures in the Capitol at Washington to preserve them. 1851 Battle of Camargo, between the forcen of the Mexican government and those of Carvajal, in which the latter were victorious. 1852 Great Inundation in the val leys of the Rhine and the Rhone. 1855 K terrible gale swept Lake Porgne and the Gulf coast, causing loss of life and great destruction of property at Pass Christian, Mississippi City, Biloxl and other poinu in the vicinity. 1864 General Sherman defeated the Confederate forces under Brcck- enrldge and Early at Bunker Hill, in the Shenandoah Valley, capturing 8, 000 prisoner. 1869 The Louisiana senate passed the Ho jse bill, prohibiting any per sonal distinctions in railroad cars, Increased school attendance is an other proof of Portland's large and steady growth. No one's education Is complete if he has not learned to save his hardearned dollars. How many times In your life have you wished you had the money you knew you had thrown away foolishly. Dollars planted In the bank are like seed planted In the ground; they grow. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal Interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent, coin P'Mtr dod semi-annually. The American National Bank PEXDLETOX. OREGON. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of th Celebrated TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. nOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of East ern Oregon. Sample B lankets . We have a full lino of drummers sample blankets, cotton and wool. These blankets nro slightly soiled, but at the price vc sell them you can well afford to get them washed. If you want to get your choice come soon. HUB The Drummers Sample Store Between Taylor Hardware and Pendleton Drug Co. PENDLETON, OREGON. THE on draught, 5C glass Electrlo Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. OPKN PAY AND NIGHT FIRST-CLASS SKRVICE TFe Quelle Cafe and Oyster House Meals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK., 628 MAIN STREET Get There Quick rbon Red 3961 for the AUTO CAB Twenty-five cent fare to any part of the city. Special rates for out of town trips. HF.ST BEKVICE IN TOWN. Stand at H Main St The Pendleton Drug Co. Is In business for "Your Good Health" HEM EMBER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE METMCINE8 ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Opens Sept. 14? Boarding and Day School for Girls. Primary, Intermediate, Ac ademic Special and Tost Gradunto Courses. Depart ments of Music, Expression and Art. PERSONAL ATTENTION REFINING INFLUENCES THOROUGH WORK Nettie M. Galbraith Principal WALTjA WALLA, WASH. Off zs, fJWg-& 14-