EVENING EDiTIOli - EVENING EDITION wmnut IIEPOIIT. Fair tonight, and Wed nesday. Catling card. wed ding atat'onery, orn merclal slAtlonsry aria Job printing to rdr at the East Oroulan. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL. Hi PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTOIiEIl 19, 1911. NO. 7221 . &?' 1111 FACES HEY PANIC Musi Settle Moroccan Dispute In One Week .Say French financiers. GERMAN HANKERS ADMIT THEIR DANGEROUS STATE S. kirjMnt Morgan Would Put Up CaJi to Avert Chaos it Government Agrees to Aitvpt French JYopoMils "In Moroevau Situation. Paris. Kept. J 9. Unless G.ermany ettles her French difference before Six o'clock next Tuesday she will bo forced Into a tight finapolal corner. ' This decision was reached alter an all night session by a group of French financiers, presided over by Baron Rothchlld, at Frankfort, acting In be half of German bunkers who are bad ly scared. Judge Killed. German four per cent bonds to the I ;nlencla, Spain, Sept. 19. A mu extcnt of 200,000.009 marks are du ! nk',paI Ju,,Re a," his clerk were killed Monday. Most of these are hold iu I nn(1, flv"? otnrr Iersons were wound France, where they had been placed I in th',' ,,nu"l';Pl building which tv German banks, which n.lmlt thev I was necked during the rioting at Ru- , ..,,,,. , i The latest Merman note, which ar- ! rived here today la said to be conslll atory. If the notes are not taken up It would throw Germany into financial chaos. It Is rumored that J. P. Morgan, the American money king, has agreed to furnish the necessity money to avert a possible panUV In German fi nancial circles provided the German .government accepts Huron Roths child's ultimatum, In regard to Ger many's acceptance of the French nolo on terms In the Moroccan dispute. PUBLIC PAYS TRUST TUBE PROSECUTED I both. New York, Sept. 19. How the ! The company manufacturers prac-m-.iiey trust makes the consumer tcay mach,nc" usl(1 ,n tha r "pny the freight" for fines levied up- j dUct 'm f h"e whk h U lenflpJ nut on it by the government when it w!"M' T , hnemen- 6vcs Art. I . . - . 1 w tv ii-u iii L'uitujinfl uautis anu oiner teals, was set forth today by sugar . brokers, ., 5 4J j They said the trust' profits for the ; coming year, following the arbitrary, raise from J.t 75 per hundred pounds, to $7.25, will net the corporation 140.000,000. if Much of this will be used to vlpo' out the deficit ill the trust's reserve. ! Which was caused by governmont j piisecutlons and subsequent fines. - j New York. Sept. 19. Somo aston- Welsi iCjrity Is Twenty. Ishing diplomatic and political history Augusta, Mntrlff, Sept. 19. The ( U revealed J'oro today in a boom for -ets" won by a majority of twenty ; Dr. Hill, former Amel'll-'iU1 ambassa '"Mc, according to complete official dor for Germany for tfly republican returns. T'10 election repeals a con- Btitutionnl amendment, which made i- 11. ..in. Itlnnf il I me saie ui iiirongnoui the state. ' -.i ' GRAND JURY CONSTOERS CASES OF SEATTLE MEN. ! Renttlo, Sept. 19. Before the grand Jury today at Tacoma, the case against nlno Seattle men, charged with "con ap'raey to obstruct Justice," as a re sult of Judge Hanford's injunction in the street car fight, will bo presented for consideration and action. It Is believed thnt all or nt least a majority of the nine will be Indicted. Floxt for Ground Rroaklng. Washington, D. C, Sept. 19. The navy department today is In receipt of directions from President Taft to hold i . ,-, . . r. I the Taclflc fleet at San Francisco un til after the fair, ground breaking ceremonies are over. . Rank Wrecker Pnrolcd. Washington, ' D. C, Sept. 19. A statement was made here today that John Walsh, the Chicago bank wreck er will be paroled at Fort Leaven worth this week. Walsh's prison rec ord Is excellent. He will return to his family. Rogers Resumes Tomorrow. Mlddloton, N. T., Sept. 19. Avla toi Rogers will resume his transconti nental flight tomorrow. MARTIAL LAW FOR VIENNA Vienna. Sept. 19. For the first time since the revolution 1849, martial law was de clared here today as a result of tho riots due to the high cost of living. Following the riots Inst night. In which one was killed and one hundred wounded, one hundred and seventy-five arrests were made by the police. SPAIN IS RENT BY RIOTING AND GENERAL STRIKE Entire Nation Under Martial Law Revolution Js Threatened Madrid, Sept. 19 Owing; to contin uous rioting. In wh--ch railroad tracks have been destroyed and bridges dyn amited, probably by anarchists who are using the strikes to shield their activities, all constitutional guarantee were suspended today and nation-wide martial law declared. The strike situation throughout the kingdom Is assuming alarming pro portions and some think it foreshad ows concerted efforts at revolution by the labor unions. v Retaliating the laborlte today voted a general strike, which will be declar ed soon. The revolutionists are ad vocating a general uprising. ect, twenty miles from here today. The troops dispersed the strikers. SHOE HUH! TRUST Boston. Sept. 19. Holding that six men, prominent in the management of the United Shoe Machinery company are criminally liable, as individual under the anti-trust law, and alleging the Illegal monopolization of Interstate 'commerce In shoe machinery, the ' federal grand Jury returned two in ! dlrtnieius iignir.st thorn today. - They are James Storrow, president: J. Hurd, E. P. Howe. William Bar bour and G. W. Browne. The penalty , Is a heavy fine or imprisonment i them virtual control of the shoo busi ness. STEEL 111 AGNATE BUYS nomination for governor of New York) 1 next tall. It is alleged tho suberna- I, , , i ' '.. . . . . terial noiiilnntioil su promised mil i I as sop for his Klnoval. It is said the I republicans heeded money for the 1912 (campaign, so it was necessary to give , Eelnhmann, the steel magnate, the i Berlin post In order that republican finances might bo helped. Hill made a good ambassador. Wild West Performers Ixmvlng. The city is rapidly losing its fron tier aspect as tho nest of cowboys here for the Hound-Up are leaving for their homes on the ranges and the ranches. "Hurfalo" Vernon, champion of all bulldoKgers, will leave tomor row for Spokane where be will g.ve an exhibition of fancy roping at the Interstate fair and will tnen go on to Lewlston for a similar performance, r,,1l.,.'.- ...1.I..1. V.A . 1 1 1 l.r,o.l . 1 . , following which he will board the, train for New York to begin an en gagement. Jason Stanley, J. E. Bris coe and the two piincetts have al ready departed, as have tho nraporlty of the broncho busters. John Spain, champion rider and stage coach driv er, his brother, Fred Spain, Hank Mc Orath and others of the party, left with their string of horses, including tho notorious "Hot Foot" today, somo of them going over tno mountains to the Spain ranch in Umatilla county mid others to Walla Walla for the fall. Platsoeder is Sned Acaln. William Slushor, the well known sheepman, has commenced suit against the Farmers' Meat company recently closed by attachment to re cover a balance of J293.27 for live stock and meats alleged to have been furnished to the defendant company. Raloy & Raley are attorneys for Mr. Slusher. Two ANsatiltera Arreated. C. Montgomery, a waiter formerly employed In the Boston restaurant, and who was arrested for hitting tho Chinese cook over the head with a plate, is In the county Jail, charged with assault, while William Plcard Is facing a similar charge, but is out under $100 ball for assaulttng his wife ASSASSIN'S KIN ARRESTED Russian Authorities Use "Third 0egree"onRelatives to Solve Stolypln Murder. RELIEVE ROGROEF IS AN AGENT OF JEWS AND FINNS. Prisoner Relieved on Verge of Break down and May Reveal Plot Asnijist fJoverimiont .J-ws, Maw-acre I Fcar' and Troop Held Ready. Kiev, Russia, Sept, 19 Unable to learn who is behind Dlmitri Bogroff. the lawyer who asspssinated Premier Stolp n while the latter was seated In a theater with Czar Nicholas, gov- ernment officials are today looking up ana p.ncing under arrest every known ..Intf.-n M . V . 1 . . relative of the prisoner in every part of the country. In an effort to learn , who or what is responsible tor murder, the authorities are : putting the assassin's relatives through stro- I Weir's affidavit states that Har nuous sessions 0f the "third degree," ! rington refused to answer questions but as yet they have not given out bearing tin charges, made by the pros- nny information that they may have secured by this method. The police believe thnt the murder- er was the agent of a coalition of Jewlsh and Finnish opponents of the late premier. It has been reported tli it Pnsroff may confess before many hours. He is said to be showing signs of weak- a jn I ranrico lodging house keep ening and it Is believed that a deep .'' fr'1!l1 California during the Mc lald plot against the government may -N"amarn trial, bo revealed when he is f.nally forced i til toll nil In innnnr,tf.n i.-ttl. V. ... ! ... ..... . ... ..it, ,,iiu ii s 411- tack on Stolyphin. Several thou -and of trooim are now ond duty and are being held in readi ness in anticipation of anti-Jew !rh riots and massacres which It U believ ed will develop out of the assnsslna t'on. L RELEASED ON BONO j diplomas as well as premiums and r.b j bona was just inaugurated at the fair Mabel Yonnir Wnrner nii,.,ri .-.ir- ! -lust closed and will undoubtedly prove er of wills and who was indicted on a ; charge of fargery last week by the grand jury, yesterday afternoon plead-; N Jlcilahon was awarded the oil not guilty to the charge and is now, 'IM'loma for the best ana largest dis at liberty under $250a bonds, furnish-: I'1'' of frul'.a grown by the exhibitor, ed by AVilliam Roesih and Herman!1-. Berry for Jhe best and largest Puhl. Her case has not been set for j ,isl''ay of sheaf oats grown by the trial yet but it will come up at the present session. The "will" under which Mrs. War ner was ind.cted was the fourth one and was slcned by S V. Knox and Lewis Ragle as witne ses. it was once declared valid by Circuit Judge, now Mipreme Judge Henry J. Bean, but was laler hdd to be a forgery by the ! supremo court of the state. Attorney R. n. Johnson has been ret.Vnoa f':"'' rrR- Warner, Tailor f .ri'idoj. Walla Walla, W-.sh.. Sept 19,-. Lingering nt death's door for several hours nfior the trauody. attending phy sicians doing everything possible to save his life, Fred II. Dr.ftmoyer, the local tailor who fired a bullet into his brnln about 10 o'clock yesterday morning In a fit of despondency, died from the effects of the wound about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. ORGIES OE INDIANS AND FEDERAL AND CITY As the result of the activities of federal officers in the city during the past few days, the police court has been an unusually busy place. Sev eral Indians and several negroes have been arrested on various charges and they have all been brought before Judge Fitzgerald. On last Sunday night the officers raided the house owned by Elmer Scarcey, a negro, on Cottonwood street, and came upon several of the Inmates while they were smoking opium. Searcy, together with Alice Thomas and Nell Dcmpsey, two Spo kane negro women, were arrested and charged with keeping an opium den and the two latter were convicted af ter a t-'al last evening. The man pleaded act guilty and will stand trial later. Plenty of Evidence. The two women loudly protested their Innocence, but the evidence In troduced against them was conclusive. When the room in which they were was entered, It was filled with the thin blue smoke of tne dream drug, although the inmates had Just been burning paper and rags to overcome the telltale odor. Unfortunately for them, an officer looking through a window saw this act and his evidence told aga.nst them at tne trial. DEFENSE ATTf, T - Must Face Charge filed By Foreman Wier of Times Grand Jury, RELEASED ON ROXD UNTIL COURT HEARING Acxnwd of Offering a I'ii-Uie of Five Thoii-aml Hollar for Absence of Witness During Trial of SusKftcd Dynamiters of N"vK)a'K'r Plant. Los Angeles, Sept. 19. Cited for contempt of court, on the strength of nr. Qffl,lrl-it fi,.A V... r'U.. ..1,.. XT-. I- ,.,r.ma ... ,' ,",,,.';!: ing to answer questions, bearing on tne Timrs dynamlUnB John ringt(jnj an attorney who is assoe Har- "llglUII, till tlUUHU-,V WOO 1-1 USSUUiUiea . i.u .i. v , , ! t.LT? iS "" . ' ! 66 fcl1- r.cutinn thrt the prosecution's witness- ' es had been intimidated and tamper- ! e1 with I Foreman Weir says that' Harring- ' t"n refused to answer when asked if t h had promised D. P. Ineersoll ; v."., 0(1 If the latter would procure the "''ence T ins vife. Iena Ingersoll, DISTRICT FAIR ; V.-. M. McMahon, L. L. Rerry and 'ide i-roxs.jii, ail of Milton, the Fur j n sh Ir:-!g.ui(,ri Project .i f Stanfield l and Charles Ogilvy of Pilot Rock, are the first winners of diplomas in for exhibits from the Morrow-Umatilla a.n nil,lo1 ,m-cn,ive 10 farmers over ,wo countIps- ,xn " ,0," Clyde P.rcvsson for a like display of sheaf wheat, the FurnishJ nr. gation rrojeet for the best and largest di-play of vegetables and '-"l.r'fs Ogilvy for the best and larg e. t display of farm products grown by the exhibitor. The latter exhibit was one Of the best in the nnvliinn ,,rov n" ns 11 d'd the great diversity of products which can be grown on i'ce piece or ground-, " - 1 - Fouler to Ecrimcnt. Colfax. Calif., -pp, i9.Avlator FowUr ;,! tomorrow make a trial fKal.t Iu his rebuilt aeroplane and will piohalMy resume liU continental flight Thursday. FK Prevents Flight. Corning. X. v.. Sept. 19. A heavy fog prevented Aviator Ward from re suming his transcontinental flight to day. NEGROES GIVE OFFICIALS BUSY TIME Tho women also sought to intro duce a mysterious aasent woman in the ense as the woman responsible for the smoke. This woman, they alleged, had taken the 7 o'clock train for Spokane, three hour? before the time of the raid, but such an excuse failed to show why the bowl of an opium Pipe, found hidden in the room, was still warm, and Judge F;tz Gerald pronounced them guilty and sentenced them to pay a $25 fine or spend ten days in Jail. Tho Dcmpsey woman paid the money but the other re fused and is now in the county Jail with a federal charge facing her. When the raid was made. Stella Williams, the notorious squaw, and Charles Borten, a negro, were found occupmg the same room and were given twenty days apiece in Jail for immoral acts and practices. Searcy Is, as a result, facing a charge of keeping a bawdy house as well as an opium den. The Thomas woman also has a charge of Immoral acts and practices booked against her in addi tion to the others. As reported In this paper yesterday, the federal officers have also tar rested Jim Myers, rrank McSwaln Stephen Reuben and Jeff Brishols for selling liquor to Indians and they will be given a hearing this afternoon. IN COB TRUST P ACTING FEDERAL JURIST TO LEAVE BENCH Predicts Elimination of Old Lines, Also Temples of Justice i-nicago, sept. 19. Judue Peter Grosscup, of the United States sircuit court of appeals, today announced his intention of resigning in October and rt-i-uniing his law practice. He was formerly counsel for a num ber of big corporations and since he has been on the bench he has been bitterly attacked by the labor press and there has been much agitation against him. He said his family has counciled him to resign, so he could have more freedom as an individual citizen. He set aside the 129,000,000 fine which was imposed on the Standard Oil company by. Judge Landls. The Judge said: "The world, politi cally, Is trying to catch up with the world so radically changed as to eco nomic . conditions Next year the presidential election will. I believe, be lost on old lines and settlement for the future won't come through the courts but through the court of pub lic opinion. I never expect to hold office again." SENATOR DRISTOW DISAGREES WITH TAUT Dps Moines, Sept. 1 ft. Disagreeing with President Taft's opinion that the nr.ti-trust law does not need amend- . nieiit, i nited Mates Senator Cum today said he believed the law ;.i;nuld be nmfr.d -d u. : supplemented. I' i was surprised to know that the president emphatically opposes any amendment" said Senator Cummins. He continued: "Of course the inter. U.U.IHH .l mi. Micrraan law by the M'Prcme court must be accepted as.VPt',KS hi' 'ate beginners, final. Whether the construction Is' T"" book stores yesterday were sound or-unseund, It will stand as the 1 cr',w to tlle doors by pupil's of ail law laid down." j sizes, hent on purchasing tho nerea- Chargtvl Willi IVrgpry. i Vancouver. Wash.. Sept. 19. James King a well dressed and rather fine appearing young man, who claims to j be prominently related in Buffalo. X. V.. was arrested here today on the charge of uttering a forged check for' io.o'i and securing money and a watch in exchange Tor it. King ap- peirs to be about 21 years old. i I Millionaire. Pitcher Dying. I San Francisco. Sept. 19. Joseph j !-eitz, the millionaire Ditcher r hu; '""S"" -v rraser nasennn fnm ta i. inn- Mt tli.. ivilni .. r .i . " ui uciiui nere today as a resuit o f being struck on the head w th a pitched ball. Aboard President Taft's Special, Sault Ste. Marie, Sept. 19. The first time a president of this countrv ever invaded the upper Michigan peninsu- ! 1 ', occurred today when President j'aft crossed the Straits of Mackinac and started toward Soo. He addressed a crowd on the ferry, which took the train across the straits. For the second time since he start ed his tour, President Taft received a death message, when he was inform ed of Congressman Madison's death. He telegraphed his consolences to tho widow. The deaths have depressed the president. Taoonm" Has maze. Tacoma, Sept. 19. Fire of unknown origin yesterday morn'.ng destroyed the plant of the Calpenham Lumber company nt Kapowrln, Wash., with a loss of $50,000. About 2,000.ono feet of lumber was consumed. DENOUNCES COURT WHEN SENTENCED TO PRISON. Tacoma, Sept. 19. Convicted of kidnapping his ow n son and sentenced to five years in the penltentary, H. G. Herold turned on Judge Clfford in court today after he had failed in a plea for litigation and denounced the court bitterly until he was overpower ed. He said: "You are railroading me to the penitentiary and the prosecu tion has led and misrepresented me." He said the third degree was used to force his confession, previously given. CARTER FUNERAL CERE MONIES IMPRESSIVE. Washington. Sept. 19. Impressive funeral services over the remains of Former Senator Carter were held to day nt St. Paul's Catholic church. Sen ator Bailey, ex-Senator Scott. Attor ney General Galen, of Montana, Judge Hunt of the court of commerce. George Hamilton, Hannis Street and Frank Streetcr were the honorary pall, bearers. PRESIDENT INVADES VIRGIN TERRITORY ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOL HEAVY Superintendant Not Yet Ad vised of Number But Book Saks are Many. HI II.DINGS CROWDED AM) SHIFTING NECESSART. Accomodations at North Side and East End Aro Insufficient to Meet Needs of Those Section of City 13S in High School. "The biggest school opening in the history of Pendleton," is the way tha book stores of the city character! the commencement of the regular fall term yesterday. While Supt. J. 8. Landers has not secured all the fig ure:; of enrollment, because of the dis orfler attendant from changing of pu pils from one school to another, an indications point to the verification nf the above statement, certainlv tha attendance this year will not fall un der that, of last. Because of technical flaws m th- manner of procedure in the vntlnir r bonds for a new high school with an addition to the Lincoln era,!. rhwi building, much shiftng nnout has heen caused by reason of tnere Deng Insuf- i.c eiu accomodations in the North Side sehor-I. "Most of the student. above the fifth grade were sent to the East End school and their arrival crowded the hooms or that school be yond it capacity and a re-transfer of many had to bo mad'? to the West End bu lding. This shifting has prevented the' seviU-:rg of anything like def nite figures on the attendance. The high school begins its term with an attendance of 13 3. which la larger than that of ta-t year, and Principal Hamnton j. . ... j v- v. i j uirti I1UIII ' 1 ' e sweneu wit!i:n the n"xt few sary school equipment. SENTENCED TO PEN - Three and possibly four men will take up their residence in the state penitentiary for an indeterminate length ,,r Ti,no - - mi- icouu ui sea tenees just passed down by Circuit Judge (4. V. Phelps. James Reilly.- who was accused of stealing several suits from the Bow man hotel, pleaded guilty and asked to be sentenced immediately. The judge at once handed down a sentence of from one to seven years. J. O. Wyatt, the man who was dis covered by Deputy Sheriff George Strand just afier he had robbed hi pal of JT50, pleaded guilty to the charge of larceny from a person and drew the same sentence as Reilly. James Sullivan was the third to draw this sente" 'n he pleaded guilty of stealii c .. . ul: from the Bos- lon slore Dr. Patton. the Portland physician who passed bogus checks on the Tall nian Drug company, was given from one to four years but is now making a desperate effort to save himself from prison by getting a parole and It is very possible that he will succeed. N E W TESTIMONY MAY SWE NECK OF PRYCTC. Los Angeles. Sept. 19. The defense of General Pryce who is fighting ex tradition to Mexico on charges of mur der, robbery, and arson scored heavi ly before United States Commissioner Van Dyke today when Silvio Blanco, the first witness, testified that Pryce'a men wem called rebels and that they carried the flag. This matcri.il'y strengthened claims of the defense that the men under Pryce were recognized as organ'zed belligerents. Blanco admitted that he command ed Mexican volunteers at the battle of Tla Juana and said D. Ceuvas. the Tia Juana post master, whom Pryce Is alleged to have killed, was in Blan co's command. Admitting Ceuva's was armed shows that he was a combatant and that hla death was the result of war. not of murder. MARERISTA ARMY MEETS DEFEAT. Roma. Tex.. Sept. 19. Fif- teen were left dead on the field and a score were wounded last night near Camarago, Mexico. when Magonists and Maderistas . clashed. The Magonists whip- ped. There Is great excitement along the border today as a re- suit of the scrap. . THREE PRISONERS