EIGHT PAGES PAGE EIGHT ATJLT KAKt OBXGOMAN, PKNDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1011. NOTICE 9 Up We shall close our store at noon Thursday and Friday, In order to give our clerks and drivers an opportunity to see tho The Round-1 and Incidentally to take it in Ourselves riense leave your orders early as we have extra help to take ;;ire of same. Newsy Notes of Pendleton llonnlston Man to Slurry. , A marriage license was issued this morning to Carl . Vartner and Maida Sheldon, tho former being a resident of lleimlston. I l.xIu Makes Good Showing. Frank Frailer's racing mare, Leo la. is making a good showing at the Salem state fair track. Yesterday she finished third in three straight lu-ats of the 2:25 pacing event on a muddy track. The time was very .-1 .v, owing to the condition of the l curse. STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY INC. WHERE ALL ARE PLEASED. FRANK OGARA, Pres. BERNARD OGARA, Sec-Treas. RUNAWAY BOYS ARE LOCATED HEAR CITY GARRISON Ml'RREIi CASE 1 nEA'EUSEn Wrestler Wants a .Mutoli. John M. Kennedy, a Hermiston wrestler. Is in the city today looking tor a grappler who wants to mee him on the mat. He was amateu champion of Chicago for some time he savs, and knows the tricks of the game. He is being managed by J. L. Thompson, well known athletic en thusiast of the project town. The search for the missing Salem high school boys who ran away from home and were traced to this city by J. R. Chapman, father of one, is all but ende.l. Yesterday Mr. Chapman located l'.fn Minton, who accompan ied hi? son on the trip of adventure, on the ranch of Mose Johnson on the reservation and learned that his son is rut from Walla Walla working on a ranch. He is expected here today or tomorrow to attend the Round-Up. Tho Minton boy says he separated fro.i Vis companion at Oregon City, the -tter coming to eastern Oregon, tshi; he started to China. This no tion, however, dwindled out when he arrived nt Astoria and he, too, came east of the Cascades. On his arrival in Pendleton he again encountered youne Chapman, who, he s.iys, sti! 1 Salem, Or. John Garrison, con victed of murder In the first di'ijreP by the Coos county cirCUlf court for the alleged killine 0f Roy Perkins at llarahfield, was granted new trial by tho supreme court. The higher tri bunal held that the lower court er red in admitting the confession al leged to have been made by Garrison to the officers of Coos county. In September, 1910, the body of Roy Perkins was found in Coos Pay near Marshfield, with a gunshot wound In the head. Garrison made a coniesslon. His attorneys argued objecting to its admission, which was overruled by the . lower court. The attorneys held that Garrison made the confession under great misappre hension of mob violence and under intimidation calculated to inspire hope and fear both. TESTIMONY II Y SIGNS IN MCRDER TRIAL For Owners of Good Dogs. T. S. Grlffeth, president and treas urer of the Spokane Kennel club. whie'li Is to give Us show In connec '.inn with the Snokane Interstate fair October 4. 5. 6 and 7, is in the cit and vants to interest local dog own ers so that they will enter their anl mals for the show. He ha9 left number of premium lists and entry blanks at the East Oregonian office should any one be Interested. Manv Yaas in Jail. The city police force is laKing nu chances this week, but any vislto 10 has a suspicious appearance and can not give sausiueiui? uui-i certain direct questions, finds hlmsei under arrest with a vagrancy charge facing him. Six of these characters were rounded up yesturday, Leo Mc Coy, George Roberts, AUie Hick, H. Lrinelle, Thor Maxwell and waiter Frizier, and each drew five-day sen tences In jail with the exception of the test two who got ten. Somerset, Ky. Testimony by deaf and dump boy, to be given in "had his do?, but which he later sold the sign language for the first time to a farmer near this city. Young in the history of the Kentucky courts Minton secured a Job on the Johnson! will be a feature of the trial of Fount ranch while the Chapman bov went I Helton and James Ellis, charged with on to Walla Wa'.la where he h.is i the murder of Magistrate A. J. Deal sin"e been. Rend 'he want ads. lv and Constable W. F. Heath at ; l urnside, Ky. The boy is alleged to j have seen the killing of the two men FOR THE "ROUND-UP1 For the double purposo of attend ing the Hound-Up and boosting the Spokane Interstate Fair? the advance guard of the Spokane junket party arrived in Pendleton in a special car this morning. The special train con taining 75 or 80 of Spokane's leading merchants arrived In the city short ly after noon and the whole delega tion was In tho grand stand to wit ness the frontier show this afternoon In the advance guard was Manager R. H. Cosgrove of the Spokane fair, T. S. Griffith and E. C. Van Dlssel, directors of the fair; F. J. Coleman president of the Vermont Loan & Trust company; Mrs. T. S. Griffith and daughter. Miss Tanis Griffith, and Miss Frances Rutter. The boosters Invite all Pendleton to attend the fair at the metropolis of tho Inland Empire this year. which Institution, "they say, has reached proportions which entitle it to rank ns tho third largest fair In tho United States. In preparation for it this year, they say, $136,000 has been expended and fully $50,000 will be given away in prizes and pre piiums. Many members of the Commercial association were at the depot at noon to welcome the visitors from Spokane and on every coat was ft red ribbon with th words, "Welcome, Spokane; Let 'or Ruck." iFulling Lsathor We have sold 1000 pairs of Mens Shoes since this sale started, and that's pulling leather some. Yes, out of the boxes iind into the. packages fof the customers' purchases. That's going some. Hew S iiiis Here RECIPROCITY FOES OFFER BIO BRIBE . win i 1 " H "i 11 HOME BOILED HAMS We point with pride to our lino of delicious home boiled hams. They are fresh, sweet, tender and appetizing. Just the thing for a nice cold lunch on a hot summer day. Note the cleanliness of our place and you'll cease to wonder how good our meats are. Osniral Use! Earket Phone Main S3. Indian Ritlcr in Jail. p.mr John Wallatsl. known as "Honest John," wiil not get to show his skill in riding a bucking broncho unless some kind friend comes to his assistance with a five dollar note. His thirst fr "fie water" has been his undoing. He has paid so many fine latciv that hi- exchequer is exhausted and so when the judge said "five dol- I.r. s ...v three days" th:s morning, ne had no option, but went sadly back to ja'l. W-Uiatsi has been r fling at the t'ark for the las? week and intended competing for the prizes. Ottawa, Can., Sept. 14. Declaring he has been offered a J230.000 bribe to fight reciprocity with the Unite! States, I lierthiaume, editor of the Montreal La Presse, today sprung a sensation. If he can prove his asser tion, It is believed that Premier Lau- rier's chances, which are already good, will bo strengthened tremend uiuisdy, for carrying the election. Even the railroad strength of Can ada is divided in the reciprocity fight. The Canadian Pacific is fighting against the treaty and the Canadian Xurtlu rn and Grand Trunk are fight ing for reciprocity. Meet me at the ., BOSTON STORE Closing Out Ict Gwirvro Haul It. Phone George Stangler at Grltman Bros.', Main 611. for light or heavy hauling of all kinds. Trunks, furni ture or pianos moved promptly and with car to any part of tlvs city. Read tho want aa. fS' ! i I IS" u Ity Auto From La Graiulo. 'uru'-e Dennis, ed'it'T and owner of il;.- La Cranio r').-:crver, S. 1). owf. manager of the Home Tele WH ! WESTERNERS' 1M -'.1111.01 S FEATS SETS CROW OS WILD. (Continiued from page one.) audi ef visitors from all over the i;.r:hw'-st here to join in the celebra tion, the second annual Round-Up was ushered In this m orning. Til v it.J v. -st :rv of "L-t k-r Buck" is lin ing !?ii.nit il hv everyone and the g-d S i.'1-MVf, manager ot tn Home leie- I jng j a.-ut'il by every. me and tho g-.i n pi:.--n cnn any nt La Granfle, and J. .f ..-ili-iico an.l quietude has fled ter- w J Carr, of the firm of Heath & Carr, I or--' ri; ken fr on the city. Til - spirit . g The Pendleton Drug Co. Is In business for "Your Good Health" KEMKMHEH Till WHEN I OC HAVE PHKSC KIITIONS, OH WANT PVKK MEDICINES HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of th Celebrated & of La Grande, all arrived this nu.vn-j of t't TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and I in. nOOD CREA1L I Tallinn & Co. I Lending DmcRists of Eaatr era Oregon- ing by auto from La Cran io. I ne made' the trip over the mountains during the early hours of the day and MiM.it a jdeasant ride, though the weather was coo! at the summit. They are all attending the Round-Up this afternoon. 108 E. Alta Street. THE CASH MARKET IS THE BUSIEST PLACE IN TOWN WHY? Because people get better Roods, better service ana better weight than any otfcer place In town and you'll find our prices cheaper- at the CASH MARKET Phono Main 101 Prisoners Aiv Arraigned. M".-t of the men injictid at the re nt term of the grand jury were rou-ht before Judge Phelps this lornlnsr and arraigned. James Sul- van, R. O. Wyatt and ,W. T. Hat- n all pleaded guilty to the charges against them and will be sentenced aturday morning. Travers Mccul- uch, Amos Thompson, James Cole man, C. E. McGaffcy and Nick An- reola all pleaded not guilty and will tand trial. Charles wortman and oe Arten were arraigned and will lead Saturday morning. Cor. E. Court and Johnson Sis. The East End Grocery Tbe HEADQUARTERS for fine poultry, will close tbeir l.lacp of business on Thursday and Friday at 12 o clock sharp and will remain closed till G p. m., to enable their clerka to attend thhe Round-Up. J. W. DYER, Prop. Pendleton Dye Works CUT PRICES FOR SEPT. LADIES' SUITS CLEANCT AND PRESSED BJUHBS SUITS PRESSED.....". METO BUTTS CLEANED AND PRESSED MEN'S SUITS PRESSED ... Have your clothe cleaned an up-to-date place end by up-to date method. .$a.o $1.04 92.M . 76C occasion has seized upon the ! tnultidtn"U ' thrum;, and every i . . - : - --- - - - wilil with ; . , , . ....... j.j w.MM,,.tM'tH4MH HAY ADVOCATES 'KILLING INCURABLE Si.rine Lake. N. J.. Sept. 14. Gov- iinur Gilchrist,-of Florida, today said he did not believe the Shakers who chloroformed Sister Marchant should hang and he doubted If they would be convicted. Governor Hav of Washington said he believed doctor shouiu uecme whether sick neoplo should have their sufferings ended humanely when cases are hopele-s. Governor Hadley, of Missouri, said that to allow such practice was dan gerous. Dr. Anna Shaw won a vietory ror the suffragette by addressing the House of O- errors today. Governor Hay also . ,.cke 1 favor of woman vernor Hadley of MiS' ted empowering each c.ulite railroad rates with border. suffrage souri, a" state to 1 --.t VALUABIiK ' AVI) tSD TOWXSITE pbuae Main 109. 24M 1-S E. A1U. AUCTION SALE ef SO clioico Pendletnrn resident lota. Located in different parts of tie city. Call find learn particulars. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phow 2ia 83. & C"1 8- 2 p, S"ah. Mrs. Margaret Ray, ix. ,Lra of age, a resident of Moscow, Idaho, who claims to be granddaughter of Thomas Shaw, who took Ohio land In part paymen for his services as a soldier In the Revo- lutionary war. has retained local counsel to Instiute proeedings to gal possession of 1000 acres of land, In eluding the site of the city of Wil mlngton. H. W. Rich has received from Mrs. Uay the government's ac knowledgments of the filing on 1000 acres of land by Shaw on August 10, 1787, and the record of the govern ment survey In 1734, also letters from the secretary of the department of tho Interior, saying that the suit to prove title must la tried In the courts of Ohio. Other vmment, inciudln a letter from Colonel Theodore Roose velt, then pres'di nt of the Unite States, stating that the patent Is being held by he govern rent, awaiting the appearance of tlu heirs, Mrs. Ray says, were given to Attorney Frank Mills of Wllmlngtoi , who li now an inmate of the Ohio asylum for the Insane, and probably are lost. ' great, ni in. -nmi'.ii and child the cxcili in- tit, fun,; briny; v.ieil''-r,nr. :n their exr-re'on of it. nomc doing sn with a subdued enthusiasm, hut add' manifesting to sumo degree or oth"r the tension to which their nerves are drawn. (".real Crowds Here". The city is host to one of the larg- st crowds ever congregated in an eastern Oregon city and there Is no oubt hut that before 'the curtain, is rawn Saturday night Pendleton will ive entertained and acomodated more people than any city of Its size n tile west within the space of three days. The great crowds which have been here since Monday In attendance at the Morrow-Vmatilla county fair has been swelling hourly since last even ing. The two trains from Portland and the one from Walla Walla late esterday afternoon were crowded to the vestibules and as they poured onto the depot platform, they were met with cries of "Let 'er Buck" and their n-.swe; ?s the same. Today specia'.j fron Tpokane, Dayton and Walla Walla, the wast end and Pilot Rock havt nil brought in their hund reds, while tha regular trains have been Jammed to capacity with Incom ing pleasure lover-. Accomodations for All. The accomodation headquarters have been assaulted tiy hundreds In search of rooms and all have been sent away with little fii'ps of paper directing them to residences about the city. The young men In charge of tho headquarters have their work down In a systematic manner and are handling the besiegers with re markable rapidity. Ever since 9 o'clock this morning Innumerable automobiles have been dashing to and froth the grounds with passengers bent on getting a glimpse of the stadium wherein the three days of excitement Is to be held. Although the gates were not opened until noon long before that time a big crowd had congregated at the entrance to be the first to rush for the choice bleacher seatr. lilg 1'nnnlo Saturday There was no parade to the ground this afternoon except that of mounted ladles Who formed at the courthouse at 12:30 and rode to the stadium. The Westward Ho parade will not take place until Saturday at 10 o'clock. Forming on extreme West Alta street, the line of parade will lead east on Alta to Main, north on Main to Court, east on Court to Mill, north on Mill to Lewis, west on Lewis to Main, south on Main to Bluff, where It will break ranks, Correctly Fitt ed Glasses Will give you bet ter or more Com fortable Vision and often prevent eyestrain that results in headache, ncr- vouanesB, dizziness, et. j Our Optometry Department is fully equipped for even the most difficult case9. KJtYPTOK AND TOPIC LENSES A SPECIALTY. DALE ROTHWELL State Reglrtered Optometrist at HANSCOMS JEWELRY STORE, PENDLETON 8 thIS CARD IS WORTH DOLLAR In Genuine ROGERS Guaifttel Silverware; a eard punched hi ing 5 00 traded out la won'a $1.00 when applied on any of tl fal lowing Items, you pay the oil cents In cash. For example, a nbt of teaspoons priced at $1.79 yot way obtain for one punched card aoi 79c In cash and so on; or 20 per cent. Discount on All Your Purchases. ASSAILANT OF SCHOOL- TEACIIEK HOBS nOTEL Snowflake, Man., Sept. 14. The first gun play In thVj man hunt for the asasllant of Miss Price came this morning when William Adams, pro prietor of the Weston hotel, was Bhot In the leg by a man who broke Into his hotel and took liquor. It Is be lleved It Is Wilson, for whom posses nre hunting. The man took only food and liquor. A posse was sent out Immediately after the man escaped, Read today's want ads. ft H.1" II $ ii ONE Set Teaspoon Price $1.79 Sot Medium Forka.. " 2."i Set Knives, Solid H " 1-76 Berry Spoona ' 3.85 Set Forks, Solid II. " -75 CoM Moat Fork.... ' V9 Sot Dessert Spoons. . " 1.43 Buttor Knife and Set Table Spoons..., " 1.68 Sugar Shell " 1M Set Soup Spoons.., " 8.211 Crean Ladle " 1.5- Set Orange Spoons. 8.48 Gravy lAdlo fJ 1.71 Set Coffee Spoona... 8 12 Oyster J.na '' Set Oyster Forks... " 8.50 Pickle Fort: . 3.1.' Set Dessert Forks.. " 8.42 Child's Set. 3 po.. " 1-5'." We have tho out-put of a Bartlett Pear Orchard. Leave your orders with us now. Fancy Bartlett Pears, Per Box $ 1 .25 CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 1 74 612 Main Street