East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 14, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Ladies and
Suits and
That's what we are Selling
right now
We nro ready for you with ly far the biggest and best se
lected line of lteady-to-Wear garments we have ever shown.
SUITS 300 of them
Sizes 14 to 20 and 31 to 47.
to choose, from in all materials and sizes
$5.00 to $40.00
OCTOBER Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Ready.
;ciiot PMCAsri) with
Robert N. Stanfield la taking In
the Round-Up today.
Miss Willie Gelss of Adams, Is
among the people In the city today.
L. Knapper. president of the First
National bank at Joseph, Is a Round
Up visitor.
Otto G. Sapper, young banker of
Hermlston, has been hero today as a
Rcund-Up visitor.
Fay Le Grow, the Athena banker,
13 here with a string to enter In the
pony express race.
Stanley Coffin, prominent merch
ant and landowner of North Yakima,
is a Round-Up visitor in the city.
Harley Hall, traveling salesman for
a hardware wholesale house. Is here
and will remain during the Round
Ned McLean,, well known Walla
Wallan came over by auto from the
Garden City today to attend the fron
tier show.
Mrs. C. B. Durbln of Antelope, ar
rived in the city last evening to visit
during the Round-Up with her sister,
Mrs. VV. M. Blakely.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney of Walla
Walla, are here today accompanied
by their daughters and are attending
the Round-Up.
Dr. S. B. Nelson of the department
of animal husbandry of the Washing
ton state college, is here from Pull
man to attend the Round-Up
Mrs. George Kelly accompanied her
husband, who is a member of the
state fish and game commission, to
the city to attend the Hound-Up.
W. E. Brown, formerly a Eugene
banker, and Jap B. Hill, a lumberman
his peltries for supplies, crossed the
trail, followed and rescued her and
restored her to her husband. Time
had numbed his pain and he and Kit
shake hands In sincere reconciliation.
2. "Gossipplng Yapvlllc," Essanay.
This 1h a screamingly funny little com
ic, which, despite its farcical nature,
will make you say, "Isn't it Just true
to life " It's something new.
3. "Summer Babies," S and A. Ev
ery lover of babies (and who doesn't
love them? )Will thoroughly enjoy
this educational subject which shows
how a large city cores for the babies
of the poor. Hundreds of babies are
saved each summer by the work of
visiting nurses and this film shows
how they ore saved. It Is a subject
of more than usual interest.
4 "A New York Cowboy," Selig.
A western comedy drama, funny In
the extreme, unique and interesting.
Introducing some great riding scenes,
excellent In plot, acting and photo
6. "The Love Story of a Great Ac
tress," Gaumont. A masterpiece In
every detail. " Telling the victory of
a wife's ambitions over her love and
the triumph of a husband's devotion
over calamity. Don't miss this excel
lent drama.
Coal and wood, phone "Main 6.
Pastime pictures pleace ill.
Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178.
Snyder, chimney sweep. Tel. R 3S12.
Private board and lodging at 205
W. Webb. Phonn Black 3431.
Dr J. A. Best nas returned from h!s
vacation and has resumed practice.
Phone Plataoeder for fraah maat
and lard. Main 446.
Everybody goes to the Orpheum to
ee the best anJ the clearest pictures.
Call at 777 Thomson treet for
board and rooms. II. II. Copelaml.
Special rates to horses boarded by
the week or month at the o'ommerclal
Darn, 820 Aura atreet. Phone Main 13.
About 800 feet of good new garden
hose for salo at cost price. Sharon &
Lost Package containing little
girl's black pumps. Finder return to
this office and receive suitable re
ward. would lynch him ,the proceedings
Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo- ; 'c carried on secretly and the pris
kane. Leaves 1:30 p. m., arrive 8:65 oner whisked away in an automobile
v.. , . . .to the penitentiary,
p. m. Tickets from W. Adams, Agent,
Seward, Alaska, Sept. 14. Gifford
Plnehot. formerly chief forester of
tho United States, "who with Senator
Miles Polndexter of Washington, has
been making a tour of the Alaskan
enl fieldr', returned today from tho
coal fields.
Mr. Plnchot said that he was fa
vorably impressed with the country he
has toured, but made no mention of
what he thought of the various
schemes to open tho coal fields.
Senator Polndexter la still in the
Matamuska coal fields. The Holmes
geological survey party left today for
Seattle, on board the steamer Ad
miral Sampson.
Tho Pustimc.
Where all are pleased. A big spe
cial for Friday and Saturday.
"The Ranch In Flames." Ameri
can. Pedro has been discharged by
the colonel, the owner of the ranch,
and he and his wife find themselves
in desperate straits for the rent. Fi
nally his wife decides to'try her hand
at raising the money and disguising
herself as a man she holds up the
stage. She escapes the posse sent In
pursuit of the highwayman by turn
ing her horse loose and changing
back to woman's attire. Her hus
band, however, finds the horse and
tho stolon goods just as the posse
sees him. Of course he Is suspected,
trice! and about to he hung when a
oi Lane county, arrived in i enuieion fjre lrc;lks ut at the ranch house,
lust evening to take in tire Round-Up. jjw Uils save( the FUspected man's
J. V. Ellis, editor of the Yakima hjf,. makes a thrilling story.
Madison, Wis., Sept. 14. John
Johnson, known as "Dog Skin" John
son, self-confessed murderer of Annie
Lembergor, aged seven, whose body
he threw into the hike after asaulting
her, began serving a life sentence In
Waupan penitentiary lat night. Be
cause it was feared the populace
If you wast to mor-a, call Beolal KILL CREED WOMAN
Bros., Transfer, phne 8801. Large
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 647 Main atreet.
Phone Main 98 for Parker's au
tomobile. Trips to all parts of coun
try and city. Quick service. Stand
at French restaurant.
For transfer work, hauling bag
gage, moving household goods and
pianos and all kinds of job work,
phone Mainn 461. B. A. Morton.
You can't burn atata and grTll
Don't try it. Phone Dutch Henry.
Main 173, for c'oon screened Rook
Springs coal cither lump or nut It i
burns clean and goea further.
Klsslmmee. Fla., Sept. 14. Exhu
mation of Sister Merchant's body to
day showed that she had been chlor
oformed, as admitted by Sister and
Brother Gillette, of the Shaker colo
ny, who :aid they had killed her to
end her suffering. Unmindful of the
munl'T charge, the couple are quiet
ly performing their hirnble duties. It
it! generally believed they will never
be brought to nrcount for the killing.
Poultry Association to Moot.
There will bo a meeting of the Umatilla-Morrow
county Poultry associa
tion on Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock
at John Baker's furniture Btore. All
members are urged to attend.
J. W. BROWN, Sec.
New York Sept. 14. Five special
trains, earring 1000 employes of the
Wclis-Farco Express company and
their families and bnggaga, left New
York today for Chicago. The exodus
Is on account of the transfer of the
auditing department to Chicago and
the company Is paying the cost of
Notice to tho Public. Ml'RDER SUSPECT BEING
All persons knowing themselves In-; HUNTED ItY POSSF
debted to the Farmers Meat Co., are
Hereby noiinca 10 pny uie same u j p.m Bernardino, Cal., Sept. 14.
Sheriff Taylor or Fred Weber. No Heavy armed posses are today scour
other persons are authorized to tran- h)p tno mlsh )n tno Cucam0nga hills
Bact any ousiness i..r me company for nppro an;iWornK the description
oi tno man who last week brutally
whatsoever. (Signed.)
J. S. FURNISH, President
assaulted and murdered
; kins at Compton.
Mrs. Has-
Xotioo to Public.
In order to give delivery boys a
chance to go to the Round-Up there
Will bo no delivery Thursday nnd Fri
day afternoon from .'tores general
delivery does work for.
Read the want ads.
: Try
I Rose Creamj
Sun Burn
If you wish to b
of thoao blomlshea
Tort land, Me., Sept. 14. Tho re
sult of the liquor election Is still
doubtful. Secretary of State Davis
said today thut nothing can bo con
sidered official until Governor Plal
sted arrives this evening and begins
the official count.
Herald of North Yakima, Wash., ar
l ived this morning accompanied by Vitngrnph.
Mrs. Ellis and they are attending the
F. R. -Snodgrass, a member of the
clerical force of the Portland city
water department, is among the vis
itors from the metropolis at the
Addison Bennett, sage of Rabbit
ville and well known newspaper man,
was among the members of the jour
nalistic profession coming into the
city this morning.
Colon R. Eberhard, receiver of
public moneys in the United States
land office at La Grande, is attend
ing the Round-up. He is stopping
at the Bowman hotel.
George Fisher and Baxter Youns
are among the Eugene people In at
tendance at the Round-Up. The for
mer declares the Round-Up is going
to put other fairs in the state out of
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Goff of Port
land, arrived in the city this morn
ing and left this afternoon for Helix
cut from which place they will visit
with their daughter, Mrs. Ralph B.
McEwen. Mr. and Mrs. Goff nnd Mr.
and Mrs. McEwwen will come into
Pendleton Saturday to witness the
closing exhibition of the Round-Up.
Spokane, Wash. Harold Bagley, a
native of tho village of Buckley, Vt.,
will celebrate the one hundredth an
niversary of his birth at a family
reunion In his home at 1613 Gardner
avenue, Spokane, on September 20,
when there will be in attendance his
five children, who are grandparents:
Judge J. E. Bagley, of Ogden, Utah;
Horace Bagley, of Sunnyslde, Wash.;
Mrs. J. A. Clarke, of Nelson. B. C;
and Mrs. J. W. Johnson and Mrs.
James Stevenson, of Lincoln Neb., al
so several of his 25 grandchildren and
22 -greut-granchildren. His grandfa
ther was among the first Inhabitants
of Plymouth, Mass., and was an ac
tive participant in Shay's rebellion,
fleeing to Vermont. Mr. Bagley cast
h's first vote for Andrew (Old Hick
ory) Jackson. Ho came to Spokane
three years ago from Nelson, B. C,
where he lived several years and prior
to that time he was a resident of
Lincoln, Neb. Mr. Bagley has been
blind 18 years, but Is able to find lvs
way around the house unaslslted,
and othewise Is In good health and
spilt and expects to live several years
New Showing of
Ladies and Misses
Come and See them
New Silk Waists at $3.00
Come in black and white and navy and white stripes.
Peasant style at S3.00 each.
Come and see these extra values.
$8 and $10 Silk Waists for $4.95
These come in Persian and plaids, silks and plain net,
regular values up to $10.00 on sale at $4.95
Wohlenberg Dept. Store
The Changing of Silas Warner,"
A society drama. A
young man shows the right spirit,
asserting his manhood and declaring
hi: independence by exercising his
own judgment by marrying the girl
of his choice in opposition to his fath
er's tyrannical will. A complete
change comes over the old gentle
man's affairs and he realizes his se
verity when his boy makes good and
shows What kind of stuff he is mady
"Pathc's Weekly." The essence of
the world's events just as they hap
pen. Synopsis: 1 Barcelona,
Spain, the "bullfight before the royal
family and the aslstocracy of Spain.
2 Newport, R. I. The race of the
King Edward cup. ,
4. Dusseldorff, Germany, Count
Zeppelin's latest dirigible was wreck
ed here.
4 Brooklyn, N. Y. The interna
tional Hour Race at Celtic Park.
5 Long Beach, N. Y. Governor
Woodrow Wilson receives the parade
of 1500 children.
6 Paris, France. A colored pic
ture of the latest fashions in hair
dressing, etc., etc.
"Judge Simpklns Summer Court."
Essanay. This is an amusing trick
"The Tramp Artist." Essanay. A
novel idea well carried out.
man HM'vjflEUW-.jii. a'WHiw.aw
Tnft Deciding Wiley's Fntc.
Beverly, Mass., Sept. 14. President
! Tnft began work this morning with
1 his stenographer. It la believed he
, Is preparing his decision on the Dr.
I Wiley case. Ho starts for Syracuse
tonight on a special train.
W'nnl Benches Middle-ton.
Moddleton, N. Y., Sept. 14. Ward
arrived hero shortly before noon in
his aeroplane. Ho is only sixty miles
from New York.
rha Drug Store That
Tou Beat.
Hempstead, N, Y. Mrs. Ralph
Johnstone, whoso husband met his
death In an neroplano last year at
Denver, has decided to take up avia
tion and this week will begin the first
of her series of lessons on the Hemp
stead Plains.
Woril Resumes Flight.
Patterson, N. J., Sept. 1. After
much trouble with his motor today.
Aviator Ward got away on his west
ern flight at 9 o'clock this morning.
Ho was following the Erie tracks
when last. seen.
Washington. A difficult task con
fronts tho revenue cutter Forward,
which has been ordered to the Keys
of Florida to enforce the law regu
lating the taking of sponges. In a re
port received at the treasury depart
ment the commander of the revenue
cutter says that he found a number
of schooners nnd sloops on the
sponge fishing gdounds, but was un
able to get evidence of violation of the
law. Many of these vessels were
equipped with dlv'.ng apparatus. It
was easy for the men on any sponge
seeking ship, violating tho law, to sus
pend the diving when the Forward is
in sight and to throw overboard any
sponges taken illegally.
The Cosy.
An all feature western show at the
Cosy Tuesday and Wednesday. Dell
Blancett, the world's champion steer
bulldogger and Bertha Blancett, the
champion woman broncho buster of
the world, who are in Pendleton to
take part in the Round-Up both ap
pear In today's Bison Indian picture.
"The White Red Man " Rex.
Words fall to express the beauty of
this picture. The Indian being be
friended by the settler's family, gave
them some Jewels lost by an outlaw.
The settler was accused of the rob
bery and was to be hung at sunrise.
To save hla life the Indian had to
run 60 miles. Over wild mountain
gorges, across rushing rivers, across
deep canyons he made his way and
arrived in time. A happy ending for
all. Exquisitely tinted "It's a
"The Poisoned Flume." American.
A western feature of the irrigated
country Angered at being rejected,
George poisoned the ditch. The vet
erinary examined the dead cattle and
the ditch and found the poison. A
pursuit occurs In which the renegade
crosses a deep chasm on the irrigating
flume. He was finally shot and fell
into the flume. A love story adds
Interest to a very interesting picture
"A Sioux Spy." Bison. A story of
the Indian wars The brave was sent
by the chief to spy on the Cheyennes
and pretending sickness was taken to
their camp, where he fell in love with
Silver Moon. Love proved stronger
than dutv and ho did not return to
his people. In a battle between the
Sioux and Cheyennes he saved the
chief's life and won Silver Moon.
"A Gasoline Engagement." Imp.
A comedy and then s.ime. The young
man loved Grace, but dad wanted her
to marry a minister. Learning the
party were going automobiling in the
country George arranged to drive the
car. The adventures in tho cellar
where George held a match over a
barrel of gasoline nnd compelled Pa
to give his consent and his rival the
minister to marry he and Grace are
suro funny.
Pictures of the Cheyenne Wild West
Show, 1911, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. 3000. feet of genuine "Let
'er buck" thrllla.
e Cowboy Headquarters
We are Headquarters in
Pendleton for
of Every Description
Besides we save you big
money on every purchase.
See our great line of Men's New
Fall Clothing for fall.
Keep your eye on our large corner
Main & Webb Sts. Pendleton, Ore.
A Reliable Remedy
Ely's Cream Balm
G(mnI Program tor Orpheum Friday
niul Saturday.
1. "Saved from the Snow," Selig.
A beauitful story pictured In the won
derful Yosemite valley In midwinter.
Kit and Davy were two great friends
trapping and hunting together, but
they both fell In love with the same
girl and Kit being the hand.omer,
was nceptable In her eyes. Davy
vowed to have done forever with I nuirkl. abinrtMiL
women and the settlements and went' Rsii:? si Onca,
trapping among the mountains. Mary It cleansers, soothes.
and Kit were married and all was
bright for them, until one winter eve
he cut his foot terribly while chop
ping wood. Mary ran to the nearest
neighbor. for help, confused by night
nnd snow she lost her way and was
overcome by fatigue and cold. Davy,
on his way to the settlement to barter
Seals aud protects
die diseased menu
3rano resulting from Catarrh and drive
way ft Cold iu the Head quickly. Restore
iie Souses of Taste and Smell. Full size
W cts. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid
'Jrcara Balm for use in atoinLsara 75 eta.
Slv Vrrtbers. GO Warren Street, New York.
Seattle ? Spokane ? Portland ?
Arrive Seattle 8:15 A. M.
Leave Pendleton 1:30 F. M. Arrive Sjxkane. 9:55 P. II.
Arrive Portland 8 :10 A. M.
Northern Pacific Railway
The Pioneer Line.
First clasa trains. Close connections. Good leaving time.
Good arriving time.
JiThroughlTickets to all Points
East or West
Secure tickets and full information from
Ask about EXCURSION FARES for these events:
"THE ROUN1UIP" Pendleton. Sept. 11-10.
Wala Walla County Fair, Walla Walla, Sept. 1S-23.
Washington State Fair, Xorth Yakima, Sept. 25-30.
Interstate Fair, Spokane, Oct 2-S.
National Apple Show, Spokane, November 23-30.