i EIGIIT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. TIIUItSDAY, SEPTEMBER, II, 1911. PGK TTTRICB 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo YHEN yu s CvTV? W to the glove coutv fika&i' ter remember that AyffKfi best gloves are invariably jfJjW t'ie most Gnomical. Ask for rtCW1 -"""V. DWS F&wneS m ftgiT Gloves pA m'aSs. Finest skins; best colors; pre V A . 1 wX$ c'se wormansri'P and one yL.i B 1 t- A hundred anc tn'rty years f I A experience are some of the -ry B ' reasons fo. Fowns A- jjj j SccJ by good storei everywhere I I ra W OcifVft nver under at.y other name than --3 J It SPECIAL MEET OF WATER USERS CALLED WILL AMEXI UYLAWS TO COMPARE WITH STATUE. We Are Agents For Walk-Over, Fiorsheim and Sorosis Shoes, Stein Bloch Clothes, Stetson Hats, Fownes Gloves, "Onyx" Hbsiery, Nemo and R. & G. Corsets, Munsing Underwear, Kayser Gloves, Keiser Collars, Wayne Knit Hose, De Bevoise Brassie- ries and numerous other representative lines. IfrrniiHton to Suspend Bimlness To niorow ami Attend Komid-lp In a ISuncli Prize Offered Tor Guessing Number of Tickets Sold, e o o Q 6 a o Q 0 0 0 a c 5 (5 Q e e Q Q a I ton. (Special Correspondence.) Hermlston. Ore., Sept 14. No tices have been sent out by the secre tary of the Umatilla River Water Us er.' association to 'all members or the association, stutirrg that the board of directors lias ordered a special meeting of the stockholders Tuesday, October 3, for the purpose of amend ing the bylaws in Section 4, Article 5 so as to changa the date of the an nual meeting, which will most likely be some time in March, 1912, and will g've all the members of the associa tion a chance to vote their stock at this meeting as each person will be pnid up. The government gave one year grace to make payments on wat er rights. The state law will not al low stock to be voted unless pad, and nearly every member of the associa tion would, take advantage of the one year allowed by the government in which to make payment on their stock. The Herm'ston rroduce and Pup ply company has created quite an in terest In their store by offering a prize to the pprm who will make a guess as to the number of tickets sold by the O.-Y.'. R. & X railroad office a HormHon to the Round-Up in th three days of the Round-Up at IY-!i!leton. Pome of the ruesses have reen as high as 700 while others are as low ns 200. - Otto C. Sapper, assistant cash'er of the Herm'ston Rank and Trust com pany yesterday mid his 20 acres of land south of town to an out-of-town party. i This is one of the best tracts f land on the project near iicrmis- . . i mi i, ry store in nermision win " 'rv--.-T Thursday in order to let the 5 people take In the Round-Up at Pen Alexander's Dsp't store C dton. Fppeia' Ir.i'n' will run in or 5? dr to ncomodato the people. Tt Is lixneete,! that over 400 re-td.i will go up from thi" city in the next two days. Heorcr- T. Riot returned rrom i-ori-?and thlK nioi-'inr to l ok nftr the l ieking of ! :s ;r:'".i'"s: Mr Ro-.t stated this mornlne that h. hal vr n ton ,-f crepes, and v.-onl-l :h r to Portland, and Seattle. : o Q Q n & O UN Inner Tubes lbrMiclielin anrJ all otkr Envelopes The majority of mofor ists throughout the world are satisfied users of Michelin Inner Tubes. They are the best judges. Ash them. Loci for on ttadutf I Wb pP'Vt garagu IN STOCK BY leton Auto Co. 821 JOIIXSOX STREET. K O. .'!:.. i-forday f- r J. I,)wr:ri1 -,1-. nn.l T rr v: '' r : ;'l aeeom; a 7"'r. Moi'l.::; et rrn- t:e .1 r."-.dh-:' n. ny h!m :?r.. !nrng- eo'vp-ir.y. -Up. T ori;i i t --I 'v'll svir n 1 Hi family of ti e rie-v in revd'e- MANY PILOT RUCK PEOPLE AT FAIR (Special Correspondence. ) Pilot Rock, Ore, Sept. 14. Miss Hazel Lynch is l ending this week in Pi-rd.Vton attending the fair. Mis.3 Elsie MeReyno'nU spent a f'.-w days at the home of Charley Ma t.Mcwti r.n .Stewart Creek. Mr. A. J. Pturtevnnt is spending. a few d.ivs in IVn.ilelon "n business. Ml 'ire., atives. Mr. ivo r.i t n; Kthel M.ei.;uil"Ch ' ; Ivro visiting frit-: f Waliowa. d-s and rel- V,'. Lyr.s'a and L'Hi Etter nvn to I'en. ill ton Tur.-day v. : urn ing home n the i-von- noon, Sept. 7. The afternoon was spent in sewing after which refreshn ments were served. Those present were the Madame? Marion Smith, William Evans, Douglas Belts, Lc-ota Downy, Henderson, Owen Carnes and Thomas Jaques. The outside guest was Mrs. Newberry of Pendleton. Port holes on war vessels were In troduced in 1500. Stops Falling Hair t-'ll today r n hir'iK TOURISTS l.M W r. MUCH MONEY IV JERUSALEM. Washington. Tourh'ts who visit the H.dy I. and are haii'd by the nntivs ns u welcome and steady snuivc of r-v- nu-. I nit rest in the subject led Consul William Coffin, of Jerusalem, to make inquiries and he reached th'sj con. du ion as to the share of the gold giinirel in that district: "Most of the. tourists remain four or f'vo days in Jeriiaiein and vicin ity. A low estimate of each Individ ual's expenses during his stay would be $25, and if the 7200 t..urists In the lfic:-1910 season spent only that much per capita, they left $180,000 behind them. The sum they d spend Is without doubt constantly In excess of these figures, and, added to the mailer expenditures of the thous ands of pilgrims, makes an important part of the district Income." The production of the exports class ed under the heading or religious sou venirs forms one of the lending In dustries In both Jerusalem and Reth lehenv In the latter town there are several concerns shipping, mother-of-pearl articles, chiefly rosaries and crosses, all over the world. Most of the pearl waste from which these are made comes from the United States. In Jerusalem there are numerous small shops manufacturing olive-wood boxes, crosses, flower albums, etc.. for the tourist trade. The export sta tistics of this trade nro of no value whatever, ns they do not Include the extensive shipments by parcel post. vallls, Ore. The new head of the electrical engineering work at the (r.:;..n Agricultural College, YV. A. Uiliehrand, was ca""d from an as sistant professorship at Stanford, where he has been -rlnce graduation at Cornell in l?0j except for a short season when he was with the West ern Electric company. He is author of a number of valuable papers on tleetrloal science. KI',M(,imi I; (iYMXASlf.M. STUDY OREGON HOP Yoi::-;: t" Or,-- v:.m-. 1. Digestion nnil Assimilation. It is not the quantity of food taken but tho amount digested and assimi '.atdl that gives strength and vitality te the system. Chamberlain's Stom al h and Liver Tablets Invigorate the Komaeh and liver and enable them to perform their functions naturally. For ralo by all dealers. TRAVELING SCHOOL. Valr Tliero Will (Jet Itinerant School rrom O. A. C. Willi Professors to Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallls, Ore.--'An Itinerant school from the Oregon Agriculture' College will go to McMinnvllle or thJ fair there September 19-23. It will Include work In the dairy, domestic science end horticulture departments. The new process of buddng walnut trees which has been worked out by the horticultural department fit tho col lege with unusually satlsnetory re sults will be demonstrated. Old RulMing at O. A. C. Ileitis Made. Commodious for Athletes and So. ctls. Oregon Agricultural College, fi r vallis, Ore. facilities for piiysi :tl tunning for both i:icn and women fit the Oregon Agri.-ultural College wi'I be greatly increased tills year by the remodeling of the gymn-isium build- chemistry ing now in progress. Not only, lias cent tests lVojdo at V.;n-u!t.ir:;! Coil.""-!V-: s-.tmph" in Laboratory, en .eri. u'l'ar 'i 'ollc.To, Cor- Ore P.. n:r elk v.-hi -h .f. II. t: V. Tartar incut Of til ' TC"1 I-go in the v irion tho state are to bi of hop ov. ly 1 e-v.ls:ry .k ;.:M- ,;ri. ui'iira! Cd hop districts tf studied I'V the students tills v. later. Rein- prof. Tartar have shown r. Ami: ' -criii sp-:;t Tu-s- lay -in v. in l'i i;d, t-in . i' :;- Ko-nior on ni'.l f i-i.il; moon in Pilot R-n-k !- Moirell. d'Jl-'.-e: Ir- '.i. is iil with ty- '! riv.-n Uric y eV. - i-i; v.-.; -,( 1 :!! -:! ! aad ( vi ry ..n r--i "i i ' ii !r; i i r;r : firo lime. The !.-:ipes ( :,! tiT-t at the 1. on. r-M'-.-. Thomas .Ta --s Thurs-l.-v aft'-r- : ltt Fr: ia L.rib- Co f W: ! a;a i'iioil frvir. TV- h iv. Talkiinn X Co. Guarantee Parisian Sa::i, the R"al Hair Remetly. You can a'ooli.-h ivtry particle of dandruff, you can step itching soaip, you eun prevent hair from thinning or falling out by using PARISIAN SAGE which is sold on the money back plan. PAUI-IAX SAGE soaks int , the roots of the hair and not only de-t-troys the microbes that caur? hair tt oibli-s but furnishes to the hair just the kir.J of n urishment to mak-; hair grow luxurlart and to put l i:- and In auty ii:to .1. The g'tl with ti-.-; Au burn hair i- on every ca.it t. and bot- i t"c "f I'ARi-'iAX SAGE. L-..ii for it as i.'i!i;.i'.ii.iis are numerous. Lar,;e let;;,. SO t-t in.? at Tallman & Cj. and I draay everywhere. tin- ixterior been improved by sup- the Pacific coast hops equal to any pliineiiting concrete work for worn in the world, especlal'y in the hitter timber and painting the frame por- contest. He has announced his in- tltn freshly, but the interior has tention of jdacing the judging of hops been been made far more convenknt for commercial use upon a strictly Another New O. A. C. Sinn. Oregon Agricultural College, Cov- HOWS' THIS. We offer One nundred Dollar nwrd for any cho of Catarrh tlint ennnot b cur ed by Hall'i Catarrh Cure. F. J CHENKT ft Co., Toledo .O. We. tho underslirncd. have known P. J Cheney for tho lat r5 yeara, and bellera him ptrfeetly honorable In alt bualneM tranaartlnns and flnanrlallj able to carry out anr obllgatlnna made ny hla nrm. WAI.niNO. KINNAN ft MARVIN. Wholesalo DrngKlata, Toledo, O. nall'a Catarrh Cure la taken Internally acting directly upon the Mood and macoua nrfncea of the ayatem. Tcatlmontala ant free. Price TOe, per bottle. Sold by all Driuralata. . Take Ilall'a Family tnila for conatlpa tlon. and sanitary. Proper offices for tlie Instructors i i physical training, as well as show er baths, sanitary drinking fountains, dressing rooms and lockers have been Installed and the heating and light ing facilities have been greatly im proved. The first story is in white enamel and the main auditorium has been given a new bard wood floor and a stage sufficiently commodious to accommodate the entire faculty at convocation and provide space for rollego dramatics: hitherto resented a, the local oera house. scietitii'i.- basis. CASGARETS INSURE El HORTICULTURIST TO CANADA. O. A. C. rrofessor to Visit Rrltlsli Co lumbian Fruit Sections. Oregon Agrcultural College, Cor- vallis. Ore. Prof. C. I. Lewis of the horticulture department o tho Ore gon Agricultural Collego leaves on September 28 for a two weeks' trip through British Columbia fruit dis tricts, and covering some 1800 miles. As usually treated, a sprained an kle will disable a man for three or four weeks, but ty applying Chamber lain's Liniment freely as soon as the injury Is received, and observing the directions with each bottle, a can be effected In from two to four cathartic days. ' Por sale by all dealers. The Millions of Cascnrvl Users Never Have Headache, Constipation, P.il iousncss or Sick Stomach. It is more necessary that you keep your bowels, liver and stomach clean pure and fresh than it is to keep the sewers and drainage of a large city free from obstruction. Are you keeping clean Inside with Casenrcts or merely forcing a pas- cure Fngewav every few days with salts, pills or castor oil? This Is For bowel complaints In children always give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil. It Is certain to effect a cure and when reduced with water and sweetened la pleasant to take. No physician can prescribe a better remedy. For sale by all dealers. ' Tellow complexion, pimples and disfiguring blemishes on the face or hody can be gotten rid of by doctor- ' ing the liver, which Is torpid. HER- ; BINE Is. a powerful liver correctant. : It purifies tho system, stimulates the . vital organs and puts the body in fine vigorous condition. Trice 60c. Sold b7 A. C. Koeppcn & Bros. i If no.ng east, or west, or south, have tickets routed Northern Pacific Ry. Closo connections at Pasco with all through trains. W. Adams, agent, Pondleton. Important. I Casearets immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting i food and foul gases; take the excess i bile from the liver and carry out of i the system the decomposed waste matter and poison In the Intestines and bowels. Xo odds how badly and upset you feel, a Cascaret tonight will straight I en you out by morning. They work while you sleep. A 10-cent box from your druggist will keep your entire family feeling good for months. Don't forget the children the-.r little In- ' sides need a good, gentle cleansing, Itoo. tO O 0& ' W w Vv; Wfy p FOUR I TRAINS Jvf EAST f Every Day Over the Scenic Highway fiorth Coast limited op lit iiWiFsv l ii ii i pj iirt . . The only exclusively first class train to the East. To St. Paul, Minneapo-i lis, Immediate connections beyond. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY LIMITED To St. Louis and the Southeast. Ob servation Car, Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Day Coaches. ATLANTIC EXPRESS Through to Chicago. All classes of equipment. TWIN CITY EXPRESS To St. Paul and Minneapolis. All classes of equipment. N 3HTHERJS PAQIFIC RAILWAY WALTER ADAMS AGENT, PENDLETON. ORE. D. Charlton, A. C. P. A., f ortiana, Oregon. aTiamtWilatJ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A Monumental Massacre of Majestic Money-Savers for the Vast S ' Multitude S O O o o o o o O InrM Rlock. Main and Court Streets. Pendleton, Oregon. Adjuster F. N. ALMSTEAD in Charge H. H. WESSEL'S GREATEST $65,000.00 ROUNDUP SALE NOW ON. O o o o o o o o o j - - 000000000000000000000000000000)00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000