DAILY EAST OREGONIAX, PENDLETON, OIBEGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1911. EIGHT PACKS ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo This Store will be Closed from 1 o'clock to 6 o'clock Sat. Afternoon. PAGE TWO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o SAVE YOUR COUPONS cooeoooooooosooo Turn a Hercules Suit Inside Out Yon will find the coat lin? a patented iloaljle limns: in tlic sleeve at the arm pit ; rislit where the wear is most severe. Yon will find the pants lined with Kerenlone (a special linimr made only for Hercules suits and all seams reinforced with tano not the ordi nary white, spongy cotton tape, but a wider and much stronger one. Tu addition to this, Hercules suits are euarantood by Paulx Colin & Com pany, Chicago, to bo all pure wool and shower proof. A Hercules will out-wear two suits of any oilier make n-ardless of price. kii $5.00 to $10.00 Ik DO YOUK S1IO.ITIXG IX THE MORXIXGS. THE STOKE WILL HE CLOSED FROM 1 O'CLOCK TILL C O'CLOCK EACH DAY OF THE ROUXD-UF. We Have Prepared 'l ho greatest stock of desirable merchandise ever shown in Pendleton. Don't leave the Hound-Up without giving us a eall and looking at what we have to show you. And remember, we give trading coupons with all cash purchases. B. P. O. E. Suits Prepare for the Elks' Parade. Dress up in Elks' uniform. We have all sizes of the best kind. Just Arrived Shipment of fine Tailored Suits in Navy Serges made in the latest models. Sizes 10 to 3S, guaranteed linings, priced from $30.00 $40.00 Also Fancy Mixtures in gray, brown and tan. Sizes 10 to 1-2. Priced from J 'r-i ..J r l r MUM lLme li 11 Ji WAREHOUSE WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 WS 0? TBS I j Mine of Upton, together with a j trow J of lounger.-; about the ploce, I for disorderly conduct, having cre I uted a disturbance in the place ilur i ins the early hours of the morning. Thrown Off Train; Asks $1!)"5. Davenport, Wash. J. W. Meade, a horseman of Sprague, has brought suit against the Northern Pacific Railway company for $1975 damages, claimed by reason of being ejected from a passenger train. Church of (;Hl Caiiipincctiiig. Freewater, Ore. The Church of God eampmeeling in the Freewater City park for the last week, in spit6 of the continued heavy rains, is scor ing a great success. The Rev. Mr. Bailed of Spokane is the evangelist nd is assisted by the Rev. H. Cooer and O. K. Goodman, both of Sunny-side. Mery.. Mills of Two States. Portland, Ore. First steps toward the closer linking of the lumber in terests of Oregon and Washington were taken at a private dinner where H-nry J. Pierce of Spokane present ed his proposal for the merger into one company of the tidewater mills of the two states to representatives of a number of western Oregon sawmill ing companies. Neither Jlr. Pierce nor any of tho-e present would dis cuss the definite result of the con ference, which follows closely upon th:it of the western Washington lum bermen at Aberdeen last week. Soft Drink Emporium Closed. Joseph, Ore. The council has re Toked the license of the soft drink emporium of Bass & Bartin. Several days ago the marshal arrested one of the proprietors, a bartender by the I Yule HuiUls Up Itupully. j Vale, Ore. The council ordered cement sidewalks on a street grade from the new $12,00 depot at ale, the full length of Main street. The walks are 10 feet wide. The city also straightened Main street, mak ing the Hope addition to conform to the main part of the city. Several ; new brick buildings are being built, ' the largest by the Boswell dry goods 'store, the Vale hardware store ani the Vale Saddlery company. This building will be 120 by 94 feet. Mayor 'Ousted ly Union. Pii-tland. Ore. Mayor Rushlight, when caught in his office at 5:30 this being 3U -minutes after the reg ular civil service or union hours, con- I fe.ssed to W. H. Fitzgerald, a promi- nent labor leader and member of the executive board that he had been thrown out of the plumber's union for working overtime without charg ing the city extra pay. to residents of North Yakima. T. A Noble has been put in charge, an 1 has begun his work by sending out return post cards to all patrons of the company, asking whether they have complaints against their service. I.iahtiiin Kills One Hog. Davenport, Wash. The lightning during the severe thunder storm per formed a remarkable feat when a bolt whi.-h struck a wire fence was transmitted some distance where two hogs in the pasture of G. K. Birge, one mile west of Davenport, were struck, resulting in the death of one and rendering Its mate both blind and deaf. Both swine were registered Duroc Jerseys, and for the one killed Mr. Birge had refused 60. "Kick" Department Installed. North Yakima, Wash. A kick de partment has been added to the nu merous eriulpment of the Pacific Power and Light company, which furnished electricity, water and gas KNIGHTS O1 THE RANGE. AMERICA USES MANY PAIRS WOODEN SHOES. 3;; 35 . 'A ; 5 r.'-- r$i:UKs- m 7?t':;!:e'' Washington. Wooden shoes usual ly associated only with var'ety shows and pictures of street scenes in Hol land, are, in fact, worn by thousands of people in this country. A single shipment from Amsterdam to Grand Rapids, Mich., mentioned in a report by Vice Counsel De Young, consisted of COO cases containing several thous and pairs of the lumber footwear. A similar shipment was made a few months ago. Also the rep'rt reveals the sections of the United States addicted to tthe habit as follows: "It is stated that the United States ii the best foreign customer of the Netherlands for this article of man ufacture, many hundreds of pairs of wooden shoes being worn in Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, New' Jersey and a few other states. In fact it Is claimed thathere are more wooden j shoes in Chicago, Grand Rapids, or I Holland, Mich., than in the city of! Amsterdam. Paterson, N. J., St. Louis, Mo , Lancaster county, Nebr., Marlon county, la., and numerous otn er smaller settlements import large quantities of' this practical article of dress every year. "The wooden shoo Industry In the Netherlands Is generally decentraliz ed, logs being hewn out to the mea sure of the customer's foot In the village shop. The local price depends largely upon the amount of lumber used and the market rrlce of the raw material. There are, however, a few large factories using modern wood working machinery and export ng the most of their product. The principal countries to which they export, in order of their Importance, are the United States and Canada, West In dies, Germany and South Africa. Drummers Samples Shoes of every description and for every member of the fnm- i ily. Our men's high top shoes and cowboy lmots are worth looking over. You're Welcome to visit our store whether you buy or not THE HUB The Drummers Sample Store Between Taylor Hardware and Pendleton Drug Co. , PENDLETON, OREGON. MONUMENT TO COI.CMIU'S ERECTED IN WASHINGTON. Washington. A memorial to the memory of Christopher Columbus, wde'y known as a hold and Inquisi tive sailor, will be unique In Wash ington from the fact that the statue nnd acompanying emblematic embel lishments will be of chaste white marble. All Iho other heroes, whether nfoot or on horse back, that adorn most of the open spaces in Washington are celebrated with statues of br mze or other metal. In t'-e case of the great discover er, the nlarble work wi'l Include the heroic statue of Columbus, two fig ures of ancient and modern American Inhabitants, the shaft which forms the background of the statue, the globe and two eagles which surmount the shaft, the caravel on which the sta tue stands and its allegorical figure head, the two Kons which decorate the ends of the peml-carcular foun tain which provides n setting for the statue, and the superstructure of the fountain basin. The memorial, will adorn the plaza In front of the union station, at the head of a short vista looking from the Capitol. It was designed by Lorado Taft, of Oh.'o, a cousin of President Tart ' He won In a competition In which 'American and European sculp tors participated. The cost of the memorial will be t70 000 Diarrhoea Is always more or less prevalent during September. Be pre pared for It. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and D.arrhoea Remedy Is prompt and effectual. It can always he depended fpon and Is pleasant to take. For sale L7 all dealers. (Courtesy of the Pacific Monthly.) Poncing!. Dancing! There will be dancing Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday nights of this week in Eagle-Woodmen Hall under the Saturday night dance management. Small Stores Gain Business by. tne bright electric light for signs and windows. Now that G.E. MAZDA lamps are available nothing is easier to obtain than profitable lighting. These new incandes cent lamps we now offer to our customers under very favorable conditions. More Electric Light can now be obtained for every dollar you pay for cur rent than ever before. The G.E. MAZDA lamps give more than twice the light you have ever before considered it possible to obtain for a given expense for current. We are now ready to tell you how you can get the benefit 61 ! this great advance in electrical development. Pacific Power & Light Co. "Always at Your Service" The East Orerronian is eastern Orefrpn's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron nge. It is the advertising medium of this section.