East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 13, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Ladies and Clisses
Suits and Coats
That's what we are Selling
right now
We are ready for you with by far the biggest and best se
lected line of Ready-to-Wear garments we have ever shown.
SUITS 300 of them
Sizes 14 to 20 and 34 to 47.
to chooso from in all materials and sizes
$5.00 to $40.00
OCTOBER Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Ready.
Coal and wood, phone Main 6.
Pastime picture please all.
Putch Henry for coal. Main 171.
Snyder, chimney sweep. Tel. R 3812.
Private board and lodging at 205
W. Webb. Phnnn Black S431.
Dr J. A. Best nas returned from hla
vacation and lias resumed practice.
Phone Platsoeder for frean meat
and lard. Main 446.
Everybody goes to the Orjheuin to
ce the best and the clearest pictures.
Call at 777 Thomson street for
board and rooms. H. II. CopolanJ.
Special rates to horses ooarded by
the week or month at the vlommerclal
Barn, 120 Aura street. Phone Main 13.
Plenfy of chickens, Including pprins
fries, dressed if desired. Pendleton
Ca.h Market. Phone Main 101.
Room and board fur teaehers. Pric
es verv reasonable. Inquire "F" at
this office for Information.
Everything that's good to eat, In
meats and groceries at the Cash
Market, phone Main 101.
About 800 feet of good new garden
hoe for sale at cost price. Sharon &
Lumber nt Darr's mill 112.00 per
thousand. Six miles west of
cham, Oregon.
Xotleo to Public.
In order tosgive delivery oys a
chance to go to Round-Up there will
bo no delivery Thursday afternoon
from stores general delivery does
work for.
Duni'lng! . Dunclng!
.There will be dancing Wednesday,
Thursday and Saturday nights of this
week In Eagle-Woodmen Hall under
the Saturday night dance management.
N'oliiw to tlio Public.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to the Farmers Meat Co., are
hereby notified to pay the same to
Sher'ff Taylor or Fred Weber. No
e ther prrs .m are authorized to tran
sact any business for the company
whatsoever. (Signed.)
J. S. FURNISH, President.
Lam lis, February drop. Will weigh
now lJj to 160 pounds. (Large,
husky felows). One lamb from
suh buck have always topped the
Chicago market both for size and
price. Write me regarding same.
II. Stanton Coffin, North Yakima,
Interesting program for Tuesday's
1. "The Ranchman's Son," Essan
ay. A thrilling Western drama. Allen
Harley quarrels with Peter Lewis In
a saloon and finally when Lewis Is
insulting, Harley knocks him down.
Lewis then slinks out of the saloon
and encounters Jake Webster, with
whom he also has a quarrel Guns
are drawn and the result is the death
of Lewis, when Webster accidentally
discharges his weapon. Harley later
comes upon tho scene and discovers
Lewis is dead, he is found crouching
beside the body when the sheriff ar
rives and arrests him, charging him
with the murder. Webster rides hur
riedly away and arriving at the Har
ley ranch he applies for a position
and is given work. V few days later
a newspaper Is handed him announc
ing Allen Harley has been found guil
ty and is sentenced to be hanged at
sundown. Webster resolves to ride
to the county seat and save young
Harley's life. He arrives at the Jail
just in the nich of time.
2. "The Diving Girl." Biograph.
With her uncle she visits the sea
shore and goes bathing with a party
of her brother's friends. Uncle also
takes a dip and Is annoyed at the
perilous performance of the girl. He
orders her from the water and locks
her in her room but brother release?
her. He finally concludes that home
Is' the best place for her for there she
will run no chance of drowning.
3. "J500 Reward," Biograph. A
burglar enters the home of a wealthy
man and steals a valuable necklace.
A reward of $500 is offered for the
thief's apprehension. A couple of
rube detectives start out to find the
robber and Bucceed in taking Into
custody the victim of the robbery anl
the real detective who is on the case.
An ordinary copper gets the thief and
wins the reward.
4. "For the Honor of The Name,'
Eclipse. A good drama. This picture
shows a father's heroism to save the
family's reputation.
5. "Moss Covered Ruins of the
Isle of Wright, Great Britain," Eclipse
showing tho vine-clad Carisbrooke
castle as well as Newport and vicinity.
Beautiful views of the ivy-mantled
towers at Ventnor and the village of
Shanklin with Its lichen-coated walls.
6. "The Gambler's Chance." This
lively comedy is acted with the usual
Lubin spirit and tells what good
comes from a boy'3 game of craps.
Lots of human nature in this picture.
7. "A Hero Almost," Lubln. This
comedy will keep you laughing. It
tells the story of a romantic girl with
two lovers. She will only marry n
hero. You will have to see this pic
ture to appreciate it.
George poisoned the ditch. The vet
erinary examined the dead cattle and
the ditch and found the poison. A
pur-suit occurs in which the renegade
croHses a deep chasm on the irrigating
flume. Ho was finally shot and fell
into the flume. A love story adds
Interest to a very Interesting picture.
"A Sioux Spy." Bison. A story of
the Indian wars The brave was sent
by the chief to spy on the Cheyennes
and pretending sickness was taken to
their camp, where he fell In love with
Silver Moon. Love proved stronger
than duly and he did not return to
his people. In a battle between the
Sioux and Cheyennes he saved the
chief's lfe and won Silver Moon.
"A Gasoline Engagement." Imp.
A comedy and then some. The young
man loved Grace, but dad wanted her
to marry a ' minister. Learning the
party were going automobiling in the
country George arranged to drive the
car. The adventures in the cellar
where George held a match over a
barrel of gasoline and compelled Pa
to give his consent and his rival the
minister to marry he and Grace are
sure funny.
Pictures of the Cheyenne Wild West
Show, 1911, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. 3000 feet of genuine "Let
'er buck" thrills.
(Continlued from page one.)
Poultry AsMHintlon to Mwt.
There will be a meeting of tho Umatilla-Morrow
county Poultry associa
tion on Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock
Ilea- nt John Baker's furniture store. All
members are urged to attend.
J. W. BROWN, Sec.
Lost Package containing little :
girl's black pumps. Finder return to l ,.,-
this office and receive suitable re-1 MOKI. lU.VSJfeKl. VI.IA .
warJ- i.Morv Than a Skin Salvo Is Needed to
Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo- Cum Pill's IVrmnnontly.
kane. Leaves 1:30 p. m, arrive :65 pon't be disappointed if you fail to
p. m. Tickets from W. Adams, Agent, get a lasting cure of piles with salves.
Pendleton, (The cause of piles is more than skin
movesT- S "ash 22 I , HEM-ROID. a tablet tonic remedy.
.. ., : s taken inwardly, acts on the circu-
once a week. 647 nam street. -
, . lation and cures all kinds of piles
Phone Main 98 for Parkers au- thoroughIy
tomoblle. Trips to all parts of coun- n for dayg. 8UrpIy nt Tho Pen.
try and city. Quick service. Stand (11,.ton n,.UR Co Pendleton. Ore., and
at French restaurant. iaI1 ti,"UKKists. pr. Leonhardt Co , Sta-
For transfer work, hauling bag- ton B.. Buffalo, N. Y., mall a free
gage, moving household goods and booklet.
pianos and all kinds of Job work.
phone Mainn 461. B. A. Morton.
Tou can't burn slate and gravel!
Don't try it. Phone Dutch Henry, ciinrgol With Causing Penth of Do
Main 17S, for c'oan screened Rook nicotic Prolate to tho Poh.
Springs coal either lump or nut It I Home. The Rev. Gulseppe Prep-
burna cloan and goes further. ' puntl, canon of the church of San
Poupnr. ta Fortlniirt can ave tp. Markherita, has been apprehend
money and at the sume time have an ed on the charge of placing poison
enjoyable river ride bv taking boat in tho rhnllce which caused the death
frm Th nnilfi. str. Bailey GaUert last week of Mgr. Contessa, the de
leaves dally. xcept Friday and Sun- nicstic prelate to Pope This, while the
day at 3 30 p. m., arrives in Port- Monslgnor was celebrating mass, ah
Innd 9:30. Fare 11.00. alysls of tho wine in the chalice show
' 'd enormous quantity ofarsenlc.
Itouiul-Vp. I
No long waits at Patton'a barber
shop. Seven barbers employed fair
Attention Modern Woodmen.
Please pay your dues to me nt 121)
East Court. W. E. ELDER, Clerk.
j Get There Quick j
l Phone Red 3961 for the
Iauto cab
Tho PaKtlmo.
Twenty-five cent fares to any
part of the city. Special rates
for out of town trips.
Rose Cream ;.;....: ..r.....l
I Sun Burn
Special program for the Round-Up.
Four big features. Don't miss one of
"Life on the Border." A Selig mas
terpiece. A true story of the early
days In the west. No expense or care
was spared to make this picture real
istic and interesting. It Is truly a
thrilling story. It Is the terrible ex
perience of a young pioneer mother
left alone for the day In her wilder
ness homo with only a five year old
child for company. The mother is
accidentally Imprisoned in a wood
shed by her child. The little one tries
in vain to lift the heavy latch and
while the mother is thus imprisoned
a bear being pursued by a band of
prowling Indians arrives upon tho
scene. They ransacked the empty ca
bin, finding "firewater." They be
come very hilarious and set fire- to
tho cabin and the shed in which the
terrified mother is in. The flames
are rapidly accomplishing their dead
ly work when the father arrives just
In time to save his wife.
"A Dutch Gold Mine." Biograph
This story is amusing and exciting as
well. Tho scenery Is fine. Both
Hans nnd the horsedealer are vaude
ville characters of note.
"Through Jealous Eyes." Lubin
One of the best dramas ever produc
ed. Depicts the work of the green
eyed monster, jealousy, In a homo and
Its final cure. It is so convincingly
acted that if there are any improba
bilities in the plot they pass unnotic
ed so long as the picture is on the
screen. The great doctor's office
nurse (Miss Lawrence) and the doc
tor's son (Mr, Johnson) have fallen in
love. The doctor's wife sees him jok
ing with the .nurse and gets it into
her head that it Is the doctor who is
in love with the nurse. Subsequent
events seem to confirm her suspicions
and she is goaded almost to the point
of doing murder, when the son was
accidentally shot and brought home
ilnd the whole affair explained, the
wife's jealousy vanished and she was
filled with remorse for her vigilance.
"A Second Honeymoon." Vita
graph. They get married, quarrel,
make up and get married again. We
are twice pleased with this picture. It
has a double equopment of laughs.
the commerce of tho world; master-:
of the foreign tariffs and duties of the
world; masters of the foreign political
and economic policies of the world.
But in whom did God vest the pow
er to pronounce that commercial wed
ding ceremony, which is to make the
Atlantic and Pacific oceans one For
years the French government had
toiled and-lavished money to accom
plish that purpose only to s-acrifice
hrr sons to the death-grip of the trop
ical fever and plague. Experts from
every European nation declared the
enterprise a hopeless task, and the
French corporation was eventually
glad to turn over to tho United States
the whole horrible hoodoo for a con
sideration $40,000,000. For some
years the United States met with sim
ilar re-ults. It seemed a fruitless
wasto of men and money.
Workmen perish in this climate
faster than they could be replaced
because the atmosphere reeked with
the germs of fever and death. The
march of human progress now faced
i's Waterloo. Engineers, surveyors,
and mechanical experts had done
their best. But it was a hopeless bat
tlefield to the forces of progress be
cause the enemy was Invisible, and
yet everj-where present, infinite in
number and constant in its onslaught
with fatal javelins of disease. But
there was one man overlooked in
whom rested the hope of the day. It
remained for the doctor of medicine
to transform the tropical climate of
filth and fever into wholesome and
sanitary conditions Through his lit
tle microscope he detected the rebel's
line of march and smote the enemies
of mankind with shot and shell of
nnti-toxine and germicide. Hence it
occurs that the laurel which crowns
the hero of the most Important
achievement of modern times rests
upon the brow of the faithful and
fearless physicion.
"Doctors, you have reason to be
proud of your profession. You are
indeed divinely called to a sacred
work. Personally, I do not believe
that Our Lord's commandment to "go
into all the world ani preach the gos
ped" could ever have been carried
out without the scientific and di
vinely appointed achievements of you
death-postponing men. It is needless
for me to take your time this morn
ing to prove these assertions by citing
the numerous testimonials of our mis
sionaries in China and India and In
tho uttermost Islands of the sea. I
can only thank you for your work and
remind you of the divine mission and
sacred responsibility of your calling
by the brief but unhesitating declara
tion that you are ' the Indispensible
forerunners of civilization every
where, and even of Chrtstanlty itself.
"You are welcome to our city. We
are proud of the presence of your dis
tinguished and educated men and that
you are here to dlsuuss your themes
and topics of interest and stimulation
to your work and the physical well
being of mankind. I thank you all
for your generous attention."
If you wish to b
of those blemlahe
Drug Store That
Tou Beat.
Southeastern Washington's
Sept'r. 18 to 23, 1911
Grew tent Race Program Ever
Offered In tho Northwest. '
Concerts Dally by Ruzxl's
Special Raton on ail Railroads.
Are You
subject to Bilious attacks?
LISTEN thousands of persons
so afflicted, have found thnt
give relief quicker tlinn any
thing olso. Wc urge you to try it.
Tho Cony.
"An nil feature western show nt the
Cosy Tuesday and Wednesday. Doll
Blancett, the world's champion steer
bulldogger and Bertha Blancett, the
champion woman broncho buster of
the world, who are in Pendleton to
tnke part In the Round-Up both ap
pear In today's Bison Indian picture.
"The White Red Man." Rex.
Words fall to express the beauty of
this picture. The Indian being be
friended by the settler's family, gave
them some Jewels lost by an outlaw.
The sottler was accused of the rob
bery and was to bo hung at sunrise.
To save his life the Indian had to
run BO miles. Over wild mounta'n X
gorges, across rushing rivers, across
deep canyons he made his way and
arrived in time. A happy ending for
all. Exquisitely tinted "It's a
"The Poisoned Flume." American.
A western feature of the Irrigated
country Angered at being rejected,
I T I Til i I I 1 1 T ill ( VTTTT T
1 Opens Sept. 14$
Boarding and Day $
School for Girls.
. "p
i Primary, Intermediate, Ac- t
I adomic Special and Tost- J
Graduate Courses. Depart
ments of Music, Expression
nnd Art.
Nettie M. Calbraith
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I II 1 I -H
New Showing of
Ladies and Misses
Come and See
New Silk Waists at
Come in black and white and navy and
Peasant style at $3.00 each.
Come and see these extra values.
$8 and $10 Silk Waists for $4.95
These come in Persian and plaids, silks and plain net,
regular values up to $10.00 on sale at .... $4.95
Wohlenberg Dept. Store
white stripes.
The Cowboy Headquarters
We are Headquarters
Pendleton for
of Every Description
Besides we save you big
money on every purchase.
See our great line of Men's New
Fall Clothing for fall.
Keep your eye on our large corner
wortnngmni i
Main & Webb Sts. Pendleton, Ore.
Seattle ?
Spokane ?
Leave Pendleton 1 :30 F.
( Arrivi
M. Arriv
I Arriv
Portland ?
Seattle 8:15 A. M.
c Siokane....9:55 P. M.
e Portland 8:10 A. M.
Northern Pacific Railway
The Pioneer Line.
First class trains.
Close connections.
Good arrivim time.
Good leaving time.
I ThroughTickets to all Points
East or West
Secure tickets and full information from
Ask about EXCURSION FAHKS for these events:
"THE ROUND-UP" Pendleton. Se;t 11-16.
Wala Walla County Fair, Walla Walla, Sept. 18-23.
Washington State Fair, North Yakima, Sept. 25-30.
Interstate Fair, Spokane, Oct 2-8.
National Apple Show, Spokane, November 23-30.