DAILY EAST ORE GOVT AN. FEJTDIiETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1011 PAGE THRU 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q jQjL IwiL . li r. 'It ''fcijiST"" 'i1' j"'"'J.uy II oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo UMATILLA PROJECT YIELDS HEAVILY PKODIXTS TOWER OVER AVERAGE FOR STATE Reduced to Actual Figurr, Compari son SIiovvh Western I 'art of This County to lie Garden Kxit of Ore gon ami Most Productive FOR SCnDFULA IIATURE'S PERFECT CUHE YOU -CAN MAK NO MISTAKE G O o o o 9 by wearing a Steiil-BIoch suit for your busi ness clothes. The best-dressed business man in this town wears Stein-Bloch. The label is in his coat, and he is proud of it and of his own good judgement in selecting them from among all others 5 NiWS OF THE NORTHWES: IVI! From llmic llreaks Arm Ralston, Wash. Gustave Wellstandt a farmer north of here was thrown from a horse .mil broke his right arm. Hoy Full; Breaks Ann. Plaza Wash. Jesse Johnson, the 10-ycar-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnson, foil from a ladder and broke his arm. Kloked l" llrsc. riazn. Wash. Ous Lybecker was kleked by a horse. Inflicting a painful wound on his head. VlikeiN Arrested nt Payton. Dayton, Wash. Arthur E. Ylekers who arrived In this city to visit his parents, was arrested hy Chief of Po llen George 1?. Dorr on telegraphic in structions from Deputy Sheriff A. S Farrow of Monte Vista. Col. The order of arrest of Vleker did not dis close the nature of his alleged offense. St Mary's hospital. Walla Walla, hut ton will be disbanded and Its mem died at his homo on Thursday eve- I b -r: h!p will be transferred to the nlng. He w;ls born In Sullivan coun- j M.-lhodlsl Episcopal ihmvh of this iv Tennessee. Mnv 26. 1SCS. and was ' city. The Methodist church South of married In IS 75. Ho is surviyed by his wire nnd two children, who will return to Montana. Arrests Farmer Near (Made. Pasco, Wash. Deputy Sheriff Ed ward Dennlson will return from lllade where he has Fred Haumgardt under arrest at the request of the officers of Okanogan county. Haumgardt Is ac cused of alleged horse stealing. He was arrested on Ills ranch about 14 miles from here. I'liM'D Bov Shoots Self in Foot. Pasto. Wash. While the 10 year old son of George T. Austin, Pasco business man, was hunting near the north city limits with a 22-caliber rifle he accidentally discharged the weapon, and the bullet penetrated the cnlf of his leg. Pavton has been In existence for more than 20 years. The Methodist church South at Covcllo, hitherto connected with Dayton, is also affected by this arrangement. A Dreadful Sight to H. J. rirnum cf Freeville, X. T.. vns the fever sore that had plagued h's life for years in spite of many remedies he tried. At last he used Ducklen's Arnica Salve and wrote: "It has entirely healed with scarcely a scar left." Heals, burns, boils, ecze ma, cuts, bruises, swellings, corns and piles like magic. Only 25c at Koep-pons. Pave Streets at Paseo. Pasco, Wasli1. The paving of Clark street Is moving on rapidly, the stretch from Fifth street to Taeoma avenue having the base of concrete. On top of this a wearing course of bltulithlc two Inches in depth will be placed. With the completion of Clark street Pasco will have 12 blocks of streets paved, Funeral Servhvs of T. Ford. Milton. Ore. The funeral services of T. Ford, who lives a mile out of Milton, took place from the Methodist Episcopal church, south, nnd the body was shipped to Polgrade, Mont. Mr. Ford came to Milton- two years ago for his health, having suffered with -tuberculosis since he was 18 years of ago. About two weeks ago ho was op erated on for that dread disease In P.ruise May Cost Girl's Eye. Albion, Wash. What Is proving to be a serious accident happened to Chester Rice's little girl while playing with some children. She was thrown against a picket In a gate, bruising her eye. Inflammation has set In and It Is feared that she will lose the sight of one eye. , Miner Injured. Mullan, Idaho. Mikel Quirk, a miner, working in the Ryan stope of the Gold Hunter mine, met with a seri ous and probably fatal accident while he nnd his partner were barring down a bolder weighting nearly 10 tons. The rock fell from the banging wall, striking Quirk, breaking his leg In two places and fracturing his skull. His chances for recovery are slight. He was Immediately taken to the Tiovidence hospital at Wallace. Combine Dayton Churches. Dayton, Wash. By the terms of the recent negotiations between the res pectlve conferences of the Methodist Episcopal and the Methodist Episco pal South churches withlrr this state, the Methodist church South of Day- WOMAX CRAZED BY BEATTIE TRIAL TRIES TO Kl I.L SFI.F (Special Correspondence.) Hermlxton, Ore., Sept. Z. Few people take time to investigate offi cial crop records of Oregon, and the Northwest, and especially to compare them with what I, being done In this section of the country and on the Umatilla project. A few interesting items from the 1910 crop report fol low: ' Average wheat yield for the state I 17.03 bushel1. Average price 87 cents 1 "i returns of $15. S8 per acre. Qt A vi rage timothy yields 1.673 tons O'a, $10.76 per ton, $l per acrei Average alfalfa yied 3.117 tons, at Q 4 73 pr ton, or $27.21 per acre. Q Average yield of potatoes 109 bushels at 43 cents or $48.87 per V acre. Q Comparing the above with what Is q' be n? done on the Fmatilla project is , interesting-. Wheat Is only raised for Q a cover crop, and no tests have been OniHde. by threshing. Farmers have only esrerlmented with timothy. Oi Alfalfa is grown here in large quan ' titles, and of extra good quality, near ly every fanner having a small acre age, while some have devoted their entire acreage to its culture. The average yield in the state is 3.117 tons. Here the yield averaged 7 tons and at the price given the average profit per acre is $61.11, or a little more than double the average for the state. On potatoes the comparison Is even greater. The average for the state Is $46.87. Here on the project figures obtained from farmers place the re turns at an average of $140 per acre This shows profits three times great er than the state average. One might go right down the list and take everything grown on the pro ject and compare it with the average yiell of the state, and In every in stance a good substantial increase could be phown over the figures from official crop records. And this would not only apply to the state of Oregon alone, but to the entire United States. Dr. C. W. Cropp is here from Walla Walla spending several days visiung ai me noni'i oi nis daughter Mrs. O. H. Upthegrove and family. Dr. Croup has just returned from a three months' trip in northern Idaho where he N interested In a gold mine, from here he goes to Castle Rock where he has a 200 acre alfalfa ranch. Henry Sommercr nnd R. R Lewis are In Pendleton this week looking after the Hermlston collection of ex hibits for the county fair. Mr. So.n merer has eharge of the booth for the Farmers' Union and by the looks of the specimens he shipped they will have a fine showing from the Uma tilla project. In Saturday' issue of the Hermlston Herald appeared the announcement of the opening of the Project Drug company's new store. The store is lo cated in the same building with the Jensen jewelry store. The rooms have been rejiiodeled and everything will be Installed for the opening Sat urday, Septembre 16th. Dr. M. V. Turley reports several new settlers over Sunday. To Ir. and Mrs. Chas Xelding a ten pound boy and to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brown a boy. Rev. I. S. Leonard of Harrington, Washington has been placed In charge of the Baptist pulpit here. Rev. Leo nard's family has not arrived yet, but will 1 e here during the next week. They v, ill occupy the Yates cottage on Gladys avenue. The Newport Land and Construc tion company has a force of men busy loading camping outfits for use at 0 Swollen glands about the neck, weak eyes, running sores and abscesses, pale, waxy complexions and frail, poorly developed systems, are the most usual ways in which Scrofula is manifested. In some cases the blood is so filled' with the scrofulous germs that ; from birth the disease shows its presence. In other cases it is held in , check during young, vigorous life, but when the system begins to weaken, especially after a spell of sickness, the disease will often manifest itself in some form. 5. S. S. is Nature's perfect cure for -. 1 Scrofula, made entirely of healthful roots, herbs and barks, a perfectly - safe medicine for young cr old. S. S. S. goes into the circulation, ana . drives out all scrofulous matter, and supplies the blood with the . healthful, vigorous qualities it is in need of. In this way it builds up weak, delicate persons and makes them strong and healthy. 5.5.5. . cures Scrofula because it is the most perfect of all blood purifiers. Book on the Blood and medical advice free. 5. 5. S. is for sale at : drugstores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, G4 Pendleton, where they have secured a $11,000 contract rrom me state tor levelling the Eastern Oregon asylum grounds and building a levee along the Umatilla river. Hermlston stores will all close Thursday and every one Is planning to take in "West End day" at the Round-Up. Yellow complexion, plmplea and disfiguring blemishes on the face or body can be gotten rid of by doctor ing the liver, which is torpid. HER BINE Is a powerful liver correetant. It purifies ttio system, stimulates the vital organs and puts the body in fine vigorous condition. Price 50c. Sold b7 A. C. Koeppen & Bros. M 4 y Every y Quotation on Every Commodity RIGHT AT YOUR FINGERS TIPS. No hunting through your files no for getting the name of the firm who made the price It's all before you in an Quotation Record Its use will simplify your buying remarkably fyVA - l'- 1 There, is an gaasaJpEnsi BOOK, for Every Business and Profession IX) It SALE AT THE EAST OREGON I A.N OFFICE Reads That Ileuluh Rlnford May Again lie Arrested nnd Attempts SuiWilo Three Times Will Re cover. Pensncola, Fla. A newspaper story telling of a chance that Beulah Bin- ford might be prosecuted as an acces sory in the Beattie murder case is de clared to have driven Mrs Laura Sullivan to suicidal despondency late last night. First she drank 1 uidamun. This was pumped from her stomach. Then she slashed herself in the side and head. The knife was taken away r i.,r.i.. cilw. Itifli.-f t-t.t fntnl ll.Hll III. Ul-IWK- , .... , , , -V 1 f wounds. During the night she obtain-' at hrst Sign 01 a COid. VU1CK, sale cd a pistol and tried to shoot herself. I and reliable. The Bee Hive on the A severe scalp wound was the most , carton ja the mark of the genuine. serious result. Refuse sustitutes After her last wound had been IuSe SUSlRUies. dressed Mrs. Pulllvan said she would Mrs. Anna Pelaer. 2"2t5 Jefferson Pt,' attempt suicide no more. She do- So. i unarm, says: "I can recommend dared she was nil right so far ns Foley's Honey & Tar Compound as a mental balance goes till she read sure cure for coughs and colds. It there was a chance of P.eulah Pin- cured my daughter of a bad cold and FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR COMPOUND For over three decadesa favorite household medicine for COUGHS. COLDS, CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH. BRONCHITIS, HARD andSTUFFY BREATHING. Take j FOUR Jill I TRAINS Q AST fepp W livery Day Over the ij Scenic Highway M Berth Coast Limited ford might be prosecuted. Moaning n Iiobstor. 'Wh'at Is your Ideal man?" "On who Is clever enough to make money my neighbor Miss Penson cured her self nnd her whole family with Foley's Honey & Tar Compound. Everyone in our neighborhood speaks most higblv of it, as a good remedy for and foolish enough Variety Life. to spend it. 1 coughs and colds. 1 FOR SALE HY ALL DEALERS. The only exclusively first class train to the East. To pt. Paul, Minneapo lis, Immediate connections beyond. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY LIMITED To St. Louis and the Southeast. Ob servation Car. Standard and Tourist i Sleeping Cars. Day Coaches. i.:3 ATLANTIC EXPRESS 1 Through to Chicago. All classes of t-$ equipment. TWIX CITY EXPRESS To St. Paul and Minneapolis. All "in .JV i ; frijr ITS. ya'Sn classes of equipment. I MMWlP' HORTHERH PACIFIC RAILWAY WALTER ADAMS AGENT, PENDLETON', ORE. A., Portland. Charlton. A. G. P. Oregon. J.AHW.iMS, -TtY. ffc . -'to-wi.'irr.i rtkli WII L- THEY STOP US? Competitors are clamoring for the keys of this store and leave nothing undone to stop this butchering of their establish ed prohts. Has this great sale helped you It has neipea tnousanas or careiui, snrewa peopic d iu can uciH y u.uil you will hurry before the key is turned in the door at 1 0 P. M Saturday. TJ I I I Judd Block, Main and Court Streets, Pendleton, Oregon. Jl i Ittamd as. ss. UH 1 P. e.n VTrt sS! rvfflHBjaBr JUBHHSKSitA. Adjuster F. N. ALMSTEAD in Charge