PAGE TWO DAILY KAST OREGOMAK, PENDLETOX. OHEttOX, TIIl'KSDAY, SETTEMBEII 14, 1911. EIGHT PAGES " -- - 1 "' . - . , - . ., . i - i - - i - - " - . ' 1 - ' .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 Q 1 Your Trip Will Not Be Complete I 1 You Will Not Get All There Is in the Round-Up f J , . ' A o o If you do not take home with you a PENDLETON INDIAN ROBE. o o o o o o o o o o o & o o o c G o o Mii'Tiir"Ti i ni'iTTn1 THURSDA Y EVENING will be ELKS NIGHT at the FAIR. I We have Uniforms for big l and little men. See Our Window Display. You'll find here a complete line of every thing made by the Pendleton Woolen Mills, Couch Covers, Indian Robes, Automobile Robes, Rugs, Shawls, Blankets, Etc. Trading Coupons will be given on all cash purchases. THE WAR EHOUSE SAVE YOUR COUPONS HAD COOKING I51IKAKS HOMKS, SAYS 1H)CT()11 AKKAXUEMKXTS COMIM.KTK IY)U FA lit AT WALLA WALLA WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE OQQQQQQQQGQQOOQOOCOOOOCOQQOOOCOQQOOOQOQOOQOSGQOQQCQQQQQOOOOOQQOQOOOOooooooooQQQ H THE CASH MARKET f is the w'siest ix town WHY? Because people get better gooJa, better service ana better weight than any other place In town and you'll find our prices cheaper tthe CASH MARKET Cor. E. Court and Johnson Sts. Phono Main 101 (Special Correspondence. Weston. Ore, Sept. 13. The prin eipalship of the Woton school was filled Thursday when the clireot"is el eete i Mr. Joel Davis. Mr. Davis h is taught fifteen years and has for the past few years been teaching in As toria. The Normal building is being prepared for the beginning of school next Monday. Rev. C. V. Steininger who has taken- the appointment as pastor of the Methodist church at Weston preached his firf si-rmon t the people of Wes ton Sunday morning. A large num ber attended and all who heard him A-ere well pleased with his sermon. Kev. J. P. crookes and wife who have been with the church for the past two years will go to Troy, Idaho. Mr. Williams who came to Weston a few weeks ago to visit his relatives Mr. and Mis. V. H. Ferguson, suc cumbed to heart trouble Friday ani was tagen Saturday to Athena for burial. Miss Gertrude Wheeler has gone to Culdesac, Idaho, to teach a nine months' school. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ely of Port hind are in Weston visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Jake Clark and family who have been spending a few months on their homestead near American Falls, Ida ho, are preparing to spend six months in Weston. Mrs. Rebecca Culley who has been visiting Mrs. Jas. Stanfield for a few days returned Tuesday to her home in Milton. Camp MacDougal was broken up Saturday, September 9, when Aunt .Sarah MacDougal came down to her home in this city. It has been report ed that there Is an abundance of huckelberrles In the mountains yet. Mr. Jas. La Lande went to Walla Walla Sunday on business and return ed Monday. Mrs. Ralph Klnnear and Mrs. Ralph Lane returned from a visit to Walla Walla. Miss Iva N'olte who has been spending a week with friends and relatives in Weston returned Monday to Walla Walla. On account of the late rain the warehouses at Weston were kept open on .-'un-luy and the farmers continued to haul their grain. Mr. Louis Van Winkle and family v i t to Gibbon Tuesday on business. Mrs Miry Hanister who has been sp r r!ir g the summer with her dau- V'ht r Mrs. Jack Chapen has returned t-i Weston to spend the winter. Mr-. Jas. Navin and Miss Eunice Gregory have been spending a week on Mrs. Xavin's ranch near Helix. Mr. William Compton made a bus-i:;-s:. trip to Athena Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Louis and family ot Helix, were in Weston Sunday vis iting Mr. and Mrs. John McRae. Mr Eearl Lieuallen is visiting his parents vMr. and Mrs. Jess Lieuallen in Waiia Walla. TRIAL ConiTSII!! AND COOKING HASTEX WEDDING Yimns Man ! Hoarder nt Home Fiance for Three Day. c.san, in., a trial courtship in which a young man and a woman liv ed orrether for three days in the home of her mother, with the full under standing he was to propose at the enj of a stated period it he was atisfied iino mat sue w:i to accept it she was satisfied, has just come to a nend in Ih s little v llage and the end was a wedding. He took up lvs abode with his near fiance and watched her methods of. keeping house, sampled her cooking studied her ways and tried to f nd if her personality was such as would make him a good wife. At the same time she tried his disposition, tested nis pat ence ooservert his manners and endeavored to find if the affec tion she expected him to express would be true and lasting. The man was Wilson D. Sherman of Williamsport, Pa., and the woman Miss Maud Sherman of Elsah. He !s 25 years old and she Is 30. Their ac quaintance began two years ago, when they began to correspond after learn ing each other's names in a matrimo nial journal. Sherman arrived In Alton and was met at the train by Miss Sherman and her mother. They had never met be forre and he Identified her by a pic ture. Miss Sherman does not deny that she took a little more than ordinary pa!ns to see that Wilson's beefsteaks and pie were a little above the ordi nary run. Once she purposely delay ed a meal to se ewhether he would become nervous or uneasy, but he only smiled and said supper would taste all the better when it came. Three days was more than needed Miss Sherman proved so charming that on the second day he asked her to curtail the trial and be his bride, but he was gently refused and told to wait the full time. That was a part of his test, but he didn't know it. On the third n'ght he proposed again and got the coveted "yes." Check a cough or cold In the lungs before It develops serious case. BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP !s an effective remedy for all soreness or congestion In the lungs or air pas sages. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Kocppen & Bros. Noted ExjH-rt on Dietetics Declares Husbands Would Stay at Home Nights If Wives Improved in Cul inary Art. Bostn. Mass. "If American wives would learn how to cook there would be few complain' ng that their hus bands go out nights," declared Dr. L. Abbott of Newbury street, a Hack Hay phy.-ieian, widely known as a stu lent of dietetics. He declares divorces can be prevented by good cooking. "Men. if properly nourished would not freciuent hotels and clubs where they acquire an appetite for cocktails although they may have gone there first i-imply because they wanted to get well cooked food they could hot get a home," lie declares. Dr. Abbott deplores the ignorance of the modern young girl on this most vital subject and declares that the wo man who cannot cook is greatly han d'eapped in her race for the ultimate goajmarrled happiness. "The woman of today seems un willing as a rule to pass hours in h.-r kitchen. She more frequently spends her afternoons gadding about and re turns home just in time to throw to gether a meal comprised of canned goods and cold left-overs," sa'.d Or Abbott. "This same woman may wonder why her husbar.d's patience Is disap pearing; why he swears when any thing goes wrong, and, in general, why he is changing' in character. A man's buccess in his business depends greatly upon the nutrition he receives. It is obviously true that the average business man who has worked his way up has had at home a wife who is a good cook. "The fact that the wife's biscuits would- make good baseballs has ceas ed to be a joke. These biscuits have been responsible for many a break in the happiness of newly married cou ples." Many sufferers from nasal catarrh say they get splendid results by us ng an atomizer. For their benefit we prepare Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Except that it is liquid, it is in all re spects 1 ke the healing, helpful, pain- allaying Cream Halm that the public has been familiar with for years. No cocaine nor other dangerous drug in It. The soothing spray is a remedy that relieves at once. All druggists, Toe, including spraying tube, or mail ed by Ely Bros , 56 Warren Street, New York. To Portland or California, taUe Northern Paclfl?, via Pa-co, and S P. & S. Ry. Leave 1:30 p. m , ar rive Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad ams, agent, at passenger station for through tickets end all arrangements. f I 4 9L.h at Wfe IB B Wlk mm r M a The Most Modern and Most Substantial Building Material-More Comfortable, and Cheaper in the end Save Yoursell Money Concrete Blocks and re-in-forced concrete are cheaper and far more satisfactory, Hake prettier work when finihhod and give the great est comfort in either hot or cold weather. Give Yourself Satisfaction See my many beautiful de signs for Ba8ementa, House Foundations, Walls, Fences. Curbing, Building Trim mings and Cemetery Fences. They grow stronger with age, Estimates Furnished on Application Phone Black 3786. D. A. MAY Pend leton, Oregon. Contractor and Builder of all kinds of Concrete Work. Walla Walla, Wash., Sept. 13. With fair weather practically assur ed, arrangements for the big week al most completed and with record breaking crowds promised, the ninth annual Walla Walla county fair and race meeting will open Monday. Sept tcmber 18. Never before in the his tory of the association has all indica tions been for a more successful and probably never before has Secre tary R II. Johnson been aide to se cure such a list of stdar attractions. The I'aik'T amusement company, one of the biggest carnival companies In the Fulled States, will furnish aniuse niert f'r the thousands, while Ruzzi's famous Italian orchestra will give af tcrnoon and evening concerts of an exceptionally high grade. The latest attraction booked Is Miss Tina, who will give triple parachute diops each day of the week, descend-In-: in thrilling f.'shlon from dl.zv heights, using threo parachutes to reach terra firm i. On the turf, the six clay relay ro o will probably be the big feature, many expert riders with good s'lln'-s of horses having ertered the contest. On Wednesday i l-i-ii- '. ill given the 2:15 pace vi, -n i j f,,,- a purse of $:"),000, while other days of the big week will have equally as attractive drawing cards. M'-ndav is to le children's day, when the youngsters from all parts of the ( onntv are to b.iguests of the association. Karh day Is to be set apart for some special delegation, thus giving the larger cities of the county representation on one after noon. Everything will be complete at the fair grounds on Saturday night, and promptly at 1 o'clock next Mon day afternoon the big gates will 9wing open and the most successful county fair ever given In the Garden City will be In full swing. Xn Xeel to Stop Work. When your doctor orders you to stop work, it staggers you. "I can't" you say. You know you are weak, run down and falling In health, day by day, but you must work as long hs you can stand. What you need Is Electric Bitters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent breakdown and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Elec tric Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50c at Koeppens. T'io many people waste their time in condemning the work of others In stead of spending it in trying to im prove their own. The wise guy never Jolts a hornet's nest to find out what's in it. GRAY HI 1 Nl LDGK DLB How often one hears the expres sion, "She Is gray and beginning to look old." It is true that gray hair usually denotes age and is always as sociated wltft age. You never hear one referred to as having gray hair and looking young. The hair is generally the Index of age. If- your hair is gray, you can t blame your friends for referring to you as looking old. You can't retain a youthful appearance if you allow your hair to grow gray. Many per sons of middle age Jeopardize their future simply by allowing tho gray hair to become manifest. If your hair has become faided or gray, try Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Hair Item- edy, a preparation which a chemist by tho name of Wyeth devised a few years ago. It is simple, inexpensive and practlcnl, and will banish the gray hairs In a few days. It is also guaranteed to remove dandruff and promote the growth of the hair. It is a pleasant dressing for the hair, and after using it a few days Itching and dryness of tho scalp en tirely disappear. This preparation is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle, and is recommended and sold by all drug Oregon Theatre fl-IIHT Miss Courtney Morgan And Her Associate Players in the Powerful Comedy Drama is kao m m m i mm aw Hlf HHIMMIIM SPHIII A POWERFUL HEART STDRY Merged With Comedy The Aberdeen, Wash., World says: "The Royal Outlaw," the last of the three of ferd by the Cotirtenay Morgan Co., pleased the audience better than anything this excellent Company has offered us. Seats on Sale at HANSCOMS o o o O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o gists.