DAILY HAM? OREGONIAX, PENDLgrON, ORJBGOlVt- TUESDAY, BIGHT PAOBB : 12,. vk& FACT CSV CM. -A Poo4 Weak Woman At she U termed, will endure bravely and patiently agonies which strong man would give way under. The fact la women are more patient than they ought to be under such troubles. Every woman ought to know that she may obtain the most experienced medical advioe frt of chart and in obsolut eonfidenct and privacy by writing to the World' Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce lias been chief consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for many years and has had wider practical experience in the treatment of women 'a diseases than any other physician in this country. His medicine are world-famous for their astonishing efficacy. The moat perfect remedy ever devised for weak and deli cote women is Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Prescription. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG. SICK WOMEN WELL. The many and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fully set forth in Plain English in the People's Medical Adviser (1008 pages), a newly revised and up-to-date Edition of which, cloth-bound, will bo mailed fret on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Address as above. ooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o Cass Matlock, Prop. o o O BEST PICTURES Q O MORE PICTURES O O LATEST PICTURES O end illustrated eoogs in O 2 the city. O o o o 0 Shows afternoon and ere- O Q nings. Ifefined and en- O O tcrtaining for the entire Q O family. O o o o o q Next to French Restaurant q o o O Entire change throe times O O ach woek. Be sore and O O fee the next change. Q o o O Adults 10c Children O 0 uader 10 yea re, Co. Q ooooooooooo r 1 Woman Is loteieated and ihould know about the wonderful l MARVEL Wkirlini Sprat Tbs new Vaolnal Syringe. Beat tDOttoonvcoient. R cW-anara tnatantly. Aak rour druszlxt for ( If he cannot supply the BJutwtJL. accept no c botatndetamp fo tUuatrated book aealed. It slveafull parttou- lari and directiona Invaluable to bdlee. ' sum CA. 44 bat 2U ttratt. rm talk' .Stands for Chol-1 era, some people think. But I'm a smart chicken I know that C stands for Conkey.l p.lio can put the kibosh on Cholera, Indigestion and Bowel Trouble in J little chicks with Conkey'si Cholera Remedy, Price ,50c. T. MATTHEWS CO. I if 4 . Vl i It . :VrrWrV I PENDLETON'S TOrULAK PICTtfRE rAltTX)IlS THE COSY Where tlio rntire family can enjoy a hifrh-clafls motion pic ture show with comfort. ' FUN, PA 1TIOS, SCENIC, THRILLING ALL PTvOrERLY MIXED. ' Open Afternoon & Eve. Change Sun., Mon., Wed., Fit Next Door to St. George Hotel. Admission 5 and 10 Orpheion Theatre J. P. MEDERNACIL Propriotof. . HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTIO' PICTURES For Men, Womui and Children SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER, Program Chan sees on Sunday's, Tncmlay's and Friday's. SQUIRRELS USE UMBRELLAS. Animals Wear Cabbage Loaves to Avoid Wotting. Tarrytown, N. Y. Automobilists who drove down the Gorybrooke road reported that aa they passed William Rockefeller's place they saw two gray squirrels crossln gthe road with um' brellas over their heads to protect them from the rain. The story was laughed at when first told, but today Irving Revere drove Into town, bringing along dead gray squirrel. . Revere said the squirrel had been hit by a car and near by was a cabbage leaf. He aid this explained why so many gardens had been ravaged of their large cab bages the last two weeks. When the squirrels found a leaf large tnough to cover their body, they would bite a small hole In It, put their tall through and travel to and fro protect ed In their cabbage leaf cravenettes. Squirrels don't like to get wet, but It rained so long they were forced to use their wits to keep dry, with the above successful results. JAILED AS VAGRANT AT 70. .Jmlffo Sentences Man Hunting Broth er mm a Home. Los Angeles, Cal. Seventy-six years old and barely able to walk without assistance, David C. White, who came from Beggs, Ok., to obtain shelter and protection In h'a old age, began serving In the county Jail a fif teen day sentence for vagrancy. The plight of the prisoner aroused sympathy and criticism of his sen tence. Justice of the Peace O. S. Buckley of Lancaster sent him to Jail. White went to the house of the Justice for food and assistance to enable him to get to Los Angeles. He says he was told that the only way he could be as assisted would to plead guilty i to a chnrge of vagrancy. White is seeking a brother, E. B. White, who owns a ranch a few miles northwest of Los Angeles. Yellow complexion, pimples and disfiguring blemishes on the face or body can be gotten rid of by doctor ing the liver, which Is torpid. HER BINE la a powerful liver correctant. It purifies the system, stimulates the vital organs and puts the body In fine vigorous condlt'on. Price 60c. - Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Attack is the reaction; never think you hit hard unless It rebounds. protect your health i during the hot summer and "bad water" months by drink ing our pure soda, root beer, cider and been. Clioapcr Than a, Doctor MB. One dozen quarts or two dozen pints of the City Brewery'! fa mous "Export Beer" delivered to your home for $2 00. PENDLETON SODA WORKS. W A. Hctnniclgnrn t Bros. 400 E. Court St. Tel. Main 459 SWINE STILL GOING DOl'IMD DECLINE DESPITE SMALIi NUMBER RECEIVED Cattle Movement la Very Heavy With Market Steady Receipts on Sheep and Lainbtr ' Heavy Wheat Takes Hourl&li Turn. (From Monday" Journal.) There was a further decline of a dime in the hog trade today with $8.40 as the extreme top and only a few head In evidence. Total offerings were but 45 head and therefore there was not enough swine in the yards to thor oughly test the wants of killers. The lot that brought the top price aver aged 190 pounds. There was a better tone In the hog trade at Chicago today and Sc was added to the price of Saturday with a run of 24,000 head compared with 23,000 a year ago. Tops sold there today at $7.60 for both light and mix ed offerings. Hogs sold 5c higher today at South Omaha with tops at $7.10. Even at this the local market is 20c lower than the stuff can be landed here. Nominal North Portland hog pri ces: Extra choice light ... 18.40 Medium light , 8.30 Smoth and heavy .... 7.25 Rough and heavy 6.50 There was a steady tone in the cat tle trade this morning. While the movement was heavy, consisting of 691 head, buyers took hold rather well during the early day and a large per cent of the supplies were sold at that time. There was a steady tone In the cat tle in the Chicago market today but prices were unchanged. South Omaha cattle were slower with top steers at $7.50 and best cows and heifers at $4.65. Cattle shippers today: Thompson & Co., Baker, Or., 4 toads; C. F Walker, Baker, Or., 7 loads; J. L. Burke, McKay, Idaho, 4 loads cattle and calves; McKinnon & Chandler, Enterprise, Or., 7 loads; D. Wasson, Harrisburg, Or., 1 load; Straub Bros.. Opal City, Or., 2 loads cattle and calves. North Portland range: Best steers $ , 5.85 Chaice steers . . . . , 5.70 Ordinary .' 4.50 5.00 Common steers 4 00)3)4.25 Fancy heifers 4.80 4.90 Fancy cows 4.60 Ordinary cows 3.00 4.00 Fancy bulls 2.50 3.00 Good ordinary bulls 2.50 Common bulls 2.00 2.75 Fancy light calves 7.50 Medium calves 5.50 6.60 OrdLnarv calves 4 00 5.00 Heavy Run of Sheep. There was sgain a very heavy run of sheep and lambs in the North Portland yards. The market was rather steady w.th one sale of lambs at $5. This lot consisted of 32 head that averaged 89 pounds. Today's run of sheep and lambs to taled 6688 head, compared with 145 Saturday and 2727 last Monday. At Chicago there was a steady tone In the mutton uivislon and prices were unchanged. At South Omaha there was a weak er tone in the sheep trade with prices 10 to 15 cents lower: YearlingB sold at $3.004.30 and lambs at $4.90 5.25. Sheep shippers today: Bailey & Co., Brogan, Or., 5 loads; James Mace, Enterpr se. Or., 3 loads; I. D. Bodine, La Grande. Or., 2 loads; Stanfie'd Bros., Hillgard, Or., 2 loads; H. A. Walker, Elgin, Or., 6 loads going through; S. B. Barker, Lindsay, Or., 2 loads; C. C. Miller, Lyle, Wash., 1 load. Other shippers in today were Mr. Strong with a mixed load of cattle, hogs and sheep, J. E. Cherry, En terprise, Or., 1 load of horses. North Portland sheep and lamb ranges: Select lambs 5. 00 Ordinary lambj 4.35 4 50 Best wethers 3.30 3.50 Common lambs 2.75 3 00 Best ewes 3 00 3.20 Ordinary ewes 2.00 2.50 Grain and Hay. Wheat New crop, nominal. Track del'very, club, 82 83 l-2c; bluestem, S5S7 l-2c; fortyfold, 83 84c; Wil lamette valley, 82 83c; red Russian, 81 82c; Turkey red, 83S4c. Barley New crop. Producers' prices-JlOU Feed $33.50; rolled, $35; brewing, $36. Oats New crop, nominal. Produc ers' price Track No. 1 white, $29 29. SO; gray, $28.50 29. Millstuffs Selline price Bran. $25 25.50; middlings $31; shorts, $262fi.50; chop. $1925. Hav rrodcers' price 1911 crop Valley timothy, fancy, $14 15; ordi nary, $1314; ea-tern Oregon, $16.50 W17: clover. $910; wheat. $910; cheat, $9 10; alfalfa, new, $11.50 12; oats, $10. ('Iilcaco Whcflt Bearish. Chicago, Sent. 12. Wheat took a bearish turn yesterday, closing with a loss of 1 to 1 l-4c a bushel from Snturdny. nfter an opening that was 1-4 to 3-8c off for September and Be- ceniher. respectively, while May was unchanged at $1.03 1-8. While Liverpool opened with an ad vnncp nf 1-4 to 3-Sd. there was a ..i.,.,- i.k r l.e t,t K.firi World's shipments were 11,856,000 bushels of which Russia contributed 1.810.000 bushels, and the Danube 3,- Q1A nnft l.uehnla Purn shlnmonts 2 - 565,000 bushels. "I navo a world of confidence In Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for have used It with perfect success. writes Mrs M. I. Bnsford, Poolesvllle Md. For sale by all dealers. If po.ng east, or west, or south. have tickets routed Northern Pacific Ry. Close connections at Pasco with a'l through trains. W. Adams, agent, Pendleton. SUNKEN WARSHIPS PREX 'OP' ROBBERS Remnants of Battle; of 'Santiago Thar May Soon lio HaiMxl Looted of sX. uahlcti, Including Gold. Olns Ono Yet Has Much Cash; Santiago De Cuba. The recent message to. President Taft asking that it be determined whether, the Spanish men of war sunk in the battle of San tiago thirteen years ago should be given away, and Secretary, Knox' opinion that the wrecks-belong, to the United States, have revived specula.- tlon here aa to the possibility of re floating the ships. Engineers who have studied the location of the three battlehips and the two torpedo boats are of the opinion, that their salvaara 'a practicable and would warrant the expense of saving the hulks. Seven miles west of the narrow mouth of Santiago harbor lies the first of Cervera's batleships, the AJmlrante Oquendo. She is beached, in the breakers of Juan Gonzales with about one-third of her hulk visible above the white top. Long ago she was stripped of every portable article by wreckers who; braved a watery grave for the prizes she was reputed to have held. They took everything they could pry loose. including, report ha It, many thou sand gold coins from, the ship's, safe. Admiral Cervera's flagship, the Vlzcaya, lies eight miles further down the rocky coast, as much a victim to the depredations of ocean junkmen as the Oquendo Nearly two hours' sail from the Viz- caya, at Rio Torqu.no, forty-eight miles from this city, is the third of the four Spanish ships, the Chrlstobal Colon. The Colon has been preserved from the hand of the vandal by four fathoms of water above her. Locked In her safe there Is said to be a large amount of money. The history of the fourth vessel of the fleet, the Infanta Maria Teresa, is well known. She was floated by Lieu tenant Richmond P. Hobson of Mer rimac lame, and lost m tow of an American war vessel when on her way to an American port, during i squall off Cat Island in the West In dies. Engineers have decreed her be yond and unworthy of a second at tempt at salvage. The two secondary vessels of Ad miral Cervera's fleet, the torpedo boats Furor and Pluton, lie submerg ed not far from the harbor entrance BUSINESS SIDE OF FARMING. Hoxell of O. A. C. Issues Second Ed. ition of Valuable Rook for Farmers. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallls, Ore. Dean J. A. Bexell of the Commerce department of the Oregon Agricultural College has just issued a second edition of his book on "The Business Side of Farming," in response to the Increasing demand for a moro businesslike management of farm pro perties. The cost of production of crops, household acocunts, special records and the application of single and double entry bookkeeping to the needs of the farmers are all discussed, with numerous Illustrations to make the text clear. The frontispiece Is a cu showing an Ideal desk for a farmer containing a small fire-proof safe to contain his valuable records, such as pedigrees, certificates of blooded stock, insurance papers, and similar things. Most people seem to think that they are not getting all the happiness they are entitled to. USE ONLY CASCARETS They Never Have Headache, Bilious' ncss. Sluggish Liver or Bowels or n Sick, Sour Stomach. No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and uncom fortable you are from constipation, in digestion, biliousness and sluggish in testines you always get the desired results with Cascarets and quickly too. Don't let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable anothe moment; put an end to the headache, biliousness, dizziness, nervousness. sick, sour, ga-"sy stomach, backache anu an otner distress; cleanse your inside organs of all the poison and effete matter which is producing the misery. Take a Cascaret now; don't wait until bedtime. In all the world there is no remedy like this. A 10-cent box means health, happiness and a clear head for months. No more days of gloom and distress If you will take a Cascaret now nnd then. All druggists sell Cascarets. Don't forget the chil dren their little insides need a good. gentle cleansing, too. Her Hair Grew Tlint's Why a Thankful Woman nee ' uniineiKls Parisian sage. Tallman & Co. will sell you a fifty cent bottle of PARISIAN SAGE and guarantee it to banish dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp, or money back. It's a delightful hair dressing that makes ha'r lustrous and fascinating. "In the spring I was recovering from a severe case of erysipelas, which left me virtually bald on the front of my head and next to my ears. The hair kept coming out rap idly and nothing I used stopped my getting ent rely bald, until I sed two bottles of PARISIAN SAGE. This tonuic madi my hair start to grow in and in fact, grew me a good fair amount of hair, and It has en tirely stopped my hair falling out. It Is with pleasure that I give a public recommend to PARISIAN SAGE, which I know Is a wonder." Mrs. Ella Gilchrist, W. Pitt St., Bed . ford, Pa. Classifieil CmVRAJiOa AMI LAJTD BUDIE8I HARTUAN AB9CRACT CO., MAKZ rliM aseUr&oU of title to S lands la Usnatttkh county. Loans e cKy and farm property. Buys u4 Mil- all ktada of re.l estate. Does g r4 brokerage bualnMa. Pays taxes-aaeV snakes Invest ssasjU for aoaj resldeata. Write Or life aa4 aecl- eat- iaearano. Refer eaoea, any bank in Pendleton. JAMBS JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. feKNTLllT A BPFINQWELU ROA1 estate Ore, Ufe and accident toaur aaoe ageaes. New location, tlfi Matt street. Pass Main 404. KatTOBY AND FEED STABLE. CTTT LITBRT STABLE. THOMPSOh street, CacsMs A Bradley, Prop Livery, reed aad sale staMe. Oooe rigs at all tisaec Cab line In connee tlosk 'Pboae main 70. sHsCsTf J.S.NEX3U8. ENORATSD CARDS. INVITATIONS westing anneuncementa, embosser private aad kmataess Ratio nery, etc Very latest style. Call at East Ore g on lan orOos aad see samples. CHOP SUET HOUSE, SUNG HOET Low, Prop. Phone Main 667, 622 Cottonwood street. Our specialties: Noodles and Chop Suey. Tray or ders promptly delivered. LOT ELHCTRICTTT DO YOTJB worK it's eiean, reliable aad con venient Bteoario Bad Irons, guaran teed, $5.25. Electric Hot Water and Carilsg Iron Heaters, Electric Coffe Percoiatera, etc. A complete stock of Gas and Electric fixtures. First-clae wiring of hemes, eto. J. L. Vaoghan Main street, next to pontofflce. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERT De scription for eeunty court, circuit court, juetloa. court, real estate, etc for sale at Bast Oregonlan offloe. SUN 30 RIAL HAIRORESSINO PAR- lers Han-area sing, shampooing, scalp rreatsneat, massaging and rVemoh javeka. Combings made p. Dyeing sad bleaching. Manicuring aad band moakttng. Phone Black M3, Reese 6-7. J no. Sohmtdt btsek, Peadleten. Oregon. Ali ORDERS. PEtJDUfTON LODGE No. 51 A. V. and A. M meets th first and third Mondays of each raenth. All visiting brethres are Invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4. K. of P., meets every Mon day evening In L O. O. F hall. Vltdtlng brothers oor dlalllT invited to attend D. B. Waffle, C. C; R. W. Fletcher 1C R. S- PKNDLHTON TRAIN SCHEDULE O.-W. R, & N. WestboandV Oregon division Portland looei. leave... 9:06 a, m. Ore. aad TOssa. Express. 4.36 a.m. Portland Limited U:16p. so Fast Mali 1145 p. m. Meter 8:30 p. m Pitet Rook Mixed 8:16 a.m. BaeCbettTtdV-Oregoa division Fast Mail 1.80 a. m Ore. & Wash. Express.. 5:16 a. m Cfatcace Limited 6:16 p.m. Meter 10:45 a.m. Perttaad Local, arrrfe. . . 4:65 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed 4:16 p.m. Washington Die. Leaving Pendleton. Trait Walla Local ... 2:80p.m. Pendleton Passenger ... 7:00a.m. Spokane Leoal T;00p. m. Washington Dir. Arriving Pendleton Pendleton local 5:50 a.m. Walla Wetta local 9:00 a.m. Pendleton Passenger ... 5:00p.m. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Leaviag Poodle toe Passenger 1:30 p.m. Mixed train 7:30 a.m. Arriving Pendleton Passenger 10 00 a. m. Mixed train 7:30 a.m. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms in Bast Oregon lan building. Steam heat, gas range In kitchen, electric lights, hot end cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. WANTED. WANTED SALESMAN for excluslv territory. Big opportunities. N experience necessary. Complete lln Yakima Valley grown fruit, shad, and ornamental stock. Cash week ly. Outfit free. Toppenlsh Nurs ery Company, Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry Work done with especial care. Phone Red 2111. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or Bend to the EAST ORE GONIAN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will Have it sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST ORBQON1AN, In remitting you car deductc ton per cent from the vub llaher's price. Address ' ORHOONIAN PUB. CO.. P ton, Ore. 3 Want '.I i Directory PHTSICIAXS. & S. OARFIBLD. M. D. HOMBO- patble ahyslolao aad surgeon. ; Of fice Jude Moek Telephone: Office, black (411; residence, red t3. DR. LTNN K. BLAKESLEB, CHRC nle and nervous diseases, and dis- of wemsn. X-ray and Electro- therapaMcB. J add bniMlng. corner Ma4o aad Ooart streets. Oflatee 'phona Mala 73; residaaee 'phone. Main 514. DENTISTS. X. A. MAKN. DENTIST. OFFICB Main street. axt to Commercial Assoclataea reeens. Qffto 'phone. Black Hill residence 'phone. Black 1861. , DR. THOMAS VAUOHAN DENTIST, Offloe- la tfsdd buiWlng. Phone, Main 7a. VKTEKIXART SURGEONS, DEL S. C. M'NABB, LOCAL. 6TATM Bteek Inspector. Offlee at Koep pea's Drug Store. Phone Main Hi. 16 East Court street. Pfa'one Main St. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V., GRADU ate of McKillip Veterinary College of Chicago. Office phone Main 10. Res. 116 Bush St., phone Main 27. ATTORNEYS. RALES' & RALEY, ATTORNEYS A3 law. Offloe in American National Bank Building. JAME6 A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Despain building. R. J: SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offloe In Despain building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Offloe in rear of Ameri can National Bank Building. JAMBS B. PERRY ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. I.OWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office In Despain building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY! at law, estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt blook. PETERSON & WILSON ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith Crawford building. PHELPS as BTEIWER, ATTORNEYS at taw. Office In Smith-Crawford -building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office in Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 3, 3, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. JOHNSON neys at fralldlng. & SKRABLE, law. OfToe In ATTOR Despaln ARCUITEOTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC O. A. may; TONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walks, etc Phone black '3786, or Oregonlan offiee. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN"is. "bJLKErT VvSeKAIDU rector and licensed emoarmer. Opposite poetoffloe. Funeral parlor. Two funeral oars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 76. AIXmONEER. COL. F. G. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Austioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref eree ce First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weeton. Tana sales a specialty. second-hand dealers. vtrobIdeXlren new and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest plaoe In Pendleton to boy household goods. Call and get his prices. 210 E. Court street Phone Black 3171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT.. NOODLES and chop suey. Ung D. Goey. prop. At the. old stand, Alta street In rear of Tallman Drug Co. East Oregonlan by carrier, lie i?er month. WANTED ( Continued) COME TO MADAM KENNEDY. 607 East Court street, to get your switches and all kinds of hair goods, the best and only natural human hair ever sold In Pendleton. Bring your combings and have them made up. x verythlng strictly guaranteed. Phone Red 3752, LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for county court, circuit court, justice court, real estate, etc., fol Sale at East Oregonlan office. FOR RENT. FOR RE.VT Unfurnished housekeea lng rooms In East Oregonlan build ing. Steam heat, gas range In kitchen, electric lights, hot and 'id water and bath. Recently ated. Enquire at E. O. office. Ads