East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Ladies and Llissos
Suits and Coats
That's what we are Selling
right now
We are ready for you with by far the biggest and best se
lected line of Iteady-to-Wear garments we h ave ever shown. ;
SUITS 300 of them
Sizes 14 to 20 and 31 to 47.
to choose from in all materials and sizes
$5.00 to $40.00
OCTOBER Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Ready.
Coul and wood, phone Main S.
Pastime picture please all.
Dutch Henry tor coal. Main 17.
Snyder, chimney sweep. Tel. R 3812.
Private board and lodging at 205
W. Webb. Phone Black 84U.
Dr J. A. Best nas returned from h!s
vacation and has resumed practice.
Phone PlaUoeder for fresh meat
and lard. Main 445.
Everybody goes to the Orpheum to
eo the best and Uie clearest pictures.
Call at 777 Thumvon treet for
board and rooms. II. II. CopelanJ.
Special rates to horses ooarded by
the week or month at the Oommerclal
Barn, 20 Aura street. Phone Main IS.
Plenty of chickens. Including spring
fries, dressed if desired. Pendleton
Cash Market. Phono Main 101.
Room and board for teachers. Pric
es very reasonablo. Inquire "F" at
this office for Information.
Everything that's Kod to eat, la
meats and grocories at the Cash
Market, phone Main 101.
About 800 feet of good new garden
hose for sale at cost price. Sharon &
Eddings. i
Lumber at Darr"s mill I1J.00 ptr
thousand. Six miles west of Mea
cham, Oregon.
Wanted Olrl to do general house
work. Phone Black 1662, 417 Per
kins avenue. '
Lost Package containing little
girl's black pumps. Finder return to
this office and receive suitable re
ward. Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo
kane. Leaves 1:30 p. m., arrive 9:D5
p. m. Tickets from V. Adams, Agent,
If you wast to movs, call B6nla. 1
Bros., Transfer, phne 1191. Large
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 64 7 Main itxa-L
Noticw to Public.
In order to give delivery oys a
chance to go to Round-Up there will
ho no delivery Thursday afternoon
fium stores general delivery does
work for.
Money to Loan.
Five thousand dollars to loan by the
City of Pendleton on approved real
estate security.
Finance Committee.
Xolliw to, the Public.
Having reopened the Farmers' Meat
Market, E. Court street, we desire a
share of your patronage Fresh meat
and poultry always on hand.
Dancing!. Dancing!
There will be dancing Wednesday,
Thursday and Saturday nights of this
week under the Saturday night dance
Attention Lodge- MncenlicCH.
All rate tax and dues must be paid
by the 20th of each month. By or
der of Supreme Record Keeper.
Many a man who claim to be as
honest as the day is long wouldn't
want the searchlight turned on his
night record.
Sailor Take Plunge In Harbor
Find It on Mnln Pock.
Baltimore, Md. When Karl Johnnn
Magnussen, able seaman on the Unit
ed States soast and geodetic survey
steamer Bacho, lying at the lower
Skinner drydock, shifted his wedding
ring from the third finger of his left
hand to the third finger of his right
hand he dropped the little band of
gold, ami for all he knew It rolled
The Norwegians have a custom of
Phone Main 98 for Parker's au- i)(,th husband and wife wearing the
tomoblle. Trips to all parts of coun- redding ring. Seaman Magnussen la
try and city. Quick service. Stand a Xorweglan and his good wife Is a
at French restaurant. native of the Norse country. So when
For transfer work, hauling bag- the ring dropped from his hands he
gage, moving household good, and judged from the comber of the bridge
pianos and all kinds of Job work, tnnt It went overboard and holding
.phone Mainn 441. D. A. Morton. the ring first and his own life , in sec
, , . ,.,. .wii ond cons deration, ho took a fancy
You can't burn slate and gravel! or
Don't try It. Phone Dutoh Henry. - fJVa frantic endeavor to grasp
Main 173, for clean .creened Rock P boUom
Spring, coal-olther lump or nut. It Magnuen came lo the sur-
Durn. clean and r lurxner. ,f-,i. .ilrtv wnter from his
Passengers to rortlana can aave lnouth anJ getting ready for another
money and at the aame tlmo have an dvp Surpoi,n George Morchand, the
enjoyable river ride by taking boat nipl nl0liieal officer, was nt the rail,
from The Dalles. Str. galley Gataert Ms ,oft ,jan(1 ,.oa(.i,inK for Magnuss
leavea dally, except Friday and Sun- cn,H coliar aIllJ m the right he had
day at V.30 p. m.. arrive, in Port- t)i(l UKhti.for. ring,
land 9:30. Fare tl.OO. I instead of rolling overboard the
' ring, In the. perverse way thaht rings
and lost dimes have, had rolled down
Ni ion. w2una : Patton's barber to the main deck below, where It gilt-
week. i
Mm. John Tinmerman is in from
her home at Helix, today.
E. G. Kirley of Elgin is one of the
guests of the Bowman today.
State Game Warden Flnley Is here
today in his official capacity.
Ernest Knight Is In from Helix to
attend the fair and Round-Up.
E. C. Annlba) Is home from a trip
to Seattle and other sound points.
Nelson St. Dennis was an incoming
passenger on the local this morning.
Dr. C. J. Whlttaker of Cambridge,
Idaho, is here to attend the Round
Up. Mr. J. P. Kasarl and wife from Was
co, Ore., are spending a few days in
this city.
F. C. Greer of Weston is among the
people of that town in attendance at
the fair.
Will Jainieson of Weston, came In
from his home yesterday to. take In
the fair.
Miss Ruth Olbson of Portland, is
visiting with her sister, Miss Fay
E. B. Thompson, state deputy game
warden, is In the city in his official
Dave Lavender came down from hU
homo at Weston on the local this
Miss Ruth Donahue is expected this
evening from Portland for a visit with
old friends.
Carl W. Page and wife of Baker,
ore among the out-of-town visitors
in the city. '
Matt Mosgrove of Milton, is In the
city on a combined business and
pleasure trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams of
I'klah are in the city to remain over
tho Round-Up.
Miss Elizabeth Sawtelle is home
from a six months' visit In .Salem and
other points In the valley.
F. W. Breed of College Place, who
will Juge the poultry exhibits at the
fair this week, arrived in the city
Conductor Wade of La Grande, who
will have charge of the Pilot Rock
special during the Round-Up, is in
the city.
Miss Mary Whitney, one of Pendle
ton's popular sc'iool teachers, Is back
from her summer vacation to resume
her duties.
Miss Lenore Younger of Portland,
formerly of this city, is spending the
week of the fair with her sister, Mrs.
Guy Wyrick.
W, R. Rhlnehart, traveling hard
ware man, left for points west this
morning but will be back in time for
the Round-Up.
Mrs. Henry Blakely of Brownsville,
arrived "yesterday evening to spend
fair week with her daughter, Mrs.
Grace Stlllwell.
M'ss Lulu George, principal of the
Washington school, arrived last even
ing from Oregon City, where she
spent the summer.
Will Peters, who was formerly one
of the proprietors of the Troy laundry.
i now here upon a visit from his
home in Portland.
Miss May Petross, formerly a pop
ular Pendleton girl, is up from her
present home In Portland to visit
friends during the week.
Lee Teutsch, who is now at the Hot
Lake sanitarium, Is somewhat Im
proved from an Illness that has trou
bled him during the past two months.
Mrs. Gus La Fontaine and little
daughter, Flen, arrived last even'ng
from Portland to visit during the
week. Miss Pauline La Fontaine will
arrive this evening.
Misses Edna and Lavelle Florence
will arrive in Pendleton from Port
land this even'ng with their aunt
Mrs. Eugene Vaughan, to visit dur
ing the fair and Round-Up.
Cantaloupes Grown in Nine Weeks;
Darrodll.i Illoom in Twenty.
' Six Hours.
Chicago, Proof that flowers and
vegetables may be forced by electricity
was displayed by Dr. George Statz
and William F. Stahl of Evanston,
who have been experimenting with
the process for which high claims
have been made in England.
The two Evanston men exhibited
350 cantaloupes which were grown in
nine weeks on a plot of ground 20 by
25 feet.
Experiments also were made with
daffodils, which were brought from
the bud to the bloom in twenty-six
hours, whereas the natural blooming
period Is eight days.
Two electric wires were laid be
neath the earth at the roots of the
plants and two were stretched above
them. Tho tests have been made at
the nursery of Richard F. Golde and
they have been watclied with interest
by residents of Evanston, who possess
gardens and conservatories.
Kills Self After Fierce Battle With
Its Master.
Pittsburg, Pa. When John and
Daniel Hillard, brothers, left their
home in Turtle Creek they cautioned
the maid to chain the bulldog, but
she went to bed and left the animal
unchained. The brothers returned
home at midnight and no sooner had
they come into the house than the
deg leaped at them.
Unable to coax the animal off, one
bi other took up a chair, the other a
broom, and together they gave battle
to the animal In the dimly-lighted
room. The dog chased them over the
entire first floor, all three leaping
tables, chairs, stove and piano. After
more than 20 minutes of fearful at
tack with the maid too frightened to
call aid, the men were able to unlock
a door and rush upstairs, the dog
snapping behind.
The battle ended when a broom
stick was stabbed down the dog's
throat. The dog then rushed into
the cellar and butted repeatedly
against the wall, finally killing Itself.
John Milliard is badly lacerated.
New Showing of
Ladies and Misses
vTv n
Come and See
New Silk Waists at
Come in black and white and navy and white stripes.
Peasant style at $3.00 each.
Come and see these extra values.
$8 and $10 Silk Waists for $4.95
These come in Persian and plaids, silks and plain net,
regular values up to $10.00 on sale at S4.9o
Wohlenberg Dept. Store
tereil while Its owner "dltd stunts'
:Rose Cream;
1 Sun Burr.
If you wish to b
those blemish e.
Massachusetts Prisoner Enters Upon
1 :t."ili Your -of Solitary Confinement.
I Boston, Mass. Jesse Pomeroy,
Massachusetts' most famous prisoner,
' who Is serving a life sentence for mur-
i der, entered upon his thirty-fifth year
' of solitary confinement.
i Pomeroy entered the state prison
when ho was 16 years of age. Today
he Is 61 and has served longer than
any other prisoner in solitary confine
ment in the United States.
j While tho terms of his sentence re
quire that he shall be kept in soli
tary confinement ns long as he lives,
he goes Into the yard an hour each
i day for exercise. This, however, Is
; during the time the rest of the pris
oners are in the .hops, and he has no
Full Width and Half or Required
Depth Hcacheri oil Atlantic Side.
. Washington, D. C. The Panama
canal has Just been extended to its
full width and about half of Its com
plete depth at the Atlantic entrance
Here the bottom of the water way will
be 500 feet wide and the depth will
be 41 feet.
From deep water as far Inland as
the old French canal, or about five
and a half miles, the entrance has
been widened to the required 500 feet
and a depth of at least 20 feet has
been reached over this distance. A
fleet of dredges Is now clawing away
at the bed of rock to excavate the re
mainlng 21 feet.
This width of 500 feet and depth of
41 feet ultimately will cvtend from
deep water to tho Gatum locks, a
distance of seven miles. The mini
mum width of the canal will be 300
feet In Culebra cut and tho maxi
mum width 1000 feet In Batun lake.
The usable width of tho locks of the
canal, however, will he only 110 feet.
Wealthy Woman Presents Lou
Creation to Muld.
Los Angeles, Cal Mrs. William
Deal Ellsworth of Newport, R. I.,
whose husband died two years ago, ar
rived at the Van Nuys hotel. At the
same Hotel arrived a nat oeiongniH
to Mrs. Ellsworth, which has followed
her around the world.
Mrs. Ellsworth purchased the hat.
a turban, witn wnue parauise learn
ers, for $300 In Paris a year ago, and
after ordering some alterations, she
left for Moscow, Russia, to Jo.n a
friend to accompany her on a tour of
tho world.
The hat did not arrive until after
they had left on a return trip to Paris.
It was ordered sent to Paris, but was
delayed In transportation, and Mrs.
Ellsworth left for London with her
friend again before It arrived. In this
way the hat followed her to New
York, Newport, Chicago, New Or
leans. Winnipeg and finally here.
Though never worn, the nat is now
out of style. She called for one or
the maids at the hotel and made her
a present of the Paris creation
First Loses and Second Finds a Wed
ding Circlet.
Pottstown, Pa. A fish that was too
small to take home and a grl with a
Cinderella foot figured very oddly in
the loss and recovery of a wedding
ring that Mrs. Harvey Wilson, wife of
a Pcttstown undertaker, dropped in
Savior's mill dam over In Chester
county several aays ago.
The ring slipped from Mrs. Wil
son's finger when she tossed a dimin
utive bass back into the dam. The
water was partly drawn off in a vain
effort to find it, and then the offer
ing of a reward for the missing Jew
elry made the Juveniles of the neigh
borhood get busy.
While a party of them were wad
ing the dam today a 14-year-old girl
felt something slip over one of her
toes. She Imagined that it was a
snake and gave a scream, but an ex
amination showed that it was Mrs.
Wilson's lost wedding ring and hur
ried to town with it to receive the re
ward. '
The Cowboy Headquarters
We are Headquarters in
Pendleton for
A Reliable Remedy
Ely's Cream Balm
of Every Description
'-Besides we save you big
money on every purchase.
See our great line of Men's
Fall Clothing for fall.
Keep your eye on our large corner
Drug Store That
Yon Best.
curan EPrron kills his rival
i qiiickl absorbed.
Civet, Re;::! st One
ft cleanses, soothes,
beak and protects
ilio diseased mem.
nr.ma r9.-.ulting from Catarrh and drivw
way a Cold iu the Head quickly. Restore
Me Seuscs of Taste and SinelL Full si
SO cts. at Druggists or by mail. Liijnio.
Ureain Balm for use in atomizers 75 cts.
1 v Brothers, 58 Warren Street. New York.
MSB! ' "
Main 6c Webb Sts. Pendleton, Ore.
Seattle ?
Spokane ? Portland ?
Arrive Seattle S:15 A. M.
communication with any one, not even
a guard
a For the thirty-four years her son
has boon confined, his mother has
? I never given up the fight to alevlate!
his condition. She had almost suc
ceeded in winning a commutation for
him a few months ago, when all her
plans were brought to naught by the
discovery of a sharp tool In his cell
which the prison officers declare he
meant to use in an attempt to escape..
Attneked With Cane, Mendozft Draws
Gun on Fcrnnndea.
Havana. Ernesto Mandoza, editor
of El Combate, made good the name
of his paper by killing Rudolfo Fer
nandez, editor of tho Gulnes de Rum
bo Hoth papers are published week
ly nt Gulnes, about 40 miles from Ha
vana. The men met In a street of
that town and Fernandez attacked
Mendoza with a ' cane. Tho latter
drew his revolver and shot Fernan
dez. The trouble arose over a news
paper controversy.
Storm Does Pnmnpo.
Portland, Ore., Sept. 12. Reports
today show that last night an electric
al storm damaged fruit and hops In
some districts near here, but did not
damage the valley, as a whole. At
Atwood two houses Btruck by light
ning and burned. Mrs. Cella was
struck but not much hurt at her home
near Gervals.
Do You Want a Position ?
11 schools are not alike and es
pecially in helping students to a
losltlon. Do not overlook this
Pendleton Riislness College
I'annot supply the calls received
nr stenographers and bookkeep
ers and has several good positions
In view.
Students from other business
olleges are attending this school.
What does this prove? That wc
lve the best. Nothing else would
satisfy you.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand and
Typewriting and all business sub
jects practically and thoroughly
taught. Lectures on Commercial
Law by a practicing attorney. Day
and evening classes. Don't wait.
Decide now.
M. L. CLANCY, B. A., Prln.
First class trains.
Good leaving time.
Leave Tendleton 1:30 P. M. Arrive Spokane 9:55 P. M.
Arrive Portland 8:10 A. M.
Northern Pacific Railway
The Pioneer Line.
Close connections.
Good arriving time.
Through,ynckets to oil Points
East or West
Secure tickets and full information from
Ask about EXCURSION FAKES for these events:
"TILE KOUNIMJP" Pendleton. Sept. 11-16.
Wala Walla County Fair, Walla Walla, Sept. 13-23.
Washington State Fair, North Yakima, Sept. 25-30.
Interstate Fair, Spokane, Oct 2-8.
National Apple Show, Spokane, November 23-30.