East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I '
Our Famous Shoe
Everything in the shoe line
from the smallest babe to the larg
est man. If 3-011 like style and
service combined we eau please
you. Our J. k M. and Broeton
shoes for men are the best known.
The best materials are used in
their manufacture, and they are
stricthj bench made, which insures
an easy fit, $3.50 to $7.00.
OUR WOMEN'S LINE is the snappiest and best ever
shown in Pendleton. Xevt r before was our shoe department so
complete. All the latest styles in the 14, 1G and 18-button
boots in patent leather, velour, satin calf skin in black and
tan, $3.50 to $6.50.
Round- Up Shirts
Boots, Hats, Etc.
This store is headquarters for all kinds of
Round-Up wearables, HOUND-UP SHIRTS,
in all styles, fancy and plain, $1.00 to $3.50
each, all sizes.
Round' Up Boots
ROUXD-UP BOOTS, the famous Bucking
ham & I lech t make, the le$t boots made, both
serviceable and showy, $G.50 to $8.50 pair.
Hat Bands
Hat Bands, in all the novel styles, the most
appropriate Penants for souvenirs 25.
75 and 95 each. The nicest ones.
First Showing of
New Furs
Shawls, collars and scarfs: Brbwn and black
coney, Japanese mink', Isabella fox. Sitka bear,
Marmat, Xorobia lynx and Ireland fox, the
furs used in making the new novelties for this
The muffs are large, barrel and pillow styles,
trimmed with self and contrasting colors
priced from
$9.50 to $90.00
per Set.
We have just received our fall shipment.
The world's three best Corsets, BOX TOX
CORSETS are the highest achievement in the
art of modern corset ry, price $3.00 to$5.00.
THE ROYAL WORCESTER, pre-eminently
America's best corset, sold at prices mod
erate enough for any purse $1.00 to $3.00
ADJUSTO The world renowned reducing
corset, ideal for all type of figures, and is un
questionably the only corset for those of gener
ous proportions who would attain the stylish
graceful contour. Prices $3.00 and $5.00
Crockery department in connection with
Grocery. Get our prices on glassware, John
son Bros, dinner ware, etc.
Pendleton's Cleanest and
Best Grocery
In Oar Model Sanitary Basement.
Main 17.
Extra care has been given the purchasing of
lountiful supplies for this busy week. You'll
find everything that's good to eat here.
Watermelons, fresh lot of fancy melons 15
and 20.
Xew Water White Honey, 3 combs 50
Norway Sardine's, 15e seller special price
can 10
Full cream cheese,' pound 23t
Iniorted Swiss cheese, pound 45
Olive, Pinemto and Club cheese, jars 25
Cantcloupos 5 and 10
Fig Pudding, cans 15 and 25
T. P. W. Special Blend, the best 30 coffee
on earth.
Fxtra special, 3 lb. can baked beans 20
Fresh shipment Swift's Hams and Bacon.
We slice Boiled Ham and Dried Beef just r'aht.
Fresh Saratoga Chips, packages 10?
Fancy Canned Salmon, cans 15 and 25
Boys' New Fall Suits
Famous Hercules Suits, all
wool, doubly reinforced in all
the weak parts, patent but
tons, fully guaranteed in
every way the best boys
clothes in America. The lat
est styles, best patterns. Suits
that fit erfectly and wear
like iron, all sizes from 2 1-2
years to 20 years.
Russian blouse, sailors and
jacket and pants for the little
fellows, long pants suits for
the larger lxys.
All verv closelv priced
$3.50 to $15.00.
FREE with every boys suit
we sell for $3.00 or more
we .will give absolutely free
one boys Round-Up suit,
shirt, handkerchief, rope and
rants. Now's your chance,
buy early while you can get
your right size and the cream
of the stock.
Quick Relief From
Stomach Troubles
Mr. B. 0. Hatfield, 73 years old and
a sufferer for years, Is an enthusiastic
friend of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
became of what It has done for him.
He writes: "I have taken Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey as a medicine for
over two years, and it has been a great
help to me. I was a sufferer from
stomach trouble for years, and Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey has done me more
food than any medicine I ever used,
am never without it in the house and
I cannot speak too highly of it and
what it has done for me. ' I am now in
my seventy-third year." R. O. Hatfield,
302 S. Strieker St., Baltimore, Md.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
has to its credit more than fifty years
of success without a question as to its
merits as a curative agent. During this
: time it lias brought the blessings of
1 health to overworked men, delicate
I women and sickly children, who find in
; it the strength-giving properties that
I arc so necessary to them. It quickens
j and strengthens the heart action, aids
! digestion, restores health and vigor,
' makes the old feci young and keeps
the young strong and vigorous. It is
prescribed by doctors and is rtfCognized
as a family medicine everywhere.
I CAUTION. When yon tsk your druggist,
grocer or doalar (or Duffy's Fan Halt
' Wklskey, bo in re yon get the genuine. It la
1 an abiolntely pare medldntl milt whiskey
! Haver In bulk. Look (or the trade-mark, the
'Old Chemlit," on the label, and make anre
i the seal over the cork la unbroken. Price
' 11.00 a Urge bottle. Write Medical Depart.
1 ment, The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.,
' Eocheeter, N. Y., (or an Illustrated medical
booklet containing testimonials and rules (or
health, and doctor's adYlce, both sent (tea.
Interesting program for Tuesday's
1. "The Ranchman's Son," Essan
ay. A thrilling Western drama. Allen
Harley quarrels with Peter Lewis In
-a saloon and finally when Lewis is
insulting, Harley knocks him down.
Lewis then slinks out of the saloon
and encounters Jake Webster, with
whom he also has a quarrel Guns
are drawn and the result is the death
of Lewis, when Webster accidentally
discharges his weapon. Harley later
comes upon the scene and discovers
Lewis is dead, he Is found crouching
beside the body when the sheriff ar
rives and arrests him, charging him
with the murder. Webster rides hur
riedly away and arriving at the Har
ley ranch he applies for a position
nJ is given work. A few days later
a newspaper is handed him announc
ing Allen Harley has been found guil
ty and is sentenced to be hanged at
sundown. Webster resolves to ride
to the county seat and save young
Harley's life. He arrives at the Jail
Just in the nich of time.
2. "The Living Girl." Biograph.
With her uncle she visits the sea
short: and goes bathing with a party
if her brother's friends. Uncle also
lakes a dip and is annoyed at the
perilous performance of the girl. He
orders her from the water and locks
her In her room but brother release
her. He finally concludes that home
is th--. b-st place for her for there she
will run no chance of drowning.
3. "J500 Reward," Biograph. A
burglar enters the home of a wealthy
man and steals a valuable necklace.
A reward of $500 is offered for the
thief's apprehension. A couple of
rube detectives start out to find tho
robber and succeed in taking into
cuirtorly the victim of the robbery anl
the real detective who Is on the case.
An ordinary copper gets the thief and
wins the reward.
4. "for the Honor of The Name,'
Eclipse. A good drama. This picture
biiows a father's heroism to save the
family's reputation.
5. "Moss Covered Ruins of the
Itle of Wright, Great Britain," Eclipse
showing the vine-clad Carlsbrooke
castle us well as Newport and vicinity.
Beautiful vlewa of the Ivy-mantled
towers at Ventnor and the village of
Shanklln with its lichen-coated walls.
6. "The Gambler's Chance." This
lively comedy Is acted with the usual
Lubin spirit and tells what good
comes from a boy's game of craps.
Lots of human nature in this picture.
7. "A Hero Almost," Lubin. Thla
comedy will keep you laughing. It
tells the story of a romantic girl with
two lovers. She will only marry a
hero. You will have to see this pic
ture to appreciate it
The Pastime.
Special program for the Round-Up.
Four big features. Don't miss one of
"Life on the Border." A Selig mas
terpiece. A true story of the early
days in the west. No expense or care
was spared to make this picture real
istic and interesting. It is truly a
thrilling story. It is the terrible ex
perience of a young pioneer mother
left alone for the day In her wilder
ness home with only a five year old
child for company. The mother Is
accidentally imprisoned in a wood
shed by her child. The little one tries
in vain to lift the heavy latch and
while the mother is thus imprisoned
a bear being pursued by a band of
prowling Indians arr.ves upon tho
scene. They ransacked the empty ca
bin, finding "firewater." They bo
come very hilarious and set fire to
the cabin and the shed in which the
terrified mother Is in. The flames
are rap'dly accomplishing their dead
ly work when the father arrives Just
in time to save his wife.
A Dutch Gold Mine." -Biograph.
is story is amu-ing and exciting as
well. The scenery is fine. Both
Hans and the horsedealer are vaude
ville characters of note.
"Through Jealous Eyes." Lubin.
One of the best dramas ever produc
ed. Dep"ct3 the work of the green
eyed monster. Jealousy, In a home and
its f:nal cure. It Is so convincingly
acted that if there are any Improba
bilities In the plot they pass unnotic
ed so long as the picture is on the
screen. The great doctor's office
nurse (M m Lawrence) and the doc
tor's son (Mr. Johnson) have fallen In
love. The doctor's wife Fees him Jok
ing with the nurse and gets it Into
her head that it Is the doctor who Is
in love with the nurse. Subsequent
events seem to confirm her suspicions
and she is goaded almost to the point
of doing murder, when the son wa
accidentally shot and brought home
and the whole affair explained, the
wife's Jealousy vanished and she was
filled with remorse for her vigilance.
"A Second Honeymoon." Vi di
graph. They get married, quarrel,
make up and get married again. We
are twice pleased w'.th this picture. It
has a double equopment of 'aughs.
Words fail to express the beauty of
this picture. The Indian being be
friended by the settler's family, gave
them some Jewels lost by an outlaw.
The settler was accused of the rob
bery and was to be hung at sunrise.
To save his life the Indian had to
run 60 miles. Over wild mountatn
gorges, across rushing rivers, across
deep canyons he made his way and
arrived in time. A happy ending for
all. Exquisitely tinted "It's a
"The Poisoned Flume." . American.
A western feature of the irrigated
country Angered at being rejected,
George poisoned the ditch. The vet
erinary examined the dead cattle and
the ditch and found the poison. A
pursuit occurs in which the renegade
crosses a deep chasm on the irrigating
flume. Ho was finally shot and fell
Into the flume. A love story adds
Interest to a very Interesting picture.
"A Sioux Spy." Bison. A story of
the Indian wars The brave was sent
by the chief to spy on the Chcyennes
and pretending sickness was taken to
their camp, where he fell In love with
Silver Moon. Love pro"ed stronger
than duty and he did not return to
his people. In a battle between the
Sioux and Cheyennes he saved the
chief's life and won Silver Moon.
"A Gasoline Engagement." Imp.
A comedy and then some. The young
man loved Grace, but dad wanted her
to marry a minister. Learning tho
party were going automobillng In the
country George arranged to drive the
rar. The adventures In the cellar
where George held a match over a
barrel of gasoline and compelled Pa
to give his con-ent and his rival the
minister to marry he and Grace are
sure funny.
Pictures of the Cheyenne Wild West
Show, 1911, Thursday Friday and
Saturday. 3000 feet of genuine "Let
'er buck" thrills.
TIkj Copy.
An all feature western show at the
Cosy Tuesday and Wednesday. Dell
Uianeett, the world's champion steer
bulldogger ard Bertha Blancett, the
champion woman broncho buster of
the world, who are In Pendleton to
take part In the Round-Up both ap
pear In today's Bison Indian picture.
"The White Red Man " Rex.
Ore-Ron Thotitrr.
The Courtenay Morgan company
w'li appear this evening In the hi
larious comedy, "A Night 'in a Bal
loon." This bill Is suld to bo con
structed for laughing purposes only
and Is a roar from curtain to curtain.
The entire company will appear,
headed by Miss Courtenay Morgan
and Roy D, Wuy.
Houston, Texas. Mute testimony
of storm tossed, suffering sailors, ma
rooned on a wrecked schooner lost
at sea, was found by ship carpenters
repairing the old Kate Foere, towed
Into port several months ago a dere
lict. The schooner was caught In tho
Gulf , hurricane which went inland
near Mobile last year and for ten days
It was thought to be lost. Finally an
English boat sighted the derelict and
picked It up when on board were
found three dead bodies of sailors
and a fourth sailor with Just the spark
of life left. The hull was beached,
but was recently brought Into port
for recaulklng.
The messages referred to were
found carved with a knife on top of
the hatches covering the deck house.
The first was under date of Septem
ber 26, reading as follows: "Water
logged six days; beginning to suffer
agony for want of water and grub."
"September 27. Nothing In sight:
suffering Intense; Bill Just died and
Frank Is crazy."
"September 28. Agony, water, wa
ter; now I'll-J-."
The last inscription was scrawled
and scratched over a wavering line
and the letters uneven and Ill-formed,
showing the writer was evidently
weak and partly delirious. Between
.September 28 and 30 there were no
markings, but under the latter date
the following message was carved:
"Water; in agony for water."
October first appears the last in
scription, hnrdly legihilo, Ill-spelled
and scrawling In every direction:
"About gone, goodbye, wife, mother,
babies." Then as a final effort could
be traced the letters spelling, "E.
J. Whitman."
It was on the 2nd of the month
that the wreck was found and
sprcwU-d out on the deckhouse was
the wreck of a man, delirious,
shrunken and Insane. He was taken
into New Orleans recovered and Is
again fit sea, mate of the schooner
Carrie Wllkins. I
Ilclen Hall Want!) $50,000 Front Otto
L. Wright, Mlio Is Married.
New York. Otto L. Wright, presi
dent of the Wright Piano company,
must answer in the supreme court for
his alleged failure to marry pretty
Helen Hall, a vaudeville actress, she
has served upon him a Bummons for
his appearance In her $50 000 damage
Miss Hall and Wright have been
acqualned for several years. She
charges that he won her promise to
be his wife and after delaying the
wedding for a long time told her he
couldn't possibly meet her at the
church his wife wouldn't let him.
This was the first Intimation, Miss
Hall says, that she had of Wrlht's
marriage to Mist Florence J. Rims.
French monks prepared the first
concordance to the Bible in 1247.
May Ilnd Means of Saving Millions
From Uviigs of Smut.
Spokane, Wash. "Wheat growers
from nil over the Northwestern coun
try, especially Washington, Oregon,
Idaho and Montana, should attend the
annual convention of the Inland Env
pire Ant'.-Smut association at Pull
man. Wash., September 28 and 29,"
rfuys H. C. McCroskey. president of
the organization. In a letter to the
Spokane Chamber of Commerce, add
ing: "I believe It is a conservative esti
mate that the grnin grower-" In the
Inland Empire lose $1,000,000 n year
from this pest. Undoubtedly there 1
a better way to eradicate this scourge
than Is practised at the present time
and It is up to us to find the solution
of this problem, his gives Importance
to the convention at Pullman to start
a definite campaign to rid this pnrt
of the country of smut and prevent
ing the pest from return to our fields.
"Professor O. L. Waller, acting
president of the Washington state col
lege, has1 placed at the disposal of
the association all the facilities for
making and publishing a report of
the proceedings of the convention,
and Professor Thatcher, director of
the experiment station and his Btaff
will be In attendance to answer
questions. Professor Thatcher, how
ever. Is of the opinion that It would
bo best for the farmers themselves
to work out the problem.
"I might mention also that the state
college Is planning to set an expert
to work on a scientific study of the
smut problem, and we hope to settle
such questions as 'Does smut live over
In the ground In winter;' 'Does the
system of tillage Influence danger of
smut Infection.' and the effectiveness
of certain new fungicide for treating
Umbrellas were used in China as
early as 1200 H. C.
Diarrhoea Is always more or less
prevalent during September. Bo pre
pared for It. Chamber'aln's Colic. ;
Cholera and D arrhoea Remedy Is
prompt and effectual. It can always
he depended upon and Is pk-aant to
take. For sale i,y all dealers.
To Portland or California, take
Northern Pacific, via Pasco, and S
P. Sc 8. Ry. Leave 1:30 p. m , ar
il ve Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad
ams, agent, at passenger station for
through tickets end all arrangements.
Limn, Ohio. "For council, Fourth
ward, Hetty Green."
This Is the way it will appear on
the democratic ballots In the muni
cipal election In November. T'l"
democrats put up no candidate for
the nomination In the Fourth ward,
this city, for the Tue dy primaries,
and a dozen or more names were
written In by voters.
When the election hoard made Its
official canvass of the vote It found
that Hetty Green, presumably New
York city's famous woman million
aire, had received two votes, while no
other candidate hnil renelverl mnri
than one. '
$25.00 From St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha $25.00
$33.00 From thicago From St. Louis $32.00
$50,00 From New York From Boston $50. 1 5
Those are a few. There are others.
We quote from all points.
On Sale Daily, Sept. 1 5 I o October 1 5.
Have you friends coming? Advise us their names and where lo
cated. We will quote them fares and give full information. Will
you send for your friends? We will arrange prompt delivery of
Wa operate THROUGH DAILY TRAINS from St. Louis, Kansas
City, Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, all ELECTRIC LIGHTED,
with Leather Upholstered 'TOURIST SLEEPING CARS and finest
DINING CARS with our famous a la carte service.
Northern Pacific Railway
"The Original Scenic Highway."
Ask any of our representative. Full Information gladly furnished
A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Qn. pwj'r Affent, Portland. Ore.