EVENING EDITION EVENING EDITIOf WEATHER REPORT. Probably showers to night and Tuesday. Calling tarda. wV- dln taonery. ora merclal stationery at Job printing to order at the East Oregoalaa. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL. 24 PENDLETON. OREGON, MONDAY, SKI'TEMUKK 4, l'Hl. NO. 7203 C- S 'w Vj. BEATTIE ON WITNESS STAND RELATES MURDER EN1 DECLARES LOVE FOR WIFE, HONE FOR BEUH Denies Making Confidante of "Dear Kid" Letter Insists Bearded Man Fatal Shot Jury Impressed. Chesterfield Court House, Vu., Sept. 4. With the ownership of the "auto mobile with the woman on the run ning board" having been definitely fixed by Defendant's Attorney Smith, onto Gastelburg, Instead of Henry Clay Heattie, Jr.. charged with wife murder, und the defendant himself on the witness stand today telling the Jury frankly his story und not spar ing himself, in the matter of his re lations with Beulah Blnford, the, "other woman," the celebrated trial is today beginning to reach its zenith, which, however, may not come until tomorrow when It Is expected that Prosecutor Wendenberg will introduce some sensational rebuttal testimony, muc'n of which will be given by Beu lah Hinford. Bcuttie opined Ills statement this morning with the declaration that he had never made a confidante of his cousin Paul Heattie and rarely saw him. He declared that he did not love Beulah Uinforl, had never loved her, but had associated with her as lie would have with any oilier "woman of the town." In speaking of the baby which He u lull l.inford claims is his child, Beanie said that he did not believe that he was the father of the child, but was f orci d to give the woman iimm y at various times. That he had broken off relations with Jlcuhth Hinford early in F.iOji, hut later resumed theui, knowledge of his will admitted by Iteattle. though that he loved without the , was frankly He declared his wife with line devotion. The "Dear Kid" letter missives which he wrote Ulnford, he characterized and other to Beulah as "The gusli you give a woman of that kind." lie declare, 1 that he could not love a woman that he could not respect and that he certainly could not respect Jieulah Hinford. . Peat tic ins-isle, 1 that his car was hcl,l-up by a bearded man and that he had eiijr.iged in an argument with tin- man. who Immediately afterward bail fired the shot which killed Mrs. Heattie, just as he bad again started to move the ear. He declared that he leaped from the machine, grabbing the gun from the fellow and threw It Into the back of his own ear. The man, he declared, made Ids escape In the meantime and then he hurried his dead wife to their home. The gun, the defense contends was lost from thy car presumably by jolting out at the point where it was found by a colored woman the day following the murder. Several times during the statement of Heattie, the court was compelled to warn hlni that ho had engaged counsel to make his arguments for him. This tie's eager lies of the It Is the Bc.ittle has was brought on by Heat explanations of the frail prosecution. " general Impression that made it favorable iinpres- REPORT OF RUNAWAY SON'S DEATH BRINGS HEARTBROKEN PARENTS TO CITY; ERRONEOUS Searching for their 11-year-old-runnway ton whom they think an ad venturous spirit and the lure of the wild west has led into eastern Orc-t-'on, J. U. Chapman and wife of Sa lem have been In Pendleton since Fri day but so far have found no trace of the missing boy. They know that Tie ard his companion, another Salem boy of the same age, have been. In this city and believe that they will again be attracted here by the Round-Up and, in hopes that he may find them in the crowd, the, father will remain here through fair week. The two boys, Ham Chapman und Ben Minton, accord .ng to tho story Mr. Chapman tells, were students in ihe S.'Jein high "chooi but shortly be 'orc commencement last May, they suddenly and without announcement, forsoek tho dull, prosaic school room and f-et forth in quest of adventure. Neither boy, Mr Chapman says, hnd any bad habits but wore full of life and ambition which, with the read ing of many wild west books, led them to leave homo and friends that they might shnro in the life of which they had been rending, Trail Is Lost. For the first two or three weeks the parents of tho boys were not alarmed for. they anticipated an early return after tho young rovers had ex perienced something of tho hardness Cousin Paul and Explains ired f-icr. on the jury, and that so far he has not In the least hurt his case. His story was told unhesitatingly und In a forcible und straight-forward man ner. Following a conference among the counsel for the defense Counsel Smith announced that Seattle's demonstra tion of manner, in which the events surrounding the murder took place will be demonstrated by Iteattle and then the defejise would close. "MOXA LISA" STOLEN' BY FOREIGN -NOBLEMAN Pars, Sept. 4 Crazed by love of 'Mora Lisa," the painting; which was stolen a few we.ks ago from the Lou vre, h baron attache of one of the f irei;:n embassies here stole the pic ture and now has it hidden in hi apartments, according to a 'story told today to the government authorlt is oy u y.iuu-r who warns 4 imj to u:s- (dose the name of the titled thief. New Swliiiiii.ng Il-rd. San Francisco, Sept. 4. The swim ming record of Walter Pom r iy of the Olympic Athletic club for the mile f t.-euhled waters between Fort Point and Lime Point, which marks :he entrance to the Golden Gate, was broken yisterd.iy ty "Pete" Freeman, a student of tin- University 01 Ca! - f ruin, wh 1 covered the -1 minutes. Freeman . :i lie companion.;, all Gai l i'a 11 tarted f 01 nia l.ve of whom mad l ie trip sue covered the '! III ill Hit s. fully, lance Ah of the l:i less t! f v, Altitude Roi-ord Broken. j s. Fiance, Stpt. 4. Almost lost Par :o viiw, A into !i -w world s a!ti lug a height of si a in a flying U.IITo.i t, .mle reeord 1H. SIT, leet machine. lay set : by attain above tl:. -:ns aitek iioitsiriiiim Oregon Sheriff ;ct, Mvtniilition P11 M'rs for IJcddiiig Prisoner, Hedd.ng. Sherijf Collier of Grant county or.-gon. arriM .l Iv iv uitli -trad'tion paperrg signed by Governor Johnson for the return to Cany ui City of Harry Cnigluon, who is wanted there to answer charges of horse stealing and jail breaking, cheighton was arrested in Diliisinuir, but escap ed and came t 1 Uedding. where he was taken into custody, lb f,,re the ariiv.u 01 the stlcrili, lie had almost succeeded 111 breaking out of tile local jail. Tlui'o Killed by Trait). Weliingion, Ohio, Sept. 4. len excursionist!: were ki'led n gl.t by a Big Four train. Thro las Two Autoistw rtura. Calif, Sep K. S. I'ill-hury, d in an auto last Killed. L. 4. lu- X and rs, wcre night. insta ntly k II of the actual world. But as time went on M'ld no word of the runaways was received: fear and anxiety began to grip thel.- hearts and they began a search for their sons. They traced them east to the mountains, found where they had stopped over night -everal times, discovered that the snow had force 1 the intrepid young sters to turn buck and then followed theh trali to Oregon city, where it was lost. Everywhere dwellers along 'he road told them of having seen the boys nnd none believed them any thing but two echoed boys out on a vacation. During the Rose Show in Portland Mr. Chnpman haunted the streets ex-pect-'ng the boys would drift In to participate in the festivities. He was disappointed, however, and returned Fiidly to his home. There he remain ed without further clew to the where abouts of the boys until a short time ago when a school friend received a I-osto; card from Pendleton from yourg Mlnton. Hear Son I Killed. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman prepared at once to come here and last Thurs day Just as they were starting, Mr. Minton brought them a report that their hoy had been killed near this (Continued on page flvo.) 100,000 CHINESE LOSE LIVES IN TERRIFIC FLOOD Wide Scope of Remote Coun try, Made Dtsolate by Rainfall Shanghai, China, Sept. 4. Tele grams that have been received here from American missionaries at Wu Hu. say that the greatest lnss of life In the modern history of China has oc cured within the last few davs . ih result of A series o -torrential rains j which have completely flooded the entire country alonsr the Kiang river. Almost the entire province of Anh Wei Is inundated, according to the report and the crops have nearly all been completely destroyed. An accurate estimate of the num ber of lives lost Is Impossible ut this time, but many of the parties making the reports, declare that the death lis; win total one hundred thousand. ! For a distance of more than one I thousand miles along the river, the ' country is in a state of desolation and the condition of refuges is described i as terrible. j GOTCH IKES 9USSUUI Chicago. 111. is still world's fore a croud thou-und fans Sept. 4. Frank Goto champion wrestler. B -ef m ire Hi. in thirty wltii f:r,l the st. idiom and forty A 111 --rica n thousand on the outside, fhe a:;ain made t!.-.,rue Ha. k- ensi hmiit. tli Kussan Lion. qui: u- t le h Jld. l!u i. 1 fail in four-f:fti-n t--v.r.d. with j w :;li his fame j Goteh won I ! en minutes. j 1 g and wria i-x k. I la the second hot li in j t".J-;h tactic -' and f.'inli.. ! '! his to - li: id. Ha. i;. ' sh 'w of r -s.st.inci . roll, . ; ba. k, and the Amerii 1 u 1 vii tor. Tile second fa V ,r. five in miles, t ::ir;y-: r. sorted '.: tch secmr. .nisi ne; ore the men ring the odds stood a; z en: to red th . aain.. EX-CHAMP BUSTER ROUND-UP JUDGE! i Clayton 1 tanks, twice declared bv I judges to be the best broncho au-'ter I in the world, will himself act as a 1 judge in a bucking contest next Week. I The Koiind-rp directors have jui I closed contract wirii this renowned fiontier character w'uer, by lie will be j one of the three men w ho win sit in jthe judge's stand and cast their crit- l.ai eyes upon the cavorting animal with a view to picking the bm karoo Who will ride p. way with the $1350 plbii saddle and wear the title of noith- wtst champion for the next year. I Datiks is known to every cowboy in the west as one of the most daring tiiiers that evi r str.ubil d a mustang I and. inasmuch u he h;:s twice car-j ried away championship honors.' should know whereof he judges The! oilier two judges are practically se cured but announcement will be held pondiii'. definite word 1'ron; them. Big (lime Hunters Return. N'onie. The power schooner Polar Bear, Captain Louis Lane., returned froin Wr.mgell Island, where the ex pedition headed by Captain Lane kill ed twenty-four polar bear and thirty-six walrus. Mas AitymiO' Seen dimes. Under the belief that Jones, the missing assistant clerk of the Hotel Oregon, who has disappeared, may have w.r.dered to Pendleton to see the Itound-Up, friends of his in Port land are searching for him here. Dan P. Smythe, who is a patron of the Oregon, today received a message from Portland asking that he report the fact if Jones Is seen here. It is feared lie has wandered away while demented. WoolgrowvrM Meot'jiiB. By actionycif the executive commit tee of the state woolgrowers' associa tion. November 14 and 15 have been set as the dates for the holding of the annual meeting of the association this wear. The convention is to be held at Baker. Kills 180 lvt of Snakes. Oxford Conn. A new record for killing snakis is claimed by Clifford B. Hawley, an Oxford farmer, who killed ISO feet of black snakes in seven minutes, assisted only by his woodchuek dog Spot. Superintendent lec, according to the ltose'uirg News, reports excellent progress with the water nnd light plant at Winchester. It will cost $S0.- '000 DESPERATE EFFORT 10 SAVE FATHER i.M"c-.ri.nZ.1.'":CSPIFAL WAGES WAR UNFAIRLY. SAB IMRISDIl to Petition. ! Portland. Ore., Sept. 4. Suddenly real zing that the time scheduled for' the hanging of her father Is only a ' few hours off, M ss Julia Webb, the j pretty .seventeen year old daughter of j Jes-s" Webb, tha convicted murderer . who is to pay the extreme pena'ty for his 1 rime tomorrow n Sa:em, today I began a desperate -hunt for persons who will sign a petit'on which she w ill tomorrow resent to Governor West, to commute the death sentence tt life Imprisonment. The sl'p of a g rl today presents a 1 our ie- sijiin a.s sne goes trudging J through the rain, her clothes covered I ult!' the mire gathered in many parts I of the fit-, as she hurries from place j l'-' place, beseeching every one to add j his name to the petit'on. j It is, believed here that the girl's desperate attempt to save her father . .10111 the gallows will Drove fi uitlesu as it is thought that the g ivcrnor will not hear her appeal. QUIT WITH TOE HOLD -ean. il.e Kuss an entered the ring e.l nervous. Goteh started c ornor. hrush'ng every one a;ker to Hack's cornrr an,.l onds with him. the bout cominenced, tilt f r some unknown reason, all bus olf. '..ie d , a.ivant : - i'.u Th n See'll to wax in the sian had w second.'5. 1. 1: :t t , tr i il'.'lrf. i'eel 'tch. .vho like grabbed the id .-Mod him f -1 .1 l lie. 1,1. h by If. Vie ill' ken ' re. elves $,!. vs; in 1 ho mo rir.g the bou;. and ! WILL TAKE That the Indians , ion are coniin the Umatilla to the Ilouml ss.ige brought rosi rvntnei Up in numi to the e'ty is the me.- ty to lav by Pok- r Jim. noted lender nionc; hl. tri!u?men Poker Jim brought in a li.-i e Would be l'.,re with t' oorses and ti pecs to Ho f Indians who icir families, y Pisiioj), who oiarge ot that department of the Iound-Up. A number of chiefs were in Saturday and held a conference with the directors to learn what ac commodations had been iirenared for th.ir people and what Inducements will bi offered. Yesterday a general w was held on the reservation powwi the result of which a b'riumht into the city by Poker Jim. J he association has arranged to tnke care of the Indians and the out- Ids and to jmy them a lib well, all of w hich appeals people. il sum as the red l N ITI1I) STTI .S TO sri: southern PACIFIC Portland. Ore., Sept. 4. became apparent that th -It H .-wties government is dctcrmin sue nie .-southern Pacific Railroad company iUid the Kern Tradimr and I Oil company, a subsidiary corpora tor the recoverv of about one tion hundred thousand acres of oil lands, located in California, and which are valued at about S t On.tlno.000. The suit will be brought on the grounds that the grant under which the companies secured the lands, pro vided that all mineral lands were to be exempted from the grants. Special Assistant Attornev General Townsend, of Washington. D. C, has arrived here and will direct the cases against the corporations. ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO SETTLE MOROCCAN" MATTER Berlin. Sept. 4. Moroccan negoti ations were resumed today by the for eign office, when a compromise pro position by France was presented t Germany. The offers are for ter ritorial concessions, if Germany rec ognizes France's supervisory rights in Morocco. It is believed Germany won accept nn I another serious rupture will develop. In Grande Star: The Grand Bon ne I, umber company has made sur ' 1 ys for 1. logging railway up the river to Jordan creek with the expectation tnat the work will be completed this .all. LABOR DAI ORATORY HOLDS Fl j Mc Namara Affair Only A:temp T THROUGHOUT COUNTRY Declares Leader--Ohamp Clark's Presidential Boom at Unionist Meeting Supported Binghampton, X. Y., Sept. 4. De claring' that Capital can now war on Labor only by campaigns of mis-representation. Secretary Frank Morri son, of the American Federation of Labor, in liis Labor Day address to day, reviewed the progress of Union Ism. He said that the arrests and kid-; napping of the MeXamara brother,! was simply a step taken by the Em ployers' association to cast an odium on the entire labor movement and that the association does not expect to be able to convict either of the two men of the crimes charged against them. Clark Boomed. Davenport, la., Sept. 4. More than five thousand laboring people here to day heard Congressman Champ Clark speaker of the loner house of Con gress, make a Labor Day oration, after a labor parade in which he oc cupied a carriage. II r. Clark, in his speech, said that the United States is the greatest v ealth producer in the world, but that the problem with which the country was confronted, is how to get the wealth eijually distributed. At a reception which was given in his horn r. Mr. Clark was pledged the s upport of this section, lji his prcsi-1 St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 4. Andnrw dential boom. j Scott is dead here today as the ra- suit of his challenge to Mis3 Minnl GomiH-rs' Sp-crli. j Webb, for an endurance contest at San Fraiieisco. Sept. 4. Speaking 1 lanc'n?- The couple started dussc tiiis ai'lirnoop. Samuel G unners uy- ! at 6 o'clock last evening and iepfc held the moveineiu for the recall of J 11 "I1 continuously until 1 o'cloclt tfiSm the judiciary and the fljht for inili-' ntortiir.sr, when the man admitted ative. r.call. referendum, and said himself xhausted. He died as that Julius Kruttelinitt made a mis- i started to take a glass of soja watwc tuke in not recognizing the federation, j as the unionists intend to organize I Injupetl in Accident, on the broadest possible lines as the Eerett, Wa!i., Sept. 4. C. i". A. s;.sl. ;n is exactly the same, as a bi j J Talbot of San Francisco, was serious 1 01 -poration finds potent. I ' injured yesterday when his aato luri::g i.i.- speech Mr. (lumpers! mohi'e skidded ami overturns ! wlira- said: Xothiiig has occurred that has given greater impetus to direct legis- l.i'iio n. 10 advance it, than President Ta.t's veto , f the Arizonp. lion and i;s recall prosision fiivored t:al suffrage. or-tPu-lle also Los A navies Disappointed. Los Aegeks, Cali:'., Sept. 4. .Much disappointment was felt by union men here today, by the refusal of Mayor Alexander to allow the parade of 23.ii0(i men to go down Temple street and pass the county jail where John MeXamara Is confined, in or der that the celebrated prisoner might view the pageant. The mayor feared a riot. A big barbecue is being held this afternoon. At Se-nttle. attic. Wash.. Sept. 4 unions represented. fe With sov a parade in n 1111 p. par and tills a t' other exer- enty which thousands of uni' 1! was given today ticipated teri'--.on ( is( : are 11 oration a rtd being held at Fortuna park l'.ain at Portland. Ore.. Day program w:- I'ortla nd. Sept. 4. No Labor is carried out here rain seriously inter- today. A tall of CONTRACTOR ARRIVES AND GETS BUSY WITH OPERATIONS For the purpose of entering at once upon the task of erecting the branch asylum building Allen J Olson, of the contracting firm of Olson & John son of Missoula. Montana, is here to- day. He is already at tive preparations for work with ac erecting the buildings and U will be but a few days until crowds of men will be at work west of town. "We arc now getting bids on the excavation work." said Mr. Olson to j the East Oregotiian this afternoon. "If the bids arc low enough we will , let this work out by contr.ut. If they ' tire not low enough we will do th-- ; work ourselve morrow about cavating will b, of tliis week." According to Fr-.-d Johnson. We will know to-! t'-is -point. The ex-j startid the latter part ! 1 Mr. Ols will re; 1 his partner. I h here on , September L'n and will take charge of. jthe local work while be, Olson, will' j devote his time t-i general supervis ion of the cor.',ra,ts now held by the' ; firm. Aside from the Pendleton job ;the firm has contracts for the erec- tion of nine other rbu'.ldiugs. Two of these are pov. rnment buildings in i Montana, one being a home for the, to Cast Odium on Unionism; I ftred with special program which traM been arranged by the managements, of the various amusement parks. 5,000 at Spokane. Spokane, Wash., Sept. 4. Firm thousand union men participated I I the Labor Day parade here today. At Taconin. Tacoma, Sept. 4. Labor Day iru spent here in, picnicking and will tnd tonight with a grand fire spectacle lifc which 35,000 will take part. 'Sine McN'amaraj" Is Cry. Xew York, Sept. 4. "Save the iMc Xamaras," was the slogan of ne airly lOn.Ouo union men and womem -march. ng along Fifth avenue today in a mammoth Labor Day celebration. ' Thousands purchased MeXamara De 1,-nse Fund buttons. Money for MeXarnaras. . Chicago, 111., Sept. 4. Labor Dar parades were dispensed with here to day and the money usually esperrfei' I in tins way w:il g.) to the MeXamara ! iie.f -r.se fund. 1 I , I DANCING 1IF.N1 DIES i AFTER 7 HOURS Sl'Ct str.iek the stret t car track. Mrr. alln t . . iunui.i.ru a uroKCIl collar tiCDh- and was badly bru'sed about the h&: and body. It is feared lie was Lr.i-.e-r '. ii.,l!y injured. With hi m n the- ear were his wife, two daughters, a mail, and a chauffeu.. Mrs. Talbot's heaOt was slightly cut The others escape injury. Yiaduct Blown Up. Mount Vernon. X. Y., Sept. 4. On of the sections of the viaduct of t.u.. Xew York. Westchester and Bostnoi !eet--:c ladr-m i was blown up last n'sh:. Three m- n, said to have car ried satchels, a magneto box ana a. coil of wire, were seen in the vicinity at" the viadut shortly before the tx plosi, n. The bridge is being built by '1 'h-union men. Mine Plant Whinlpe, E, j;..n., a -id .Miius Siio-l'., . d by f : hu-t IKst roved. 1 t. 4.-The i len; w.'s do HjIIj stmy- ?:.-,o.- Mother shoot Son. In ,1 anap-.i s. Ind . Sept. W. stone. tomp.,ra or four y.-ar old son 4 -Mn. ilv ir.s:;nev hot I- la-t night. FOR BRANCH ASM Hc'de minded at Boulder, and th other a government hospital at Fort Missoula. The other builJinas ar commercial structures. Tho Concrete Work. Conciet- work will he nn ltt.. here Mr. about October 10. according to Olson and that w ork w i" h Vr. ! ried on until the freezing weather calls a halt. Work wiii then be r jsumed about February 1; a-.d a larga I 1 r-w will th.11 be placed on the Vb and This en v the work rushed to completion, fall the contractors will have n ot !') to 50 ,en mi job. 1: 150 tie -') la t .-. spnng nien r. tin y will have ft t work. Is Big .lob. the branch .is A'! told if.gs w ill it will be li buttd '."0.1 -.ni firu. -: i-iui ;s ;. -,vc s;. Tliey riunt in - Clo'.C!- .-' :S , ': viH 1 e-ie or 111 bri-.L- e-t t sum ,c' J 1 'UesT Job t ti has e contr.ic ork in th--t I. ,kc s .( o,on Nevi rthe ille hi- tf-.v H 1 111- . el i-i f II- rsh.fi. 1 1. ry s!-a tun A.-c r.!ing t Mr O 1 SO T! t most of th.ii om Portleiid. th -.vorkm.o uah th.- :'i 0,1 m their fo HI'. J