(tlf ,M..v.aMiv'! PAGE sr OAJXT EAST ORE GOXIAS, nSMHTOir, ORKQOI. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 2, 1911. TEN PAGES. I T7AHT TO GO TO PARIS Sung by HARE CAHILL in DANIEL V. ARTHUR'S production "THE BOYS AND BETTY" Lyric by CrtX V. HOBART Alb-pro. Music by SILVIO REIN -s i Oh! i c r 1 1 1 j -i i I rant to go on the stage ond be an act - ress aim . ply 1. I want to go to Par . is; To Par - is? Yes, Tar - is! 2.1 Lave tie teen- eet long - ing f A long-ii!g? Yes, long - ing! And To 2 M 1 1 grand. - t- -rith 3 the Dukes and Earls and Lords a round all J0 I-" ' I 1 1 C 1 n c 1 IkSALSJ 8 BrW. -brFgF-r i cr g - frj tjrT be join the rage np - on Hie tpe at some grand Op - ra house. the throng that moves a - long Ikro sweet Pa n - aian nights. For And 5 1 ;g ? l I r - -iL l -Z: zzzxz-r -1 zJff , , - . Z w ' m r -P;? r- "-f- m plead ing for my band, 4- Oh! want to go on the late - ly I've heen think iag, Lite lv I've lvn oaz t. Bii think - ing ? B' n erax y, Yes think ing! Yes craz - y, It To I A .. I S! ' -m--m--m- gg- i m EgE j fejzr 7- a ' J P 1 m ' B H - a stage and act, Like Bcrn-hardt and the rest, But in J- ci den - tal . ly, f does n't pay at home via great fame and see to stay and be a my name In Li? e conn - try mouse, lec - trio lights. ti ii Copyright, MCMVIH, Sole Selling Agent MAURICE SHAPIRO, Publisher, Broadway and 39th St, Hew York t ' WHO WILL PUBLISH YOUR SONG, IF YOU HAVE WRITTEN ONE, AND SEND YOU VALUABLE CATALOGUE OF HITS FREE FOR THE ASKING Used by permission, MURRAY MUSIC Co., New York No, 243, AQ M ! Ll I kJ 1 c-r-H 1 r- t.'U - por a - ment al - ly Dane . ing suits me best. Oh! I boot. , m - t r rr -CSijj.. 2: 1- -W- ' T Want to Go to Paris Xc. 243, THIS IS OXE OF A SERIES OF POPULAR SOXG HITS APPEARING IN EACH ISSUE OF THE SATURDAY EAST OREGONIAX, EASTERN OREGON'S GREATEST PAPER, AN OTHER FAMOUS MUSICAL SUCCESS WILL APPEAR NEXT WEEK-WATCII FOR IT. Linger. Vincent is visiting in Portland. George Eaer of Portland is visiting fliends in the city. Miss Helen Johns spent Sunday and Itonday in Walla Walla. Mrs Robert Forster and son Tom ere home from an outing at Seaside. Aagie Rosenburg has returned from pr.rtlanj where he spent his vacation. Miss l.otta Fleek returned to Pen dleton on Thursday after a visit of several weeks at Libby, Montana. Mrs. Fred Laatz is visiting her par ents Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mat lcck. Mrs. Ruth Strahorn has as her guest Mrs. Elizabeth Frantz of Port land, but formerly of Pendleton. Mrs. O.' E. Harper returned Thurs cay from a short visit at the Judge Maloney ranch on the reservation. Miss Javina Stanfield came down from Meacham on Thursday and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. James B Perry. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Coon and Miss -Nina coon nave returned from a rionth's vacation in Portland and at the coast. Mrs. K. S. Munra is the guest of Mrs. Ben Marlin at Meacham. She win visit In Pendleton during the Round-L'p- PleasantRefieshini Beneficial, Gentle andEfflective, ' a v v . . m CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. In the Circte. on eveny Package of the Genuine. DO NOT LET ANY DEALER DECEIVE YOU STRUP OP DCS AND EUXIR OF SENNA HAS OVEN UNIVERSAL SAHSf ACTION FOR MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS PAST, AND ITS WONDERFUL SUCCESS HAS LED UN SCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS OF IMITATIONS TO OFFER INFERIOR PREPARATIONS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES AND COSTING THE DEALER lift THEREFORE. WHEN BUYING. Note tfeFuff Name of the Gompan W.l II J.l.lllinJUV .1 1TJ1T PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOM, AND IN THE CIRCLC.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE. OF THE CCNUtNE. REGULAR PRICE 50c PER BOTTLE; ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. 1 w ncmF0R.HlAnC5ffllT(!? "'Cf. M CINTS. v.. M1MATUKE PICTUU OF PACKAGE. CENT, or ALCOHOLl ( ioj rs. LVjoirt lis" j j mm Mr. anl Mrs. J. R. Dickson and son Trank returned Thursday from a summer's outing at Tokeland, Wash ington. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hampton re turned Thursday from Denver where they spent six weeks at the home of Mrs. Hampton's parents. Mrs. Sam R. Thompson, Mrs. Fred Earl and Mrs. Lawrence Frazier re turned Tuesday from Walla Walla af ter a visit of several days. Edgar W. Smith returned to Port land on Friday to join Mrs. Smith who has tpent the summer in Port land and Long Beach, Wash. Mrs. Xorborne Berkeley, Miss Mil dred and Master Xorborne Berkeley returned on Wednesday from Port land where they visited for two months. - Miss Mary Zurcher, who returned recently trom a vacation at Cove and Wallowa Lake, will 'visit for a week w,th Miss Edith Still In Milton, re turning to Pendleton for the Round- -Mrs. Thomas Vaughan and Miss Una Smith returned Wednesday from a summers outing at Long Beach Sir. anl Mrs. E. L. Smith and the other children will return next week. THE CHURCHES. First Presbyterian Church. Corner Alta and College streets, i:ev. F. J. Milnes, pastor. Sunday acnooi at 10 a. m ; morning service tt 11. Morning Sedvlce: 1 Organ Prelude. 2 Doxology, congregation stand ing. 3 Responsive Reading. 4 Gloria Patri. 5 Hymn, congregation standing, No. 11. 6 Scripture Reading. 7 Anthem, "O, Lamb of God," by Gounod. 8 Prayer, responsive choir. ! Hymn, congregation standing, No. 292. 10 Offeratory. 11 Anthem (Solo), Mrs. Swingle. 12 Sermon by pastor "Immortality ana .foetry. 13 Silent Prayer. 14 Benediction, congregation seat' ed. Evening service at 7:30 p. m: 1 Organ Prelude. 2 Hymn, No. 45. 3 Anthem, "Benedlctus," by Gou nod. 4 Scripture Reading. 5 Anthem (Duet), Mrs. Swingle Prof. Blakeslee, 6 Prayer, response by choir. 7 Offeratory. 8 Anthem (Solo), Prof Blakeslee 9 Sermon, "Breaking of a Wild Colt." 10 Silent Prayer, response by choir. Benediction. CATARRH SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS THE MOST PLEASANT. WHOLE. SOME AND EFFECTIVE RLMtDY FOR STOMACH TROUBLES, HEADACHES AND BILIOUSNESS DUE TO CONSTIPATION, AND TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL enters rr is necessary to buy the oricinal and only genuine, ; WHICH IS MANUFACTURED BY THE California Fig Syrup Co. A Reliable Remedy Ely's Cream Balm I quickly abtorbed. (lues Reliel al Onc& It cleanses, soothes. heals anil protects the diseased mem. brane resulting from Catarrh, and drives awny a Cold in the fetorcg the Sense nf HAY FEVER Taste and Smell. Full size 50 cte., at Drue- mul. i.m 1... . :1 t 1 . ... n ti t, ' '' ln '"I11"1 iorm, 7& cents, tly Brothers, GO Wurron Street, New York. Methodist Church Notes. Sunday school in the morning at 10 a. m., A. J. Owen, superintend ent. Secretary T. J. Hazleton of the Prison League of Portland will speak at the 11 o'clock hour. Ep woth League meets at 6:30 Instead of 7 o'clock. Mrs. A. J. Owen is leader. "The Supreme Motive Power" is the subject. Special music, a duet by Miss Coutts and Miss Rugg All are ln- v ted. This being conference Sunday, 'here will be no evening service. Christian Science, Service Sunday at 11 a. m. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Wednesday evening service at 8 p m. Subject of the lesson sermon, "Man." Reading room open daily from two to four in the afternoon. Corner E. Webb and Johnson streets. All are cordially Invited. First Christian Church. North Main street, J. W. Van De walker, pastor: 9:45, Bible school; 11, communion and sermon; 6:30, young people-'s meeting; 7:30, sermon. A cordial invitation to all. NIECE OF SWOPE ELOPES. Cilj Relatives of Munlrml Kansas Millionaire Is a lirldo. Colorado Springs. Lucy Lee Swope niece of Colonel Thomas H. Swope, the murderei Kansas City millionaire, vho has been spending some time ln this city, eloped with W. B. Byrne, a former Kansas City business man. The couple went Pueblo, where they were married, and returned here last evening. Discouraged The expresm'on occura so mny times in letters from sick women, " I watt completely discouraged." And there is always good reason for the discouragement. Years of pain and suffering. Doctor after doctor triod in vain. Medicines doing no lasting good. It is no wonder that the woman feels discouraged. Thousands of these weak and sick women have found health and courage regained as the result of the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It establishes regularity, heals inflammation and ulcera tion, and cures weakness, IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG AND SICK WOMEN WELL. Refuse substitutes offered by unscrupulous druggists lor this reliable remedy. Sick women are invited to consult by letter, free. All correspondence strictly private and sacredly confidential. Write without fear and without fee to World's Dispensary, R. V. Pierce, M. D., Pres't, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. XIXE VFAH MYSTERY SOLVED IJY INSPECTOR Girl Char red With HaviiiK Stmt Hun drwls of Letters to Prominent Citizens. Easton, Pa. Charged with having written hundreds of anonymous let ters of a scurrilous, defamatory and indecent character, and sent them through the mails to more than a score of residents in this city, includ Ing clergymen, business men and wo men, Miss Harriett Dewltt, daughter of one of the city's well known and respected citizens, has been arrested, and will be given a hearing by Unit ed States Commissioner Turner. In nearly all of the letters, the anonymous writer attacks either the character of the person to whom the letter Is addressed or that of some near relative or friend. In several lrstances, charges of criminal conduct are made. For nine years these anonylng let ters have been received, and many complaints made to the postofflce de partment, and Inspectors and secret service men had been assigned to fathom the case and failed. Inspector Shaneberger was ordered to trace the writer, and the evidence he secured during the last two months resulted in Miss Dewltt's arrest. She declares that she Is Innocent, and that hhe also has been receiving letters from the anonymous writer. Read the want ads. Yellow complexion, pimples and disfiguring blemishes on tho face or body can bo gotten rid of by doctor ing the liver, which Is torpid. HER B1NE Is a powerful, liver correctant. It purifies the system, stimulates the vital organs and puts the body In fine vigorous condition. Price 50c. Sold b7 A. C. Koeppen & Bros. DEATH GRINS AT KAISER. Berlin. Tho Kaiser narrow lv capod Injury in a collision between iwo trains, which occurred on the track adjoining the one on which his special was standing. The accident occurred at Luebee. es- Thero'g a Reason." May You seem to prefer the beach to the piazza. Maud Yes; I prefer to be burnt by the sun than roasted by the gossips. Judge. The colors of butterflies are influ enced by the temperature of the air In which they live. KIDNEY TROU R LR Suffered Ten YearsRelimrdin Three 4 nanus 10 S.-J(J-i A. Red snow and hail, with red dust, y. a.aiAVAi, Mi, mening, Ky, bladder trouble for ten years pas t. "Last March T '. . Pernna and Z-a UMn ...u lur vnroe months. 1 5aiVu.0t nMd " ,lnce'nor ave I felt savn! kidney and using