Hf" . TKN PAGES, O RECEIPTS EIGHT AT PORTLAND YARDS. O O o o MEN'S CLOTF AT - IIAIT.Y K4HT nmrnnVTlv nmmtimnu A " rmiiuama, muwwii MlllIIMY, SETTEM BEH 2, 1911. PWiE THKKJI IING O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o For Saturday, A Large Lot of Light Weight, in Patterns, and Absolutely Xot a shop-worn or undesirable suit in the entire lot. worn during nine months of the year. $30.00 XKW SUITS $2,100 NEW SUITS 22.r.O NEW SUITS l'0.oo XEW SUITS 1S.50 NEW SUITS c nave no i-asemcnt nor warehouse in wim-u to place the best suits they are ALL at your mercy and ALL to go. You'll find we have vour perfect fit and an array ot patterns that will make choosing fast and a pleasure to you. ' New goods arc arriving daily. You need the cLthes for the Hound-Up and we need the room for new soods, so ve are going to ve our suit hilf away and LET 'ER BUCK Don't buy until you have investigated for we guav&ntee our every assertion to be the truth. 11 1 1 WrMi o s oooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooQQQ r- , ! I - - SPORTS NATIONAL LEAGUE. New Vmk 3-2; I'lillixlelohlu 2-0. Philadelphia. Sept. 2. New York's pennant prospects took a big Jump yesterday when MoGraw's men won two pitchers' buttles from Philadel phia. The first wont eleven innings. In the second game Marriuard pitch ed a great game and came near get ting a no-hit mark. The only lilt made off him was a slnglo by Lud-t-rus In the fifth inning. The latter vns the only home player to reach first base, as Marquard did not give a pass and was given perfect sup port, except for the muff of a foul fly by Mycta. Lobcrt and Magee collided going after a foul fly, and the former hurt Ills leg hw badly that he was forced to leave the game. Scores: First game It. II. E. New Yoik 3 9 1 Philadelphia 2 10 3 Mathew&on and Myers; Moore and Madden. When The ' Doctor Says, ; "Three Cigars a Day for You" 1 laugh at him, and smoke all I the mild, domestic cigars you j want. It's not the quantity, but the quality that hurts you. j Even one rich, black Havana ( cigar will irritate you. But you j can't hurt your nerves with any number of the light J Gen! Arthur j Miid 10c Cigar, M. A. Gunst Co., Distributors j Workmanship ONE-HALF Just Glance at These TO CO AT TO GO AT TO GO AT TO CO AT TO CO AT !.. mem' Less Expense Makes Our Prices Lower Second game It. H. E. New York Philadelphia Marquard and Myers 2 1 0 1 4 Stack and A.aauen. ItoMon 5-4; lirooklyn 8-2. Brooklyn, Sept. 2. Brooklyn won the first and lost the second with Boston yesterday. Burke, for Brook ln and Tyler for Boston both were wild In the first game and retired. Boston won the second game by vir tue of Brown's stady pitching and timely hitting. Score; First game It. II. E. Koston 5 7 1 Brooklyn S 6 1 Tyler, Orlffln. Hogge and Kling; Burke, Rucker and Bergen. Second game R. H. E. Boston 4 10 1 Brooklyn 2 7 1 Brown nnd Rarlden; Knotaor, Scan Ion and Krwln. IMtlxluirg 2-1 1; Cincinnati it-1. Pittsburg, Sept. 2. Cincinnati and Pittsburg split even in yesterday's double header, the visitors taking the f.rst. Wagner returned to the game today and was loudly acclaimed. His ankle is not entirely well and he was rot permilted to take part in the sec ond. Scores: First game R. H. E. Pittsburg 2 9 2 Cincinnati 3 9 2 Lelfleld, Cnmnitz, nnd Simon; Suggs and McLean. Second game Pittsburg Cincinnati .. .. R. H. E. .14 17 1 ..4 8 5 Adams and Oibson; Simon, Keefe, )Iumphiiew and McLean, Sevrold. A&ffiRICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland 2. Chicago I. - Chicago, Sept. 2. Four times the great La Jole stood before the great Walsh nnd three times the great La Jole struck out; but that was not enough. There was team play nnd hitting nt crucial moments and Cleve land won. And, besides It all, there was Choulnard, who stood calmly In front of second base While Olson play ed the old "hidden ball" stunt, and was touched out. It was the feature of nn otherwise featureless game. Score: Chicago Cleveland Batteries Walsh Gregg and Smith. R. II. E. .14 0 .2 9 2 Block; nnd LPepooo September 2nd Only Fine Men's Clothing, New in Style, the Latest the Best to be Obtained in Texture and all to go for this They are just the thins the lest dressed Prices, Then Gall $15.00 $12.50 $11.25 $10.00 $9.25 New York 6, Wntdihurton O New York, Sept. 2. Caldwell held Washington to five centered hits yes terday nnd shut them out. Groom vas hit for two triples and a double n the second inning, and Becker, w ho j-ueceeded him, was found in the fourth and fifth innings fr four runs. Woller was put out of the game in ho fourth for protesting a decision. Score: r. h. E Washington 0 5 0 New York 6 9 1 Butteries Groom. Becker and Street; Caldwell and Bla'.r. Boston 0-1;. Philadelphia 1-3. Boston, Sept. 2. Although Boston outhntted Philadelph'a In both games yesterday the champions won both contests. The i'irst was a pitchers' battle between. Bender and Cieotte. the latter having a shade the better of it. Uncertain fielding by Boston lost the second game. First game: r. h. E. Boston 0 S 1 Philadelphia 1 6 0 Batteries Cieotte and Carrigan; Bender, Dank and Thomas. Second game: R. n. k. Boston 1 7 3 Philadelphia 3 5 0 Batteries R. Collins nnd Carrigan; plank and Thomas. N W NORTHWEST LEAGUE. Standing of tho Teams. W. . . 85 L. 62 61 65 63 64 Pet. .621 .561 .539 .536 .523 .223 Vancouver Spokane 7S Tacoma 75 Seattle 73 Portland 70 Victoria 31 108 Vancouver 7, Seattle 2. Seattle, Sept. 2. Vancouver hit Wiggs hard in the fifth and s'xth In ning and won from Seattle 7 to 2 yesterday. Gervais hold the locals to seven scattered hits. A double play in which Lewis got two men at the plate was the feature. Seattle 2 7 2 Vancouver 7 13 2 Batteries. Wiggs nnd Whaling; but could not win. Victoria 9 17 1 Spokane '. 10 14 5 Bnttcrlcs Williams, Erlckson nnd PeVogt; Houck, Schwenk nnd Sples-mnn. One Day at PRICE will wear during the coming fall and Inspect the Goods i:.00 NEW SUITS TO GO AT 12.:,0 NEW SUITS TO GO AT $10.00 NEW SUITS TO GO AT ! .r0 NEW SUITS TO GO AT J?7.50 NEW SUITS TO GO AT Clothins Portland 5, Tacoma 2. Portland, Ore., Sept. 2. Williams' ball tossers made it four out of five vestcnlay by pounding Baker, a Tex as importation, til over the lot for 14 hits. Portland has won seven of the 1 st 12 games played. Tacoma ob tained her two runs in the second in ning when Hire--1 hits in a row were made off Bloomfield. Score: H II. E .5 14 0 .2 6 1 Moore; Port 'and Tacoma Batterks Bloomfield and Baker and Siebt. SMkuiu 10, Victoria 9. Spokane, Sept. 2. Cart Wright's di'tible, with two on bases and two out In the ninth, wound un a woozv exhib.tion of bull here vesterdav in I Spokane's favor, making it five straight Victoria outbatted Spokane and made fewer errors in the field, (ervais and Lewis. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. O Standing of the Teams. W. L. 65 63 71 81 S2 91 Pet. j .572 ! .560 ! Vernon . . , s? Portland 80 Oakland S4 .542 1 San Francisco 73 .474 .446 .409 Sacramento 66 Los Angeles 63 Oakland 5. Portland 0. San Francisco, Sept. 2. Backed bv berfoot support, Martiiloni held the Fortland tatters to two hits yester day nnd Oaklanl won, 5 to 0. Steen was effective until the sixth when Martinoni was safe on Stoen's fum ole, Hoffman walked and both ad vanced a base on Steen's wild throw to second. Martinoni was out at the plate when he tried to score on Wares' infield bit but Cutshaw dou bled, scoring Hoffman and Wares. Before Steen steadied down in the seventh. Oakland hammered out two singles and two doubles which with ; Pecklnp.uigh's error and a walk net led three runs Vernon (l. Sacramento 5. Sacramento, t'al.. Sept 2. After lolding Sacramento 10 three scattered bits and one run In eight Innings. Ralegh let up In the ninth nnd four hits ana four runs brought the locals ipon the short end of a 9 to 5 score. The game was the tenth straight de feat, the Senators have suffered and was the fourth rtraight win for Ver- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o 0 i) 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o o and represent the weight $7.50 $6.25 $5.00 $4.25 $3.75 o o non In the present series. Byram al lowed only six hits, which the Vil lagers made count for nine runs when aided by several errors. Vernon h t -only in throe innings and in each .f these the visitors registered mure runs than hits. Western I.a,uc. At St. Joseph First game Des Moines 9, St. Joseph 4. At Denver Denver 3, L'ncoln 2. At Sioux City Sioux City S; Oma ha 7. GAMING OX 1. S. SHIP LEADS TO SUICIDE Clvilian Who Loses Heavily to Xuvy umeor at 1'oker Blows Out lira Ins, Vallejo, Calif. Poker games con ducted on board United States vessels in which he frequently lost ?4t'v0 and $",000 in a single sitting, are said to be directly responsible for the suicide of John Ott, Pacific coast represen tative of the naval branch of the In ternational Correspondence schools. The name of the receiving ship In dependence has been brought fre quently into discussion of ott's nf-fi-irs. It is said that Ott has lost heavily in games conducted aboard that shiB nnd that members of the ot fleers' set constantly referred to I.lm as "Easy Mark." As a result of the stories that have been circulated here It is rumored that a rigfid In vestigation of gambling aboard all the Vessels stationed here will be com menced Immediately. Navy men do not care to discuss the subject, but there Is nn apparent feeling oi apprehension among them, and it Is whispered that If the in vestigation is started and conducted thoroughly enough the developments will be nothing short of sensational. Chinei-j claim to have discovered America In 449. HOWS' THIS. We offor One Hundred Dollars Reward for any esse of Catarrh that rauuot tie cur ed by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J C11EXKV & Co., Toli-do ,0. Wo, the undersigned, have kunwn F. J. Cheuoy for the Inst 15 years, aud believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions ami financially able to carry out nnv obligations made by Ills firm. WAI.DlNti. KIXNAN A MAUVIX. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh t'lire Is taken Internally, acting directly upou the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7."c, per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family t'llls for constipation. NOT HEAVY ENOUGH TO TEST MAKKKT" IU-ttT Outlook in Cattle, With Xon on lliintl SlM'y nixl Lamb Market. Stfiuly tlilnf Wlwat .Shows Atf-.-vane. (From Friday's Journai.-' So little stuff came into the North Portland yards today that quotations were not given a thorough test. The only arrivals were in the swine trade and these consisted Jprinc. pally oT stockers tha sold at $7.50. One lot of heavier hogs sold at J 8.2a with the average weight 178 pounds. None of the stuff was first c!as therefore prices in that regard were nofc ft-awtl. There waa still another change' Imx the swine trade east of the Rockies. . At Chicago there were arrivals of 12.- 000 head compared with 16,000 head ! a year ago for the same date and tttxt market held steady. Tops sold during the day at $7.65. Tops was for light, stuff. At South Omaha there was a better -demand from packers and hogs soldt . 5 to 10c higher than yesterday ritl '.ops at J7.40. This put the price there an the same basis as Portland, deliv- ery charges added. Hog shippers today were: C. H- . Vehts & Son, Lebanon, Or., 1 load. Nominal North Portland hog pricesr Extra choice light $8 50 - Medium light 8.35 . Smooth and heavy 7. 25. Rough and heavy 6.50 - Cattle Outlook Is Better. There is a somewhat better outlook fcr prices n the cattle trade at North Portland. While there were no ar rivals in that branch of the trade to day, the indications seem to point ta a better buying call within the next few days. Leading sellers are now agreed to the fact that the botto mfor cattl prices has already been reached and that the near fuure will show a ma terial improvement in prices as well as demand. Buyers now seemingly realize that It will be useless for them to continue ihe r bearish tactics even for the re maining holdings of local cattle. They also realize that there is not enough of the home growth to supply thoir needs and for that reason outside Huff must be attracted in this direc tion. The sale of the big lot of Montaru steers at $6.10 on Wednesday would indicate that it is a starter toward a h'gher level of prices. As a rule there is a good tone in '.he cattle trade. At Chicago there wa no change in quotations, but the mar ket was steady during the day. At South Omaha cattle vaiuis wcrs steady with top steers at $7 90 and best cows and heiftrs at $5-75. North Portlani range: Best steels $ al6S Choice steers 5.6ft Ordinary 4. 50 ft 5.00 Common steers 4. 00 1i 4.25. Taney he.fers 4.S0ft4.9O Fancy cows 4.SO Ordinary cows 3.00 ft 4.00: Fancy bulls 2 50 3 3.00- 'j Hid ordinary bulls 2.5C ' Ciimmon bulls 2.00 Q 2.7S. Fancy light calves 7.0O Ordinary calves 5.(i 6.8' Common calves 4.00ti5.0C Shocg and I ambs Seady. Decreasing runs of sheep and lambs. :n the North Portland yards recently a'ld the entire absence of supplies to day gave the market a somewhat jetter outlook than during the early part of the we k. While there has: been practically no change in North-. Portland during the past few days., taere wil likely be one if shippers will I. 'starve" the trade for a while and al .c w shippers to get rid of some of their accumulated surplus. At Chicago today there was u steady to strong tone in the sheep and lamb trade with prices stationary. South Omaha shep were steady with 1'mbs $5. 4006; yearlings, $4';j 4 50; wethers, $3 30 fi 3.5C; end ewes $2.9f Ci 4.15. North Portland sheep and lamb ranges: .-vieet 'ambs $ 4.7s Ordinary lambs 4.2o4.50 Best wethers 3.5''i3.50 ' Common iambs 2.75'3 3.0f ;! st ewes 3 0O Ordimuy ewes 2.001 2.5 Cliicnsro Wheat Higher. ChYago, Sept. 2. Wheat advanced 3-Sc at tile opening and closed 1-4 '. J 3-Sc above Thursday. While Liverpool was 1-2 to 5-ScI higher at the opening and l-4d at ths closing there was no change either at Paris or Antwerp but an advance, of 3-4c was forced at Berlin. Broomhall estimated world's ship ments of wheat on Monday at 6.400. 000 bushels, exclusive of North Am er.ca. Cash wheat No. 2 red. 90 1-4 'J H0' 3-4: No. 3 red. S'J'it 90c; No. 2 hard: winter, 92Z:5c; No. 3 hard vinter ;0 1-2'iiitl'c; No 2 northern spring,. 97 $1.05; No. 3 northern spring. 91)0 W$1.02: No 2 soft, 961i $1.03: No. 3" r oft. ncj Jl.oO. CHICHESTER S PUIS l'lVSuoi iii;m imi.i . r i n ... -.1 c t Always Kri'.at im SOLD BV DRUGGISTS EVERVViHERE Every Woman U Interested and should know tNnit the wendrrful 1 MARVEL Whirling Spray int new vaginal Synnga. Bert most convenient. It cleanicj lurantly. Ask your dm::. it for If he csnnot sunulv the MARVEL, accrpt no otherN but seed sump for Illustrated book sealed. It irives full Dartlcu- ltrs and infractions invaluable to ladiet "uk-i an. jour 1'rvi.ut 1. . 4 hl-ohtMcr'B IMamun JIlrmajA I'UU in K. d in.l .,.IJ mttJiuAVy l '-!, ?al?a ith Uli Riu-on. W T.Lm n ih... II... -r V nv y 67 . M4RVl CO.. 44t.it 2Ji llrctt.New lot