V.KUK TEX. DAILY EAST OREGON! AN, PKVDLKTON, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 111. TEN PAGES. lnJHY ? is this store the cheapest place in Pendleton to buy Groceries BECAUSE We own trar own store building and save rent. We buy for cash and discount all our bills. We operate our store at a far less expense. Harvesters It will pay you to call anj get our prlcea before plac ing your orders for gro cery supplies. Complete tins of fruits, faasy, staple and green groceries alway on hand. STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY INC. WHERE AXXi ARE PLEASED. FRANK O'GARA. Pre. BERNARD O'GARA, Sec-Truss. Newsy Notes : of Pendleton i WILL TELL OF LIEN AND WOMEN FALLEN Suffers Injury to Hip. Mrs. William Davidson was brought into the hospital this morning from Yansycle Buffering from an injury to one of her hips sustained by a fall. t"he was accompanied in by Dr. Mc- Klnney. ! AruiHp Dralnnge District. County Assessor C. P. Strain, County Surveyor Geary Kimbrell and Vr. Iteeves of Stanfield comprise a board selected to appraise the dam hr.es and benefits in the new drainage district at Stanfleld and are new en tagetl in their work. CHURCHES TO FEED ROUND-UP VISITORS LADIES WILL SERVE TWO MEALS A DAY Hotel. Restaurant and Rooming Houses Enlarging Facilities for Handling I-argv Crowds Uniform Rates Will Prevail. Through the efforts of the accom odation committee of the Round-Up o number of the churches of the city J-ave been prevailed upon to assist in .'ceding the multitude that will be here for the wild west show. The la dies of the Christian church will serve both dinner and supper in the base ment of their church just across the bridge, while the ladies of the Metho dist church will do likewise In their church on the corner of Webb and Johnson streets. The Baptist church ladies will serve meals at the parson age next door to their church on Alta street and the 'adies of the Presby terian church will prepare a banquet for the visiting delegates to the med ical convention which will be held here during the Round-Up. Both the Cathol.c and Episcopal church are considering joining in the movement also. AK hotels, rerstaurants cafes and lunch counters are making prepara tions on a large scale to feed crowds and the Hohbach bakeries on Main and Court street will put up cold ''.inches to assist in satisfying the hungry horde. W. G. Bogart has been granted the concession for lunches ft Round-Up Park and will be equip ped to feed several hundred daily. Uniform Rates for Beds. All of the hotels and the rooming houses w'th the exception of the Palace lodging house have signed an agreement to maintain uniform rates tor beds and this precludes the pos sibility of exorbitant charges being made. The agreement as drawn up and presented by Dr. I. C. Temple ' and C. E. Roosevet. is as follows: We the undersigned agree with the Umatilla-Morrow county fair associa tion and the Round-Up association that we will not charge more than $2 per day for double bed in room (ex cept where bath and toiet service Is furnished) and not more than $1.50 per day for single beds in rooms and not more than $1 per day for single beds where two or more beds are placed in one room or hall. This agreement implies that the day shall terminate at 12 o'clock noon of each day. (Signed.) Verne Waddeil. Columbia Rooming House. Noulas, Senate rooming house. Mrs. H. F. Peters, Arlington room ing house. Mrs. Eugene King, St. Elmo room ing house. George Darveau, Hotel St. George. W A. Brown, Hotel Pendleton. Mrs. M. A. Mosier, Empire room ing house. Cooper fc Co, Hotel Bowman. Mrs. Toddhu.iter, Hotel State. J H. McFadden, Golden Rule hotel. Tour of a Kind. Police Judge Fitz Gerald had four of a kind in his court this morning X. Mulinhill, Charles Joplin, A. H Robinson and C. Davis all pleaded guilty to being drunk, the latter three taking jail sentences, while the first named paid five dollars into the treas ury T. J. Iftiselton, representative of the Pacific Coast Rescue and Protec tive society and secretary of the Com mons Prison league of Portland, ar rived in the city this morning and will address the people of Pendleton tomorrow morning at the Methodist church. The purpose of the organiza tions which Mr. Hazelton represents is the saving of fallen men and wo men, a work in which they have beefl very successful but of which there is no end. "At the rate society Is grinding out criminal men and pros tiiute women," he said this morning, 'there is need for a great number of institutions such as ours and I Intend to tell the people of your city of our work and how they can assist us." Mr. Hazelton has just come from Huntington, which, he declares, Is the worst town he has ever visited from a siandpolnt of Immorality, IhiihLs Two School Buildings. L. Dunlap, well known local con tractor, has returned from Yoakum :n which schoo district he has just finished two fine new school build ings. One is located on the J. E. Smith ranch and the other on the Nolte ranch and both are thoroughly modern. Some Fine Cling Peaches. The East Oregonlan acknowledges receipt of some splendid cling peaches from J. A. Mills of Wallula. They were grown on the Thresher ranch rear that town' and have an exceed ingly fine flavor. Mr. Mills is mak ing daily shipments to this city and f:r.ds ready sale for his fruit. RIRCH AND M'KAY SETTLERS WIN VICTORY (Continued from page one.) tria. Commissioner Cochran, how ever, was unable to see wherein the L'nited States of America, as a party to a suit, is entitled to any more con sideration than is a private citizen. Attorneys and spectators in the court room declare the proceedings yesterday among the most interesting that have ever taken place in a lo cal court. Prominent among the ob servers of the legal battle were Dan Shaw, president of the Water Users' association of Birth and McKay creeks, W. R. Talpole, Jr.. receiver for the Oregon Land & Water com pany, and a representative of the bondholders of the Western Land & Irrigation company. SMviul Car Here. The special car of J. VS. Stack, as slstant g.M'.eral manager of the O.-W. R. & X. company, was in Pendleton over night and left this morning at tached to the local. With Mr. Stack in the car were J. T. Myers, car ser vice manager, and Sam Herron, Pa cine Fruit Express company man ager. CALL IS OUT FOR As chairman of the state good roads committee named by Governor West Dr. Andrew C. Smith of Portland has cnllel a meeting of the committee to be held in Portland September 12 and 13. The sessions of the commit tee are to be held in the convention hrtll of the Portland commercial club. Notice of the meeting was received here today by Leon Cohen, commit teeman fiom Umatilla county. In the loiter calling the committee together the chairman states he has been urg ed by Governor West and other good roads advocates to tage such action. He also states that much data in ref erence to the subject of roads has been gathered by the Oregon associ ation for highway improvement and tills will be submitted to the commit tee when it meets. H-H-HH Help H-di to Mount Dam. Deputy Game Warden E. F. Averill made a trip to Irrigon yesterday to confer with W. R. Walpole regarding the construction of some means for fish to mount the dam at that place and, as a result, work will be com menced soon on the blasting of a suc cession of pools by which the fish can climb. lilkx Have Night at Fair, Following tlieir usual custom, the Elks of this city have asked to have a spec'nl night at the Morrow-Uma-Illa fair and have been assigned Thursday night on which to celebrate They sre preparing a program, ono feature of which will he the "duck ing" of all members in the i -ml who do not appear In white su'ts. HOME BOILED HAMS 3Sp I.. r , ; rc..6"T- I We point with pride to our line of delicious home boiled hams. They are fresh, sweet, tender and appetizing. Just the thing for a nice cold lunch on a hot summer day. Note the cleanliness of our place and you'll cease to wonder how good cur meats are. Central Meat Market Phone Main S3. 103 E. Alta Street Irrigon Will Have Exhibit. W. R. Walpole, the well known Ir rigon resident and business man, is a visitor In Pendleton today and an nounced the Intention of his town to bring a tplendid exhibit of products to the annual fair this month. Sec retary Fitz Gerald is greatly pleased ever this announcement as he has been working hard to induce every tewn in the two counties to be rep trsented in the palivlon. Aviator Killed. Norton Kas., Sept. 2. J. F. F. Frisbie, the Curtiss aviator, was killed by a fall at the Norton county fair yesterday afternoon. Frisbie met with an accident yesterday and only went into the air again when driven to do so by the taunts and jeers of of the crowd. Frisbie fell 100 feet and the engine of his machine fell upon him, crush ing his left side and chest. He died an hour later. she also saw the shorter route over the fence and made for it. Dropping her bundles, she climbed the fence, while Anthony and the crowd afthe station gazed In amazement. An thony ran out and gallantly handed her the packages she had dropped. Didn't I do It gracefully?" she asked. Just as well ns any man could do It," Anthony replied. The conductor saw the woman coming rnd he thought such a brave attempt to catch a train should be re warded, and he held the train for her. As she stepped aboard the pas sengers gave her a cheer. Hotel Proprietor Missing. Portland, (ire., Sept. 2. Theodore Kruse, proprietor of two hotels and a cite in Portland, disappeared Mon day, Ausust 21. So far as can be learned he had no cause t worry over finances. Kruse telegraphed his wife Monday evening 'from Seattle, where .-he lid not know he had expected to go, that he was engaging singers md would return in a day or two. The authenticity of the telegram lias been establ'shed. REACHING TUB RENTING AGENT ygjgf ihe To Judge Livestock. Prof. E L. Potter of the Oregon agricultuial college department of an-l:-ial husbandry, has been selected as the judge of the livestock exhibit at the cominj, district fair. Prof. Pot ter is regarded as a very capable man for such work and being a new man In the state will be an entirely dis interested judge Members of the board are of the belief his selection will do much to insure the success of the livestock exhibit this year. Tolneri Raker Protest. Acting in behalf of the local com mercial club President Smythe and Secretary Jack Keefe have Joined with tile Raker Commercial club in ask ing that the freight hearing set for Salem the latter part of this month be postponed in order to permit of further wi lk by cities that will be In terested In the hearing. Aside from Joining in asking for this delay the local club is not co-operating with the Bakerltes as local members de sire to make a more extensive Investi gation before taking any stand in the matter. LJOUSE-HUNTING is made easy by the use of the Telephone. Few people realize how much business they can do and how quickly they can do it over the wire. It is not even necessary to be in the same town, because the Lonrr, Distance Service of the Bell System brings everyone within talking distance. In all the business anJ social affairs of life, people put their trust in the Bejl Sen-ice because it i3 universal. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. .James Crawford Sold Home. James Crawford, well known local resident ond retired harness dealer, has colli Mb Jackson street residence prorerty to Jiarlon Jack for the price of $4000. Mr, Junk Is to tabu posses sion of the property within a couplu of weeks and will use the place a.4 winter residence. The Crawford fam ily will move temporarily Into a tiiltc ,t rooms In the Smith-Crawford building of wliiCii r,Ir Crawford ls on1 of the owners. According to Mr, Crawford they have not fully decided as to future plans, but may move to Portland. The Crawford family Is one of the old families of the city and they occupied their Jackson-street home for 19 years. Stennier IVanclse-o Wrecked. Manila, Sept. 2. The steamer Francisco floundered today on the north side of the Island of Xegros and 'hirteen of her passengers and four members of the crew are missing Among those believed to be drowned Trre a Mrs. Kepler -ind her two chll dren, members of the family of i Swiss planter in Negros. Eight of the passengersr of the Francisco were rescued and taken to Ilclto, in the Isle of Panay. Available" shipping registers have no record of the steam er Francisco. rle-nds Guilty. Holland. Mich., Sept. 2. Walter Hopper pleaded guilty to the murder tf Grace Lyons of Grand Rapids, whom he threw overboard from the steamer Puritan, in Lake Michigan and was sentenced to life impr.son ment. Hipper (xp'essed himself in favor of the death penalty either by hanging or by dropping himself Into the lake beside the girl he loved. OPEM LETTER The Boston Store, City Gentlemen: That sale of yours is all right. I have found it so. You do as you advertise, and this is rare in these days of dollar chasing. I can safely recommend your Quit Business Sale' to all my friends, especially the cata log buyers. You can beat them all. Sorry to hear you are going to quit. Very truly yours, SATIS PHYED BUYER HI I HI I III HH-HHHH IImT The woman saw the bridge, and another will perform a similar duty at the old academy grounds on Webb street, where the Wallowa tented city Is to rise. All of these officers will be under the direction and charge of Chief of Police Tom Gurdane, who will be mounted In order to keep In touch with his men. Further assistance will be rendered In maintaining peace and trder by Sheriff Taylor andhls depu ties, special agents of the railroad companies, plain clothes men and of ficers from other cities wh) are com ing in numbers. In view of these preparations, the directors of the Round-Up believe they can handle the crowds nicely and reduro petty crime to a minimum. DREAMING CHILD SETS 1'IKK. Lights Matc h in Closet to Hud Mythi cal Dress and Is Rumcd. Chester. Pa. While walking in her sleep Marie, a little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George McGovern. lighted a match and set fire to clothing In a closet. The child was dreaming that :-he was about to put on n new skirt find lit the match to find the garment About $50 worth of clothing was burn ed and Marie was burned about the hands and face. POLICE PROTECTION IXJR PENDLETON ROI ND-I P (Continued from page one.) Till bo stationed in Ryers' grove to puard the property of campers, while mm DALE ROTH WELL OPTOMETRIST. ETE3 EXAMINED. GLASSES FIT TED, LENSES DUPLICATED AND FRAMES REPAIRED. WithW. E. HANSCOM THE JEWELER, PENDLETON. The Man - You Know Tou can't tell by the looks of a Piano what's inside erf it. You have got to trust your dealer for that. In choosing between a piano agent whom you don't know and your home merchant whom you do know, ls It not good wlsdoni to pin your faith to your home merchant? We sell S. W. Miller's Matchless Models, the Mellow-toned Music Makers from She boygan, Wisconsin, every one of them a Top-N'otcher, keeping pace with the times. Their tone truly tells of their triumph over trashy types of Tianos often offered for sale by Irresponsible agents. We Invite you to see and hear the beautiful S. W. Miller Tlano at the store of The man you know. JESSE FAILING Pendleton, Ores. Wrestlers Ready. Chicago, Sept. 2. With both an nouncing themselves in the best con ciltion and stating that they will have no excuses to offer, If whipped, Gotch and Haikenschmidt today promise the best wrestling exhibition ever wit nessed in this country, Monday. Gotch Is a 3 to 5 favorite. Hack's backers are holding out for odds of two to one. Mortgngo Is Foreclosed. Col. J. H. Rdley, representing the American National bank, this after noon bid in the L. T. Link property on which the bank held a mortgage at a Hher'ff's pale. The figure named waa $989.75. EVERY BELL. TELEPHONE IS STiTEM. THE CENTER OF THE 4 JiidgeH for Fair Announced. Secretary Fitz Gerald of the Morrow-Umatilla county fair announces the selection of two of the Judges of exhibits at the fair this month. Prof. E. L. Potter of the Oregon Agricultur al college, has accepted an Invitation to Judge livestock and, as he Is rec ognized as an authority on animal in dustry, the selection will be very pleasing to exhibitors. R. D. Allen, director of the experiment station at Hermiston has consented to act as judge of fruits and vegetables and his experience and profession make him exceptionally wel qualified to pass on these products. The directors are now seeking a poultry Judge and expect to announce a selection In a few days. Morry-iro-round Ilelng Set Up. Workmen are today setting up fnerry-goround opposite the fair pa vilion near the Bowman hotel. The amusement maker belongs to A. J. Dressier, who was granted a conces sion by the fair some time ago. THE L.CHING WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. Will Movo on 2nd of ScptemlK-r to New and Elo. gnnt Offices at No. I I E. Main Street, Sell Iliilldlng. We cure any and all diseases that the human flesh ls heir to. My wonderful and powerful roots, herbs and remedies are composed of Chinese buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely unkonwn to medical science of the present day. They are harmless, as we use no poisons or dru;s No operations. No knlf? used We cure stomach troubles, liver, kindey, ca tarrh, lung, throat, asthma, nervous debility, fe mnlo complaints and rheumatism and all dlsor Wo cure to stay cured and guarantee to cure all kinds of Piles and Private Diseases of men and women. Call and see him or write. Consultation free. If you are unable to call and see him, send two cents in stamps for symptom blank. Address: THE L. CHING WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 309 W. Rose Street, Walla Walln, Wash. 4 dors of the blood. Makes Good Showing. New York, Sept. 2. The first month of the New York postal sav ings banks shows deposits of $109,-000. WOMAN CLIMUS FENCE. Tukea Short Cut to Catch Train and Is Cheered. Tarrytown, N. Y. Railroad fences are no obstacle to a New York wo man when she wants to catch a train. This waa demonstrated this afternoon when a we-ll dressed, middle aged wo man, with her arms full af packages, ran down the tracks as the 3 05 train came Into the station and called to Remsen Authony, the doorman, asking If the train went to New York. "Yes," madam," replied Anthony. ' You mui;t cross the bridge." I Pendleton -Wor r- - . " ' CUT PRJCES FOR SEPT. t A m LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED Il.tO LADIES' SUITS PRESSED flO i I MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED fa.M 1 MEN'S BUTTS PRESSED 750 Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to- date method. Phone Main 169. 296 l-t E. Alt. . I THE CASH MARKET IS THE BUSIEST PLACE I N TOWN WHY? Because people get better goods, better service ana better weight than any other place In town and you'll find our prices cheaper. CASH MARKET Cor. E. Court and Johnson St. Phone Main 101