f DALLY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1911. EIGHT PACES t OTY ? is this store, the cheapest place in Pendleton to buy Groceries BECAUSE We own our own store building and save rent We buy for cash and discount all our bills. We operate our store at a far less expense. Harvesters It will pay you to call anj get our prices before plac ing your orders for gro cery supplies. .4 Ccmplete line of fruits, taaey, staple and green groceries always on hand. Newsy Notes of Pendleton One Mnrrliigo Iilivn.se. A marriage license was Issued to-e-.ay to James R. Brown and Minnie S. Hutchison, both of this county. Will M to City. James Markham, the Gurdane far mer who roeentlv fieurert In n rn- mance has decided to make Pendle i ten his home and has begun prepara ' tions for removal to this city. STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY INC. WHERE ALL ARE PLEAS FD. FRANK CTGARA. Pres. BERNARD O'GARA, Seo.-Tia. i New Sidewalk Ordered. The council last night ordered sidewalk constructed along the west i side of Starr Ktreet between Court anH 1 1 Alta, the cost to be taxed up to abut ting property. . TENTED CITY TO RISE FOR ROUND-UP SANITARY CAMP GROUND PROVIDED FOR FESTIVAL Grove In City Limits at Disposal of Visitors Who May Care to Live In Open While Guests of Pendleton During Week. Persons coming to the Round-Up with their own accommodation outfit are to be provided with sanitary camping grounds within the corporate limits of Pendleton and it is expeet ted that a tented city will spring up during fair week. Through the cour tesy of Mrs. E. F. McComas and the Byers Milling company the use of the grove in the east end of the city known as the Byers grove has been given to the accommodatkfci committee for this purpose. Cress Sturgis has been - appointed to take charge of these grounds and piepare proper accommodations such asTeed racks, and temporary stables. The use of the Washington school toilets an I water har been secured for the convenience of campers and ar rangements have been made with A. T. Matthews and Ben L. Burroughs to have bay, grain and wood deliver ed on the grounds daily at city rates. Protection from degradations of any kind have been provided so that the campers will .be safe from disturbance both day and night. dren playing along the river discov ered the badly decomposed body. The man had a poll tax receipt made out to Alfred Long in Placerville, Cal.. May 14, 1911. This was the only thing on his person that would iden tify him. PLENTY OF MOXEY TO MOVE DECREASED CROP Washington. For the first time in many seasons the federal treasury is making no preparations to meet the autumnal demands for money for moving crops. Neither do treasury officials expect the usual crop-moving season demand for bills of small denominations. Prospects for medium-sized crops, easy money and the strong cash position of nearly all the country banks are the reasons ascrib ed for this condition. KIDDLES FATHER WITH 6 SHOTS AFTER QUARREL Middlesborough, Ky. Following a quarrel over a business transaction. Fleas Southern, a young farmer living at Stony Fork near here, fired six shots into the body of his father, Dave Southern, killing him instantly. The young man then surrendered to the outorlties. COI5LE SUSPECT IS TAKEN IX ABERDEEN Scoiirlns; Mills Closed. The Pendleton scouring mills closed operations for the season yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock having scoured 1.S50.000 pounds of fleece f:om I'lautilla county sheep. Council to Springs Sept. 6. Mayor Murphy announced to the council last night that he had set Wednesday, Sept. 6 as the date for visiting the Thorn Hollow springs for the purpose of investigating the flow of water. He stated that he would expect every member to make the trip. Si A Big Broadway Sons Hit Free Every Week. Order Your Paper Early. Would Clean l City. Councitman Ell made a suggestion to the council last night that the city take the lead in cleaning up the city before the Round-Up so that the many visitors here would not go away with a bad impression. Accordingly the streets will be ordered cleaned thoroughly before fair week and all residents will be asked to join in the movement. limiting IJtvord Broken. The month of August closes with plain indications that the number of hunting licenses taken ot this year will surpass the high mark of 1910. Up to 2 o'clock this afternoon, 950 had been issued since the first of the year while the total for 1910 was! only 999. The number of fishing I licenses 1 as already passed the 1500 ! mark, thus breaking the 1910 record, j i Wint to Go to Paris Marie Cahill In Daniel V. Arthur's Production "The Boys' mi Betty1' A Musical Play by George V. Hobart and Silvio Hein. Published by special arrangement with MAURICE SHAPIRO 1416 Broadway, New York. Owner of Copyright. Free in Next Saturday's Issue of the " EAST. OREGONIAN Logger Arrested for Fiendish Murder at Rainier at Request of Burns. .Aberdeen, Wash. E. G. Smith, an employe in a logging camp was ar rtsted here at the request of the Burns' Detective agency, on suspicion o:' complicity in the murder at Rai- -Vlready signs have been put no on i nier' Wash.. July 10, of Archie Coble the ron.'s leading into the city direct- i ai d his "'ife who were found dead ing campers to apply at accommoda- : their bed with their skulls crushed tion hea Jeuarters in the East Oregon-' i!l c' an nx' and f,jr whose murde? ii.n block for assignments of space in r"'"'rgo Wilson, a see. tion foreman. Is the grove. The privilege will bo bow hdd at Olympia. granted free of charge, the only rc- Pmlth v. as sweated here for three quirement being that the campers hours but the Coble case was not men tike sanitary precautions so that no ticned to him and he did not know the one's health will be jeopardized while suspicion against him. He willingly 1'fre for the fair and Round-Up. af reed to go to Olympia to bo a Wit-j Cement Walk for Coffey Property. Acting upon the advice of Chair man Stroble of the street committee : last nighr, the council voted to order' a cement walk in front of the Coffey! property in Court street and to give. I the contractors a lien on the prop- I erty. It seems there has been some ! e'ifl'ieulty in getting the owner to do j the work voluntarily so that the coun. cil was forced to resort to extreme measures. (ii:i:i:i, oris anoey FOLLOWINU HIS ARREST The preparation of the camping grounds' K the last detail to be worked out by the accommodation committee and as the date of the big wild west show dnaws nearer indications are that everybody who comes here will be provided with a place to sleep. "There i.- no more gloom in our ranks," declared Chairman Smythe tc day. '"We will take care of the crowd and take care of it properly ! All doubts have been dispelled." I head mavs body fouxit in brush at fug fx f. mss in . riot her case there, and was taken to that city. Noth'ng is known of Smith here and nothing could be learned ty the officers who sweated h:m. H" is suspected, it is stated, of b'-ing the actual murderer. Wilson, now held for the crime, is ja degenerate. He has made a con jfissiun, in which he says that while j lie has no knowledge of the crime he thinks he probably committed it. The officer? have not been satisfied with I the case against Wilson, and it has j been an t pen secret that they were jncuneu to iniiiK mm innocent. Four Drunks to .Tall. Police Judge Fltz Gerald remand ed four men to the custody of the marshal this morniftg after they had been given their choice of paying a five dollar fine or serving three days in jail, and upon their inabiltiy to to choose the former they were given berths in lb." bastile. All four plead ed guilty to being drunk. They gave the'r names as Dim Dalton, Vagh Finch, Jim Lee and Hugh Parr. Eugene. Or. Coroner W. T. Gordon rf this city, wold like to locate the relatives of Alfred Lonr. who was found dead on the river bank back of the gas plant in this city a day or to ago. He had been dead perhaps ten days, a clump of brash hiding; bind, ; the body from view. A group of chil- j tober 6 Taft Changes Plan. Han Francisco, Aug. 31. President Taft has advised local people that he has changed his d'.ites for his trip west, so as to leave hi.-s home Sep tember 15, instead of .September 11. lie will iirst visit Seattle and Port ing reach Pan Francisco Oc- HOME BOILED HAMS To Deliver Rods Monday. The folding beds ordered by resi dents of the city for accommodating visitors during the Round-Up v !! be delivered Monday, according to rn announcement made this morning by Chairman Smythe of the accommo dation committee. They will be de livered to the houses by Gay Hayden, rnd where ';t is possible without in convenience, residents are asked to be at home to receive them and have :e purchase price at. hand. Los Ai geles, Calif., Aug. 31. "Pharisaical, canting, hypocritical, envious Publisher Karl, of the Morn ing Tribune, is responsible for the charges which were yesterday brought 1 the city prosecutor, to the effect that my paper. The Times, is an ob scene publication," today said Gener al Otis, who with his managing edi tor and telegraph editors, are to be given preliminary hearings before the municipal court this afternoon, fol lowing ti'Oir arrests' and releases on bonds yesterday. General Otis is extremely angry. He today said that a newspaper should give the people all the' news; agree able and disagreeable alike, but should be given in proper language. her 12 miles northeast of Waldport when a helper's ax head flew off, nearly severing his right leg Just above the ankle. Great difficulty was ex perienced in getting the injured man out of the timber and he nearly bled to death befure any help could be .secured. He was carried 30 miles to .Newport where the nearest physician was. IIEI.OIUM EARFUL OF DETECTIVE BURNS O'Lricn Leaves Japan. Tokio, Aug. 31 With the good will of the Japanese, with whom he has spent the past fenv years of his life, Ambassador O'Brien, of the United Suite's today leaves this country for his home in America. All newspa pers make editorial comment, va void able to the American. i -n i i ' -i vz '"l We point with pride to our line p of delicious home boiled hams. -1 They are fresh, sweet, tender and C appetizing. Just the thing for a nice cold lunch on a hot summer day. lle-re fer the Roundup. Wi'l Searcy and Claud Jones, both residents of Gilliam county, are now here and propose to remain in the city until after the ound-Up. They are both from the Mayville country and h;'ve been harvesting in this ci-ur.ty .be in if driv. n here by the 1 ght crop in their home county. Ac ei.rding to th'- uo men the crops in the Mayville section were fair this year but north of Mayville the yield was very light. On many of the farms in the vicinity of Condon no effort was made to harvest the grain. Final Hearing TeMlay. Seattle, Wash., Aug. 31. The final bearing on the temporary injunction restraining the' people of Rainier Valley from demanding transfers to the Seattle street railway lines, is on today in the court of Judge Hanford, whose' action in granting the Injunc tion, led to the movement for his im peachment, which is now under way. Attorneys for the citizens are con tending that Judge Hanford or the federal courts have no jurisdiction in the case. I EARS GIRL IS HF.1NG HELD A PRISONER . San Francisco, Calif., Auc. 31. Fearing that her niece, Miss P-arl A.dtims, is being detained In Spokane gainst her will, Mrs. Evatt today ask ed til.; pol'c,- dep.'rli.ie.:. "O as.ertahi under what conditions i'o clrl is liv ing in the Washington city. The girl suddenly disappeared from her home here last' January anei at the same time a soda water dis penser, named Arthur J. Young, also disappeared. Tacoma. Wash., Aug. 31. "That is a positively scoundrellly statement and there Is no occasion for me to defend myself against a character like Kurns." Thus spoke Samuel Gompers piesi lent of the American Federation of Labor when he today read the statement given out by Burns In Port land yesterday. Mr. Gompers left lure today for Portland. I leaoh Willi''.!. ESS FAKE PROMOTER BEGINS JAIL SENTENCE Tacoma, Wash., Aug 31. George Parker, promoter e)f the fake United Wireless Telegraph company, through which a number of people of the northwest were beaten out of various sums eif money, yesterday entered Me Xiel's Island federal prison, as "Con vict No. 'J0I0," to begin serving a two year sentence for his part in the bunco game. Note the cleanliness of our place and you'll cease to wonder how good our meats are. Central ?i3at ?.kr!:c-! j Phone Main 33. 108 E. Alta Street. 1 Born with the Republic1' T? AMES. E. PEPPER JJ WHISKEY 1 Oldest distillery in America and the best Whiskey ever made in Kentucky. Established in 1780. Columbia Liquor Store Sole distributors in Bendleton. HERMAN PETERS, Prop. i:to Collides With Ten in. What might have proven a serious ; evident was narrowly averted last evening by the oolr.ess and pre'se'nee cf mind of the drive-r of an auto when in rounding the turn at Court and Main streets it ran squarely into a tram and buggy. The driver, who is ft well known socb-ty lady of the city, imni'diately applied the emergency b:akf, an 1 beith she, the driver of the buggy ami. the horses escape, with out injury although one of the wheels e,' the buggy was broken and other slight damage done. The accident was purely unavoidable in the opinion of the many people who witnessed it. The buggy was the property of Carl Marshman. Rail Coniinislen Makes stand. Cincinnati, O., Aug. 31. The Na tional Baseball commission today Is sued a formal statement, re-fusing the demand for eeiuality of the American association Every association club is reeiuested to notify the commission by September 10 if it Intends to re main in organi?d baseball. CREW OF SWAMPED SHIP HAVE PERILOUS EXPERIENCE New York, Aug. 31. Bringing a story of marvelous endurance and a siege of hardship and perils that Is almost unbelievable, the captain and ciew of seven seamen of the four n asted schooner Malcolm Seevy, which foundered off Cape Romaine during the hurricane which swept the Atlantic coast the first of the week, today arrived here on the liner Mo hawk, which rescued the men. The men stated that after their ves sel was bwamped, they lashed them selves to the upper parts of the masts, which were partly under water, anl remained In this perilous predicament thre days and night, without food or water, when the Mohawk rescued them. J. B. Grubb and daughter, Ethel, have returned from Meacham near which town they spent a very enjoy able outing. Seek New Trials. Chicago, Aug. 31. William Cem rors, Edward Storgaard, Arthur O' Connor and Peter Gentleman, labor sluggers convicted on August 4, of assault with intent to kill, toelay sought new trials on the ground that by giving their victims an alterna tive of leaving work or being killed r.o uctual assault had been committed. Southeastern Washington's GREATEST FUR Sept'r. 18 to 23, 1911 WALLA WALLA, WASH. S30.000 IN PREMIUMS PURSES AND Gorman Defeats Leo. Baltimore. Aug. 31. On the face e,f almost complete unofficial returns today from the democralc primary election in Maryland yesterdal. State Senator Arthur P. Gorman will defeat Senator Blair Lee for the gubernato rial nomination by one vote in the state convention to be held next month. SIXTH BRIDGE VICTIM IS DEAD AT ROSEBURG Rosebulg, Ore. Glenn Wilson, In jured at the Umpqua bridge which collapsed last Thursday, died, bring ing the total number of deaths up to six. The Injury to his back caused spinal meningitis. He never regained consciousness. AX HEAD FLIES OFF. BLADE STRIKES LEO John Strako Carriert 30 Miles to Now port, Nearly Dying on Way. Newport, Or. John Strake was brought to Nevport for medical at tention to a severe Injury sustained last Saturday. With one helper, Strake was felling trees In the tlm- Grcalcst Haw; Program Ever Offered In tho Northwest. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Concerts Daily by Ruzzl's Famous ITALIAN BAND SiMtlal Rate's on all Railroads. Is the pK-ascre haunt, In this part ot the country this summer. Its devo tees rejoice to learn that they can now go and come In a re gular schedule, In dependent of tides. Thu popular ex cursion Meamcr, . L J. POTTER leaves Portland, Ash Street dock, DAILY, EXCEPT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 8:30 A. M. SATURDAYS ONLY, 1:00 P. M. Also the sti-amer "IIASSALO" leav ing Portland daily, except Sunday, at S:00 P. M. (Saturday nt 10:00 P. M.) Reduced Fares Prevail From All Peilnts In the Northwest via the Oregcn-Yashingfon Railroad & hvigaiicn Ccnpn.v Ideal cottage and camp life, a mag nificent beach that is not surpassed anywhere, genial and beneflclul cli mate, ai d all tho comforts of home without costing any more than If you remained at home. Call on or write to any O.-W. R. & N. agent for complete Information; also for copy of our summer book, "Outings In Oregon." Wm. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, O.-W. R. A T. Co., Portland, Ore. : Pendleton Dye Works j CUT PRICES FOR AUC. : 1 LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED , ; t.0 LADIES' SUITS PRE8SED 9t.0 J MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED f2.M MEN'S BUTTS PRESSED 7So 2 Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to- date method. Pbone Main 189. 20 1-1 E. Alta. THE CASH MARKET IS THE BUSIEST PLACE I N TOWN WHY? Because people get better goods, better service ana better weight than any other place In town and you'll find oar prices cheaper. tth. CASH MARKET Cor. E. Court and Jottnaon Ma. Phone Haln 101