East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 31, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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)E wish to announce that we have discontinued the credit system
of doing business and hereatfer will sell for cash only.
By making this change we will be able to cut down our office expense, eliminate
lost accounts, and save money paid as interest on sums borrowed at different times
in order to pay our bills these savings will enable us to sell lower, so that the
general public will be the one to derive the most benefit in the end.
In credit system institutions, those who pay cash and pay their bills must in the end always pay for those
who do not pay at all. We are reversing this rule so that those who buy here and pay cash will be able
to buy hardware for a less price than they have ever paid before in the city of Pendleton.
We cordially invite the general public of Umatilla County to bring in any mail order house hardware catalog and com
pare the prices with ours. We guarantee to sell everything we carry at a less price than any store doing a credit system
business (except a few lines where the selling price is arbitrarily made by the manufacturers).
Come and Get Our Prices, It Will Pay You.
4m ini'iiif 'urmr
The Cash Hardware Store
Pendleton, Oregon
(Special Correspondence.)
Weston, Ore., A us. 31. Mr. Jas.
Navin who linn been spending the
summer n Ills ranch ne;ir I'endleton
came up to Weston Tuesday on a
business trip.
Mr. Cass Cannon and daughters
went through Weston Tuesday eve
ning on their way to the mountains
to .spend a short time picking huck
e'.hcrrios. Mrs. Ullle Mill, r of Athena, was
In Weston this week on business.
Mrs. a. C. Kexroads and children
of Milton, arc in Weston this week
vlsiiing Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hex-roads.
aiisscs .uaillie iilitl ivuo.t iiijiin mm
Ida Kllgoro were down from Head
und lliitthy mountain visiting friends
In Weston.
Mr. ,1a. lies Kuson spent several days
this week in Walla Walla.
Mr. Ivan O'llarra and his daugh
ter, Mrs. Jacob Clarke, were Athena
visitors Tues.lay.
Mr. Motes Taylor and son Klmcr of
Athena wire Weston visitors during
the wel-tt.
Mrs. Walter Payne who went to
I'endl( ton to attend the marriage of
her. .sister, returned home Tuesday
The MKses Gladys and Gertrude
Van Winkle of Athena, were In WeB
ton Tiiesd y visiting Miss L,eola Dun
can. Mrs. Klvlra Roynnldds returned
from Walla Walla Tuesday and re
ports that her son Otis is much Im
Mr. John McRae returned Tuesday
evening from Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Hill Graham and son
Neil have-returned fro ma few weeks'
taming trip on the mountain.
Mr. Fred Kyle of Fncwater, is in
the city n business.
Mr. ra Kemp left Monday for Col
ton to join his wife and children.
Mr. W. Hodgson was in Athena
Tuesday on business.
A well known Mes Moines woman
after Buffering miserably for two
days from bowel complaint, was cured
by one dose of Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For
sale by all dealers.
(Special Correspondence.)
Helix, Ore., Aug. 31. Following an
illness from typhoid fever, which be
'came complicated with Infantile Pa
ralysis, Albeit Peterson, six year old
son of a pioneer family of this sec
tion, -juccumber to the ravages of the
sickness jesterday morning,
i Doctors McKlnney and Giiswold,
' cave medical attention and Mrs Min
j nit Nelson, exerted her powers as a
diligent nurse, in an effort to save
the life of the boy, but to no avail.
The funeral services will be eon
ducted this afternoon at the Christian
church, Reverend Robinson, officiating.
ud other ill, due to an inactive condi
tion of Ik Liver, Stomach and BoweU,
may be obtained most pleasantly and
most promptly by using Syrup of Fig
and Elixir of Senna. It is not a new
and untried remedy, but is used by
millions of wetmforroed families through
out the world to cleanse and sweeten
and strengthen the system whenever a
laxative remedy n needed.
When buying note the full name
' of the ComplyCalifornia fig Syrup
Co printed en every package of the
; genuine
Regular price BO per bot one siza only.
For sale by all leading druggist.
liiH-rvrntioii Condemned.
Rerlln, Aug. 31. At a meeting of
the Pan American union last night,
Jirltish Intervention In the Moroccan
situation was condemned.
Don't llnvo to Walt for Weeks. A
Pendleton Illustration.
Waiting is discouraging.
Prompt action pleases everybody.
A burden on the back Is a heavy
Hard to bear day after day.
Lifting weight, removing the bur
den. Brings appreciative responses.
Pendleton pepole tell of It,
Tell of relief that's quick and sure.
Here Is a case of It.
li. Greennwald, 414 Lincoln street,
Pendleton, Oregon, says: "I had se
vere attacks of backache and there
was soreness across my kidneys. I
was also annoyed by a burning sen
sation when voiding the kidney se
cretions and the passages were too
frequent. Being advised to try Doan's
Kidney Pills, I did so and the con
tents of one box cured me. I have
had no cause for complaint since."
For sale by all dealers. Price BO
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, aole agent for the United
Remember the name Doan'a and
take no other.
Sj' clal 'oi resiondenre. )
Pilot Rock, re., Aug. 31. Air
rial Mrs. Lemuel Castel returned
Tuesday from Portland where they
have been to si lee! furn tui'e f r til"
iii '.v furniture store w hlch is m ar y
( ompleted.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gilbert arriv
'. il Saturday morning from Xampa,
Idaho and will vis't with his broth
er for several days.
lillie Smith was a passenger tu
I'endleton last Friday evening.
J. X lturgess was a visitor ;n Pilot
Rock Monday.
Myrtle Westgate was in town for
a short time last Wednesday from
her home on H'rch creek.
-Vita Spa!. ling returned home Mon
day morning after spending the last
month visiting lur parents at Drain.
Ye. She has been emlpoycd ns the
nf rsncdiate teacher n, will take up
her work the f.th of September.
.Maude MeKeynolds has been ap
pointed teacher in the Xye school dis
trict and will commence teaching the
fir-it or midd!. of September.
Mrs F. A. l.ieunllen returned to Pi
lot Rock Sunday after a visit of sev
eral days with Mrs. McXabb of Pen
dleton. Dr. I.icuallen was called to the
home of Mrs. L, Mustard lat Friday
evening near Xye. It Is reported she
ha" had an attack of appendicitis.
Andrew and Clark Sturtevant. sons
o'i M. A. Sturtevant, are 111 with ty
phoid fever.
A luncheon was given at the home
ef H. II. McReynolds last Wednesday
evening. Those invited were the
Mioses Ressie Campbell. Ksther Stur
tevant and Myrtle Wesgate. and
Messrs. Frank Humphrey, Ross Pick
ering of Arkansas, Merwyn Gilbert
and Ed Wesgate. Maude, Elsie and
(.J race McReynolds were the enter
tainers. Mrs. George Linsner who has sold
her mountain home to Mr. Terry, is
now moving to Pilot Rock, where she
will locate for the winter.
Mary Schlegel returned home after
mi outing of several days spent at
Lehman springs.
a presiding officer to halt the eheer
i f his "l'rat" brothers.
"A r piy to the kind suggestion
I'm' I may oh day be prersident oi
T'i.'ted States" the speaker said,1
"i can only say that the office is so
'.nil, its duties so profound that it
.! licit iicr to be sought nor declined. ,
" 'nly two men h.ivo ever declined .
the vke presidential nomination alter
it had really been made. Xo man will,
iv or do . -lice tile presidency. i
"if ever I git into the white house I
(very 'Delta' 'twixt the two seas is!
vi !c . in to have his legs under mv
At ;i: s the cheering broke out
aga'n and finally resolved into an,
uproarious chant and ran: I
"I'hamp Clark, our next president.".
Even the republicans among the
jiooi college hanquuti rs seemed to1
forgit parly lines in their enthusiasm I
i i vi- the Champ Clark boom. j
The .-urpi'isc of the evening came
nf!' !- Clark had lift the ban:ut hall, j
.1. lines K. Mann, in nority leader, sec
ended Clark's nomination for the,
i!i nioeratie headline. !
"For the good of democracy nn.l '
in the interests of good government i
end clean polities. I second the nomi- !
nation of Champ Chirk." he said. '
Tin- fvateni'ty men liowli d for ten
m'uules at this unexpected iud ors', -laeut
from the republican bader.
The vehicle of launching the Clark i
lin.'in was unique, due to the origin-1
eiity of the Rev. Ernest Wray O'Noul, j
a Methodist clergyman, who was mas
ter of the toasts. Speaker Clark is a
u.-niiu-r of the Christian church, the
sect commonly known as "I'aiiip
belliics." Clark had prepared a speech.
The demonstration over his boom so
affected him that he forgot the pre
pared speech and made a new one!
that fairly bristled with "punch
are involved in the movement and
no men have been discussed as can
didates. "We do not want, however, a pro
gressive democrat as a candidate for
rresident next year. We want a
leader who will represent - the people
rather than the predatory interests of
ih country.- The fi deration w ill con
Mitute maehim ry inside the party
to bring about the election of such a
man in the 1912 campaign.
"We want the people to have a
oie,. in the lvim'ng of the party
standard bearer rather than to have
l.iiii named as the resuk of secret
mucuses and in conventions controlled
by s"if-a, pointed leaders of the par
ly "
possible to cut such a hole with a
case knife.
Salem. Ore. (Special) Madam Ma
rie Begiie, who was formerly a mem
ber of the Metropolitan Grand Opera
Company of Xew York City, is to
sing at the Salem State Fair during
the week it is in progress, Septem
ber 11 to 16. This is the first time
that a prima donna has ever appeared
at a state fair, and it opens up a new
era in the history of the organiza
tion which ha an even half centtuy
of progress behind it at Salem. With
the prima donna, who sings contralto,
is her husband. Sig. Bernard Begue,
a baritone of rare voice and great
dr.imntic tensity. The couple will be
accompanied hy the great Ferullo
r.r.nd. which has become famous in
th.- Facific Northwest.
Cuts and bruises may be healed In
about one-third the time required by
the usual treatment by applying
Chamberlain's Liniment, it is an an
tiseptic and causes such injurias to
heal without maturation. This lini
ment also relieves soreness of the
muscles and rheumatic pains. For
sale by all dealers
Set-mod to fJive Him a New Stomach.
"I suffered intensely after eating
and no medicine or treatment I tried
seemed to do any good." writes H. M.
Youngpeters. Editor of the Sun.
Lake View, Ohio. "The first few
dvses'of Chamberlain's Stomach and
I. iver Tablets gave me surprising re
lief and the second bottle seemed to
give me a new stomach and perfectly
good health." For sale by all dealers.
No young woman, la the joy of
! coming' motherhood, should neglect
, to prepare her system for the phys
: ical ordeal she is to undergo. The
health of both she and her coming'
child depends largel' upon the care
she bestows upon herself during the
waiting' months.' Mother's Friend
I prepares the expectant mother's sys
I turn for the coming event, and its use
' makes her comfortable during all the
, term. It works with and for nature,
and by gradu; "" expanding all tis
' sues, muscles involved,
and keeping t od con
dition, brings the .lecrisis
in splendid physical condign. The
baby too is more apt to'be perfect and
strong where the mother has thus
prepared herself for nature's supreme
i function. Xo better advice could be
1 given p. young expectant mother thaa
j that she use Mother's Friend ; it is a
1 medicine that has proven its value ia
j thousands ot
cases. Mother's
! Friend is sold r.t
idrug stores.
Write for free
book for expect
ant mothers wnictt contains mucu
valuable information, and many sug
gestions of a helpful nature.
lVO Cl'T TIIKOl (ill W.M.I.
The Man
tliAKK, CI.AHK, 1912;
Iltii Tan Reltns Knbo Roof With
llnli-Rnlis Hailing Speaker for
Chicago. A presidential boom for
Speaker Champ ClaVk was launched
at the banquet of the Delta Tau Delta
fraternity with a volley of college
yells that nearly lifted the roof off of
the Auditorium hotel.
The white haired speaker, with
folded arms, received the suggestion
with a face that was one huge smile.
In the end he had to use his skill as
Will lindoiivoi- to Ivliniiiiate- Political
Washington. Humiliation of politi
inl bossism Is one of the main objects
of the progressive democrats who are
1 tislly engaged in the work of organ
ising a country wide federation of
democratic precinct clubs. They con
tend that both the big parties are
dominated to a large extent by bosses
In states, cities and counties.
"We are in complete sympathy with
democratic principles," said Senator
George K. Chamberlain (dem. Ore.),
one of the leaders in the movement,
today. "The federation In no sense
stands for party dissension but to
place the control of the democracy in
the hands of the voters.
"No personalities us to candidates
Rainier, Ore. Clarence Lane and
lid Simmons were arrested charged
wilh being drunk and disorderly and
placed in the city jail of which the
city marshal secured the key from
the present owner These men" made
their boast in the afternoon that even
if arrested, the marshal had no place
to put them. Sunday night they
broke Jail. When the marshal came
down yesterday morning to feed them
he found a hole cut through the wall
and the prisoners gone. A case knife
with less than an Inch of blade re
maining was found in the cell with a
note attached, bearing the words:
"Compliments t Judge Symons. This
is what did the trick." Un the wall
was another note addressed to Judge
Symons, saying: "We are off for a
15 days' sea voyage." It Is believed
the men received assistance from the
outside as tile officers say it is ini-
Read the want ads.
You Know
You au't tell by the looks of a
Piano what's Inside of it. Tou have
got to trust your dealer for that. In
choosing between a piano agent
whom you don't know and your home
merchant whom you do know, is It
not good wisdom to pin your faith to
your home merchant? We sell S. W.
Miller's Matchless Models, the Mellow-toned
Music Makers from She
boygan, Wisconsin, every one ot
them a Top-Xotcher, keeping pace
with the times. Their tone truly
tells of their triumph over trashy
types of Pianos often offered for sale
by Irresponsible agents. We Invite
you to see and hear the beautiful S.
W. Miller Piano at the store of
The man you know.
Pendleton, Ore