EIGHT PAGES PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OUEGOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1911. YOU KNOW You know, or if you don't it's up to you to come and see, that The Peoples Warehouse AL WA YS has the largest, the best, the new est Styles of Women's Suits and Coats. THIS YEAR we have excelled all former seasons, in the Character and Style of Garments shown. Our word to that effect would be of little mo ment if we did not have the Suits to back up our word. We have added to our force Miss Potter of Kansas City, who has taken charge of FITTING, this itsself would be of small importance we re it not for the tact that it keeps us as usual in the FRONT place. Our guar antee, "THAT A SALE IS NQT SALE UN TIL BOTH PARTIES ARE SATISFIED." Come every day and you will find something NEW in Pendleton's Best and Greatest Ready-to- Wear Department. The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. SAVE YOUR COUPOXS. TRAMP SERIOUSLY CUT BY COMPANION Hp Refuses to DIsoIomci His Xante or Identity or lite Assailant. ' La Grande, Or. A stranger Is be ing housed in the city Jail as a result ot a cutting affray refusing to give his name or that of his asasilant. Two men. believed to be tramps, were no tjced scnuffllng just outside of the city l'mlts. east of the railroad yards, where some Greek railroad camping cars are standing. After a little while the affair stopped, and an investiga tion found one man bleeding profuse ly, his nose cut off entirely, his cheeks t ut until his jawbone and teeth were bared, and his wrist and bodly badly rut. When the Injured man was brought to town, were he received medical attention, he refused to give any Information as to his Identity or unit 01 nis assailant. Sallow complexion cornea from hil iou impurities in the blood and the rnuit lies with the liver and bowels they are torpid. The medicine that gives results in such cases is HER BINE. It is a fine liver stimulant ana bowel regulator. Price BOc Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Brothers. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Children Cry for Fletcher's KCM11IST : ! NEWS OF TIE ! m in ir nr nunr. it o nr ; Horc Hurts Wapato Man. Wapato. Wash. Jacob Beeks, a reservation rancher, was thrown from a fractious horse and suffered the fracture of two ribs. The animal troke through a two-inch plank en closure and threw Beeks against the ":de of a bain. New Fishing Hanks n Alaska. Seattle. The discovery of many rew fishing banks in Alaska waters !s reported by persons who arrived from the north on the steamship Al batross of the United States bureau of fisheries today. The Albatross, which spent several months cruis.ng in the Rorth, stopped here long enough to land Captain Burraje and Captain Joyce of this city, who went on the cruise as halibut specialists. She then proceeded to San Francisco. Tile Orplicuiii. Good program for Friday's change i. ine Uyppy." Lubin. Bob Hunter went out on his country ,.s t ite to drive away a band of gypsies He saw and loved Zara, daughter of ine chief. She was a beautiful girl or retined type. At first Zara only laugneu at h.m, but he was persist f-nt and in the end she accepted him an:i tiny were married. A painful surprise awaited him whin his in ut It er and sister refused to receive her. Poor Zara fled back, brokenhearted to her father's camp, and rich Bob Hunter, learning the cause of her f. ght, followed her and renounced v. ealth 'and position for the sweets of love. 2. "The Old Captain." Selig. A tale of the sea that will grip from the first till last and its memory nev er fades. The thrilling scenes aboard a big ship makes the picture weli worth seeing. 3. "The Uordlan Knot." Essanay. A pretty comedy drama of rural life. The sunshine and shadows of a country courtship. Excellent acting, wfil appointed scenes and clear, i lean cut photography. 4. "A Broken Life." Pathe. The cowboys on the ranch are wildly ex cited over the report of another gold strike on the Yukon and ail decide to so. Jim, one uf the cowboys, takes an affectionate goodbye of his little sweetheart, Mary. Later we see the men on the trail of the gold fields. They make a strike and then Jim re-ce'v.-s a 'etter th-it Mary's father has died and he decides to return to her. On the back trail he is h!d up by a bandit, robbed of his gold and Hermiston, Ore., Aug. 31. To show i .f"r ,1pa(1 Years 'nss uml Mar-V The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has Lccn In use for over 30 years, has hovne tho signature of and has been mauo uiiucr ms ikv ZtJy-2- sonal supervision since us liiianey. Ytfc4M Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys AVorms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tbo Pood, regulates tho Stomach niul Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS (Bears the Signature of Ike Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, Tf WUHRAT STREET, NEW YORK CITY. which amputation of the arm near the shoulder was necessary. King is a salesman. Rossi was sentenced to from five to seven years in the peni tentiary at Walla Walla HERMISTON STORE BOOSTING ROUND-UP! (Special Correspondence. ) Loses Thumb in Cosrwlii-elx. Reardan, Wash. While W.ll O' Hara was running an engine on tire. jauifs Jicuuneii piace. iBut. that the merchants of Hermiston ar Two F..ue Yakinta Jail, 1 from Reardan his thumb was drawn enthusiastic boosters for the Pen- North Yakima, Wash. Frank ' '"to the gearing of revolving cog- dleton Uouiul-Up tiie enterprising Smith, co:ored, and Jesse W. Ander-' nee!s and was badly torn and fjrm f th(? Hermiston Mercantile son, pr.sor.ers in the county jail for crushed. The young man rode into ! company has a fine "nound-L'p" win two months sawed off a heavy steel1 town with no further attention to dow display. It Is a work of art. The bar in a window of the large room on the wound than to drap it with a ! window was made up by Mr. Will tne second story, squeezed through j eiotn and at ine nearaan nospnai Donovan, one of the members of the . comnanv and shows a "fmvlmv" eu member without taking anesthet- asleep, with his blankets, guns and -'Wf i('s. .saddle lying around him. The camp I fire near him Is burning dimly and Elliott Is NahlK-d at Srane. shows that he is just resting while on Sprague, Wash. Tom Elliott, who .bis way to the "Round-Up" at Pen has been making her home with Leodleton. The background of the dis Schewer. eight miles east of town, play is made up of the famous I'en- .. 1 I.....t,.kln T Pl.lMf .!!.. LI . . .. ' as aiiesieu uy (.uiinwuic la. v. uiiuijii uianKeis, ana souvenirs ot t.io .-on -.rtv, ,.nn nr v. f f t-vpii thp nrrmutation of the iniur- , the ground and got away. Keniwwiek Pullet Lowers Ilocorxl. Kennewick, Wash. Ira A. Boyn ton, a local chicken fancier, has a White Leghorn pullet which he be lieves can lay claim to the youngest laying record of the valley. The pul- iieceives n word fr in Jm (me .lav a stranger comes and utter a short courtship they decide to marry. Pret ty soon a little girl comes to make their lives happy. One summer day Jim conies back and recognizes Mary's hiisband as the bandit who robbed him of h's gold, but rather than ruin the happiness of the girl he lives away and leaves them In peace. let wa hatched at Mounsey Brothers';"" a c,""8e "l a' J "oumu-u p ior l-jli. nn !,!, i nt .hi. v.r on.i h.,n I -ass:ng a counterfeit $20 bill on Mrs.; Mr. Frank MeUulnnes Tii. Pastime. Where you see only the best in motion pictures. Friday's change of program follows: "The Switchman's Tower" Edison. It is a' l'.ving photograph that opens tho picture. "Pnthe's Weekly." Current events every week. This week, Bob Burman in auto races at the Point Breeze track. The Knights of Columbus in convention at Detroit. The wreck of the schooner Wamateak on Cape Cod. The IT. s. Battleships at Province town, Mass. Pictures of the Czar of liussia. Crown Pr'nce of Germany, King Charles of Roumanla. King Humbert of Italy, the king of Bel gium, the late Maria Pla, etc. "Her Spoiled Boy." Melies. Moth er's boy in this story was thoroughly rpo'led; he lacked all human Instruc tions and knew nothing of life, but what hard experience awakened him he comes to his senses and pluys the 1'ian. Rt-niemb.T. I'at.ie's Weekly Friday iiinl Saturday. laying August 15. formerly i ln,s strnnS ,,nd wholly praiseworthy Pittner in charge of the Caulman , of Chicago, 111., today filed on the ! ,1"t ur "r 11 no"i,- human act. In i. dsine house. The United States homestead of Mark J. Barthel. relin-i 'lt'p'' 'vnnt the switchman did was as Clucks Iiuriiinr of Field. Baker. Ore. Miles Lee, sheep king of Bak-r tounty. has secured a tem porary restraining or 2 ex to prevent the '. "Untry couit from burning his SO-a. re f d of oats because it has Canada thistle :n it. The field is now in fh. k and he declares it is worth J20H". The court has been waging a vie-jrous war against the thi.-tle and has or l- r-.-d several fields destroyed. i-iarshal was notified to take charge i quished by him to the government "f E'.liott. fine a deed of heroism Ilia Cosy, A live program for Wednesday and Thursday. War, wild west and some good comedy, keeps up the interest every minute. "The Turning Point." Reliance. The young wife unable to bear her husband's cruelty, divorced him and ent back to her old home. She fell into the water while canoeing and was rescued by a young man who later married hr. One night a bur glar entered their home and In a pis tol duel the husband was wounded. The wife, rushing '.nto the room, rec c'zf l th burglar as her former l nr'ari'!, but save notoriety, she allowed him to go. "The Cowboy's Deliverance." Am erican. Steve and Jim were not very good friends and when Steve acci dentally shot himself and the cowboys found Jim standing near the wound ed man they accused him, but he es caped and took refuge In Steve's cabin whore he was hid by Steve's wife. The cowboys searched the cab In but not finding Jim depnrted. The story closes in a dramatic and excit ing manner. "In the Sultan's Harden." Imp. Lieutenant Bobbins, an American na val officer while In the harem saw Haydie, the sultan's favorite, and fell In love. He decided to aid her in escaping, but they were both caught and were sentenced to death. Haydie was thrown Into the sea. sewed In a pack, but by means of a concealed knife, cut the sack and swam to the American warships. The navy boys hurry to the lieutenant's relief and relense h'm after a desperate battle w-lth the sultan's soldiers. More Turks arrive and more sailors leave tho warships and the battle grows furious. The battleship now takes a hand and soon scatters the Turks. The lieutenant got his girl and so all Is well. Bill's Day Out." Lux. Bdl at tended the fair and his experiences were awful to relate. After getting tangled up In taffy. Bill decides to have a flKht. Entering a room where two black men are boxing he soon knocked them out, but Bill got h"s when he smoked a cigar. "Weary Tom's Dream." Lux. Weary dreamed of skating and in his sleep fastened some pieces of wool on his feet and skated off down tho street. The fun Is fast and fu rious and Weary has a sad awakening. This homesteal Mrs in Section 26 and I ,!"no- y,1 " T'l' ture as this Is a re as was ever j vm&jmenaHimxwKivviMmmm I1 is described as Unit "E" in the SW Rltzville. Wash. Peter U ;ssi" en- vv- M- "d Is In the third Unit. Mr. if red a plea of guiitv in Judge O. R. I McGuinness arrived here yesterday Holcomb's court on a charge of shoot-j fron Chicago, his wife has been here ing W. H. King with a shotgun. Ros-i"" aul,ul l,J eeKH ine guest or Jos. an Italian, 28 years of age. i K'irihi.l rrsl C, ,,-,:,, l , , t Va3 ' .tiim 1 , LIItf II rive IW) I beh'nd King when he shot him in j Mr. .uc .uinness seemed lih" right arm, from the effects or! greatly impressed with the country. j Mr. Percey Holland arrived home -. - - i fiom Portland, Oregon, this morning , .... - iwnere ne naa ucen tor a week on ! l:us!ricss. j Mr. Henry Soinmerer is around get- ting his specimens for the county fair. IIe K!.,:tfs that if he receives all that I has been promised to him he will not I have room in the booth. He has a LOW COLONIST RATES WF.ST HOUND FROM CENTRAL. AND EASTKKN STATES AND EASTERN CANADA. room rented id the farmers are I bringing in their best products to be shown at the coming fair at Pendleton. $25.00 Frcm St $33.00 From Chicago $50,00 From New York Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha $25.00 From St. Louis $32.00 From Boston $50.15 Those are a few. There are others. We quote from all points. On Sale Daily, Sept. 15 to October 15. Hav you friends coming? Advise us their names and where lo cated. We will quote them fares and give full information. Will you send for your frienda? We will arrange prompt delivery of tickets. We operate THROUGH DAILY. TRAINS from St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, all ELECTRIC LIGHTED, with Leather Upholstered TOURIST SLEEPING CARS and finest DINING CARS with our famous a la crt ervlce. Northern Pacific Railway "The Original Scenic Highway." Ask any of our representative. Full Information gladly furnished WALTER ADAMS, Agent, PENDLETON, ORE. A. D. CHARLTON, Asat 0n. PaM'r Agent, Portland, Ore. AUTO PULLS TRAIN IN HKNTOX COUNTY l'lttcl W ith .Railway Wheels it Draws Push t ars- on 20-. Mile Road. Corvallis, Ore. The oddest rail road train In the state of Oregon, if not in the United States, runs on the railroad between this city and Mon roe, in the southern part of Denton county. It consists of an old Reo au tomobile fitted with small railway car wheels, and to this, car are at tached a couple of ordinary section push cars fitted with couplings and bumpers and provided with seats.' The Reo car, t five-passenger auto, is the engine and day coach, while the Im provised cars are used as smoking car, bagguge and express. The novel train makes two regu lar daily lound trips between the two places, running on a regular sched ule and carrying passengers and bag gage. The road has been operated for some time as a logging road and to carry freight, but no passenger service was maintained until the Rail road Commission Informed the com pany that, as It was a common car rier, a regular passenger schedule would have to be maintained and trarric of this kind cared for. The distance between the two terminals Is 20 miles. i.uKe to mucn tnat Is tnrown upon the screen. "The Switchman's Tow er is no sentimental picture nor is it a picture of angels. It is full of hu- I Js road life and full of Interest. Herbert j I .nan truth. It is a picture of rail- J nor, one of the most competent Photographers r the business is the switchman: Mary Fuller plays his . ife and the engineer Is James Cor don. The acting of all including the firemen, is perfect nml the settine.s ! could hardly ! Improved. ! "Tile Ilolinir P.issotn." llioor.ioh I A typical small boy is the hern of this ricture. The last two scene.; of :t or especially line. Tiie rul'ng passion of one of the boys Is to be a pirate. The result is that the l.t'Je heroine and the pirates mate are hist seen far out at sea in a tiny row boat which is fast becom'ng filled with water. See York (Si Yorkj Chinese Doctors j CAN POSITIVELY CURE YOU Those who are suffering from dis eases which many other doctors have . pronounced incurable, now have re- j Uef in sight. York' & York, the fam- ous Chinese doctors, are now located ' in Walla Walla. These men, after ' years of study and researoh in China, i iaillUU UiyiUlUUB My LUC? jllipei - or, to pursue their practice of medi cine. For centuries the Chinese have been acknowledged leaders in tho practice of medicine, and many wealthy peo ple annually go to that country in search of relief for ailments which doctors of this country have pro nounced incapable of permanent cure. York & York use nothing but power ful roots and herbs of demonstrated medical value. These roots and herbs act' gently on the system In direct contrast to medicines usually given. They can be consulted without cost. Those residing out of the city can send for symptom blanks and a free diagnosis will "be given. ci&u ji'c ton THE I oeer BEST Read the want ads. Quality-quality first, last and all the time-is the watchword in the produc tion of City Brewery Beer Vou lo not find it lacking in that "life" so necessary to eivc it the required zest Vou assist iu providing employment for home labor, build ing up your Lome city and supporting institutions that place money in circulation here, when you buy home products in preference to those that are shipped in. When you drink beer, insist on City Beer od draught at I he following places: BILLY'S PLACE. W. J. Bogart, Prop. BTvEWETCY DEPOT, Paul ITemmelgarn, Prop, OPERA BAR, Anton Kraft, Prop. STATE SALOON, II. J. Latourelle, Prop. THE CRESCENT SALOON, J. IL Taylor, Prop. YORK A YOltK MEDICINE CO., 210 W. Main St., Walla Walla, Wn. PENDLETON'S POPULAR PICTURE PARLORS THE COSY it Where the entire family can enjoy a high-class motion pic ture show with comfort, FUN, PATnOS, SCENIC, THRILLING ' ALL PROPERLY MIXED. Open Afternoon & Eve. Changes Sun., Mon., Wed., Fit Next Door to St. George Hotel. Admission 5f and 10