EVENING EDITION EVENING EDITION Calling cards, wed ding atatonerj, om merclal stationer? and Job printing to order at the East Oragonlan. WEATHEH REPORT. Fair tonight and Fri day. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL, 24 PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1911. NO. 7205 CRISIS IN RAILROAD SITUATION TO BE REACHED COMPANY OFFICIALS AND Kruttschmitt Formally Announces His Position With Refer-; ence to Federation System New Organization Will Insist on Recognition. San Francisco, Calif., Aug, 31N A large majority of the shop employes of the Harrlman lines coming Into this city today estimate that ten days Is the longest time that the road could successfully operate their trains after the shops will have been tied up by a walkout of the federation sys tem members. Boilermakers today declared that the company would be ready to deal with the federation sooner than that length of time, us they claim that lo comotives in particular, are in need cl various minor and other, kinds of repairs constantly. President Killn, of the blacksmith' i union, today gave out a statement to the effect that the roads must come to an agreement real soon, or a strike of the federated employes is a cer-! tainty. i Labor traders held, a conference j anion? themselves this morning in preparation for their visit to Vice President and General Manager j Kruttschnilt, which is scheduled for! this afternoon or tomorrow at the. Ij.tist. From the general offices of the Southern Pacific Bailroad company ! this morning, it was announced that Mr. Kruttschnltt would meet the union officials, as presidents of tin: various crafts, but under no consid eration as officials of the federated system This coni'ng as a- formal :: mi'iu:n i-r.K in. s taken to mean that the company has Mceiibd on t!v: coa.se ;t will pursti". . f inal I. ('. Meet Today. Chicago, Aug. St. The final conference between the reprcscnta nnie .".hop unions and effle a!s of the Illinois Central Bailroad ' company, w::i be held in 'his city this after noon. The railroad ofticiais have an nounced that they will meet the men as union officials but not as oftlcails uan liar association. of the federation system. It is not j believed that the road will meet the : Ki(V ,)f,, demands of the unions and that a .Seattle. Aug. 21 Ilev.'s. Hit', a strike will soon follow the meeting, j ,,miinent Methodist minister and ed l,eadcri Predict Strike. j f tli t "Gui.le to Homes," a los Angeles, Calif., Aug. 31. Un- ; (.hiirch puhlleation. issued at Ph'hi ien I abor leaders of this city today , dclphla. die, today at the home of h s cxpl'ss the belief that the San Fran-j ,, ,,(, Wil 0;, V1..U.J of ;u, Cisco eoiiferonct. will not prevent a railroad strike, and predict a walk-I out following closely upon the end m the conference. They admit that they ore priq at'iiig for the expecte trouble. i Would Prevent S'X'inllsin. i Christiana Aug. '.11. The Norwe-j gian press is call ng on the govern-j incut to adopt stern measures to pre- v.nt the spread of socialism In the I army. Tin- Young Socialist party has j obtained i iiorinous Influence over the j soldiers and mutinous scenes are con- slantlv oi-currine, on the drill grounds. ; Two serious affairs of tills kind hap- j pened at Steiikjacr and Gardemoen. j soldiers storming the cells and liber-: aliiig comrades whom they thought, unjustly imprisoned. Seamen Strike 1-hids. Odessa, Aug. 31. The seamen's strike at Black s.a ports is extending to the volunteer fleet. TO PRESENT FIGURES In order to confer with tho council regarding the movement to have tele phonic and power wires removed from overhead and placed under ground, two engineers from each of the cor joratinns Involved will arrive Jn Pen dleton next Tuesday. This was the announcement made to the council last evening by Mayor Murphy and follows his promise of the week be fore that he would be able to secure definite figures to supplement the re port of the special committee, which report favored tho placing of the wires under ground. The fact that these figures are to bo furnished by the engineers of the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph and tho Pacific Power & Light com panies, which are avowedly hostllo to the present movement, occasioned some surprise even among the coun tllmen. Tho mayor stated the In quirers will present tho matter from a strictly business standpoint. , The engineers will confer with the council on Tuesday and on Wednes day night the report of the special committee will be taken off the table and cither accepted or rejected. COMPANY ENGINEERS IN FEW HOURS UNIONS MEET TODA" - ' Warren. Brothers are TAFT SLAPS RECALL I j : in ' In Address Recommends Re- i I forms in Proceedure and ' More Salary for Judges Boston, Mass, Aug. 31. Bitterly denouncing the principle of the recall ig appled to the judiciary, President Tuft today, in an uddress before the American I!ar association, which is in session here, took occasion to urge reformation in judicial procedure. Before tht arrival of the president the association had adopted a special report in which the recall was il'.- iiounced. During his speech. President Taft said that he was extremely glad that the constitution of the United States was elastic enough to perm! of pro gress, without what he terms "the admittance, of wild theories." He. ,rd: "I thank God' for John Marshall, who decided that the courts have a right to make the laws of a legislature square with the constitu- t on." Presidint Taf. strongly adv atcd ierrcasing the salnr'es of the .piques ' f the United states supreme iniirl, Stephen Gregory of Chicago, wa today elected president of the Anier- WHITE SLAVER PUT M HEAVY BONDS United States Marshal Hamlin is en. route to Portland today having in his custody Chtis Louis, the Greek wlio was arrested last w ee k in Da Grande on a white slave charge. He wis brought before U. S. Conimi . s'o.i ( i' Vlda Johnston yestirday ai'tiioooa and bound over to the f i cjera 1 i and jury under f -1100 bonds. rail ng to produce that amount he wili b 1 liei.l In jail at Portland until ih. meeting of that jury. Louis was formerly a cook at the Queen Chop house -nd it .s alleged he enticed Mrs. Grace Dillma.i, a 17- i Troy, Mo. Mrs. Nancy Eddy. !f. year-old girl of this city, to go with is a bride for th;? sixth time. Her him to Walla Walla and later to La sixth husband is eed Inrmv. a farm Grande. There she was found in a t hand, 72 years her junior. The looming house by the police ol'f.cers ! I.ride's iifth husband died six w eeks and she stated to them that she was being held as the Greek's slave. Her' husband in this city was notified and ! swore out a complaint against the Greek who was brought here to ap pear before the local commissioner. Inasmuch as he Is alleged to have taken tho girl from one state to an-i other, the charge against hlni Is a ! federal one and he will be dealt with ; hv the federal authorities. ! TKA.Ml SIIU BKl'KIENDED LKAVES WOMAN FORTUNE Atlantic City, N. J. Picked up as a tramp and treated kindly by Mrs. Claire Pawling Plummcr, founder of the Bid-a-'Wee home at Lungport, George W. Eeeleston was so thankful that when he died he left her 330, 001), according to his will made public here. Investigation found that EcclestOn was the owner of rich .farm and niln-f ii.itiative measures will he placed up Ing property, yet spent his time hob-1 on the lullot. The officers whose bllng on crutches from one charitable i tirnis expire and whose places must institution to another from Maine to ' Ue filled either by their own re-elec-Callfornia. tlon or by a new choice are Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Strable, Strain, Wrestlers Heady. Dyer, Montgomery and Kirkpatrlck, Chicago, 111., Aug. 31. George and Water Commissioner Moore. Some Hackenschmldt today completed his of these rrten will undoubtedly be chii hard training for his match with j didates for re-election but several in Champion Frank Cotch Monday eluding Mayor Murphy and Council night. Gotch Is expected to reach man Montgomery, it is understood, Chicago from Humbolt, la., tonight, will retire from public life. AWARDED FOR 11TA Lucky Bidders By a unanimous vote of the coun cil last evening, Warren Brothers of Boston, were awarded the contract for paving Alta and Cottonwood streets, their bid for bitulithlc having I been declared the lowest and best. I The terms specified in their bid were ! $24,788.03 for Aha street and $15, J 97 8.05 for Cottonwood street. Warren Brothers did not, however. i secure the contract without a hard j fight waged both before the street ' committee and before the council as ' a whole. Hobinson & Foster of Spo- kane had submitted a bid for a bitu- mass pavement and as their bid was thirty cents a cubic yard under that lor ,jltuu,hie put In by" the Boston firm, u could not be passed UP ug-ntiy. When Councilman Stroble for the "trwt c"mmiu,e recommended that j ine paving or ine streets in question ! be proceeded with and made a mo ! Hon which was seconded, that the j council nccept Warren Bros. bid, Mayor Murphy demanded that the-! reasons for favoring the higher bid j be made known. A number of the ! Cf.uncilnK n, including Stroble, Mont-I A number of the gemery. .strain, K!l and Sharon rest: iti answer, the general reason for pre- j ferenee as expressed by them being j that bit'.ililhif Is a known substance While Ultimas,; is new and in an ex- i l' rlmi ntal stage and that hence the tlin'erenee in cost did not warrant the I risk ine lined in accepting the latter, j Both Mr. Mahoney for Warren Bros. ; and Mr. Hobinsin for the Spokane ; firm addressed the council, present- ; ing further arguments in f.ivor of their bids and Dr. T. M. Henderson. 1 one of tbe property owners w ho in- ! sti'.uted the paving movement, m a short talk favoring bituMthie f.r the reason that i-.o had rcpresi nted , t . the petitioners that the pavement i won' ! A '." a;:i::via Upon a an ot.li opted. !lk- that already down. vras taken and it vm ali tor the Warr-n bid where-' ris-ihitiou .accepting it an.1 ace to thai u'.'e. i were a I- High Price War Continue--. t Pari.-. Aug. SI. The war agiinsl h'l.'h prices was continued with tin-, abated violence last night. The gov- (I'nment S"iit two squadrons of env-: airy p. t ringe fi s. CM! b Mary . d fi til- ya! enn-'s r' with i cm h- ; p, to ef "el's til r'pl'""s a tor. keepi r.; arc be for t!-e fi:ry of the til have ali'ead' P ' iit:ni:il- n ntio,; to reduce pri. -. A ni-e. yeslerda v stormed a n. term at Fre.-iiis i:,:ar Valen. ienn s Tile faruier, who suffered of a weak heart, dropped dead through fright. l.ih -rais it ltd Kam li. Juarez. !(X. Aug. SI. A ranch lo ' .sited a few miles south of this city was raiib .1 by a small band of armed liberals last night, ail the mules en the piae,. i.eing taken. Wlrle retreat ing with their booty the robbers en i untvrcd rurales patrolling th.it scc I'on an.' a number of shot.- were cx- h!i !?!:(. It s belli vi d lu re that the i'ariis' ere providing th mselves with ! nr.-'' and niub. s in preparation for ! em wed hestili; ies. ;m-Yi-:.!t-t)i.D niiihi's c.rii M VIM 72 YliAHS HI P. .IIMIHl ago at the county poor farm at Troy. CITY PREPARES FOR DECEMBER ELECTION Tomorrow morning -at the city hall John Halley, Jr., will open the regis tration books for city voters in pre paration for the municipal election which will bo held on the first Mon day in December. He was recom mended to the council last night as rtglstratlon clerk by' Mayor Murphy and duly appointed. . The election which is to be held promises to be a warm one us there are a number of positions to be filled. nnj n js possible that a number of DEFENSE TEARING DOWN IE! OF PAUL BEAU Numerous Witnesses Swear to Allegations Discrediting De fendant's Cousin Chesterfield Court House, Va., Aug. 31. Attorney Smith, chief counsel for Henry Clay Beattle, Jr., today gave out a statement in which he declared that his client would not niake a plea of insanity. He said that he could see no reason for restorting to such action, David Welnstein, son of the pawn broker from Whom the shot gun was purchased by Paul Beattie, and who sold the weapon to Paul Beattle, was today put on the witness stand. He said that he sold the gun to Paul Beattie on the latter's representation that he wanted to use it as a watch man on a bridge. Paul Beattie had been questioned along this Jine during his testimony and he denied making such a state ment. During the cross-examination, We'ns'ein became confused and in the matter of dates, ha became hope- j Jessie i-mangled. Job Weinsteln. n fourteen-vear-nl.l brother of the gun salesman, corrob- orated the testimony of his elder brother an'? contradicted the storv, previously told by Paul Beattie, to the effect that the bey had taken the M,n to pieces when it was sold to himself. The b v derm T.-traled on the stand that h- could u t handle the weapon i a C' scribed by Paul 1 uie, as he A" as too small to da so. Tile proseeut'on. in its rebuttal tes timony it is said, will produce the "man with whl.-Hcrs" whom other wit i.cyu. s have said was prow ling in the if'U'oborlv o,i ,,f Midlothian pike, a ! v.- lays i "fere the murder of Mrs. l.earv City 1 '. t : i , ,Ir It is' said '!.. : the i rosecuti n w ill prove this n.:-:i t ' be resai t . a!-.- and that lie ..a- l un:in squirrels when seen. 1 '"re. i N-sl.ti., a ,l.t sunp; rintend eiit of a piper m'll n-ir the scene of i.i- numb r. broke (1 r n another pnr i f. ,.t' r!iU ''eattie's test 'many, by i "i'.i'ng .ha: i..- saw and taiked tci j'a'.ii .01 the da." ff the ll.UI'-'.t r and !".at I'au- I. a;. le was carrying shot K'tn m tec tir.n This had al.-1 pre A:. e;v,y l)i . n si rcnuus!;.' denied by al is. 1 l iuds l iitnlly. n;i. Aug 31. A quarrel :'...' stan llmr over a;, elec-,- ended i cay In the kili idi ibi-sciiia, k. 23 years bis '..irotin r-in-iaw, Charles while rdat vis and friends n'le'I for the funeral of :c b:-:t;. of J I age. b; om back ere as mother-in-la v. , Mrs Henry The shoeing occurred in a ad.ioining that "n which th.e lay and drove al! the mourners the house. Amateur Aviator Injured ...... a ...f i : !..- , , t "i -Fred i' years of age. an amateur br i f Chicago, was probably fa- i injured and number of specta- ; were hurt when Hegle's biplane; lee; .1 ring : ,'bitao: Dan was ki ago w'l exhibition s for the Ki earner, a short ;r...ng for 1 in- es t . f -M-s, husband ago ia Chi. ot's license time a pii i.ooUiu;-. for Opium. Seattle, Wash., Aug. "31. Cust Inspector Unbuv. of San Franc:sco is j awaUing the arrival of the steamer ' irresota. and w'l! search opium. her i'ivi E KIDNAPPE Portland, Ore., Aug. SI. With both Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Walker, who are divorced, charging that each knows of the whereabouts of their six year old serf, who wiis kidnaped from under ti e nose of Judge Gantenbein, dur ing a luvtiing of a case in which tho husband had sought custody of the child on grounds that the mother was ar unfit erson to keep the child, de tictlves have today been set to work on the case In the hope of learning the whereabouts of the boy, whose name is Harvey. At th.' conclusion of the trial, the ci urt hui decided to put the child under the care of the Boys' nml Girls' AH society, with both the par ents interested. On giving his decision, the mother of the child became hysterical and created much excitement during which the child was smuggled from the court room and has not since been seen, so far as can be learned. Tho kidnaper will be charged with contempt of court, when caught. EIRE FIGHTERS RUSH FROM CITF Ml El FOREST BLAZE IS BELIEVED UNDER Thick Growlh of Underbrush Impedes Work of Combatting: Flames That Have Raged for Forty eight Hours Near Gibbon ISLAND CASE IS REVIVED Supreme Court Mandate is Nil and United States Tribunal Will Hear Suit The end is not yet in the hard ftught lawsuit over Beavert Island at the mouth of the Umatilla river for which John Switzler and F. E. Earn Part have been contending these many i years. Although the supreme court of the state handed down a decision not long since giving the victory to the former, that tribunal has iust re- ,,, ,,,,,, mandut according to no- d its Uce received by interested attorneys j in this city, and the case will go to i ;the Unitir.l States .Supreme Court fori j final decision, unless the attorneys' foi the plaintiff are successful in their I i f forts to prevent it.' I After ,heing fought out in the lower! ;ccurts, the supreme couit of the tate render d its decision in favor' of tile plaintiff and it was thought ' ,llau toe ,..se was permanently sellleq ' but it rei nis that Attorney D. W. 1 ai'.ey f-.r Krnhart got out it writ of j ieiror on the gr. minis that there was, a federal question involved, and the j ricall of the mandate was made. At- j it. rnev .s Fee & slater for tiie plaintiff I j have, how i vi r. entetad a motion for I I permission to argue this poh.t and. if i Itn.eir motion is granted and tbeir ar- j gunii nts are convincing, the case may; yet be settled without being taken to the United States supreme court j If the case to the Unit ie Stalls .supivme (ourt. K unhart will be left j 1 j in possession of the island until the ' r 1 i.e.,., ... .a a..,,.,, I UM ROASTS TAFT FOR VET0IK6 BILLS I.ineo'n. Xeb. A.tu Si Fallowing tip his reei 'it i ontrovcrsv with Demo- j era tie Leader Umlerwoo 1, of the loutr lo use of Congress. "William Jennings i Hryan comes out in t 'day's Cmnion ev and t'-nvrely roa-ts President Taft 'in suuimii.g' up the work of the spec ial session of Congress, j Mr. Bryan s.ivs that the president's ft as -n fa- vctoirg tbi various meas jti'es on tariff revi-ior, was very jViak, and by bis action, the presl jdent deiila rntely surrcndin d to the Iprofctc.l i.iter sts who had advanced campaign, funds. He said, the Democratic house had pitii,1 In ,.t .... l. ...:. i .. ... . . .. ',v 411 'eo .--iioiiuiiiug in me uneci j election of United States senators and! ! in putting Congressman Underwood j in as chairman of the house commit-! tee on ways and means. i Auditors Propped From Payroll. Xew Orleans, Aug. 31. it was; Jack Wilson has again taken up hi learned from semi-official sources residence in the Umatilla county jail tn.it 13 of the IS train auditors of the ; tiftor a very short freedom. Escap Louisiana and Texas lines of the j ',;S from the custody of the court Southern Pacific railroad Ivid been I house janitor while enjoying tae priv ilropped from the payrolls September ! lieges of a "trusty." on Tuesday af 7 by Thomwell Fay, vice president ternoon l.t succeeded in eluding the and general maif.vger of these lines. ! vigilance of the oticers until last It is believed here that the auditors j night when he was recaptured near on this system as far west as the Rio Wallula by Special Deputy Sheriff ' Grande and possibly the Pacific j Tucker of Juniper. Wilson had taken. . eventually will be dropped. a horse from John MeCrea of Hold-- j man to assist him in his flight but. TWIN'S PAKFNTS WHITE 1 evidently not wishing to add the crime, BUT TWIN IS HI VCK ' or horsestealing to that already hang Philadelphia. Happily cooing at the same crib at the Chestnut street u creation pier are Sallie Bonner, five months, who is almost as white as snow, and her twin sister, Marie, who is as black as the ace of spades. The parents of the children are white. Physicians say similar cases have been noted m various parts of the world. Wright Brothers Sued. New York, Aug. 31. Mrs. Mary lynch has filed suit for $25,000 iiRn'nst the Wright brothers, alleging she was Injured by one of their fly ing machines. RESERVATION Tlio following telegram received fcy AV. 1j, T!ioniKii at 2:45 this after noon iii(lleatN that the fire has again . fi ssu inert nicnacing; projiortions: (;iblsn. Ore., Aug. 31, 1911. V. li. ThoniKioii, Pendleton, Oregon. Change in wind lias increased firo nnil danger. Boys having had a time to control it lire nlxnit exlia listed. 1'liink should have at least ten fresh . i.ien with good leader on No. 18 to night. .Must bring provisions and . Mjine Bedding. Very iniortant that confine fire to present limits. An swer. W. J. FCRXISH. Dun' I. Siuytlie is busy collecting ixlditiunal in mi to rush to the scene. The forest fire which has been rag ing near Gibbon for the past forty eight hours will be under control to day, according to a telegram received by Dan P. Smythe this morning from Prank Earnhnrt. who left with thirty men at 1 o'.-lock this morning to re inforce the crew of fighters which bad been combating the flames for many hours. It was thought yesterday afternoon. that the fire was under control but during th evening it broke out i.frc-sh and it was soon seen that more nun v.ou'd he necessary to check its lenewed onslaught on the timber. Ac cordingly W. J. Furnish telephoned to this city and Smythe and Earnhart j btgan organizing a force to take thtt ! fast mail 1'er the scene. The location of the fire is on tho 1 ;i:..:U'a re-creation .incut a mile above Gibbon and along the Umatilla, river. It 's six miles from Wenahai springs and there is little danger ill. that resort. The timber i- not large but very dense along the slopes mak- -iiig the progress of the flames diffi cult to i hook. X,i estimate has beem placed on the amount of damage don 1 tit it will undoubtedly be consider able. The telegram from Mr. Earnhart'. riatos that Ranger Scuilons will re- . main in that vicinity for several days . watch for any signs of a further nflagratam. i This Is the first forest fre of any ! consequence in Umatilla county for ! a number of years. Last year fire j broke out in th' rrn' er near To'! Gates i but it was extinguished before, any j treat damage was done, j Fire Under Control. 1 In a mes-aae .-out by W. J. Furnisu to W. I Thompson and Dan P. : .-mvtht) and which arrived here this (Continued on page five.) Attacking Force llepulscd. .heran. Aug. 31. Heavy f'ghting occurred at Firuzkuh. P- rnavend i n il Sava.i; : nd r.or fa 1 he fonts hammed A n Friday ;li" l'oiiowii f. l-'-es w-. - . UO!h ps'ant f the cist Teheran !. t:ie capital, tier snail, Mo r:ut 1 Firuzkuh ontinued until V it ii r day. r- pui iun the alt I. Tiley b .icking st 150 men, two guns and 300 rifles. IESCAPE0 HAI IS RETURNED TO JAIL ing over him, he dispatched the ani mal back to the owner by a boy after hi- had ridden it some miles. This incident gave the officers a direct clew and Sheriff Taylor noti fied Tucker to be on the watch, with the result that the fugitive was soon in limbo again. He was brought back to Pendleton this morning. During his short liberty he had succeeded in getting i complete change of clothes, evidently having made a trade with some hobo. The recapture of Wilson proves again the difficulty which criminals have in escaping the dragnet which i Sheriff Taylor has placed about the county.