PAGK ST DAILY KAST ORKGQXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, Tl'KSDAY, Al'Gl'ST 29, 1911. EIGHT PAGES Housework Drudgery Housework is drudgery or the weak woman. She brush es, dusts and scrubs, or is on her feet mil day attending to the many details of the household, her back aching, her temples throbbing, nerves quivering under the stress of pain, possibly dizzy feelings. Sometimes rest in bed it not refreshing, because the poor tired nerves do not per mit of refreshing sleep. The real need of weak, nervous women is satisfied by Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription, It Makes Weak Women Strong and Slsk Women Well. This "Prescript !' remove the cause of women's Mealinesses, heals luflanr nation and ulceration, and cures those Mealinesses so peculiar to women. It tranquilisea the nerves, encourages the appetite and Induces restful sleep. Dr. Pierce is perfectly willing to let every one know w hat his " Favorite Prescription" contains, complete list of ingredients on the bottle-wrapper. Dc not let any unscrup ulous druggist persuade you that his substitute of unknown composition is "just as good" in order that he may J&ake a bigger profit. Just smile and shake your head t Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cures liver ills. SPOR TS NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago 8. Philadelphia 4. Philadelphia, Aug. 29. Chicago won yesterday's game, 8 to 4, batting Alexander's delivery hard in the sixth and eighth innings. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 8 12 2 Philadelphia 4 7 1 Batteries Klem and- Brennan. Pittsburg 3, Boston 0. Boston, Aug. 29. Pittsburg stiffen ed its bid for the penant yesterday, Adams shutting out the locals, 3 to 0. A soggy field marred the field. ng per formances. Score: R. H. E. Boston 0 3 3 Pittsburg 3 8 1 Batteries Perdue. Thompson and Kling; Adams and Gibson. Umpires Rigler and Finneran. Cincinnati 2, Brooklyn 1. Brooklyn, Aug. 29. After pitching shutout ball for e'ght innings, Rucker weakened and three hits with a base on oans anowed Cincinnati to score two runs, enough to win, 2 to 1. Score: R. H. E. Cincinnati '. , ; 2 9 1 Brooklyn l 3 1 Batteries Fromme. Gaspar and Clark; Rucker and Erwin. Umpires O'Day and Enislie. New York 2. St. Louis 0. New York, Aug. 2 9. Marquard remitted the Cardinals but two hits and shut them out, 2 to 0. Steele pitched good ball for St. Louis, but bunched doubles by Herzog and Mev- ers, followed by Devore's single In the second inning, gave New York their runs. Score: ' St. Louis New York Umpires Johnstone and R. H. E. . .0 2 0 . .2 7 0 Eason. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Philadelphia 12, Detroit 3. Detroit. Aug. 29 Philadelphia slaughtered Donovan and Willett and defeated Detroit, 12 to 3. Covington allowed one hit in the last four In nings. Three hits, a pass, a sacri fice and Lord's error gave Detroit its three runs. Score: r. h. E. Philadelphia 12 13 1 Detroit 3 10 3 Batteries Plank and Thomas; Donovan. Willett, Covington and Stanage. Boston 4, Chicago 1. Chicago, Aug. 29. Pape held Chi cago to four hits while his teammates bunched their hits off the local pitch ers and with the assistance of bases on balls and errors, won the second game of the fareell series. 4 to 1. Outfielder Hendrickson of the Boston team, who was hurt Sunday, left last night for his home. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 1 4 4 Boston 4 8 1 . Batteries Baker, Hovlik, Benz and Clock; Pape and Carrigan. New York 4. St. Louis 2. St Louis, Aug. 29. New York ran wild on the bases, mixed hits with i passes and won from St. Louis 4 to I." Carey passed ten men In the eight Innings he pitched. Score: R. H. E. St. Louis ,2 5 1 New York 4 ( 0 Itatterle Curry, Hamilton and Stephens; Caldwell and Sweeney, Williams. NOKTHWEST LEAGUE Stamliii of the Tennis. Vancouver 82 51 Taeonia 74 61 Spokane 74 61 Seattle 72 60 Portland .. 67 63 Victoria , 31 104 .617 .54S .548 .545 .515 .230 Western League.. At Des Moines Des Moines 7, Omaha 5. At St. Joseph St. Joseph 6, Sioux City 5. At Topeka Topeka 4, Denver 3. At Pueblo Pueblo 1, Lincoln 6. llogiui Outclassed. Philadelphia, Aug. 29. Grover Hayes outclassed "One Round" Hogan in a 6-round bout before the Nation al Athletic club last night. Seattle 7, Vancouver 6. Seattle, Aug. 29. Seattle defeated Vancouver. 7 to 6 In a ten Inning game yesterday. The locals started out, with a strong lead, but the visit ors soon came up from the rear. With the score tied in the tenth. Rasmussen wa.s put in to pitch for Vancouver. He passed two men and with one out Bues drove the ball over' the fence and ended the game. score: entile 7 9 Vancouver 6 12 2 Batteries Wlggs and Whaling; Engle, Rasmussen and Lewis. Portia ml 4, Tncouia 3. Portland, Ore., Aug. 29. Eastley, just from a sick bed. held Tucoma Sallow complexion cornea from bil iou impurities in the blood and the fault lies with the liver and bowels: they are torpid. The medicine that gives results in such cases is HER BINE. It is a fine liver stimulant and bowel regulator. Price 50c. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Brothers. CKIIMAXV IS GOING IN FOH TUE MAMMOTH Builds a Steamship Liner, to Carry 5,000 Passengers and a Theatre for 15,000 People. Berlin. Germany is fast emulating I America in the Inception and carry ing out of great enterprises. Just ( now she is busily engaged in turn line out the world's erentest Hner R. H. E. I which is to- ply between Hamburg and New York with accommodations for no less than 5,000 passengers. For the past twelve months work has been steadily proceeding at the Vul can ship building yards at Stettin on this new mammoth liner for the Ham burg-American lino, which is to ec lipse an previous records of ocean down to three runs yesterday, and at that one of them was the result-of greyhounds for size and splendor. rnui. iotuum j iirst iwo The new boat runs, however, were the result of hard hitting, as were all four of Portland's. Spies made one of the most spectacular catches ever seen on the local field. Score: r. h. E. Tacoma 3 10 2 Portland 4 8 3 which will be named the Imperator, Is to be bigger than any eraft yet afloat. In her present condition on the slips at Stettin she presents a wonderful spectacle, ap pearing something like the skeleton of an eleven-storied swyscraper in course of construction. She stands a hun dred feet high, Is nearly ninety feet naileries Higgins and S:ebt; East- in beam, has a length of 710 feet and ley and Moore. , her displacement will be 50,000 tons. Umpire Starkell. Ir her present condition, without en- . gine or boilers, she weighs more than SlKiknno o, Victoria 4. a fully armed battleship. Her in- .vu-e, auK .-victoria actea tt.rlor decorations and furnishings are ke a real ball team yesterday with p,annei, on the most ,avlsn 8caIe 1 Ducky Holmes, the new playing manager, in the lineup and made the Indians go the full nine innings at top speed to win In the ninth on a hit by Netzel, after Ostdiek had gained a life on an error and stole second and third. McCreery was effective in all but one Inning, when a home run by Ostdiek scored three runs. Ho was wild. Houck struck out ten men and was touched up for three hits in the firrst. He struck out all hands in the second. Score: R. H. E. Victoria 4 8 2 Spokane 5 8 2 Astoria August 10 to September 9, Inc. $150,000.00 Spectacular, Historical Jubilee Commemorating the First White Settle- Pacific Northwest Astor Party. ept. 5 th. 1 ment in the by the em we gon way, 5 FLIGHTS jJY TIIK WOXDKIM'TL C.TKTISS nVDKO-AKROI'I.AXH TRAV EL! X(i JJV All:. LAXJJ AXI) SKA. A few of the things you see. September 5th Program Morning 9:15 a. m. Pacific Coast Regatta Races. INDIAN VI L LAG KS-XI-: l'VAlCK INDIANS, YAK I. MA AXI) slide and she will in every way merit the description of a "floating palace" or rather floating town. . . Herr Morltz Leahmann has design ed what he calls an open-air and light theatre, the like of which haso far not existed, for the production of a great military play to celebrate the battle of I.elpslg at Its 100th anniver sary in 1S13. The auditorium and stage will represent a country land scape near Lelpsig. The theatre will cover an area of over 70.000 square yards, of which 4.000 yards will be devoted to the accommodation of the audience. A part of the grounds will bo laid out to represent a largo mead ow land dotted with farms and coun try houses, and the balconies, ver andas, windows and roofs of the vari ous bull lings will serve as reserved fauteuils from which occupants will obtain n mixing view of the military spectacle. .(111 131 mm frji vi Fane; ALCOHOL 3 PER cent Aftgelable PrpparallonlbrAs similatiiigiticFoudaiKlRrtiita ting (lie Siomachs andUowdsot' 11 Promotes DigestionflwifiJ-! ness ana Kesaontams note Opium.Morphiie norMiucraL WOT NARCOTIC. AajpttTOUDcSMILimESl Mx.Stma jkiistStti ftjwtfnnoi VkmStri ClorM Suaar. Vnatftm rianr. Aperiecl Remedy forConsnpa-; uon . sour aiomacn.uiarniw Worms jCoirvuls'wiisleverisfr ness aniLoss of Sleep. Facsimile Signamreof NEW YORK. Guaranteed under the rood ajj . rr ii fit ifiTT For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature. Exact Copy of Wrapper. fa Use For Over Thirty Years: II TDK eiNTAUII OOMM1IY. MIW TOM ClTT. man's body when Copley seized the snake's head aboxe the Jaws, snap ped it suddenly backward and broke its neck. LIGHTNING IXASH BLINDS. Sec-moil to Give Him a New Stomach. I suffered intensely after eating and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do any good," writes II. M. Youngsters, Editor of the Sun. Lake View, Ohio. "Tho first few aoses or Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gave me surprifing re lief and the second bottle seemed to give me a new stomach and perfectly good health." For 8ale by all deal ers. Joseph Home Destroyed by I'lrc. Joseph, Ore. The residence of W. H. Ilayden was destroyed by fire. The origin of the fire Is unknown, and the loss sustained is about $1500, cover ed by insurance. Parker Quit t'olles,. fhalr. Milton, Ore. Dr. Parker, who was to have been the new president of Columbia rollege for the coining term, his resigned and the Itov. James Ciutchfield of Phoenix, Ariz, has been elected. INDIAN BATTLES. IIATTLESIIII'S. W A 1 1 DANCES AXI) SHAM .M a x 'FA ct i; i : i-: us ex i i i i j its. MILITARY AXI) XAVAL .MAMMOTH A HADES. OREGON" DEPARTMENT OF IES LIVE FISH EXHIBITED. FISH ICR- VIVID DKSCRIPTIO.N' OF THE ''SHIP TOXOFIX." CLATSOP rOHXTY EXHIBIT. KITE-FLVINO Afternoon p. m; Pacific Regatta 2:00 Coast rvaces. WONDERFFL TESTS. COX- SPECTACULAR RADES. HISTORICAL PA- SAIL AXD MOTOR BOAT RACES. ELLERY'S ROYAL ITALIAN BAND. ELABORATE AND WONDERFUL IL LUMINATIONS. OREOON NATIONAL GUARD AND U, S. MARINE BANDS. Night 8:00 p. m. Concert by Ellerys Band and Indian War Dances at Stadium Special Features to Follow Every Day. Reduced Rates on All Lines. Wilbur Mason Loses Pinner. Wilbur, Wash. Jnhn Stokeis, n brick and stone mason, had the index finger of his right band amputated nl the krnir kle, (is a result of an lu ll'. v sustained by ell her beln- step ped on or kicked by a horse In the Wilbur livery barn. poim;ivp.s :;o-yi:.i:s i:i;.vn(j. Jail Wife KelenH When IlnshaiHl' Diet Disagrees With Him. Nun istown. Pa. liei aiise , s wife rOented upon hearing at every menl that the family had plenty, while their father was barely existing In prison on prison fare, Daniel Krouso of Sunnytown was released from NoitIs- town Jail. Krouso. bad been commit ted to ja'l on complaint of his wife, who testified that h" had beaten her at interval through all of their thirty years of married lifeand she had sub mitted until he refused to pay for a doctor's services to attend broken ribs which he had inflicted. Specialists Hold Out Llttlo Iloic for Stricken Man. Atlantic City. N. J. With the sight of one eye totally destroyed by light ning and but little hope of saving the other. Harry Adams submitted to a ueucaie surgical operation here at the home of his. father, Lewis It. Ad ams, Doardwalk bathhouse proprie tor. Mr. Adams, who Is 24 years old, Is Interested In a Philadelphia auto truck company, and was In the of fices of tho concern when the storm broke, standing before a large mir ror opposite a window on the Ilroad st ret side of tho building, the reflec tion of tho vivid flash of lightning so affected his optic nerves that he fell to the floor unconscious. When he was revived it was found that the young man had lost his sight, and he was rushed in an ambulance to a hos pital. Later he was removed to his home in thl.s city. Specialists who made the operation fear his Injuries are permanent. Bomberger's hardware store. Tho court postponed sentence for a few days, but told Longnecker he would be sent away from the county pr:son as soon as possible, and Incl dently remarked that it was the duty of the prison Inspectors to gt rid of the bugs In the building. "lUfJS" DHIVK TO DKSPAIIt. Prisoner, 'Paten fp" n Ono Pluee, Anxious to Migrate. Lancaster, Pa. fluy Longnecker, IS years old, begged the curt to sen tence him at once on charges of at tempting to kill and burglary. Tpon being pressed for a reason, he said he had been nearly eaten up by bugs In the Lancaster country prison, and he was willing to be sent to any other institution for any length of time the court might fix it rather than be kept there awaiting trial. Longnecker wont to the home of on uncle, wearing a mask and. when the old man opened tho door, he shot at him and ran away. On the same night he and a companion robbed If you sit in a cool draft when you are heated and get a stiff neck or lamo back, you will be looking for something that will eas the pain. Fix your mind on BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT and don't be talked out of it because It is the best nnln relieving liniment you can got any where. Price 25c, 60c and J1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Brothers. Ever Fly in Aeroplanes? You don't need to. You can get the same dizzy, nerve unsettling feeling from half-a-dozen black Havanas. Have a clear brain for business. Smoke the light blend of Havana and domestic in Genl Arthur m 10c Cigar M. A. Gunst C& Co., Distributors The Man You Know You can't tell by the looks of a Piano what's Insldo of It. You have got to trust your dealer for that. In choosing between a piano agent whom you don't know and your homa merchant whom you do know. Is It not good wisdom to pin your faith to your homo merchant? We sell S. W. Miller's Matchless Models, tho Mellow-toned lluslc Makers from She boygan, Wisconsin, every ono of them a Top-.Votcher, keeping pace with the times. Their tone truly tells of their triumph over trashy types of pianos often offered for sale by irresponsible agents. We Invite you to see and hear tho beautiful S. W. Miller Pinno at the store of The man you know. JESSE FAILING Pendleton, Ore. York York Chinese Doctors CAN POSITIVELY CURE YOU Those who are suffering from dis eases which many other doctors have pronounced Incurable, now have re lief In sight. York & York, tho fam ous Chinwe doctors, are now located In Walla Walla. Thes.j men, after years of study ami research in China, wore granted diplomas by the Kmper or, to pursue their practice of medi cine. For centuries the Chinese have been acknowledged leaders In the practice of medicine, and many wealthy pco pie annually go to that country In search of relief for aliments which doctors of this country have pro nounced Incapable of permanent euro. York & Yoik use nothing but power ful roots and herbs of demonstrated medical value. These roots and herbs act gently on tho system In direct contrast to medicines usually given. They can bo consulted without cost. Those, residing out of tho city can send for symptom blanks and a free diagnosis will bo given. YOHK YORK MPDICIXR CO., 210 W. Main St., Wnllu Walla, Wn. WIN'S BATTLK WITH PYTHON. Owner, WrapMI n Tightening Po,l9 Ilrenks Hept lie's Neck. Dallas, Texas. E. W. Copley saved himself from death in the folds of a I python by breaking the snake's neck. The snake was sixteen feet long. i weighing 250 pounds and was angry. i. oyiey nau na(j tne snake on exhi bition In a museum and took It to his home to give it fresh air. The owner and an assistant start ed to cury the reptile away on a blanket. The assistant stumbled. The snake was aroused, wrapped It self around Copley's legs and was pre paring to throw its colls around the THE L. CHING WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. w III Movo on 2nd or Soj)(oinler to New and Elo frant orflccs at Xo. II p. Main Street, Sell Dulldliig. We cure any and all diseases that the human flosh is heir to. My wonderful and powerful roou, herbs and remedies are composed of Chinese buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely unkonwn to medical science of the present day. They are harmless, as we use no poisons or drugs. No operations. No knife, used. We cure stomach troubles, liver, kindey. ca tarrh, lung, throat, asthma, nervous debility, fe. male complaints and rheumatism and all dlsor- We cure to Stay cured and minrnntno in ,,- nn kinds of Plies and Private Diseases of men and women. Call and see him or write. Consultation free. If you are unable to call and see him, send two cents In .stamps for symptom blank. Address: THE L. CHINC WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. ' 30 W. Rose Street, Walla Walla, Wash. dors of tho blood. 1 1 I h 1 1 1 1 1 H !