pack rrrru OAJXT EAST OREGONU.1, rEVDLETTOX. OREGON, TlESIiAV. AIGI ST 2, 1911. HOST TAOM 1 -AH-1 AN IMiEI'tXUEM NKWoi'APKB. Pabiiited lwoj r.1 Sal Wk;j at It- ai:oc oruiu ty th XAaT OfcE'.O.MAN 1LI.LISU1NU CO. winter. Still the j.ri Jont did not hold b.ick the reciprocity treaty until af ter the t-.riff i....-..-J had reported. M.TSCRIITIOS BATES. faslj, ot yr, tj mail f S.W) Bv-.. bj mll 2.50 Zm..j. lr.:t , tit, by ossli 1.23 rnj. ,o cs.tti. by "ssil 50 rl,. cci jr, by tsi-ntr T.50 Lasl.j. iz actL. tij carrier 1 71 ajsi.j. Hire- month, tj carrier I.fc3 lami.T, c.:. c ic-.ti. by carrier 63 laJ Weea.y, oce jer. by mall 1.50 tao.l Weekly. u mm!!,, by mall 75 Weeaiy , toor motitin, by mail... -0O.i ..i Th- re- :r.r..r ty :: f... I. f..rm -1-ir t. ; v-u-h fi re. I k- ' t'!y 0' nme. ar.xi'.iia : have tint hill fi :h t-.arj h.. 1 ret woui.j bro.,14 r.o ;. , y In r tariff ith .-. f.-r. r I t the ! irt- ;..( Km free tra I cn tr,in Taft v. an .ed even ft !. If: the n ;r .!ije. Tf. Ial!y l-aajt O.-egonlan Is sept oa sals U the Or'f-a Neva Co., 3-ttt Morrtsoa itret. I'ort.aod. Orscan. .Voubwrat ei Co. Tortland. Oroo. bl'k'o I'.oreaui 5"! Security Building. Hf.UiifHt, b C. bureau, 501 Foor- tDlh ItlKt, N. W. VIir.bvr United Preaa Association. Entered at the postofflc at Fandlatoa, Oregon, as aecood class mall matter. felepbone mala 1 Official City and Connty Paper. ' l-i K 'M'tre nl hi as-.!---tnK-ratl- and republican, ''' vi h-n they s.iuRht to tariff on thins" the trusts l-ul he soc late. i r- lower th.: turn out. It Is evident the i,r--id-jit us. one rl.i-s of r-;i-onir:t' lii-n i!t-a!in with tl tru-ts nr.Mher sort when deal it.g with the farmfrK. He haji been this way throughout his term. He ha always hon more consideration fi.r the tis fellow than for the pruall ro.ji.-r i,r -onsumer. His sympa-th;.- ar- with the j.atrlf ians r-t our piutorcu-y rather than with the com mon peo;,:e of the country. mir.y Till: I. AT Kit STAR. Fo!k- will U- a--ii?hin- when Trout;e U in sight, But .-. e hear the -ky replyin": There I rii'htr' ctar shines Th' And AnJ Trouble pa!-s"s In th- Kom; F"f J.y he's .still A-making room. j'h oiTietim- he II af fright u. we ll have our and chance, when hl brow- would t.litjht u.. we'll whirl l.lm in the dance! Arid o he'll drift Pack to the Elo..:n; F"T Joy he'.H Mill A -ma kin? room. -Frar.k L Stanton in Atlanta f 'onMitutiori. 4 I I ! I I :i M ll I). nomie-indu.stri- I.OOK OIT I'OU THE CITY. It l.-i un ler.Mood a conference Is to tw held hire (!. r:! city of fKiaN an 1 re;. resent. itlve." of the tele t' cup; any to :L u.-." the propo rtion of hiving the wires placed underground in the bu.-ine"s section When such a i.r.ference l. held the city ..hould take exactly the ame po sition the telephone tru-"t did when it raided l rat-s a year or so as-i. Th.: r M--- were ordered advanc ed and the company would not re fe.le fr nn i: position even though l' ir local pairons complained strong ly again-t the advance It is rie:-....ary for the welfare of 1 i n Ileton tnat the overhead wives be takn in the bu-incxs .section. They should o wh-thi r the telephone trust aril th electric tru-t like it or not. 7hf city s-houid not be run t i please those concerns or the eauve officials who represent them. Al'fifST 28 IX HISTORY. 410 Aiaric f-vAcuated Rcme and ravared the provinee of Italy. 1' Th a -t of indemnity iend by fh.rl nr. fr m wh'ch most of I lh"r- ra;:.l rejric d were excepted.! 1S3 Oreat fire at Consr ntlnople. ! irt-wh ' h a cir-uit of three mi!es yald ! to cornpr!e !;ooo hu-s and f0 ! innar:ta-.t v , ,,.3-tat, nnd live, .t. lMf The f .rtre,, of Achulea, the! r s'den. "" Frhamy-. a celehra-e 1 -v,.f was tzrc, bv as. fii-ilt by the rtus?ians. after a '-'tv. of four months. ) H34 r. tropau'owskl. a rtuslan tow-n attacked and bombarde, hv the. allied Knirllsh and French frets The' tow n was .!ef. nd. d by ;nn m"n 3" 1 15 Runs. 1S64 The demor;tie national con vention, wh'ch nominated O-orge It 1 MfClellan for presid.-r.t and O. H Pendleton for vice president. op-n-d In f'hxaeo. H6 Revolution in Panama. Oen-! ral Qorreoo. during the absence of' Pr-sldent Ponce took militprv pr,s. I,n of the city. Ponce resigned, j Correoso proclaimed himself provl-! sional president and formed a new-cabinet. 18T0 In Frovnce-Prussian Paris called upon to lay in against the si-ee. lielgian army of observat.on con centrates on the Luxemburg frontier. Vruzym between Vouziers and Att: gyn, stormed and caf.tured by the Prussian hussars. Caleb Powers, former seere tiry "f state of Keniucky. convicted and sentenced to death for complicity in tne assas' nation of Ooebel. I-lf Moran broke aeroplane a'.ti tu r'-cord, a-cending 7054 feet. 1 1-- - . war stores HIS .r: EDUCATION 15 ASSURED 'F YOU STA1RT A BANK.- mr a a. n V Wt G overc r WHY IT IS In the changing a condi'ions of the country there Is strong r-,ison for the adoption of the' commission plan of government by i citie, ,-n! for the shorter ballot at' late election". In the minds of many thought.' il rn n the changes that are on w ith to our in lustrle and roro'i.-; i-e afford urgent reason for tne i.ettei .Merit of go'. e n rnef,t:i. na:i na'.. te and tr.iir.i ''i'.'V-: nr iit a 1 re-il.. i . r. of cern-ituTo- and industry is nlrea ly here. era" i.ui It i' ri'.-v o; iv the J.eop . thr resentn"". m ar.d th- -'.:' Vlee fertiv- tl.Mr: !. Hon v.-IM r a.rea iy - i l;:i' fair o;..o. t i,,.;; si in th- tiext I'.e.i t r- taki --.'i by th.- go'. : is Vef ii' t saliy nc ign thej'- - u ; ' r i -t. i.y -. iti. ri has ;.o.-sib!.. :,i nv.. i ff ignlzr-1 that offi lal t.-p-the rates 1 J Mi ser rtie that ef ot yet te-en that regula- tl-.-. Many THERE IS YMI'I.E TIME. I After the work of trying out the Thorn Hollow . at. r supply has been 'a us'? they h iv. an axe to grind, nor pople to piiss j'jogrn.-nt upon wheth er or not the springs should be used. ' If there is enough water there to I meet the needs of the c ity the water commission will a.-.-ertain the fact t'-O '!j ply is 11 t .-llTi ienl the fact . v ol . iii;o,v:.- 1 In due time. Tiiere i.- no o . ; -ion for anyone to worry, i The board is not going to construct i the Thorn Hollow project unless there is sufficii lit water. Most of those I who are cc tive in the present agitation jtifainst the water hoard know these things very well. Those who are di recting the move are doing so be completed will be time enough for because ihey are looking out for the velf.-nc of Pendleton. DAVlli MAWES. .Thirty years ago he was scraping! a fiddle in a music hall down town, j Today he is leading the first vi -1 n in the New York Symphony Cirches-1 tra The re fore one might expect him I to say like so many of our Self-made ! men. "Did I have a hard strueele?: Yes, indeed. nut a splendid strturale Fine thing for me or any boy. Made1 a man of me. fjen'us will up." Iiut. c uriously, David Marines says : nothing of the kind. He considers! the struggle that he had not good but ACCOUNT E0KrIM NOW, Not only frive your boy a "collefre" education, but also teach him to know the value of a BANK BOOK. Teach him to work and save whilo yoiuir;. He will help ii.ake hi-3 on way through collect r.tnl be a better man when iio comes out. Slake OUR Bank YOUR Rank. 'Nc pay liberal Interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent com port, ded semi-annually. The American National Bank PENDLETON. OREGON. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Hotel St. George GEORGE DARVKAU, Proprietor. mm i j European plan. Everything first-class. All modern conveni ences. Hot vater heated throughout. Rooms en suite with bath. Jarge, new sample rooms. The Hotel St. George la pronounced one of the most up. to-date hotels of the Northwest. Telephone and flr alarm con nections to office, and hot and cold water running In all rooms. Rooms $1 and $1.50 Block and a half from depot See the big electric algn. A VICTORY FOR WIESOX. It has become apparent that the democratic national convention of j 1912 Is going to be really democratic : The effort of the old Alton B. Parker w ng to gain control and nominate Harmon, has received a crushing blow through the declaration for Governor Wilson by both wings of the Pennsyl ..,.... .1 . decidedly bad. for himself or for any) uemocracy. child. And he goes further. Find-' Tne Harmon plan was to have the ing this same spirit of the battle 'n-' ,erno ratio machines in a few, big. vading the world of music, he is jn I oountful states Tammany in New- revolt against it this straining above failure. ti ea'.oient a:.d e.;u.ility of rnu-t. prevail i.'i trie end vent regulation (ail; the a l,le fU j w ill consist in over of e.Ttain Industrie -rrno't.t. Nor v.ould it be such a step cither. The gov ernment I as already engager in reel- r;iV Co) .cork and an earnest move are always plenty of nhie to defend murderous degen i young iJeattie though the Tin re la w vers erat'i-s 1 facts in the case Indicate he should have be':n hung on the spot. Our courts wiil never deal run justice un til the size r f a lawyer's fee ceases to be a consideration in a case. n err; :n of . ipon until C- lie, lines Wi'h d;:-iM-.' for i.o. r. . t : , r to h up i 1 pt. Na ive t tlo il. one .ley I, Me! n'erpi ie f h-ral g'iv- a'-tual mining fairly entered ill tint he long ;ivity super- !a nurn'-r'ius rovir pros,er t ;ls this -v-n ,-ht It is time to plan .o:r offhdaldorn. The g.-t I ' If there Is to be a railroad .strike at least it should be def-r.el uriti! after the Round-Up. If not nfany peo ple of the northwest will be. denied iho treat of heir lives. No need for the o.-W. It. tic X. com pany to I' . i' -nc n l,f.i ause iff any crop shortage in old I'm.villa. The opening of t:." .itioit market was long dela;, ec this year but sell ing was .Tit slow after it begun. If nd i-'-n the v. ill ! era of govern 1 rr - i -'hip the .! ..nrt-l for bet- j o -ov-i nrnents, ! ia'i a re fi mix In ir; men ial affairs ' in ri ffielent men I to offl'e. We must! is ,i,n have business and iiity no matter whether o.l fnixr-rs or nrit. When y Is fully dawned there es In the government ser- strong and able men re t.o'.v the masters of private ss. They will serve the people 1 of tin. corporations, com mission plan of govern or iltles looks to placing mu- al affairs up'on an efficient bas-Tiii- plan looks to bringing out those now In office, responsibility II. you seen the Interior of tr r pi . ''ion '.' .1 else for personal fame anil wealth, w'th its striving for the sensational its artificiality, its pettiness, its nar rowness. And as one expression of this re volt, he has worked for year- down en the Kast Sid-, in the Muoc School S .-1 1 ment. a scho'd wh c-h s- verely discourages the v. hole fame and mon ey idea, and aims to keep tenement children clear from that sarn..- "splfn did strut-git" through which M-nncs v. nit as a youngster. The school had many anxious times, evi n seasons ( crisis. I!ut the re sponse increased so swiftly that som :'x yea is ago the founders bough; three houses on Third street. They have attractive iu irters here The three old-fashioned house s joined together look more like a home than an institution. Th re is a Kina'l nu ll. tonum. a must" I brarv and rooms for private h-s-ons. The?,, rooms ai used tj their utmo.-t capacity; audi though the money support each year! in reases, siiil the school is always j herd up. For ' the r--ponse of the j people keeps ever widening. They come not only from near by but from Brooklyn, the fponx and Jersey ("it Tiiere are over e ght hundred pupils now. children of immigrant parent- iioiii an over luioii.-, irom ivus.--i.i, i j I'olaml, Germany, Hohemla and Hun-iv gary, Houniania, Italy. Irelanrl. And ! d there an.- a few negro children. At all hours of the day or evening the ; lace is alive with mu'ic. and disc .id. crude-net's, roughness Yes. ii ple nty. Hut out of all tuis forever 'merging harrnoner-, new-lr.rn h'.iti g. rs. Iliter'-sts, ideals. Kinest I'ool. in i-ucces j Ma gaz no. York, the Roger Sullivan machine In Illino s Tagart In Indiana, Watson in W. st Virginia and so on bring in Harmon delegations. These organ ization bosses were then to say to the southern delegates, "You see how It stands. Your states are democrat ic in any case. To win. you must give us a man whom the northern .; '. want. We demand Harmon." Indications are : lan Is not going to work. The lines ' f alliance that w 11 dominate, the U12 convention will run from the south, wh'ch is for Wilson, to the middle west Insurgent regions, nlso for Wilson: and if one may prophesy pt this state, the nomination will go to the Jerseyman who has so wonder fully impressed himself i,n the nation luring the past year. From Success Ma cazine. API'ROVI-:i). j Philip was a conceited youth. One evening he called upon some friends and picked up the new Webster's Un abridged Dictionary which lay on the table. "What do you think of it. rhilip " asked the host "Well," was the re ply, "so far as I have looked, it seems to be correct." From Success Magazine. 7.KMO CURES ECZEMA, I'IMPI.ES, 1AHRUEI, PRICKIiY II EAT. SUXRURX. and affords you skin comfort during the hot weather. We give you three reason why we recommend ZEMO for skin trouble. 1st. ZF.MO Is a clean scientific, '"'t'lid preparation pleasant and agree-hie to use. 2nd ZEMO stonj, Itching nt once howev-r. that that i and nllnva the Irritation nml i.rnmntlv soothes nnd heals the skin 3rd. ZEMO gives universal satis faction nnd s recognized by skin spe c'aMs's as the standard remedy for all skin and scalp troubles. If you wish to try a bottle of ZEMO for yourself or one of your children and It does not do exactly w-hnt we say, we will return your money with out quibble or question. Pendleton Drug Co. 'Born with the Republic" AMES. E. PEPPEIO) WHISKEY SV Invention 'if glass I.- ascribed tc I'honerian merchants lighting a fire on th" sands of the seashore. ;0OOOO0GGOO Oldest distillery in America and tlio best Whiskey made in Kentucky. EsialilisW in 1780. Columbia Liquor Store Sole distributors in Pendleton. I r K KM A X PET ERS, Prop. ever OPEN DAY AXI NIGHT EIRST-CIaASS SERVICE The Quelle Cafe and Oyster House .Meals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK., 620 MAI.V STltEET "She is Waiting" If " XM l . it mn KXjstrzzHf.p-iAsiZigsz &-v-aux.e- v y. v.g raa. mcmrL-. m. Tin "talent" v.ill s'ioo lr- ai riving ia.(.i:r .rone il .liol la s I ic (..'on been trying to Introdur l -acli ng to t he in.-ta lia tl- AIIKAI). ii".-s:nan has i; a measure n of n sum- mr wniie nouse. lnsteaa or nc-r- i mittlng the president, as heretofore, Q to roam at win during vacation timi .M Vi' L ,,, , who bu.-:r. merit fllcij ; is better men than It con' i nt rates i". is proposed to sequester him In particular place. This apparently Innocent sugges tion seems to us to be fraught with lunger. If It should be carried out, It might eventually leud to a sum mer government. If u summer White House should be established, It would only be a beginning. We should Boon have a summer capltol. This, of course, would leud to summer sessions of congress. "At present our only mar gin of safety In the fact that congress an(j Is not In session all the year around. 1 IPISIIIfl I 1 U I 111 t g-jig ! t is n T r i (& h oil ll l i j Li ii i ii Li ; o n r h n r ;i ! i j i 11 L II I 11 L UlW ?H'r--Uj5:f'-v-;a.j!r , , . , . . . i it is true trial a summer govern- pr"loe i . j trie liajllieni ui raiurii:a that will Justify good men In taking Office. Pendleton needs the commission plan of lovernment. Ko do other tow in that f.i'e problems such as thoKe ti'rv "iif r'int Ing this little city. merit might not necessarily be fatal. W II.MIMC, AT T1MFI. 1'r e 1 . r. t Tuft is going before the yiur.try to uphold his utand for scien tific tariff rcvMori (after the trlff board bus reported. Hi denounces) tho who pfl M Itttmnrtt Um tat, ibii wool bill and Dm ejAVtn hill as hsvlMf plsyed p'll'l'fs. flu 4 clr -r ih'iukl li wltJ for i in-ort fit b tsrlff boor! It coubl b located presumably near a good fishing,' Congressmen who in a lake high with place, fairly might otherwise;' be making speeches might be tempt- ed away to fish or to do other things which a mountain resort offers. Hut a summer government, even under these mitigating circumstances, would still be a menace. The fact that Washington is so uncomfortable so much of the -year as to make It Imperative for the gov ernment to Mop working, Is one of the luilworks of the Republic. Any (tempi to continue It through the summer, even by locating the presi dent In one spot as a beginning, ought to be nut upon at once, Thom- Ia Maiison, In rleptembir IJp-plrirtt'. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Cass.Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times ach week. Be sure and eeo the next change. Adults 10c Children under 10 years, 5c o o 9 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 t ! rpteeiim Tiieairs 3 .1. I". MF.DKRNACII, Proprietor. HiGII-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOHO PICTURES For Men, Women and Children hKK PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Changes on Sunday's, Tuesday's and 1-Ylilnj's. nnd so are those she Is waiting on. And mind you, a good high-hall is well worth waiting for. flood, pure, wholesome Rye Whiskey, like the brands wc are now selling, will make one wait patiently, but enjoy the wait when the liquid nrrlves cool, comfottlng, nnd refresh ing. If you are a high-ball lover, better try a bottlo of this splendid Whiskey of ours. Yon will nhvays want that brand afterwards. And the price will satisfy you, too. TheOlympiaBar Phono Main 1S8 and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Miln 17 Pin l .i;s & MORRlbuN. lros. : W IE.- j- y .- Trn'igiiTTri;iirini rnm7nn,iiii mmi THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER, Prop. .PENDLETON, ORE Fan)ily Liquor Store Phone Main 299 7 1 1 Main Street AUCTION SALE of .r0 choice Pendleton resident lots. Located in different parts of the city. Call and learn particulars. MARK M00RH0USE CO. Phone Main 83. H7 E. Court Street. Pendleton Drug Co.. Is In builnoBH for Your Good Health REM ISM 11 ER TUIS WHEN YOU- HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS. OR WANT PURE MEDICINES For Calling Cards Wedding Stationery Embossed Stati Call at office of East Oregonlait ooooooooooooo