or. UMIT DAILY EAST ORJEGONIAN, PKNDLETON. OREGON, SATURDAY, AltitST 20, 1011. blGtlT fAOt-.S, Newsy Notes of Pendleton is this store the cheapest place in Pendleton to buy Groceries BECAUSE We own mir own store building and save rent- We buy for cash and discount all our bills. Wo operate our store at a far less expense. Harvesters It will pay you to call anj tret our prices before plac ing your orders for gro cery supplies. C mplete Jne of fruit, faney. staple and green groceries alway on hand. STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY INC. Wilful Mi'l at U9 Cents. Wheat was still at 69 cents at noon today and very little was changing hands. lVmrolon (iiil to .Marry. A marriage license- was Issued to day to liruce H. Smith of this county and Ethel L. Keniily, 1" year old daughter of J. 1!. Kennedy of this city. WHERE FRANK 0GARA, Pres. ALL ARE PLEASFD. BERNARD O'GAKA. Sec-Trvas. Well Known Indian Dies. Je Pass, well known member of a well known Indian family, died yes Unlay morning nt 9 o'clock on the Umatilla reservation, nnd will be bur ied today. A YANDERBILT SHOELESS! Mrs. Reggie- Catching Crabs for Her Feast, Sets Fuslilou. Newport, R. I. Mrs. Reggie Van dorbllt has set a new fad for New port society by going crabbing In her bare feet. Following her example, n score of hostesses are now supplying their chafing dishes with crabs of their own catching. Mrs. Vnnderbllt drove her automo bile, a few afternoons ago, from San dy Point to a spot near the life-saving station nt Price's Neck, and tak ing off her shoes and stockings, wad ed into the water with her crab net. In an hour she had enough fresh crabs for a large party that she en tertained at hex homo in the evening. She explained tho manner of catch ing crabs to her guests. Since then they have been practicing the same method. TRY FOR WORLDS I LADY GRACE WILL XiACE AGAINST TIME FOR HONORS Ijuly Will Drive Fast Pacer Leola Will Race Against Hassalo Good Card Arranged for Matinee. Spectators at the third matinee of the Round-Up Riding and Driving club tomorrow will have an opportun ity of witnessing an attempt to break the world's record for pacing on a quarter mile track with a lady driver, according to Frank Frazier, well known race horse man and chairman of the program committee. His own pacer. Lady Grace, which in the two previous matinees has raced against Hassalo. will try for the record, with Miss Rena Collins, his nelce, holding the strings. The race will be against time anl Mr. Frazier is confident that his mr.ro will lower the record of three minutes by as she did It once week. Leola, his best known animal, will be seen In action for the first time this season tomorrow as she has been pitted against Hassalo, the veteran track horse owned by Gus La Fon taine. Frazier, himself, will do the driving in this event. The other events of tomorrow's pro gram will be "classy," according to the IMal .order Shop Is Closed. Thr.-ugh a suit brought in the ius- time court this morning by the Port land F'sh company, the meat shop of Conrad Platzoeder on Court street, was attached by Deputy Sheriff lSl.ikeley and closed The Portlnn.l - - 1 i company claims a bill against the pro several seconds, : prietor for $52.75. payment of which. In practice this 1 it is alleged, has beni refused. i ' j Albert n Crops Aro Good. J W. H. McOormmnch who, with his wife, returned Wednesday from n vis i it to Alberta, reports harvest just j started in that northern country and ; declares the crops will avetage be tween 35 and 45 bushels to the ucre He says a hail storm a week ago beat down some of the errain but thinks matinee manager, the running', the greater part of it can be saved. A races especially to be good. Compe- J number of former Vmatllla ranchers tition will be keen for purses been hung up for each event. The matinee will commence prompt lv at 2:30 o'clock. have, are located in that country and the news that they will have good vlelds after two bad seasons Is pleasing to their friends. FINDS NEW RACE IN WORLD OF OCRS Scientist Discovers a People Who Never Saw White or Indian.. New York. A race of people, who had never before beheld a white man or an Indian, has been discovered in the Arctic regions of British Colum bia by Vilhjmar Stefansson. leader of the American Museum's Scientific exped!tion, which left here in April. 190S, according to a' letter received from him In Erooklyn. G11US BONES ARE BRITTLE. Slight Falls Sufficient to Shatter Tlieni to Pieces. Wilmington. Del. Physicians In this and ot'ner cities are making a study of the case of Miss Ruth Mor gan, aged 10 years, who father, David atorgan, tenanrs the farm adjoining the Minquidale home, near this city. Miss Morgan Is thought to have un- usuany sort or brittle bones In ner body for within a year she has had four slight falls. In everv one of which she sustained a broken bone. Her latest accident occurred when she fell one foot from a fence and broke an arm above the elbow. Last spring she fell from a step and broke a shoulder blade. Later In the sum mershe fell from a chair and broke an arm, but this fracture was healed before the girl or her parents knew anything about it. Three weeks ago she fell from a ta ble and broke the other shoulder blade. down they go and out. Get the count Here it is Boys Long Pants Suits of a regular value of $ 1 0 to $ 1 8.50 and for today and eve. and 'Monday Special rrtf sa, 5 n i ii i rnce un 4F3 Spechl 1) Sale Price Corley Baby Dies. The four months old baby of E. V. Corley, well known barber, died this morning at 10.20 as the result of an operation performed yesterday for in-' testinal trouble. The Corleys had been camping at Meacham when the baby took ill and was rushed to Pen dleton yesterday, w here Drs. Smith, Parker and Ring,) were summoned ! and an operation was considered ne POOR MAN SCENTS WEALTH. Street Cleaner Relieves He Is Sole Heir to $200,000. Bradley Reach, N. J. Believing that a fortune of at least $200,000, in cluding several houses in Brooklyn, awaits him in the estate of a sister. Miss Sarah Rowne, formerly a nurse in Si. Luke's ospital, - New York. cessary. The funeral will be held to-' wm,Si' death occurred In Europe about morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock nt the i a mouth ago, James B. Bowne, home of Mrs. and Mis. H. H. son street. Corley's parents. Mr Copeland, "77 Thomp- LOW COLONIST RATES westbound from; central and eastern states and eastern CANADA. $25.00 From St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha $33.00 From Chicago From St. Louis $50)00 From New York From Boston $25.1)0 332.00 $50.15 , Sihool Controversy. i Comity School Superintendent Frank-K. Welles is this afternoon en i paged In a heated controversy with the school board of a district near ; Pilot Rock, one of the members of I which la A. F. Michaels, well known j farmer. It seems that the board last I year failed to comply with tho school . 1: 'v which requires that school he ! ''r : maint-'ined at least six months dur- ic: the yar in order to entitle th" d'strict to receive Its apportionment of the school funds. Suijerintendent Welles has refused them money from j t hi year's taxes, acting upon the ad , vice of Deputy District Attorney Fru- itt. pnd the members of the board arc j anything but sweet tempered over the i matter. i street cleaner, has . begun searching for information concerning his sister, whom he hud not heard of in more than a (piartiT of a century. Bowne, who is 77 years old. believes he 's the only surviving near realtive of his sister. Quit Business IN Closing Out (C SEARCH loll MAN LOST for eighteen YEA US Salem, Ore. As a last resort, after using every effort to locate a hroth- whom she has not seen in IS ! yiars. Mrs V. F. Murphy, or ?;in ! Francisco, has appealed to Governor Wesi, asking him if it is possible to . ascertain the whereabouts of Fred William Uuinmel. she says that IS years ago she mot him on Market street, in San Francisco, talked with him a few minutes, and he passed on. Since that time he has lropped out of sight completely. knew for what purpose tho mob was gathering Is guilty of murder." An other arrest was made In the ease of Zack Walker, the negro who was burned at the stake here. The prisoner, Clyde Woodward, 21 years old, who Is charged with mur der, was taken to the county Jail at West Chester. The ruling created a sensation here. It was made in the case of George Stahl, 16 years old, whose parents sough his release on a writ of habeas corpus. In refusing the application the Judge said: "One is responsible for his actions if he associates himself with u mob even if he gives no physical assistance but merely sanctions violence. Then lie is Jn st as guilty of murder under the law as if he helped to commit murder. Stahl sympathized with a turbulent mob. lie cannot complain Low of the justice that lie receives." It is said that a number f persons who are known to lie in the mob, but who took no actual part In the lynch ing, will be arrested. I! 1 1 ROAR PREPARIMi IX)lt WESTERN STKIKi: (Continued from page one Those are a few. There are others. We quote from all points. On Sab Daily, Sept. 15 to October 15. Hcve you friends coming? cated. We will qu'-te them you ?end for your frlc-nds? tickets. Advise us their names and where lo-far-s and give full information. Will We will arrange prompt delivery of ft We operate THROUGH DAILY TRAINS from St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, all ELECTRIC LIGHTED, with Leather Upholstered TOURIST SLEEPING CARS and finest DINING CARS with our famous a la carte service. Northern Pacific Railway "T!:c- Original Scenic Highway." Ask any of our representatives. Full information gladly furnished WALTER ADAMS, Agent, PENDLETON. ORE. A (ienernl Correction. . ' I"., ITl. T-l I I ll II' I II I.- ce.ven ny tne t.ast i ircgonian and in asmuch as ;t involve? a correction of several errors, it is reprinted here: Mr-". Robert Brown. It is under ! sto m1 that you sent the article into fj the East Orefonian regarding Mrs ! Nencle's afternoon nnd that vou mad Vl ' several errors. It was Mrs. Frank! starvation ad v. .cat i;Ne!!tfle that entertained Instead of! Orchard today. 5& I Mrs. Jim Neagle, and you also made jS j a mistake in her list of guests. Mrs. V4 i J C MeConnell was there nnd ,t was yr M Will Humphrey and not Mrs. i Click Humphrey as you faid. Mrs I Neagle also did her own servin't ' v. itiiou'. th- assistance of Mrs. Brown. Ions, respectively, will leave for San I'rancisio as soon as the Kansas City confereti e will have been concluded, to meet the railroad official. This conference will be wi tched by the entire nation, us it will m all llke- d pr 'Vi.' Ihu mest Important meeting that has ever nccurud between Capital and Labor. In the western country It will mean either a thorough l i .uljii.-tment of condition or r.t least the beginning of nego nations lor such or a prohable war llltzzurd Case ArgmM. between the two controlling elements, Seattle, Aug. 25 A demun cr in i f this country, that may rival or even the ease of Dr. Linda Haz.ard, tho isurpass the late English struggle. n advocate, began at Port I president Kline, of tin- federation of railroad shopmen, today stated that lh' had received a message from tin- Suddenly Turns Airman. Santa Anna. Calif., Aug. 26. Glenn Martin, an amateur made an unan nounced flight at a height of 3000 feet over this city tody. Kvrlyn's 'limit Wants lHvorcv. New York , Aug. 21. Mrs. K-sa Christal, an actress and former ( hum of Evelyn Thaw, today fil-d suit for divorce from I.ee Christal, an actor. A. V. CIIARLTt f'ass'r Ag"r.t, Portland, Ore. The above unsigned typewritten n' t" was received by me. postmarked PendVvin. f am not r-siionsib'e f..ri the item mention"'! and the party r part es send'ng the above note have under-tood wrongly: a - for the ladi- s therein named. I do ten know cny, except Mrs lirew;. tie- wife of l'i-'-tnasi! r, .1. T. J'.rown. Respect fuily. MRS. RdiiERT liROYVN. Injured by 1 W'illiston, X. 'd. Samson ol Ruder in gasoline jnid th If' '.ill di" Ighting liK Aug. 2'i. Tb'una washed his hands ii tried to light his lospiial and probali- I Woman Kills l:t Rattlers. ivtmi. Wash. Th in season's rec western unions, asking his permission to Imine liately go out on slrik". II wired hick, advising them to remain at their work for a few das lunger. Mr. Kline stated that the men will strike sonn, even without ordeis, un less the conference between the labor leaders find Mr. Kriittsclimitt, bring.- forth some definite results. Wants Dam. San Francisco. Cnl Aug. 2(1. Gen eral Manager Calvin of the Southern l'acif.c system will meet Julius Krutt schnitt at Sparks. Nevada, tomorrow, to give him all possible data as o the ability of the Harriman coast lines, t' withstand a strike. It Is anticipated that Mr. Kruttschn!tt will meet the presidents of the various unions, but will refuse to deal with the federa tion. Policy Cluingvd. San Francisco, Calif., Aug. Ii. Af ter a week's trial the order establish ing an eight hour day and five day week was rescinded in the San Fran cisco shops of the Pacific division of the Southern Pacific today. At the same time an order was issued to re duce the shop force. Company offi cials say not more than 10 or possibly 1 2,. per cent of tho force has been laid off No reason is given for tho change in policy. Men who are still working are becoming alarmed. It is expected that the men will be re instated within sixty days. i i.".ll Out nt Los Angeles. Los Ang'lis, Aug. 2ti. orders Is sued by the Southern Paclfc. cutting down the forces, caused a sr here. It Is Impossible to ascertain the num ber dropped from tho payroll, but it is est mated at about 25U however. l'ur-st Uutter Known." MRS. v. ' ll.l.Vlil.AM) IS iii:i:oim: at rim: Hid -,'t- -ilvcl' t( a- i"'dis have !chi oiven nvi:v ;t our creameries Blanc hard Better :. il'e' of Former President Rescues Man From I lame, in .a-lion-o hi Her summer Rc-hionce in .Meic--lilli. V II. old for the number of rattlesnakes de stroyed by one person g-.'-s to Mrs A. .1. Smith "f the liowman ranch, 12 miles east of Tiayt'-n. She claims to have k '1 o-d 10 snakes; of which number 13 were rattlesnak' s. of t!:ese had about eight rattles DALE M. IS Is the Purest Known nd it enjoy- a very ujifii'T put run aire by reason of its pur ity, cleanliness, f rf-slm s, flavor and firmness. To further i"iilarize this icrfet food, we are placing let iered coujiis in every package, a full set of which will en title you Uj SIX SILVER TEASPOONS, "Arbutus" de eifrn of the well-known Win. A. Ropers Mfp;. Co. make. You will pay from N to $." for the same sixxins at jewelry stores. Jensen Creamery Company Pendleton, Oregon . I I.ee D. Drake, advertising mana o r j of the Fast Oregonian, returned this i afternoon from Wcnaha spr-ngs. after . ' a week's hunting trip in the Illue t : mountains. K. I!. Aldricii, editor of the tlust in, returned today from, a week's grouse hunting trip in the mountains out from Wenaha springs. rc.hlh, N. II. -.Mrs. Grovr lo lam!, w h j has been here during m "'' th" .-'immiT with her children at lo r i aintry home, desperately fought j orcjrnj.; ; t;,v in Uie gaslmuse a lew le'-l away from her home and with the aid of several persons on her property managed to put out the flames an '!jLL IX MOB THAT BURNED :.;.v.d h-.-r home, iiut that was not I KI.;il!; (iL'ILTY OF MURDER done un'.il William O. Cook, the care- taker of the property, had iieen so will for badly burned that It is feared he die. Mrs. Cleveland sent to Boston two physh inns to attend him. ook has not been able to explain much about the fire, but he said af ter he h id been taken Into the Cleve land home that he had gone to the gashouse and opened the door, where upon there was an explosion which knocked him ten feet from the door. His clothing caught fire, but he put that out as he rushed back to at tack the flames which followed the. explosion. liy this time Mrs. Cleveland as well as her children and others about the place who had heurd the nolce of the explosion, had started for the Judge Butler Rules Tlint Every One in Crowd That Lynched Detective's Slayer nrc Liable to Prosecution. OPTOMETRIST. ETES EXAMINED, CLASSES FIT TED, LENSES DUPLICATED AND Fit A M ES REPAIRED. WithW. E. HANSCOM THE JEWELER, PENDLETON, tho week or month at tho iJr.mmerclal North leach Is the plcnscre haunt In this part of the country this summer. Its devo tees rejoice to b'nrn that they can now go and come In a regular s hedule, In dependent of tides. The popular ex cursion bteamer, T. J. POTTER leaves Portland, Ash Street dock, DAILY, i:CF.IT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 8::10 A. M. SATURDAYS ONLY, 1:00 P. M. Also the steamer "HASSALO" leav ing Portland daily, except Sunday, at 8:00 P. M. (Saturday at 10:00 P M.) Reduced Fares Prevail From All Points In the Northwest via the Oregon-Washington Railroad k Navigation Company Ideal collage, and camp life, a mag nificent beach that Is not surpassed anywhere-, genial and beneficial cli mate, and nil the comforts of homo without t.os'ing any more than if you remained at home. Call on or write to any O.-W. R. N. agent for complete information; also for copy of our summer book, "Outings In Oregon." Wm. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, O.-W. R. A N. Co , Portland. Ore. Coatesvlile, Pa. Under a ruling of Judge Butler In West Chester "that nnv one who was In the mob and BALDH FADED MEN Getting Scarcer Every Year. Ninety-nine times in one hundred baldness is caused by dandruff germs which dig down deep Into tho roots of the hair, destroy Its vitality and cause It to fall out. If you havo dandruff, the little In visible, persistent devils called dand ruff germs are at work. Destroy ' ,1 . AHnn AM .,..!...,. .... I'l I'lT lhl'11 gashouse. They found Cook fighting.1"."-'" Kl the flames with his clothing on f ire j ana ne was mmum uvtjrcume wnmi they reached him. Mrs. Cleveland attacked the flames and had others carry palls of water to the house. She hauleil Cook away from the scene, and he was carried i to the dwelling house. Then she di rer's& the work of putting out the flame. yu will be compelled to take your place In the baldheaded class. Parisian Sage In guaranteed by Tallman IJrujr Co. to stop failing hair and Itching scalp and to drive out dandruff and kill the germs, or mon ey back. It is the most delightful hair dressing In the world not stick or greasy. Large bottle DO cents. Pendleton Dye Works CUT PRJCES FOR AUG. LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED LADIES' SUITS PRESSED MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED MEN'S SUITS PRESSED Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and date method. ... ..$a.o . .. ti.o ... $a.M 760 by up-to- Pbone Main 180. 206 l-t E. Alta. THE CASH MARKET IS THE BUSIEST PLACE I N TOWN WHY? Because people get better goods, better acrvice ana better weight than any other place In town and you'll find our prlcei cheaper jtthe CASH MARKET Cor. E. Ootirt and Johnuoa Ste. Phone Main 10 1 i 3tf