Yagk si DAILY EAST ORJEGOXIA, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATl ItDAY. AVGCST 26, 1911. KIGITT PAGES TKe Frog and tKe Pond Lily. Sung by SALLY FISHER of "A Knight for a Day" Company. Words by JOHN KEMBLE. 3doderato. (Dttticated to CLARA McCRACKEX.) Music by LESTER KEITH. 3 :3: 5- 4 - - 1 - ' 1 1. Down bj the shore of an old mill pond, A frog on a log one day. 2. The frog he.... rang till his voice was gone, Bat she could be cold, you see,.. Thin "25- 3: 4 21 v ? zmzzzmz -r J L Sat in a shade that a wil - low made. And sang, for his heart was gay i in de spair he sprung from his lair. Straight out from the wil - low tree j Out She m 4- -I U - -1- 3 m m on tne wa ter noai-ing an a - lone. a paie ponu m j gir, tried to hide but quick. ly to her side. He swam with pur - pose true. Whose And the i i- or Copyright, mcmviii, by MURRAY MUSIC CO,, New York. - - $3 heart was as cold as the frog's was bold, Who came each day to woo rip - pies spread as she dipped her head, To hear tne Doia irog woo -I- -I 1- T 4- MS- - -0- I r- LJ 31 2 CHORUS. Shirty. 4,3 ss Pond lil - y, oh, pond lil - y. So fair, so sweet. so true. ban- Lift your bon - ny head to me, the skies itT are blue, -1 ir y ' V g ' l 1 1 J oth er flow er half so fair, Couli e? er. ev er be, That's - I I rrtt ' I- r VE 1 zzzz -j..zrpr r , r-, r 1 -V-2- - g 31 why I'm fond of you, My pond, sweet pond j lil - c !? a- I ' 1 ! y. Z-ZZTZ- V, zzzl zzi: The Frog and the Pond Lily. 2 pp 2d p. Ao. 42. THIS IS OXE OF A SERIES OF POPULAR SOXG HITS APPEARING IX EACII ISSUE OF THE SATURDAY EAST OREGOXIAX, EASTERN OREGOX'S GREATEST PAPER. AN OTHER FAMOUS MUSICAL SUCCESS WILL APPEAR XEXT WEEK WATCH FOR IT. 9' ' Mr?. I i Mrs. Lawrence G. Frazior returned on Monday evening from Portland, where she had visited friends Cor three weeks after -September twenty-seventh. U. Temple Is home from an! outing. j Mrs. day in Fred Walla Earl Walla spending the MLs Myrell Paslett has gone Umatilla to Fpt-nd a few days. to The P.. A. P. social given by the Epworth Leagu.? in the parlors of the j Methodist Episcopal church last eve- Mrs William Slusher, daughter. nlnS, I""' a success in every., w-iy. m:ss Edith Plusher, and niece, Miss I A larS" 'r,,wJ he'irJ a fi"e program. Rubv Hazlett have returned from ! The Pantomime "Bess and Her Lov .;.i,v, ,vh. thf.v snout ten "s" was received with generous ap- weeks. r.Tiss Effie Jean Frazier returned Thursday from Wenaha Springs, where hf enjoyed an outing of sev eral days. THE CHL'ItCHKS. V j plause. Miss Phyllis Parkes returned from ' a isir t pfkan. ysterday morning. M.;- Iva Hil! return last from a two months land. 1 Saturday ' visit in Port- Mrs. 8 few cards. . Mrs. Waila SV. U Thompson ent-riairiT. friends Monday afternoon at Mrs. Edgar F. Averiil and baby dauehter, Marion, returned Monday from Mearh.im where they spent the h.'t months. J!r.- .Sam U. Thompson anil daugh ter. Thelma, left this morning f"f Walla Walla to be the guests of Mr-. J. J. It;iu!:-t'-rie and Mrs Louis Hun v.iker for several days. E. P.oosevelt v Friday to vi. r.t t . W f riends Miss Frankif pteven.-i returned Fri day from an extended visit with her j-.i rents in Nebraska. -- - j Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Fletcher and , farniiy are spending the week in (si::i ;:t Wenaha Springs. diu U'Tiaha guests during the prist mil v. e.-k ireluded n "-tor and Mrs. H-w- i ard P.. Keylor, Judge and Mrs. M. L. 'io.-s, Mrs. Sidney c'aryle an,l .--on ryl. all of Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. W'llard Pond enter tainel at dinner last evening, yester day being the third anniversary of their wedding day. Trie gu"sts in cluded those who assisted the bride and groom at their nuptials, they be in.: UVf lieitha Alexander and the Me.-srx diaries P.ond, Royal Sawtelle, Henry Collins and Carl Latton (P'-rt-land ). I Mrs. E. J. I'.tirke wtn hostess on j Thin sd.-iy to a 1 o'clock luncheon to , tile following ladies: Mrs. Frank j Hayes. Mrs. ltichard Mayb'-rry, Mrs. Lavell- Mf-Dona'd, Mrs. pre. I K.-rle, i Mrs. W. C. S'auits Ir-. Mark M-.or-I ii.ai.e ;.nd Miss Bertha Alexander. Mrs li. Painne.-ter in visiting lor , si vera; days in W'.-.lia W ilia after ; whieh she v.ill return to be Hie guest i of her daughter. Mrs. v'. 1.. Tho.-up- I-Mrst Christian C'liurcli. North Main .street, J. W. Van walker, pastor. 9:45 Bible 11 communion und sermon; Peoples' soeiety; 8 p. m. Everyone iiLvlted. De- school; Young sermon. ( liiir-i li of tlic ItcdctMiUT. The Holy Comigunlon will he cele brated at 7:30 a. in. Divine service with sermon at 11 a. in. and S p. in. All are cordially invited. Charles Quinney, rector. SJII(.I,Ii MILL AT XOItTH HEX1) ItritXS DOWN Mansfield, Ore. The North Bend shingle, mill was burned to the ground by a fire entailing a loss of 20,000. J. A. Allen was the principal owner of the plant, which he wan operat ing. The fire was discovered short ly nfter it broke out, but the fire fighters, consisting of the North liend department, the crews of the Porter saw mill and the North fiend Iron works, could not cheek its headway. Tin y could only keep It conrined to the doomed plant. At one time the flames thnatener to spread to adja cent property, but were checked by heroic efforts. The Itirri'iviicf. A teacher asked her class In spell ing to tate the difference between the words "results" and "conse quences." A bright girl replied:' "Results are what you expect and consequences are what you get. Harper's Bazar, j Judge O. W. Phelps has T- turned I from his summ'T place at M each am. His wife and daughters are visiting for a week at Hiigard after which they, too, will return home. The --.,-iety the reception noon at 400 ..-lit of iv-n ye Wa'- the Mrs. Clark E. Nelson will return tonight from Portland. where ehe v:.-a!eil for the past month. Mr. J. E. Keef.-. Jr., and Charles E Bond, were among the Pcndieton vis itors at Freewater on Peach Day. Mr. and Mrs. Le.ster Cronin returned early in the week from Me.icham. where they had been for pome time. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smith and fam ily. Mrs. Thomas Vaughan and Mrs. Edgar W. Smith are expected homo about Wednesday from the Smith cot tage at Long Beach, where they pent the summer. j Miss Grace Finm il returned home i Wednesday night from M enchain, I where she had be( n a guest at the j Slusher sumioer home for a short 1 time. i Invitations have been received k was rdav after- E. Wa'er street by ! Mrs t.ec Moorhouse and Mrs. Au- 'gusta Mub- f.,r Mrs. Adolphj 1 Sehaeffer (Miss Celesline Moor house) who with her husband t.i:-;.e, Sunday from a honey- j moon tr p. Society was out in force ! to .. reef f-i- lew bride, who, with the in ' hostesses, was In the receiving line. l-'ir-t MftlnxliM Church. First Methodist Ep scopal church, corner Webb and Johnson streets, N. Evans, pastor. The pastor's theme at 11 a m. will be "Love Never Faileth." A basket luncheon will be served at the close ,,f (he morning sermon, fol o,ve, by a praise service and a part ing address to the church, reviewing the work or the past year. ; v. Milne will preach at 8 p. m.; Sabbath school, 1(1 u. 111.; Epworth League 7 p. in. Tomorrow's servi es will close the second conference year of K'v. Evans' work. Everyan find a cordial welcome at ull services of this church. will the t,-, the wedding of Miss Ble j Th'- l-ousc this citv Conkiin and Mr. Edwin Burton Aid rich, which is to occur at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs Anna L i-lurris, 616 Eleventh street, Oregon City on Thursday evening. September seventh, at 8 o'clock. Miss Conkiin taught in the in the Pendleton public schools last year and Mr. Aldrich Is the editor of the Kast Oregonlan. They will be at home at 310 Madison Btreet was beautifully decorated PENDLETON'S POPULAR PICTURE PARLORS THE COSY Wbere the entire family can enjoy a high-class motion pic ture show witl comfort. FUN, PATHOS, SCENIC, THRILLING ALL PROPERLY MIXED. Open Afternoon & Eve. Changes Sun., Mon., WeL, FrL Ntzl Door to St. George Hold. Admission 5 and 10 with the season's offerings, the re ception room showing a profusion of golden rod and gilden glow and the punch room being adorned with pink roses, while pink and lavender s-vect peas lent their sweetness to the dining room. Presiding at the punch bowl were the Mesdames W. L. Thompson, W. C. Shults, B. S. Bur roughs, E. .1. Burke L. O. Frazier and Lnvelle McDonald, while pour'.ng were the Mesdames C. .1. Smith, E. J. Kommerville, Ieona Thompson, K Alexander, Jess'p "Failing. II. E. Bick ers, John Halley, Jr., and Miss Ida Boyd. Assisting in the dining room were the Misses P.ernice Huppe, Gen evieve Clark, Mabel Bickers. Gertrude Campbell and Irene La Dow. Circles (ilolie ill 10 Ihiys. herbnurg, France., Aug 26. An- l ,1.-.. T-icucr-stchmiilt of the Paris Illus trated Dally Excelsior who star.cd from Paris 1:45 p. m. July 17, t.) try to lower the time around 'the globe made by M. Stirrier, who. consumed 63 days in the Journey, has complet ed his trip. From Paris Jaeger- SrhmldtV r.ute lay to Moscow nnu thence to ','ladivostok. From the lat ter place he proceeded by steamer to Yokohama, whence ho s;.iicd for Van couver, '.aklng there a train f )r Mon treal and coming thence to Vew York when- he arrived AugUHt 18. The fol lowing day he sailed for Cherbourg oi the Olympic. By reaoirn.; Purls tidav. Jaeger-Schmidt consiiiiio'l lust 3D days. 1 9hours. WOMAN APIM.IliS I'OH LICENSE AS XAVMJATOK San Francisco. Captain Ida J. Bal lard, the first woman in the history of the San Frani Isco office of the Fnited States Inspectors of Hulls and Hollers to apply for a navigator's license has made such application. Captain Ballard, for five years has held a license as muster and pilot on the Mississippi river and its tribu taries and the application filed with the local board Is for renewal, such s is leipiircu every live years, m.v aw. Captain i;anaru is staying in a hotel here. She did not tell the in spectors whether or not she expected to seek employment as a navigator on this const. LATE I'HKSIDF.NT'S nAtfillTF.It TO MAURY New York. It Is generally believ ed that Miss Esther Cleveland eldest diiiiirhter of the late president, Is soon to wed Randolph West, son of President West of Princeton Univer sity. It Is said the marriage will take place sometime In October and that the young couple will live In New England. Will Pound Now Colony. Zlon City, 111. Announcement was made here by Elder John Taylor that Mrs. John Dowle, widow of the late inhn Alexander Dowie. founder of Zlon City, will found a new colony nf the Tiowln faith at her summer home. Ben Mac Dhul, near White hall, Mich. Mrs. Dowle, according to her followers, will be nsslsted by her nn Gladstone Dowle of Detroit. She will dedicate her home and two hun dred acres of ground to the new col onv and will attempt to get several hundred additional acres upon which to locate the new city. mm. uowm has Issued a call to all residents of Zlon City, III., who nre faithful to tw.r tn movo their families to Whitehall, and Join In the project. The Man You Know You Piano got to D. J. Oovcr of Cottage Grove, on a prospecting trip In the Bohemia dis trict, found some specimens of coal, apparently a superior grade of lignite. can't t ell by the looks of a what's inside of it. You have trust your dealer for that. In choosing between a piano agent whom you don't know and your home merchant whom you do know, is It not good wisdom to pin your fnith to your home merchant? We sell S. W. Miller's Matchless Models, the Mellow-toned Music Makers from She boygan, Wisconsin, every one of them a Top-N'otcher. keeping pace with the times. Their tone truly tells of their triumph over tr.ishy types of Pianos often offered for sale by irresponsible agents. We Invito you to see and hear the beautiful S. V. Miller Piano nt the store of The man you know. JESSE FAILING reiulleton. Ore, 1 ..COLUMBIA COLLEGE.. . MILTON, OREGON Christian, But Not Sectarian. Grounds and Buildings Valued at $75,000. A Select School for Yoiin"; Men and Young Ladies, who Seek for the Highest Ideal in Manhood and Womanhood. Certificates Accepted at Skdc University and Other Schools Without Re-examination. New Administration Building, Steam Heated, Electric lighted. Thorough Courses: Literary; Scientific; Commercial Department, Including Short-Hand and Typewriting; Conservatory of Music. In eluding Piano, Voice and Stringed Instruments; Elocution; Art. Dormitory Refitted, Refurnished, Steam Heated, Electric Lighted; Comfortable, Attractive. Gymnasium; Good Athletic Field. Beautiful for Situation A land of Fruits and Flowers. Mountain Water. Pure Air-. Healthful Conditions. Six Pas senger Trains Daily. Electric Street Cars. Not a Saloon in 20 Years. No Gambling Dens. Moral Atmosphere Wholesome. Send for Catalogue and other information to H. S. SPANGLE, Financial Secr'y. MILTON, OR.