park nrn OAHif EAST OKBCOMA!!, PBXPLKTOX. OREGON, SATntO.YV, AI R 1ST 2, 1011. AN IXUKIENDKNT NEWSrAl'KB. Ochlisi'ed I "ally ami Setiil-WtH.kly at l"en- illeton. Oregon, by tba CAST OHRGOXIAN 1XBL1SU1XQ COi SVHSCK11TION HATES. T-:ij, one jcar. By mail t''li. nit uiontba. by mail I'mhy, :ree months, by mail 'ally, r.r.r month, by mail ally, o. e year, by carrier 'ally. ix months, by carrier three mouths, by carrier.... t-atly, one mouth, by carrier trail-Weekly, one year, by mall.... ail-Weekly. a months, by mall... nu I Weekly, four montha, by mall.. .fS.OO . 2.50 . 1.28 . .80 . 7.80 . 3.78 . 1.08 . .3 . 1.80 . .78 . .80 The Dally I-.ast Oregontan la Kept on aaJa . t the Oregon Newa Co., 329 Morrison itreet. Portland. Oregon. Northwest Sewa Co., rortland, Oregon. t'hloaco Bureau, 009 Security Building. Wrblncton, U C, Bureau, 801 Four nth street, N. W. Member United Press Association. Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton, I'regon, aa second class mall matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. xUNION javXB, HAPPINKSS HARD TO HEAT. Shady tree where the furrow ends And a melon cool and sweet; Ami whet your knife! And bet your life It's happiness hard to beat! II. Fine umbrella in a shady tree. Where the lights and shadows Hit; And a mockingbird. With i. singing-word In the very top of it! III. And the troubles of life seem lar away. An" the toil is sweet to me. With t- morsel meet For a king to eat, And a song, and a shady tree! Frank L. Stanton. Unctions based on money. Universi ties, schools and colleges ought not to tolerate them. The United States naval and mili tary academies, at West Point and Annapolis, respectively, hold up the ideal of democracy in social life to ward which :ii schools of civic train ing should strive. cadet at West roint may b.' the son of a millionaire, but he enjoys no extrinsic advantages over the tadct who is t'.ie son of a laborer. Talk ubout the able to absorb the ration! Clifford demonstrated that white mar can be adopted and im proved upon. Witness his newest Indian being un P'.ocesses of eivill George certainly the ways of the the lambs off the machine, tore off a tire, reduced the uohoUtery to rib- bona, made kindling wood of the woodwork and junk out of the metal '. trimmings. I Then, with a snort of defiance, ho c'.hnbed out, permitted himself to be hitched up again unj proceeded calm ly on li s way. He had hurt nothing but the machine, but what he had! done to that was enough to even up! old scores. j VAYOR SAW U1IIX TKKl.Kl). It lint the Tl. Mop Oi.l Xot Know until Ho 1'ncetl tl linuh. Kaston, Pa. Deliberately walking up to a pretty girl on a crowded street here, Peter Shelder of Phil lipshurg. X. J., paid the young woman a V'oiupliment on her beauty, then tickled her under the chin. A mnn wVi.a x-1 1 m .iec.:.i . u ..1 , money. i nat ' stepped un to She der nn.l xni.l shouldn't do anything like that HOME BOILED HAMS . We point with prlda to our line of delicious home boiled hams. T.hey are fresh, sweet, tender and appetizing. Just the thing for a nice cold lunch on a hot summer Note the cleanliness of our place and you'll cease to wonder how good our meats are. Hotel St. George l OSOROD DARTEAtT, Proirietop, i y llGniral Ilea! Market Phone Main 33. 108 E. Alta Street. white man ever thought of represent- himself as dead and wiring for mon ey for burial? The grand cowboy street dance will be a fitting finale to the greatest wild west show on' earth. "On with the dance, let joy be uneonfined," and "Let 'er buck." 'You l AMP From the maidenhair fern a palata b'e tea can be brewed IF.DKI!I, WOMKX WOUKEllS WIU, ASSIST M'XAMARA 'You m'nd your own business," re plied Shelder. "Well, Just walk down the street with me and I'll prove you made a mistake," said the other. Shelder continued to argue with his! critic until a policeman appeared.! Washington. Women and' girls when the man who remonstrated ord- j employed in the Bureau 'of Engrav ered the Jci seyman's arrest. I lng nnd Prlnt'nff will raise money The man who gave the order hap-ifor tne "distance of John J. McNam ncned tr he M.nvir Vi-k-nm who., I "fa. secretary of the Structural Iron It now remains to be seen wheth-j Shelder faced him inpolice court the I Workers' t'nion, now in jail at Los or not the Beattie millions will mayor remarked: "I trness von nie.-i.i l rt"Bt 1PS- cnarged with dynamlt save the young son accused of uxor- I su 'ty- uan't you clde from the gallows. Greater thing? have been accomplished by and brains er Shelder neknowl-' 5 l"e Angeies nines ouiuung. i eilged that he had been "caught withiAne sympathies of the women were the goods" and murmure.l m fa'nt !arousea speech made to them money . "yes." The feat of Aviator Harry Ttwood ir. flying- from St. Louis to Xew York is mother milestone in the march m the ultimate eotuiuest of the air i.y puny man. "That tickle will cost you Just and the next one will cost you a k deal more," warned the mayor. Shelder paid and hurrVd back "'i!'. 'pi-burg. . last night by Representative Frank j Buchanan of Chicago. Buchanan read Mj I a letter from McXamara, In which the labor leader made the most com plete denial of the charges against loM, H,..t I. i.. ..i.n- ..!,' int.-. iiittno pUUIIC. OTKI Tl AMP STEEll SHOT. A WOHU TO THE FAKMKR. Tiie farm land of Umatilla county has just finished a bumper yield and the ranchers are pleased with their broad acres. It is possible that if they possessed a poetic muse they would burst into song that the won-d.-rs "f their lands might be the more c:-b:atej Lest in the exultation of their pr -; -rity they forget the fate of some of their forerunners in the soil tilling bu.--Ine.-s. it is only wise to point out that other farmers in other days and on other lands have en joyed the same prosperity and yet have .iveij to see their lands yield to them ijut a scant existence. Sta tistics .... that ahcaily 4,000,000 acres of land in the United States, once the tichest and most productive ir. the whole world, have been pau perized tecause they have been drain ed of th-.-sc soil ingredients which' are the frime essentials to vegetable growth. Will the time ever come when the fertile wheat land of this section .vi!l be added to this ex hausu 1 kn-1 wasted acea? Let us h pe not uut the salvation lies with the f !T.i-is. He who takes and noth h:g gives is but of little service to the worid. H'.- little better than a rob ber for he is a despoilT ami pos terity is made to suffer by his acta. Conservation of the soil is of as much moment as the conservation of tim ber and (.c-al. T1IKHI-: IS A fil)l) OF I.OYF A story is told of a man wo became! a member .f a certain church. His! ai.HNniui'ii ot sounaing words was greater than h's knowledge of their meaning and he began his first public "(.'Hi. thou great and diabolical ! God!" There s tuoh a (Sod. He is the G id I f Fear: the God of infernal torments and eternal damnations; the God of burning hells and icy cruelty; the God of the distorted imaginations and warped natures of men who would Fugitive ln Away Year Ago ami IHvamp Wild Hover. Weatherly. Pa. The famous steer which escaped from Butcher Obert's pen, Lelghton. a. year ago and which ! had been shot at a hundred times, but I escaped traps set for it as well, was i shot by Farmer William Dletrick in the Quakcake Vallev while it was j moving among the corn. The ox j weighed S ii 0 pounds dressed. Since its escape it roved all over : the county. It p'eked its living wher i ever It went front the field, grew as thin us a deer and as agile as an an telope. bully teir fellows into creeds and isms I The butcher from Leighton, who so many paths! tit ;i 111. til Oig or lirilUll : narr.n, god-'ike or beastly. It is j O fl 11 H jl lugln Vmn makes the work? hi au- j I ? 'j i'! 1 1 ul '-r ut,'!y: the springtime Joyous j Ollf.' i'J '3 !l Pa -tore s i:.x ii.j iii dtf'-r.iV. k n . s . fiati!. v i-:;j - (OlJ.Kf.ES AMI l.l'Xll'.Y. Yal- i.'r.iv'-r-ity h.a.s ord-red weal thy j l- :.'s t aband'-n luxurious djrniit"ri-s aft'-r n'xf summer, ac c r.'.ii. ; t'i( sj..kesman-HevIew. II tne hiatement. square iin um j facts, th- orier makes in favor of sin.plici-y and truer, finer living In all Aia'-rk-.-m colleges. The v.. rid-wide tendency toward lu.j:y j.::.- on the lover of "plain lii:,-.: 1 high thinking." when he v ir tiie iiomes or learn - iir.-; may perhaps not b in f rms, but his instinct if to be sound and justi Yale,' a leader among uni- .)i.d a fav.irite of eastern .j'. -i . wealth. aims against luxury a::i'jng the students, the in fluent e of the good example will ra diate through every college of the United States. Efficiency is the object of educa tion not "practical" efficiency mere ly but spiritual efficiency. Frugality it contributory to efficiency, luxury hostile. At Oxford University there 1 a . olltge whose expensiveness la o great that Khodes scholars though receiving H5oO a year, can not live there, j- is more than mere coinci dence that this college Is not dlsln gulshed either In scholarship or even In ath'.f'ief. When American colleges became so fashionable that rich men's boys ex pended fcur times as much money there each year as the average man can earn after he graduates, differ ent sets of society arose within the chools and raised varying standards pf living. This Is undemocratic and unhealthy. An Institution of educa tion i the last place for social dla- and dogmas into that wind and wind But thank G id. thcrr is another God, a God of Love and kindness and understanding: the source of life, not dcatn; of peace, n t perdition. "As a man th tikvth in his heart, so is he." f; is the quality o thought that It .s a man big or!e, broad or th i tiful or ow:ous uan resiiui or renei-i iious. In the s u;l are born the Graces! or the Furiei.. Tiiey may not ctovell I together, f love casteth out feat. I Fear, not money, is the root of nil i evil. The man ahej ears, cringes ami j cowers and sneiks and slinks. Th- wan who loves d ies not think of I T himself as a worm. vr:gg;;ng over the-' surface of a barrr. Mirth. H 'ills' erect, and fears nit. Th. religion that wiil redeem the ! world wili educate ,Ltd develop the ! consciousness spir tuay and morally There's n-i beauty t.o those whose eyes have not been, opened to per ceive it. An appetirji perverted by strong stimulants turns with loathing from simple, who!sorne food. A na ture depraved by excitement despises quiet. A v!.-;ion dulled by th glitter of the tawdry and art. real s -es no beauty in the dawn or in the twol'ght. j The ears deafened by bLiring trumiicts j hear no melody in bird sT.g.s. To the j sou, io.-o. l.-. s'"!., r'-ady-to-us. inspiration, sunshine tiooos tne open heart a-i .t streams through the open window. To the clear vision spiritual- I ly revals her grandeur and true beau ty is unveiled. Once taught the s urce of it.s own I riches a soul will not know bank- ruptcy. Perceiving that Love is con- j structive and Hate destructive, that j Evil is a blight and G iod a boon, it w'll put evil out of the consciousness! and refuse wall space to any picture j j-jrus Co that suggests the repulsive nnd re- voiting. We live by v. hat we r--d up on. We can t ueveiop suf-raiii an.. purity by feeding th.. nv n-l on mu k. , j--. Unwillingly, unconsciously I had placed a reward for the return of I ine iiinni.u was leiopnonea to ny I Pletrick as soon as the animal was j shot but to!d Dietrick to take one- j proved. I half of the carcass for h s repart and I sHi the other half to a butcher and! send him the money. Al fUST 20 IV 1IISTOKY. 1829 Educators from all parts of the country met in Boston to con suit on public school work In all the states. 1S4S Battle at Cape of Good Hope between the British and Boers, Brit ish winning. lsr.O Louis Phillipe, exile'd king of the French, died at Claremont, Eng land, aged "". IWi The fortress of Ilango, B "inersund. was bombarded by the allied troops. 1S64 Indians of six tribes were re ported to be massacreing settlers nnd stealing cattle In the Platte valley and to be menacing Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs. issi A report that Queen Victoria ha l died suddenly, threw London in to a pane until the canard was dis- 1894 A thousand persons were killed and much property destroyed by a storm that swept over the sea of Azov. 1904 Japanese in full control of Pigeon Bay positions. One of the In ner defenses of Port Arthur captured. August 26-September 4, Battlo of iao-Yang. Al'fJlST 27 IX HISTOKV. 1S34 George Clymer, Inventor and manufacturer of the Columbian printing press, died in London. He Improved many other mechanical con structions. , 1854 The city of Louisville, Ky , was visited by a tornado, which be sides doing other great damage, re sulted in the death of twenty-five and serious Injury of 67. 1864 Secretary of War Stanton issued a bulletin teling of the fight ing at Beam's Station, Va., b tween General Hancock's forces and the confederates. It Included General Grant's statement estimating the con federate losse s for the week at 10,000 dead and captured. 18S4 King' Humbert of Italy vis ited the cholera stricken district of Piedmont. 1S94 The Bruce-Wilson tariff bill became a law without the signature of President Cleveland. 1S99 Husso-Japanese war; Rus sians attacked entire Japanese line, but were repulsed. 19119 National Conservation con gress, representing thirty-seven states met at Seattle, Wash. Henry Farman won grand aviation prize at lthelms, breaking world's aeroplane record for duration of flight and distance, 111.78 miles in 3 hours, 4 minutes, 56 seconds. European plan. Everything first-class. All modern conveni ences. Hot water heated throughout. Rooms en suite with bath. large, new sample rooms. The Hotel St. George la pronounced one of the most up. to-date hotels of the Northwest. Telephone and fire alarm con nections to office, and hot and cold water running In all rooms Rooms $1 and $1.50 Block and a half from depot See the big electric sign. USEO SAGE TEA kin the- !'fiiir ;nf R Cirnv ami Faded ifair it's .Niitnni! i nun-. t DIGNIFYING THE INDUSTRIE. Tbla Is the tltlo or a beautiful 04-page book, vhich win snow any toy or girl now to SUCCEED. Drop a postal in the mall TODAY and It will be aant FREE. Tto Mm of tna College la to dignify and popularlia the lr.duatrlas, and to serve ALL the peoplv. Itoffera courea In Agriculture. Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining En Kin ering, Forestry, Dome.uia. Science and Art, Com merce, Pharmacy and Blurlc. Th College opoui September 22d. Catalog free. Adrtreii: REGISTRAR. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallls, Oreoa. OPEN DAY AXD XIGHT FIRST-CLASS SERVICE UTe Quelle Cafe and Oyster House Meals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK., 020 MAIN' STRKKT "She is Waiting' ' i It rs ertfier to preaervf! the enC-.r of ;1ie hair th.-in to restore it. altfuMiirii J ic j.osslhte ti do both ur irrand- Mothers understood the i-i-cri't The?; mtde a "S.V.T" tea." and their d.rk. ! tjliwy h.iir long after m flrl! life was ! d lv t.. th!-- fact. i :nr ninthersi it;v" grvr Irtirs before thev ure fifty, but thv are beginning to appreciate th vi.-.-1'un 'if our gTandmolhera in 7TrrraTiiMrtiii- ti tnn-"i"irir rr f niir" n ii"i-ii n iiiTin s ihih ilMwiaaaiiat j iisin-3 i 1 1 .ml :ire if ist j 4,Bori with the Republic" f AMES. E. PEPPE WHISKEY "s.vf ten-" their hair fiil'nv.fnsr su't. The present getienitlon ha't the ad vunr. ge i,f the prist in that it. can jre preparation called j. V.'yeth'a Sage and Suiphur Hair Uerrt-i J , edy. A a .calp tonic and cuior re storer th.. preparation in astly sfu perior to the ordinary "sue tii' made by our grandmothers. Th.A r:m-ily is Sfibl under irjaran 'ee that th" im m y w'.ll be i-fund' :f It f-i:lM to iTfi t'Yaet'v ay rer.ii-.-.i'rit'tl. I Thin preparation is offMVa' to t!e ,...1.1 1 !t rifrv r-nnfs n l.ottle an,!. u'. M"WSWratt recorrnrended and sold by l'e'illtir i 1? in Oldest titillery in America and tlie best Whiskey ever made in Kentucky. Rstallisliec in 1780. Columbia Liquor Store Sole distributors in Pemlieton. IIKi::,LX PETKuS, Prop. ('. ! t --! j ! are 0 i r m r. - tF m ? f 5 itii transformed into the mental imiwt-a i J we form. K is born of evil thought, j Q Doubts are traitors. Apprehension;; ncourse u. We need spiritual as j J well as physical hygiene. V.'e n;el to j 0 know that all good Is within us, ana Its outward manifestation makes us god-like. I "Owe no man anything but to love I one another for he that loveth an- ( other hath fulfilled the law." j "He just and fear not." Katherine ' C. Murphy in Toledo Times. j ISIIM II T CIliD HOIISK TOOK. UFA'EXGE. SUxxl Autos I ivs Ar He Could, Then: Kiclutl C)nc to liH.TH. Kansas City, Mo. Old Dobbin just got tired of it, thai's all. He used to . have a good enough, sort of time j jogging along the boulevards before j these buzzing, snouting, fiery-eyed ' devil wagons got so numerous that' mere horse had no rights whatever, j They got on his nerves, spoiled his evening temper ami took the taste out : of his breakfast bats. He bore with ; them for a Ionic time, nursing his; Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en- wrath and waiting for an opportunity Q tertaining for the entire o o o o o o o o o o o CassjMailock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MOKE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. IT Oil if Q! a! 9;5 pheum r w a"a m i? ir -a m .1. V. MKDKKXACH. ITrletor. HIGH-CI.ASS UP-TO-DATE MOTiOi PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IX TODAY'S PAPER, l'joip-ain Cluinges. un Sunday's, Tuesday'! and Friday's. to revenge. The opportunity came and Old Dobbin, embraced it. Mrs. Jessie Owen and Mrs. Anna! were driving Dobbin. They avenue. guided him out of Linwood boulevard Into Flora' avenue, when a buzz wagon drove u with A. A. Tribble, 2681 Idadlaott avenue, at the wheel. The motor ear stopped. So did Dobbin. He laid back his ears, sniffed gasoline and with a whinny that had the pent up rage of years la It, he climbed In to the car. Mr. Tribble got out. Dob bin suddenly seemed to become all legs. The air was filled with bits of flying brass and. wood. He kicked o o o o o o o o o o o family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be sure and see the next change. Adults 10c Children O under 10 years, So. Q ooooooooooooo THE OFFICE A. SCHNE1TER, Prop. , PENDLETON, ORE Fan)ily Liquor Store"" pi lone niein yy 71 1 Main Street and so are those she Is waiting on. And mind you, a good lilh-ball Is well worth waiting for. Good, pure, whobpsome Rye Whiskey, like the brands we are now selling, will make one wait patiently, hut enjoy the wait when the liquid arrives cool, coinfoi ting, and refresh ing. If you ar a high-ball lover, better try a bottle of this splendid Whiskey of ours. You will always want that brand, afterwards. And the price will satisfy you, too. TheOlympia Bar Phone Main 18S and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Main 17".. PETERS & MORRISON, Prop. The Pendleton Drug Co. Is In business for "Your Good Health" REM EM HER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES AUCTION SALE , of' 50 choice Pendleton resident lots. Located in different parte of the city. Call and learn particulars. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street. For Calling Cards Wedding Stationery Embossed Stati i Call at office of t East Oregcnlan :