1 ..r . Itin. Mill tllB r.iE two DAILY EAST OKEGOMAX, PEX DLETOV. OREGON. SATl ItDAV. At Gl ST 19lf. EIGHT PAGES ooooooooooooooooooooooooooootoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Beginning Monday Morning .mnwM jig Takes your choice of any Spring or Summer Man's Suit we have left VV U J? fe M II w JJ O O o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o All sizes from 33 to 46. An excellent assortment of colors. All-wool. Hand tailored, about two hundred in the lot. Values from $16.50 to $27.50. You know the quality of suis we sell, they need no praise, they talk for themselves. Men, this is the chance of the season, sale closes in a few days, don't wait, come now THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Save Your Coupons Where it Pays to Trade QOOOQOQQOOOQQQOOQOOQOOQQOOOOOIOOQOOQQQQQOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOQCQOOOO CO. ELECTS OFFICERS (Special Correspondence.) Hermiston. Ore., Aug. 26. Thurs day night the incorporators of the Hermiston Telephone & Electric com pany held a meeting for the purpose of completing their organization of the company, by electing a board of directors and adopting by-laws. The directors elected were John Camelry, George A. Cressy. Chas. B. Percy. V. H. Skinner and J. Howard Kied. The directors then organized by electing John Cassarly president, C. B. Percy vice-president and J. H. Iiied secretary. The company will proceed at once to construct an Independent telephone system f"r the project settlers. Al ready one hundred and thirty phones have been subscribed. Wolf Duncomb has purchased a residence lot in the original town site, or. the west side of the track. It Is understood that he intends to I J. F. McNaught, president of the j Maxwell Land & Irrigation company I is transacting business in Seattle. I S. R. Oldaker, one of the local real estate men, is spending several days in Seattle and other coast points. H. G. Newport is transacting bus iness in the county seat. Nate Bowman Is proving up on his desert land entry north of Hermls ton. It is a 160 acre tract and he is making proof before Commissioner I'pthegrove. HIS AII TO A BttinEGUOOM. Old Married Man Furnishes Excuse for After Years. New York. A young man who works in a downtown trust company recently returned from his honey moon. He was surprised and grieved the first afternoon of his work to have his grim superior come to him and say: "I guess you'd better take your dinner in town tonight. I have some work that needs t be done and it will take you about all evening." It wr.s with a very heavy heart that the young man went to the telephone and informed his bride in New Jer sey that he could not be with her un til let?. What she first said over the wir.i about h's employment and what to'd. but NEWS NOTES FROM LESLIES WEEKLY A CONSIST ENT JO C UNA I,. (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., Aug. 26. Will Hold man sold his crop of wheat to the Pacific Elevator company of Pen dleton, for 70c a bushel; the lot con tained eighteen hundred sacks. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bane of Pendleton were the guests of Mr. and Frs J. T. Lieuallen, Tuesday. Will Holdman made a business trip to Pendleton Thursday. Will More of the Pacific Elevator .company of Pendleton, was a busi ness visitor in Adams Thursday. G. M. Morrison was a business vis itor in Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. Dr. McMaul and daughter I Kateleene of Pendleton. are the j guests of Mrs. E. C. Bowling for a few days this week. I Mr. Mar'on of Lexington, was a. .business visitor in Adams Friday. He j bought a carload of seed wheat at j Adams. i Mark Butler was a business visitor --" .. u. ji up mi '""I Ull- in i .,ll.,t., T.'-i.l.,,. Wa!r P. Hinkle and bride return- :'l h't?. What she f!rt said over the jonn whitlev was a 1 from Portland yesterday where wir about h's employment and what i i. - ti.i.. they were married. Mrs. Hinkle was he agreed with Is not necessary to be1. ,. ... ... . ............ ...-., u., ...... ucirii a i sm out- .is pill to tn,.ir hoill" Frill t.ie sutler reeK scnooi ior ine occurrence i'r tne nruie was the pa.-; three winters. Mr. Hinkle is natura'ly anxious that the wond. rful engir.cer fur the Western Land & Ir- r"rs in she had chosen should have rigativn company, as well as city en- ! a chance to show his superlative Si:: : : : tr.c city of H.-rmi.-ton. He' "erth. -r-1 !t was eomfortlr.g to know L aL-.i .ne of the prominent members ; that his superior leaned on him in of K 'c'.amation l.xlg"? No. i; Knights this fashion. Pendleton vis- return e J y, after spend ing the part wek in the mountains. Mrs. May Picard and Mr. and Mrs. Kini'-r Picard were bushier visitors in Pendleton Thursdav. Leslie's Weekly, in comment. ng on Dr. Wiley's case, expresses itself in part as follows: "Dr. Wiley Is not the author of the pure-food law. It would continue to be hi forced whether he were in the public service or not. He has occu pied a subordinate place in the de partment, but has always managed to make :t appear that he was the only ehmpion of pure food at Washington. The public may rest assured that the pure-food law will be enforced just ns vigorously and earnestly whether Wiley says or goes." This is about what those who are familiar with Leslie's Weekly would logically expect to find "n that publi cation, says The Journal of the Am erican Medical association The an tagonism of some Journals is to be desired rather than their approbation: Lejd'o'f is one of them. For years tiv, re have appeared at intervals spe cious'y written "special articles" in this publication devoted to the ex portation of "patent medicines" and quackery. Oren Ineal, the eye quack of Chicago, the widespread fake Via vi, and the Alexander cancer cure each of these in turn has been thei subject of fulsomely laudatory articles appearing in Leslie's Weekly. L'nd' r ;he circumtanees. it is evident that' this journal's antagonism to Dr. Wi-j ley is one more point in his favor. One of Dr. Whey's grfatest assets is the character of the enemies h" has ' made. 1 STANFIELD MELONS ARE PLENTIFUL (Speciul Correspondence.) Staniicld, Ore., Aug. 20. The ran chers here are busy harvesting a bountiful, crop of watermelons for which this project is celebrated al ready. The fruit is of fine size and most delicious wlavor. The. work on the high school build ing Is being rushed as rapidly as pos sible. The roof Is now on urtd some of the rooms are ready for the plas terers. Dr. J. H. Cromb is finishing the Interior of his bungalow in a moct artistic manner.. It is one of the very prettiest homes in Stanfleld. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stuart have Yakima where Mr. employed for some ) North will be of Pv:h Miss lir.. v fiir. -.'.y nionr i horn- ,4 Mi.-s vi-i.irtc 'J. Shaffer of i-'pringf it Id, II . ho has been visiting with t'.i. f C. F. Morro.v for the past has returned to her eastern Mer a very pleasant visit. Essie Campbell arrived lat m company witli her friend H la Ilevd, of Mis-u. I. "i.-s C.snpV 1! has been spending her va cati'.n visiting friends and relatives in lh- :..ijd'.e west-. T;.o;::-.s Campbell. Jr.. has returned fro:a Spokane, Wash. Mr. Knight, representative of the Knights Pythias insurance order, is sp'-n i:;:g trie day at Hermiston. He wi'.l !.av- a meeting of the Knights tin's evening. J. H 'ard Reid. cashier of the H-nni-ton Bank and Trust company, will t Si la', k H -from r. wi. to in- b-j- . l-r ti jvp this evening for Sprague rid Sunday. He will come the v ay of Spokane, Wash. . H. A. .Wwham arrived here L n Ion. PJngland. last evening. ; ln'ire.; that he would he able :;t the M. K. church over Sunday .- -tut-s that he must go to ..it. Wash., to be th'-re during .--'iit lay .-ervi'es. He will attend 11 (lis C;.t!. , . ur:.-h j r CM.: last rtaine.l ti;e evening at L, Morgan. th- well known west ;m.l !.! 1 e .-tutor, is look- r his H-rmiston interests. T . T if Next evening it was the snme way and the young man who did the work that was put before him, and there was a strong idea n his mind that this super'cr was sonr-thip.'? far worse than he had ever believed before, gruff and grim as the elder man had always been So in spite of the bright light that his bride threw on the whole affair, and the cheeriness w'th which se foretold promotions that were bound to come out of this re sponsibility, he was very rebellious when, late on the fourth day, the su rerior officer approached. "Do you think you like to work t might?" asked the superior. "No, I wouldn't," he blurted. ".Voir look here; I don't " There was Just a hint ef a grin about the elder man's mouth. "I suppose you think I'v hten prett hard with you?" he asked. "You certainly have." snorted the bridegroom. "Now, look here, my boy." said the elder, laying an arm on his shoul der. "I'm married a long time. I know all about the anxiety on your part to get home to your wif' and :t's all right. But first impressions are, sometimes everything. Now, if you'd started in bv going home reg ularly from wr-rk then the first time you were la to there'd be explanations : coining and you might be believed j and iiiihh' not. So I ju-t started you J richt. She ha-n't the s ight. t doubt ! now that you really want to rush nome to ner anq sue s na.l a b mo:i strat on that the office n tie you up pretty badly. Some day that'll . om in handy. Tou don't see it now, ij'jt you will later." iniPHAL or MOKT;A;r:- TAX LAW PIUlDKTI'.l) j gone Ktunrt time. Misses Helen Scea, Myrtle Ander son and Helen Wheeler drove to Her miston m Thursday. Mr. Geo. Course has purchased a part or tlie Stanflcld r:nnch and 1. building i very attractive five room home which Is nearly ready for oc cupancy.. Among those attending the Fvee water "Peach Day" were A. W. Gray. M. ('. iiuragar, C. C. Curr. Geo. Mar tin and G. U Dunning. James Stuart, of North Yakim;i. was a guest in the home of his duu- tunnels t: nd underground chambers, to hundreds of Veliemous reptiles, spiders, lizurds and other creeping creatures. In the shadow of the walls of the fort a plain, white headstone marks, the grave of the Infant of Sergeant Smith, which was born In 18S8, and lived five weeks. Sergeant Smith was. a caretaker who lived near the, fort with his wife, and during the twenty-three years since Smith departed, the ground of the fort have grown up with thick weeds and underbrush. A single plank serves for the primi tive drawbridge that once aided sol diers In crossing the moat, now a ditch of mud und water teeming with slimy moccasins. liiiltlesnakes, 6 feet 10 1-2 inches In length, with innumerable rattles, have been killed recently by fishermen near the fort. It Is said that If a stone is thrown Into the "chamber of death," where big rat tlers make their home, the sounds of hissing und string of rattles rvBOmb-l-s the noise made by arousing a monster swarm of bees. How the workmen expect to fight their way to the baby's grave to re move the burly and then begin the work of clearing away the ruins of the fort have not yet been figured, out by the contractor. New t'ltieiiH ill Froewuter. Freewater. ore. A son was born' to Mr. and' Mrs. W. A. Burton August 17. The stork also brought a soiu to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mason on August 13. Salem. Or. "Tt is certa'n. If th present c .mmisMon to revise tiie sy--J tem of taxat'oit in this slate, decides; to submit to the people at the next j election a bill for that purpose, that, one ..f the features of this bill will be, a move t iuard.i exemption of inort-1 gages and mortgage notes, and an other will be to increase the present Jli'JiiO exemption which exists In the case of homesteaders or household ers." stated Senator llcCulloch i Baker, who is Governor West's strong. 'st personal' representat ve on this board. Buy it now. Now is the time tighter Mrs. M. C. Haragar this wei-k. buy a bottle cf Chamberlain's Colic. n. M. Tuttle returned to Ii.rtland Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It; on Wednesday after spending sevemi is almoet eertain to be needed before i ,l- v : ieoki'i after bis interests here. the summer is over. This i:iUi no superior. For sale dealers. remedy by The UillKS IIF.XK WOMEN SCOllN NVTTY lil ILIAD NO ONE lOl .M) TO TAKE HEI 'I'M) OF S.-.H Or. If George H. Bailey located a heavy load would from the mind of CJipora- eik Biil.'cock and the affairs of Ice would again for a few days Salem, couid be be .if ted tion ( his ol b eondik-ted in the cliarnx Is of iie rinity and l eace. Afar a still hunt pur.-iu d over two year.-., the sleuths of the corporation depart. n 'lit have finally acknowledged that their "gum shoeing" is in va.n, ami as a last re-:-oit tb'-y have unpealed t. the m- s '.i,.'...i tor rel et". Kansas City, Mo. Their own ig norance leads many poor housewives to struggle along on home-made bread when, if properly instructed they would hasten to use the baker's product, according to William H. Korn, of Davenport, la., who address ed the convention of the National: As sociation of Master Bakers here to day. "There are housewives who do not kno.v good bread when they eat ft," said Mr. Korn. "To them all head tastes n!ik Tiiey cannot bak". a good loaf. Their bread is made with the overnight spong.. method awl al was has an add flavor, to which they have become accustomed. Their tastes have not been educated up to the swe, t, nutty-flavored bread " friends of Mrs. M. (.'. Haragar all : will he pleased to know tb.it she has n turned to her home here very maeh I improved in. health, j Vayne Coe of Portland Is visiting his brother Gen. C. Coe for a few weeks. Mrs. John Wallace is confined to her zed -y illness. At last reports she was slightly Improved. m BATTLE TO WITH HATTT.KSXAKKS I1EMOV1-: BABY'S GUAVI New Orleans. A battle- to th death with it den of rattlesnakes will be i necessary before a baby's grave can be remove! from beneath the crumb ling ruins of Fort Mc(.'omt), near : h'-f Montcur, when wurkmen- begin, their operations next ye.ar prelimi nary to the erection of the propnse.f ?7.",iHH) 1 1 ibl i o use of the Loulsiatm Motor I'iJne. The sito of the old Tort is a wild ami weird spot. the moss-covered stru.tui-es having crumbled away, leaving the large rooms, arovrays. Cleanses the System effectually; Dispels colds and Headaches;, due to constipation. Best for men, women and children : young and old. Toqct its Beneficial effects, always note the name of the Company, (aiiforniaFioSyrup'Co. plainly printed on the . front of every packaqe of the Genuine The I.ih'.-st point of --or: hnp-p:-a. - is r.n'.V'.u i.-.)y V.:r "j?h ir.o'.h-ts:.'-A, in the cia.-;-ir: r f : r chiM htr nrms. et t;:e jip lht:-tu-bv is fifl'-n fc.in'';l oi ii..tr'.-'s ordeal 2'j 1 shrinks from the sr.iierinic i::ci kr.t to its consuiiiitiiition. Jiut for n.:.'.u-e's ills atil discomforts r.attire jT'jvi.ks :tincdies, a:n! in Mother's Fricnii is to 1: found a medicine of re.it val ut to every c-xj c-ctnnt mother. It is an oiiy tmuUion for external a; .'.ication, cotnposcd cf in.crelients which act with beneficial and sooth ing fciicct on t.'-.ose j rtio:is of the y-tc:u iiivolvcd. It is intended to prepare the system for the crisis, and Cuts and bruises may be healed in j about one-third the time required hy j the usual treatment by applying j Chamberlain's Liniment. It is an an i tlseptic and causes such injuries to heal without maturation. This lini ment also relieves soreness of the ; ii.ue-b.-H and rheumatic pains. Fori sale by all dealers i oi'i:i;.vno ior. pkixck. Seiei:l Son f Kliijt Alfonso Treatil hy Siirgeoni iii s.il riaml. Fribourg, S it.eriand.--.V n opera tion was performed by L'rs. iteymonu and firinda on I'riru- Jaeme. the second son of King Alfonso and Queen Victoria of Spain, for the re lief ;f a nose, and throat affection, from which the pr.nce has suffered since birth. It was stated that the operation was successful and it is b -Iieved a permanent cure will be ef fected after treatment. Queen Vic toria brought I'rince J-: i.i . ii- rv ii July. I. WOM Altli Itt'UXK XllAIl AI.I1IOX (aiitAfiiiTV ;oiX(; t woiik. I (era I'll ot Uiauffour VIm I.loX,l With Ilelns I'aotw Xw.'CwHlty of Tolling. Springfield, Mass. Handsome Jack O-nighty and his heiress bride will make Springfield their home for a time at least, as the result of two of fers that have been made the chauf- thus relieve, in reat part, the suffer- , f(.ur hy m ai automobile manufactur- hauling wheat, and ir.z ' :.r ju.-mi winch i::c inoiherusuany juisscs. The regular use of Mother's Friend will repay anv mother in the rov.ifort it affords IxJore, anl the help- : Jul restoration to health and strength it t.rinjrs alxjut after baby comes. Mother's Friend lor sale at drug stores. Write for our free .book for rvTM-ctant moth ers which contains much valuable information, and many suggestions f a helpful nature. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., AOoatm, Cm. (laik l.o-"4 llnuse Field Wlieat In Danger. Albl.in, V.'a: h rjerard Clark lost on- of his ranch houses on Four Mile by fire. It was an old landmark, be ing built In the early 'M)s on what was the Jim Feurson place. The fire was caused by a defective flue. Clark's men were batching there left a lire In the ing concerns. Oeraghty has been con- stove. The house was surrounded by sidering two offsrs by automobile wheat fields, but quick work of neigh manufacturing concerns and will hors saved the grain. make his decision by tomorrow. : i I'liitioiiKunl f.rowlh of pears.; ! o i !! o it. p I o t I SSi' U": T-- ;i.:'V DIL CXKJK DEXOVNCKS I'KAItV. Culls Him Liar and an I'nmitigatetl AurAra, Seoundrel. Ill Dr. Frederick Cook, Freewater, Ore. One of the exhib its which attracted much attention on "peach day" was a phenomenal growth of pears from a tree belong ing to W. A. .Smlb-y of the Frultvsle Arctic explorer, In a Chautauqua ad- neighborhood. It is a small tree and dress here called Peary u "liar, un- directly out from the trunk of the mitigated scoutidred, attempted mur- tree grew two straight branches, each dered parent of two Esquirno boys, about three inches In length. On In the frozen north crying for bread, each branch there were five pears, while their parent feeds on plenty as each weighing "not less than one rear admiral." pound. P. t G o o WE SMALL- POSITIVELY GIVE IT TO SOME OF Ol'K CUSTOMERS j. Come to our store, see and try this splendid Instrument. We will tell you all' about our plan of giving this piano away. This Is a present worth having. This Piano Is of the celebrated UPTON make. It carries the manufacturers.' Ten Year Guuruntoe. We cordially Invite your inspection. The Pendleton Drug Company