- P EVENING EDITION EVENING EDITION WEATHIOK RKPOIIT. Fair tonight and Sun day, d Calling card, wel ding atat'onery, om merclal statlonory s-a-1 Job printing to rdr at the East Oregonlan. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL. 24 PEXDLETOX. OREGON, SATl'UDA V, Al.';ST (',, 1.H1. SO. 7301 300 AUTO RACE FANS INJURED ! WHEN GRANDSTAND COLLAPSES OFFICERS USE CLUBS TO RESTORE ORDER Panic Stricken Crowd Retali ates and Impedes Work of Rescue Elgin, HI, Aug. 26. As the first car In the National Trophy automo bile race flushed jiat the grandstand ut the race course In this city today en the first lap, a long section at the western en,l of the structure sudden ly and without warning collapsed, carrying down more than five hun dred people, more than three hun dred of whom were injured, many if them seriously. Two women who sustained broken legs, In addition to numerous other fccrloiiM Injuries, are believed to h fa tally hurt ami will die as a result of their Injuries. Many others may lit fatally hurt. The disaster threw the thousands i f Hpei'tatnrs into a pan c and tno wildest scenes fol'owed Order was restored in a short time by the sol diers and a cordon of special deputy sNri!';', who resort'-d to the most brutal methods in several instance. The crowd clubbed the officials back, impelling the work of rescue, which was carr'ed on auild the w;!l i st confusion. Mr-. liny (Jrah.im, a dnught r of Unit, d States s. nafr' "William Lort nier was aiming those who are se riously injured. Ambulances took the Injured from the field, while the racing autos wiv figa:n lined up t resume the race, which the track officials refused to call off. following the disaster. Just us the grandstand collapsed. Ir;ver (Irani, guiding a speeding Aleo mid closely followed by three other fly'fig car:-', dashed into view. Thou sands of spectators had rushed out on the course, directly In the path of the speeding car, but the daring drivers guided their cars In a reck less, zig-zag manner and miracu- lou-ly avo'ded hitting any one of the frenzied crowd. A little later the cars stopped and soon were ready to again start. K All, WAV MAX ClirsilF.I) TO DEATH AT PASCO Pasco, Wash. C. llrosan was fa tally injured in the shops of the Xorihein Pacific Hallway here by be ing crushed between a locomotive and a lank Prosan gave the hostler in the engine- the back-up signa', but In.-load of backing The engineer mis took the signal for a "go-ahead" sign and se nt the engine forward. Bro san was picked up with four ribs, collar bone and arms broken and he eiici iv-.r.i the injuries last night. He was immediately taken to the hos pital and surgical aid was given. At the hospital lie absolutely refused to give the names of his relatives or to state where le came" from. He had be. n ,o!king here for ejuiie a long time, and bore a good repuU'tion among his fell 'w-workingme-n. .Hi ii DAY IS NECESSARY 10 LIFE Washington. Aug. ?6 Mrs- Iiose Keeling Hutchins today fixed J67 a day us the lowest figurs on which a millionaire's wife could live properly. The figure was arrived at when Mrs. Hut.'hliis petitioned the Equity court for consent to utilize her $1,000 a month allowance for "pin money." She Insisted th allowance made by her Invalid millionaire husband wus altogether too small to meet her ex-pe-nses and submitted an itemized table to prove her contentions. The principal items for the month are. Servunts $242, automobile, livery and chauffeur $375; milk $u0: mar keting groceries and wine $350; pew rent $16; music $15; confectioners $5; charily $15; theatre tickets $10; slim mer club dues $5; silver insurance $8; mnssuge $5; drugs and toilet nrtieles $20; flowers $15; cleaning clothes $20; physicians $25; dentist $5; trav eling $50; clothing for Mrs. Hutchins $300; rent summer cottage. $110; rent Tnrls apartment $110; taxes Paris ap urtment $15; books $3; miscellane ous $.164. Total $2013. 25 Are Injure!. Pittsburg, Aug. 26. Twenty-five persons v. ere Injured, none fatally, last night when a shifting engine hit nn excursion train In nttshurg nnd I-nke Idle railroad nt South Thirty fourth street, this city. M.VXV FOItlCST riltKS IX STATE ltEroitTED. Portland, Ore., Aug. 28 Dry weather Is responsible for many forest fires which have broken out in various parts the state within the last fewliours, ac cording to District Forester Cecil, who today Issued an ap peal, for state and private or ganizations and Individuals to aid In keeping the destruction down to the minimum. Today a fire Is raging on Clear Fork, near Estacada; one on Seven Mlie mountain, in I,ynn county: one in Deschutes forest reserve and several smaller blazes in western and central' Oregon, the fires are not, however, as bad as they were nt this time last year. :j j j BEATTIE JOKES f Carelessly Hurls Sallies as They ti, , View oilii'U OIUMieU Automulrlt? Chesterfield Court Hu 20. Joking the members which will decide his fate for murdering li s young e. V.i . Aug. of the Juhv in the trial wife. Henry e -ar.-li ,-vly Clay lieattie. Jr., today look 1 on i:t: the bin d .-1 i- d aut. - ile-t ill r jury. t witness 1 to -a--.-- Mielle.th- moiiilc in which his w !' --'h v exhil.it--.! t-- i It. .'losely w.-s the ! r -xa:ii n 1 1 K till 'd today. He t-si f automobile on tl-. Ian pike muri'.e r. the ear f epairig -, on the nieht of the Heat tie He : tatcd that the driver eo' was apparently engage-I in the car, but he he offered t o ass st fused. his proffered aid was r - This was about at the spot whi te the murder oceurr.el, and the testi mony was corroborated by W. R, Sny elor. who uddcel that the woman In the car wore- a tan motor cloak, tli color as the one' w- in by Mrs same P.eat- tie when she was killed. According to the two witnesses passe-d this e-ar about 11:4." o' which was a few moments ' Mrs. lieattie was sliot. Whi-tlu-r Hcuttle will lake- th, th" k, , wit- ness stand in his own behalf, has not as ye t he-e.1 decided. He does not re-lish the idea, saying that it is un necessary, whiie his attorneys ce-n-ti-nd that it itbs.-Iuli'ly essential to his Well'iirc. Mcaiuer Aliev Wnv Kingston, Jamaica, Aug. r.ritish ste-anicr Aliie, wi from here- a week ago for with tlie principal officer lantic Kruit company on n. ported to I e a total wn , Xeuva reef off the ioa,-i guti and it is fcarci . mi . dl ow lvd. I.C(I. : 2i'.. The ', lie'- s.iiii ii I luefi.-l Is cf tiie .-.!-,.:-.!. 1- 1- - k nr. Vi ! I . In IEE CONFESSES TO SLAYING FAMILY L'-.a..seil',i', Imi., Aug. confession to murdering mother ami brother for 26. A full his father, i their money In their home nt P.oonin ille. Wedn -s- : day night, was this afternoon made ' by William Lee, following a day of solitary confinement, according to an announcement by the county author ises here this afternoon. All last night and yesterday after noon, the prisoner had shown signs of weakening under the severe sweat ings to which he was subjected by the officers and he several timers made' conflicting statements. I He tried to convince the officers last night that his father murdered his mother and brother, nfter which he set fire to the house and commit-: ted suicide. The authorities felt convinced all day that thy would be able to wring n confession from the prisoner. Lee Is thirty-one years of age find was to have married Miss Minn Tay lor of Newburg, Ind., last Thursday evening. AllcgtM PaiiH'r it Millionaire. Xew York;, Aug. 26. Dr. Charles Meyers, a recluse who died some time ngo In apparent poverty, was worth over half a million dollars, nnd that amount will be distributed to mem bers of his family this afternoon. MEMBERS HARVESTER NEARLY CAUSES FATALITY Worn About Neck, Catches in i , Machinery, Making a , ' Gaircte ' A bandana handkerchief knotted about his neck for protec tion from the dust was nearly the cause of death to James Ucst. separator ten l- cr on the V. V. Harrah combine yes terday. While engaged in his duties of keeping the machinery In running order, he .was reach ng over a whe-1 when the set screw on the shaft caught in the handkerchief and Im mediately a deadly garrotte was form ed. The man had just time to shout "Whoa" to the string of horse, when the tightening clath rendered him in sensible. ; The horses were ijuiekly stopped but : the wheel continued to revolve for i several moments and eac h revolution ! j drew tighter the strangling band of I cloth. When his fellow wurfc?is had! rescued him from the shall Uest was ! insensible and apparently dead. Every I means of resuscitation was tried hue ! lit was an hour before he showed any! ; signs of life. He w as then placed in j ' an automobile and hurriedly rushed ! 'to Hie city where pr i, t Temple i I was called tj administer to h;m. He I found upon examination that the I spina! cord had been injured produc-' -ofi .i i.u.i:jh s oi me uaiieis ancl leci but he holds hope for an u'.tlmat re- , left i very i u k nd tl imi ise The The haneik-crehief had d blue marking on the thr r. voiviag win-el had also it : . ft ' is il ia th spit- Itc-tiitiis from Pe-errf. ' L'el. T.iun- ' Ariz -wn illto -. 1; A lie. hi- t S no 1 f ,r M- x , t- Ker til" a n troi hies. UERA8S l'u. !o rs in nu-.ioe r- n..ti-d '.it !a .s s" of the plains. "sunfN'iers" . whose reputat'oiir extend ovr a large area, muvtangs to whom bucktiroo' aft.-r buepar -o hav-- how ! in suh nis.s'i.u , ;t; be her-.- f -r the i; n:i.l l'p. Such is Hie eleclaratioii of the i. ii n who an- giv'nij their tinie and a4 ti'ir ion to making P.-n-t'eton's hi-; w ii- .ill uv tl su. c-.-ss and tli-y lata to stibstant tue tbetv-Thirty-eight such ani- have- the statement it. a is of lei-tl lest. the same highest rank have 1 and fully a eloz.-n l order tire nil hut d. ilrcady ion. of tiiiite-ly io lack f th" tos ar- iissured. so that the -re w'l bo of r o'bng, I'ite-hiuu ".ships J plains" v. h-n the itoiind-l'p i rive. i "Teddy ItooseVi'lt" is the ' the latest prize 1-Ueker that nanie e) has been 1 lar... tl.- 'cured and li s owners dei i ; ti -id i no;-. mi : tl T.nilalt I- ii!ieh-ti'il. V I ,1 11. Tind.iP, i hatt -a. in ol lb" '.- el il'l'l-t ors of llle stlflela- l e; Hm-eer, w h ch has in-a -lqua 1 1 illt'f del, 1 '' , Win tol"l etc! c-tei-day V C!-,ari. s F.. V..n Van Pell, who was ari e'S'.i ,1. s Tilldall lltld g-'.'lde-.l h ill IV';,o nee, bi'c tins.' e lm t i liad been ght by Van Pelt's wife tner'y was recorder of the i of honor. Mining Picture Mimic. Indianapolis, Ind.. Aug. 2. Mov ing pictures of a mimic reproduction of the .irre-st and alleged kidnaping to Los Amteles of John J. McNamaha are to be exhibited throughout the country e.nd a company of "picture players" will be brought to this city next IIC'I'K lieiill v. nieiim- m n.;-e- i"i (j V , the drama. rnis was tne announce ment made hero today by James A. Short of Washington, president of the Pulldlng Trade's department of the American Federation of Labor. Mr. Short said exhibition was expected to add fund for the defense James H. McXamara. of the pictures $100,000 to the j of John J. and ' Ilnvi (inn PrmMiiv. Fort Stevens, Ore., Aug. 26. Ten 1,046-pound projertlle-s were fired yesterday by the twelve Inch mortars in full service practice In h-ss than ten rtilnutes. Fight of the shots were hits, which is considered a pheno- iminiil record. j jjtcamer was The target, towed by moving rapidly nt the time. One shot out of ten is held to be n good record as the mortars are fired several miles In the air, nnd un der difficult conditions. Kelward E. Koont-.! and Athena, ,ie- visitors In the wife of city today. IEHIGII VALLEY . ' DEATH LIST Ui mount- io rami Sixteen Undertakers Wotk all Night Many Victims Un ldenined Manchester; X. V., Aug 26. XVitn twenty-five persons, many of them ! unidentified, dead and fifty injured in the hospitals here and at Roches ter, it is believed that 'the Lehigh Valley railroad wreck of yesterday, will result in fiiteen mora deaths, be fore till the injured will have passed the danger mark. The flimsy nature of the construc tion of the day coaches, in which the fatalities occured, are held respon sible for : large number of dead. Six teen undertakers, at this place, work ed all night last night, embalming the bodies of the victims, in a tem porary morgue. In the basement of a furniture store. Coroner Eisell will j n'-t an inquest over the bodies, .U'MIMiU. A list of the identified dead, follows: T. C. Ma iden. Trenton. X. J. E. Pai:;burn, Veteran, F.rooklyn. A. M Hunslcker. Vine-land, Ont. Charles Hick-. Xewark. X. J. K. S. Cuolo, Sottthfield. X. J. Mrs. It. S. fuel-. South field. X. J. Mrs. a E. Zudlck. Buffalo. X. Y. Helen i i ivi'l, adi-'ss unknown. P. .i'ihi'.:-i)!i or Or. Johns. hi. Phil rib loli'a .. (':. veh nd. -Mrs. c. p. johns'T.. Joseph Hiekly. addre-s unknown. 1 avi I r t, v -t-ran. Los ie-r.ry i'oe-k'-r. l-raU'-man I H'.-l'i-e-l-ive r.nil the Cim ; .'ib.-. ny. X. Y.. Ail-. 2. -An in-! :-pe(t:-n e.; tin- Manchester pass -nev . o i the L-'tiii Valley railroad. bv t'-i. ;.-i')l!c we-e-vice. e-myn!.0n. war- : 'i:-'-i by ofieinl r-.-port today i '!:i : .1- -. tive raii was the- cause of i i a - ff iai:- say that end eight more more are sr- te -1 - . lie -uly injured. Hi s iit'tne ,- than horse fl. 1 :s no is th's -!i. It m.-re piece lifHcuit to vo ot .n.stri p- l ails from the 'a n ires 'r-!'--d l d.r. .- . '!'. lie bll -H-i-:. r of I'll j t!ie bes t-i St! ! iinty wher" lie has i lu-ho buster - in that i !Vs back and stick, j o'. ri.-r and. as John i o.l I. - li f the best stickers 'n situ ss when lib "I si If. In- knows he sees it. iti has 'one ot lends br mr'nt. r "outlaws" that itnl a'. so "Little among huck-ng -f Wa'.la Walla, eals Pros., of tin- r.!n-p n I ' 1" -1 II I It - ' I i e i" e ii others, the S -II P;.V" f -cr 111 are a nii-uV-r -. v -s wh: it have lii'Ti- or.- ihre e has t el tla IV ti't i t 'lal'.y i i ' ; l Fee" have bad ; re and then otln rs in ones oi signed. Fi- ii'-w owned by o.-bui,,! and "liaiis oi ui'rst'':.i. uiin ills. Light t'.i. it lit:, r." a i thetr .1 ulge w iioni ! lillll- ork. !' ' : re s. .li n. tutu yi .r in s Wiiiiam K Aunis , I' - "'''li ' 'I'V lle.-l e. I Ming ti in- t V. ile. Claudia L. Hai in t: Court suit name. l;i'".,ki n e .-ti rdr uin-oi.t! st, !. A'-.r.i-l-o-respoiia- 111. Tile The ". ini " of the awarde, St., of Captain fare . ellains i to Conei-ai eVashingloi!. ITuins. ch.ldren Peter c. 11. litis. fati-e-r Will right Xvaiti. Chicago. Aug. 26.---i ".tling X' is former lightweight ch -.pion. ye st day signed nvtich-s calling for linv.. !2-roun.l battles to be staged during 'September nnd early October the Armory A. A. of Huston. be'fore i .cison I postponed Ills fiirh t planned wlib Lew ., - .- ., . ii'e-n Hemic uie e-ti '. ra nielli o ciui). instead he meets Tommy Xixon. Sept. 11 at Huston and two weeks later will take on Young Saylor, the Indianapo lis lightweight. He later will fight Matlv liildwiti. MOTH Kit SAVES CHILD AXI I'Al.I.S IMH'I! AI TO j Taeoma, Wash To save her ln- fant daughter, who had run directly Into the path of a big automobile. Mrs. L. Marlagliati. of Eatonville. jumped in front of the car. Se-eing it was too late to throw the child nside. she instinctively wheeleel around so that her body protected the little g'rl. he car struck her with groat force, hurling both her and the child into the stree-t. Mrs. Marlagli ati was so severely bruised that she was taken to the hospital. The child escaped with minor bruises. XV. ol-.l S. Ibisi' came M e-aoham. down last night RAILROADS PDEPAK FOR GENERAL WESTERN STRIKE T RECEDES Matter of Giganic Industrial Siruggls Hinges on Conference of Nation's Two Controlling Elements in San Francisco Next Week. Xew Vurk, Aug. 26. Preparing for a general strike of railroad shopmen, involving not only the Harriman sys tem, but practically every big west ern railroad system, officials of rail road maintaining offices in this city are reported to be formulating a plan to crush the "System of Federation" of railroad employes, before it extends to the operating forces of the various railroads. Arrangements have been completed with employment agencies, to furnish large numbers of strike-breakers, on UL li EFFIGY Fivf Thousand Angr Citizens D nriunct. Ferierai Juris as 1 oG! ot Corporation .-e.-ifle. Wash . Aug. 2;. nen-juno-e-i! at a mass m.-etintr that was attend ee! by more than f've th uis.md citi zens, and iate-r hana.-d in e-ff:gv, a" an arc.! el.-, liiy of til minion people and a too! oi i... rp,. rations. Federal Ju-lg- Hanford todtty is the center of a civic storm and object of a dem- oiw v.-it.-. atioti 'U! par; t i-.-i.- ti.ity that :s almost ti the ii'st-iry of the lie northwest, tug was held last - Dreamland skating taxed to its utmost crowd, which was "'f citisens of the he hanging of the st.lies The night ol till mass at the I-'ae tile-. lavu. I rink wh I capacity i was y tile lostlc 1-ev. made up I !a i nie r ir.a pubii of the square il.-mon judge to.'k place in a ! ration was the out- I grow t, I i -! b- tlie fight that has been wa-pi-ople of Hainit-r valley, the Seiittli'-lti'iiton ami lilectric ra.l.vav companv, . th at ; 1 1 1 s S outm-ru hi which the jie-ople and patrons nfi ce. rs have fought for the ompany's c; street car transf res. from the inter- ; -i' "f the city street urban lire itir sysn-iii. fare i f five i:;is iviused JUdu'e J'.- t a. the ym Mil of a .-mpany :ts had a r:-- atrons. St re tiling ; r.ihiba or r iu s-.ipr. st- tu-.' : ni: t ic- r: t oc Ti.- .Oil and the Was sill' cm nci That Hr. X T P ittou of Portland ho was arresteal art of the week he-re during the f--re f.-r passing a bogus k ..li the T.illman Drug company. has had previous exper'eiuv in fraud ulent practices Is attested by a letter received this morning by Chief of Police Tob li. Gurdaiie from Dr. Charles XV. Sheppard, aiso of Port land. Dr. stheppard states that he passed one bad check in the metropo lis and is now out on his good be havior. The letter follows: Police Department. i Dear Sirs: From the Oregon Jour- 1 nal of August 22. it appears that W. T. Pat ton is in jail for passing had checks. He has been up here for one bad check which he managed to set tle and is now out on "his good be havior" under a suspended sentence of six months Charge larceny by , P.ailee warrant sworn to by myself. I H-spectfully, j nn. c xv. s hep pa kd. Mint Employe ltcrincctl. San Francisco. Aug. 26. Orders re ce'ved at the government mint here to retrench w ill result in the discharge I of a large number of employes,, must i of v ho:n w ill be women. j AND WILL MEET UNIONS 1 telegraphic orders, from the railroada in any part of the United States. The first move by the railroad of ficials., it is said, will be to ascertata the leaders of the federation move ment, and discharge them from th service of the companies. KruttM-lmitt Will Confer. Chicagj, 111., Aug. -26. That ex treme radical action will soon begla among r.he thousands of members of the Union employes "federation sys tem," as a direct result of the cota ference that is to be held irf Kansas City next Monday. Is freely expressed here today, by both representative of the L'nions and also people whe are clos-.- to official circles of the various railroads. Those who win take par in the conference, are five men. each a presilent of one of the greatest and strongest labor organi zations in the industrial world. It is greatly feared that the con ference ill result in a strike of all employes of the various branches ot railroad maintainance, of the Harri man Railroad system, and it !s freely predicted that a strike it. this sys tem will soon be followed in- similar action on the part of th federation of employes of other railroad lines. Vice-president end On era I Man ia ger Kruttschnitt of the Harriman j lines. ev!de-ntly realizing the serious ness of the situation which had been given impetus by his rc-nt refusal to treat with ' representatives of the f'-deration. to. lay r- ed-! from his position in a telegram which he sent to one of the prominent labor lead ers, he advised him that he had de-clde-d to grant their request for a conference. He stated that he would be abb.- to meet them for a conference, in San Francisco sometime during next we-.-k. It is believed that the conference will be hel 3 in the Pa cific Coast metroplis r.t-xt Thursday. As a e,-.ut nf tho announcement of Mr. Krtittschmitfs t-l-gr.-.m. Presi dents Fr.mklin, Sullivan nnl Ryan, of the irtertuttional Puilermakers'. Me-tt-l Workers', and Carmen un- (Continued cn pag eight.) noui'Mi x with r.rv makfs ;u;l in-- SLAVE Tillamook, was caused came known lloheminn, v. her Stillwell, the point -f Ko.lad ir-. w rir. Quite a sensation n this ,.jr,- v,-h.-n it be ih.it Frank Gartnek. a nt to the home of Wil nnrth of town, and at 1 1 " 1 1-? Emma ith him to a rooming hou-e in th's city, fired at the hous woman attempted Several sliots were when the young t - tak-" the revol Mrs. Stiliwell hid vrr he r fr. self m th mat she I-,, ar-1 th. Mr ;:' shots, but. .-11 from on the a f shin: to t nvn 1i.iv-. ,n r- el'l-g i'.e k t tti. 'V ! no ;.it. came bin an i the ; . It-n e as ir ! a fib d 1", k-d cliai ge against u ; ' : 1 . if ;-.' him. t tie i.. It;- BAN PLACED ON IEA FR0I1 CHINA Pan Francisco. Cab, the result of the I'ni;. thorities placing a ban China an 1 Egypt, on the Vur. 2 3 . As o tes au on tea from grounds that i- has ben found to mtain olorin th.- I'nitee! prices on that matte-!'. ,n violation o States pure food laws. eomodity took a decided slump in the market here today. The authorities condemned more than sixty thousand pounds here and at the customs house, it is admitted that probably the greater part of China's thirty million pound tea crop will this year be refused admittance to this country. This also applies to the Egypt crop. 'a.uciv ot uii!p o.m.uoi.i Mr. and Mrs. XX'alter Adams today announced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Florence Adams to Mr. John Caulis Sullivan, the wedding- to occur on Sept. 17. Miss Adams Is a well known and popular young lady of the city and secured a wide spread reputation for hors-mtn'.xhlr-last year by lie-r porfarinan e at the Hound - Up The announcement wu tniiilo tio late for appe ar. it: --- in th regular society column.- of tl.i-e pti- per.