t EVENING EDITION EVENING EDITIOI WKATHElt REPORT. Fair tonight and Sat- . urtoy. CalHnc card. w4 1lni xUitoniry. oio merclul stationary .ut. Job printing to iMbt at the East OretfonUa COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL, 24 PENDLETON. OREGON, Rill DAY, Al'CiUST :, s NO. 7300 fl RAPIST MOB Entire Population of Okla homa Town. Take Part in Punishing Fiend. CAlTl'REl) 11 Y NEGROES AXD filVEX TO MOB Infuriated Clti.cns Make Prisoners ()f Authorities Vk-tiiii llcaun t l'ulp by Hrnto Wli TIhmi Attempt to Hum J-r to lK-ath. Purcell, Okla.. Aug. 25. Following Ills crlininul assault on Mrs. Minnie Sprigglns, who he beat almost to death with a piece of gas pipe before satisfying his fiendish desire, after which he placed her on a bed to which he. applied a match, Peter Carter, a negro who was identified by the woman as her assailant, was last night hurmM to death at the stake him in the main street as three thou sand men and women gathered ;.buut and cheered. The v'.cthn of the negro was res cued by her husband who returned home before the bouse was destroyed. .She is not expected to survive. Her face and head were beaten almost to a pulp by the negro and she is other wise mutilated. Carter was captured, by the offi cers nn, I lodged in Jail, but escaped. He was later captured by three mem bers of lii.) r.ue, who turned him over to the mob which had gathered when the news of bis escape was circulated. He ua.s tied t i a telephone pole, brush p"Ied about him and saturated with kerosene, when the match was applied, the flames soon shutting from View the pileously screaming hick. The officers lia.l attempted to paeiiy Hi,, crowd, bin were themselves made prisoiieis by members, and locked house until lifter the be ini'uriuteilf in the court lerro's -'remains had been Inline,! completely up. it l thought that any atuinnt will be tie lli.lli, to ploM-eut,. i,i,y niclllloT of llloli. ch x. E IN JAPAN :m 1 1 i ;mi 1 1" eei-'ecti ve Tokio, Japan, Aug. 25. The change In the premiership of Japan became effective today Count Kat un ra let. ring and Marou's Saionii tak- iiic up the reins of government. He I will iiiiineillatcly reorganize another ca ii'll.-t. It Is not yet known whether Koru inara will remain as foreign secretary, it Is poss'blo that Baron Cchida, now ambassador to Washington, or Count i Kalo, ambassador to Great Britain, may get the job. White Shlvo t'lmrgc. Walla Wal'a, Aug. 25. Accused of white slavery la an information filed by the alleged victim herself, W. E. I'.ishop who tormcrly resided in th: city, but who ,,l late has been liVMlg J In Baker CM t y. was arrested yesterday b., I'li'i! of I' ei. e Will am Kiley Of; that t-'w:., ii li .1 ,s now being hi'ld there I binding liis i, nioval by l)eiutyi ri.i t.l .-':al. Marshal E. L. Wells, i for trial lithtr 'n Portland, Itoise or: Spokane, as he is said to buy op,-r- ated in three stius in this case. GREEK THREATENS 10 KILL FOREMAN Fpon complaint nf Mrs. Jones that (leorge Argltur. had threatened to kill her U. W. n (Ircek hushaml tion fore- who is ).-V. K. .t X. man nt Thorn Hollow, Deputy Dist rict Attorney V. C. E. Prultt th s morning Issued a warrant for tho ar rest of the man and the officers are now looking for him. From her story it seems that the Greek work ed upon Jones' gang nnd was recently discharged, whereupon he made his threat to kill In view of the recent saloon riot in which Mike Moran, section foreman at Cay use, was almost fatally stabbed by a foreigner on the same kind of a grievance, tho deputy district attor ney did not hestltate in issuing the warrant. Luncheon Abandoned. Vancouver, B. C, Aug 25. Ad miral Togo will not be the guest of the city at a luncheon Sunday as was originally planned. This was de cided by the city council at a meeting following the receipt of many protests against what was termed by some as "Sabbath desecration." The only honor that will be accorded Admiral Togo by official Vancouver will be the presentation-of an address of wel come when ho steps from the train Into Saturday night. 5 B1CEIH Oil IH.C01UPSE: AS Structure With Workers Drcps With Crash to River 60 Feet Below. Roseburg, Ore., Aug. 25. A large bridge over the Umpqua river, 16 1 miles north-west of here, collapsed late j yesterday afternoon, killing five men and Injuring five others. The dead: ! . Vlli:am Helleu, Gary Brown, Wil liam Gardner, Peter McDonald and' Will a m AccUHta. ; Injured: Glen Wilson, Ray Wilson, Henry Van Hynnlng, K. Thornton and 1 Frank Gilliam. j The entire crew was repairing the j the bridge, the main span of which 330 feet long, collapsed, fell 60 feet ; into the deep water of the Umpqua. The cause was defective timber in ' the upper framework. The coroner has started an invest!-; gation to fix the responsibility for the accident. The dead and injured j have been brought to this place. It Is believed that all the Injured will re-' cover. 1 Pie.b Crowded Wiih Human Mass Wi'dly Chpprrar Dar Ki.. Air NYw York Cliy. Avh.tor Harry At. flight ftom St. L this afternoon at x. y.. Aug. i o,.d ( oiupleted his ills to New York, 2:15 o'cloi k, when he passed down North river, opposite Manhattan Island and landed on Cov ernor island In Xew York harbor. Every pier along the water front was Jammed with excited humanity, which had gathered in anticipation of his arrival. H was sighted at a distance several minutes before bis ( arrival and the mass of people im tii diatt ly l.ign'i waving h..ndkor- '(lilefs. throwing up their hats. ind red I che,. rim; the man who has comim long distance, with an air craft, j Ho .sailed along at a height about Kit) feet and after alighting, ! acknowledged the demonstration ! the crowds, by waving his cap, b of he of ing and smiling. He stated that he had intended d go d his safer atlicr Ing down Brondway. but changed mind, as the river looked much in view of the threatening w. conditions. Atwood's trip covered a di.ta'ic- nf 1 I 1.21'el nii'es. one hundred miles above previous world's recol cl Tiilerurliiin Official Arrest I. Seattle. Wash., Aiu. 25 Crawford of the Sea'tle-l U. Southern Kicciric railway, w arrest.., under a law whi. h to m i - a rine of JlOOilrt on any trolle; i-harging a greater far., than '5 In the city lim'ts. The ajr.-st i outgrowth of the fight that h is on between the company and th izens of Uainier valley Ine be.-n cit- Kcti'cllvo Oulwils DotoctiviN. Indianapolis, IniL, Aug 25. The .sheriff office here was notified today ! that- Detective Hosick, who is want le.1 to answer to a eharce of kidnap ing John MoXamnra, had outwitted tin Indiana official who went to Cal ifornia for nlm, but would arrive here shortly, of his own accord. FRANCE'S FINAL ANSWER READY Purls, Franco, Aug. 25. The French cabinet today unanimously ' approved the final note to Germany, which has heen prepared as an ulti matum on the Moroccan situation. i In tho note. Franco expresses her , willingness to concede to Germany, an ! interest in Congo, in return for tho ' recognition of a French protectorate over Morocco, but stands firmly with ' Great Britain against Germany secur ing a foot hold on the west coast of . Africa. I.nngfojil York, Aug. Wins. Xew 25 Sain Lang ford, the Boston heavyweight, knock-! ed out Tony Ross of riltsburg In the sixth round of their scheduled 10-' round bout at tho National Sporting club here last night. ill MOOD LANDS 1 N. Y i SLEW Kill WEDDING EVE i lndiana Man Accused of Mur dering Father. Mother' and Brother Calm TOOK TIME TO HON BEST CLOTHES AS HOUSE RUINED SiisMct Had SMnt Early Part or ' Evening With Sweetheart, Hut Was at Homo While Slaughter Was ; liiB On and Knew Nothing Of It. Evant;vil!e, Ind., Aug. 25. William Lee, the man who Is being held on a charge of having father, mother and in their Bonneville butchered his younger brother, home, which he afterward attempted to destroy by setting' fire to the house, has been re turned here for safekeeping, follow ing the inquest which was held in the town where the crime was commit ted, a few miles from this city. He is today unconcerned about the matter, and says that he is confident j that he will be able to prove that he l deep 'interest in the case and is con ; did not commit the deed. j tlnually taking note-, during the trial. , An interesting feature of the easel Deputy Sheriif Jarrolls, took the is that the accused man was to have s'aiui today and recited the "bearded been married last night to Miss Mina ' n,an" st-;ry which he says Beattie tuid ! Taylor, the daughter of a prominent i llim aft ' the shooting, and describ- i family of New burg, a ne.ghboring ,1,)xv i'eattie ran the machine, in ; town. She was summoned before the i which hi wife was killed, back to the! coroner's jury liuht c:i tile tr. Witnissis at : .roller that I.t but could thro,-.- no Sedy. the ilupiest toij ill" y ha 1 quarreled with li s father bei ill the latter had im; given liiai as mu'h m,.ney as li..: (bought h" should have had in view ' f his approaching marriage. Asked n his cell how it Impelled that he whs fully dressed when he i.-.a from the house to give the alarm. I i.-c answered: "di, tin- first thing I did s-a to put c.-i my clothes an.) r.ct out of tie. i .else last 'cnht 1 vi-du-d my sweet heart, M'.-s .ii:ia Taylor, at Newbury i.iol la'ne h-'ioe late. I kn--w ntli iii).' nul l I awoke and found my room I. ::,, v.i-li smoke." L Vl.Tl dOKK ILL i!-:Mor;:.Ti ;i:t oni: A I ION Washington, am hcrit.n.ve'y fieici-.t ib'mocr: I '.'-n are i.lc it. 1'. C, Aug. 2 Maud today 1 ii nal una' c -d t-i m i!:- c that ihiiu ion of ITaltim- I , f r u. t clioi.al 'oln ,-llt i' II VC ple-.in-- ila.t re I-- I S I nn ,i,,i ; ." era 1 meeting. th oi vein. ci b'd for tin it in l!crr Win: Auto Hue. Elgin, 111., Aug. 25. Donald Hen. driving i National !", today won the 2i3 mile race over '"aal'lcs l!erz, by a margin of 5 seconds, and winning the Illinois trophy cup. His nwrng speed was' 64.4 miles per hour. niow i niN. S.o-rameiito. I'alif.. Aug. crs ware received at the Pacific headiiuartei s here lay off Tiol em pi. .yes in ti dcpartui.-nts. 25. Dr.l Souther: today t . viu'ioii iDUN SAYS HE'S DEAD Sending a fake telegram tilling of his own death and asking for burial expenses is one of the latest methods for getting cash employed by Clifford George, the well known I'matiHa cijunty Indian who was recently par oled from the Idaho penitentiary. Failing in his purpose, the ingenious redskin resorted to his old trick and is now in the hands of Lewis police and is soon to lie sent back to the prison from which he was liberated. Tom Thompson, the well known farmer who is renting George's allot ment of land on the reservation re reived a telegram several days ago from Winchester, Idaho, stating that George had died and asking him to send J35 to pay for a casket and wrappings. The name of James Gor don was signed to the telegram. Thompson was about to send the money when he chanced to encoun- ROUND-UP VISITORS 10 As a grand finale to the throe days' ltound-lp next month, a cowboy street dance has been planned and everyone will bo invited to 'shako their log" in old time square dances and reels. Main street between Wa ter nnd Court will bo roped off after the pavement has been swept clean as a ballroom floor and there will be no traffic through that thoroughfare, Two bands will furnish music for the rolllckers, one to bo stationed at each end of the enclosure. In the mid- block will be a high platform upon BEATTE BECOMES EXCITED BUT IS STILL CONFIDENT Deputy Sheriff Gives Damag ing Testimony Against Wife Slayer Chesterfield Court House, Va., Aug. 25. The taking of testimony in the case of Henry Clay Beattie, Jr., who is on trial for the murder of his young wife,' made fairly good headway today and much interesting and at times exciting testimony has been given by the numerous witness es who have thus far been examined. Beattie still maintains his confiden tial air. His cousin, Paul Beattie, has arriv ed here to take the stand and tell how be purchased the shot gun for his cousin, the defendant, which the state will endeavor to show was the one that was used to kill Mrs. Beattie. The defense expects to break down this testimony. Beattie is himself conducting the defense, although the lawyers are doing the work under his direction. The prisoner has suddenlv shown a scene of the shooting ( ame , -cited during tioii an.! talked voiu1. 1 Beattie be this txa.ui.ia ' to ins altor- neys. la puty .-'ln-riff .iiy'.er, n, xt told of bow he had taken .:o..d h,und- to the spot the day following tile murdtr. lie sai.i t'.uit he found foot prints on the south side of the road. :.t a ,l direct!-.- opposite the snot here '.-i.viiii t'-:.' .' I'c . exi I- .:tlie sai 1 the allegi-d higll tii had stood when he fired in- aulo in which he and Ids wife ri iing. Tills caused a riiiplu r.t i:: tle i m i i a- courtroom . and ation by tne "en se failed t-i t jmony. i nejress, who a cluster of ng i he murder. She identified l.cauio claims a . r is '"' !ie puty Al xan I.t, f'.u: bus !e-!-gu!i in day follow :t wit -i, . ihich Baal ,1c irehas. d f. r Ids cousin, as the ie fo;:n I in ; Vl.i I ilY . -nv f : i" the hushe; - i ll ;c;i 1'M.i. f-i.r. KILLED . Au. 25. Twenty. k'i!" and sixty in i a fli'-'r loft i;i the near here, cdlaps :r..wd into a heaped humanity in a pit ,l- Jiil-c i ! : ; -.I. 'day. w .- , ' .1 illiei w ip th... : .- ,i u.:l'!i,' .'!jl c! Mow. .s ( r ,w Clash 'lile.r to ' i.iju; de l with c ause, I a wor-icin- si. ppers lurid ..nd Hi i-s l-js : ie entrance :-d. '!:-piiM . , 1 1 . i u u .-1 . N :h.-u Adol prei-idt in y foundat'oii. ; i- s t I, . f I'.-lilPUli t 'cri!'ie(. c. Aug. 25 ', Diaz has of Xi.'aragua r - s: -in-! s with known o f;-.- s is 1 r th, WASTS BURIAL "- Wi tcr another Indian named Willi;, who uc dared he had se.-it ilea alive on the day the telegram seni. Thomi cd and to licpu, mimical.' sons suspicions wire a ie turned the telegraii). us ver y Sheriff strand who com 1 with Lewiston and nscer- taiiicd that the telegram was a fake and that G org. w as -till alive A letter received today i - -u the Le Iston sheriff states tl ., George h. 1 passed another bad check in that city mid would be cent back to prison. George was in trouble once hen when he forged the name of Tom Thompson but the latter declined to prosecute him. Later tho Indian went to Lewiston whe.-e he passed four forged checks and was given four years in the penitentiary. He had served two years when ho was pa roled. DANCE ON MAIN STREET which the callers will shout out their "salamon rights" and "do-cc-do's" while tho dancers circle in nnd out and swing 'em on the corner. Masks will bo prohibited so that o,n ,wi....n.!i;.. c .1... . j ,' . , .i , "i nil' element ,., .rowdyism making Its entrance will be avoided. Everybody will be expected to participate in this novel tespsi- jchorean entertainment and tho direc tors of the Uound-Up promise to leave nothing undone to make it n fitting l end to the big northwest frontier col- cbratlon. union MttwariT: AVERT I GENERAL WALKOUT General Manager of Harriman Lines Sas Unions are Radical Decision to bi Reached Monday -Companies Build Barricades, Chicago, 111., Aug. 25. Following the receipt of a communication from the advisory board of the "Feder ation System" of employes of the Harriman lines iuucij, ueciurinz mat tne could no longer prevent a strike ot the federated shopmen. President Kline, of the International Brother hood of blacksmiths and helpers, to day telegraphed to President Lovett of the Harriman lines, in New York asking him to grant representatives of the employes a conference, to avert a general strike. This confer ence had previously been refused by Vice President and General Manager Kruttschnitt. In his telegram President Kline stated to Mr. Lovett that the employes I I DISASTER ji. , IVIemDerS Of Veteran G. A. R. Pacific Coast Amonc Victims Sats am Manchest r X. Y Aug. 2.",. Dash- mg ,,ff late oi dais; a. i 'li tie a tr S).e lak, l.e estle wh:ie going at a high ed and plunging into Can . below, a passenger train hinii VaiK-y railroad this afternoon 1 ass.-ngt r: th.irt v-si?:. arried a il l it ma nv uow n many of ,ts is rep iu-d that f whom were G. A th; II. members, were killed ! more ns are fifty injur,: d. The w 1 In li. Ve, ' V.'as'nin I to '-ton a nr. tin- h. of the ( i, gatioiis icuni'iii. f them, aiif o: nia 'and that attend K s behev- at least, met cd the , ,1 that death. Kaiir, d officials are rushing every the '.-irs av.i..,io!,. nr.i'.se and doctor to scene. Four "f the passenger ; ar' inundated in the water. Twenty-Seven IhKlies lUH-ovemi Kochcster, N. Y.. Aug. 25. At "'t lock bodies wreck tru'n. i this had i ft. noon, twenty-seven removed from the Valley passenger In d' th-. Li 1 ear Malic: esu-r. yet lu ng the . y. as None of the vict ins have t.- , la ib ad til..- I lit If... is pi-ar- a d. The work of fi: grossing verv .-1 buried in th. w .t i StamiiixU' to (.Old All : field. n;.s- .,r;,-d fi- 1 d :'. A her-. i. ay has 1 iscov, 1 y i. a I' Lak ta m pe -, C;c Wild li.it Ida M: t- r: i ; fi'.. was ri. m- ' 1 1. ,s. fall .'in ind :his lg s tram :..is. ... ) Au-.ag l was Dr i ll.'loiM. 11 Is. The 1 Yukon , d ri'.h p i nii'xp. ri :.ioill'd tl ' w ealihy ! her" t. wh. Cl.i - -il 'PS , f th- rai-ro-ui are Wi, P ' --.:!; . f ;'. sta-. machinists having pedc .i'iiu prof, rcgu inary i th,.' , hi .-io::.il men who laid aside their ir occupations to seek tho yol- low metal, ceived todav Tid, graphic reports re indicate that the strike is genuine LA FDLLETTE AGAIN FLAYS PRESIDENT it is Madison, Wis.. Aug. 25. That the principal of popular government by tho maif's, that President Taft feared and not the recall of tho judi ciary which he i've as his reason for vetoing the statehood h'.lls for New Mexico and Arizona, is the charge that is made today by Fnited States Senator l,a Follette, in his journal which has just boon emitted from the press. Senator La Follette charged that President Taft, who was elected by a popular majority of the common people of the Fnited States, was afraid to trust those same common people to rule the'.r own country be yond a certain limit. "President Taft." says the article, "believes In government bv a select few." 38 KLLED IN E be chosen by the road officials. The labor leaders will meet in con ference in Kansas City Monday, u4 would confer with the railroad nfTW ciais. in anv nwti.rn .it.. ; on the nnt.m0 r.r . is believed, hinges the matter of m. walkout. The first scene of the Im pending strike, will in all probability be along the Pacific coast. Vice President Kruttschnitt had conferred with President Kline, 4 refused to recognize the union "fed eration system." He said that the proposition laid before him by Kline was too radical for the company to recognize, or eer ; grant and his statement is taken to indicate that the company may decid 1 to fight instead of granting the de i mands which the federation of shop , men have requested. The demand i were for shorter hours and' a wag ; Increase. I Reports today from the Pacific slope state that Southern Pacific shop men in practically all large center have already token strike '.allots and it is rumored that they have voted to i strike if the comnanv d,.e nnt cede to their demands. It is known that the men on th Southern Pacific, the O.-W. R. & Central Pacific, Oregon Short Line. Houston and Texas Central, San Pe- aio ana .-nit Lake and the Illinol Central are discontented and that on ly a spark is needed to bring on the threatened disturbance. That the railroads are anticipating trouble is seen in the preparation they have heen making recently, by building barricades, reinforced with barbed wire. shout their shop throughout the country. President Kiine said' that 4000 em ployes of the Sunset route of th H.'.r:-:n-an system. had wired for per- in ssi-.r, t-t .strike. He ; so said that th, leaders of f.OOiJ employes of th Cent; :,! Ra.lroad graphed him to 'a the railroad i strike because - aii:ze the fed- -rg:a. had el. use his :i;f:Uen..e w: "' -' ;" -s prevent til. i Ie- r.fUSed tO ! eration. vtri'ic Witliin To Weoks. San Francisco Aug 25. President Kiguin ,.f the I-Vderation ,.f Shop Emi 1- y -s. said ; ' iy that either the Harriman lin.s v'.A r-c"5ii:::, and deal w.th the federation or all shop em ployes w'.ll strike within two weeks. He said tiio strike vote was almost unanimous. He said they will ask the n of fix crft organizations to strike, but .f tliis is not given they w'.li str.ke anyway, unless General .Managi v reeoniti. iriutts.-hiii a. grants them Heady. 25. Harriman marking time -s a-dered ta They 1 : i, -ration's y , .-oin- Porllaml Men Portland Ore., yes h. ' t s . : .' Aug- she v. II n pai.y. Pfl li I New V ir.g a;t c. del, the n'k. Aug. . Th- rosccut- '. in the case seventeen year !i.v.-.:'i:-e Willi : us Hot. 1. cl. i.n . i . by introducii "f Paul Gei old inurclcr .'. kson, at ii.- ease thla g tiie com- til. l.e aftcrn. plete confession of the prisoner, which the bell toy made after having slaic tho aged man in his apartments at the hotel. The boy confessed that he went to the man's room to steal enough mon ey to enable him to bring his mother and sister to Xew York to reside, but insisted that he had no Intention of killing liis victim. Tho attorneys for the defense wili begin their side of the case tomor row, and it is promised that some very sensational developments will mark the progress of the defense, as it Is intimated that several prominent involved. CHINK MAKES SLAVES OF XMl'KICW CITIZENS New nrleaus, Aug. with having kept nine the fishing settlement bar section, as (icons, w.-althy Chinese is nnd today. The Americans. 2" Charged m r i. ans in in n.iratur'a Ju: Le-. i r aires; Iier,. wh ' e- -aped, ar-- s miiarly --av tnat ..th.r wtut -s imprisoned and dor barbarous ire 111,1 le onditions. : k nn- I '1 11