DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, Tl'ISDAY, AUGUST 22, 1911. RIGHT PAUES sck ku.ht WHY ? is this store the cheapest place in Pendleton to 1 8 Diy groceries BECAUSE We own oar own store building and save rent- We buy for cash and discqunt all our bills. We operate our store at a far less expense. It will pay you to call and ret our prices before plac ing your orders for gro cery supplies. Complete Ane of fruits, tansy, staple and green groceries alway on hand. STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY INC. WHERE ALL ARE PLEAS FD. FRANK CGARA. Pre. BERNARD O'GARA, Sox-Truss. Harvesters Newsy Notes of Pendleton A. It. McKwon Klokexl by Ilorso. Report reaches this city that A. B. McEwen, well knodn pioneer mer chant of Athena, was kicked by a horse Sunday and seriously injured but is now past danger. Mr. Otto Hohbai-h Recovers. Mrs. Otto Hohbach, who has been suffering from h nervous breakdown, is sufficiently recovered to leave the care of physician and nurse and this morning w'.th her husband left for Menchanv where she will recuperate. I Two Inebriates In Court. Two more drunks were added this morning to the Inebriates of the early part of the week registered with Po lice Judge Fitz Gerald. Victor Huckle drew a three day sentence in the bastlle while the very common John Doe forfeited bail of five dollars. STATE TREASURER WILL ATTEND FAIR Not only will Governor Oswald West be present at the Morrow-Umatilla county fair next ' month, but State Treasurer Tom B. Kay will also be in attendance as a guest of hon or. This was the announcement made this morning by Secretary Fitz Gerald, who had just received a mes sage from the "watch dog of the treasury." Secretary Fiu Gerald also an nounced this morning that Wednesday of fair week has been officially desig nated as Farmers' Union Day and that F. A. Sykes and Henry Sommerer, active workers in the union, have been appointed to prepare the pro gram for the day. This arrangement disposes nf two of the six days as Tuesday had previously been' chris tened Education Day. The days will take ther names from the nature of the program and the others will be given distinctive titles soon. Teddy Fears Third Term. Pittsburg. Colonel Roosevelt does not want to be boosted for the repub lican presidential nomination in 1912. Writing to A'. P. Moore, publisher of the Pittsburg Leader, the colonel says that he must ask every friend interested in him not to boost. "I should esteem it a genuine calamity if such a movement were undertak en," writes Roosevelt. THANKS TO BEAUTY PARLORS. Lady Duff-Gordon, at a dinner in New Tork, praised the beauty parlor. "It has put back the clock at least IE years for woman," she said. "The woman of 50 today thangs to the beauty parlor, hardly looks 35. In fact, I might almost say that there are no old women any more. "Up to what age can woman still be called young?" a pretty grand mother asked pensively. "No matter what her years," said Lady Duff-Gordon, "a woman' is still young so long as she can make a man jealous." Strand happened along and took in the situation and, al- though he had to strip Wyntt to the skin, he discovered the money. 4 MAN ROBS HIS FRIEND AND GETS IX JAIL After having made his com panion, C. M. Walker of Lewis ton, drunk and relieved him of 1180, J. O. Wyatt fell into the hands of Deputy Sheriff Strand about noon and is now in the county Jail. The two men had stayed over night at one of the hotels and this morning made the rounds of the saloons until Walker was badly intoxicated. He was not so drunk, however, that he did not know he hnd been robbed but he did not sus pect his 'friend.' Deputy YELLOW I T Axsossor Strain Improving. C. P. Strain, assessor and council man is slowly recovering from the attack of cramp colic which seized him in the mountains several weeks ago. He Is able to ride down to his doctor's office each day now and thinks he will be able to resume his duties before long. His illness has reduced his weight about twenty pounds. A POINT TO REMEMBER. William Dean Howells at a tea at Kiitery Point, talked in his wonted briliiant fashion about literature. "Good literature is always con demned on its first appearance," he sa:d. "That is because, being origi nal, it is new and strange. "Shelly's work was bitterly con demned at first. So was Coleridge's. So was Wordsworth's. So was Steph en Crane's." Mr. Howells paused, then added, impressively: "Stones are only thrown at those trees which are heavy with fruit." A Correction. It was stated in these columns sev eral days ago that W. A. Snedegar, formerly manager of the Owl Tea House, had been compelled to resign owing to the death of his wife's fath er at Tillamook. The story should have rea 1 "owing to the death of his wife's mother" which occured some time ago. Mr. Snedengar's father was here a short time ago and has a num ber of friends here who were sur prised to hear of his reported death. SQUAW MAKES GIRL WALK STREETS NUDE PENDLETON'S Cleanest and Best GROCERY IX OUR MODEL EASEMENT. PHONE MAIN 17. EvervtLinj: the market affords in fresh fruits and vege tables kept clean and free from flies. Fresh shipment Club, Pineapple and Olive Cheese, iars each .' 25$ .mid-ty Cleanser let 'er buck 3 can - 25$ Tis Pnddinsr, ran 15C and 25$ New Hf-ney Pmt jars 30o; Quart jars 60?; 1-2 tral- l"n jars SI. 15. Norway Sardine, rejrultir 15c jroods, special priw p'r can LO$ T. P. W. Special Mend, the be-t 30 coffee on earth. Peanut Butter, jars 20$ and 35$ Pic-kl -. Olive-, Chow and Mu.-taid packed in jelly glasses -2 rlas?ps - Reeves Funeral Tomorrow. The funeral of Rev. John Reeves will be held at the family residence, SO 7 west Febb street tomorrow mor ning at 11 o'clock. It has not yet been decided whether interment will take place. here of whether the body will be snipped to iveniucKy. une , son arrived last night from Vancouver and another will reach here this eve ning from Seattle, lie had but three grown sons instead of four as reported yesterday. Todd Reeves of Seattle be ing a brother. New York. A 1 Tuscarora Indian maiden who is in the care of the po lice matron here will be sent bock to the Tuscarora Reservation this week to have her troubles settled by her own people. The girl came to the at tention of the police following the re ceipt of several telephone messages from a suburban district saying a young girl was being driven nude through the streets. A motorcycle policeman hurried out and soon located the disturbers, who proved to be three Indians. An aged squaw and a young brave of about 25 years were riding slowly along in wagon, and the girl destitute of 'clothing, was walking along ahead of the horses. The older woman explained she had objected to attentions the young brave, her second husband, had been paying to his stepdaughter and took this method of punishing the girl, in accordance with an old tribal custom. MIKHOIl SHOWS ITIM ROBBER. Householder Tunis and Blazes Away at Fleeing; Intruder. Chester, Pa. When the form of a strange man was reflected in the mir ror hanging in his bedroom, Fred crick Lynch of the western section of the city inlsed his revolver and fired twice at the intruder. Both shots missed the man, who darted through the window, ran across the porch roof and dropped to the ground, get ting away in safety. Lynch was awakened about 1 o'clock by his wife, who informed him that she heard footsteps. Getting his re- vdver. Lynch laid in wait for the in- Tracy Baker W ith Brorkton. truder, whose reflection he saw en Tracv Baker, the Pendleton boy tering the room. who was signed with the Boston Am- T',f' revolver shots aroused tho ericans. U now holdine down the first I nelghbornood and for half an hour sack for Frockton, Mass., having been several armed men searched for t!e traded with Giannini and White, two marauder. of his teammates, for more experi enced players. According to articles in the- Boston Post, Baker is playing a fine game with Brockton, both fielding and batting well, and his friends here believe he will break in to the big league to say before long ags everywhere on everything and each one means a loss to us of cost and profit-but to you it means sin cerity in this great merchandise feat of quickly closing out of business the famous Boston Store. Good crops now garnered and settlement time of the year at hand, all should have a share. Where can the covering needs of man be so fully met and at such a price as here? Not one. Quit Business BOSTON I E Closing Out BODY OF MlTRPF.REI WOMAN IS FOUND IN A CORN FIELD t'ISF.W SHANGHAI A KITTEN. The Peoples Warehouse Win re il Vnis to Trad: Save Your Coupons. Lionnllen Roy Has Log Broken. Imbued with the Round-Up spirit, the 14-year old son of J. T. Lleuallen, well known farmer of Adams, yester day received a broken leg and other injuries when his galloping horse stumbled and threw him onto the hard grond. The accident occurred about 5 o'clock last evening at Mea cham when the unfortunate boy, wjth a' number of hi3 fellows, were doins; wild west stunts with horses and las soes. One of his thighs was broken and he was badly bruised and mash ed. He was brought to his home at Adams last night and the Injuries attended to by Dr. E. O. Parker of this city. Game Protectors Pass Through. It. E. Clanton, master fish warden and George H. Kelly, member of the fish and game commission, passed through Pendleton on the early train this morning er.route to Ontario with a view to dismanteling the hatchery nt that place because of unsatisfactory results from it. They were met at the train l.v K. K. Cranston, chairman of the commission, who was unable j tr join them because of the pressure of duii's !!": ('. However, on their re- urn trip be will join them at Wallowa Men of Torixflo Root Take Jimmy Away as the Official .Mascot. Aheri!.en, Wash. Jimmy," a plain blank kitten horn on Gray's harbor, was shanghaied, by the crew of the torpedo boat destroyer Truxton, and has left on its first ocean cruise as official mascot. Since the loss of "P,o," the vessel's regular mascot, the Truxton has ex perienced nothing but bad luck, and the petty officers were determined to provide a substitute upon the fleet's visit to Gray's lyirbor. "Bo" was swept overboard while the truxton was entering Eureka "harbor. Two Girls Discover Corpse While Driving Victim Was Killed With Rock- Rearing Assassin's Finger Prints. Montevido, Minn. The body of an unidentified woman, with head and face badly mutilated, was found ly ing at the edge of a corn field about five miles east of here by two dau ghters of Hans Peterson, while they were driving along the road. The girls notified the police who say the woman had been murdered. Her skull had been crushed by a huge rock which was found near the body and there was evidence ow a struggle. The rock bore the bloody imprint of a man's hand and a man's foot prints were found nearby. The woman evidently wan a stran ger, as no one has been able to iden tlfy her. Last Saturday a woman ac companied ny a utile gin was seen driving in that neighborhood and Sunday cltcrnoon the horse she was I driving, h'tcbed to a buggy without a driver, appeared at the rarm or uw rencu Erickson. No one has appeared to claim tho horse, no inquiries have been made for a missing woman and the little girl has not been seen since. touch with the situation, 'has Kelsey ever told the Watet1 Commission that the Thorn Hollow spring would be sufficient to supply the city of Pen dleton with water.' "Despite the fact that Engineer Kelsey was employed at heavy expense to advise the board, it becomes ap parent that it has been proceeding in the expenditure of large sums of money without regard for the expert advice for which tt paid." Engineer Kelsey left on the delayed No. 17 for Portland. "The Purest. Butter Known." Over 750 Sets Teaspoons Have Been Given Away The list of names an a'l'lrps-r lia grown so fast we could not keep up with it in our newspaper space. Every name an1 address, together with all the corre spondence, may be K.tn at our main office in Salt Lake. Complete eti- of li-L-A-X-C-H-A-R-I coupons are coming in at the rate of forty a day ; the spoons are sent immediately. When will weet yours? Jensen Creamery Company Pendleton, Oregon Lake where an inspection of the hatOvry at that place will be made. The entire commission is to assemble in pi-ndl-ton on Sept. 13 and will at tiet time- examine the f-ite for a hatchery at flibhon. Supplemental I.Nt Issued. Cincinnati O., Aug 22. A sup plemental list to that of July 20 of Major Tcague players sold to minor league dubs with options to recall on August 20, together with a list of players recnlled by major league clubs under such optional agreements, was given out last night by the National baseball commission. Among the options for the re-purchase of players that have been exer cised are: American league: By Cleveland frornPortland, Ryan, Steel and Peck inpaugh. By New York from Oakland, Abies. By Boston from Sacramento, Thom as. By Detroit from Oakland, Pcrnoll, Seattle Skeels. Thorn Hollow I.le Nailed. (Continued from page one A.MI'SEB AT OWN' EPITAPH. kSifSzl all 1 ? BLANCHARP..? I FIJI l tW aW. Laundry Wairon Kniis Away. "Jim McKay," the blooded young gelding which dray one of Jack Rob inson's laundry wagons, finds tho daily collection of soiled linen very monotonous anil has a way of adding li'.t' excitement to it" sober and : orderly life. Some time ago it tasted ;the joys of a lively spin without per mission or restraint and yesterday when B.-ook Dickson, its driver, was ! collecting laundry nt a house on the ; south hill, It duplicated Its previous ifeat. The usual iron weight had been i attached to its bit and young Dickson, while In the house, heard the efforts of tho animal to free itself from this encumbrance. Together with Charles Meighan, he rushed at the animal and the two strove to check its demonstra tion. Both were upset very neatly and with the U'ss of some skin, and Dick son was dragged for a short distance before he was vanquished. The horse sped down the sidewalk as far as the home of Dr. Hoislngton, tore down a few of the doctor's choice shade trees, and before It was halted at the foot of the hill, it had broken the shafts, gone through its harness and done other damage to the outfit. nent obstacle. With the present reservoir the pressure on the two hills is so slight that practically no fire protection is afforded and if the city should ever extend its residences Into tho Bivermore and Cole additions, it would be impossible to give residents water service nt all The fall from Thorn Hollow is sufficient to raise the water here "0 feet higher than the present reservoir which Is nil tnut Is necessary." The False Story. The statements which were branded as false by Mr. Kelsey were contain ed in the following story published last Thursday: "In bringing condemnation pro ceedings and rushing purchase of the Thorn Hollow 'springs' the three ma jority members of the Water Com mission acted without the ndvlce of Engineer Kelsey, who was brought here at heavy expense to Investigate the situation, It became known today. " 'Never, in all the time that the Thorn Hollow site has been under consideration,' declared a man In close North Beach is the pleasure haunt in this part of the country this summer. Its devo tees rejoice to learn that they can now go and come In a regular schedule, in. dependent of tides. The popular ex cursion bteamer, L J. POTTER leaves Portland, Ash Street dock. DAILY, EXCEPT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 8:80 A. M. SATURDAYS ONLY, 1:00 P. M. Also tho steamer "HASSALO" leav ing Portland daily, except Sunday, at 8:00 P. M. (Saturday at 10:00 P. M.) Reduced Fares Prevail From All Points In the Northwest via the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company Ideal cottage and camp life, a mag nificent beach that Is not surpassed anywhere, genial and beneficial cli mate, and all tho comforts of home without costing any more than if you remained at home. Call on or write to any O.-W. R. & N. agent for complete information; also for copy of our summer book, "Outings in Oregon." Wm. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, O.-W. R . V. Co , Portland. Or Town lights Fire. San Diego, Cal., Aug. 22. The en tire population of Fall Brook, is fight Ing a forest fire which is burning between Fall Brook and Tcnecula, ac cording to reports today. Heavy damage las already resulted. The Templars were suppressed throughout France in 1307 on a charge of sorcery. .Man Coo.cs Home to Deny His Death! and Burial. York, Pa. Arriving at his old homo in Kmlgsvillo, after an absence of about two months, Van Hoops, a blacksmith, about 60 years old, was somewhat surprised to learn that a body had been lying In a West Fair view cemetery under a headstone bearing his name. Some time after Hoops left the vil lage a body was found on the rail road at West Malrview, and a minis ter at that place, who was acquaint ed vitli .: blacksmith, identified It a:i his. U was accordingly buried as such. Hoops says that he was taken sick and spent some time in a hospital at Savannah, Oa., but declares that he came no rearer death than that. i7 X" FIXES FOR SPOONING ARE GRADUATED Santa Monica, Calif. Goo Goo eyes, $1 fine; holding hands, $2; mushy conversation, $3; simple hug, $4; grizzly bear squeeze, $5 or five days; spoony kisses, $10 or ten days; soul kisses, ten days straight. This is the tentative schedule of punishment for beach spooners under considera tion of the city fathers today. It probably will be adopted. Too many bathers is the cause of the perturbation. Famous Painting Stolen. Paris, Aug. 22. The noted paint ing of "Mona Lisa," by Leonard Do Vinci, one of the famous pictures of the world, was stolen from the Lou vre today. The police closed the Louvre this afternoon and succeed ed In finding the frame. 'si'""' v ; . DALE RGTHWELL OPTOMETRIST. EYES EXAMINED, GLASSES FIT TED, LENSES DUPLICATED AND FRAMES REPAIRED.. With W. E. HANSCOM THE JEWELER. PENDLETON. Get There Quick Tlione Bed 3961 for the AUTO CAB Twonty-five cent fares to any part of the city. Special rates for out of town trips. BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. Stand at 6U Main St Pendleton Dye Works " CUT PRJCES FOR AUG. LADIES' SUITS CLEAN BD AND PRESSED $!l.0 LADIES SUITS PRESSED $1.0 MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED 2.M MEN'S SUITS PRESSED 780 Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to-date method. Phone Main 19. 206 1-1 E. Alt. THE CASH MARKET IS THE BUSIEST PLACE I N TOWN WHY? Becauoe people get better goods, better service ana better weight than any other place in town and you'll find our prices cheaper !L?'CASH MARKET Cor. E. Court and Johnson Bts. Phone Main 101