PAGE THRXM OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o ' VmOttKO 1 '1 1 BEC"R Mj M aver & Co CO. JJ1 -J" tf ClUCAGO tjy o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOCOOOOOClOfJGCOCOOf50 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o are sole agents for the celebrated Becker, Boys' All-Wool Clothing. This tig Chicago house are past masters in the art of young men's and little fellows' clothes maHnft this vai4 Air ftnprializina the ' Graduate . "Vick- ing" and "Wooley Boy," The "Graduate" clothes for young men are recognized as supreme in style, service and tailored excellence. The "Vicking" is inexpensive, yet distinctive and du rable, they are the clothes of satisfaction for those of modest income. "Wooley Boy" for ages 6 to 1 7, the greatest value-giving boys clothes ever designed. It is the product of experienced craftsmen, whose ability spell genius and workmanship ranks as art. All-wool, mannish, wear-resisting, the suit for the rough and rea,dy chap: Fit your boy now for school which starts in Pendleton the week following the Big Round-Up. To every purchaser of "Graduate "Vicking" or "Wooley Boy" clothes we will give a handsome watch and baseball fob FkEE. No additional price has been put on these garments, as we do not do business that way. This offer is made solely as an inducement for your good will, and to introduce vou to the merits of this great line of clothing. See Window Display for Suits and Watches. THE PROGRESSIVE STORE METHODIST MEET Spokane, Wash, Aug. 22. When the iisth annual session of the Co lumbia ltlver conference of the Meth odist Episi opal church convenes in First church, Spokane, tho morning of August li'J. then? will In? in attend ance more than 3:!0 ministers nr. 1 laymen from points In Washington, Oregon iind Iilaho and prominent representatives from other parts of the country. lilsliop Charles W. .Smith or l'ortlanil, will preside. The conferen.'e will close on September 4 with the announcement of ap pointments for the coming year. The principal speakers announced at the several sessions are Hev. Jo seph H. MiKley. New York; Hev. Charles I J. Allen. Denver: Mrs. May Leonard. Woodruff, New York; Hev. Ward l'l.ttt. Philadelphia; Hev. Dr. J. T. Vll:-on, Chicago; Kcv. A. W. Leonard. Seattle; Roy. Dr. Edgar Wake, Chicago; Rev. Dr. V. H. II. Reese. Everett. Wash.; Key. Dr. Fletcher Human, president of Wil lamette i'niverslty, Salem, Ore.: Rev. Dr. J V4, Zeller, president of Uni versity f I'ugot Sound, Taeoma; Hev. ,1. ('. Korkman, Waverly. Wash., nnd i i v . M. D. Sanders, Wenatcher, who will preaeli tho annual mission ary sermon on September 3. It is "expected that the usual num ber of changes will be made by Bish op Smith and his t abbo t, which i conipos. d of the following: Rev. Dr. Amos. A. Luce, Spokane, distiict su perintendent of the Coeur d'Alenc district; Hev Dr. Charles E. Gibson. Spokane, district superintendent of tho Spokane district; Rev. Walton Skipworlh. Portland, district super intendent of The Dalles district; Kev. O. W. Mlntzer, Wenatrhce. district superintendent of the Columbia dis trict. Mil l Rev. Gabriel Kykes, Walla Walla, district superintendent o,f the Walla Walla district. The eon;rict for a third vattieship was awarded to private works at Xi l olciv under the technical d.rection i f Viekers Sons ,6 Maxim. Tho cost will be J!i,r.7.",!MHi. Tile battle-ships w.l! be of 22.00H tons and carry 13, l-'-inch puns. ' Six submarines to cost SSOO.min , will be built by Baltic firms. The contracts for nine torpedo boat dc-' stroycrs were given, four to the Nik laov works and the others to Baltic Inns. The destroyers will cost $1 t'Oii.inin each. The keels of the bat tleships will he laid at Xikolaov next : i ictober. MISSING I.Ol IS ll.M.L rOlNI): I'MIAKMlil) :i k I.-y raiiC Sac- If you sit in a cnnl draft when you are heated and fret a stiff nerk or Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy has as a rule be cured by a s'ngle dose of Chamberlain's Colic. Chole.a nnd no superior for bowel complaints. For sale by all dealers. stkix ki;" i.osr.s siio.tmo. im'ssia bias tiiimii: warships. Six Submarines nnil Nino Torpedo Iloni Destroyers Also Contract'll l'or. St. Petersburg. The cabinet awarded the eontracts for two battle ships tn be added to the Black Sea fleet to the Ivanoff shipbuilding c -m-pany, a combine of six Ku-sian .in ( allurgioal machine works. The work will be done under the direction of the English f'rm r John Brown k Co. Kach ship will cost $!,77 1 ,'b!:t. with $1.:H7.i46 extra for armour and guns. Holy of Alh'.ntif City Gambling' Game Told ill Divorce Suit. Nc.v York. The story of an Atlan tic City gambling game in which an unnamed '-steel kins;" lost JM'Uhmi in one lump, is told by Mrs. Anna IVUs in connection with her suit hero against her husband, Louis I. licit!-, for a separation and $25.1)00 a year alimony. The statement Is made by triends of Mrs. Holts that the man who lost the M 40.000 is assisting the district attorney at Atlantic City in efforts to eliminate gamblers from the resort. This man charges that he was robbed of the JMO.OnO by clcc .lowers which m inipu ale.i a i-oaKtte wheel. Mr;;. IJetts ;(ys in her suit that her husband o.vns pro;-i :y ;n New York, K:chnvtul. a., ami Florbl.i. S'.ie estimaies h s .mom,- at M0".ono ;i year. ,iii Seckine Wotli in r.t: Disitui-s- of (ilncx !-i PciietiMtiHl. Sacramento. That Miss Lois Hall, the missing Kerkeloy girl, who was found in Sacramenta had led a quiet, industrious life in her stay here, is the assertion of Mrs. S. W. Holland, proprietor of a lodging-house at 717 ,-treei. where the girl had a room. 'Ye knew her as Lois Haley," the "she was in her room t!:ne an.; -it bed every 'ci-'ck She looked for i v. rv dav and seemed position as steno- man --.aid -t Of f-,, any men call e entirely un- emjeoyment .uie o ..-till.., a e.i apher. "Slie never received f i s anil si emed to ! aciiuainted here. "We uotiod'tle ,,t!u r day that the picture in the papers of Louis Hall looked like Iter, so we asked her is she was r.ot the missing: girl. Hi t J'iU'i1 colored up and we knew ho was. "We 'old her she would better go hoir.e nr ( she promised she would." 11 would have been found to ihe jedie. . vie., assl.-t- t .'. D-t -Civ. Vo.,Js of the iierl.-- i'. hi'd it no! been for lb" o:-rel smu-v.s . a pos'.o T:cc el. ik. Mi leer Pendleton . THE BE Quality-quality first, last and all the time is the watchword in the produc tion of City Brewery Beer You do not find it lacking in that "life" so necessary. to pive it the required zest You assist in providing employment for home labor, build ing up your home city and supporting institutions that place money in circulation here, when you buy home products in preference to those that are shipped in. When you drink beer, insist on City Beer on draught at tho following places : BILLY'S PLACE, OPERA BAR, W. J. Bogart, Prop. Anton Kraft, Prop. BREWERY DEPOT, STATE SALOON, Paul Tlemmelgarn, Prop. IT. J. Latourelle, Prop. THE CRESCENT SALOON, J. H. Taylor, Prop. A wel, known Drs Mailtos woman 'after suffering miseraie.y lor two days from b wel comvlaint. was cured by one .lose of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Uemody. for sale bv all dealers. 11 ll'iMl!'.- D-t 'eh".r ej-rel ' A d ' "y ' tn- v.i:. I r:'ice f.c her. Wlvn lead of r.otifyio- r,1: T: ae.'oinii; g i- tova. t1'.. . r t.. ..-. I cway. vc Y..,.ds v.: nd K s iect- MX. h.-r md to ik II. 1. ia- mi i in allowed A lovt les ps'-n,. with i marriage is like chn in itio fizz all out of it. I'cicct : Velltll came a! disguise the girl '! e her wh Ping. Slie told him letters home to where she was. el c standing at en Miss Hall She Wove gpi-ses to but WVo !s recognized had little trouble to in neeompany him to the her 'collier was stop- she let had written two her family know DC ST OP THAT DANDRUF before it kills your hair. You know dandruff is a germ disease and it leads slowly and surely to baldness and there is only one way to cure dandruff and that is to kill the germ that causes the trouble. I Greasy salves will never do this. , ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP kill the germ and are guaranteed to cure dandruff, itching scalp and all other germ dis eases of the skin and scalp. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP, are the true scientific remedies for these af flictions. To show our faith In ZE MO and ZEMO SOAP we have in structed the druggists selling them to refund your money if you are not satisfied with the results from the very first bottle and the first cake of soap. Ve can afford to make this offer because one bottle of Zemo and one cake of soap are sufficient o show their healing qualities and if used ac cording to directions, they will effect a permanent cure. Sold by druggists everywhere and in Pendleton by Pendleton Drnt; Co. Sadow- complexion comes from bd iou impurities in the blood and the faulf lies with tho liver and bowels: they are torpid. The medicine that civos results In such enses s HER RIXE. It Is a fine liver stimulant and bowel regulator. Price 50c. Sold by A C. Koeppen & Brothers. Pees can't talk but they often get hack at once with a stinging retort. :le hai.y t.i remind her of her life in the big city. 2. "American Field Artillery Ma neuvers" Pathe. An excellent re product on of the movements of a fid. I battery :n drill is presented 'm tlrs film. It is a picture which arouses the pride of Americans every where. lt brings to hem some indi cation of w hat their army is doing and never fails to please. 3. '.Tommy, the Cancas-er." Es sanay. The story of an irrepressible saksman, nnd he sure and see how he hold three books to Mr. I. Am Easy. Tho film just bubbles over with fun. 4. "Tho Spender Family." Essanay. They endeavor to escape their cred itors, but only get deeper into debt. Heads of lare families will appre ciate this farcical character sketch. H is very amusing. 5. "Jimmie Wears a Crown." Gau lnont. A mysterious boy child left at a i r man's hut wears half of a medal about lvs neck. Years later nob em. ii se arch for heir to throne i ictitify J ramie by other half of med al a lac kins lie soon tires of curt cl'iiuctto and p inp, ihsvrts the, pal ate, returns to foster parents and is happy once attain. I!. "An Aeroplane Disaster." C. .tu nc i.;. Tiie fatal flight was made ;ay 1. 1 ;. i I near Paris. The fallias ef tile ;,oropi;;n.;. is vivaily shown. T. "s'.absi s." Kaietil. A stoic of a good luarie.l Indian. J. in Hi.ii. lam h iiAer, is jealous of i..-rd Vertane's ail. litcn to N'.iilcy Etiur "ul'o. tiie inline ou in r of X. II. ranch, l.erd Vcrlartc s 'Os security f.,r tae louses sei tired by S'a'.shU to visit his s el-, papo .se Jim, belli v. m; tii.ti Vcrliiii.. has won Xam y's ! vi ilcri.les t .(::'. I:' j .'t tv.t.l so a'! h.-r by '.'ittr. The la i luorning J.m liaves. After ivce.ving his note, Nancy rides attcr Jim to explain but becomes con-lu.-id regarding the direction he lias gone and takes the wrong tra.l, lead ing to the desert. Slabsides fimls Jim and Nancy in the desert and goes for a'.d, but his arrival in town is hold for failing to "eturn the horse ho had borrowed and is shot as a horse thief while trying to escape. Mi.-s Tabathia going away to visit her sister warns her neice Xellie to look out for the mean old bachelor next door. Well you can imagine how this ends, It is well worth seeing. "Lost and Won." Selig. This love story has a very Interesting back ground, and its chief feature Ls an oil well in the a'ifornia fields a gusher of surprising volume. . Besides there are one .r two very humorous scenes or "behind the scenes" in a moving picture studio. A poor young man cues a rich man's laughter. The rich man Interferes and the poor man leesrs hl j ih, goes west, anil becomes ti rich oil magnate. The right man loses bis fortune nnd his daughter gets a job as a motion picture actress. They find each other again by seeing her picture In a moving picture show. "Elephant Hunting In Victoria XyatiC.i." scenic. Max's Divorce Case," Pathe. Thl? film should be seen to he appreciated. XeSfo t hi I on,!, e.ipte ATM PICTURE SHOWS Orplieum. Interesting program for Tuesday's change: 1. "Blue Wing nnd the Violinist." American Pathe. A lone trapper, who finds his only solace in music of his violin, is captured by the Indians, but, as always, "Music charms the savage breast," and finally the musi cian goes back to civilization with Blue Wing, the bcll of the tribe. Civilization, however, does not bring happiness and shortly Blue Wing is on her way back to the tribe with nothing but a broken heart and a lit- Tho lMstime. The House of Quality. A program of Interest for Tuesday's change. "The Younger Brother." Edison drama. A story of great, though (tuiet iframutie strength. The elder brother endeavors to shield the young er from punishment and disgrace caused by gambling debts, although to do so means wrecking his own life. His self sacrifice is however discovered and the younger brother is given a chance to start fresh. The love story connected with it adds in terest. "Over the Garden Wall," Kalem. A comedy with a pleasing ending. Miss Alice Joyce and Mr. Calyle Blackwell are seen at their best in this laugh lable skit. Carl receives an invitation from his ojd bachctor uncle to come and make his home at the uncle's country plnee while he is away on a visit. Ho warns him against the J cranky old maid who lives next door. The Cosy. For Monday and Tuesday. A pic ture of military life, a fine Indian drama, ard two stories of real human "llterct-t "In the Commissioned Ranks" Tic c.tpt. tia's wit,, i f; ii sick nd cent t a hall with the cd Thc child efe-.v- worse :r.d the i and his v t'.. were summoned. but arrived too late as the iitf'.e on.; a;is doa.1 Kur'oiis with anger the cap; tin ass nited the co'.on.el and w is place, ttt. j arrest, and the w i:"e pro-par- d to ' ;vv the fort. Th-- captain u -.s i:t under i of soldiers to . !t s w.fe and ibvlde their belong insts. but while d vid'.ng the i,loth r.-t and ;;. ' their little lost child all th- ir anirer and bitterness melted in the f! ..;' memories of the past. "S Ivor Wing's Dream." B son. No palefaees in thus one. all Indian The Indian maid's lover while bravely fighting in battle fell wounded and was left for dead, but in a dream Silver W'.ng saw hi malive and she brought him to camp. A very inter esting feature in this picture is the wedding ceremony. "The Golden Rule." Reliance A charming story of the home, filled with pathos nnd tenderness. The w:fe was kissed against her will by her huhand's friend, and their little child, finding a camera ran out and snapped it just in time to catch the pair embracing. The husband on de veloping the picture was fur.ous and refusing to listen to explanations, drove his wife away. That night his baby in saying her prayers lisped: "God bless my mamma and bring her back to me." He was filled with re morse and when his wife came in and knelt by his side he listened to her story and believed her. "For the Queen's Honor." Imp. A story of love, intrigue and noble self-sacrifice. The queen was learn ing to care too much for one of her courtiers and he rsister took her place and saved her. The king commanded them to be married but the girl loved another courtier. However, the vil lain was enough of a man to s.vcrifict; himself so all ended well