DAILY EAST OKEGOMAX, PESDIiETOX, OHEGOX, TI ESDAY, Al'Gl'ST 22, 1911. , PAGE FOUR EIGHT PAGES OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI00000000009000000000000000000000000000000000QOOOOO l BEGINNING AT 8:30 SHARP I WEDNESDA Y MORNING o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o We will sell 135 Pieces of Calico, 10 yds. to each piece, for only 2 Sc. 111 w PA" f(ff wmfmnaMmKfawammBmmmmsmaatmammmmBmmmmm txmt Lil,ji umaj. wsuuB!w?-Ttimxxj mi i 1 1 i m m mi whim n n in rrh mp This is all this season's new patterns, best quality Calico ...WE WILL SELL ONLY ONE PIECE TO EACH CUSTOMER. o o 0 0 0 o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 Sale starts at 8:30 sharp. Ycu must be on hand when the sale begins or you'll be disappointed, August CLEAN-UP PRICES on All SUMMER GOODS. PIE WAR EHOUSE Save Your Coupons Where it Pays to Trade ooooooooooooooooooooooeoooooooioooooo&eoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'D a (V J Oi Hit band is said to be working. Neither the man nor the boy was hurt. NORTHWEST t Attorney Is Fined. Dayton.. Wash. Before Justice R.' A. Stanford, Attorney Hardy E. Hamm or this city was fined $1 and costs for using language provocative of an assault towards Sher:ff E. Da Tis. The offense occurred on July 13. NEWS NOTES FROM WESTON AND VICINITY Pearl Keim Is Hurt. ! Adrian, Wash. While Thomas Kemp and his sister. Miss Pearl Kemp i were returning home from Adrian late the horses ran away and threw them : out. Mr. Kemp struck on his head and the wheels passed over his body. I (Special Correspondence.) injuring him severely. One of the j Weston, Ore, Aug. 22. Miss Ag horses kicked Miss Kemp in the nes McKenzle has returned from a chest. Miss Kemp is a teacher In the j visit to relatives in Seattle. Spokane public schools and may not Mr. Eearle' Lieuallen has returned be able to assume her duties in Sep- ' from Lexington, where he spent the tember on account of the accident. summer. Miss Anna May, Gibbon, is visiting Thompson, of with friends in Driven Out By Bears. Kalispell, Mont. Bears are so umerous in Glacier park this season that several camping parties have been greatly annoyed by the depre dations. One party broke camp last week en account of the numerous bears and the rule that forbids the tarrying of weapons with which to drive' them away. Killed on Track Xeur Ontario Ontario. Ore. Westbound train No. I Weston 5 on the Oregon Short Line hit and! Ethel and Tommy Lane of Walla killed Elmer Crosswhite, a young man Walla are visiting with their grand from the Idaho bench, southeast of , mother, Mrs. A. Kinnear. Xyssa, Ore. He was crossing the rail- Robert Reynolds went to Walla mad bridge on the Snake, just east!Wal" -Sunday to vfcit her brother; of Nvssa. His bodv was nicked ud otis- whj 111 wlth typhoid fever. by the trainmen and brought to On tario, where G. L. King, county dep S. T. Gore of Walla Walla, was a I business visitor in Weston Thursday uty, and a coroner's jury ascertained j an1 'r . . , , , , h's name and got into communlca- A. U MeGrew of Portland Is in New Hospital at Ontario. Ontario. Ore. Erection of the $30, 0 ft Catholic hospital at Ontario will begin next month, the removal of the dwelling now occupying the site having begun. Plyans for a hand m; building has been completed by Architect Arthur Elliott of this place Contractor.-' bids will be received this v.. . k ar.! it is expected th.it ac-to-i: "r.u ' :::z a 1! t.n-'-'in alrii'st inline-d.:-t -!y . tion with Nyssa. COYFKXMF.XT WAXTS MALE STEXOGKAPIIERS a brother who lived near "-'in "'"g '"' in terests in this vicinity. Charles Pierce and family of Los Angeles, who have been in Weston for the past month, leave toddy for Hot Lake, to visit Mr. Pierce's brother, Walter PUrce. After n f-w days vis it at Hot Ijikn they will return to their home in Los Angeles. Mrs. Charles Crawford and chil dren left Monday fur a vilt with rel atives in Perry, Oklahoma. Miss Ethel sinoi k of Herd nnl Haw lev mountain visited with friends should have a daughter way out here he wasn't different from other men was he?" exclaimed Mrs. Emma Elizabeth Hlller, when asked as to her statement that she Is a daughter of England's late monarch. Mrs. Miller accompanied by an orphan girl, and her husband, whom- she married at The Dalles, Ore., this spring came to Walla Walla from Milton, Ore., July 4, ind has since lived in poverty here, while her husband, who Is a blacksmith, has vainly sought work. At last, nearly overcome with humil iation and hunger, Mrs. Miller, who states she has lectured on many plat forms In the large cities of the United States, decided to give a lecture to raise a little money for necessities and to secure enough to take her and her family on their way to England, whither she is wending her way In the hope of proving her identity and entering Into her share ot the king's fortune. FORCED TO FIGHT FIRE. I USE YOLCA.NUC ASH TO BALLAST TRACK HATCHED MARCH 20, LAY AI'G. 12 X. kin;; it ,i t r - I'. . . 'o r-t'i . ; Y ; V. I Ihi ir f .. d eu:: Ills ' in M i Health Board Hamcrcxl. Vak ma, Wah. The health nt jost in a test eas-.- brought r,i r i..f property to main- toilet.s J. F. Kaufman, t. !';! rty at 116 Second ave- rreutid on complaint .t : L-f the li'-alth depart - ..m-, liy Justice of the I.-. Hun: on the ground that . " pons, ho . , ,t tile own :.. 'Jit .in'rir ai.iti'rv eond:- id ,"Leae": He l eft. :o'i. W':"ll i!e. a use ilis it he Ind b-en married ;M l.iin In IH'iT that she ". ni l le.-ive ;t r and never cry A. Joslin of North k lier h r work, -tt .. 'n- Milford, X. H.. and for divorce In Yakima '! t otnpliiint he declares ;ess to deed to her a lot -.aiued at $WH). The Un ted States civil serv ce com mission announces- that it has been unable to supply the demand for male stenographers and typewriters in the service of the government of he United States. Young men who nr.. willine- t.i :ieeenr ;in entrance sal- . in uestoii lasi weeK. Mr. Robert .Taniieson ary of 5 n 4 o 10 $;mju pep year nave ex-j ei ll.'nt opportunity for appointment1 and advancement. The government s riee offers a des'rald- filed to i r'tt.ii and a nil.itious youitr men. Ap-. po'n'tneni in ti ' . ;, ;t fi'e'iueijily mad,- at JIO'iO to J':-'i')j tier r,ini;!n. Kxa'nin.-tlons wlli be: 1: 1 M in S- pti i.ir an' O- V"V, IS! 1, ', a tal all quallf :' persons, male undj I'.- 1; o.. are urg-d t . apply f'ir and en-i ter tin- enining oxain'riations. I'or ap- j j. In at on blank arid full information address Herhert F. Ward, s.eretaiy, livtitri civil service d.striei, itoom , J. I, post iffiec- liijildli.g, S-.ittle, j Wash. I president of the Weston hunk, wa in Weston last week from Walla Wallsi. Mr. and Mrs. James ("nmplon re t'.irned .-aturday from Walla Walla Mrs. Ralph Kiniiiar lias returned ; rum in ;:.; month': outing nt .!ti I.ula sitioii Mr. Will Jam! f'llej ITllI ', W.VO. In vaea lion of two u 11 k ha.s returned to In larinan's depa rtinenl Cold MIm, ! ,po.. store. White I.euliorns nt Dayton Ki-l u Mark for Otliern. Dayton, Wash. Andrew J. Knight,' manager of a big department of a Id-, cal store In this city, reports what he believes 10 be the hest known record of early laying by this year's pullets pullets. Mr. Knight Is a fancier of the White Leghorn bird, and has 11 lout 15'l young chickens of this va riety. I lis first hatching was on .March 2ti, and on August 12 some of the pullets of the March hatch bei.Mii to lay. This establishes a iccord of laying nt four months and H! days. The ; 'illels are continuing their good uoik by so far laying about every i.tlo r day. Mr. Knt'-'ht has given considerable a'ten'b n !o the ytn ly of difl'evcnt va rieties of fowl, ami is cut h iisi.;:-t ic In hi-- prai-e of the White Leghorn as one the 'most industrious as well as profitable birds Xext in order Mr. Knix-'ht favors the White Orping ton, of uhlch variety be possesses core a number. Revolver I'wil by Ranger That Inva lids in Resort May Bo Saved. Banning, Calif. At the point of a gun Forest Ranger Decker recruited men to flgljt against the forest fire which threatened to cause the death of many Invalid guests' at Fulm Springs resorts. Unable to help themselves, not only vecause of the physical weakness but because of the flames which sur rounded their cottages, It was believ ed that unless aid was extended soon their death would result. There was no railroad by which they could leave the zone of danger and It seemed that escape of tiny kind was Impossible.. The flames remained unconquered at Snow creek, und from there swept onward around Mount San Jucinto. Valuable Indian lands and Irrigation plants were Jeopardized and It was feared that heavy timber In tho Chino and Tuuzuitz canyons would bo oestroyed. In the fight against the flames which was directed by Forest Super visor Marshall, there may have been lives lost already as seven Mexicans who were among those drafted by Pecker by the aid of a revolver, were reported missing. San Francisco. Xear Black Butte, in the Shasta mountains, between tho stations of Weed and SLsson, Califor nia, the Southern Pacific company has uncovered u huge deposit of vol canic ash that has proved unusually fine ballasting material. It was dis covered already broken Into the pro per slbe for ballast and the' company has just completed ballasting that part, of lt line over the Siskiyou mountains with this material. It U 3f a pinkish color, porous, yet has a great deal of weight and Its por ous qualities make it perfect for drainage of the roadbed, that part of the road upon which It Is being used being exceptionally well drained dur ing the rainy seasons. LOAD lilM III, TRAINS WITH MACHIXF.HY i-'oti left .-taturday for . I SIIOYIII OTfll'.ilS BU'K. In the Sacramento,.Culifornia shops of the iouthern Pacific company, there has just been completed a ma chine for loading of gravel upon flat cars from out of the bed of a river. Technically, it would be called a (iu-dger. It consists of the necessary boilers and engines, with a TO foot booni, ami by the ti.se of what Is l.aowii as the clam shell steel bucket., ;.. law being mad successfully in leading ravel lrmn the bed of 11 river in the Sacramento valley. This giavel, taken from underneath (he . itt'T, Is (dean and duMpss and innWis fine ballast, and Is being used on tlii double Hack work of the .-ouLh'.jrn Pacific between Benecla end Sacra mento in Cnliioruia. ARE YOU FREE FROM Headaches, Colds, Indigestion, Pains, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Dizziness? If you are not, the most effective, prompt and pleasant method of getting rid of them is to take, now and then, a desertspoon ful of the ever refreshing and truly beneficial laxative remedy Syruc of Figs and Elixir of Senna, it is ' well Known throughout the world 1 as the best of family laxative rerne ' dies, because it acts so gently and strengthens naturally without irri tating the system in any way. To get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy the genu ine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., bearing the name 1 of the Company, plainly printed oo S the front of every package. MIISSAt.i: CARRIES DKA'l'H. MIU for Ills I'rhlo RCNAWAY i:DS l ATAI.I.Y. ( nr. Man Woman Collide. S; Wash - -Mrs. Skelton of K llJ'Fii.-i av"nue. was slightly iri Jur. d i ' ' t.ight wl.iie on her way to N'a'at'.r' .1.-11 park. She was crossing ti,. .-tie. t a; Pont and Riverside and a companion was carrying her little k. . The nan w as struck by the rear end of a P-A-Y-E c,ir, thrown against the ;o: n. h';ng her in the h"ad ri d knocking hi r to the street. Mrs. r'kelton was taken into Murgittroyd's dru"- sfore. and Inter continued her J.-uiiny to the park, where her hug- Kill Mcr-J-T at Mother's )!j- I jectpm lo ller .Marriage. Cra'nl" city. 111. Mrs. Louis Weis-j cnbeitrer of this tlty sent to tier; (lau'-'hter, Clara Weisen berger, aged ' IT. In Keokuk. Iowa, this telegram:! "If yoj don't give up .lack, never darken .ny door again." j For nnNwer an hour Inter, she re-1 reived th following message; "'lara killed herself by drinking j carbolic ncld after getting your tele- j gram." ' I l'-vlopeil that A. ''.. Henderson, j "Jack," mentioned In the telegram ' ;n . xpri - .man, was a hero in the ac-iwas a bordt r In the eiseiilji rger i ( Ident. He allowed his own team j home. to take fright and dash wildly up the kil li d, in an Mrs. Mii'ide . Scniufoii Dies, and ller liaby Kvportod l Follow. Modesto, Calif. Mrs. Maude E. Scranton. wife of M. L. Scranton, a rancher, who leaped from a runaway j with her four-rnonths-oid baby, died 1 at the Kvans hospital from 'injuries. The baby is till alive, but Dr. Kvans hobls out no hope for Its recovery. It 1 street, where one was effort In save Mrs S'-ran ping her l.orse. 01 by stop- First "anal, which was constructed in F.gypt In 16."5 li. C. was used to transport merchandise from Memphis to the sea. Mrs. Weisciiberg r had wanted her daughter to marry another boarder, as soon us he pot a divorce from his t sent wife, but the girl refused to rj; i-ce to the plan. Claims Royal Itlood. Walla Walla,' Wash. "It Isn't strange, in it, that King KdwarVl Donnelly Cured Only Own INcapc. Wall 1 Walla, V.'esh. That more prisoners did not escape u:ust 14. v hen Mike Donnelly made hl i escape from the Ktafi' penitentiary here. Act ing Wurdc Smith said was one of the surprises, of that- .occasion, now that a full investigation of the cir cumstances has been made. It" has been fouVul by inquiry among the convicts end in other ways that four other men attempted to escape with rlotlllelly. When the CU'ldell 'lllsf t irru brought darkness, in tnidaflernooti, end tbbt Donnelly shook them ofr the ladder hlm.-elf in order that tlvy would not Impede his own f I In 1 1 1. prob ably forestalling a wholesale jail break. KJnco his escape Mike Donnelly in regarded by the remainder of the convicts as a hero, although hi- was not "chummy" with any one, even his own cellmnte, I Read the want ads. "HIGti GR.D" TRAINING PAYS AM) Til AT IS Till: KIM) Till: PEhELETON ;ivi:s to its stcdionts. You make no mlstako by attending this growing institution. We pro vide tha best for our students nnd tiielr success U assured BOOK KKKPINO. SHORTHAND, TY I'EWRlTIM 1, Ll'SIN'KS I'RSCTICE LOOSJ2 LEAK LUDtiKR. OFFICE TRAIXlXf;, BANK I Ni 1, HU.SINESS LAW. f'EN'M AXt'Hir, RAPID OAU'ULATIOX. COMMERCIAL AR ITILM.i3TIC, OR A M M A 15, Sl'ELLIXO. and all business m.bjccf. prnc lically and thoroughly taught. Our eonrs.M ,,re I ho most cxten-lvc, most thorougli and most prntie.il offered in tlio United Stales. Wii Invito tie most searcliln- Invesll ration. This Is your opportunity to fit yourself: at a trifling cost for n lucrative .position. A few months under our careful Instruction will place you on eiptal footing with Stenographers and Bookkeepers that are n--v earning large salaries. Do not wait. Decide now. School opens ;', pt. S. 1011. Phone Black 7B22, or write or prospectus. M. L. CLANCY, II. A. President.