EIGHT PAGES PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OKEGOMAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1011. "OTY? is this store the cheapest place ia Pendleton to buy Groceries BECAUSE We own our own store building and save rent- We buy for cash and discount all out bills. We operate our store at a far less expense. It will pay you to call and get our prices before plac ing your orders lor .gro cery supplies. Complete ilne of fruits, fancy, staple and green groceries alvvay on hand. STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY INC. WHERE ALL ARE PLEAS FD. FRANK CGARA, Pres. - BERNARD CVGARA, Sec-TrvAS. Harvesters Newsy Notes j : of Pendleton Girders Arc All In Place. Workmen yesterday afternoon fin ished putting; in place the last two of tho his steel girders for the Main street bridge and the work will now 1 roceed rapidly. jnll sentences Imposed. John Stump and Carey Hovey paid five dollars apiece for being drunk, John Doe and Richard Roe paid double the amount for disorderly conduct, and Fred Shl gard, who pleaded not guilty to dis orderly conduct yesterday, forfeited his bail. Ed Murphy and Frank Wil liams got three days apiece and M. Madden two days "for being too bibu lous on the streets. " . Hunting Parly leaves Tonight. A hunting party consisting of Frank Griggs, Lou Sutton, Jack Chlldretli and Guy Hays will leave tonight at 11 o'clock by team for Emmigrant Springs where they will shoot grouse tomorrow. l'r'd Crawford Improving. James Crawford of this city has iust received a letter from his sun. Fred Crawford of Los Angeles, who ClouRh. C. II Bcardsley. R V. Mor Wreck Relays Trains. Through a derailment of freight cars at Blalock near Arlington yester day, the Wnlla Walla local and No. 18 from Portland last evening were over five hours late. According to the following dispatch received by Agent T. F. O'Brien, the accident was caused by a broken flange on one of the car wheels: The Dalles, Ore., Aug. 1911. T. F. O'Brien, Pendleton, Ore. Board of inquiry consisting of E. J. THE CASH MARKET IS THE. BUSIEST PLACE I X TOWN WHY? Recause people get better goods, better service and better weight than any other place in town and you'll find our prices cheaper the CASH MARKET Cor. E. Court nud Johnson Sta. Phone Slain 101 CAPTAIN HOWARD SUICIDE. has been seriously ill for the past few months, stating that he is consider ably Improved and gaining in weight. This will be welcome news for his many friends in this city. THEATRE TO OPEN DURING EAIR WEEK IMPROVED PLAYHOUSE TO BE MODERN AXD UP-TO-DATE Manager Mitchell Announces Early Bookings New Scenery Costing Thousand Dollars Begun. and three feet higher than the old which enlargement with an addition al 16x30 scene dock will enable big scenic productions to be accommo dated here. Jack Veach, a scenic ar tist, arrived yesterday and began work today for equipping the theatre with entire new stage scenery at a cost of $1000. Manager Mitchell has now entirely recovered from the effects of his re cent operation and will assume his duties at once in an endeavor to se cure bookings superior to any which have been offered for past few years, LINCOLN AIDE IS DEAD. That the remodelled and improved Oregon theatre will be a modern and up-to-date playhouse is the assertion of Manager . J. Mitchell today when he announced Sept. 10 as the date of the fall open'ng. With both exterior and interior made more pleasing by the work of carpenter and painter, with a larger stage and new scenery and with a new heating plant, he de clares he can now cater to the theater going public by offering first-class at tractions. The season will open the Sunday of Fair and Round-Up week and con tinue for the whole seven nights. The Courtney-Morgan stock company of Seattle has been signed and will pre sent a number of plays. On the fol lowing .Sunday, Sept. 17, Manager Mitchell will offer "Banda Mexicana," a big musical organization. Among the other bookings for the early sea son are Murray and Mack in "Sunny Side of Eroadway" on Sept. 222, Trixie Friganzia in the "Sweetest Girl in Paris," and "The Girl in the Taxo," the last two being musical ex travaganzas. New Stage Completed. The new stage of the theatre was completed today and is six feet wider Twenty-one l-Vet of Stovo." P. O. Elliot has just secured a large French range for use in his new eating place in the Ferguson banding on Main street. When the new cooker is installed Elliot will have a total of 21 feet of range space aside from the gas stoves he will have oi use. He is planning for a big bus iness during the Round-Up. Baltimore, Md. Captain John Ea ger Howard died from the effect of a self-inflicted bullet wound last Fri day. For some time he had been in ill health. Captain Howard was 81 years of age, a grandson of General John Eager Howard of Revolutionary -j c t. rnrvrwinii w n nn.i fame and a grandson of Francis myself find that derailment of Ex. Scott Key, author of the "Star 524 west at six A. M.. mile post 138 Spangled Banner." He served In the caused by broken flange forward Civil .war. wheel of rear truck south side of O. & C. car SS531. BOLLOXS. SAILORS' UNION MOURNS SECRETARY A.Mt tX'NJJS Passing of Major II. R. Rathbone Wlio Tried to Protect the President New Tork. News has just reached here of the death in Germany of Ma jor Henry Reid Rathbone, who was a military aide to President Lincoln, and who in attempting to defend the president on the night he was assas sinated, leceived a stab wound from Booth. Rathbone died in a asylum for the criminal insane, where he was incarcerated for. murdering his wife. Saddles Are on Exhibition. Both of the prize saddles for the Rotind-up are on exhibition today in the windows of the makers. Power & Son and Hamley & Co., and many people have gathered to inspect them. It is not yet decided whether or not the saddles will be sent to Cheyenne for exhibition there during the Fron tier Days next week. jr.u .Mi..M.y is in tfU. . w,Wn W,.h reward of . Ed Murphy Is languishing in jail $, h been offered by tne for three long days and three weary nlon of thla clt for. tho nrrcst and nights. His only offense was a com- convlctlon of u. Vortmon. their for- mon one that of a too great fond- mer eecrctary wno disappeared, leav- ?h 1 .eCUP! VhrrS' anVr "g a "hortage of $168. that he ns arrested by the guardians bnMQh off,ce of the un,on on of a dty s peace thrust rudely Into h pacMo coast has received notice a, gloomy cell where the virtues of of th 8h0rtage and a description of cleanliness have never been extolled i-,.t, , n.w innn Longwort his spending the dull days of a protracted congressional season, in reading the Bible, in Spansh, po crypha and all. Mrs. Longworth drove to a book shop and then astonished the clerks by asking for a "Translation of the Old Testament in Spanish." The clerk repeated after her, "The Bible in Spanish?" "Yes," responded Mrs. Longworth, a trifle Impatiently, "The Bible in Spanish, that Is a protestant version,, but I would like the apocrypha also."' It was not in stock, so Mrs. Lang- worth asked the clerk to order it for her as she was anxious to finish it, having borrowed it for awhile from a friend. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. Mrs. Van Bowman has returned from an outing at Kamela. from Kamela where she had been for from Kabela where she had been for a vacation. Charles Hamilton, well known wheat raiser of the reservation, is a business visitor in the city today. Miss Effie Jean Frazier will leave tomorrow for Wenaha Springs where she will be the guest of Mrs. Louis Hunziker for a few days. Round-Up Souvenir Spoons. Royal M. Sawtelle, the jeweler, has just received a large number of Round-Up souvenir spoons which were designed especially for him in Seattle. The die for the handle is in the form of a 1 licking broncho com ing headon while in the bowl Is a similar figure with the words "Pen dleton" and "The Round-Up." and by decree of a bewhlskerd dig nitary forced to forego the Joys of freedom for the afore-mentioned time. Lest there be a grevious mis take made, let it be understood by the populace that this same Ed Mur phy is not he of that name in whose bonds, and but little attention was paid to his accounts, which were sup posed to be in good shape. One man's Weakness may be an other man's opportunity. KILLED BY PIECE OF SLAG. Martinez. Struck over the heart hands are held the strings which guide bv a cump of red hot glagi j0hn this city's destiny and who is yclept Watson, a teamster employed by the mayor, for the poor unfortunate mor tal who is in the grip of the law's ten tacles knows little sof Pendleton and Its affairs beyond that the officers have vigilant eyes and that signs of inebriation are but the precursors of condemnation and incarceration. Owl Tea House Closed Pro Teni. Through the death of his wife's father at Tillamook, W. A. Snedaker has been forced to resign the man agement of the Owl Tea House and cross the border and visit Vancouver. that business house will be closed un-1 B. C, before the return trip is be til the directors of the corporation i gun. Several days will be spent in I Fountain. Copper company, died 20 minutes later on the bay shore near here. Watson had hauled slag to the bay all day. - As his last load struck the water and a piece weighing 150 pounds caught him just over the heart. He staggered back unconscious and SAMUEL GO.MPERS I Dr. Ratten was called to the scene, IN DENVER TODAY but Watson was beyond human aid ' I when he arrived. Denver, Col6 Aug. 19. President I . . Samuel Gompers of the American Federation of Labor arrived here to day from Washington. This was his first stop of his northwestern tour which will last two months. He will ACQUITS MAN WHO SPANKED WIFE FOR EXTRAVAGANCE Known For Its Strength First National Bank PENDLETON, OREGON appoint a successor. The house is not involved financially ln any way and will probably be opened again In a short time. Mr. Snedaker has al ready left for Tillamook. Leave for Cheyenne Show. Attorney J. Roy Raley, president of the Round-Up association, and Sher iff T. D. Taylor, manager of livestock for the same organization, will leave tomorrow for Cheyenne where they will be the guests of the management of the Frontier Days celebration dur ing the four days' show next week. Both officers hope to profit by their visit to the older wild west attraction. ! Si I - mmi nnn nit g uiwiviyw riwruo . lilllllll iUUUiUU II RESOURCES OVER JHfl.BBO.QB I I li tf SECURITY I H; ! It l g w "mmtTTi "Til""1' " TiJii'isbi ' 'u' I (Helix Hotel Sold at Auction. Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakely this af ternoon at 2 o'clock auctioned off the Helix Hitel formerly the property of Mrs. Nettie Myers. Judge Lowell, representing Frank and Edith Till man, minors, and two newspapermen were the only persons in the audience and, the latter being proverbially Im poverished, the former secured it for his clients at the amount of the costs and judgment which they held against it, something over $1300. visiting cities of Oregon and Wash ington. Elaborate arrangements for his entertainment in the big cities of the Pacific coast are being made by labor leaders, according to advices re ceived here. !Tio Marriage Licenses. Two marriage licenses were grant ed today, one to Walter B. Hinkle of Hermiston and Minnie . Naylor of Umatilla and one to James Gray and Mollie Bean of this city. The latter couple were united in the bonds of wedlock this afternoon in the pres ence of Fred Taylor ;ud Charles 'Mjers by Judge Thos. F'ltz Gerald who is lately growing extremely pqp ul.tr as a Iyer of the marital knot.' TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Of fice of the Supervising Architect, Washington, D. C, August 4, 1911. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed In this office until 3 o'clock P. M. on the 15th day of September, 1911, and then opened, for the construction, complete (including plumbing, gas piping, heating apparatus, electric conduits and wiring, and lighting fix tures), of the U. S. Post Office at PENDLETON, OREGON, In accord ance with drawings and specifications, copies of which may be obtained from the Custodian of site at Pen dleton, Oreg., or at this office at the discretion of the Supervising Archi tect. JAMES KNOX TAYLOR, Supervising Architect. "The Purest Butter Known." - .1 We Butter make Good, Bknc Pure, and we hard CI ran and keep it m Sivri tstry Keefe Is Hack. J. IC. Keefe. Jr., secretary of the Pendleton Commercial association, re turned on the early morning train this morning from Astoria, where he j hud been to attend a meeting of the . ecretarles of firegon commercial clubs. Hi; reports a splendid meet ing and mui-h accomplished t.nvorda uniting tin many houst'ng associa tions of the state in the work of ex ploiting the resources of a rich commonwealth. Southeastern Washington's GREATEST FAIR Sept'r. 18 to 23, 1911 WALLA WALLA, WASH. $30,000 IX PREMIUMS PURSES AMI Greatest Race Irograni Ever Offervd In the Northwest. S PEC I A L A TTRA CTI ONS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Concerts Dally by Famous Ruzzl's Elanchard Butter is made from pure, rich, pasteurized .ream churned in the clesitieat, most sanitary, sunlit cream jry under the supervision of expert Danish butter makers. Just as it comes from the churns, we pack it in sealed pack ages that protect it from- all dust, odor or taint of any kind. All grocers sell Elanchard Eutter. Order a package today. It always satisfies. 400 SETS TEASPOONS HAVE KEEN GIVEN AWAY TO DATE. Jensen Creamery Company Pendleton, Oregon I'idiicalioiiiil Day ut Fair. The directors of the Morrow-Umatilla county fair have set aside Tues day, Sept. 12 as Educational Day and have appointed County Superintend ent Fran it K Welles and City Super intendent J. S. lenders to arrange a speaking and musical program for the occusion. These men announce that they will secure a distinguished edu cator to make an address and that they will supply other numbers that will make the day very enjoyable and interesting. ITALIAN BAND Special Rates on nil Railroads. Wllkesbarre, Pa. Alderman Rick etts of this city discharged William Novalous of Ashley, who admitted spanking his wife because she was extravagant. His wife had Novalous arrested and he did not hesitate to admit that he had beaten her. "It is this way, your honor," he ex plained. "I gave her a sum of mno ey every month on which to run the house. When a couple of days ago I found that she had used consider able of this money for another pur- Dose I cot angry and spanked her with my razor strop " As Mrs. Novalous appeared none the worse for the spanking, the alder man discharged the man. WANTED SPANISH BIBLE. North Beach Is the pleasure haunt In this part of the country this summer. Its devo tees rejoice to learn that they can now go and come in a regular schedule, In. dependent of tides. The popular ex cursion bteamer. L J. POTTER leaves Portland, Ash Street dock, DAILY, EXCEPT SATURDAY AND' SUNDAY, 8:30 A. M. SATURDAYS ONLY, 1:00 P. M. Also the steamer "IIASSALO" leav ing Portland dally, except Sunday, at: 8:00 P. M. (Saturday at 10:00 P. M.) Reduced Fares Prevail From All Points In the Northwest via the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company Ideal cottage and camp life, a mag nificent beach that Is not surpassed anywhere, genial and beneficial cli mate, and all the comforts of home without costing any 'more than If you romained at home. Call on or write to any O.-W. R. N. agent for complete Information; also for copy of our summer book, "Outings in Oregon." Wm. McMURRAY Sirs. Alice Longworth Stdylng It Dur ing Session of Congress. Washington. Mrs. Alice Roosevelt DALE !fg ROTH WELL rtSnW9 OPTOMETRIST. EYES EXAMINED. GLASSES FIT TED. LENSES DUPLICATED AND FRAMES REPAIRED. With W. E. HANS COM THE JEWELER. PENDLETON. General Passenger Agent, O.-W. R A ' N. Co., Portland, Ore. : Get There Quick : Phone Red 8961 for the AUTO CAB Twenty-five cent fares to any part of the city. Special rates for out of town trips. BEST SERVICE LN TOWN. Stand at 814 Matn St Pendleton Dye Works CUT PRICES FOR AUG. LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $S.0 LADIES' SUITS PRESSED '. . . $1.00 MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $2.00 MEN'S SUITS PRESSED ; f&c Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to-date mothor1. Phone Main 160. iiOS 1-2 E. Aha. 1 rjciMam'sacba Funeral of .Mrs. Win. Jones. The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Jones, who dropped dead on Lee street yes terday morning, was held this morn ing at the Church of the Redeemer with Interment following In the Olney cemetery. The deceased woman was 1 born in West Uromish, England, 63 'years ago but with her husband, Wil liam Jones, came to the United States many yearB ago. For the past three ; years they made their home In Port land and left ten days ago by wagon and team for Walla Walla whlcn Journey was brought to a sad end by an untimely death. Police Court is Busy. Police Judge Fltx Gerald hag had an unusual run of business the past day of two. This morning eight names were enscrolled upon the dock el, five fines were collected and three TICK TALK. An engine ia oiled a number of times daily and rests half of every twenty four hours. Your watch runs day and night continuously; but when was it overhauled and oiled last The delicate pivots may be grinding away on dry, jewels. Can you afford to ru a your watch thru neglect? . Better bring it to me before the injury goes further. Immediately after harvest bring your watch into my store and have it overhauled ; leave it in our car and we will at tend to every little detail of its construction ; put it in per fect running order , and you will then have an accurate timepiece for another year. ft IS ROYAL M. SAWTELLE Jeweler, Pendleton, Ore.