PAGE sr DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1911. EIGHT PAGES When To-morrow Brings a Thought of Yesterday Sung by GRACE LEONARD, "The American Boy," now in Vaudeville AmiwUe Moderate). Vordi and Music by PHIL STAATS Crmton-i'f ".& D,:y When Dreams Come True" 1. When thetho'tsthit won't bbanish'd,Comeof some loT'd one now vanichd, Andwethink of allthethinirs we might have 2. Did yon ev er Bit and pon-der, When yon look'd a-way out you-der, As the pold-en sun was sinking- in tlia 1 S eeee a J ' t . 1 1 $5 done, To have made their so-jonrnbriht-er, And their bur -dens so much lighter, In this west, 0 the thjngs you have neg- leet - ed, And of self - isb. aims ier-fect-ed, At the 4- sz .u - m w-a - rr -mJ I ill f : ir . I I 1 race of life which each one has to run,. . cost of what you knew was real-ly best?. Let us make a res o - lu-tion. That we'll Then your vows should be pro - lif - ic, And their fffr?5 T - i j ! i'5"i7'! 1 - r - -i I rK-r d 3 ; ' m ! '- -m - a - -mS mmm S s make a con tri-bu-tion, Ei-ther large or small, the case be as it may,. ...... na ture most spe ci - fic, As to how the game of life you now will play, Of So - 2dz - i IF1 1 Copjrrightby WALTER JACOBS, Music Publishti, Boston. Intermuonal copyright secured Used by permission, MURRAY MUSIC CO., New York. JVb. 202. I some kind word or action.Tlmt will bring us sat .!s-fac-tiun,When to-morrow brings a tho't of yes-ter day., trouble you'll not borrow, And you need not cloud to-morrow With a vain re-gret for some lost yes-ter day.. t , ts- ; 1-1 -J- -J- -S7?": L fa- IPS CHORUS. ra! lento, i i - y O J-c M 1 ' Life is al - ways what we make it, storm - y skies or fair, I F:L I :F:' L-JEz . - zz2-z 5&z: Hrrjzji trz Thoughts of past days oft will ' show you what was want - ing therei iP-rf Wf-v -i-c- -rsr -. J.-l3F -t-y : - - 'Live and let live" is a rule that each one kuow3 will pay And you'll not fear " Vf? rgfH when to - mor - row brings a thought of yes ter day I i ! i ! J i ,4 J 4-3 23T E ,,s ; :"-S" r" - s a X X ' j-1 - V 2 t 11 f 1 '- r V " day -SI M 0 i 4- a tempo. s-1- 32: try i i When To-morrow Brings a Thought of Yesterday. 'I A'o. 202. Tins IS OXE OF A SERIES OF POPULAR SOXG HITS APPEARING IN EACH ISSUE 0 F THE SATURDAY EAST OREGONIAN, EA STERN OREGON'S GREATEST PAPER, AN OTHER FAMOUS MUSICAL SUCCESS WILL APPEAR NEXT WEEK WATCH FOR IT. . A Mrs. Clifford L. Morgan is visiting friends in Portland, - , Miss Bertha Alexander returned on Thursday from a -week's visit at Mea-cham. son returned on Friday from a weeks' outing at Wallowa lake. five Roy Alexander has Joined his wife who is encamped at Cold Springs. Mr. and Mrs. James Johns are spending a short vacation at Wallowa Lake. Miss Kathleen and Mr. Eldon Fur nifch of Wenaha epent Thursday in Pendleton. Mrs. Lloyd D. Idleman has return ed from a visit to San Francisco and Oakland. California. Dr. K. J. Pommerville has return ed from a visit with his brother at Edmonton, Canada. Mrs. Roy Klrkley and Son, Philip, have returned from Portland, where they were visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman. Jr., i are absent upon a visit with relatives! Tn Portland and Astoria. Mrs. M. A. Dissosway will spend the ter in Portland with her (laugh ter, Mrs. Minnie Stillman. Misrf Sibyl Cole has returned from an extendo'l visit with friends in Port land and Cheha'.is. Wash. - Misses Edna fftorio and Nona John- Mrs. Mark Moorhouse has return ed from Wenaha Springs, where she enjoyed a short outing. Misses Viola Shea and Laura Mc Kee have returned from a. vacation spent at Lehman Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Earl returned Wednesday from Wallowa lake, where thov enjoyed a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. Louis Hunziker and daughter Dorothy, of Walla Walla, passed through Pendleton on Friday evening en route to Wenaha Springs for a week's outing. Mrs. Ernest Tatom of Portland and her sister, returned on Wednesday from Lehman Springs, where thoy were camped for two weeks. NEWS NOTES FROM nil AND VICINITY (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., Aug 19. Mr. Amasa Phillips has gone to Michigan to visit relatives. Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Hite have gone to Portland. Mrs. James Compton has gone to Walla Walla to visit her son Rollen, who is ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. Richard Bush and Miss Erma King were visiting in Athena Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Woods and Mrs. Donald McDonald of Walla Wal la, were in Weston Wednesday greet ing old friends. Mr. John Boneintz and daughter, Miss Jaunita, who have been visiting relativns in Portland during the past month, returned home on Wednesday morning's train. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Gibbon were visiting in the city Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stamper visited :i Athena Thursday. Miss IJernice Ruppe returned M'n- Jonathan Cnrlyle has gene to Og- day from Alberta, where she visited I dm, Utah. for several weeks at the ranch of her! Mrs. S. J. Culley has gone to Walla brother, Herbert Ruppe. V.'nila to visit with relatives. Miss Sylvia and Louise lieathe have improvements. Robert Jamieson of Walla Walla, was In the city transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lleuallen were visiting relatives in Athena during the week. W. A. Barnes had the misfortune to lose a valuable work horse yester day. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bryson were visitlnf in Athena Friday. Mrs. F. C. liindle of Portland, who hiiH been a guest f Mrs. C. S. Perard for several days, left this morning for her horn" She will stop at lone for a few d; to visit friends. Mrs. Claud J. Engle returned on Friday to her home in San Francinco afier a visit of several weeks with her mother, Mrs. L. F. Lampkin, and h. r brothers, Fred W. and Elvin Lampkin. On last Saturday evening Mrs. Ben jamin S. Burroughs was hostess to an "at home" In honor of Miss Mabel Perkins of Boise, who was her guest Man You Know Tou can't tell by the looks of a Piano what's inside of it. Tou have got to trust your dealer for that. In choosing between a piano agent ah. ,. ,inn'i vnow an.i vour homi Miss Perkins left Monday for- San . ., , , l Francisco for a visit with friends. illl l 11(111 l il.'JIl not good wisdom to pin your faith to your home merchant? We sell S. W. Miller's Matchless Models, the Mellow-toned Music Makers from She boygan, Wisconsin, every one ot them a Top-Notcher, keeping pace with the times. Their tone truly tells of their triumph over traahy types of PianoB often offered for Bale bv IrresDonsible agents. We invite you to see and hear the beautiful 8. W. Miller Piano at the store of The man you know. JESSE FAILING Pendleton, Ore. July Trade a Record. Washington. The foreign com merce of the United States last month exceeded that of any July since the foundation of the government, except July of 1907. According to figures Just announc ed by the bureau of statistics of the department of commerce and labor, the total imports of the month were $118,17,350, against $124,621 893 In July, 1907. The exports were $127,703,244, against $128,649,635 In July, 1907. A woman may win a man's love without trying, but she can't keep It that way. gone to the mountains to camp tor a few weeks. Mrs. Frank Richmond and children wh,o have been visiting relatives In Wes-ton during the past week, have returned to their home in Walla Wal la. Mrs. Hank Lenning and children of Alberta came down ni Thursday eve ning's train and will visit with Mrs. Fanning's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Abraham of Reed and Ilawley moun tain. Mr. John McRhea and family, who have' been spending the past month camping at Cold Springs, have re turned home. John O'Harra and family have gone to the mountains for an outing. Mrs. Lulu Clark and children, who reside near Landing, Idaho, are visit ing relatives in Weston. Mrs. Burt Walsh and her father, James Compton, are in Walla Walla visiting relatives. Bert Richards of Athena was in the city Thursday. Jasper O'Harrah of Grants Pass, Is visiting with relatives. Mr. O'Harrah formerly resided near Weston where he still owns land Interests. Dr. Newsome of Athena made a professional visit to Weston during the week. William McKenzie Is laying the foundatidn of a ten room house on Normal Heights. It will have a ce ment basement with all the modern NAVIGATING SPOKANE RIVER IN CAT ROAT Spokane, Wash. Arnold Owen, a resident of Wallace, Idaho, who Is making a trip from the heart of the Coeur d'Alene mining district to the Pacif-c ocean in a 14-foot cat-boat, has accomplished what no other man has ever attempted In successfully navigating the Spokane river, shoot ing more than 150 rapids In the stream, which has a fall of 1280 feet in 128 miles. Owen seeks to prove that the Coeur d'Alene and Spokane rivers are navigable, not withstanding the opinion of the war department to the contrary. He cov ered 200 miles between Wallace and Spokane in 10 days and expects to ar rive at the mouth of the Columbia river on August 30. Though he has been in a number of tight places, Ow en has met with no mishap so far. The small craft, however, shows the marks of many ' battles. The boat carries 65 square feet of sail, has an Iron center board and rudder and is fitted with stout oars. Owen served under General Roberts at the relief of Ladysmith and campaigned dur ing the entire war in South Africa and has sailed in almost every port n the world. V THE CHURCHES. Baptist Church. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preach ing at 11 a. m. by Rev. W. H. Rahme bf pomeroy, Wash. All are cordially invited. First Christian Church. " North Main street, J. W. Van De walker pastor. 9:4 5 Bible school, In basement of church. 11 a. m. Com munion and sermon. No evening ser vice. A cordial invitlatlon. Christian Science. Services are held at 11 a. m ; Sun day school at 10 a. m.; Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. Subject of sermon, "Mind." Reading room open dally except on Sunday from 2 to 4 p. m. All are cordially invited. tl AIR BEAUTIFIER. Miss AHcb Balmer. 133 S. 3rd street, Reading, Pa., knows that there Is nothing so good for hair and scalp trouble as Parisian Sage. On June 8, 1910, she wrote: "I am using Pa risian Sage two or three times a week nil If la iprtnln!v flnn. Tt keens mv scalp nice and clean and it cured my dandruff. I have no eianururr now. It makes the hair lustrous and fluffy and keeps it from falling out." We urge every woman who loves radiant and fascinating hair to go to Tallman Drug Co. today and get a large 60 cent bottle of Parisian Sage. They guarantee It to cure dandruff, falling hair and itching scalp or mon ey back. . Ml-tlltMllXt. First Methodist Episcopal church, corner Webb and Johnston streets, N. Evans, pastor. The morning theme will be: "Wrestling with God." Evening topic, "Pioneer Rem iniscences." Preaching 11 a.- m and 8 p. m Sunday school 10 a. in. Epworth league 7 p. m., Margaret Lowell leader, topic ".Sympathetic Service." You .are cordially invited to worship with us. You didn't accomplish much today probably; yet today is a part of the futue you once expected .so much of. Cuts and bruises may be healed In about one-third the time required by the UBual treatment by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. It Is an an tiseptic and causes such Injuries to heal without maturation. This lini ment also relieves soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains. For sale by all dealers. To Get Its Beneficial Effects; Always Buy the Genuine $YRUPflGS anci llKIRol5ftJNA manufictoral bylhe (AUFOOflG$w(o. Sold by all leading OneSIze Only, 0 Doii,e VViV '7C 'Huv ' m i"V! flifoAPPFLt. WATER BAG-AX 1 AM-ariijijij'si South African WATER BAG Keeps water cool 48 hours or lonrer, in sun or (hade: prcat boon to Take no Substitute prospectors, surveyors, sportsmen, stockmen, fann ers, teamsters, anyone exposed to dry or warm weather. tl.ed by U. S. Gov't. tlroii(;, IirM, easy to carry. . butranttrd This Letter Tyfiftes the Attitude a: All Users ficmlrmcnt Ellcittit, Indiana. While In Nrv(i!a f-r.n::y I occasion to drink Ottt of on ff your Mucin Watrr iUgt. Water from tlif bm eerrainly MMn g n,ri un the deiert. Vc U'ed one of your 2i (then bag aiid thnvattrrf mairrrS tl alt i.if. "Wit thoueh the U"ifrr,uuri ul n-tr IOC in ihi ih't-tt, and in the mof tint I found the water rparldiii j and as ccid aa lee water. It certainty ia a boon to tlioae livinr in the arid regioni. run SinWr. W. E. U'lDKR FOR P B BT DEALERS EVERT WUERB Mate by Irium Anrx'tl Writer ll'ia;Co.,porHnn(l, r?l ml. iW rvurfaa 'at 1 WW Drink Hires The Genuine Rootbeer Absolutely pure. Refreshes you when thirsty, Invigorates you when tired, delights you at any time. Order a case from the exclusive bottlers Pendleton Soda Works Phone Main 469. Jl