, MM nf-vMaMM rHWMk tNWWIWI f aaHaMl EVENING EDITION Trr, jnrnmimwb MOTJ COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL 24 GOMES TO ENDl Laborers Starvation Me'hods Win Sweeping .Victory Over Their Employers. . . food ami ice moved hefore axv other goods f It-ii It It Authorltios Find ;ruvo Dan ger in jntiiycri Provisions IJvcr ,Mo .mil Manchester Are Xt Ef fvftxl ly Pence Agreement uh Vet. Glasgow, Scotland, Aujar. 12, live aro ilentl anil scores injured hero to day (luring desjw ruto rioting which iimrktNl the strike of tho municipal cjirnion. Rattles iii-ogremed In the )ir!m'lul streets until troop were .oourotl into tho city ami every one was drlcn from tho thorouifare.i. London, Aug. 12. Jubilant because tih; peace efforts of the board of trade have gained thorn most of their demands, strikers by thousands who had paralyzed London's trade return ed to work toduy and food and ice are being move ahead of all other goods. Many Bhlp cargoes were found .to have spoiled. The lighter men get a 10 hour day and an Increase of 25 per cent in wa ges. Deckers anil teamsters also gain an Increase. Over 100,000 workmen are benefited by the settlement. Hen Tillet, lender of tho dockers, said today that the result of the strike i the greatest labor triumph of the century. . Teamsters of the Midland and Orept Northern Railway company struck today uftor declaring that the settlement of the London strike does not nffect them. Hanger of sickness through the sale of partly decayed food, which now Jams the docks and ships, has stirred the health authorities to action. All food stuffs that are tainted have been dumped into tho sea. Xo Chungo in Liverpool. Liverpool, Aug. 12. Strike rioting continued unchanged here today. The London settlement did not make any difference in tho situation here. An additional battalion of troops was brought into this city during last night. Clashes between the troops and strikers are feared. The strikers are in an ugly mood because the employers say a complete lockout will be put in force. If the strikers do not return to work by Monday ' Manchester Threatened. Manchester, Eng.,. Aug. 12. Trans port workers of this city are not af fected by tho Ijondon strike settle ment. Today they Issued an ultima tum that unless their demands were conceded by Monday, nil railway carters and freight handlers will be called out. CITY'S WATER CASE IN JURY'S HANDS At 2:30 this afternoon, the Jury in the condemnation suit which the city water commission Instituted against two Indian women to secure the springs on their land as the source ot a Pendleton water supply was sent out by Judge 11. XV. Phelps and a ver dict will probably be returned late this afternoon. The taking of testi mony was concluded and the argu ments began early this afternoon. H. K. Johnson opening for the city, fol lowed by John MeCourt for the de fendants and Col. J. H. Haley con cluding. Practically all of the testimony In troduced tday consisted of opinions of varlou men, white and Indians, regarding the value of the land un der consideration and adjoining land. Attorney MeCourt dwelt to some extent In his argument upon the sen tlmental side of the case, pointing out that the Indian vomen were be ing put off of land which is Ideal as a hme and that no money considera tion could be reparation to them. Col. Haley refused to consider the sent. mental side, declaring that there was but one Issue uud one only, nume ly, the determination of the present market value of the sixteen acre tract, cut In two as it Is by the rail road and wagon road, which is need ed badly by the city and for which the city is ready to pay u fair and reasonable damage. Establish lJniillon Rariacks. Washington, Aug. 12. Recogniz ing reformation as the primary pur pose of punishment, Acting Secretury of the Navy Wlnthrop has ordered a detention barracks established at Port Royal, S. C, where enlisted men convicted of offenses against naval discipline will be gent. Major Charles l. HuUli of the murine corps, now in command of the naval prison at Boston, will be placed In charge. LONDON ST . . ONE TRUST AT LEAST OX 115 EE LIST HILL 4 'Washington, Aug. 12. Pre-fi-rtiiifj to carry nut Its own dis solution, rather than take chances with the courts", the El ectrical trust has compromised with the department of Justice, according to Information given out today. Some plan, that meets Attorney General Wlck .crsham's approval, will In- ad- opted, seven tentative plans have hren submitted to him. lctchered another woman for money Implicates Woman Former ami Directs Officers to riac Where Victim Is Hurled. Golden, Colo., Aug. 12 Implicat ing Mrs Angelina Garramonc, a ho is now serving a term in the state prison for forgery, Mrs. Concetta Fer glone today confessed to the ghastly murder of Maria Lagurladia, for 1700 whic h she carried. The woman declared that Mrs. Garrainone and her self, lured the woman Into the foothills of the moun ta'ns near here undor the pretense that her lulssing husband had been found and there they cut her to death. Mrs Garramoe, says the woman, cut the victim's throat and then the two of them searched the body and kicked It into a canyon and buried it. The police are-now seeking the spot where the body Is supposed to be burled. Mrs. Garramone denounced the confession as a lie. All the wo men concerned are Italians. SECRETARY OF WAR PLEASED WITH PANAMA CANAL New York, Aug. 12. Elated with his examination of the Panama canal, also Its fortifications, and general Jconditlons there, Secretary of War Stimson r.rrlved here today from the i Isthmus. He has been in a tour which touched Cuba. Hath Cause Death. Kansas Oty, Mo . Aug. 12. A cold bath caused the death late yesterday of James Fennell, former superintend ent of Armour .& Co.. in this city. Earlier in the day Mr. Fennell was down town and became overheated. Returning home he took a cold plunge and the shock killed him. TRUST'S BEST DEAL COST HALF BILLION Washington, Aug. 12. The Stan ley committee was told today by V. C. Temple, who helped t;i engineer the steel plate, structural steel and steel 'shafting pool8 that the half bil lion dollars, which J. P. Morgan paid for the Carnegie plant six months af ter he had refused an option at $160, 000, 000, was the best Investment the trust ever made ami that Morgan got ready to make a killing and found Carnegie held the high cards. He said that instead of having no com petition, as things stand today, that Carnegie would have dominated the steel industry of the world if he had not been bought out. Chairman Stanley announced that the committer had decided to ad journ until October 16, FRISCO WANTS TEDDY. "FATHER OF PANAMA CANAL" Snn Francisco, Aug. 12. A move ment to invite former President Roos evelt, as the "father of the Panama canal," to San Francisco to officiate with President Taft in the ground breaking exercises that will attend Portola week In October, ty-as started today by EdwaiJ Webster-of Oa'.1:!!.'!' in a suggestion to the directors of the exposition. Negro Hangctl by Mob. Farmville, Tex., Aug. 12. Com modore Jones, n negro who It Is nl 1( ged, used insulting languag" In ad dressing a young white woman over a telephone, was hanged by a mob last night. Jones- was arrested yesterday. Last night a crowd of about 75 men an hoys gained access to his cell and t marching him fo the outskirts of the town compelled him to climb a tele phone pole. At the top one of the men was waiting, a rope was thrown about tbe negro's neck and he was forced to Jump. Jeff Goes Hunting. Juneau, Alaska, Aug. 12. James J. Jeffries, the pugulist, .arrived from Seattle on the steamship Jeffercon yesterday and began completing ar rangements for his three months' hunting tour of Alaska and the Yu kon territory. A large crowd met tho former champion at the. wharf and followed him about the streets. Jeffries, who was in good humor, PKXDLETOX, OREGON', BLUFFING, SAYS LABOR LEADER Predicts Meeting of Demands for Wage Increase Rather, Th an See Strike San I"ranr:.-r n. ('a!., Aug. 12. That the Southern Pacifl" Railroad com pany will b'uff but will not enter in to an indutiial fight was the opin ion expressed today by Ernest Rc-t-u in, president of the western division of the Federation of Shop Employes of the ilalriruan lines. He said: "Our organization in cludes ipor.. than 8," per cent of the shopmen and should we fail to secure an agreement to our demands for shorter hours and higher wages, when the committee goes to Chicago and Xew York. roads employing -ft.000 men will be forced to stop running. "I am conf dent that the companies "will not let us go out on a strike. They'll bluff to the last mo ment." Company Building Stockade. Oakland, Calif., Aug. 13. A ten foot barricade, surmounted by four strands of barb wire Is being built around the Oakland yards of the Southern Pacific It is reported that s'milar work is going on. where shops are maintained by thuv company, at other points. Local officials will make no comment. It Is believed that the fence Is being erected for pro tection in case of a strike. FLAMES IN PASCO - DO $10,000 DAMAGE Eire in the business district of Pasco last night destroyed $10,000 wcrth of property before it could be extinguished, according to reports from that city this morning. The los would have been far greater had it not been for the timely assistance of the X'orthern Pacific employes who turned out with their fire fight ing apparatus when the town de partment was unable to cope with the situation owing to a lack. of water pressure. The water system In Pas co is owned by the Pacific Power & Light company and, according to witnesses of the fire, there was not enough pressure to send a stream ten feet high. The fire broke out about 5 o'clock in a photograph gallery supposedly when some chemicals exploded and it soon spread to adjoining buildings. The Cox real estate office, the room ing house above, a bicycle store and tho photograph gallery were entirely destroyed and several other buildings considerably damaged. 20.000 MEXICAN" REHELS THREATEN TROUBLE Mexico City, Aug. 12. According to reports which have reached this city twenty thousand he-.v"y ar-rc 1 men, commanded by (leiieruls Cupula and Almana, have started a rebellion in tbe states of 1'uehla, Morelas and Currero, In SolKiicru Mexico. it is said that the force threatens to make an attack on the federal forces which are. commanded by General Huerta at Cuernavaea. Tojro al West Point. New York. Aug. 12. Admiral To go went to West Point Military Ac ademy aboard President Taft's yacht the Mayflower, today. JOURNAL OFFERS ROUND-UP TROPHY That the Portland Journal k an ac tive booster for tho Round-Tp was evidenced this morning when the di rectors of the frontier association re ceived a telegram from C. S Jack son, publisher of the Journal an- j nounelnu that hi ' publication ' will ' offer a $7i bridle as a trophy for onu j of the contests at the wild west show next month. The directors are great- ly pleased over IMs new manifesto- i tion of good will from the mctropoli-i tan paper and will probably award j the bridle to the, winner of the pony , express race which is one of the lin- j poriani leniures oi ine cxniiution. According to the directors, the prize list Is being added to dail.u and Is to be much better than the one of last year. The full list will be given out shortly together with the names of the donors nnd the events to which they are assigned. S R. Barton, state auditor of Ne braska, host announced himself xi candidate for the seat of Congressman George W. Norrla. vVlTUDAY, AHilST !;., 11H1. GOLDEN RULE CO. ! IS VICTIIZED BY A CLEVER FORGER Pretended to be Laborer and Secured $75 on Worthless Checks. Lo. al oifjcers arc looking for the 1 ' -rpetratur of one of the most suc (. ssful (org. Ties pulled off in Pendle ton, .for some time'.. A tjogus cheek for the amount ;f $73. so was passed upon the r.oHen Kule store by a ialiori'ig man last Tuesday, the signa ture! of Heikle liros, well known rancfi'-rs. being forged to it. A small fuehnse was made and the check tmdoied in payment, tbe stranger getting ;lv balance over the amount of the purchase in cash. When the check was presented to the bank for payment, the forgery which was a poor one, was easily de tected and the officers at once noti fied. A description was secured but thus far the officers have been un able to locate the fraud artist. Mr. Beilke, who was in tho city yester day. Is of the oplnian that the guilty person is 'on' of four men who quit his harvest crew on the day that the forgery was committed. LiUiifr Cost Itivo-tination. Washington, I). C, Aug. ,12. In vestigation of the high cost of living v.ifs began today by the United States department of commerce and labor. The facts developed will be sent to congress for action. CEASES OPERATIONS On account of the demoralization of the lumber market, the Meacham sawmill has discontinued operations and will remain closed down indefi nitely. Manager Xibley gave the or der to cease cutting on Wednesday and that night the entire crew was laid off, many of the men taking the night train for other points. The closing of the Meacham mill has been contemplated for some time and is in keeping with the policy of many of the big milling companies throughout the northwest owing to jthe condition of the lumber market. Manager Xibley declares that never ' in the past twenty years has he ever seen the market more "shot to pieces" than it is at present and he attrib I utes the tariff agitation as the one (and only cause. "Politicians back In Washington are responsible for the condition of the lumber market," he said, "and until they cease their agi tations conditions will remain unset tled." SHIP PASSENGER DIES OF CHOLERA EN ROUTE New York, N. Y., Aug. 12. The Italian liners Calabria and Venezla, from Naples and Palmero, respective ly, are being held In quarantine to day for further observation. A steer age passenger died of .cholera en route No sittn of others being HI is to be found. Pope Suffers Relapse. Rome, Aug. 12. Pope Pius suffer ed a slight relapse during the night. Physicluns administered caffeine, strengthening hi heart action. They have ordered him to not attend to any church bsuiness. He remained in bed all day and rested well. IN PENDLETON JAIL Although he had nine years, O.-W. R. 1!. Wood, who has memory for faces, ogni.ed one of the not seen him for & N. Detective E. a remarkable last evening rec- most notorious yi gruicu ol the of Pendleton last oast on the streets night tiiui local of- fcrrs arrested him on suspicion. The man i:h the remembered face hears the t'tle of Canadian Whitey in crim inal nomenclature and has a record behind him that makes him a feared character j lie local oincers nave no eviuence again t h?m and can not connect j wn!l.,, , now in session, the utmost him up with any c rime and he will , Sl.rIV,.v s maintained. One rumor probably be released after he hnsjn.ls lt" tMat tll0 ..,. mist, scores been snapped by the photographer, j r whl,M, members were indicted in With him on the streets was an ex- j Chicago. iMst mouth, are being prob eonvlct. United States Commissioner W'oods declares Wliitey scrvdl time rrilf;ili. t0l,.ly declined to deny or once for robbery and again was sen-1 n,firm (hp vo,,ort, but said a good fenced to ten years for shooting a man during one of his Jobs. He says, he hss rhanaed some in appearance durins t: last tii'V years lint is poI- tive that he has made no mistake. ijfaa lan.iisAi l ( Hi ii'iir I CONFEREES DISAGREE OX ERE ELIST HILL Washington, Aug. 12. The house and senate conferees on the farmers' free list bill, today j: voted to report a disagreement to their respective houses. Con- grrs.-m:in Underwood told the conferees that the house would not accept the Kearns amend ment on meats ami Senator P.ailey announced that the sen ate would not accept the house amendment, putting lemons on the free list. !: ' : i !: ! GOD DON'T LIKE CANAL M AN I TESTS DISPLEASCRE IIV SCORCHING XEW YORK Supreme One Wanted Isthmus of Panama Loft As Eirst Constructed, Says Hetty Green. New York Aug. 12. That the in tense heat that has been experienced here Is a man restation of the Lord's wrath because man defied nature by constructing the Panama canal is the theory advanced by Mrs. Hettie Green, the world's richest woman and queen of female' financiers. "Man thinks he is greater than God, but the Lord knew what he was doing when he made the Isthmus of Panama and he wanted it to stay there," Mrs. Green declared to an in terviewer. GLAVLS SECURES GOOD POSITION' IN CALIFORNIA Sacramento, Aug. 12. Louis Glav ls, whose exposure of the alleged Al askan coal land frauds caused the retirement of former Secretary of the Interior Ballinger, arrived here today to take up his new duties as joint secretary to the California conserva tion commission and water power board of control, to which he., was appointed at a salary of $3600. He refused to talk of the Controller Bay fraces and President Taft's explain ing message to congress. r.liiojacKets Narrowly Escape. Province Town, Mass., Aug. 12. Eighteen officers anid seamen from the battleships Delaware and X'ebraska, of the North Atlantic squadron nar j rowlji escaped death today when two launches from the two vessels col- lided in a fog. The Nebraska launch sank. All were rescued. RECIPROCITY FIGHT , BEGINS IN CANADA ; Ottawa, Aug. 12 With the issues : clearly drawn,t nearly all candidates . are ready for the field in the battle J for supremacy in Canadian politics. ! which began today. 1 Laurier's supporters and all friends j of reciprocity, are already charging that the fight against the identifica ! tion of the reciprocity treaty with the i United States is being financed by ! big United States manufacturing in terests, whose supremacy wiil be ' weakened if the tariff is removed. , Convicts Kill Guard. Anamosa, Iowa, Aug. 12. A posse ; of a hundred men, in automobiles, to i day pursues in the timber belt w est I of Marion, Iowa, Charles Smitch, a ! penitentiary convict, and his brother who today shot William Humaker, t I prison guard, and then tied him to a I tree. The fugitives are said to be well supplied with firearms. Humaker probably will die, accord I ing to physicians who attended him. He was shot in the stomach. Lnshed 'to the tree, he suffered for some time before Mis cries finally summoned aid. Terrlflo Gulf Storm. Pensacola. Fla., Aug. 12. A terrific gulf storm swept this portion of the coast last night, the wind reaching a velocity of 00 miles an hour. Up to a late hour no loss of life had been reported, bu' serious damage was done to the lumber Interests and small boats. Large quantities of ex port timber held in booms task li ght 's scattered for many mi down the coast up and ri'.Hl M l. GR WD .11 RY WORKS WIT"'. sl '.i RECV Tacom; ::-iovis r ncernii' Wiil'., Aug. 12. Although mors are circulated today, the probable matters to he i i i... f,i,. ,i n,i inrv story would be made public soon.' " The League of Republican Clubs of Ohio will meet at Cleveland August m EVENING EDITION Cal'lne cards, wad ding stat'onery, torn merclal stationery and Job printing to ordr at the East Oregordan C7T OFFICIAL PAPER. XO. 72S9 United States Senator From Wisconsin to Share Lorimer Searchlight. RRIHERY AND OTHER IRREGULAR ITI ES CHARGED President Drafting Veto Message Which Will Accompany HJg Dla npprowil or Arizona and New Mexi co Statehood Dills. PflOBE POINTS AT STEVENSON Washington, Aug. 12. United State Senator Isaac Stevenson, of Wis con- ' sin, Is the next member of the na tions most august body of legislators, who is slated to De thrown on the in vestigation slab of the United Statea senate, for the purpose of learning the methods that were used in bring ing about his election. It has bean charged that he was chosen by the Wisconsin legislation, only after much corruption and the liberal dis tribution of money among the various members of the Wisconsin law mak ing body. In the United States senate, to day, a resolution was passed, calling for an investigation of his election, and it is expected that the probe will be started within a short time. The senate resolution is the direct result of an investigation made in tha WLscon legislature, which reported its findings, and submitted its evldenca to the upper house of congress, de manding that that body take up the matter of looking into the alleged bribery and irregularities, connected with Senator Stevenson's election. The Stephenson resolution was re ported to the senate by Senator Dil lingham, chairman on privileges and selections, it gave the committee spe cific instructions to ascertain whether money was corruptly used in the Wisconsin legislature. Treaty Favored. Washington, Aug. 12. A report favoring the arbitration treaty, with Great Britain, was adopted by tha senate committee on foreign relations today. This is the first step toward ratification, by ethe senate, of th treaty recently signed. The arbitration treaty was adoptee! with an amendment, taking from th Joint high commission, the power to decide whether a dispute shall be re ferred to arbitration. The coinmtn. sion, however, is still authorized to investigate and report on questions reierred to it by two or more powers but the reports wont be regarded as an abritral award. President Drafts Veto, Beverly, Mass., Aug. 12. Presi dent Taft expects that the drafts of his veto message, on the Arizona and New Mexico statehood and the wool revision bills will be completed be fore his departure for Washington tomorrow. He is working on them today. ILL WHILE FISHING The movement for underground wires Is without a councilmanie lead er now owing to the severe illness of Councilman C. P. Strain. Mr. Straia is confined to his home on the south hill with' an attack of cramp colie which the doctors think is an effect of an operation three years ago for appendicitis. Mr. Strain was seized with the at tack while fishing on the North fork of McKay creek west of Meach am and for ten days laid at the John Smith farm house, suffering ntenseiy and with only his son. C'.ayton. in attendance. At theend of ten days he was able to travel and was brought to Meacham Wednesday and rlaced aboard the early morning train Thursday and brought to his home in this city. Since his arrival here he has not improved to any ex tent, but his condition Is not consid ered serious. Mis illness is deeply regretted and leaves advocates of the movement to secure the placing of telephone and power n'iii - underground wuh.iut i champion in the t-;t coun.'ii. Workmen IM-ouu. 1 '. ".. Aug. 12. Five me iv working with a iatic at II who tempting to place a cable aerosw the riv r. ,o!' drowned in Krasev river at Sad lie I"ck ester. lay. w hen their ! oat v. as . . ; -n-.ed l the wift i ur rent cw with three in. n wai swept av.iy. !.ii! stiande.l l.i; r dow a the l iver and its ,vupaut otv res cind. Pie II. lilies ot the t'ie drownx) men have not been re.civM her-. ThLs makes a total of nine drownings since the beginning of preparations for railroad construction from Hop ALDERMAN STRICKEN ill 1 i