DAIIiY EAST OUEGOXIAX, TEXDIJCTOX, OKEGOX. l'HIOAY, AVGXST 11, 1911. EIGHT PAGES PAGE SI TO ri Tin 5 is Man Willi lVovisli Molar, Put Off Train niu! Walks 21 Miles to IHmi-tKt. te9t. BLOOD POISON Contacious Blood Poison manifests itself in the most loathsome symrtoms, such as ulcerated mouth and throat, copper-colorea spot, j S)i ,k itu yVMh Juror nH pivn snrp n.1 uU-rrs on different portions d the roay. itu, i ,...,, ,..,, v ,,..ri..r .- poison causes the hair to fall out, and sometimes the glandular system j t .,..v,.,.d the first o.k m September, is attacked. No medicine can cure Contagious Blood Poison vhicn , n i ,- ,,... t,, decide what is " , .. . ... ojrtM tht insul fUS ;l i',;i-'iiab!c b;i!in whin a passenger. does not nd the circulation of every pa tide o : t.ie J uuvu ..., toothache, is ejected HAS TOOTHACHE; Sl'ES HAII.UOAO IXMt DAMAGES in th outt. to bo . . .... i o. .1 VI - - 4 ...:tt hr-.s.il- nut fl wch hi'n virus. 1 he least taint leti in me rioou wu uc i,.. treatment is left off. S.S.S. is the real and certain cure for Conta gious Blood Poison ; it goes into the circulation, and by removing every particle of the poison, and adding, rich, healthy qualities to the Hood, forever cures this powerful disorder. All who suffer vit.i tr.is disease may cure themseves in the privacy of their homes by usms S.S.S. and following instructions contained in our Home Tranent Book, which we will send, together with any medical advice ucsn-Cu, free of charge. S.S.S. is for sale at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, CA. SPOR TS X ATI OX At I.KAGCE. assaulting I'ninire li.uiniirarten. I li bit the mnpiro on the jaw and kuoek fil !u:n down when RiuniKarten ruled against Taconia in a dose decision. T.utni.i S 11 3 Victoria 9 IS 4 !.uuv;'. Burns, lligsins, Gordon, Annis. Huker. Miller ami Spencer and Hums; Williams, Surphlus ami Ue Yog;. Philadelphia I : l'iltsbui-g ;i. Pittsburg. Aug- 11- Pittsburg lot to Philadelphia in the ninth inning . Yisurday. Liefield was taken off the rubber aftt r pitching to two men in the ninth, being succeeded by Ferry. Miller made a fumble and Carey misjudged a fly and the.-e er rors lost for the locals. Moore was retired to give Walsh at bat. and he made good, getting a hit and scoring. Score: R. H. E. Pittsburg 3 9 2 Philadelphia 4 11 2 Liefield. Ferry- and Gibson; Moore, Chalmers and Madden. Chicago. 7; St. Louis 5. Chicago, Aug. 11. Chicago re gained the lead in the pennant race by defeating St. Louis in a slow drawn out game, while Philadelphia won from Pittsburg. Bunched hits by the locals with the assistance of an error and bailee's generosity, rittted Chicago its runs. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 7 11 2 St. Louis 5 12 2 Richter. Curtis, Brown and Archer; Sallee. Woodburn, Laudermillk and Eliss. Umpires Rigler and Finner-an. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. standing: 0f the 1 from a train and forced to walk 24 mibs to rnli-t the services of a den- ; t"si-surgeon. Joint H. Larson, who H the cen tral limine in this hard luck story, v.i.ms sjiM'mi from the Great Xorlh i i n Kaduay company for what is de s. rilied in his c'liiplaint as "humili ation, sh.imo, disgrace tnd physical pa'n." Counsel for the company has l : sk-.-d for details. ' Stripped of its legal verbiage, the complaint sets forth that Larson . boarded a Spokane-bound train in i Lincoln county on June 29, 1911. lie I was told by the ticket agent to pay the lotuhiotor, as there was not suf- ficient time to sell a ticket. On the ; train Larson tendered a J2tf gold coin l but Conductor Stedman refused to ai- cept ,t in payment of fare, saying the ! coin w as spurious. Larson had $3.15 in silver, but that j amount was not sufficient to pay his j faro to Spokane, so the train was 1 stopped and the passenger ejected. lie sou-ht 'be agent in the station at v Waukon, pronounced j was told L. Pet. 55 .557 5 9 .549 66 .51'1 66 .Don 67 .4S1 73 .425 AMERICAN 4 LEAGUE. New York 12. Detroit 5. New York, Aug. 11. New York de feated Detroit in the last game of the series. The poor fielding of the locals assisted the visitors in pil'.ng up runs. Bauman, a New Bedford recruit, made the star catch of the game, robbing Cree of an extra base by a great jumping catch of a liner. He also cracked out a triple. Cobb's one hit was a double. Score: R. H E. Detroit 5 11 6 New York 12 15 2 Batteries Willett, Summers and Stanaee; Vaughn and Sweeney. Washington 9, St. IxmB 8. Washington, Aug. 11. Washington defeated St. Louis in the final game of the series. Groom pitched good ball, but was given poor support, .while the locals hit Lake hard in the seventh inning. Score: R. H E. Washington 9 15 4 St. Louis 8 8 3 Chicago 5, Philadelphia I, Philadelphia, Aug. 11. In a poor ly played game Chicago defeated Philadelphia in 10 Innings. Walsh pitched good ball, but he was given poor' support. Livingstone . was spik ed in the leg touching out Harry Lord at the plate In the ninth and was forc ed to leave the game. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 5 11 8 Phiiadelph.a 4 6 3 Batteries Waltf.i and SuSiivsVn; Payne; Morgan, Martin and Living ston, Thomas. reams. W. Portland .' 69 Vernon 7 2 Oakland 69 .-'..n Francisco 66 Sacramento 62 l.os Angeles 54 Yimou 0, Sacra memo 1 Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. li. Extra base hits by the home team and Sac ramento's errors gave a last game to Vernon, 6 to 1. Vernon scored its tirst run in the second. Two more were added in the fifth and two more in the next inning. Sacramento threatened a rally in the eighth and got three men on bases without an out, but after Heister had scored on Thornton's sacrif.ee fly, Shinn hit in to a double play. Score: R. H. E. Vernon 6 7 0 Sacramento 1 7 3 BatteriesHitt and, Brown; Arrtl lanes, Thornton and Kane. Portland 1. Oakland 0. Portland, Ore., Aug. 11. Flatyr who pitched a splendid game through nearly all the contest, lost his own game by making a wild pitch and al lowing Peckinpaugh to score in the second inning. At the time there were two men out and Seaton a mo ment later flew out. Seaton's work was of the classiest order and almost perfect control, the five scattered hits secured off him being all of the scratch order. Score: R. H. E. Oakland 0 5 1 Portland 1 5 2 Eatterie Flater and Mitze; Sea ton and Kuhn Umpire Hildebrand. Los Angeles 2, IVisco 1.. Oakland, Cal., Aug. 11. Errors by Shaw, Powell and Tenmnt caused the defeat of San Francisco here yester day. Los Angeles won by a score of 2 to 1. Delmas reached second in the fifth when Shaw nyiffed his fly in left field, and scored when Smith was out by Mohler to Tennant. In the last half of the fifth. Madden put the ball over the right t.nd fence, tie Ing the score. Dillon scored in the seventh, when Smith doubled to left field, Powell juggling the ball, allow ing Los Angeles the w inning run. Each team gathered five hits. Howard of Los Angeles made two hits out of four times at bat. Score: R. H. E. Los Angeles 2 5 3 San Francisco 1 5 3 Batteries Delphi and H. Smith; Fanning and Browning and Berry. walk on," and : the next train would be i along in 14 hours, so he decided to I follow the "tip" on the sign. I Mcanu h'.le, the pain of the aehinn j tooth became more aggravated and when Larson reached Spokane, fol- HARVES Tf rTIME IS TELEPHONE TIME In five minutes you can accomplish as much with a Kellogg Farm Telephone as you could by spending a whole day going to town and back. You can ring up the commission men and get the market report. You can sell your products and order, supplies without leaving your farm or neglecting your work when you INSTALL A KELLOGG FARftI TELEPHONE LINE You will be surprised at the amount of time and woik it will save you; particularly during harvest when you should give all your attention to your farm. When you have a Kellogg Farm Telephone you are in touch with the ciiy and your neighbors; you will receive warning of frosts or storms in TRADE SIAKK time to protect your orchard ; you will send to market only that which the market is demanding and receive the best price. You can stand at your phone and accomplish as much in 30 minutes as would require 2 or 3 days driving around in a buggy. OUR FREE BOOKLET TELLS EVERYTHING lowing the long hike on the grade. Irs jaw was .swollen so his friends failed I to re-cognize him. and this continued until the offending molar was ex tracted. Moreover, Larson found the gold coin was one of C"cle Sam's own make and he readily obtained $-U when he tendered it at a local bank. This and a few other things prompted him to enter the. action against the corporation, which will contest the suit. Send to-day for our free illustrated booklets. They show you how to install a Kellogg Telephone; how to string the wires; how to connect up your phone; in fact everything is explained. It's very simple anyone who can twist two wires together can install one of our phones. The Kellogg Farm Telephone is "Standard" it can be attached to any telephone exchange, whether "Bell" or "Independent". The best time to install a Kellogg Telephone is NOW. It may save many times its low cost this summer. A farmer never knows when an emergency may demand quick action an accident that requires a doctor or a warn ing of approaching rain make a telephone a necessity. Our free illustrated books tell many interesting and Important things you Should know. Write to-day. Ask for Bulletin "N" PACIFIC COAST OFFICES 90 Seventh Street, Portland Hi South Wall Street, Spokane 324 So. Los Aniielei St., Los Angele KELLOGG SWITCHBOARD &. SUPPLY CO. Complete Line Carried in Stock 88 FIRST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL OFFICE CHICAGO SIXTH SF.XSK IS IIStOVKKKI XOKTHWEST LEAGUE. Standing of tho T"anis. W. L. Pet. Vancouver 69 47 .595 Tacoma 66 49 .574 Seattle 61 52 .540 Spokane 62 54 .534 Portland 56 57 .496 Victoria 30 84 .263 Seattle 5, Portland L Sf-attle Auh. 11 Seattle landed on J- n.-en in the fourth inning yester day and b f ore the side was retired I'iv- i n - - li hrid cross..! the plate, giv ing the locals the game from Port '.ir. l, 5 to 4 Tti" f urth Inning was a bad one for Zack'rt also, Portland .-c" !'i.g four nv-n. lioth teams drew b'ar.ks in all ofh"r inn'fcgs. Garrett, who i"li'.ved J'-ns'-ri, pitched go id bill. So Says Founder of Now Cult in Xow York. New York. "One moment, please." The interview is delayed. Mine. Adrte Marie Kinue. founder of the Circle of Universal Soul Freedom anil president of the University for Soul Cultivation, Mental and Material Ele vation, pauses and listens. "My friends are talking about me in Germany," said she. "I must know what they are saying. I have discovered and am cultivating the sixth sense. It Is located In the base of the brain. Through it I can hear all the voices in .the world. Only yes terday at luncheon I said to a friend, 'Walt! I am being discussed by some women I know, friends of mine. They are about to bring something to me anil axe wondering If they shall choose purple or yellow.' They de cided in favor of purple, ns that was j more my shade. Within an hour the friend came and offered me a beau tiful purple pansy. It was all true. and soon the whole world will know how to eliminate space. Finds Sent of Soul. "I have discovered the location of the soul as well." she remained. "It is here, in the upper part of the lungs, and its spiritual nerves con nect with the dome of the temple. The body is the temple and the dome or top of the forehead is the workshop of the soul." Mme. R'que wore a Grecian robe, cut square at the neck, giving the soul an open field for expression. She explained that if anything bound the throat thespiritual nerves were han dicapped In sending currents to the brain, or dome, and the whole scheme of cultivation and elevtation was ma terially hurt thereby. Thus it becomes apparent that a man's collars may make him grouchy. and lights are to be installed, while additional facilities for propagating a greater variety of plants, including many varieties of cactus, are being provided. SPOKAXK HAXKFIl SUMO 11Y Wil l: FOK DIVOKCK FAMOUS MAN 11ADLY IIUKT. '1 Spokane, Wash William Huntley, vice-president of the Exchange Na tional bank and secretary-treasurer of the Inland Brewing and Malting company of Spokane, who Incorp orated his family as the liuntly In vestment company with a capital of $1,200,000, giving his wife and ten children and himself each $100,000 In stock, a year ago, now Is defendant in an action for divorce filed in the Spokane county superior court. The charge is abandonment. Th's Is the second suit filed by Mrs. Emma V. Huntley. The first, entered more than a year ago, alleged that the banker was close In money mat ters. Soon afterward Huntley orga nized the Huntley Investment com pany ami following the money settle ment the case' was dropped. Huntley's counsel has filed an an swer. :iilmitf inir th:it li n tin nilimoil hiH wif i Am-il 1 1)10 denvimr thnt I slonaries of the Methodist Episcopal this action was without cause. The Iti'v. Gcorgu llelMT Jones Unlla I low li mi Klevator Shaft. New York. The Hev. Georgo Heb er Jones, writer and lecturer on Ko rea and one of the most famous mls- su't will bo tried during the Septem ber term. Before coming to Spokane Huntley was a bonanza wheat rancher In the Palou.-e country in eastern Washing ton, where he amassed a fortune. church, was seriously If not fatally Injured oy falling down the elevator shaft of the Duchess Apartments In West one Hundred and Twenty fourth street, where he lived. Jones had found the dor of the shaft open and stepped In. thinking the car was there. Jean Massieu. living from 1772 to 1 846, was director of the deaf mute Institute at LIH'c, France. He pos sessed extraordinary logical powers. Two accountants employed at Ba ker to expert tho city's books and accounts have reported with an un qualified O. K. 0000000090000000900000000000000000000000 o Om- Westi-ni League. At Sioux City Sioux City 2; aha 0. At Denver Denver 7; Pueblo 0. At Lincoln Lincoln 5; Topeka 4. At Des Moines Des Moines 2; St. Joseph 3. Sallow complexion comes from b 1- Attack Like Tigers. In fighting to keep the blood pure the white corpuscles attack disease germs like tigers. But often germs multiply so fast the little fighters are overcome. Then see pimples. ' boils, eczema, salt-rheum and sores multi ply and strength and appetite fail. This condition demands Electric Blt- iou impurities in the blood and the j ters to regulato Ftomach, l.ver ana fault lies with the liver and bowels: 1 kidneys and to expel poisons from they are torpid. The medicine that the blood. "They are the best blood gives results in such cases is HER- purifier." writes C. T. Budaahn, of BINE. It is a fine liver stimulant i Tracy, Calif., "I have ever found." and bowel Sold by A. C. regulator. Price 50 Koeppen & Brothers. IJHI.I.MIXAKY WORK STAICTF.D OX DISKADXAUGIIT They make rich, red blood, strong nerves and build up your health. Try them. 60c at Koeppens. EIGHTY-BUSHEL WHEAT FOUXD Seattle . p..i iai;.l !!:u:er!' Za k'rt urid H n, Garrett :iml Harris. Sjxikaiie 8. Vaiic-ouwr .1. '.'.' . uwr. P.. :.. Aug. 11. Spo Vane ae.,j Vancouver pt.tVe.l a see-saw l- n. ;.. ti.. ly Sp..k;ii:- -at lining 8 in l. li.i. ii I. am u.-. 1 tim e pUchcrs !! t !! ho'n- run- '.mm: made. V.i-ic j o i 5 10 5 .-'pokai..- n 11 2 L.itt- ii-. Erii k-cn. r.a:. and Li w -:: Ha-.k Kraft. Will s and O-'t- ii o.iia !t. TiMftma H- Vi.-tmi. .. It. ("., Au. 11. Vi'.-torlU i!. l.. is.-, Ta. yin.i ij s in a ragged gum- isicrday. The locals won the lonu.-t in ihe ninth inning whin De Vujjt ii t w.lh the bases full. Tucoirid Used six p.tcheiH and Victoria two. Ann's was put out of the game for Workmen in Brooklyn Navy Yard I 'rejwrt; to lleg-in Construction on Largest l'.utllosliip in Die World. New York. Preliminary work on the Dread naught New York which wiil be the largest anil most power ful battleship the world has ever seen, ;s already under way at the Brooklyn nrrvy yard. The cradle in which the huge frame will rest has been prepared, the traveling cranes are In position I and workmen are nusy piac.ng in po lt. 11. E. ; s tion tiie jiliK-s that are to form the ..5 11 3 I outer bottom of the 2S,oij') ton battle- 1 5 lj. liea; Jen-j ),! keel will be laid with simple I ci-reirioni'fB early next rnon'h. and a ... ... i yfar later son)- lavontc young woman to designated l.y Governor Dix, j v. ill sn:a-h a bottle of w ine on her j lo.vs and chri-f n her. , Eaiiy in tin- tail of 1 ' 1 -i the New . V!k ,i!l take h'-r plaee tlx- flag ,-h'p of tin- Atlantic fleet. l our lirojcr.s Ordered. j Washington, D. '.' The Cramp Shipbuilding company of Philadel- phia was the lowest balder for fourt t .'. eniy-nine knot torpedo boat de stroyers of 1000 tons, for which the I'rn'eil Mates will pay $760, 'MO each. Eight boats In all are to be built. Government Completes Threshing 400 Vnrii-ties of Grain. Chlco, Cal. The threshing of 400 varieties of grass has Just been com pleted at the government's big plant Introduction gardens at this place, says Superintendent Seagles. Some varieties of wheat yielded at the rate of eighty bushels to the acre. This is about twice the average yield of common wheat throughout Californ ia's grain growing district. Tho va rieties producing especially heavy are Flieti-s ami Cliul wheats. If. F. P.Ianchard is the expert in charge of experiments in tlii- department. The nronncatlon and budding "f deciduous fruits are now being fol tt.wiil ."orn breeding is also under wav. The illsirioutiori or piams in mi Tin- pistachio nut. which Is largely iused by i oiifectioners, Is being ship ' ned to Newman. Fresno and other i plants. i A water system was lately Installed Ion the ground and electric power At a meeting to be held tomorrow night at Astoria, a camp of the Span ish War Veteran l-i to be organized. CASTOR J A j tit Y&v Kza Always Soosi f Jfcj-&UU of o o o o o o o 0 o 0 0 o o o o V o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o o Q G o o G o & o o 0 3 o REFINED STATIONERY iither Prinfod, Engraved or Embossed FOR Business Firms Professional Men Social Occasions Private Correspondence , DONT send out of town for this class of stationery, but bring your orders to the EAST 0REG0NIAN. We can as sure you the finest work obtainable and at prices as low and in some cases lower than you will be forced to pay outside concerns. Ask Us to Show You Samples and Quote You Prises. PHONE MAIN 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o 0 Q o o o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo