EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OUEGOXIAV, PEXDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1911. PAGE Ml E oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo PERSONAL MENTION o Si HHi n on. Just One 'More Week 0MB The Extra Special Sale on Jf these pretty little Dresses Thrill luof liief ftaio iatooIt Will 1UOI J UOl IIIIO The price will be the same It's by far the greatest val ue we have ever offered. Alterations Free See Corner Window h d F. E. LlVENGOOD(&CO. SEPTEMBER Ladies' Home Journal Patterns and Fashion Sheets Now Ready ?ee Lane & Son for ilgus. Pusilmc pictures pleaee all, !uich Henry for coal. Main 17. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane & Son. Wanted Two waitresses at Hotel Pendleton. I'rlvate board and lodging at 205 W. Webh. h.ine Black 34S1. Phone Platzoeder for fresh meat r.t.rt Urd M'ln 44S. Sacrlf'ce sale or trade . 40 II. P., B Pas. Buick auto. Address E. O. Phone Main 5 for dry wood or Rock Springs coal. For sale 4 good milch cows. In quire 216 Jane. I'hone Black 6091. Everybody goes to the Orpheuin to ee the best am the clearest pictures. Everything mat's good to eat. In meat and grocerl? at the Cash Market, phone Main 101. O riddle cakes wl'hout grease. Try a Wear-Ever griddle. Call Black 20:2 for information. A double boiler in your teakettle. Let the Wear-Ever representatives show you, or call Black 2092. Ppeclal rates to horses ooarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 20 Aura street. Phone Main IS. For Sale From one to twelve good, young, well broken, Jersey dairy rows for sale. I. W. Short, Milton, 0re. Experienced woman wants posi tion as cook with harvesting crew. Address 701 Thompson street, Pen dleton. Lost, Sunday evening, near corner of Johnson and Water streets, gold mounted amber back comb. Reward for return to "B" this office. If you wast to nior?, call Penlai. 1 Bros., Transfer, phone 3391. Large dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 64 7 Main streot. Meat' Meat! Meat! If It's on the market, it's here. Farmers' Meat Co., Conrad Platzoeder, manager, 224 E. Court street, phono Main 446. Opens Saturday New noodle and , chop suey house, at 622 Cottonwood street. Good cooking. Hours, 12 o'clock noon to 3 o'clock a. m. Sung Hoey Low, proprietor. You can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 173, for e'ean screened Hock Springs coal either lump or nut. It burns clean and goes further. Lost O.-W. H. & NT. pay check No. 6!t69 for $36.35 n favor of Nick Pulos. The public is warned not to cash this check but to kindly return same to owner at Thorn Hollow or P. O. Box 867. City. Passengers to Portland can save money and at the same time have an enjoyable river ride by taking boat from Tile Dalles. Str. Bailey GaUert leaves dally, except Friday and Sun day at 3 -.30 p. m., arrives In Port land 9:30. Fare 11.00. Try Rose Cream for Sun Burn and Tan If you wish to h FREE of those blemishes 25c KOEPPENS The Drug Store Thut You nmt. Serves 01 CO -I- . 1 - Coil and wood, phone Main 6. A Saturday Dollar will buy 12 yards 12 l-2c percale at the Peoples Ware- B. L. Burroughs, agent for dry wood and Rock Springs coal. Phone I Main 6. A Saturday Dollar will buy 5 yds. 35c Scotch Gingham nt the Peoples Warehouse. For Sale One good Jersey cow, six years old, at a bargain. Call 1023 California street. A Saturday Dollar will buy 25 yds crash at the Peoples Warehouse. house. For Sale Good team, harness and hack. Suitable for camping purposes, Inquire 413 W. Alta. Ladies! Ladies! You had better; hurry and see those new fall suits at Alexanders. They are going fast. ', Wanted at once, lady solicitors for city and road. Pleasant work, good pay Experience not necessary. Call mornings. Mr. Lee, 205 W. Webb. Phone Main 541 for Parker's au tomobile. Trips to all parts of coun try. Lehman Springs In particular. Quick service. Just received, advance shipment of the nobby new fall styles in Steln iilo( k clothes for men. Call and see them at Alexander's. For transfer work, hauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos and nil kinds of Job work, phone Red 461. B. A. Morton. A Saturday Dollar. Will buy 15 yards 36-Inch bleached Hope muslin at the pies Warehouse. wide Peo- Modern 'Woodmen Attention. Regular meeting tonight. All mem bers please attend. WM. ANDERSON, V. C. J. G. FINNEY, Clerk. Pendleton' Fast Expi For light or heavy transferring of ali kinds, phone George Stangler at Grltman Bros.. Main 511. Furniture and pianos moved promptly and fully to any part of the tty. NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE- MEXT. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received by the Common Council of the City of Pendleton un til August 23. 1911, at 5 o'clock p. m. for the Improvement of Cottonwood street, In the City of Pendleton, from the south line of Water street to the north line of Railroad street, and Webb street from the west line of Cottonwood street to the east line of Main street, with hard surface pave ment, curbs and gutters and a drain age pvstem therefor. In accordance with the plans and specifications for such Improvement now on file with (ho (.,ty nooor(lcr the City Recorder. I Each bid must be accompanied bv Each bid must be accompanied by cortifod ,.hp(.k for ,2500.00, a cert.fied check for $1600 .00 pa5 - nh, t(, th pf r(fv of able to the mayor of tM City of Pen- , pemllct(,n to bo reltirnoi, if u dleton. to be returned If the bidder (lfr ,s unsl000ssfu, an(1 t0 be for. Is unsuccessful and to be forfeited ont(,w oj faiIurp tQ onfor no ft c(m TMiluro to enier inio a uoiiiracL in accordance with the bid If accepted. Each bid must specify as follows: For complete Improvement as per plans and specification t For complete Improvement ex cept Alta street Intersection, ns per plans and specifi cations I Pavement, per square yard $ Curbs, per lineal foot t Gutters, per lineal foot Excavations, per cubic yard....) Filling, per cubic yard t Manholes, each $ Inlets, each $ Pipe, complete $ Br'ck headers, per lineal foot.. Bids must be filed with the City Recorder on or before said date, and the Common Council reserves the right to reject any or' all bids. Dated nt Pendleton, Oregon, Au-j gust 10, 1911. j THOMAS FITZ GERALD, VoXDEMX 20 SAILORS TO DEATH City Recorder. , ( Mutiny on Spanish Battleship 15o- Crook county hns purchased a 10-( suits In Coiirtiiinrllul. ton road machine that will roll, grade' Madrid. A courtmartlal at Cndlx ploy or sprinkle ns desired. By condemned to death 26 men who took agreement the city of Frlnvcllle will part In the mutiny on board the Span use the machine in street work. j lnh battleship Mumaneia while the I vessel w.is at Tangier, Saturday. The The I'.andoii Brick & Tile company men received communion nt ! o'clock has opened Its plant nt Bandon. It In the morning and it Is understood will give employment to 50 men. their execution followed immediately. Jesse Picard of Athena, Is In Pen dleton today. C. F. Paxton of Boise, Is a guest In the city today. G. E. Stanfield of Echo Is viitlng in the city today. Bruce Gilbert of rilot Rock, Is vis 'tlng in town today. Mrs. P. H. Iluehholz of Stanfield, is in the city visiting friends. Ed.IIomelgarn paid a business vis It to Adams and vicinity today. I. R. Lawrence, merchant of Ukiah, came In from that place yesterday. II. C. Craig returned last evening from a short business trip at Athe na. B. F. McCulloch Is registered at a local hotel today from his home at Echo. R. E. Perry and wife have return ed from an outing In the vicinity of Kamela. Ernest Crockett who has been so journing at Kamela, Is expected home tonight. Oliver P. Morton, attorney for the reclamation service, Is here today on a brief visit. Mrs. Owen Rird, who has been camping at Kamela, is expected home tonight. Oliver Lynch came In from hi ranch near Ritter for a few days' vis it in Pendleton. Donald Rader left this morning for nis nome ai .uemoru, uiier iiavm, hf-en emnloved hprp4 during n nortlon of the summer. j ! John Nissen of the Nissen Imple- I nient company, came in from walla Walla last evening. I.NillTIIOl'SE MAX Wm. Hilton of the Balfour.-Guthrie KILLED BY DERRICK Grain company, made a business. trip to Athena yesterday. J ,,,. 1(.am ,miks HeaM.r Miss Dora Myrick has taken charge rs I nloading nt Destruction Island, of the altering department at the Astoria, Or. John Enquest, keep Alexauder department store. er of the Destruction Island light- A. P. James of Pilot Rock, has been j house, was killed by the breaking of transacting business here today. He i a derrick while unloading coal from Fold "6 head of beef cattle to the 1 the lighthouse tender Heather at' the P.ert Wilson, claim agent for the O. W. 11. & X. company, left on the local train for Coyote station this morn- inS- j R. Smith, manager of the Grand i 1 th-ater, accompanied by his wife, re-! turned from Walla Walla last even-! j mtr. J. E. .Montgomery, representative of the Puget Sound Warehouse com - pnny. has returned from an outing at Newport. .Merle Chessmnn, city editor or tne East Oregonian returned this after noon from a 10 days vacation spent at Meacham. Miss Mabel Perkins of Boise, Is here upon a visit with Mrs. B. S. Bur roughs. She is a former resident of Pendleton. Andv Larsen, a wheat farmer of th v.nmi. ennntrv e.ime down on the forenoon passenger train from that place. Mrs. e: C. Annibal and daughters, Nellie and Verna, will return, to night from Kamela where they have been camping. Fred Carper, who was formerly with the Tallman Drug company, but who Is now a traveling salesman for ja drug house, Is In the city. J. L 'W. H. Whitelng the well known O. & N. telegraph operator has .returned from a trip to Portland and j other Willamette Valley points. P.. Kelsay. prominent resident of j Fossil, Wheeler county, Is here today 1 upon a visit with his sister, Mrs. Sa I rah Trine. He is en route home from ; Hot Lake. Mrs. Eleanor Redfield left this morning for La Grande where she goes to take a position In the offices of Assistant Superintendents Buck ley and Corbett of the O.-W. R. & N NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE- MEXT, Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Common I Council of the City of Pendleton until August 23, 1911, at 5 o'clock p. m. for the Improvement of Alta street In said City of Pendleton, from the east line of main street to the south line of Court street, with hard surface pavement, curbs and gutters and a drainage system therefor, in accord- nnrA it'lth t Vin nlnn, nn.l enMlflnolI.in, fn ,,. 1rnnr'nt . tract in accordance with the bid if i accepted. ' Each bid must specify ns follows: i For complete Improvement as per j plans and specifications $ Pavement, per square yard...! Curbs, per lineal foot I I Gutters, per lineal foot t I Excavations, per cubic yard....! I Filling, per cubic yard $ Manholes, each $ i Inlets, each $ Pipe, complete t i Brick headers, per lineal foot..$ I Rids must be filed with the City , I Recorder on or before said date, and i the Common Council reserves the 1 right to reject any or all bids. I i iateii at renuieion, Oregon, Au gust 10, 1911. THOMAS FITZGERALD. City Recorder o . Vr ', O H ''.!. O- ' O 0 'I' 1 lil lo w 2 Wohlenberg Dep't. Store . ! - - island.; The end of the derrick beam broke ( ii ;ir off, striking Enquest on thv head, crushing it in a frightful manner. Dcatli was instantaneous. Xe.ir him at the time was Charles Jlo'Ieer, second officer of the Heath er and Alex Sanders, a deck hand, was unhurt. The broken timber was found I to be one rotten clear through. j The body was brought here on the j Heather this morning and was taken , charg,. of by Coroner Gilbaugh. He I was 35 years of age and well known : in tins city, and leaves a orotner, Fred Enquest. who is a fisherman on the river. FAILS TO FIND ANY CURE l'OII IXAXTILE PARALYSIS Dr. Simon Floxner of Xew York Says " Cannot be Checked Until Doctors I Leurii Ilow It Is Transmitted. Albany, N. Y. No tratmnt, so far as Is know n, which can b regarded as a specific, or even effective, has been found in dealing with the problem of infantile paralysis, according to Dr. Simon Flexner of New York, who has been making a special study of the disease. At a recent conference here of merical officers under the auspices of the state department of health, Dr. Flexner gave the following views In discussing' Infantile paralysis: "Until we can succeed In deter mining how the disease Is transmitted we cannot expect to accomplish Its prevention. , "The source of entrance of the germs of this disease appears to be through the upper air passages, es pecially the nose. "It would also appear that the most probable means of exit of this germ Is through the nose and throat. It Is therefore very" Important that the discharges from the nose and throats of cases suffering from In fantile paralysis Is promptly de destroyed" DIES AFTER REE STIXGS HIM. Man Succumbs Half Hour After In- sect Stings Him. Dubois, Pa. Philip Dusch, a well known resident of Brady township, died thirty minutes after being stung by a honey bee. Mr. Dusch went out to place a cap on a hive and was heard to call. His wife rushed to his side in time to see him fall. Be fore dying Dusch said he had been stung but once, and that right on the joint of the jaw. He was 62 years old. STEALS TOHACCO: TWO YEARS Paltrv Theft Lands California!! In Fol-iom Prison. Stockton, Cal. Juan Vargas, con victed of stealing two packages of tobacco flora a grocery store, was 1 sentenced by Judge C. W. Norton of the superior court to two years in Folsor.i prison. Thouaht a paltry theft was com mitted from a standpoint of value the Intent to commit burglary, raher than the lack of success of the ac cused in his undertaking, prompted the sentence given. BEAR FELLS WOMAN. l!usinnd Knocks Unite Senseless With Siintling. Then Cuts Its Throat. Oroville. Calif A vicious attack was made on Mrs. Stegmiller by a pet bear raised since cubhood by Stegmiller at his home In this city. Mrs. Stegmiller suddenly heard the bear's infuriated roar at her ear as I', knocked her to the ground. The bear being chained, was able to strike her only once or twice before she rolled out of reach. Her clothing was badly torn. Her husband knocked the bear un conscious with a scantling, llefore It bad recovered. Stegmiller had rushed into the house, obtained a butcher knife and cut the animal's throat. Rend the want ads. I Si On Ladies' and Misses' Silk and Wash Dresses, as well as all re maining Summer Suits, Shirt Waists and Coats. Blue and Black Suits are not included in this half price sale, but. liberal discounts are made on them. As in all our sales, these reductions are ' from our refrular prices, and XOT from alleged "values." This sale affords ladies who are discriminating a splendid oppor tunity to buy worthy, stylish and valuable troods at low prices. XEGRO ASSAILANT CAUGHT. Father of Girl He Attacks Rides After Him and Brings JJim I'.ack. Aitkin, Minn. A negro named Wooster is held here on a (.'.:. irge of attacking a white girl fourteen years old living near Mulmo, or, Millelacs lake. In passing a house the negro asked the girl, who was alone, where her mother was, and being told that her mother was dead and that her father was in the wheat field, attacked her and fled. The father started on horseback In pursuit of the negro and after a long chase brought him back. The girl identified him and the negro admit ted the crime. OROVILLE SECOND REXO, PRIEST'S INQUIRY SHOWS One Out of Every Two Marriages Proves Unhappy, According to Comity Clerk's Records. Oroville, Calif. That Butte county has Reno distanced when it comes to the proportion of divorces to mar riages appears from a compilation of figures from the County Clerk's records. It also seems that the coun ty stands well along toward first place In California In the same res pect. The figures show that thus far In 1911 114 marriage licenses have been granted, and that 55 divorce suits HEADOUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of th Celebrated F'S TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Dnifffdsta of East ern Oregon. Lehman Hot Springs Among the Pines of the Blue Mountains Fine medical liatlis; larjre swimming pool; new dance hal', dancinc daily; bowling alley; fin bunting and fishing and ideal camping grounds. AUTO STAGE nvos Pendleton Auto Co. Tuesday. Thursday and Sat urday of each week. Round-Trip Fare $8.00 Sjx-cial trips may be arranged with either stage line. Hoard, by the day $1.50; Store at springs, carrying suits and everything needed. Join the Jolly Crowds at Lehman Frank L. McNeil, Proprietor o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ft m Better Goods for Less Money have been filed. This revelatiaon was brought about by an inquiry st irtid by the Rev. Father Dermody. The data may result In a searching Inquiry by the various churches and betterment societies. Is the pleasure haunt in this part of the country this summer. Its devo tees rejoice to learn that they can now go and come In a regular schedule, in dependent of tides. The popular ex cursion steamer, T. J. POTTER leaves Portland, Ash Street dock, DAILY, EXCEPT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 8:0 A. M. SATURDAYS ONLY, 1:00 P. M. Also the steamer "HASSALO" leav ing Portland dally, except Sunday, at 8:00 P. M. (Saturday at 10:00 P. M.) Reduced Fares Prevail From All Points hi the Northwest via the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company Ideal cottage and camp life, a mag nificent beach that Is not surpassed anywhere, genial and beneficial cli mate, and all the comforts of home without costing any more than If you remained at home. Call on or write to any O.-W. R." & N. agent for complete Information; also for copy of our summer book, "Outings In Oregon." Wm. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, O.-W. R. 4k N. Co., Portland, Ore. Get There Quick Phone Red 3961 for the lAUTO CAB Twenty-five cent fares to any part of the city. Special rates for out of town trips. BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. Stand at 614 Main St MAIL STAGE Connects with trains at Pilot Rock, on Monday, Wednes day and Friday of each week. Round-Trip Fare $5,00 by tlu? week $0.00. full line of groceries, batl nng North Beach a