nam PAGE FOUR. OAILT EAST OIlEwON IAN, I' EMUXTON. OREGON. riUMAY. AUGUST 11. 1D11. ' - -"(jJk-V. ij& fet '- lZ."AipiS.-Jr'' AN lNlUCl'KV'KNT NKWSPAI'KH. f.lsi'.-d l'r.;:.v n:iil Si-mi Weokly t Pen l. ft. m, orrKnu. by the t A fT nl.!.ii)MAN 1T1.LISUIXU Oa SVI'.SCIiirTlOX RATKS. "'1. oi.t year. I'.v mail rii, m motuhft. t'j mail 'Mly, .iiriH uioiiil.. by trail Itlly, une montu. by mail I'aliv, one year, by carrier "ally. Mi uimiilia. by carrier .... i'ally. throe tuuiiths, by carrier... i-I!r. hup miin'h. by enrrter Komi Weekly, oae yar. by mall... "Tjl-Weckly, six months, by mall., srtul-Weekly, four months, by mall. . .S3.00 125 I 60 i fie pally Kiisr Oroitonlau Is kept on (alt 't lb Unvon News Co., 32'i Morrtsoo treet. Portland, Oregon. Northwest Xevra Co, Portland, Oregon, fbli-aco Bureau, W9 Security Building. A'rsblnctiin, L. C. Bureau, 501 Four teenth street, X. W. Member United Press Association. Hntered at the postoffW at rendletoo, Oregon, as second class mall matter. telephone Main 1 Official City and County raper. HE Til l"K. Thou must be true thyself. If thou the truth wouKIst teach; Thy sou! must overflow, if thou Another's soul wouldst iva.h; It nee -is the overflow of heart To give the 'lips full speeck. Think truly, and thy thoughts Shall the world's famine feed; Speak truly, und en word of thine Shall be a fruitful sed; Live truly, and thy life shall be A great and .noble creed. Horatius Bonar. A.feel it NO C'Al sK I Oil WOKKY. Answers made by members of the water board to James Johns and other critics show conclusively there is no r.eed for people to worry about the Thorn Hollow springs. In substance board say the the members of the ! springs seem to have j plenty of water. But the facts will be fully ascertained Defore any I attemm is made to use the S?n(l nun I , , . , . , oond issue that w as voted by the i-cople last spring. Thus far the board has confined its efforts to se-curing the Thorn Hollow springi. The condemnation suit is on today and will be finished soon. Tnen the springs may be de veloped and thorough measurements I made as to the amount of water avail- able at that point. The critics are trying to say the water board should not try to secure the springs under the circumstances. Eut their objection is weak. Living springs are always of value In east ern Oregon and it is safe to say that even should the city not carry out the Thorn Hollow project the springs would not be bad property to own. U is not likely the city will lose through the purchase of the springs no matter what may happen. Objections raised at this time against the Thorn Hollow springs would have more weight were it not for the fact there is evidence of a plot to discredit the Thorn Hollow pro ject regardless of the merits of the case. Back of the opposition to the purchase of the springs looms the Byers mill and the people of Pendle ton are not taking advice from the Byers milling company a3 to what .should be done regarding a mountain water system. The sensible thing to do at thU time is to leave the matter to the water commission. The board is composed of pretty sensible men and they have all resided in Pendleton for many years. J. T. Brown, chair man, has probably had more experi ence with the city water system than ar.y other man In town. Mr. Brown and his colleagues are not going to lead the people astray. They will find out exactly what Is what before they proceed with any heavy expen ditures. Meanwhile the fact remains that the people of Pendleton want mountain water, they want an ample supply and they want It jut aa soon as It may be jbtuined. That ijovernor West s prison policy has attracted wide attention is shown l,v a e.:n:ner.t r'-centlv made by the j London Cnronlcle. Discussing the plan of the governor the English paper said: "The action of Governor West of Orig in in allowing convicts to work. (;uite unguarded, at different places a-ithin a radius of five miles of the penitentiary Is not altogether with cut precedent. The prison authorities f New Zealand believe in the moral effect of freh air, and at some of th'-ir Institutions the newly arrived misdemeanant Is allowed the choice ot living within the prison or outside it In specially erected tenU." Along the same line Is a recent edl t'Tlal from the Chicago Tribune deal lng with the policy of the Colorado prison authorities a policy that evidently similar to the one now in vgue in this state. ! systom of tr jt'wurds the Pr: rur M-i-rai years mere nas oeen.iun will only soive d make poopl.' trust and Honor pursued tsoners In the Colorado 1 . nil-l.ti irl,. ,.,- M, Trlh.,n The state us, them ns laborers in buiMing and i. ; airinS' road- and at ,-'"!it J'"" 1,1 K,HHl wishes for the j number of fine highways have been!1'"' ot the occasion of the I constructed by this means. Sometimes j on,? hundredth anniversary of the . as manv a liundred are in camp I niiies away from the prison for weeks " 7B0" 1 a ti!"- T,u BUitfils n't' "ot armed. .. 8 73 j Tan i.ici work eight hours a dav and - i-fte- ...trr-r tVr:.- , r-l--A'?.S. V:y 1;7S:1''1'1- :inJ" uke walks in the moun- tains. They must all be tains. Thev must all lie in i:nnn liv - t-- . ? p m. So far no one, it is said. inas tried to escape. I "Iist week, at the state reforma i lory farm a bunch of horses broke through the fence and stampeded to the hills. The warden ordered out the prisoners to recover them. There vas abundant opportunity to escape, but at the end of ten days every man came l;u-k and brought the horses to the farm again. "Some of these men were desperate characters. Murder was charged against some . and many were -burg- : lars. . Yet they have proved true to j their trust and made good the boast of the penal reformers that a sense a sense t (of honor can be instilled even Into hardened men if properly treated." Under the West policy the governor appeals to what might be termed a i .in.! ir.aMi :i of honor and self in- li :: verv p.:'.n s. enis t bo working and if the scheme does weH I" "iv a world of 1-ilt of ..s that ! U'.iei.ia o'is it will lod. complish a ! course such c.'P.siueraUons ill.! have r.o weight with and political organs that essary to carp at the gov n. ernor because he is of an opposite po litical faith from their own. tOl l.i) II' THEY WOII.D. j Elect, i-- company officials say they i cannot supply Main street building-1 ! with electricity from cables laid on I Garden and Cottonwood streets. They say they could not secure the right t i run the -.vires over the vacant j property in tlu rear of the buildings. How does the company s-erve the business section of Walla Walla? The wires are in the alleys there and con- Isequentlv the wires that supply in ' . . side buildings must be taken across someone's property. How do elec tric companies supply other towns ; where there are no wires on the main streets? How is Grants Pass supplied with electricity? There are no poles land overhead wires on the Grant and the cluster j Pass business street: lights make a splendid appearance in that town. "Where there's a will there's u way " NO OCCASION EOlt IT. The charge is made that the Byers milling company is seeking to ob struct the gravity- water system and there are reasons for believing the 1 accusation Is well founded. But why j should the milling company take such a course this? If the rights of the company are affected through the establishment of a mountain wa ter system for Pendleton the com pany will have means of obtaining redress. A suit for damiges may be brought and the law will force the city to pay the company for any losses Inflicted ff such a loss can be proven. There Is no occasion for the milling company to resort to- obstructive tac tics. Such tactics are dark and underhanded. They arouse suspici on and resentment and In the long THE MAN MONEY IN MAU.SilALiL, r ii-J-JJ cierKea in a store wnen ne was a boy. h-j put In the bank enough out of his salary to start a small business of his own. Today hlH establishment is the finest in the world. Ills two grandsons will get 400 millions each when they are given their share of his estate. Make Ol'K Bunk YOCH Hank. We pay liberal Interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent, com pwnded semi-annually. The American National Bank rENDLETTON. OREGON. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY more determined than ever to secure mountain water for Pendleton. . ; A11 Oregon nd the entire Pacific toast joins in good wishes for the. founding of the city and upon the zoning of tire centennial exhibition Th seem war between capital and labor always with us. While at Astoria see the Pendleton cmiiiiuio:i oi inciian rones . ami Moorhouse pictures. Why not have an Irishman for pope next time? The grouse season will soon open. Will there be any grouse left? DK.WILEV. Scientific America:!.) Because one man saw a great light, because he was a great scientist, a treat politician, a great philosopher. a -'mlt fighter, a great publicity agent i iic ninety minion nave come to have denen(,:,,. .,, th , times a day. Because th's man lived and fought, the babies of a nation ale " linger drugged into degener acy ana ileum, jierause of his uctivi- ties the adults of a nation are no longer unknowingly acquiring drug habit that sap their vitality. Be cause of the standard of his influ ence has set in the matter of pure foods and drugs a new -plrit is abroad in the. land which promises to put ail lines of business on a basis of honeny that they have never , i know n before. For Dr. l....iv.v V.'. Wiley, chief chemist of the department of agri i lilt life, has so wrought as to to bear upon the every day lives of all the p" i:ile an influence anion ;he greatest of any ni.iii ,.!' his lie iia- a theory that tut man of to- morrow is a product of what gois in-i to his stomach today. He set out long 115.1 to make better men through giv- !! them better food ami pi .venting i the injuries that were '.. -nig o ne 1 them through deceptuc drugs. He ! has encountered stupendous dilfleul- ties. I And now, sudoeniy. hi enemies ex ! ecute a coup that was intended to prove his undoing. He is charged 1 with irregularity 111 the employment ! of a necessary expert at a salary of S160U a year. It is' recommended that because of this alleged irregular ity all the accomplishments of his 1iv years of labor be set aside and that he be summarily dismissed. But the ninety million have insist- WHAT'S THE UEASO.V.' .Many IViullotoii People 111 Poor Health Without Knowing the luuso. There are scores ot' people who iriXS uut a miserable existence w ith out realizing lue cause 01 ineir sui fering. Day after day th. y are rack ed with backache and headache; suf fer from nervousness, dizziness, weak ness, languor and de.pressi in. Likely the kidneys have f.illeu behind in their worg of filtering the blood and than is the root of th troub'e. Look to your kidneys, asit. them in the'r work give them the a.etp they need. You. can use no better remedy than Doaa's Kidney Pills. KhUjw Is gratefu'. testimony from a siUferer in this locality. Mrs. Frank Pike, lt;i Greenwood street. La Grande Ore.,, says: "Doan'sj Kidney Pills were used in our fam ily anil proved very effective. The persnm who took this remedy had weak, kidneys and suffered a great deal from bachachc. Stooping was difficult and sharp twinges often darted through the loins. Doan's Kidney Pills were used ia a friend's advice and it did not tak them long to brini? relief." F .r sale by all deal-rs. Pr'ce 50 cms. Foster-Milburn ('. Buffalo, New Y"'?rk, sole agents for the United States.. Remember the nami Doa n's and take m other. WHO HAS THE MNK id on being neurit from. Thev have risen en masse and have used every organ at their .lisp.wul In voicing their 11 aniAnonoA a VtA i a. ...-.u,. u yivpugill (O remove the pure 'food Xpert. There never as a salary of $1600 un'd I to an ex- ,.rt, legitimate or otherwise, that so aroused a nation or promised somany embarrassments to men high in pub- ! lie life. A lUSIXl'SS ADMINISTRATION. (Walla, Walla bulletin.) A private business needs capable Vu i::;;s r.iru t i.i lag it to the holi est possible success. It has been thought that most anvbodv ennl.i rit it the nffa rs of a,.initt,. A close scrutiny into the affairs of towns and cities of the United States has plain ly shown the lack of business meth ods, as a rcsulfv many 'of our Ameri can cities are heavily burdened with debt. Among this class is tljo city of Walla Walla. Until the facta were published by the Bulletin recently, few of our citizens realized the enormous debt that Walla Walla is carrying. With this city staggering under a debt of nearly one million dollars and an interest btirden of nearly $50, 000 every twelve months, it is high time that the people of this city were staring these cold facts square In the face. While it Isn't a pleasant duty to refer to the financial condition of this city, it is a duty nevertheless, that we do not intend to shirk. For the past few years our city affairs have not been properly mannged. Business methods that should have born employed to govern n largo cor-' poration like the city of Walla Walla j have been lacking. We have adopted the commission : form of government. It stands to reason that th! system in itself will! not bring good government. Our city busine.'s affir- In the future cannot be conducted in the same manner as under the old system At the same, tin", to obtain the best possible re sults under tho new system, we mus. 1 have men to handle the noy gov rn i men'al machinery, who are csrperlenc- ed ip bu-ini affa'.rs; nrm who have lV.OTECT VOl'K HEALTH! hot summer and during the bad water" months by drink ing our pure soda, root beer, cider and beer. Clieajior Than a Doctor IlllK One dozen quarts or two dozen pints of the City Brewery"! fa mous "Expert Beer" delivered to your home for J2.00. PENDLETOW SODA WORKS. W. A. lletmiiclgnrn & Bros. 100 E. Court St. Tel. Main 46 'Born with I w el I j a nniiimani Minimi iimwiiMW ! li AMES. E. PEPPER J WHISKEY JR. Oldest distillery in America and the be9t Whiskey ever made in Kentucky. Established in 1780. Columbia Liquor Store Sole distributors in Pendleton. HERMAN PETERS, Prop. Orpheum Theatr J. P. MEDERNACH, IToprlotor. HiGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Cbuiigca on Sunday's, Tuesday's and Friday's. ThiE OFFICE SCHNEITER, Prop. PENDLETON, ORE Forpily Liquor Store" Phone Mein 299 Grande Ronde Apple Orchards on the INSTALLMENT plan. Talk with the Pendleton ieoplo who have visited these trscts. KILL & HIBSERD, OWNERS At thi-of fir of MARK MOnttWOlKIT C.C made successes of their own business affairs. WllliKi: HI'. WAS SHOT. Senator Robert I ("Fiddling Bob") Taylor tells about a man In the backwoods of Tennessee who ap plied for a pension for a gunshot wound. An examining surgeon of the medical board stripped tiiul examined Mill, ejaculating finally: "Old man, we cannot find a single blemish cn your hide. Where were oU shot during the war?" The old man raid. "Well. '''' ' men, I was shot In the substitute." Leslie's Weekly. IXDIAXS HOTD WOMAN' CAPTlVtt Girl, ricking Itorrle, Tolls f Strange Adventures In Woods. Ely, Minn. Julia Labernik, aged 17, living in the pioneer location, re turned from picking blueberries In the White Iron Lake locality, told of meeting a strange half-clnd woman who claimed she was held captive by Indian'. According to what the Lab ernik girl says, the woman told her that she is an Austrian, and claims to have been a captive -for six months and to have been horribly treated. While tbe Labernik girl was talking to the woman, she claims an Indian appeared, seized the woman and dragged her away. The authorities are Investigating the story. DOOOOOOGOOOOO o o o o 0 o o ! E 9 Q IlllfSIfit Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE rjCTUIJKS LATEST PICTURES 1111J illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nins. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times ach week. Be sure and see ihe next change. O Q Q o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o 0 i o o o o IS o Adults 10c. Children under 10 years 5c ooooooooooooo 1 the Republic" 71 1 Main Street 23 Hotel St. George Bar GEO. HAKVEAV, PrrUtor Pendleton's Popular Oentle mens Reann. flnheuscr-Busch's famous BUDWEISER on draught, 5C glass Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Ll juora and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. OPEN BAY AND N1C.IIT I'IKSI'-CLASS SEHYICE The Quelle Caie ' I and Oyster House jj !eals 25c and uj Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK., M MAIN' STREET "She is Waiting and- so are those she Is waiting on. And mind you, a good high-ball Is well worth waiting for. flood, pure, wholesome Whiskey, like the brands we are now selling, will make one wait patiently, but enjoy the wait when the liquid arrives cool, comforting, and refresh ing". If you are a high-ball lover, better try a bottle of this splendid Whiskey of ours. You will always want that brand afterwards. And the price will satisfy you, too. .TheOlympia Bar Phone Main 188 and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Main 17'.. PETERS MORRISON, Prop. The Pendleton Drug Co. is In business for Your Good Health REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES I For I Calling Cards Wedding Stationery Embossed Stationer Call at office of East Qregonian BEER 1