EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAS1 DKECiOXlAX. PENDLETON. OPjBOlsN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1911. PAGE TURKS CC000000000OO00C0COOO00OC0OOC00OO0OOOO00O0OOOO0OOOOOOOOO0OOO0OOO0OOOOOOOO0OOO o o o o Every day now at the Boston Store is a busy one. Crowds s are coming; crowds are soms ana everv one smsiiis praises o o o o o O F o o o C$1 tlFlP5 o o Q o o c o o o Never were such opportunities of buying first-class merchandise offered to the people of this country. Perhaps never again will good goods be sold so cheap. Remember, there are stacks of goods being sold, so make arrangements and come at once. o More than one-hundred pairs of Shoes sold yesterday. More than twenty Suits, and the way the customers grabbed Underwear, Hosiery, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Hats, Etc., was a treat to onlookers as well as the purchasers. We expect larger crowds every day. We have the prices, we. have the goods, so take the wings of the early morning, come early and buy all you want. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE IS Am MEW PENDLETON, OREGON O0O000000000O0000000O00OC00O)0OOO0OOO000O0O00000O000000000OO00O0O0000O00O00000 o a a St M $ 3 d o z o 6 o a o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o 0 0 o o o o 0 For (.ifii. Conrfurtrd hy (he SISUKS OF THE HOLY NAMES OF JESUS AND MARY. Afdnnit tmd Otltttu Cwrvj. Muitc Art. Elocvioa tnd Commer Citi DrpU. RtnJtnt mnd Dj Smdrnti Rrfiord Moral tnd Inrrltectuil TraiBlnf . Writf f orAnnounctnnt. Addrrtt 1 1 ST Fit tirpFRK'R. Si. Mjn'i jfrd.itmtt ftnts4 $7.25 From Pendleton to Wallowa Lake Park and Return "Tlio Iioauty Spot of Uio Northwest" 1 Tont with 1 Hod $1.00 Per Day 1 Tent with 1 Bod and 1 Cot $1.50 Per Day 1 Tent with two beds.. $1.75 Per Day 1 Tont with 1 Bed.... $5.00 Per Week Tent with 1 Bed and 1 Cot $7.00 Per Week 1 Tent with 2 Beds.. $7. 60 Per Week Meals are furnlshod at the Restaur ant and launch Counter at reasonable prices. $5.60 meal tickets can be purchased for $5.00. Parties desiring to bring their own camping outfits will be allotted space FREE. BURKOS AND SADDLE HORSES for mounValn climbing 26c per hour. Special rates by the day. DANCING Wednesdays and Satur days and on special occasions If desired. KXCTItSIOX RATES FKOM FOL LOWING POINTS AND RETURN: Adams $ 7.80 Athena 8.00 Paker City 6-30 Durkee 7.40 Elgin Enterprise 1.20 Gibbon 840 Haines 6.90 Hllgnrd 4-00 Hot Lake 4.60 Huntington 8.20 Imbler 3. SO Kamcla Ii Grande 4.26 Lostlno 1.60 Mcnobnm 6.25 Milton 8.70 North Powder B-60 Talincr Junction 2.90 Pendleton ' 7.85 Plonsant Valley 685 ToloriiTt 6.10 t'nloti 4.70 Wallowa 1.85 Weston ; 8.10 Walla Walla. Wash 10.10 He sure, to ask for tickets direct to the park. For Further Information Addrsa TKEWALLAWA LAKE AMUSE MENT COMPANY JOSEPH. OREGON. BROWNELL PROJECT TO BE EXTENDED t Spec la 1 Correspondence.) Umatilla, ore., Aug. 11. D. C. Hrownell Is having surveys made this week on the proposed extension of tho Brownell ditch. The opening of the ditch will mean much for tho south side of this city and may be the means of having many new peo ple and residents there lie an advan tage to mo town generally, ino mien will be extended wet to the end of the townslte. J. A. Cooper, tho well known trav eling num. was bere this week. Itev. C. Butler of Hermiston, was a vis. tor here this week. Buys New Homo. John E. Hatter has purchased the house and lo's on the south side of the city from J. B. Swijzler ami has already begun to remodel the house and otherwise improve the property. New Houses. J. 11. SwHzler Is building a new house for rental on the river front and also making other Improvements to his other houses. Work Brisk. Work in tho local yards has been so brisk the past few weeks that the O.-W. R. & N. Co. has placed an ad ditional switch engine on the work. Going to Canada. City Recorder Saylor leaves soon for a month's vacation to Alberta, Canada, where he has extensive prop erty Interests. Iji rge Cargo. Fifteen hundred sacks of were among the large cargo the early part of the week Open River Transportation compnny's boats. The most of the sugar was shipped by rail to the Interior. RiN'ltal n Suooow. The recital given by Miss Katherlnej Trevette of Chicago Tuesday evening! was a decided success from a finan- i clal as well ns from an artistic stand-! point. The opening number as well, as the piano solo were very good. The tennp solo by Mr. W. V. (VConnell , received a more than usual applause' and encore. The sclo, tion sung by' Mr. (VConnell was both classical and! difficult. His voice was In excellent, form. New Foreman i P .1. McNemry of Portland lias1 been appointed roundhouse foreman 1 here to succeed Mr. McVey. res'pnod . ; Mr. McNtmry entered on his r. w du- t'os Monday morning. August 7. I Street Gniiled. i The grading and repairing of V ', street is Indeed a decided improve-j ment and Is leader to other s'reets, being Improved In sip li manner later i on. At a recent meeting of the! council a board or plank walk wasj ordered for both sides of the street! wh'i h will add not only to the np pearance of the street but will help ns an easy access to and from tho river landing, for in the past year the sugar landed by the travel to the east and west both by river and north bank has grown to such proportions that the council and citizens generally after many years saw the need of. Shade trees will be set out in the fall on both sides of the street. j. Bullock and wife have gone on an extended visit to Astoria. Miss M. Harris has returned from a visit to her home in Wallowa. J. W. McVey, who ha been fore man for the O -W. R. & X. for the part yar, has resicned to accept a more lucrative position at Say Iike City. Mr. McVey was one of the most popular officials, that the O.-W. R. & X. has had here for many years. He was popular with the men as well as the masses. Mrs. MeVey's depart ure from T'matilla will be generally regretted here. W. F. Tornbow. who has been in the employ of the O.-W. R. & X. for the past number of years, resigned and will, it Is said, go into the con tracting business. H. J. Patterson has left for Prosper. Wash., on a business trip. CEMETERY SITE ing after his Spokane property in terests for the past two weeks, re turned home yesterday. Read the want ads. Unfurnished housekeeping in East Oregonian building. Ste heat, gas range in kitchen, electe-le lights, hot and cold water and bar. Recently renovated. Enquire at E. E. i SIMON'S SON BRINGS CASH. SKMI.0;: In ijnttc;cl Miitou.f Wlion Ho Arrives in Now York. Xew York. Jabbering a French patois in excited expostulation agains' the sleuths of I'ollector Loch laying violent bands upon bis battered suit case, Antone Simon, Jr., as black as Krebus. and son of the man who has just been deposed from the presidency of Hayti, came into this port on his way to Europe, avowedly to protest to the German government against the result of the latest revolution that lias driven his father from power. Tis interest in the battered suit case was due to the fact that it con tained over $100,000 gold. This the son of the deposed president had grabbed only a few hours before the Allemania left Port tut Prince. The eyes of Loch's men bulged out in astonishment when they discovered the shining American gold coins wrap ped in greasy brown paper. Accompanying young Simon was Ant.'!li" l'ierz, who had been Presi dent Simon's secretary. They will leave Xew York on the first ship !'-r I'aris. PRISOM'.R A WII1TK SI, KK. (Special Correspondence.) Hermiston, Ore., Aug. 11. After many months of hard work and meet ings too numerous to mention the Hcrmivtoti Cemetery association has at last decided on a location. At a meeting held this afternoon they de cided to buy -0 acres located two miles south of tp.vn, from David Sorrvlis. The tract purchased is a vi ry nice smooth one and is just above the "A" line ditch and will be wat ered in the filth unit which will come in next spring. A. McDonald today purchased the John irvin homestead relinkuish Micnt. It is a twenty acre tract and is located two miles directly east of town on the diagonal road to the res 1 1 voir, it is partly improved and it is Mr. McDonald's intention to move on ! the claim right away and improve it as well as ills other project hold ings. Lust night Miss Bessie McPherson und Mhss Virginia Todd gave a dance to their many friends. It was held I in the Hermiston Mercantile hall. i Dr. M. V. Turley has been transact- j ing business in the Bend, Oregon, I country. He is the owner of quite a ; large tract of Irrigated land in that i section as well ns in the Hermiston j propevt; j Miss Norma Giddings Is spending a i few days visiting her sister Mrs. O. j M. Thomas, who lives near the gov- i eminent reservoir. Ray Ellis is here from Portland ; transacting business. ! John I). Rice, who has been look-; JF YOl HAYi; KGKM A OR ANY SKIN OR SCALP TROCBLi: II Kl IK IS GOOD m:vs. Stockton Police Relieve Cnnvii Vagrant Is lo:itl of Rang. Stockton. According to the police Harry do l.oiine. now ill for serving a lS0-.t;iy s-'n'oive vncrancy, is the head of , gang white slavers who have been m ry live rei-vnth It is alleged that Lornio had something to do with disappearance of Helen John: Wliit.son. daughter of a San Kr.uie' physician. Flunk do Pue of the si bureau of identification Is said to hi ncciireit a written eontesslon Fred 'Duval, at rested in San Franci on a similar charge. Kl jail f r of IV th aw oni SCO Read the want ads. You have probably tried one or more remedies with small success. This costs money and it is uncerta'n. We want you to try 7.EMO. the elcan liquid remedy, hut we do nut wan; you to pay for It unless you are satis fied with results. We have so much faith In Zcmo that we want you to try :t iv sevd ns t v E W. Ros Medicine Co.. J0:t; Olive Street. St. T.ouis, Mo., 10c in stamps to pay post age for a irerer.'ir samp'e of XEMO and ZE.MO (antiseptic) SOAP an,! our "2 page booklet on skin diseases n; get a bottle today at Pendleton Oru; "o. and If :n are not pleased with T' Mills tivy wi'l rcfc.nl your money. XKMO is a ,le;.n. scieir. ific prep irat.on that wasb.es away and dc ! troys the germ li''e and the poisons that cause tho trouble. Steps the itching at oi'.co and results can lie seen after one application ZKMO abso lu'oiy eui-i.-. ecei',ia in all its forms as well as hi vii. rashes, acne, totter, bar "lori" Hell, prickly heat, etc., on in fants the same as on grown persons Indorsed and sold by druggists ev erywhere and in Pendleton by Pen uieton Drug Co. Women suffering from any form of illness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham at Lynrv Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered . by women. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman ; thus has been established this confi dence between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which has never been broken. Never has she published a testimonial or used a letter without the written consent of the writer, and never has the company allowed these confidential letters to get out of their possession, as the hundreds of thousands of them in their files will attest Out of the vast volume of experience which Mrs. Pink ham has to draw from, it is more than possible that she has gained the very knowledge needed in your case, She asks nothing in return except your good will, and her r.Jvice has helped thousands. Surely any woman, rich or :hor.!d be glad to take advantage of this generous : ."-i- of assistance. Address Mrs. Pinkham, care of Lydii r.'.ikham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Anyway every woman ought to have " Lydia E. -bkham's 80-page Text Book." It is free alsa "fi'l in the following coupon with your name and address v A mail it to the Lydia K. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., and you will get this valuable book at once, free. LYDIA E. PINKHAM MEDICINE CO., LYNN, MASS PJenJp, in plain tvrappvr, send a copy vf "Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text Book Upon Ailments Peculiar to Women " To.