MGE TW O DAILY EAST OUEGOXIAX. PEXDLETOX. OREGON. JltlDW, AIT.lsT II. 1911. FIGHT PAGHB 0000000000000000000000000000009000000000 o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o 8 o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 8 9 o Q o e A Saturday Dollar This Saturday, Aug, 12, The Peoples Warehouse will give unusual value to a Dollar, for even this store that is in the habit of giving unusual valves, 1HI SATURDAY i:.VI. :xii:. HOPE MI'S UN S1.00 "I Ills ATURDAY IT. YDS. CRASH S1.00 THIS SATURDAY :. YDS. 35 C VI). (ilNT.HAM S1.00 TIHS SATURDAY 12 YDS. 12 12c PERCALE S1.09 THIS SATURDAY ; PAIR WOMEN'S 25r HOSE S1.00 THIS SATURDAY C, 25c TOWELS FOR ST.OO THIS SATURDAY (t PRS. WOMEN'S S2.50 OXEoRDS S1.00 There are many others that you can learn of by asking. Get Your Table Supplies for Sunday at Pendleton's Coolest, Cleanest and Best Grocery in Our Model Basemnet, Phone Main 17. O G e Q O o o o t';e par Int to the other s'de of the canyon. Jim. with his handy gun cover rig tv-r Tt treat. Th Indians at tf mptir.s to follow J!m cuts the lariat and takes May upon h! horse an.l ride I i a nearby cat'le ranch, where a f" W quickly orcanlzM. Riding , t.- the pioneer's ramp the r-scuer-i : arrive ir. time to jsv May'? family from the' In!!anm iho hive made a ' vic'cns at'ark on the '.It'!.? partv 'hit' is hm"'y ?"fendfnir the pra:ri". schooner, pert?We hm. 1? "Her Oypy P.ival." Pa the A I ir-"-! fin 's employment in a wealthy; W j man'.' nwc She ha no Mei who; Q I p ts or who were hfr pirTT.. and I , 1 : 'hat WHAT IF WE IK) CROW A -HAVEN'T WE REASON LITTLE TO UK RRcflc Evryt!; fn:i:.- .u,'i z I C,.: Mi: E.V he market ;if f-nl- '.ili'i-. fnh fri.m :. - can? in the A t li.b.t P Us Lrar- 25 r 15r 30c hie AI;iL illd 45c D.-einL, l'Ul( r'mi'r( to her Af nr bahv- d " a little Roll lock-t. The 'theart of the young daughter of her employer falls In love with the Gypsy, which brines about her dis charge. This leads to the ii'nvrr f rhe locket an l the Gypsy proves to be her employer'? own daughter. 4.. "Max It Forced to Work." Pa tr.e. Out of patience with their fin, Mix's parent throw him out of the h ..use anil f..r two day he wanders I round the i-tre-ts in even n? ros- tunii disconsolate and hungry, and ' f'n:!!y h. finds a card inviation to a j . rtie at the hom- of the Count and r-unte.. Zieiar'ni. Thinking that! ther.- will be "imethine tf eat. he; Q ! m.idiy ;n l.ue w'th h:m. Fore 1 to : O! k-en up ;ipp-aranc. j j "A Ti p T'.irousr'n Venire " Pathe : Q Th'f one of the pretty sonic plc- ' tnra that ott n ftr Poa it 1 1 f i.TT. . ....... ..... b ' ' t "i ,lJ " J Jtu.4...M.tJ Unted. o o o o o o o o o o Pendleton Beer THE BEST Quality-quality first, last and all 1 time-is the watchword in the prod the uc- tion of City Brewery Beer You do not find it larking in that "life" so necessary to eive it the required zest. You assist in providing employment for home lalxr, build inr up your home city and supporting institutions thai place money in circulation here, when you buy homo products in preference to those that are shipped in. When you drink beer, insist on City Beer on draught at the following places: BILLY'S PLACE, W. J. Bogart, Prop. fJREWEKY DEPOT, Paul Ilenunelgani, Pr OPERA BAR, Anton Kraft, Prop. STATE SALOOX. II. J. Latourtlle, Prop. THE CRESCENT SALOOX, J. LI. Taylor, Prop. M.riitol Ehii.uiin O'.iv. GOc. Sl.OO. oil, lrMO. Cli I: - Our C5c Lr-I-MT Shrimp, can- Eiir I i ; . 1 I : n ir, c;tii.- Pi.-kh- Stuffed v T. P. W. S,,,-ial Bh-nd th.- l!.-t 30C C.,f fee mi earrh. ,nn K 11 1" 15C 4 f..r arid -15c ; - I COC and 25c The Peoples Warehouse Save Your Coupons Where it Pays to Trade o o! o o o G O O O o o o o o o I 0000OCOOfOOOOCOG'?''SO00000000OGOOOOO E 111 RE Mrs. J. Fau -tt was a Pendleton visitor thU we.k. i Mi-s Mar::ret Windle has gone to Pendl-ton to en?i!?i: In her pr.ifes.-i-.n as trained nurse. OU FN ISTF.K'S () UAMPAf.K: PKT MONK FY ATTAC KS filUf-S a uindo-v led:?. After four hours Killy's h.jnif.-r overtime his cautloti and h- hopped to the window 1, ,!,- Into the prm of the keeper. S?;il Corres; on J H'.ar.field. Ore., Au'. 11. A laree irutui.t r of Stanfield people were most UKi.;htf uily entertained on last Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. T. , It. Yates. The occasion belni; a re ception giv-n in honor of Mr. Chas Hif n and hi bride. The hoftess assisted -by Mr. John Bagan. : The evening van given over to eon rsation and music The vocal num ber? given by Miss Alpha Holte be- , itig efpeclally enjoyable.' A bounti- ' fal and delkious Kurier hm served. At a lat-i hour the guest.1 departed "B-.hlng the young couple a long and kappy life. Schiller Herman an agent for the island Irrigation Co., Bpent a few 4y In thU city this week. Jlr. Pitts a resident of CJrand Forki, North Iakota, left Jor ihi me la.t evening after spending ome time here looking after his tract of land. Dr. H. V. Coe and son Oeorge have returned from a vlait to Milton and vicinity. They bring back most CTthusiastlc reports of the fruit crop. Homer I. Gibson returned from a trip to his former home In Washing ton lant Sunday, bringing with hlrn a bride. They are a most welcome charge. addition to Stanfield's social circle. Mrs. Burt has returned from a vis it of several days to Portland. Mr. L. S. Scea has gone to Mil ton where he has found employ-ax-nt. "Hilly" Ksni)ii Front Tlie, ScimI- HntliT to IPe-pplal ji-kI Tt'ar lre-o-oh of Yoiiiii; Wo n in Strc-t Haid. Philadelphia. Pa. Owen Wlster owns a iet monkey, named Hilly, which indulged in an escapade that may prove costly to the author. Hy patient work the monkey man aged to f. pen the combinnlon catch on hi cage. The first thing Hilly did was to attack his keeper, the Winter butler. He sent that Individual to the Jewish hospital for repairs and then proceeded to enjoy himself along the York road upon which Mr. Wlster h;iH his Lome Hilly first attempted to make friends with several Fort Hock girls Accused of Meal ins. j E E. Chamberlain of Clinton, Me., i Sioid'y accuses Buklen's Arnica ' .alve of stealing the sting from burns or sea !s the pa n from sores , of ail kind.s the distress from boils i or piles "It robs cuts, corns, bruises. spra'ns and injuries of their terror." ' he says, "as a healing remedy its I eoual don't exist " Only 2Se-at Koep ! pen's. 4 ."Frolirrime Florrle' THE PASTIME. . this story begins we see pretty Florrle 1 "God's Inn by the Sea," Esany. in mischief. As the lively picture An English sea story. Iirn'r.g that progresses we find her plllns more his schooner "Petrel." on which h's trouble on what Is already bad ! five-year-old dtaghter. Dora. anJ a enough. In the end she is packed ; crew of thirty men had been lost at off to s -ho..l. much to the cook's de- . - .'. i-.fter two ,i'-yj ,,ut from Liverpool." light. ' r.."' !o.- r.-i--ht n. hopeful that 4 "Jimmie as a Philanthrnphlst." his daughter might of been ..-ivw! J nmie's acting In this picture H In- offers a reward of 5.00 pounds for ti-rc-ting her return Not until ten years liter Tile Oxy. ins he ob'ain any cl'w of his lost For Friday and Saturday a mii-taryj ; '::itrh'.-r. Then he a lvertise.1 and -tory, two western flramas. A funny j r- produce ! a tattoo design, a dupli-1 lve oinedy and two stde-splitt.i.c ' -!t of nr. on the girl's left ankle. wu-rn ..'!.. iii.-s. It's a live p r ' Think'!.; that they ran obta'n the Mam. i rewn -d n men snd woman emnloy a' "Thou Shalt Not Hie." t - Kir! on whom they place the A fine military picture. . jcempiify-; m 'rk. but their scheme ! p !! d ing the oid proverb. "Honesty is the! when it I found the tattoo murk is of best policy." A ennw ript is taken; : recer.t date. Years later Cnj tain from the bedside of his sick wife and j ! -"ranilall finds a young woman on an enroibi! in the army. While the w.f-.-j i i-'and who hears the pecuiiar t.Ttoo : calls for hi.n in dejirium, the priest i ! r-ark. A v.eek later the old eom-1 e:..'l him w.rd and he deserts. A; mo lore arrives and is satisfied she :8 '. s-i'iiid of soldiers sent to arrest him , , his daughter. A happy reunion takes i question his little, son. who. having i idace. followed by the marriage of j hen t.iugllt not to. lie. reveals his ; Cran ia! and Dora. ! father's hiding place. The soldier Is i j '- "P.esie's Ride, Melies. The ! 'o be shot, when the pr'.est explains ! j hero's sensational fate on the one j the matter to the general, who al-1 ! hand and Hie's hard calloiiing intoi lows the man to go home. i the picture on her way to save him, on! "A Cowboy and a Ixrd." Champ- tie other hand, produce a thrill every; n. Lord Itonan is in love with a i t'me Bessie and her horse appear. , ' ' .;, Tn g.rl and comes to the ranch It U an exciting And well conducted 1 t.. vis.t her, but she prefers her cow- im. boy The mo'her tells him the i 3 "The Sher.ff and the Man," j girl is engaged to the lord and he J Luhin. This western story appeals, K s away. Some Mexicans r to the heart as few stories do, andMlrace away and after an exciting ; the play as a whole is full of Liter- ! cha.-e Hob n sm-s her. The lord af 1 est 14 ter learning how things are, gives up When his claim to c.raco and the story ends happily j "Wh.'n Pals Quarrel." Powers. A row v.estern drama Introducing a 1 w T.d -Tful trick horse. A story of j ! v-, je.i! and revenge. The man w u tr e,j and found not guilty, but j by a clevr piece of animal acting ; h- accused by the trick horse. ! "The L. vv Pu'i'.n." Powers. The rr. ; !v. The ..-.-ick swain sees an ! id f r a l ive potion which nlaced in ; .1-'- i. r j 'fee. will cau-o anyone to 'ill in '. j.e The girls get wic and K i.e in ,ic-. .r dress as a woman; he -'' rS;' 1 e -.otioti and falls madly :r. .if... tti'h Jon-s, who on leirning -r;:'li i-.iv.-4 the house in disgust. ""-. A' tress and the Cowboys." An r;;.in. Two strandi'd a (tors go t work on a ran. h, the man feed. n if ii and -he i rl feeding cowboys. The bo's fall :n love with the girl who manure to induce them to buy 1 lot of junk, stag..- JewcU ry. The a tors Wave behind an angry hunch f punchers. "The Sky Pilot's Intemperance." Americrn. , This i a scream all through. The cowboy thought Hev. Itooiittle's sermons were "dry," so decide to wet his whistle." Hy means of a funnel they poured a good lot of whiskey down lis throat and he soon berime hih.rious. Hut the bunch met its Waterloo when they serenaded the preacher's wife, who by means of brooms and rolling pins put the cowboys to flight und applied the "water cure" to the Rev. a la jump. WIIJF. KII.I.S MXFtTHK'I AX. or 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 I Young I.ini-niun Plimgitl to Dentil ; j From Pole nt Malaga. j Fresno. Arthur Quill, a young el- ecnlcian employed by the San Joa j (uin Light & Power company, was, ! instantly killed at Malaga by coming j in contact with a live wire. The who were waiting for a trolly -ar at J ''n"rp vooaee nei inrouen nis Nedro avenue. The girls didn't feel ! -""Jy and he fell from a pole to the. exactly friendly and began to run. : "unl. Physicians worked two Hilly could cover ground faster than hours In an unsuccessful effort to they, and proceeded to tear the dress- , resusticate him. He leaves a mother - . U'ho r.Mi,U.c In t fa ..It.. I es or the young women. : ... i....-, aO(.t of them had hecome ' hysterical the monk abandoned them ; The contractor is rushing work on and spent two hours chasing other the infirmary and other buildings on persons about the streets and dodg-' the county poor farm of Klamath ing trolly cars. cnuntv ! , Hv this time Hilly's keeper's Injur ies had Wen dressed at the hospltaal . Q and he had started In pursuit of his T Tlir ninTlinr 01111111 fi ' A PilK- snled the keener first I H I I Hr HII I III 1- HIIUH V j - - --- iUI 1 III 1 III 1 lllll ,11111 IJ ,1 and climbed to the top of a forty II I llll I IUIUHL UIIUKV foot walnut tree near the Wlster hnma Tha ift.r.t.r intended, but be 1 I had a stick in his hand at the time TUP" OKPHF.UM O rnd Hilly refused to come down. , . Vory IntwlnB ,nm foP r. Q 1 nen .1 uMiiity mrai an u'-mi .1(1,,.u f i " ' 1 "On a Tramp Htonmor," vita- , (fraph. Jim, a big, gf-nfrou-1-harTffl W O o o o o o o o o o o o o o FtEE POPULAR. MUSIC O o I Have Ever Been Known to Dislike Detail eraJ-pt2TO PHYSICIAN'S LEDGER ETffiT.pnCT DENTISTS LEDGER Ksmppf? DENTIST'S APPOINTMENT BOOK lipoma ATTORNEY'S DOCKET are all so simple and yet so complete that every fact every case is recorded in shape to tell the erstiic story v.t a glance and each entry 13 but the work of a second. Thcr. Iz an tesiszEt3xa BOOK. For Every Business and Profession For Sale at East Oregonian Office. j fellow, who earns his bread 1 by the sweat of his brow as a stoker , on a tramp steamer, meets Joe, a boyhood friend. Joe is down on his luck , J'm's heart melts in sympathy f-tr hirn. takes him by the hand, offers him the shelter of his home and gives j j him a Job as his ass'stant on the ; I steamer. There Is a strong contrast . ? between these two men. Jim Is open . and frank, a fine speclman of man- ' hood. Joe. while quite as largo phy- . sically, Is "nstinctively small of his , hospitality. Joe meets Meg, Jim's ( sweatheart. He is Infatuated with her appearance and unknown to Jim, 1 thrusts his attentions upon her. He Is furious when repulsed. Her love j for Jim antagonizes Joe and he be- , comes very jealous of his friend. Maeg 'has had a new photograph of herself taken, Inscribes. "To my boy from his loving Maeg," which she In tends to send to Jim after he has sailed. Fhe places It in her work basket from which Jon steals it. 2 "Hy the Aid of a nt," kalcm. The story of a pensati'onnl escape. A pioneer family traveling over the hills in a prairie schooner go Into camp for the night. An Indian scout, who from an ndj acent hill, has noted the preparations of the pale face for camping, sees a chance for plundrr. Signalling he Ind'an camp a raid Is planned In the meantime May rides to the springs for fresh wnter, but Just as she is about to scoop up a pa 1 full of the dear, cool spring water, Indians appear. Dropping her pail quickly she mount" her horse end rides for dear life, reaching an rmlnf -nee she sees across a deep can yon T.arlnt .I'm, a horse herder, to wbom ho signals for help. Jim siirtmls to May to ride up to a point where the canyon becomes narrow. An K ing at Ih.s place Jim throws his lariat across to May who fa-tens It to a tree and performs the thrilling feat if crossing hand over hand on Gun ttls 3D Is the title of the delightful song that will be published in the next Saturday issue of the EAST OREGONIAN . WORDS BY WM. KENDALL EVAXS. MUSIC BY MILTO.V W. LUSK. o ' , o o o o o 9 io O !o o o O ; Everyone should have "ANY LITTLE GIRL." It's o the bright number from a Brilliant Broadway 5uccess. This son? was sun? originally in "THE PRINCE OF PARCH ESI," a musical comedy that had a bijr run in Chicapo. "ANY LITTLE GIRL" was the sonir sclfcl cd hy Jesse La sky as a feature son? for his newest vaudeville wiisntinn "AT THE WALDORF." Beatrice Mackenzie is sinrinr it every niirht, and the rotated encores she receives is ample proof of its popularity. o o o o Q O O o You don't want to miss this ehnrminp won"; in the Saturday East Oregon ion. Words and music of the latest popular songs, amounting to twice the subscription price of the East Oregonian, given away absolutely free each month to our readers. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o QOOOQOOOOGOOOOOQOQOOQOOOOOOQOQOQOQOOQQOft