EVENING EDITION EVENING EDITION WEATWF.lt REPORT. I Fair tonight; Wednes day fair with rising temperature. Calling card?, el ding stationery, om mercial stationery end Job printing to ordr at the East OregonUui. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL. 24 PEXDLETOX, OREGON, 'i CKShAV, ARil'ST , mil. XO. 7285 --i rr,!;::.:".", c::t mmffiaMagj ' 7,1 ' Y ' ? ' ; . DIPLOMATS ARE SHIFTED ABOUT Sweeping Changes Follow Re signation ot Ambassador Hill at Berlin, Germany. NF.W SLATE SENT TO SENATE TODAY Several IiiiiKirtniit Foreign Stations Arc lifreetcd by General S!iakc-np Lloyd llryco of Now York Is Only New Minister Named. Washington. D. C , Aug. 8. Sweep ing changes In the United States dip lomatic service which have been ru mored recently, were affirmed to day when nominations affecting prac tically every Important foreign sta tion, save that in England, were sent to tiio senate. The shakeup is the reult of the resignation of Ambassa dor Hill, to the Berlin post. Leishman, the present ambassador to Italy, succeeds Hill at Berlin. O'Brien succeeds Leishman at Home from Japan. Charles Bryan succeeds O'Brien at Tnkio from Belgium, C. P. Anderson, an attacho of the London embassy, becomes minister to Belgium. John Carter, minister to Rouman la, Servla and Bulgaria becomes the Argentine minister, and Is to be suc ceeded by John Jackson, the Cuban minister, who is to be succeeded by Arthur Beupre, at present minister at The Netherlands. Lloyd Bryce of New York, suc ceeds Beaupre at Brussels and Is the only new minister named. MEXICAN REVOLT IS N , NIPPED BY POLICE Juarez, Mux. Aug. 5. With one leader, Ynoconse L'zgulano, under ar rest and several others in full flight, the , police today believe they have frustrated a far-reaching plot tT pro mote a new revolt in the northern part of Chihuahua. SlICIDES VICTIM ILS CHANCE roil RECOVERY San Francisco, Aug. 8. Mrs. Cath erine Decker, the young grass widow who was yesterday morning shot and wounded by her would-be illicit lov er George Forsythe Gardner, when she repulsed his attentions, after ( which ho committed suclde. is today reported to have a good chance for complete recovery from the effects of her injuries. YOING HERO'S RODY RECOVERED FROM OCEAN San Diego, Cullf., Aug. 6. The re mains of Cecil R. Karberg, the twenty-year-old newspaper reporter who was drowned Sunday while trying to save a twelve-year-old girl from the waves, have been recovered and will be shipped to his former home at Spokane, Wash., for Interment. Killed tu Cavc-ln. " Cortlova, Alaska, Aug. 8. Two men were killed and several badly injured when fl section of the Chitlna tunnel on the Copper River & North western railroad caved in. W. A. O' Nell! ft foreman and John Sethvrs. We killed an.l Antone Sabate la missing. ! ' I'oiw Pause Had Night. London, Aug. 8. Special dispatch- cs from Rome say the pope passed a bad night and his condition Is not re assuring. SPECIAL SESSION ENDS NEXT WEEK Washington, Aug. 8. Bouh demo cratic and republican leaders in con gress today predicted that the extra' session will end next week. They don't agree on the date, but coincide in the opinion that adjournment will come soon after tho wool and ffoe list bills will have been finally dis posed of. Slgng Re-apportionment. . Washington. 1. C. Aug. 8. Presi dent Taft today signed the congres sional reapportionment bill providing for a redisricting of the various states. It provides that the house membership hereafter be 433. Senator Frye Dies. 4 Lewlston, Maine, Aug. 8. 4 .Senator WHlinm Piereo Fryo 4 dlel at Ills homo here thin af- ternoon. BRITISH CIIIISUl am saw ii Other Alleged Victims of Star vation Cure Offer Their Aid. Tacoma, Wash, Aug. s. P.i itisli vice-consul Agassis, inu morning went to .Seattle to confer Willi At torney Kelley and rrosetutor Stev enson relative to the prosecution 6t Mrs. Linda Hazzard who in under ar- ' rest t th;it nlaee on chriies of mur der, trowing out of the death of Miss Clit.rie Williamson, a wealthy Eng lish woman who is alleged to have been starved to death by the Hazzard woman who prttends to be a "fast cure specialist" and nealer by the starvation method. Vice-consul Agassiz stated this morning that he will file suit in the Washington courts for $25,0110 dam ages against the Hazard woman and a firm of undertakers of Seattle, for alleged desecration of Miss William son's body by holding an unauthoriz ed autopsy over the remains after her death. Mrs. Hazzard, it is believed, will this afternoon be able to furnish bond, which the court has fixed at $10,000 aud it is expected that she will be released from custody this evening. Before leaving here this morning. Vice-consul Agassiz stated that he had received numerous proffers of assistance, in the Investigation into the Williamson girl's death, from sev eral persona in Tacoma who have as serted that they too have been victim ized by Dr. Hazzard with her alleged starvation methods of effecting rapid cures for all ailments. " Mrs. llazuird Freed. Seattle, Aug. 8. Mrs. Hazzard was released this afternoon on $10,000 bail and immediately left for Ta coma. DEMOS DEFEAT DIP. PLAYING BASEBALL Washington, Aug. 8. Democracy triumphed again yesterday when re publican congressmen bit the dust some of them swallowed quarts of it on thq baseball diamond in the struggle for the championship of the house of representatives. Score: 12 to 9. Charges may be preferreAl against the democratic umpire, James F. Byrnes of, South Carolina, who had a rabbit's root in his pocket, and republican ball players charge, a loaded half dollar also. The game, played for charity, re ally was decided by the umpires, William M. Wilson, republican of Illinois, did all he could to stem the tide of party defeat, but on all close decisions, when infuriated" members of both parties crowded on the field mid threatened riot, the only solu tion wns for Eyrnos fltlii Wilson Jo re- son to me toss or a com. Byrnes had ...... - . . i the coin and did the tossing. Byrnes won every time. TOGO IN NAVY YARD f. GOVERNMENT SEJS ASIDE RESTRICTION FOR GFEST Japanese Admiral Allowed to Thor oughly Inspect Washington plant Ah Personal Compliment. Washington, Aug. 8. Naval regu lations, of the strictest order, were today set aside, when Admiral Togo, of the Japanese navy, as a guest of the United States government, today visited the Washington navy yard and was shown through the plant for a complete inspection. A recent order of the war depart ment prohibits the admittance to any nnvy yard in this country of any for eign official, but It "as set aside as a personal compliment to the visiting Japanese official, Admiral Togo will be the guest ot honor at a dlnm r nnd reception at different places in tho city tonight. RES MOINES COMPANY SAYS FIGHT STILL ON Des Mollies, Aug. S Officials of the street car company today served notice that they will continue the fight over tho present difficulty with the car men, In the courts. R was expected thnt a motion would bo made for a revocation of the Injunc tion granted by Judge DeGraff, which prohibited tho carrying on of the strike either by tho men or the com pany. It Is believed the company will not put up- much of a fight. 1SSELI SAGES PROTECTOR OIES! Penniless. Helpless and Alone' Savior of Millionaire Gives i ' ' ' up Struggle ; t i:ii'Pi.i:i r.v bomb THROWN AT FINANCIER Had iqoiilo to Man Hi' Saved for . Aid. Was Refused ami Ucr.l to ( Court Money Gives. Out and Case j Stops. New York, Aug S. penniless and ! i. vviitii.,,, i.H.imv ,u.,.i i, .... I daJ- I j The mere name of William Laidow does not, at a glance, cany much I meaning to the average busy Anieri- j can, for there are probably few peo- ! Pie who are able to recall ever hav- , ing heard the name before, but there Is a human interest story, in connec tion with hLs death which is familiar to practically every one who was a leader of the newspapers a few years ago. It is to William Laidow. tbat the late money king. Russell Sage, Is, or was, Indebted for escaping being blown to atoms by a bomb which was thrown at the financier by one Hen ry Xarcosse, an Englishman, who came to New York and believing that Russell Sage was too rich, or for some I other motive ilneblnil tn uum! him ! into the hereafter via the bomb route. Sage escaped the force of thv ex plosion, likewise with his own life. The manner in which he escajied, and subsequent conduct on his part, was a matter of nation wide comment, in which the financier came in for any thing but complimentary mention. When Naroosse threw the bomb. ! Laidow was standing near the in- i ec llve tartrr. tended victim, Russell Sage. Sage, Chairman Stanley showed that the on seeing the Intention of Warcosse, I eorporation has ..contributed $2,000 used the innocent Laidow as a shield , -vearl' t0 Protective Tariff league thus saving himself from possible in- '. sinc 11 was organized. stnnt death and at the verv least, ser- t Perkins also admitted that the lous injury. j "welfare fund" of 'the Steel Trust, T ,, ' ... . , , .which the steel magnates had testl- Laldow was bad y injured and',. , , ,, . , , , . , , , , , . , ,, . ! fied were for "sociological work and made a cripple for life. He was nbso. , ,. .,.,. . lutely helpless. The man, Russell Sage, honored American citizen, mul timillionaire and founder of a for tune that is today being distributed by his widow to charity, was respon sible for Laidow's helpless condition, but never an offer of assistance, fi nancial or otherwise, did he make to his savl.ir. Having bad a brillirnt career cut short by the incident. Laidow at tempted to secure redress through the courts. His pitiful accumulation of world's goods, were merely a drop in the bucket, as compared with that of the Croesus, Sage, and the suit finally died for want of funds with which to' carry it on. Laidow se cured not a penny, Sisters of the helpless saerificer to the wealthy, gave him a home as : long ns thev lived, but his death came while he was alone. ' , (Jeneral Gordo., Rylnpr. Memphis, Tenn.. Aug. 8. General George Gordon, commander in chief I .!.. A.,.i.,.i v....al who has been ill for three weeks, is liallh. received when the cavalry de today reported to be in a critical taehment was anywhere within tWfn condltlon and his death Is expected .y-five. Allies of a receiving station. momentarily. . In f,u,t whlch ,),,,.,, greatly to the 'value of the cavalry in its scouting Gates Is Worse. capacity. A light collapsible steel Paris. Aug. 8. This afternoon John mast, not much larger than a fishing Gates Is reported in distress. Conges- iod. served to support the antennae tion of the kidneys baa developed and' necessary to establish communica nts heart action is weak. tion. PENDLETON FACES SHORTAGE OE HOUSES ' WITH THE FALL RUSH YET TO COME With almost every house that is fit for living purposes now rented or and to offer them for rent. If built iia,s, will begin a suit for divorce uith contracted for, Pendleton is In line j in the right sections and furnished ! m short time, according to an un to face a house shortage the coming! fall. Tt is n situation such as has not confronted the city for five or six yenrB. "Usually quite a few houses are va cated early the the summer months, but this year the houses have been filled as fast as vacated." says E.. T. Wade, well known real estate man. "At this time there is hardly a good , house to be had In the city and the people have not yet begun to come; in for the'fa'l. cither. It is true there j are some shacks here and there for rent but for the most part tney are t ilur ng the year ism. mane puoiic not in good condition for renting. ; gives a total of eighteen hundred mur "Most of the houses that have ; dels, scores of siabbiims and more been for sale have been disposed of j than 100 bomb explosions: $500,000 and 1 think the time Is about past In j collected in blackmail and the inflle Pcndleton when houses may be pur- tion of Incalculable misery upon thou- chased for less than what they cost Such houses may now be had only in cases where the houses are improper ly built In some way or else are tn undesirable neighborhoods. New Houses Needed. It woijld pay a man to build some 10 MONOPOLY t STEELBUSIKESS Perkins Appears Before Com mittee in Etlort to Prove T This Contention. CHAIRMAN STANLEY MAKES II I M FORGET Trii-i I Always PMiticnlly Active in laril'f Matters and Contributes Funds Annually- Witness Refuses to Answer Questions. Washington, Aug. S In an effort l" ""v' tnat the United States steel ' corporation has no monoriolv nn thu steel and iron business now. Georee Pel kins, a former partner of J. Pier- iiont Morgan, aaineared before the tun ley committee today. Perkins, after re'dewine the his ,, of lhe triujtf and hjs connectlon I with the matter, admitted that he talked to Schley of the firm of Moore ' & Schley, regarding the purchase of the Tennessee Coal & Iron company by the trust. Chairman Stanley brought out the fact that the steel trust usually had from J40.000.000 to $60,000,000 on de posit with Morgan's banks, at 2.6 per cent interest. He also showed that the tru.-t. is always very active, politi cally, especially for a protective tar iff. When Chairman Stanley began to probe mercilessly into the political ac tivities of the trust Perkins wriggled and squirmed and could only remem ber "generally" when confronted with evidence from the records of the steel corporation itself. He proved that it supported the republican tariff doc trines and paid good money for pub- ,lcniun of Btorks upholding the pro- iv. ( .uituvi iiik uir uraiui unit vuui" fort of employes." was the fund to which such contributions were charg ed. Perkins was threatened with ci tation, before the House of Represen tatives, by Chairman Stanley, be cause he refused to answer specific questions, concerning political . con tributions made in national campaigns by himself or by the corporation with which he is connected. Perkins re fused to answer on his attorney's ad vice. Wireless for Cavalry. Washington, Aug. S. The military value of the cavary branch has been enormously increased bv the adop- ,ion of wireless telegraph for the first lUW ln lms C"U""y morougniy trie.t ,,ut ln tho Toxas maneuvers. Tho siKa! corps ha, devised an ex- treniely light and portable wireless aitnaratus. ensilv enrrteil on thp hnelf f . . canabu of h nllt Into operation for any point in tho ,,,,,,, a few minutes. It was: t'ouiol th:if the messages could be re- I good dwelling houses in Pendleton with proper convenances they would . rent readily. A good apartment house or several of them, would pay lvre. There is a general demand for ap.irtinent rooms anil the few places n used for apartr.n '.t houses are I filled practically all the time despite' the , wen .. .. ..0 . 1, - t M l act inai miosc ol ine uutiu .ia nut designed for that purpos-. lVvt are Convicted. Chicago. Aug. S. A summary of the crimes committed by members of the1 so-called Black Hand In this city sands, by sinister threats. With one exception, none of the perpetrators of these numerous crimes has been con victed. A. L. Hutchinson of Baker, has been a visitor here today. ' wIl!!li?f?., II I llll I W WiVWWs Woman Sends Five Bullets! After Spouse-One Finds j Marl, i Walla Wa'la, Wash., Aug. S. Fol- ' lowing a series of quarrels which have j extended over a period of several ' years and which were due to jeal- ousy on the part of the wife, Mrs. D. 15. Woodruff yesterday shot and se-! i ousiy wounded her husband, who j is a prominent real estate dealer of j this city. j l he dooting occurred in the par- lor at the Woodruff home which is located in a fashionable part of the' ,l,y wl!l not ln an' v a' interfere wit' city. The woman fired five shots ! tno prospective development of a Join from a revolver. Onlv one took ef-1 vater a"d power sys-em from tb feet. This penetrated "the breast and n,1rth fork of the t-'matllla river la inflicted a bad wound, which, how- ; the declaration of Will Moore, raeot ever, the physicians believe will not i b( r of the cit' wa?r commisaloa. result fatally unless complications i "t'nder the plans of the board pfw arise. The wounded husband is in a vision ig made fnr going to the nortftt local hospital. i fork tnr water if possible to do so Imt- The quarrel is sai.l to have .started j er'" f,a's M.r. Moore. "The Tham when the wife accused her husband HolIo' springs will be on the rout of having associated with another ! tn north frk; the pipe line will b woman, whom she had cause to sus- j sufficiently large to bring water ts picion as her husband's affinity, some ; the cit' from tnft north fork and tka months ago. The torn up appearance ': reservoirs to be built here will tof of the parlor, where the shooting oc- ; fk'e f,,r north fork water as weH curred, indicated that the couple had for the water from Thorn Hollow. engaged in a desperate struggle be-i Personally, he is in favor of a ram fore the woman fired the shots and j nic'pal electric plant in connectiom Woodruff in an unguarded statement with a wa'er system taking from tb at the hospital intimated that he had 1 north fork, says this member of th attempted to take the revolver from 1 board. He has always favored th his frenzied wife before the shots Project and will be for it when tfe were fired. ' issue 1' brought to the front If tk Neither the man nor woman will st'hpnie figures out right, throw any light on the trouble, but ! However, he says that to go to t neighbors state that they have quar-! north fork for water and electrlcttr teled frequently over the husband's j win naturally involve much delay, alleged association with other wo-; Therefore he stands for the const. men ! tion of the Thorn Hollow system nr Unless the wounds shopld prove fa-J an3 for tne extension of the pipe lia tal. it is not believed that Mrs. Wood- I to ,he north frk as qu'ckly there ruff will be prosecuted. j after as is feasible. j "If we have good luck with our bonds we should be able to commeoe QUARTER MILLION FRAUD IS CHARGED: Pjttsburg, Aug. 8. That the stock- holders of the Imperial Window Glass company, which was haled into the United States courtsc last Octob- er for violation of the Sherman act, have been defrauded of a quarter of million dollars. is the allegation m;;.:e in an equity suit filed in com - mon picas court nere lace jesiciu-i by Monroe Lemon, a stockholder and former employe. In an effort to throw the company into the hands of a receiver. Lemon recites many charges of irregularity against Secretary' J. B. Johnson, prin cipally, and also names President Myron L. Case, Vice President Mark J.'Healv and Treasurer J. G. Sayre. - , i "Under the city charter the water commission is lim'ted to acting witfc 1.1NA C AVALIERl IS : reference to the water system tind AGAIN IN LIMELIGHT iia!! nr authority to do anything in connection with an electric plant,- Sheriff Rob Puts Rcteotives on Trail ' ' J- J- Brown chairman of tfc6 hoard. Accordingly he feels that ac of Wife Who Mulcted Him of SL- t(on a,ons tWs ,jne vouW hlve to Ouu.OOO. undertaken by the council or by the i people direct. New York. Aug. S. On evidence of, a corps of detectives who have been trailing Linn Cavalierl. from one Eu- jropean watering place to another for the past several months, and whom it Is deduced had found her repeat edly in the company of Jrimv lol gorouki, who has been dubbed the "Prize Porker," Sheriff Bob Chandler the American husband of the famous beauty, who she bilked out of his l'oiiune oi more than a million dol- nounccmcnt made here today. i This. ;t is declared, w ill break off tlie famous pre-nuptial wgreement of the couple, which aroused much crit icism throughout the world at the time it was made, should Chandler succeed in . -curing a decree of .ii- j y, j rce. li-tetles Rout Rioters. New York. Aug. S. "The strop arm squad" of detectives frdi head quarters and police reserves from three precincts battled last night with Veil rioting negroes in Harlem, routed them an.l arrcsteq 3r of the ringlead ers rtio nor Toiioweo ;m hhi-iooi o' arrest a score of the blcutks who were annovlng women on the streets. Ilur- ing the encounter, the police wire bombarded with bricks, stones and beer bottles from the windows nnd roofs of nearby tenement houses. The fight was hand to hand and the ne groes outnumbered the police five to one. but the police used their night sticks with telling effect. iSAIS PLflKS 1 ' T Cit May Get Water Ffona Thorn Hollow, Then goic n to Nortn Fork for Supply, WILL MOORE FAVORS ELECTRIC PLANT, Elin'!ttNl .Joint Water anil ALSO Plant Will Co-t 81.0.n00 Cttf j Could Get Thorn Hollow Waia Ouickiy for Brunch Asylum That the construction of a moam tain water system . with the Tbor ""1,0"' springs as the source of sup- condemnation suit and sell the water j construction work soon and have w -i tpr from Thorn Hollow ready for th j people a year from now. That womlA provide water for tb branch asylaom by the time the asylum is ready far i occupancy." ! From North Fork. I When Engineer Frank C. Kelsay th sun.ey for the citv water ' commission he estimated the cost Ot bringing water to the citv from th. ' north fork of the Vmatilla would b j326.119.50. Of this amount $12,St wnuIi for thP construction of th : hPaflwnrk!It diversion dam and ! t,!n ,ank at a ,,. whre the norfk and south forks join above Wenah. springs. "n'-rlirie to JC. Moor the engi neer also made estimates on the cost ' of a power plant in connection witfc ' a north fork water system. He estl ! mated it would co-t $40 01" t- eon . struct a joint electric and water sy ; tern taking water just below "Wenahs. springs from the then .proposed For ! nish flume. In the view of Mr. Moor ' it would cost JtiiO.OOO to construct ' such a plant if necessary to go to th ' north fork of the river Powers Are Limited. CLERGY IS AROUSED OVER ASTOR WEDDING" New York. Aug. 8. -New York clergymen today are stirred to th depth over the announcement of tb ungngenient of Miss Madeline Fore ft to Col. John Jacob Astor. "Speaking as a man and ' i riest. I brand this proposed marriage to li Force, as a crime anainst nature a well as society," said Reverend Fath er Evans, of St. Andrew's Citholic church. "Such a marriage only le galizes free love." Others spoke ln like strain. Mi Force is ..nly II years o:' :,ge while Colonel A "tor if 47. William Force, fa' her ot" Colonel Astor's fiance today delate,; the wed '.ing would be hold, exa -:'v tu planned He said Mrs. Fore U II from ii. .spaper crticism. o'" the pn- pos-'.l ie l : rriage which he c!i.ira'hT tiel an i unjust. Col. Astor announced that ' tober 1Mb has been selected as the , ii of his m.siriagc with Mi- F ri-. Corvallis has ru-cived one . f ih new free traveling libraries provided by the s'ate. The libraries cm. tain "( volumes.