EIGHT PAGES BAILY EAST OBJEGOXlAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATCRDAY, AUGUST 5, 1911. fAU" KVK HEAD IAS SCALY HAIR - ALLCAHE OUT .And Baby's Face Broke Out in Red Bumps. Spread on Hands and Arms. Got Worse All the Time. Mother Says, "I Don't Think Any thing Else Would Have Cured Him Except Cuticura." "5Tien my first baby was six months old Be broke out on his huud with little bumps. nicy would dry up arid leave a ncalo. Then It would break out again and It spread nil over his lieufl. Ail the hair came out and his Ili ad was scaly ail over. Then h I s face broke out all over in red bumps and it kept spread ing until it was n ,, ,, 0,1 "is Hands and f i i1 'nIKht ,yeral boxes of ointment, Kave him blood mwl cine, and had two doctors to treat him, but he rot wrw. all the time. Ha had It uboiit six iiion lis when a friend told me about lu i. ura. I g,.t and pot a bottla of Cuticura Kesohvnt, a cake of Cuticura fcoap ami a box of Cuticura Ointment. Jn three days after mmiik them lie began to improve. He bvirun to take lone naps and linM",:,rral,ry,"f,1'l-i After taking two bottles of Heilv.it. two boxes of Oint ment and threw cakes of (Soap he was sound and well and never had anv breaking out of any kind His luir came .nut in little curls nl over his head. ,,,n't think anything else would have cured him except Cuticura. "I have bought Cuticura Ointment and Hoap several times since to use for cuts and sores and have never known them to fail to cure what I put thein on. Cuticura Hoap is the best that I have ever used for toilet puriK.s..v." (Sh-ned) Mrs. F. E. Harmon, It. 1 . I). 2, Atoka, Tenu., Sept. 10, 1010. Cuticura Soap and Oin'nn nt sold through out the uorld. ed to Toiler Iirug aV Chein. Corp. . Iiept. n;n, Ho-ion, for a liberal sample of tacli, ijuai-lruu, with a.'-u. buuk ou the bkiu. CATTLE MARKET! scakchv or imm.s IS r.U'MXfi ALARM Sen-Jit ii mil lo of Twcnly-five Cents Mail,. Day ill North Portland .May Wheat Market Rcfomow ExWt- lit CllirllRO. ( From rriilay's Journal.) Tli- i attic market in general is steady, but offerings are not bringing the tops that were secured a few days ugo. At that time u sale was really mad.- 2"ic above the market. The transaction was n forced one, the hnyer having purchased several loads and in order to get another was com pelled to bid h glier in order to get it. For a moment it was a ease of sup ply and demand but the iatter was filled with that single transaction, therefore It was not necessary for the rest of the trade to bid the high mark. Of special feature in the livestock trad- today was the bringing here of six l.j.ids of Montana cattle by Clayton & Marmon The fact that the market nt competing centers Is higher than Portland for the finer grade stuff would rend to make such a movement a risky proposition. Packers continue to offer a prem ium for select quality cattle and ship per. of these are getting more in proportion than those that sent poor er stuff. The market is loaded with the latter and killers have a suffi cient amount to tale them over for Boine time. North Portland range: Best steers $5.855.90 Choice steers 6.60 5.75 Ordinary steers 4.505j5.00 Common steers 4.00 4.25 Fancy steers 6.00 Fancy cows 4.60 Ordinary cow s 3.00 4.00 Common cows 3.00 3.25 Fancy bulls 3. 76 4 00 Good ordinary bulls 3.50 3.60 Common bulls 2.00 2.75 Fancy light calves 7.00 7.25 Ordinary calves 6.50 6.00 Common calves 4.00 5.00 Only Nebraska Hogs Arrive. While seven loads of hogs came for ward to the yards tit North Portland today, every iieud of them were from the Missouri river territory and were brought in two lots to local killers. The scarcity of hogs here is caus ing .some concern among the smaller killers vhi are unable to bring In car lots because of the heavy expense Involved. Therefore whenever oppor tunity arrives they are seemingly will ing to bill advanced quotations. There was u senwAional rise of 5 to 25c In the swine trade at North Port- Cleanses the System effectually; Dispels colds and Headaches. due to constipation. Best for men, women and children : young and old, Toqet its Beneficial effects, always note the name of the Company. California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package of the Genuine land today that will make, local pack ing interests it up and take good no tice. The new price placed tops at South Omaha at $7.20 which means that It would cost $8.30 or 30c above the exartme value of yesterday to lund these supplies at Pacific north west points. Therefore It is again evident that the local hog trade would Htrund a very substantial advance over the $8 mark. Sheep Art Held Over. While there were uo arrivals In the sheep and lamb trade at North Port land since yesterday, the arrivals then were lieiivy, having Included " 2599 head. Owing to the overfull condition of buyers' feed lots quite a large am ount of stuff was carried over. The market Is generally considered un changed fro the prices of tho past few days, with yearling wethers $3.75 and others nt $3.25 and $3.50. Market for sheep was firm at South Omaha today, hut no price was chang ed except In the case of lambs, which are 25c higher. Yearlings are quoted there today at $3.9004.40, wethers $3.10?i3.50, ewes $2.763.55. and lambs $6.25(5 6.85. These values are still considerably above those In ef fect here. Grain ami Hay. Wheat New crop nominal. Track delivery, 76; bluestem, 80 81c; forty fold, 7677c; red Russian 7374c; Turkey red 7G77c. Oats New ojop nominal. Pro ducers price Track, No. 1 white, $26; gray, $25; old crop white, $27 27.50. Barley New crop. Producers' price 1911 Feed, $26; rolled, $29. 50; brewing, $28. May Wheat Market Kxeltod. Chicago, Aug. 5. May wheat ad vanced to $1.0.3 1-8 yesterday before its rise was arrested but' It closed strong or 1 3-4c a bushel higher than tho (dose of yesterday. Other options advanced from 3-4 to 7-8c. Wheat market opened with a weak er tone and losses of 1-4 to 3-8c were made at the start, July opening at 91 3 1. September 95 3-4 and May $1.00 1-2. Foreign markets were generally rmer. Livorpol opened w;ith an ad vance of 1-4 to 3-8d and closed 3-8 to 12d above yesterday. r.i c'.s declared sank; daytox Conducts Own Cnc in Court awl Convinces Jury. Dayton, Wash. A. I. Lucas, who was given a hearing before a Jury as to his sanity here was adjudged sane. I.ucas was arrested because he was carrying a rifle and said to have spoken threateningly about some men who were said to have attacked him last Friday. He has engaged here In mental healing and difference of opln ion as to his methods and merits has been so positive that the town has been split into two factions. The court room was crowded and Mr. Lucas conducted his own case to its successful issue. wr.xATciir.i: cidf.r harmless. Test Case In Court Vlclory for Po tt" use. Wenatehee. Wash. "Not guilty," was the verdict of a jury of four We natehee business men In the justice court of O. P. Barrows. J. M. Duffy, proprietor of the Olympia cigar stand, was being tried on a charge of "sell ing Intoxicating liquors, to-wlt, hard cider." This Is regarded as the first case in the state of Washington In which prosecution has been attempt ed on the ground that cider Is an al coholic beverage. It Is. therefore a test case. A Golden Wedding, means that man and wife have lived to a good old age and consequently have kept healthy. The best way to keep healthy is to see that your liver does it's duty 365 days out of 365. The only way to do this is to keep Ballard's Herblne In the house and take It whenever your liver gets in active. 50c per bottle. A. C. Koep pen & Bros. l'IXI M I'M MY IX OLD BARN. Haymakers IMnd Corpse 3000 Years Old on Egyptologist's Estate. Pittsfleld, Mass Clearing out an old barn on Ashintully farm owned by Robb De P. Tytus. the Egyptologist, in Tyringham, haymakers who were preparing a haymow for storage came on what looked to be a corpse. They called In Supt. Ouy E. Moore of Ashintully farm. Deputy Sheriff Chas. K. Hale and others. The sheriff refused to touch the body until the medical examiner had secii It, and Dr. D. M. Wilcox was summoned from Lee. He ordered the body brought out. When tho men appeared with the form. Dr. Wilcox told them the body had been dead 3000 years. It was a mummy which Tytus had stored there until his museum In his new country house Is completed. BODY DRAGGED TOR DAYS. Indications Are Montaimn Tied Kopo to Arm to I-id Aninm! Easily. Glasgow, Mont. The , mutilated body of Lawrence Soboleskl. a sheep rancher, near the Canadian line, was brought to town In a badly decompos ed condition. He left the camp about a week ago on horseback leading a wild horse by a rope tied around its neck, and it is supposed he got tired of holding the rope and tied it to his arm, and In some manner he was jerk ed from his mount and dragged to death. When found the rancher's body was still nttached to the horse. Life had been extinct for several days. In dications were the body had been dragged for days. Seemed to Give Him n New Stomach. "I suffered intensely after eating and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do any good," writes H. M. Youngpeters, Editor of tho Sun, Lake View, Ohio. "The first few d"ses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gave me surprising re lief and the second bottle seemed to give me n new stomach and perfectly good health." For sale by all dealers. I 'OI K CHILDREN BITTEN BY DOG SUFFERING ritOM UABIES Hurried Examination by Specialist at Pasteur Department of Iowa Stale University Shows Possible Recov ery. Iowa City, Iowa. Four children were rushed here from Davenport to take tho Pasteur treatment at the state university hospital. After a hurried examination of the children, Dr. Hen ry Albert announced that they may recover. The flesh of the children was bad ly torn by the teeth of the dog suf fering from tho rabies. A well known Des Moines woman after suffering miserably for two days from bowel complaint, was cured by one dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by all dealers. LITTLE BALI) SPOT. If You Want One Don't Ask Tallmiin Drug Co. About Parisian Sago. If Parisian Sage won't stop that lit tle bald spot from spreading nothing in this world will. Baldness, thin hair and falling hair are caused by dandruff germs. If you have dundruff kill the germs at once. Parisian Sfige is guaranteed by Tallman Drug Co. to kill dandruff germs, banish dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp, or money back. It is a dainty hair dressing that will make the hair bright and fascinating. Large bottle 50 cents. Sold in every town in America. The girl with the Auburn hair on every carton. A Contented Woman is always found in the same 1 ouse with Ballard's Snow Liniment. It keeps every member of the family free from aches and pains, it. heals cuts, burns and scalds and cures rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago and all muscular soreness and stiffness, 25c, 60c and $1.00 a bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. COUNTESS DISPLAYS NERVE. Former CiiiciiKO Girl Stops Cur From Which Wheel Has Broken. Chicago. Presence of mind in ap plying the brakes in a forty horse power touring car which she was driving at Lake Rorest, saved the Countess Citzycki, who was Miss Ele anor Patterson of Chicago, from a serious mishap when one of the rear wheels of the car broke off and the machine turned completely around. The Countess was alone in the car at the lime. The machine skidded and one of the rear wheels buckled under and broke off. The Countess applied -he brakes and the car swerv ed around and came to a dead stop. "I knew if I jumped I would be hurt, so I stuck with the car and fas not," said the Countess. . MONEY IWIM) OX MAINE. Mutilated Bills Placed in New York Bank Said to Be From Wreck. New York. A quantity of money said to have been reclaimed from the ruins of the battleship Maine was deposited in the Trust Company of America. Officials of the bank would not verify the report, although they did say that the money was deposited by a Cuban bank and that it was in a badly mutilated condition. All the money was in form of bills f an Id date. BABE DROWNS IN TROUGH. Elglitoen-Montlis-OId Boy Falls Into Water While. Playing in Yard. Niles, Calif. While playing about a water trough here Charles Alame da, eighteen months old, son of Man uel Alameda, a rancher, fell Into the water, and was drowned. The body was found in the trough too late to save its life. 100 REWARD, $100, The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at leaac one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure la the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care taken internally, acting directly npon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature In doing its' work. The pro prietors hare so much faith In its curative powers Jiat they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case that if falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address : F. J. CHKNEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Drugglats, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for conatlna- tlon. mm Health at Wilhoit Springs Two Weeks Here Better Than Six at the Sea Shore Wilhoit Springs Water is n wonderful tonio ami curative agcut. Living in tho open among tho lir trees iind drinking the spring water builds tip ones entire system both physical anil mental. Unlli-re) tinmrli tn)iitilinniliith'rnimiilaiiiti'in ...... .,,, - virin .HQ lll-rvuiia HVMt'111 rhuii'A lit Roti'l, t'ottnees or 'ivn'i llnnlin.- ' . riHllilll. ntlil frnnmio. i.nl. .1 1 . ..... mobile leaves Electric llotiF ()r,.o.in i-in- ,-..rir lay at 2 p. m. l'lmmaiit 25 milo trip J'iill u'n longdistance ilhoit mid limits roservntiaiia. "or mall inquiry to Wilhoit Springs, Wilhoit, Or." Every Woman is Intercited and should know 1 MARVEL Whirling Spuy The new Vaginal Syringe- Best tnewt convenient. It cleanses instantly. Ask your drutL'istfor it. If he ran not supdIv xhrS marvel, accept no othciiir V , but tend sump for illustrated xV vk-k avnuu. ii inn pxmuu- lars and directions invihinhlrto ladles. MARVU CO., 44Et23d Street. New York $7.25 From Pendleton to Wallowa Lake Park and Return "Tho Beauty Sjxit of the. Northwest" 1 Tent with 1 Bed.... $1.00 Per Day 1 Tent with 1 Bed and 1 Cot $1.50 Per Day 1 Tent with two beds. .$1.75 Per Day 1 Tent with 1 Bed.... $5. 00 Per Week Tent with 1 Bed and 1 Cot $7.00 Per Week 1 Tent with 2 Beds.. $7.50 Per Week Meals are furnished at the Restaur ant and Lunch Counter at reasonable prices. $5.50 meal tickets can be purchased for $5.00. Parties desiring to bring their own camping outfits will be allotted space FREE. BURROS AND SADDLE HORSES for mountain climbing 25c per hour. Special rates by the day. DANCING Wednesdays and Satur days and on special occasions If desired. EXCURSION RATES FROM FOL LOWING POINTS AND RETURN: Adams $ 7.80 Athena 8.00 Baker City 6.30 Durkee 7.40 Elgin 3.45 Enterprise 1.20 Gibbon 640 Haines 6.90 Hilgard 4.60 Hot Lake 4.60 Huntington 8.20 Imbler 3. SO Kamela 5.00 La Orande 4.25 Lostlne 1.60 Meacham 5.25 Milton 8.70 North Powder 5.50 Palmer Junction 2.90 Pendleton 7.25 Pleasant Valley 6.85 Telocasct 5.10 Union 4.70 Wallowa 1.85 Weston 8.10 Walla Walla, Wash 10.10 Be sure to ask for tickets direct to the park. For Further Information Address THE WALLAWA LAKE AMUSE MENT COMPANY JOSEPH, OREGON. LUMBER. For Every Need Come and see us when you want Lumber, Sash, Doors, Lath, Shingles, and In fact anything In the Une of Building Material. Our stock la the best that can be bought and doesn't cost you any more than Inferior stock for We Buy Right which enables us to give our custo mers THE BEST AT PRICES WHICH ARE THE LOWEST, quality con sidered. CALL AND LET US SHOW YTOC AROUND OUR YARD AND TALK OYER YOUR LUMBER REQUIRE MENTS. Oregon Lumber Yard A. n. COX, MANAGER. Phone Main 8. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines For Everybody We don't offer something or nothing, but having, no b i g rents or high priced men to pay we can save you big money. Quality consid ered. We claim that we are offering pianos and machines cheaper than any place in Oregon. Get our prices be fore you buy, See Jesse Failing Main Street Near Bridge. CHICHESTER S PUIS IMAMtlNIt I'.inMI I'll.l.s. f, i-. yoru wna IV-i,micm. AUjvskeCa! ! SOLD BY DULGGISTS VERVWHCRE I.Ktll.l AhL j oup llruuf Ul lof A I liU.hNi.lrr'n lliiinmiJTlp,.ndA I'lIU In Ural .vi.l (,, ma-uUiAVy I' vav., jtvila-,1 ,t!i l;e RtlNin. V7 1 Bant Ads. IB 1 L WANTED. WANTED SALESMAN for exclusive territory. Big opportunities. No experience necessary. Complete line Yakima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash week ly. Outfit free. Toppenish Nurs ery Company, Toppenish, Wash. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work done with especial care, Phone Red 2521. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers in the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORE- ' G ONI AN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have It sent you. It wilt save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGON1AN, in remitting you car. deductc ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. Address EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendle ton, Ore. INSURANCE AND LAND BCSLVESfc HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKEf reliable abstraats of title to a.1 lands in Umatilla county. Loans or city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Doei a general brokerage busings. Payi taxes and makes investments rr non residents. Write fire life and acci dent insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. C. II. MARSH, Pec. EENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, RE A estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. New location, 815 Malt street Phone Main 404. LIYERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSOK street, Carney & Bradley, Props Livery, feed and sale stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion. 'Phone main 70. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embossed private and business satlonery, etc Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see samples. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUP work, it's clean, reliable and con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed, $5.25. EleJtric Hot Water and Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock o' Gas and Electric fixtures. First-clast wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughaa Main street, next To postoffice. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DH scription for county court, circuit court, justice court, real estate, etc.. for sale at East Oregonlan office. SENSORIAL HAIRDRESSING PAR lors Hairdresslng, shampooing, scalp treatment, massaging and French-packs. Combings made p, Dyeing and bleaching. Manicuring and hand moulding. Phone Black 2692, Rooms 6-7, Jno. Schmidt block, Pendleton, Oregon. FRATERNAL ORDERS. . PENDLETON LODGE No. 6) A. F. and A. M., meets th Vs first and third Monday! of each month. All visiting; brethren are invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4. fiif K. of P.. meets every Mon day evening in I. O. O. F hall. VlHltlng brothers cor diality Invited to attend D. B. Waffle, C. C; R. W. Fletcher K. R. S. PENDLETON TRAIN SCHEDULE O.-W. R. & N. i Westbound Oregon division Portland local, leave... 9:06a.m. Ore. and Wash. Express. 4 35 a.m. Portland Limited 12: IS p.m. Fast Mall 11:45 p. m Motor 6:30 p. m Pilot Rock Mixed 8:15 a.m. Eastbound Oregon division Fast Mail 160 a. m Ore. & Wash. Express.. 6:15 a. m Chicago Limited 5:15 p.m. Motor 10:45 a.m. Portland Local, arrive. . . 4:55 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed 4:15 p.m. Washington Div. Leaving Pendleton. Walla Walla Local ... 2:00p.m. Pendleton Passenger ... 7:00 a. m Spokane Local 7:00 p.m. Washington Div. Arriving Pendleton Pendleton local 5:50 a.m. WaUa Walla local 9:00 a. m Pendleton Passenger ... 6:00p.m. NORTHERN PACIFIC, Leaving Pendletor Passengef 1:30 p. m Mixed train 7:30 a. m Arriving Pendleton Passenger 10 00 a. m Mixed train 7:30 a.m. C ass ed 9mm ml i hiwiwiii i mhim1 WANTED (Continued) COME TO MADAM KENNEDY, 60T East Court street, to get your switches and all kinds of hair goods, the best and only natural human hair ever sold m Pendleton. Bring your combings and hay them made up. Everything strictly guaranteed. Phone Red 3752, LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for county court, circuit court, justice eourt, real estate, etc., foi Sale at East Oregonlan office. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeep ing rooms In East Oregonlan build ing. Steam heat, gas range In kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. .Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. office. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathlc physiclao and surgeon. Of fice Judd Mock Telephone: Office, black 3411; residence, red 2633. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nioXand' nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputlcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence "phone. Main 554. 3 DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE ' Main street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone. Black 3421; residence 'phone. Black 2961. DR. THOMAS VAUGHAN DENTIST, Office In Judd building. Phone, Main 73. VETERLNARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATU Stock Inspector. Office at Koep pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 115. Residence, 915 East Court street Res. Phone Main E9. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V., GRADU ate of McKillip Veterinary College of Chicago. Office phone Main 20. Res. 616 Bush St., phone Main 27. ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank Building. JAMES 'A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office in Despain building. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Ir. Despain building. CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of Ameri can National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Tavlnr Haratvira Company. I .O WELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Ofrlra In Despain building. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deods, mortgages and contracts .drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETERSON & WILSON ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith Crawford building. PHELPS & STEIWER. ATTORNEYS at law. Office in Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at taw. ornce In Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all statu and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, S, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. JOHNSON & SKRABLE, ATTOR- neys at law. Off.se In Deacaln building. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on All kinds of masonry. cement walks. stone walks, etc. Phone black 3784, or Oregonlan office. FUNERAL I 1 RECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postoffice. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 75. AUCTIONEER. COL F. O. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. SECONH-HAM DEALERS. V. STROHLE, DEALER IN NEW and second hand roods. Cash Dald for all second-hand goods boucht. Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods Call an,l get his prices. ro E. Court street. Phone Hlnck 3171. RESTAURANTS. "HIXA RESTAUR NT.. Ni .. 'T.ES ami chop suoy. Un D. tloey i-v p t th o!,l stand, AH i street in r-.ir i Tailman Dru Co. East Oregonlan by currier. c ;'or month. Directory