iHU W MJa 1 pgk rrru DAWT KAST OREGOMAS. PENDLETON. OREGON. SATUiDVV, AlGtST 5. 1911. joh v.ighn, nia: chief. AS INDi:i,i:..'l..T NiCW.SPAl'KH. JcubUslu'il pnily :iml Semi-Weekly at Pen- illeicu, DroKxu. ly AST tdilltJOXlAN lTHLlSlIING CO. .NiiWl'MPTION KATES. T'n!ly. ..re- year, liy mail S3.00 t'ahy. si mer.i'.'.s. tiy mail S!.50 J5lly. :ii:ee la.uuhs. by mail 1 -" T'li, eae tut'i.ili. by mail .0 Jlly, oce year, by earner T.ltO 'iiy, six iiitimlis! ty carrier 8 "I Pally, time m. 'lulis." by carrier 1 IIly. oue ui-i.il.. lv ir.ior tiT f:i-Veek!y. one yiur, by mull l.aO Kinl-v,v':y. six nii.mlis. tT niali TS rTOil Weekl. f. ur nii'inl.B. by mall... .50 The I'aily Past Ore;;eniHa I kept on aula t the Oregon News Co., 3-9 Morrison Itrect. Portland, Oregon. Northwest Newa Co.. Portland, Oreson. Ohlcacu lluie.su. !Hi; Security ItulUling. ashliictou. L'. C, Hurau, 501 Four teenth street, X. W. Metntvr I'nlted Press Association. V.ntered at the postofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as secoud clans mall matter. ffflephone Main 1 Official City aod County Paper. v t'VqNjtt LABELS ! roiullotoH Iaa Will Attend Firemen's Meeting at VaiKMuver. ocooaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o The A liVMPFK SON (J. tro;.lHt of the so win' thry irrowled alng the ii:ie; They kilU-a tl-.e crop, in .-iprir.s-timo. but the roaplng's miiih'.y fi:;e. Fruit of .-u:i an' rain A world o:" croijeii grain. An' the liai ;.y V.ilis are sinuir.' t.i tl'.e clad fields a:i" the plain. The ample l-arns are waitin' for ho harvest'.- heavy store; Prosperity say? "Plenty:" and 'Tass yer plate for more!" Toi; j-; never vain Ele-t witUjjohlon grain. An" the happy hills are singln' to the glad fields an' the plain. Frank L. Stanton. towards eliminating the complaints that arose from the side street prop erty owners. It is to be hoped so at least. It is too much to expect the side street people to pay 50 per cent of the co.n of paving East Alta street. It is true though, as one councilman said last evening, that no plan for paving can be devised that will be -olute!y equitable and satisfactory U everyone concerned. There will be objectionable features to any asscss r.iei.t pi m that may be devised and ibe best that can be hope.', is t!at the council will do its best towards a-.scs.sing the cost where it properly belongs. Meanwhile the fact remains that it viil be u splendid tiling for Pendleton to have East Alta street paved. in;ivi(i is to it. j If a municipal electric plant is : provided for Pendleton the Pacific i Power & Light company w ill have Aicnlv itself to blame. Bv Its attitude towards Pendleton the electric trust 6 O O o o o o o o Q O 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 9 0 & Hotel St. George CLOUGE PARVEiW, PropfUtor. ...FOR... Supper ill our Dry Goods Department Children's Wash Dresses 1-2 Price Gingham Petticoats, $ 1 .35 and 1 25 val. 75c is making municipal electric plant ad vocates every day. The company ha? MUNICIPAL l'l.l'CTKIC PL 'T. c'ffeTed to provide cluster light poles The suggestion of John Vert that free 011 .Alder street in Walla Walia there be an investigation made of the whereas In Pendleton the property feasibility of constructing a muniei- owners must pay for such poles. The pal electric plant in connection with a !?ffllir is explained by the electric nw.nntntn vv-,rer v.-t-.r. Is m..?h! ! "U'i-r.y ef course. Nevertheless Lie i worth while. I- is of ..ar;iju-..ir in-j"':ut ri!ain!' A "C-r 'street people go terest coming from a man of pro-!"'" I'"1-'" fre" "hi!e P'Heton peo nounced cotiservatism 'Waists, regular price $1.75, $1.50 and $1.25 will go at . . . . 98C Flaxon 35c quality for only 19c Hand Emb. all Linen Handkerchiefs 1 8C Long Silk Gloves all colors"$l .50 val. 98c Parasols will go for 1-2 Price o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o ! Rooms $1 and $1.50 Block and a half from depot See the big electric sign. European plan. Everything first-elnus. All modern conveni ences. Hot water heated throughout. Rooms en suite with bath. Large, new sample rooms. The Hotel St. George Is p.-oriounced one of the most up-to-date hotels of the Northwest Telephone and fire alarm con nections to office, and hot and cold water running In all rooms like Mr, and at a time when the people of th. luv are at w ai w 0.11 L.ie piiaie vi- . ectric companv now operating here. 1 fact remain8 that 'iness men, or at The idea of obtaining citv water ,ileast man' of tnem- now" Pa' more from the north fork of the Vniatil- ye. j 1 l'e ii . i if i riiuLrij rales jusi j grunted Pendleton are also explain ed in a very elaborate way. Still the 9 9 0 0 0 0 o o lit river is not new. There are many people and some 'of them on the city water commission who look on the north fork as their final goal. It seems to offer far and away the best source of supply for Pendleton. There is much water in the north fork, it is above Wenaha springs and beyond all possible contamination. The water is colder than the water in the south fork of the river. It would be a splendid thing for the sity to obtain water from that source. An engineer, in the employ of the ater board, has already reported it would be feasible to construct an el ectric system in connection with a water system. Power could be gen erated at a station between this city and the mountains and the surplus water turned back into the river. It only remains to be seen whether or not the people would make money and improve conditions by installing an electric plant. It is the belief of the F.ast Oregonlan that a municipal plant would pay for itself without difficulty i.nd would give the people better service than they are now get ting at lower rates. Furthermore a power plant would be an asset that wouid stir.d to increase in value pratly as the years t-o by. It would make Pendleton fr-e from the clutch es of the present electric combine or any suii r j u,-t.i ;ru-ts that may be formed. Why n--t art on the surgestlon just made? Pendleton people were never in a better moo i than now for con sidering plans f'.r a municipal elec tric plant. for lights than ever before. What good are explanations if the bills are bigger. They are what count. The electric company also takes a narrow and a selfish stand in refer ence to placing its wires underground. It objects to doing so even though their poles spoil the appearance of our business streets and though the wires are dangerous to people in times of fire. All these things arouse feeling against the electric company and It Is feeling that Is very likely to result in the establishment of a municipal el ectric plant. If the electrl? company does not wish to see a municipal electric plant installed It. will be well for the com pany to thow a greater consideration for the wishes and the Interests of the people of Pendleton and do that without further haggling and delay. Pendleton's Greatest Store OOOOOQOOGOOOOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOO O o o o o; Q O c o o 2 ! i C ?! O o OPFX 1.Y AND NIGHT , IT KS T-CLASS SERVICE The Quelle Caie and Oyster House Leals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK., 826 .MAIN STREET AXXA IiANGLEY. The world in general will sympa thize with Anna Langley and will say that the San Francisco court which released her upon $100 bail knows something about justice. She shot and killed her husband because he was such a worthless brute he was unfit to live. He would not work and said his hands were not made for toll. His wife was forced to support the family by working as a stenographer. Despite this her spouse did not ap preciate her and would get drunk and cast abuse upon her. He continued to do so until he had driven her fran- l tic and in her desperation she shot him. It is not surprising she did and the only regret rrfany will feel is-that she did not shoot him with a cannon. Pl'ISLIC AID TO MINISTERS. Justice Hughes Raises Question at Postal Inquiry. . New York Whether the United States government should tax the gen eral public for the support of super annuated ministers of the Methodist church was, in effect, the question raised by Justice Hughes of the su preme court of the United States, as head of the commission which heard reports of publishing houses protest against the proposed increase of pos ta' rates. E. R. Graham, who appeared for the Methodist book concern, argued that the proposed increase would ne cessitate the suspension of many church publications, the profits of which go to superannuated ministers and their widows and children. "Well," suggested Chairman Hughes after some leading- questions, "jio you think that the superannuated minis ters of the Methodist church should be supported by the United States " Mr. Graham, reflecting none of the humor of the Justice, replied: "It would not be a bad Idea to do so, It would help some." ooooooooooooo The Picific Power & Light com rany collects $50,000 annually from Pendleton. Most of that money goes i away and never comes back. Howl much better It would be could local people have that money or a portion j thereof applied In paying out on a municipal electric plant. i:ST ALTA PAYING. At th" council meeting last even ing ,-nother stride was taken towards the pavin-j of Alta stveit from Main to the In'.'-rs'-ction wi'h East Court. Th- r.-ni ii"tra.ii'.-e filed by residents of the East Alta street district was rejected and Instructions given the! city attorney to draft an ordinance calling for bids on the paving of the street in question. This does not mean that the pav ing of East Alta street is yet assured The council will have the right to re ject any or all bids and if the pav ing companies are too high with their figure no doubt all will be rejected. They sho'ild be turned down if they arc found excessive. The council nlso has some work to to la the way of equalizing the a- sesement for the East Alta paving, j vvn thous-h the district pla-n be ad- i 1-rred to It will still be possible, It DaJy EaRt Oregonlan, delivered to seenn, fr Die council to do much your home for 65c a month. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o be helpful to the Umatilla county bar1 association. A o o o o o p T I i I The bar association committee Is going to make a report on the Bailey-' Perry-Watts case. That Is fine and the East Oregonlan will enjoy pub lishing that report whatever It may be. The sunlight treatment should Now the Canadian administration Is having Its troubles convincing the Canadian parliament that the recip rocity treaty should be ratified. Cass MatlockfProp. UEST PIOTUItES MOKE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in trie city. Shows afternoon and eve ninpra. Rcfiriod and en tertaininp; for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant i Entire change thren times ach week. Re sure and see the nexthanfrc. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c - OOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o o o a o o o o Q O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 I'lUHESMEN TO MOURN CHIEF AT POTLATCH Spokane, Wash. Captain John McA. Webster, superintendent of the Colville Indian reservation, announc ed in Spokane that there will be a great potlateh at Daisy, Wash., the middle of August, when tribesmen will mourn the passing of Chief Barn aby, who for years was the represen tative of his people before the pres ident of the United States at Wash ington, D. C. At the potlach he crowning incidents of Chief Barnaby's life will be recited., after which his possessions will be distributed among his friends. BaVnaby was 75 years of age at the Ime of his death and Is survived by a son of 16 years. His most notable speech was before Presi dent Roosevelt and Indian officials five years ago, to intercede for the payment of $1,500,000 due on land sales. He adopted the ways of the white man years ago, and the sermon at his bier was delivered by Father Caldl, a traveling field missionary The body rests in an elaborate casket '.n the Colville Indian burial ground. Get There Quick Phone Red 3961 for the AUTO CAB Twenty-five cent fares to any part of trie city. Special- rates for out of town trips. BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. Stand at 614 Main St HEADOUARTERS FOR ToiletJ Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of th Celebrated F4S TOILET CREAM , COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallmaiv & Co. Leading Druggists of East ern Oregon, "She is Waiting! J Born with the Republic" TTAMES. E. PEPPEjty WHISKEY Oldest distillery in America and the best Whiskey ever made in Kentucky. Established in 1780. Columbia Liquor Store Sole distributors in Pendleton. HERMAN PETERS, Prop. and so are those she Is waiting on. And mind you, a good high-ball Is well worth waiting for. Good, pure, wholesome Rye Whiskey, like the brands we are now selling, will make one wait patiently, but enjoy the wait when the llijuid arrives cool, comforting, and refresh ing. If you are a high-ball lover, hotter try a bottle of this splendid Whiskey of ours. You will always want that brand afterwards. And the price will satisfy you, too. TheOlympiaBar Phone Main 188 and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Main 17'.. TETERS & MORRISON, Prop. Orpheum Theatre J. P. MEDERNAOH, Iroprlctor. HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Changes on Sunday', Tuesday's ami Friday's. The Pendleton Drug Co. Is In business for 'Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES THE UNIQUE TURKISH MEDICAL BATHS Tlio Plnoo W here Yon Got a Good Roth ami Rub Down. BATHS - 25c and 50c OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 124 W. COURT ST.