EIGHT PAGES DAILY ASl ORBGOMAN, PENDIaBTON, OREGoW, HATIKDAY, ALGtST 5, 1911. PAGE TH1UCS I f ' II Honored by Women I!;; When woman ipcnki of her tilent secret differing she trust! you. Millions have he stowed this mark of confi dence on Dr. It. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. Every where there are women who bear witness to the wonder working, curing-power of Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription which saves the suffering sex from pain, and successfully grapples with woman's weak nesses and stubborn ills. mmm Dr. Phne'a IT MAKES WEAK WOHEN STRONG IT HAKES SICK WOMEN WELL. No woman's appeal was ever mudirected or her con fidence misplaced when she wrote for advice, to the World's Dispensary Mkdical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y. Pltasani Pelleta Induct mild natural bowel movement one a day. SP0RTS NATIONAL LEAGUE. ( IcM'liiiul 10; New York 3. Nw York. Auk. 5. Cleveland hud no difficulty winning its third m might fcame from New York yesterday. Caldwell and Quliin were both hit hard. .Score: K. II. E. Cleveland 10 15 4 New York . . . . .' 3 9 4 Falkenlierg and Fisher; C'uldwell, yinnn and .Sweeney. rittshurK Xew York 3. Pittsburg, Auk. 5. Xew York and Pittsburg pluyed a strong game, Pittsburg winning. The visitors led until the eighth when the local team scored thiee runs because of good hitting, and the wildtiess of Ames. Ames vaa taken out and Wlltse sub stituted. Score: 11. H. E. Pittsburg 6 11 l New York 3 7 5 Camnitz and Gibson; Amen, Wlltse and Meyer. duplies Klenn and Brennan. AMERICAN LEAGUE. O WnHliiiifftuii 1-3; 'hioio 0-2. Washington, Aug. 5. Washington defeated Chicago In both games of a double header, the first going 11 Innings, fashion from Greenville, S. C, made his debut In the second game and held Chicago to three scat tered hits. Zelder, Sullivan and Hen ry had to retire on account of In juries, while Street was benched by the umpire. Score: First game R. H. E. Washington 1 5 1 Chicago 0 5 2 Johnson and Street; White and Payne. Second game R. H. E. Washington 3 11 1 Chicago 2 3 0 Cushion and Street; Henry, Aln smlth, Walsh and Sullivan, Payne, lloston 7; Detroit 3. Koston, Aug. G. Boston assisted Philadelphia to gain the lead In the Jennant race from Detroit, defeating the visitors for the fourth straight game. Hall's exertion when he made a home run in the second Inning sending two men In ahead of him forced his retirement from the box, Detroit scoring three runs In the next Inning: Score: . H. e. Boston . 7 s 1 Detroit 3 6 3 Hall, Klllllay and Xuiiamaker; Mullin und Stanage. St. Iiiils 1-2; Pliiliulclpliiii 5-5. Philadelphia, Aug. 5. Philadelphia won both games of the double header from St. Louis and took the lead in the American league race. Philadel phia has played St. Louis 14 games this season and has won every game. Two seasons' records for major league games were made, itelnnes got IS put outs at first bn.se and Powell caused 15 tjatsmen to go out on fly balls. Score: First f,amt H. H. E. St Louis 1 4 2 Philadelphia 5 10 1 Mitchell and Krltehcll; Plank and Thomas. Second game It. II. E. St. Ln.lU 2 9 1 Philadelphia 5 8 2 Powell und Stephens; Morgan and Livingstone. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. Standing or the Clubs. W. L. Pet. Vancouver 67 43 .609 Tacoma 62 47 .569 Spokane 59 51 .536 Seattle ' 56 51 .523 Portland 53 54 .495 .Victoria , ,,,,,,, 29 79 .269 Seattle. 3; Sixikaim 2. Seattle, Aug. 5. Seattle Came up behind yesterday and won from Spo kane 3 to 2. With the score tied In the eighth inning, Weed hit for two bases, reached third no a sacrifice hit and scored the winning run on a wild pitch. Spokane out hit Seattle but the hits were scattered. Score: It. II. E. Seattle 3 4 1 Spokane 2 7 2 Wlggs and Shea; O'Loughlln and Splesman. Portland 1; Victoria 0. Portland, Ore., Aug. 5. Maxmeyer allowed the puzzled Victorians four harmless hits and walked but to men. Nowhere In the game did the visitors come within shouting distance of the home plate. While Lake pitch ed a generally good game, his work was spotted, and his support was ex tremely poor in the pinches. Score: R. II. E. Victoria 0 4 4 Portland 4 4 1 Lake and ReVogt; Maxmeyer and Moore. , -. , Umpire McCarthy. ' w Vancoiner 6; Tacomn 3. ' Tacoma, Aug. 5. An error by Mores and a double steal by Brown Tlic iurnini luQstion Do "You" Use Gas for Cooking ? IF NOT, WHY NOT? Phone Main 40 and ask to have our representative call on you. Pacific Power & Light Go. "Always at Your Service" K - and Lewis gave Vancouver two runs yesterday afternoon and the game by a score of 5 to 3. It came in the first half of the ninth Inning after the lo cals had tied the- score in the lashalf of the eighth. Score: II. 11. K. Vancouver 5 9' 0 Tacoma 3 5 1 Erlekson, itasmussen, Cat en and Lewis, shea; .Miller ami Kurns. Umpire Starke). Western Lenaiie. St. Joseph St. Joseph, 2; Sioux City 1. At Dm.ilia Omaha 3; I)eu Moines, 4. At Denver Denver 11; Tojeka 6. At Pueblo Pueblo 5; Lincoln 1. PACIITC COAST LEAGUE. O Standing of the ( lulls. W. L. Portland . Vernon Oakland San Francisco . Sacramento . . Los Ang'des . . Yfl'lHlil (i; 69 67 62 59 ........51 Los AiijM-lfH 0- 5 62 64 64 76 Pet. .559 .552 .519 .492 .480 .402 NEWSY NOTES FROM ADAMS AND VICINITY (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., Aug. 5. The Interior Warehouse company at Adams re ceived t:ir"f thou-and and thirty racks of wheat Wednesday. Mr. and Mis. T. A. Lleuallen left mountains Thursday for a outing and to pick huckle- for the few days herrk-s. ' F. H. to Pen di trip Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 5. Castle ton held Los Angeles to two hits yesterday while his team mates piled up 12 off Driscoll and Leverenz and won, 6 to 2. Driscoll was driven from the mound in the third when Carlisle, Kai.e und Patterson singled and was replaced by Leyerenz. Los Angeles made seven errors bt't only two of these resulted in scores. Score: it. 11. :. Los Angeles 2 2 7 Vernon 0 2 2 Driscoll, Leverenz and Abbott; Castleton and Drown, I'ri-eo 7; Portland I. .-an e ranciseo, Aug. a In a aine characterized by heavy hitting" and daring base running, San Francisco defeated Portland here ye.sterdi.-y by a score of 7 to 4. San Francisco took a, three-run lead in the first inning, adding two runs in the fifth, and two more in the seventh. Shaw scored in a wild throw by Kuhn. - McArdie was out v hen his sharp liner to sec ond was stopped by Meikle. Mohler stole third in the play. Vltt was giv en a pass and .Mohler stole home. Portland gathered one more run in l- iiiy made a business 'on Wednesday. Frank Miiriiri was a Pendleton vis itor Thursday. Dr. Cole of Portland, was a busi ness) visitor In Adams Wednesday. Henry Collins of the Interior Ware house company of Pendleton, was a lousiness visitor lnAdams Friday. Hugh lto by and Jerry Picard of Athena, wre Adams visitors Thurs day. Born To Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce nt Adams Tuesday, August 2, a 10 pound baby girl. Dr. Sharp of Athe na was unending physician. Mother and child art. doing well. ltowen Stockton and son Edwin, left Tuesday for their homestead in Idaho to remain during the warm weather, to improve up on his home stead and a few weeks' outing. Mariani Wliiteley of Spokane Is the guest of the P.hiteley brothers, Frank and Henry, for a few days this week. Mrs. Harry Mclirlde of Athena, was the guest of Miss Xellie Darr Tuesday. William Chamberlain of the Pacific Elevator company at Adims, was a business viitor in Athena Wednesday. (5. M. Morrison went to the springs Wednesday. the same Inning, registered thirteen nine. Score: Portland San Francisco . . . Koestnei, Seaton San Francisco hits and Portland K. II, E, 4 9 1 7 13 1 and Kuhiy Browning. Hester, Meikle and Berry. Sacramento 5; Oakland . Sacramento, Aug. 5. Herb Byram had the measure of the Oaks today and Sacramento tok their third straight win of the series, 5 to 2. Christian had a bad inning in the fifth, walking Lerchen and hitting Shinn an l three runs went, across on Xvbbtng's single nnd Van Buren's triple. In the seventh two singles, a sacrifice and a two-bagger put ac cess two more for the locals. Oak land scored in the fourth and sixth, Byram's only free pass figuring in the first tally and Thomas' peg to an un covered lase "figuring prominently in the second run. Score: R. H. E. Oakland 2 Sacramento 5 Christian and Mitze; Byram Thomas. Umpire Finney. 7 0 9 1 and FALLS ISO FEET. Conies l'p Smiling and I'nliurt and Re sumes Work. Tarrytown, X. Y. Joseph Kinward an employe of the Maxwell Briscoe motor company, had a narrow escape from death. He was 0011 a swing I aiming the water tower when the rope gavo way. - - He dropped 150 feet and struck a guard wire which broke his fall and made him turn a complete somer sault. He landed on his feet, smiling and said: "I didn't expect to come this way. but I'm all right." He re sumed his duties on top of the tower again. W iHi'F. SLAVE ARRESTED. Claivntf Atliertoii Caught in Sacra mento and Taken to San Jowp for Trial. San Jose. Clarence Atherton, who, with Dick Bullock, is accused of hav ing lured 17-year-nld Irene Bernal from this city on July Sth, was brought here from Sacramento and Is In the county Jail. Bullock and the girl have not been located. Itixly 1 Washed Ashoiv. Long Bench. An unidentified body thought possibly that of one of the drowned sailors of the wrecked steam er Santa Rosa, was washed ashore here. The clothes, a coat, shirt, under shirt and socks, evidently had been put on hastily. The dead man had apparently been In the water a con siderable period. Buy it now. Xow Is the time to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before the summer Is over. This remedy has no superior. For sale by all dealers. THAI CATCllIX A VICTIM. Boy Hot-elves 4'liui'KU From (inn Set In C'uteli Pilferer. Coring, Xeh. O. -Peterson, a bach elor an.-hnian living near liarrisbnr set a trap to catch the thief who had been pilfering trim his home during his absence, ami Sam lielison, a 1 r- 'ur-ohl-hov walked Into it. is dead. MI-IDA L !Olt BAY CITY IIKKO. Seaborne. Who Saved Woman and Child. Is Honored. San Francisc. The George E. Mc Neill gold medal for heroism, con ferred annually by an underwriters' accident association, was presented here to Walter J. Seaborne, city clerk of Berkeley, Cal. It Is the first time the medal has been conferred west of the Rocky mountains. December 31 of last year Seaborne rescued Mrs. Hermert Stockton nnd her infant child when their automo mile bucked of ferry boat into the bay. RACK TO FARM IS URGED. Chicago Clergynien Start Movement to Relieve Civic Congestion. Chicago. A movement to Induce poor people of congested districts in large cities to move to the country and follow agricultural pursuits was be gun by the Catholic Colonization so ciety, organized under the laws of Illinois, with Archbishop Glennon of St. Louis, the Rev. Julius E. de Vos, the Rev. E. J. Vattman and Joseph M. Cudahy, incorporators. The first colony ttT tie opened will be in Mis souri. Look in the locals. You Wouldn't eat Quail as a steady diet. But why will you try to smoke rich, heavy, all Havanas steadily? Vary your smoke diet with a light,' domestic blend, like the . w."".' -. Gen! Arthur Mild 10c Cigar iftE-r? APPELl'S I tfv'tViSSv - South African K liP waterI H Y -'"i.'- io Keeps water - sun or shade: n the the Peters hi ai rallied a gun insi ii r.'or with a string nttai hed to nigger and so pointed that an entering the house would receive charge. The i-ori'tn r's jury found at the in-.Ui-si that the hoy had com,' to hi d.-.-th a result ol' a gun-dint womvM reieived while in the act of eoinmil inij 11 tel. my. Pttersoli has been placed in jail, but no charge lias been filed against him. Keeps water cool 48 hours or longer, in sun or shade: irrr.it boon to Take no SabbttCuCe prospectors. surveyors, sportsmen, stockmen, farm ers, te.imster.-i, anyone exposed to dry or warn weather. Utei! by U. S. Gov't. Strong", light, eav to c;irry. Gurinte4 TWa Ittor Tj-piPes tiie Attitude of All Vstro Cfn'lrmcn: Eikhirt, Ini'.iina, Wlule in NVradl rrcpt'y I hid CKY-einn to .Irink out ..if our of )tm. Soutb African i:rr Rifs. VVtrr 'ion-llif baj rta -inly UMri Koi"l (.11 '.!.e .Irsfrt. We m .jK-ti 01 t 01 vtyii; fcfl c.ilicn bsB ati 1 ttt t tltr rt W fljlv . u.t .jr. 'wn !i.-i.-r f- tht trv:frr,!turt v .11 fui nit in t'rt k I.-. ..i.il ::. ttir n nunc I lour..! -.be wai-r - rk'.irr a:i ' &: mM ice w 4trr. U ccttairljr 12 il A S t lo llio-c 1 : v 1 1 . ii in .1 M d fru::i. K FOR SAIB BY ru? LF.KS KVEEt W11KPJJ fej tf A 'nm Vniell Who r Hi.'srCn.. Pnrtlniul.Or. Fj Today's local ads may interest you. TW ... A'l HOY H.M)ITS TUY I1AI51I I'Oll LIIIKHTY Arrestel at Puh- by Slierif Vmi- llarnard and IJIchard llhhlell Make )a-h. Paso. Earl Uarnard and Kichard Riddeil, the 11 and 10-year-old hold tips, who escaped from the probation officers in Spokane Friday, were pick ed up by Sheriff Hayes in the local railroad yards while waiting for time freight No. Gi3 on the Northern pa cific to be made up. Their Intention, they stated, was to leave on the train for the west. They arrived on a freight and were picked up by the sheriff, who prompt ly notified Spokane. The two young sters were evidently averse to being captured, as when the sheriff turned hln back to them in order to speak to a passerby the youngsters attempted to make their getaway. They were iulckly recaptured however. They admitted their names frankly and stated why they had loft .Spokane. FHOLIC KF.l'.lOI'S FOR HOY. Falls 'on Sidewalk, Tlim-tinx Le I iiroiin Plate tiluss. Palo Alto. While frolicking with some of his comrades. Andrew i, Lachlan, nineteen years old. fell through the ylate gla-s window of a local haberdasher, cutting his le so seriously that amputation may be nee- ess.'irv.' Met -unViInn till. iU. sidewalk, thrusting his leg through me winriiw, cutting it just below the knee. OIL Every woman's heart responds to the charm and sweetness cf a baby's Voice, because nature intended her lot motherhood. But even the lovinir nature of a mother shrinks from the j ordeal because such a time is regard I ed as a period of sufTerinjf and danger. Women who use Mother's Friend are j saved much discomfort and suffering , and their systems, being thoroughly prepared by this great remedy, are In a healthy condition to meet the time with the least possible suffering and danger. Mother's Friend is recommended onlj- for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers ; it io la no sense a remedy for various ills, but its man3 years of success, and the thousands of endorsements re ceived from women who have used it are a guarantee of the benefit to be derived from its use. This remedy does not accomplish wonders but sim ply assists nature to perfect its work. Mother's Friend allays nausea, pre vents cak.ng o rr.fl ft me Dreasts, ana Near OiiUftr.H. CaliUtrniu The. rn;lv W'tMiui (Vli.'a m IVrific CVcit. I "hart t ; c ?. N i nv o , .1'. I ' ,m ci .:t it Ji1c.il cir '. 1 i'iuui;,.';:M w yvtt. -'.'.. .it; to y . : . ""1 vt .;'tirc:'ii :.t - v . :: i'i r t to t"!'. 'c ' ' ! it'iii I l'ivi i i'f ,.!.:'. m;,i. 1.:l1w! ,:U I.:- A-rif' uitl? r.,.i.:ti i I'll; ir.c: t. l'..M-c;a Lit t; il'i I ". litit io; Imvu-rotuti:ii-. htirarv stiuK . mn-ic a: .u'. Mfilcr-i l; miM-inni. S;rciiii ;c i'-: b tf MU.If'M-. Ul!-tiihr Hie. I'u-1 lent, I-'.c'1.! Cl:iv r.-ir-tm. A. .. I -it . !., U.. H. K-r c r. U ".:'m aMit:iS SccTtl.iry, Mi1 i' llt e 1. I in every way contributes to strong, healthy motherhood. Mother's Friend b sold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. BRADHELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, G ! WELCOME TO OUR CITY. I The Morrow-Umatilla DISTRICT FAIR Requests Your Presence. ONE WEEK COMMENCING SEPT. 11 Biggest More Exhibits, More Space. More Music, More Attractions and More add BOSt of Everything . . . SPECIAL RAILROAD RATES Remember the "ROUND-UP" DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL, OPENS SEPT. 5, I 1 PENDLETON Ss7 ?? Our Motto: STUDENTS FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Office Training, Pennman ship, Rapid Calculation, Commercial Arithmetic, Grammar and Spell ing, and all business subjects practically and thoroughly taught. Each pupil is supplied with a loose leaf ledger in bookkeeping. Lectures on commercial law by a practical attorney. Pupils from other colleges are attending our school. We Have a Business School Run on Business Principles We offer features whigh cannot be found in other schools. Just drop in and inspect the most modern methods and facilities of any college In the country. Fees are lower than In most schools. Delightful rooms. Great demand for bookkkeepers and stenograph ers. Free Employment Bureau. DECIDK NOW. DON'T WAIT. Telephone Muck T22. M. L. CLANCY, H. A., Principal. ..COLUMBIA COLLEGE.. MILTON, OREGON Christian, But Not Sectarian. Grounds and Buildings Valued at $7.",000. A Si'Urt School for Yotiii"' Men ami Yomis Ladies, who Seek for the Highest Ideal in Manhood and Womanhood. Certificates Accepted at State Vnicersitii and Other Schools 'ithout He-examination. Ncic Administration lUtildintj, Steam Healed, Klictric lighted. Thorough' Courses: Literary; Scientific; Commercial Department, Including Short-Hand nnd Typewriting; Conservatory of Music. In cluding Piano, Voice and Stringed Instruments; Elocution; Art. Dormitory Refitted, Refurnished, Steam Heated. Electric Lighted: Comfortable, Attractive. Gymnasium: Good Athletic Field. Beautiful for Situation. A Land of fruit and Flowers. Mountain Water. Pure Air. Healthful Conditions. Six Pas senger Train Daily. F.h etrie Streit Cars. Xof t Stdoon in 50 Years. Xo (lamlling I)cm. Mora! A tmos'h ! Wholesome. Send for Catalogue and other information to H. S. SHANGLE, Financial Secr'y. MILTON, OR. A DIGNIFYING THE INDUSTRIES" TMa Is the title of a toiu'.ifuj 6-i-paso bonk. wttcU will f li.'W imy b-v or iv.rl box to SUCCEED. Drop n I Ci;.V: m tlic ni.nl TCOAY ar.J It will be sect I'KEE. Tbe lira ot tee Cv'.ifit'.' i to :!;niiy ana populjvi:- '.:..' u.-ustrios. :ird t.' s.f rv . A'.L trie rco;il.' It o:'t-ra .t to Ajrrlcufi.'-. etv.i Kcrtuooruig, E'.ctrirl EiKiuevrtUt.-, aiec'i.tnl-. al tnluniriiig. MiiilUi; En;-.n coring. Foresi.-y. Pomo ; :- -Science ar.d Art. Cciu-nien-s. Pliarumcy and S'ustc. Tho College oyeui September '2'ZA. Cat;Cos tree. A-llrcsn: FKHSTKAU. OREC0M AGRICCLTOSAt COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oregn.