East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 01, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Calling cards, wad
ding stationery. on
merclal stationery and
Job printing to order
at the East Oreionlan.
XO. 7279
VOL. 24
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rrMiirTn.' nr.imnr I r TJ4PJPP i f
UVUiVIi Ui' 1' U X ill I , . - . rrr...... -
icians. Nurses, Guards and Firemen Save, Several Hun-
dreds.by Firbt Boating Many Into Unconsciousness
Fire Department Helpless.
Hamilton, Out., Aug. 1. Trapped
behind heavy screens, wh'ch covered
the windows and made an Inacces
sable prison of the upper floors of tha
Hamilton Insane asylum twelve in
sane Inmates of the institution
were burnrd to death early this morn
ing when the place was almost totally
destroyeiNby fire, the origin of which
has not been determined by the au
thorities. Eight bodies were recovered.
, IllllUltOH Fight KcsiCUCTB.
Desperately fighting, as only ma
niacs can when thoroughly excited,
horrible scenes were enacted when
they repulsed physicians, guards,
nurses and firemen who were heroic
ally attempting to rescue them. It
was necessary to beat many of them
Into unconsciousness and then drag
them to the windows and throw
them into life nets which were held
Many Daring Itixnie.
Many daring rescue were effected
Jy the authorities and firemen. The
piace was s situated that the fire
department could not reach it with
any of the fire f :b1iIIiik apparatus. In
fact the place Is most Inaccessible by
any method of approach and the fire
department had to stand at the foot
of the li il while the building was
razed to the ground by the flames.
The firemen took part in the rescue
wuik, but no water could be gotten
to the burning place. More than six
hundred inmates were in the building
when the fire broke out and it Is con
sidered miraculous that the death list
Is not many times as great as It Is.
Dangerous Inmates Die.
Most of tlie fatal. ties occurred on
the fifth floor, where the dangerous
inmates were confined. Fighting as
hard as they could, these maniacs ran
through the flames shrieking like de
mons until their lives were snuffed out
enacting scenes too horrible for description.
hitchcock testifies
iiefori: committee
New York, Aug. 1. Post
master General Hitchcock was
the first witness today before
the federal commission which
la investigating second class
postage rates. He insisted that
magazines should pay higher
rates tn advertising pages than
on their news and other fea
tures. He said the current fis
cal year will find a surplus in
his department and he prom
ised to make It self sustaining.
Populace Panic Stricken and : Wealthy New Yorkers Send
Seeking Way to Escape Be- j Victims West on Tiring of
ing Massacred.
Ne.v Y
tion was
1:. Au.t. 1. Quite a sc-nsa-
'prung in police circles to-
la, as we l as among federal author-!
itbs, when the assertion was made
that ther is an organization here, the
in p.iliers of which are aged rich men
and chauffeurs, which preys on and
Port Au Prince. Hiyti, An;;. 1.
Follow-in,-? several attempts to set fir.'
to and destroy this city, during hurt
night, the condition here today is one
of panic and people are scrambling
for ways and means of leaving tlv;
nlace and reaching nlaces of safety. I
Business is at a standstill and t hr , "ebauehos J"ung girls and after using
population is in deadly fear of an i t- 1 them for their own purposes for a
tack from the rebels, which it l.i be- ' fhort lime d seard them and ship
licved will be followed by possibly them, as white slaves, to Oregon,
a massacre. Washington an 1 California.
lie ports, with reference to the no- ' This, it is claimed, accounts for the
tion that will lie taken by President ; Strang disappearance r young girls
Simon, are conflicting. Some are to ; of New York, many of whom are
the effect that lie will muster his members of prominent families and
small forces and fight to the last which disappearances have almost be
ditch while others have it that lie come epidemic.
will flee for hls.lffe. The discoveries resulted from the
These reports have precipitated a arrest if a chauffeur who had been
condition, that makes possible mot placed under arrest with another
any kind of development of the revo- man, on charges of abducting young
lution within a few hours, and the girls, and who was attacked while in
conditions are now considered more the custody of the oficers by the
grave than at any time during the mother of one of his alleged victims,
present period of unrest. j An investigation is expected to fol-
j low which w:ll result in wholesale ar-
Stuclcnts Win Prou-st. rests here and throughout the west-
i -of BILL ON
Amendments Placing Coal, Coke, Cement. Apples and Berries
or, List and S riking Meat Off. are Defeated With
out'Calling the Roll
Washington, Aug. 1. As the result j trn states named.
.Washington, Aug. 1 A general, re
duction in rales was put in effect to
day by practically all of the
companies operating in the
of a strong pr. test filed with the war ;
lepartment by the students of tUe
nlvr-rsity of California at P.erkoley,
Maj. E. M. Lewis of the Uni'ed States
army w ill remain as professor of mil
itary science and tactics at that instl
lulion fur another year. Maj Lewis'
term expired today and the depart-
."i ill California. "
San Franc' seo, Aug. 1. Five hun
dred girls in various cities and towns
in California have hern victims of the
whitf slave gang that is being run
to esrth by detectives.
These figures .ire regarded as con
servative as rncc nt investigations in
Washington, Aug. 1. The Farm
tiers' Free List bill, passed the senate)
.today by a vote of 4S to 20. Th
. measure was designed and passed
- I previously by tile Democratis of the
i house of representatives. It is In-
Washington, P. C, Aug. 1.
Evidence, tending to show the
rotten condition of Illinois pol
ities -.VMS nffnr.l In tha Ti.
mer hearine todav when State it0give tbe ''cultural sections of
Representative White resumed i th.w countr' the advantages in trad,
his testimony. He exhibited let- iwlth Canada, which it is asserted ar
ters which were exchanged be- ! "ot contalned In the Canadian Re-
tween himself and Lee 0'Xeil ' ciProcit" measure which was passed
Browne, the minority leader in ! Iast week by tlie 9enate and now
the Illinois legislature. White 4 -Waiting the pleasure of the elector
in previous statements asserted" ate of the nortnern neighboring coun-
that Browne had bribed him to try' ' ,
vote for Lorimer. 4 Ilis-cl on Second Vote.
x iie uiii w iis passea oniy alter
i second vote had been taken. When
j the bill came up in the senate thl
j morning, many of the senators cam
1 forward and offered amendments,
I hich they elai.med were necessary
I to the farmer, and for other reasons,
j Senator Gronnas offered one, plac
ing cement on the free list, another
j placing coal and coke on the list and
I still another free listing apples and
; berries.
I Senator Pailey offered an amend
Portland. Ore., Aug. 1. What is de- rnent striking meats from the fre
express m,.,lt intended to detail him else- fiHn Francisco. Los Angeles, Sacra-
where and send another officer to th
States. The filing of the new tariffs ! rnlversitv nf California
IOUUWCU U1W ttllllUUIlCCIIlVIll ui lilt
Sovk Iovt Girl,
New Tork, Aug. 1. Following the
receipt of Information that Dorothy
Arnold, whose disappearance has pui
rled New York fur months, was seen
recently In Home, the girl's parents
have sailed for Italy. It is believed
thev went direct to Florence as
George Grlscom, MAse Arnold's i
ance was last heard of from there.
Itev. J. M. Cornelison, Presbyte
rian missionary on the reservation,
and Itev. Dixon, native pastor of the
reservation church, not only believes
in observing the Sabbath day but they
also observe the commandment that
says "six days shalt thou labor."
Just at present the two "Sky Pilots"
are showing their belief In the divinity
of labor by working In the harvest
fields on the reservation. They work
throughout the week, merely taking
sufficient time off for the evening
meetings, and on Sunday they devote
the entire day to church work.
Incidentally, both men hope to as
sist In Impressing upon their Indian
followers that It is good for the body
and soul for one to work and to In
duce the tribesmen to follow their ex
The appeal
I of tlie nndcrirradiiates and fai ultv won
Interstate commerce commission that ,hp d(n. however, and Maj. Lewis will
a thorough proba would be made in- j reTri1n t i;erk ley for the year he-
10 me rates, ciass.ucauoiis, icgu.a-, KinninB; todav, the secretarv
lions and practices of the express j nav;ni, nf.en g J instructed bv
concerns. A growing fear of parcels , ,iont yaft
post legislation may also have influ- j
enced the express officials to reduce j
their rates.
The reductions put into effect Unlay
are sweeping, and In the case of long 1
hauls to non-competitive points the
cut is especially deep. About ninety
per cent of all express traffic in the
Cnited States is affected. The double
graduate syBtem of charging for pack
ages under 100 pounds weight is
abandoned. The new tariffs, however
will not change the plans of the inter
state commerce commission to under
take a thorough Investigation. Ex
nminnre will ho s, nt all over the
country and the books of the com- , afternoon.
panles will be thoroughly searched. Hehm appeared before Judge Bord-
1 well today to show cause why he
1'KMt BEVTTIKM.W (shouldn't be punished for refusing to
TAKE HIS OWN I.II'E I answer questions before the grand
" ! jury and a continuance was granted.
Richmond, Va., Aug. 1. Fearing Attorney Clarence Darrow, McNa
that Henry Health'. Jr., tlie richlnnira's defender, appeared for Hehm.
vouinr banker who' is in jail here Following the example of Mrs. Mc
n.er.t.i. Stockton, San Jose and Oak
land, alene, 'end to Mrm a basis for
the estimate.
A sang composed of Frenchmen
with "adouai ters heie, is said to bo
of war thp ilcal'-rs. They are believed t
Presi- j,,. cmnlvance with a group of Rus
sians in Chicago.
Los Angeles, Aug. 1. Whether or Boston, Aug. 1. War on the Unit
not George Behm, an uncle of Ortie 0(j shoe Machinery trust, which is
McManlgal, in the Times explosion sai,i to control the price of practically
case, will go to jail for contempt of all the footwear made in the United
court wiil bo deterin'ned tomorrow states, opened here today when the
grand jury began investigating its ac
list. These were defeated without th
fc rmaiity. of a roll call.
Free Mont Added.
The bill, as it came from the house,
was rejected, and as finally adopted,
it carried an amendment by Kern
I providing for free meats from all
dared by motorists to be an ideal i
law for the regulation, registration, ;
license, identification and operation
of automobile went into effect in
Oregon today. The law applies to
every motor vehicle in the state, and
ncludes provisions to regulate and li
cense persons who drive and own 1 countries, giving the same eonec-ssiong
cir and provides adequate penalties i to the United States. It is. believed
for the violations of the act. The new 1 that when the measure goes back to
law limits the authority of cities, I the house it will be concurred with
towns and counties to regulate auto- j by the house and soon sent to th
mobiles and repeals all municipal president for his approval Among
those voting against it was Senator
Bourne of Oregon.
Defea'Uxl on First Vote.
After the amendments were dis
charged with wife-murder, may at
tempt to commit suicide with guitar
strings, the authorities today took his
instrument out of his cell. He will
likely be Indicted this week.
Xotctl Painter Wit.
London, Aug. 1. Edwin Austin
Abbrlu, the American painter w ho was
commissioned by the late King Ed
ward, to paint his portrait, died here
today, having been 111 some weeks.
He was the foremost American paint
er abroad and was born In Philadel
phia in 1852.
Polio's Illness still (rave.
Home, Aug. 1. Pope-H'ius contin
ues extremely weak. An official Vati
can statement says that there is no
immediate danger of death. Owing
to the pope's advanced age, and
weakness, there will be little surprise
if the end came at any time.
Mnnlgal, Behm refused to answer
questions propounded to him regard
ing any knowledge of the dynamite
conspiracies of which his nephew
and the McNamara brothers, John
and James, stand accused. The cita
tion was issued lust night after Behm
acts or parts of acts which conflict
with the state law. Professional
chauffeurs are required to pass state
examinations and to register with the
secretary of state. Road rules are posed of, the bill itself was put on
provided to govern all highways. Road final passage and there was a decid
races are prohibited unless given offi- ed desire among many, who would
cial sanction and provision made for not admit it, to see the bill defeated,
adequate patrolling of the course. I Tne first vote resulted in a tie
Joy riders who use cars not their own ! 33 to 39. Vice-president James Sher
are to be punished by imprisonment nian cast the deciding vote against
not exceeding two years. A new sys- the measure, which was declared de
tem of taxation of motor vehicles 's fpate.
inaugurated, ranging from $3 fof mo- : Senator LaFollette of Minnesota,
tocycles and automobiles up to twentv- immediately made a motion thpt the
eight horse power to $10 for fortv- bl'l he reconsidered and after making
It is believed the probe will land 'horsepower cars. Included in the act ! a "h01"1 address, the motion carried
some trust officials in jail. Lnitea are twenty-live laws of the road for;""" wlc " La-
States district attorney said he ex-! the motorist, and should he forget ed oeiore.
peeled to ask for indictments,
criminal violation of the anti-trust 1 heavy fine.
ciiij vi incco lit: ucevmtrs suujeci I'J u
None of those controlling the com
pany will be allowed to escape, by
giving evidence. It is said that all but
ten of 1400 manufacturers are under
Its control
Great Falls, Mont., Aug. 1. Three
masked men robbed the First National
The trust held contracts with the Bank of Harlem yesterday, but the
manufacturers, providing that they man who had the booty in his pos-
shall use only trust machines, which session was killed and the money re
had been for several hours In the jury; are simply leased to them on a royalty j covered. The other two bandits es-
room. He was arrested shortly niter- . oasis, six cents per pair is uw i"j-,capeu. t-osses are pursuing mem ana
ward and released on bonds of $1000.
Gates' Condition Critical.
Paris, Aug. 1. John Gates, the
American millionaire is In an extrem
ely critical condition today, his phy
sicians report.
altv charged, which it is said totals j
at the end of the year, four times the
amount that the machines cost. Gov
ernor Foss started the investigation.
S. A. Menso, wheat grower,
buying supplies in the city today
Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 1. In an In
terview given out here today, by H.
F. Alexander, president of the Alas-
. kit-Pacific Steamship company, he de
clared that within five years after the
opening of the Panama canal, that
the population of the coast states will
have more than douoieiT.
Mr. Alexundcr has Just returned
from a trip to the eastern cities, and
he stntes that eastern people are vast
ly more Interested In the opening of
the calml than the western people
seemingly are and that the entire east ride.
Fulls from Scaffold.
Vancouver, B. C, Aug. 1. C. F.
Henze, a pointer aged 40, who came
here recently from San Francisco,
was killed today, when a scaffold ar
ound a church steeple he was paint
ing collapsed. Henze fell 75 feet and
Washington. Aug. 1. Charges that
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, at
a meeting of Saccharine manufac
turers last May declared: "I want
you to understand that the Remson
byard was organized to serve the
manufacturers and that they have
nothing to fear from it." today ad
- ,le,l Wilson to the list of cabinet of-
counter and filled a sack with gold flciaN wno hllve been attacked at
and currency from the counter and , fhis spssinn of rf,neress
the vault, which was open, the total j p wmla ,.,.. corres-
It is believed they will be captured
As the three men rode up to the
bank and entered, two of them cover
ed the cashier and his assistant, the
only persons in the bank, with re-
is ; volvers. The third went behind the
amounting to about $10,000. One. of
the robbers accidentally fired a re
pondent, made the charge before the
committee on expenditures in the ag-
fT"U t 1. . T 1 1 :
iiic icpun. uiuuKlll -aisnai .i..,i,,lr.i .inortmsnt
liiMU'ii i'i mv iNicK. uui'r ui ine uanti.
Is there to be any paving on East of prominent Alta street property
owners who want that street pavea
through to Court street or else they
Alta street and if so how much Is to
be paved? This Is a question now up
to the city authorities for solution
and it is n problem that arouses much
Interest in view of past differences ns
Is talking of the west and Its possi
bilities, following the opening of the
new water way.
struck on his head Another man)o whU ,,,,, ,,u llono wlth tlia,
wno was winning wmi iicusc. e- tho,.0K1f.,re
cuped with a fractured thigh and will lT) o m Um0 (ne clty aUirnrv
recover. .,...1 ..It., minlnmir Vinvo lint nntri-
pietely finished checking up the num
ber of signers on the remonstrance
from East Alta. It Is said In official
circles however that the remonstrance
will not show the necessary 80 per
cent against the Improvement but that
tho remonstrance will be allowed any
way, in view or tlie large numiior 01
people who' opposed paving on the
basis it lias been ordered.
Wluit Will They Do.
With the remonstrance allowed tho
question would then arise ns to what
action the council should take with
reference to Alta street. It Is re
ported that the street committee will
recommend that but two blocks on
East Alta street be paved and that
the street be thrown into a district
with Oottoiiwom and Webb.
However, such it course as this
would chilli arouse the fighting hlood
lloys n liOiiir Trip.
New Tork, Aug. 1. From Coney
Island to the Pacific const on horse
back Is tho trip which is being un
dertaken by tho Abernuthy boys, tho
two llltle veterans of the saddle who
last year rode Into New York from
Oklahoma. It was one minute nfter
midnight last night when Louis Ah
ernathy, 11 years of age, and his
brother, four years his Junior, started
011 the trip which will -take them
3600 miles. If they make the lido
In sixty riding days and abide by cer
tain conditions, they win $5000. The
boys have agreed that' they will not
eat or sleep under a roof during the
They will ride up tlie eastern
shore of tlie Hudson to Albany
thence, west and will conclude their
trip nt Presidio park, San Francisco
want no paving at all.
Whole Street or None.
As he entered one of the robbers
fired at him and in turn the marshal
fired, killing the man who was just
going out with the money.
Convicts Mutiny.
Victoria, B. C, Aug. 1. Reports
of a mutiny of Siberian convicts ruth
lessly suppressed and followed by a
during the
Wiley probe.
Republican members of the com
mittee demanded that the stenograph
er's notes of the May hearing be in
troduced, and objected to Willis' tes
timony appearing on the record.
"Wo do not want just two blocks massacre by the troops were received 1
of paving on Alta street." says T. J. ! In mall advices by the Lucerlo. j
Tweedy. "We objected too that plan 1 dispatch from Vladivostok says be-;
before and I am satisfied will do so
again. As far as 1 am concerned I
stand exactly ns I stood when we cir
culated the petition calling for the
paving of Alta street from Main
street to Court."
"That petition called for paving
East Alta street and for paying for
the pavement by the property abutting
the street. We did not ask the side
street people to help pay for the pav
ing and I don't want them to help
pay, unless it be a small amount to
bo figured as their portion of the
intersections. The councllmen tire to
blame for trying to make the side
street people pay half the cost of
paving the street."
Seemingly Mr. Tweedy voices the
s Minn nt of quite a few substantial
nropertv owners 011 East Alta street
and If so they will doubtless he heard
from should another attempt be made
to pave but two blocks of their thoroughfare.
cause of the exclusion of Chinese la
borers from the building of the Amur'
railway the Russian authorities had j
to depend upon convicts to work 011 1
the road. The treatment of guards, j New York. Aug. 1 J. P. Morgan,
it Is charged, was brutal and a mu- ' the king of financiers, will be forced
tiny resulted, In which at least half j to testify before the Stanley house
of the number were killed. 1 committee, which is investigating
! steel trust, should he return from
Postal lien ring This Week. ' Europe before the close of tho In
New York Aug. 1. A commission ' vestigatin. according to Chairman
appointed by President Taft to inves-1 Stanley today. George Pt-rkins. Mor
tigate the subject of second class post-j ean's partner, w ill be expected to tel!
age rates, especially in reference to , the committee what Morctn knows
the transportation of m icai'.ins at about gobbling, by the trut, of the
the cent a pound price, will conduct . Ternessee foal and Iron company,
a hearing on the subject tiii week. Ill,- will take the stnnd tn t week.
Players Sold.
Bedford. Mass.. An.:. 1. Dl
of the New Hi !:" ! 1 nas.iiall
riving in Switzerland today in advance ( club annomw-t d tb.it I'it'.oT nuhel
of the 'nternational concress of Zi qi-1 man and rlijli fielder Mefrono had
ists to be held at the Basle during! been sobl to the Poston Americans
August for $5,000.
Zionists Convention.
Geneva. Aug. 1. Prominent Jews, New
from all parts nf the world are ar-. rector