OAixr east or.RnnxiA, pexdutfox. oregox. moxday, jcty st. i9iu N I.NUKI'EXLiEXT NKW SI'AI'EB. ;r.blii,iieii 1'nily ni Serai-Weakly at Ten ii i t ..ii. uregon. by the- t ast oi:i:uoxian 4cuLiauixa ea. srnscRimox rates. 'i!y, one yenr, by mall r!iy, m njintii. by ciall i'liy. three m.'ii'.bn. by mail " liy. . :,c muii ih. by mail , 'ally, on your, by carrier " !ly, nil oi nubs, by carrier .... I "ally. ilir month, by carrier... ally. on, month, by carrier Misi'lVwt:;, ,.ne year, by null... ml- e..(dy, six months, by mall.. "Biweekly. iiur m.intba. by mail. .$5.00 . 2.50 . 1.15 . .50 . 7.50 . 3 75 . l.Do . .HJ . 1.10 . .75 . . .50 The l'ii!y Kas Oreconlan la kept on aal : the Orphan N...vs fo., X-'.) MorrUnu :reet. 1'onlanJ. Ort-goa agement and congratulations. For women and girls who take the path of -ihame there is plenty of pun ishment and censure. They suffer fearfully for their folly and are en titled to compassion as well as blame, yet .society shows them no meroy. Men who make a huiness to in iiui'i' sirls to enter houes of prosti tution are morally far lower than the women with whom they deal. They ..re entitled to punishment occordincr iy and in Oregon th V.iw specifies itr.ey shall be heavily lined or sent to ,e penitentiary. Effort are beini; made in I'endlc- Vort Invest Xew fl.. Pftrtljlnd. Oroirnn. I'hl.-a.. I'.-.ireau, :o'.) Secrrlty Hulldintf. ! 11 to enfore this l:iv hut thus far M:iu;:t.n. U 1.. liureau, Ol'l r our -ctli (tree;, X. W. Member United I'ress Aaaociatloo. K.ntere.l at the poatnffle at Pendleton, f'rejrm. as second class mall matter. unfortunately the officers have not Secured the right one. A few female detectives might hrinj forth the evi dence desired. have passed Into the possession of private monopolies. The platform of the association carried to its logical conclusion is nothing more nor less than the single tax proposition of Henry Oeorge.- This is made very clear in the paragraph concerning water rights which makes the follow ing demand: Payment of reasonable compensa tion for the benefits Jfranted by the people with periodical readjustment of the rate of compensation, so as to insure justice, both to the Investor and to the public." If thi p )'!cy is sound In regard to water rights, ind no one has yet been able to shoy ttu't it is not, it is just a ucuiul in regard to other resources. No argument ran be advanced I i either on grounds of morality or of j ) exredienev in favor of the elnlm of ' h jthe racifie ilcllroads to Immense!; it 1 n H Known Fcr Its Strength The First Elafiona! Bank PENDLETGK, OREGON Hotel St. George GEORGE DARVEAU, Proprietor. ; CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS . eiepbo Main 1 Official I'ity and County Taper. the people own it. I Movements such as the one now i underway to persuade congress to I name a roiiKnis-don to mine the Al ia ska coal for tiie public benefit are of much educational value. - j It i ti-t at all likely tluil congress ;ui!i grar.t the demands of Turtland H1K MM.i V A.I XINE. and nine vh ii-.ere ere lan.-ty live and die. In want and hunger and cold. That '.'. nicy iive in licvury. And ce wrapped in It.- iilketi fold! The !iin. ty and nine in their huvrU 'e.ire, The one in his palace with i iches rare. They f il in the fields, the nine ty and nine, For the fruits of our mother earth. They i and delve in the dan gerous mine. And bring its rich reasures forth. Eat the wealth released by their sturdy blows To the hands of the one for- ver flows! Selected. ; .' ; . ' j i p, op n Not how at least. Hut the n.-arc .- s to bring the, subject be- J !T or eountrv and betore tlie gov- . . , , . . i. u munes mi..u me wet ; ,.,e a thUf,.,n,, times as beneficial as public wants to get the bene- , the saving of Alaska. ie natural resources and is' The conservation movement de allowing such wealth to iaUi!-'-rvts th' .bl'!" " V5? a11 i?ens, otu it sn ..:i i ri logical enmun not to hesitate to include In its de mands the restoration of resources that have been stolen as well as the blocking of thefts now being attempted. hands of men already rolling ".re tne ern merit. lij.lt the lit of t t:r -. ir; i!i n i i' iu;s. If. time the petition of the Portland v. orkingmen and others is going to be ...raiited though perhaps with modi fications. It may be the r vernmtr.t instead of doing mining work direct will allow the coal to be mined by c. rpo.atioi.s but under such restric tions as wiil give the public the chief benefits from such resources. The public is entitled to the benefit. The people own Alaska. The people of the United States, through their of i'uials purchase! Alaska from Rus sia, and p ii ! for it. The Ouggen hti.tis did not do it. t stretches of We -tern lands, of Weyer i batiser to many square miles of lum ! ber lands, of the Astors to a large I part of the land of New York City, j or of the Lorgworths to the land of j , j Cincinnati, that would not apply with i equal force to the claim of the dug- i , igenheims to the land of Alaska. i 's ' The benefit that will come from ! i i Mocking the attempt to gobble the 'coal supply of Alaska is nothing at jail compared with the good tha.t ; would result from giving the people ; the right to two valuable land much civilization that is being whol party withheld from use. In ve.y city there is enough of such uid the reseoration of which would U RESCURCES OVER J". 5 6 QQQ.000.QO SECURITY fit rt ! I M : i ' m All i.ja. t'v.'; .miii ii r"-rrytfT-.rnarr ; in. "---rrr'''wl''''"Wt, t 12,000 men, under Mont- STKOItLK'S OHJIXTION. j At the neetlnsr of the ordinance: committer last week Councilman V. Stroble raised a weighty objection to the move to place the electric and i telephone wires underground in 'the , business section. ; In substance 1'.. t-'tro'.de scld icj'. Pendletoi now at nb..ut the sc-tc : pojiulation it had 2o years ago an 1 that there is no hope for the future So be does not See the use of trying: to put th wires underground. Things ; that sufficed in the past .should ans-i fended calm. I7s6 A booth at Montpelier. Fiance, where a play was performing, tell and killed 500 persons. 1 S 0 4 Aaron Burr suffered a se vere attack of illness, superinduced by the excitement attending his due! with Alexandir Hamilton. lSJ't Santiago, Calif, was severely damaged by an earthquake. A revolution led by General Blem co. temporarily overthrows the gov ernment of r.ollvia. 1 S5 4 The ship Ariosto, of Boston, was lost on the east coast of Africa. 1ST0 King of Prussia leaves Ber lin for the war. 1S74 Eleven villages and two towns were devasted by storms -In Moravia. 1 sns Spanish troops attacked the Americans entrenched near Halato. b-tween Cavite and Mauiliv. Ameri- can loss nine Kmeci ami iorij -e-n Xew Y uk.- L.ois Kwel!, the child wounded, while the Spanish loss was who last March obtained permission very heavy. from M-yey t;;.yn .r to go on the stage 1 304 Battle of Yatze Pass (Uusso is with her father and mother at their , Japanese war); Count Keller, gener- new ho. no, 11 St. Marks avenue, al of a Russian army corps, I'rool:!;, n. She had brought the killed. couple together after lawvers, courts; 11)09 Great fire swept Osaka and friends had failed. pan, caused - t : 1 1 1 1) (Ti;r.ss i PAHKNTS- PKACKMAKKII l.eis ll-.vei:. 'lio Obtained Mayor (ia tier's lern:isslo:i to (io On Stage. Kntl.- Kstrnngfiiient l'.i'lnmi t'alher and Mother. wide destruction was Ja- nnd itjit a hoi:si: snow. That Round-I't) park offers possibilities for etitertaintnent ?reat pur- j Following the separation Mrs. Ew j dl obtained jiossession of Lois, while Ew.-U got the baby, Kaine Ewell, Jr. When the case of the wife, who was 1 :-' thrjughout tne year was snow n fving for tne privilege r.f seeing the e.-terd.iy an A it was demonstrated , baby. was called before Justice on th" foartli of .1 ry. it is a fine ' CrRin in Erookyn. Mrs. Ewell's law ' yer announced that the coupb- had ; a e for a horse meet even though 1 ;(-.-(. to an agreement, the t'a-K i- sr.ii.Ii. . Ho-.v w iul l it do j Kw,. ,,.,, m,.t i0$s aIU, Wws pi-r-to pud ol;" a hur.-v s'aow in Pendleton , juaded to stay with her. Then the ever-- .-toi"-.' i;i!l to have exhibitions ! couple a-creed to foreet past di.'fieul- and races at the itoy ".d-i'p park. We mment anyway. made thousands homeless. The houe adopted the conference tariff report, 1!5 to 1S3. ; 1910 John G. Carlisle died. New York. ' Pr. Hawley H. Crippen, wife mur dered, arrested on steamer Montrose a' ('uebt'C. i ti. Sso- Spokane Route EXCURSION RATES EAST August 3, 4, 5, II. 15, 10, 17, 21, Zi, 23, 28, 29, 30. Septciulier 1, 2, 4, 5, 0, 7. ltATKS TO riUXCIPAL DKSTIXATIOXS Winnipeg, Port Arthur, Duluth, Minneapolis, -St. Paul 60.00 St. Louis 70.00 Chi-ago 72.60 Toronto 91. DO Buffalo 91.50 Montreal 105.00 Poston 110.00 Xew York 108.60 Proportionate rates to other Eastern cities. Plan your trip to take in the beautiful Kootenay and Arrow laker, also the famous Canadian Rockies. For further information and Il lustrated folder write M. E. MA LONE. T. P. A. GEO. A. WALTON, G. A. II Wall St.. Spokane. tzsrssxrgT. -r '-t w,t. "-'VJ.J H j European plnn. Everything first-class. All modern conveni ences. Hot water heated throughout. Rooms en suite with bath. Largo, new sample "3ms. The Hotel St. George Is pronounced oi.o of the most up. to-dnte hotels of the Northwest. Telephone and fire alarm con nections to office, and hot and cold water running in all rooms Rooms $1 ad $1.50 Block and a1 half from depot. See the big electric sign. OPKX 1AV A XI) .NIGHT nitsr-cLAss sEitvicE Tne Quelle Cate and iOysLsr House Best 25c Meals in the NorLhwc&L. LA FONTAINE BLK., 628 MAIN srKFKT MM II Nil lllllll lil II n .! a spring nt WIMTKS OX TOM .JOHNSON. i wer now. Fine talk isn't it man in a town that I Governor Johnson seems very sore Henry (ieor , title from a council prides itself on it Governor West ueeau e our gov- ertior made him sign extradition pa- pers for Banker Wilde. But since dr.. Contributes on rorir.er Mayor. Ar- Cleveland, Ohio. Henry George, jr. has an aiticle on "Tom L. John son; the Man and his Work.' in the being the "biggest town of its size lntfle Or0gn governor won out he can j Twentieth Century Magazine, the west." Fine talk to be heard n j effort to stand a little verbal abuse a tow n that right now has over-a mil-u he carei to (1 so though he might lion dollars worth of building and i ay some very pointeti things about construction work underway or lnfjovernor Johnson for his apparent sight. Fine talk to be heard in ajc!esire to keep an embezzling banker place where business conditions areifrom bein brought to trial. better than they have been for years and where scarcely a vacant house la to be seen. It is not true of course that Pen dleton's population is no greater now than 20 years ago. The town has made a slow but substantial growth. There are reasons for believing the j growth in the future will be greater than in the past. The branch asylum and other things already in sight will ircrea.se Pendleton's population. The rate decision just given by the inter state commerce commission promises tc build up all interior cities and Pen dleton should be one of the chief fjainers in view of its geographical position and railroad facilities. But even if the town had no more people than 20 years ago that would be no argument against placing tho electric wires underground. Other material improvements have been made. The streets have been paveD. A sewer system has been Installed and is now being extended. New school landings have been erected, new bridges built, and a mountain water system ordered. For these civic improvements the people have paid and are paying. The home owner, the merchant and the men who own the business blocks fur i.ish the money that pay for these im provements Why should the elect ric trust be made exempt? It has the best paying business In the city. If property owners pay for paving the ureets, for laying concrete walks and for the installation of (luster lights v by should not the electric company I f required to get its poles and over load wire off the business streets? Why has this Improvement been de-j la yed fO long? The answer is not bard to find. It n !i-iaue we have had too many eoiineilmin like V. Stroble and Tom Voitgotr.ery who serve the interest of the electric company very faith fully but are blind to the needs of the peopie of Pendleton though under oath to v rv- the people. The summer did not last very long. THE EItK.SH XKiHT AIIS. A well intentioned friend of mine Came blithly up to me, lie had a burden on his heart, As anyone could see. 'I notice you are thin and lean And seared with worldly care; Why don't you sleep out on the porch And breathe the fresh night air?" And so I slept out on the porch As you can plainly see And if you contemplate the same, O pray you look at me! An hour or two I gazed on high Enraptured by a star, Then slumbered Just in time to be Awakened by a car. Again I dozed a wdnk or two, Then awakened with a start, A drunken man was asking me Where is the water cart?" And Just as I dropped orr again. To dream of pumpkin pies. Next door some serenaders sang ' "tirink to me with thine eyes." They quit at 3 A. M. and I Sighed, "That's the last of that," Alas! my trusting, guileless heart Had quite forgot the cat. At 4 A. M. the sun arose And smote my dreaming bean, He sat down on the porch with me And tickled up my spleen. The Iceman came at 6 a. m. And told me It was hot And said the breweries all might fall By noon as like as not. At 6 the youngster bounded out And asked me how I felt; I grabbed a loose suspender up And walloped him a welt. And here I sit with pent up wrath And murder in my heart; If-once I meet that 'outdoor guy He'll need a 10 mile start. St. Paul Dispatch. "He had properly been called," ; writes Gorge. "the best mayor of the , best governed city in the world. He . strove to go beydnd that. He had ' j in his mind's eye the most Just city I in the world. He sought to lay the 1 foundation of such a city on a hill top, where all could see Its shining walls and all be inspired to build like cities over the earth. ! .. T7. .1.1. U ....... , U I r. ! rUI L111H I1C BllUfC IU 1113 liini breath. When the death anget came I V with the sword, Tom Johnson smiled A ana louowea. 1 , G O O o o o o mutt mini offh FIVE THOISAXI) TO ATTKXI) II1KIGATIOX MEET Spokane, Wash. Five thousand accredited delegates from all parts of the United States, in addition to a large fo-eign representation, will at tend the nineteenth annual sessions of the National Irrigation Congress in Chicago, December 5 to 9, according to R. Ininger, manager of the Nor- . ........ r, 0 T ..... i C. TT.-.,.t....,.l. 1 , r. 1. who has Just returned from a tour of I w the middle western states and Chi-1 A , , . , . 1 t 1 11 11 . r u u iirii.ini.il '.. 1 u.i..iiv, 1 meetings of the national board of governors, of which he is chairman o o o o o o o o o Oregon City Tlirnteiix!. Oroville, Cal., July 31. Forest flies which have burned over thousands of j ncreR of n:istiir bind nre threatening the town of Oregon City. Every avail- J OOOOO O O able man in the threatened district is fighting the flames. o o o o o Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated scraps in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times oach week. Be sure and see the next chancre. Beach Is the pleasure haunt In this part of the country this summer. Its devo tees rejoice to learn that they can now ' go and come in a regular schedule, In. ; dependent of tides. The popular ex- ', cursion steamer, T. J. POTTER leaves Portland, Ash Street dock, DAILY. EXCEPT SATURDAY AND .SUNDAY. 8:110 A. M. SATURDAYS ONLY", 1:00 P. M. Also the 'steamer "IIASSAUO" leav ing Portland daily, except Sunday, at 8:00 P. M.- (Saturday at 10:00 P M.) Reduced Fares Prevail I From All Points in the Northwest via the o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o ft I1I..L! 1 i.tl I O uregcn-iiasningion nanroaa 9 & Navigation Company i r Ideal cottage and camp life, a mag O . niflcent beach that Is not surpassed Q anywhere, genial and beneficial cli- . ,vt,n a n -1 oil th, nnmtAvl. n t Itnw.'.. ( . 1 1 1. ... , UIIU (k . . UIUIUIH Ul llUllin j j without costing any more than If you remained at home. Call on or write to any O.-W. R. & X. agent for complete Information; also for copy of our summer book, "Outings In Oregon.". Liquors You Like . Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. o o o o o o o JULY 31 IX HISTORY. 1423 Battle of Cravant, France, (hundred years' war.) 1759 Cattle of Monymorencl, dur ing the siege of Quebec when Wolfe, with 5,000 men, attacked the en trenched camp of the French, - de- K I :!:! AITKK TIIKM, The Oregon law against the white slave traffic Is a righteous law n4 f..r their efforts to enforce the same Deputy District Attorney Prultt and other official are entitled to encour- COXKKKVATIOX. The work being done by Gifford Pinchot and the National Conservation league Is extremely valuable. The value doeg not consist alone In the services they are rendering to save what is left of the public domain, but In the principles they are Impressing on the public mind. There Is no ar gument they advance in favor of sav ing the remnant of the public lands which does not apply with equal force to the restoration of the rights of the people to the ue of reaourcea that HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet' Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated & TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTII POWDER MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Droggists of East ern Oregon. Wm. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, O.-W. X. Co., Portland, Ore. R. because of their perfect purity and excellent flavor, are stand ard goos In our establishment. Every brand of Liquor has been carefully mellowed by age. pure ly d'stllied, and is fully guaran teed by us. The same way with our Port, Sherry, Claret, Rhine and Moselle Wines and every article we handle. You get more than your money's worth In quantity and quality. TheOlympiaBar Phone Main 188 and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Main 17"-. PETERS & MOimiSOX, Props. I tfMVMHMMHMHMMVMBMMnfl (1 if! "Born with the Republic" A AMES. E. PEPPEB J WHISKEY Oldest distillery in America and the best Whiskey, ever made in Kentucky. Established in 1780. Columbia Liquor Store . Sole distributors in Pendleton. IIERMAN PETERS, Prop. Orpheum Theatr u. i . .Ml.ifc.K.ACJl, iToprictor. HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Change on Sunday's, Tuesday's and Friday's. The Pendleton Drug Co. U In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMI1ER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT. PURE MEDICINES THE UNIQUE TURKISH MEDICAL BATHS The Place Where You Got a Good liath and Rub Down. BATHS - 25c and 50c OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 124 W. COURT ST.